mac layer (mis)behaviors

MAC Layer (Mis)behaviors Christophe Augier - CSE802.11 Summer 2003

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MAC Layer (Mis)behaviors. Christophe Augier - CSE802.11 Summer 2003. 802.11 - MAC. Based on CSMA like Ethernet Two different access methods DCF – Distributed Coordination Function PCF – Point Coordination Function. MAC – CSMA. CSMA – Carrier Sense Multiple Access - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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MAC Layer (Mis)behaviors

Christophe Augier - CSE802.11 Summer 2003

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802.11 - MAC Based on CSMA like Ethernet Two different access methods

DCF – Distributed Coordination Function

PCF – Point Coordination Function

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MAC – CSMA CSMA – Carrier Sense Multiple


+ very effective under low loads

- possible collisions

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CSMA/CACA: Collision Avoidance

Random back-off value


ACK scheme

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Questions How MAC behaves with widely

used protocols?

Is the throughput fairly shared?

How MAC handles misbehaving nodes?

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How… - Sender

Sense the medium

busy free



repeat >= 7

CW= min(2 CW, Cwmax)

backoff counter = 0

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Backoff value Selected from range [0, CW]

If medium is free for a time equal to DIFS – DCF InterFrame Space, backoff is counted down

If medium is busy, suspend backoff countdown

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How… - Receiver

Check CRC


Send ACK

CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check

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How… - bothSender Receiver






Sense the medium


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Widely used – prevalent protocol used in Internet

Adaptability – network conditions, congestion control

Topology: ad hoc net, string of 7 nodes Assumptions:

No traffic – to get stable network and TCP throughput

Infinite flow – always data to send out

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First test 1 sender, 1 receiver

2 3 4 51 6 7


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First test results

Instability in the TCP

Connection lost

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First test explication One node fails to reach its adjacent

node drops packets reports route failure

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First test solution causes:

packet size – too big

number of packets sent back-to-back – too many

One node was capturing the medium

solution: decrease TCP window i.e. number of

packets sent back-to-back

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Second test 2 TCP sessions started with a delay

of 20s

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Second test results The first session is forced down

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Second test results causes:

Collisions between node 2 TCP packets and node 5 RTS packets

Route failure TCP session timeout

solutions: nullReducing the TCP window does not work

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First conclusion

MAC is unchanged, the layer above MAC are changed to recover losses Link layer Transport layer

Change MAC - radical

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MACs comparison Experiments to compare:


802.11 – CSMA/CA, RTS/CTS + ACK

Under different multihop environments

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Variable number of hops Var. TCP window sizes Var. number of hops

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Variable number of hops Throughput is inversely proportional to

the hop distance

Max throughput with TCP Win= 1

Throughput: CSMA > FAMA > 802.11

802.11 stable for different values of W

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Hidden terminal CSMA: unfair,

FAMA and 802.11: fair Thanks to CA mechanisms

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Ring topology 802.11 not so fair compared to FAMA Increasing the DIFS period achieve


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9x9 grid Good Throughput But capture

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9x9 grid with mobility Evidence of captures effects But far better than CSMA and


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Conclusions 802.11 is promising

Good combination of throughput and fairness

Good behavior with mobility Need work:

To make TCP and MAC work well together

MAC layer timers - fairness

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MAC layer misbehavior

Problem: No detection of misbehaviors A selfish node can get a better

throughput than well-behaved nodes

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Identify and punish misbehaving nodes: Avoid such nodes in routing Protocol penalizing misbehavior Game-theoretic techniques

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Proposed solution Receiver selects the sender next

backoff value The sender have to use this assigned

backoff value

The receiver then can detect misbehavior

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Detecting misbehavior Bact < * Bexp , 0 < a < 1

When a node is misbehaving? Deviation may come from:

Sender senses the medium as free, the receiver does not.

How to choose ?

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Penalizing misbehaving nodes Select reasonably high Use a diagnosis scheme based on

a window W a threshold THRESH A node is misbehaving when


actexp BB

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Issues misbehaving receiver Tradeoff between

Penalizing misbehaving nodes Ensuring the fairness of well-behaved


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Conclusions 802.11 is promising (compared to previous MAC)

Good combination of throughput and fairness Good behavior with mobility

Need work: To make TCP and MAC work well together

Recover losses New protocol

MAC layer timers – fairness, avoid capture effects Mobility Safe against misbehaving nodes - fairness