macbeth character analysis

Macbeth Character Analysis Nina Whyte

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Nina Whyte. Macbeth Character Analysis. Brave and noble general in army Prophecy leads him to regicide Murders against his conscience Kills more people in order to secure his new royalty Guilt drives him insane Becomes a hated tyrant. Macbeth ’ s Character. Admirable nobleman Strong - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Macbeth Character  Analysis

Macbeth Character Analysis

Nina Whyte

Page 2: Macbeth Character  Analysis

Macbeth’s Character

Brave and noble general in army

Prophecy leads him to regicide

Murders against his conscience

Kills more people in order to secure his new royalty

Guilt drives him insane

Becomes a hated tyrant

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Macbeth Pre-Prophecy

Admirable nobleman





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Macbeth Post-Prophecy

Greatly ambitious






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HallucinationsMacbeth’s hallucinations represent his insanity

Dagger soliloquy is the first sign of insanity

Murders because he fears others are threatening his power

Doesn’t want Duncan’s murder to have been in vein

Hallucinations make him seem both weak and strong at different points in the play

Page 6: Macbeth Character  Analysis

Is Macbeth Evil?Could be debated for or against

Fate vs. Freewill

What would’ve happened if he hadn’t met the witches?

If what they say is fate, can Macbeth control it?

Murderous ambition

Lady Macbeth attacks sexual performance and masculinity

Are you evil if you are insane?

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Macbeth as a Tragic Hero

Aristotle defined the tragic hero as someone who:

1. Must have virtue and nobility2. Must not be perfect 3. Must partially cause their own downfall4. Does not wholly deserve their misfortune and

their punishment exceeds their crime

Macbeth's fault is too much ambition

Battle between morality and ambition

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Lady Macbeth's Death

Shows despair at their work going to waste

Feels that life is hopeless

Doesn't consider taking his own life

Doesn't want Malcolm to become king

Doesn't want his guilt to be in vain

Page 9: Macbeth Character  Analysis

Sample Question"Provide an in-depth analysis on one of the characters studied in a text this year and how the audience is positioned to respond to them."

Shakespeare's Macbeth is a play that follows Macbeth, and his wife, as they hear a prophecy of their future royalty, and attempt to gain the throne and secure their position, eradicating anybody whom they perceive as a threat. Although Macbeth begins as a brave and noble warrior, by the end of the play he comes across as an insane and hated tyrant because, although he is plagued by the guilt of his many murders, he feels that the way to free himself from this guilt is to kill anybody who threatens him. Macbeth's insanity, represented by his hallucinations and constant guilt, makes it difficult to judge whether or not he is evil, but the viewer can certainly see a change in his character for the worse from before he hears the prophecy to after. Lady Macbeth's suicide is when Macbeth realises that his efforts may have been futile, and he settles into a deep despair. Throughout the play, Macbeth's constant changes of character make it difficult for the viewer to form a positive or negative opinion on him; he is the perfect example of a tragic hero.

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Quote References

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Quote References

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Quote References

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BibliographyMacbeth 2014, Shmoop 25/5/2014 <>

Macbeth, Analysis of Major Characters (n.d.), Sparknotes 25/5/2014 <>

Introduction to the Main Characters in Macbeth (n.d.), 25/5/2014 <>

How is Macbeth a Tragic Hero? 2011, e notes 25/5/2014 <>.