m.a.d. world

1 Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München M.A.D. World Crossing Cultures with SF Praxiskongress, 20. November 2010, München Dipl.-Psych. Netti Kutsche-Roch, CSFT

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M.A.D. World is a presentation held for SolutionFocus practitioners at the Praxiskongress for getting some ideas on similarieties and differences between the field of intercultural communication and soltuion focused tools. Fotos: Th. Roch, Istock, stckXchng


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1Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

M.A.D. WorldCrossing Cultures with SF

Praxiskongress, 20. November 2010, München

Dipl.-Psych. Netti Kutsche-Roch, CSFT

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2Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

Netti Kutsche-Roch

Academics:Diplom-Psychologist (University of Bonn, Germany)

10 years economic experience (Sparkassenbetriebswirtin)

Certified Solution Focused Brief Therapist CSFT

Solution Focused Brief Coach

Masterclass Coaching: S.U.R.F Model

Practice:Coach and therapist for international people ( more than 10 nations)

Expatriate experience in Malaysia

Intro – about .... ©




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3Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

What can you expect today?

I. Introduction

II. Culture

III. Crosscultural Coaching

IV. The Triple C® Concept

A. Science of Culture

B. Solution Focus

C. Culture – No Hype...

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4Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

Intro – Draw a house

Select a partner

Hold on to the same pen/pencil together

Cooperatively draw a house (2-3min) together – silent

Warning: the only difficult aspect of this exercise is that you are NOT allowed to talk.

I. Introduction

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5Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

Intro – about .... YOU

If you were at your best during this M.A.D.workshop:

How will we know?

How else?

Do it ×10

The rules of conversation:Each person takes their turn thus creating an equal opportunity to contributeEach contribution builds on what was last said (and therefore on everything previous said)

With kind permission of Chris Iveson, BRIEF Institute, London

II. Culture

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Experiencing differences

The Airport Game

II. Culture

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Perception, thinking and acting are culture bound

We don't know what we are doing: experiencing differences

If something works – do more of it If something doesn't work – try something else Keep it simple Exceptions

Core Principles


Conception Explains, why perception is going in a typical way

Selective Subjective

II. Culture

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8Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

Treasure hunt

Discover all the intercultural gemstones within yourself: Imagine it´s your next day at work and it´s one of those days when you are at your best:

What might you start to notice different about yourself? × 10

What might your colleagues notice different? × 3

What might your manager notice? × 2

With kind permission of Chris Iveson, BRIEF Institute, London

At your best!

III. Crosscultural Coaching

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9Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

Treasure hunt

Imagine your intercultural skills develop even further and in a way, that is exactly right for you.

What over the next few weeks might you start to notice different about yourself? × 7

What might your colleagues notice different? × 3

What might your manager notice? × 5With kind permission of Chris Iveson, BRIEF Institute, London

And skills to come...

III. Crosscultural Coaching

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10Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

The competence to have no competence


Tolerance of ambiguity

Recognizing boarders of acceptance & ability to negotiate space

Awareness for disagreement


Foreign language competence

Willingness to learn from intercultural contexts

Ability to communicate


Differentiating surface and deep structure cultural differences


Role distance

Self discipline

Awareness of synergy

Appropriate adressing of misunderstandings

III. Crosscultural Coaching

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11Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

Practical Examples Crosscultural Coachings

Team Coachings

International / Virtual Teams

Deep-Dive Example: Teamcoaching with the Solution Circle

III. Crosscultural Coaching

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12Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

Deep-Dive: Teamcoaching with the Solution Circle (D.Meier)III. Crosscultural Coaching

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13Netti Kutsche-Roch Praxiskongress 2010, München

2. Introducing the Triple C® Concept

Triple C®

conceptTriple C®


Module 2

Family members Third-Culture-Kids Spouses

Module 1

Professionals Singles Teams

Module 3

All ++ Crosscultural Circle

Triple C addresses all needs of todays´ global people IV. The Triple C Concept

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Module 3: Cross Cultural CircleModule 3: Cross Cultural Circle

Module 2: Care for Changes(for Professionals private or families)Module 2: Care for Changes(for Professionals private or families)

Module 1: Cross Cultural Coaching(for Professionals)Module 1: Cross Cultural Coaching(for Professionals)

Crossing Cultures - Basics

Hit the ground – preparing for the moveTheory and handout checklist of your host country

Third Culture Kids

e-Coaching for SuccessCoaching with the S.U.R.F Model

Intercultural Blog

Crossing Business Cultures

e-Coaching for Integration

















Managing international or virtual teamsConnecting and creating sustainable synergies

LeadershipBeing a successful leader across cultures

Crossing with CompetenceBasics of cross-cultural theory

Features of you host countryPractical & narrative introduction & ideas to get started

Prepare now for later: RepatriationIt is never too early to learn how to come back

Care for Mini Expats

Expats in Puberty

Hit the ground – now its realMake hands-on experiences in your new environment

Leverage the change: Brief CoachingLearn how to take advantage of your new life











Intercultural NewsIntercultural Forum

Triple-C® : new perspectives

Holistic: we consider all facettes of expatriation; professional and private development needs, expatriating families, preparing before and caring after the move

Flexible: all modules and training blocks are completely independent and can be combined arbitrarily according to your needs

Sustainable: You get end-to-end support out of one hand: your coach is preparing you for the move, is available for your first steps in the new environment and – just in case – could also help you with your repatriation

Innovative: Triple-C uses a unique combination of up-to-date methodologies and scientific research in combination with modern communication channels in order to provide you a unique experience

Professional: Proven coaching approach – brief and successful, state-of-the-art intercultural communication models, local contacts and hands-on knowledge is what you can expect from us

Experienced: Your coach has not only 10 years of experience in the banking business and holds a masters degree in psychology – she has gone through it herself and loved it!

Triple-C® : new perspectives

Holistic: we consider all facettes of expatriation; professional and private development needs, expatriating families, preparing before and caring after the move

Flexible: all modules and training blocks are completely independent and can be combined arbitrarily according to your needs

Sustainable: You get end-to-end support out of one hand: your coach is preparing you for the move, is available for your first steps in the new environment and – just in case – could also help you with your repatriation

Innovative: Triple-C uses a unique combination of up-to-date methodologies and scientific research in combination with modern communication channels in order to provide you a unique experience

Professional: Proven coaching approach – brief and successful, state-of-the-art intercultural communication models, local contacts and hands-on knowledge is what you can expect from us

Experienced: Your coach has not only 10 years of experience in the banking business and holds a masters degree in psychology – she has gone through it herself and loved it!

Brief Coaching with Solution Focus

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Dipl.-Psych. Netti Kutsche-Roch, CSFT


Triple C® - Get new perspectives!

Mail : [email protected]

Web : www.3c-coaching.net

Skype : netti.kutsche.roch