macrofossil finds from porvoo

MACROFOSSIL FINDS FROM PORVOO A Medieval Town in Southern Finland 1 Herbarium, Institute of Biology, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland, [email protected] 2 Herbarium, Institute of Biology, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland, [email protected] 3 Hämeen Härkätie 211, FI-31400 Somero, Finland, [email protected] 4 National Board of Antiquities, P.O.Box 913, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland, [email protected] 5 National Board of Antiquities, P.O.Box 913, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland, [email protected] Mia LEMPIÄINEN 1 , Terttu LEMPIÄINEN 2 , Terhi LINDROOS 3 , Päivi HAKANPÄÄ 4 & Marianna NIUKKANEN 5 Porvoo has been an important centre of trade since the 13th century. Archaeological excavations have been carried out in several sites in Porvoo. Log buildings, stone structures, streets, graves and other structures revealed altogether over 20 000 macrofossil finds and 130 different plant species have been identified. Most interesting macrofossil finds are weedseeds of Agrostemma githago, Anthemis cotula, Anthemis ruthenica, Centaurea cyanus, Chrysanthemum segetum, Hyoscyamus niger and Urtica urens. Finds of cultivated or collected plants were grains of Hordeum vulgare and Secale cereale and seeds of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Fragaria vesca, Vaccinium myrtillus, Rubus chamaemous and Rubus idaeus. Leaves of Bryophyta, were found in a grave of a newborn baby. They were attached to the skull of the baby and originated from a pillow made of mosses. Map of Finland © National Board of Antiquities Map of Porvoo © City of Porvoo. Original city map measured by Samuel Brotherus in 1696. Map has been positioned on modern plan of Porvoo city added with sites and years of archaeological excavations and inspections. 1. Cathedral 1977—1978, 2. Kirkkotori 2001, 3. Cathedral 2007, 4. Jokikatu 51, 2006, 5. Jokikatu 20—22, 1997, 6. Raatihuoneentori 2006, 7. Vuorikatu 6, 2006, 8. Jokikatu 43, 2005, 9. Simolinin tontti 1981—1985, 10. Rihkamatori 1981. 11. Itä-Uudenmaan Osuuspankki 2007, 12. Mannerheiminkatu 1981, 13. Keskon ja Postipankin tontti 1985. Pictures right top: Rubus chamaemous plant: Saini Heinonen UTU, seed: Terttu Lempiäinen UTU, excavations at Itä-Uudenmaan Osuuspankki: Andreas Koivisto NBA. Pictures left: Agrostemma githago plant: Terttu Lempiäinen UTU, Raatihuone: City of Porvoo, excavations at Raatihuoneentori: Päivi Hakanpää NBA. Pictures right down: Cathedral: City of Porvoo, skull/hair/moss: Mia Lempiäinen UTU, excavations at Porvoo Cathedral graveyard: John Lagerstedt NBA. Porvoo

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MACROFOSSIL FINDS FROM PORVOOA Medieval Town in Southern Finland

1 Herbarium, Institute of Biology, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland, [email protected] Herbarium, Institute of Biology, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland, [email protected] Hämeen Härkätie 211, FI-31400 Somero, Finland, [email protected] National Board of Antiquities, P.O.Box 913, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland, [email protected] National Board of Antiquities, P.O.Box 913, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland, [email protected]


Porvoo has been an important centre of trade since the 13th century. Archaeological excavations have been carried out in several sites in Porvoo.

Log buildings, stone structures, streets, graves and other structures revealed altogether over 20 000 macrofossil finds and 130 different plant species have been identified.

Most interesting macrofossil finds are weedseeds of Agrostemma githago, Anthemis cotula, Anthemis ruthenica, Centaurea cyanus, Chrysanthemum segetum, Hyoscyamusniger and Urtica urens.

Finds of cultivated or collected plants were grains of Hordeum vulgare and Secale cereale and seeds ofArctostaphylos uva-ursi, Fragaria vesca, Vaccinium myrtillus, Rubus chamaemous and Rubus idaeus.

Leaves of Bryophyta,were found in a grave of a newborn baby. They were attached to the skull of the baby and originated from a pillow made of mosses.

Map of Finland © National Board of AntiquitiesMap of Porvoo © City of Porvoo. Original city map measured by Samuel Brotherus in 1696. Map has been positioned on modern plan of Porvoo city added with sites and years of archaeological excavations and inspections. 1. Cathedral 1977—1978, 2. Kirkkotori 2001, 3. Cathedral 2007, 4. Jokikatu 51, 2006, 5. Jokikatu 20—22, 1997, 6. Raatihuoneentori 2006, 7. Vuorikatu 6, 2006, 8. Jokikatu 43, 2005, 9. Simolinin tontti 1981—1985, 10. Rihkamatori 1981. 11. Itä-Uudenmaan Osuuspankki 2007, 12. Mannerheiminkatu 1981, 13. Keskon jaPostipankin tontti 1985. Pictures right top: Rubus chamaemous plant: Saini Heinonen UTU, seed: Terttu Lempiäinen UTU, excavations at Itä-Uudenmaan Osuuspankki: Andreas Koivisto NBA.Pictures left: Agrostemma githago plant: Terttu Lempiäinen UTU, Raatihuone: City of Porvoo, excavations at Raatihuoneentori: Päivi Hakanpää NBA.Pictures right down: Cathedral: City of Porvoo, skull/hair/moss: Mia Lempiäinen UTU, excavations at Porvoo Cathedral graveyard: John Lagerstedt NBA.
