maclachlan, money & banking spring 2006 1 foreign exchange and the international monetary system...

Maclachlan, Money & Banki ng Spring 2006 1 Foreign Exchange and the International Monetary System Chapters 19, 20

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Page 1: Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006 1 Foreign Exchange and the International Monetary System Chapters 19, 20

Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Foreign Exchange and the International Monetary System

Chapters 19, 20

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Foreign exchange market

• OTC (several hundred dealers, mostly banks)

• Wholesale vs. retail

• Transactions size: $1 million or larger

• Daily volume in excess of $1 trillion/day

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Purchasing Power Parity Theory

A method of calculating exchange rates that attempts to value currencies at rates such that each currency will buy an equal basket of goods.

Creates a balance in trade. When a country has an inflation, its currency depreciates.

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Volatility in forex market not explained by PPT

Purchasing power changes slowly.

Most forex trading is not to finance import/export traded.

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Asset Demand Theory

Exchange rates adjust so that expected returns across assets of equal risk are equalized.

So if the expected return on European assets is higher than ones in the U.S. assets, the value of the Euro will appreciate.

In equilibrium all expected returns are equal.

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


19th Century Gold Standard

1 oz of gold = $20 = £4

£1 = $5

Suppose £1 = $5.25.

What’s the arbitrage opporunity?

Liberty Gold Dollar (1849-1854)

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Bretton Woods Agreement 1944

Established a system of fixed exchange rates.

Major architect of agreement J.M. Keynes called gold a “barbarous relic.”

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Nixon Closes the Gold Window (1971)

1960’s inflation in USAccumulation of $’s

in ROWGerman CB requests

gold for $’s.Nixon refuses to

honor agreement signaling the beginning of the end of fixed exchange rates.

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Exchange Rate Interventions

UnsterilizedCB enters into forex

market to influence value of currency.

E.g. Fed buys $ to keep value high.

SterilizedCB enters into forex

market and then conducts OMO to keep money supply constant.

E.g. Fed buys $ in forex market and then conducts expansionary OMO.

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Effect of Interventions

Evidence shows sterilized interventions have little effect.

Consider, Germany during final years of BW.

Buying dollars, selling DM and then buying DM to prevent inflation.

No matter how many dollars they bought they couldn’t get the exchange rate at BW levels.

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Debt Instruments

Chapter 4

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Present Value

What is a future cash flow (FV ) worth now?




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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Rule of the Cash Flow Timeline

Cash flows at the same date can be added together, but cash flows at different dates cannot be added together.

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


Four Types of Credit Market Instruments

1. Simple loan

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


2. Fixed Payment, or Amortized, Loan

Examples: car loans, mortgages

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3. Coupon Bond

Most bonds with maturities greater than a year are of this form.

Coupons bonds issued byFederal government (Treasurys)State and local governments (munis)Corporations (corporates)

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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


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Special Type of Coupon Bond: Consol or Perpetuity

Fixed coupon received forever.



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Maclachlan, Money & Banking Spring 2006


4. Discount, or Zero Coupon, Bond

Identical in cash flow structure to a simple loan. The difference is that there’s an active secondary market for zero coupon bonds.