made in britain (1982)

Historical Representations of Youth: ‘Made in Britain’ (Alan Clarke, UK, 1982) Lesson Objectives: To analyse the representation of youth in ‘Made in Britain’, and apply relevant theory.

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Page 1: Made in britain (1982)

Historical Representations of Youth: ‘Made in Britain’ (Alan Clarke, UK, 1982)Lesson Objectives: To analyse the representation of youth in ‘Made in Britain’, and apply relevant theory.

Page 2: Made in britain (1982)

How is Trevor represented in ‘Made in Britain’?

Page 3: Made in britain (1982)

How are the adult authority figures represented? What is their relationship to Trevor?

Page 4: Made in britain (1982)

Historical Representations of Youth: ‘Made in Britain’ (Alan Clarke, UK, 1982)Lesson Objectives: To analyse the representation of youth in ‘Made in Britain’, and apply relevant theory.

Ideological State Apparatus

Althusser suggests that the state maintains status quo and social order in two ways:Repressive state apparatus (police, courts, prison, the army) enforce social order.

Ideological state apparatus (schools, church, family, popular culture, media) create consent for the maintenance of the social order.

This idea is related to Gramsci’s concept of hegemony. They both identify the way consensus is created about the values/ideology of a society.

I’m Althusser. I smoke a pipe and invent theories. At the same time.

How can you relate these ideas to ‘Made in Britain’?

Page 5: Made in britain (1982)

Historical Representations of Youth: ‘Made in Britain’ (Alan Clarke, UK, 1982)Lesson Objectives: To analyse the representation of youth in ‘Made in Britain’, and apply relevant theory.

'The ability to conform isn't some magical thing we're all born with, sometimes a person's behaviour is the best they can do to get through the day.’

What do you think of this quotation?

How can you relate these ideas to the film?

Watch the extract from ‘Made in Britain’. Contrast the representation of Trevor and the adults. What effect does the editing have? What is the message of the scene? Which theorists can you relate to the scene?

'Made in Britain'

Page 6: Made in britain (1982)

Historical Representations of Youth: ‘Made in Britain’ (Alan Clarke, UK, 1982)Lesson Objectives: To analyse the representation of youth in ‘Made in Britain’, and apply relevant theory.

Watch the two extract from ‘Made in Britain’. What do the extracts suggest about hegemony? What do they tell us about Trevor?

Watch the ending of ‘Made in Britain’. What is the significance of the ending?

Page 7: Made in britain (1982)

Historical Representations of Youth: ‘Made in Britain’ (Alan Clarke, UK, 1982)Lesson Objectives: To analyse the representation of youth in ‘Made in Britain’, and apply relevant theory.

'The ability to conform isn't some magical thing we're all born with, sometimes a person's behaviour is the best they can do to get through the day.’ To what extent do you think ‘Made in Britain’ challenges or reinforces hegemony?

Introduction – State your argument. Do you think ‘Made in Britain’ criticises hegemony, or supports it?

Section 1 – the representation of Trevor. Is Trevor stereotypical? Is this likely to reinforce or challenge hegemony? Relate to theorists, e.g. Hebdige, Acland.

Section 2 – the representation of authority? How are authority figures shown to attempt to create order? Does this representation criticise them or support them?

Conclusion – sum up your argument. What is the ideological significance of the film? What does the character of Trevor suggest about our society? Include your own views.