madeleine's memory book

Madeleine was the first person I met in the ABE program after I had responded to the notice in the newspaper that the ABE program was looking for volunteer tutors. I was impressed with her openness and cordiality as well as her enthusiasm for the ABE program and its students and tutors. In the six years that I have been part of the program, I've continued to be impressed with her and what she has brought to her job every day. In spite of the exercise in chaos that she calls an office, which I've learned is a perpetual work in progress, she is remarkably organized and capable of keeping multiple tasks going at the same time. She has the knack of making you believe that your concern is the only concern she has and that she is devoting all of her time to its resolution. Madeleine is a cheerleader, coach, and can-do person all wrapped up in a high energy body. Let me not forget to mention that Madeleine has very graciously kept me supplied with Moonstruck chocolates on a regular basis for the last several years. Anyone who does that, I think, is qualified for sainthood!! Madeleine is a unique and wonderful individual. I will miss her very much. John Forney Madeleine – Best wishes to you on your next endeavor and thank you for all you have done for the students at Clark. I have really enjoyed volunteering here and appreciate your compassion and dedication. You have made the Literacy Lab a special place. You will be missed! Kyra John Madeleine von Laue A heartfelt tribute to our fearless leader

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Post on 11-May-2015




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Page 1: Madeleine's Memory Book

Madeleine was the first person I met in the ABE program after I had responded to the notice in the newspaper that the ABE program was looking for volunteer tutors.  I was impressed with her openness and cordiality as well as her enthusiasm for the ABE program and its students and tutors.

In the six years that I have been part of the program, I've continued to be impressed with her and what she has brought to her job every day.  In spite of the exercise in chaos that she calls an office, which I've learned is a perpetual work in progress, she is remarkably organized and capable of keeping multiple tasks going at the same time.  She has the knack of making you believe that your concern is the only concern she has and that she is devoting all of her time to its resolution. Madeleine is a cheerleader, coach, and can-do person all wrapped up in a high energy body.

Let me not forget to mention that Madeleine has very graciously kept me supplied with Moonstruck

chocolates on a regular basis for the last several years.  Anyone who does that, I think, is qualified for sainthood!!

Madeleine is a unique and wonderful individual.  I will miss her very much. 

John Forney

Madeleine – Best wishes to you on your next endeavor and thank you for all you have done for the students at Clark. I have really enjoyed volunteering here and appreciate your compassion and dedication. You have made the Literacy Lab a special place. You will be missed!

Kyra John

Madeleine: The first time I met you, you were smiling and each time after when I saw you, you were smiling.You asked and people came through, who could say no to you. I know you have met some very nice people and meeting you added one more special person in my life. Thank you for all that you have done for the ESL Program and I wish you the best in your new adventure.

Sharon Hruby

Madeleine von LaueA heartfelt tribute to our fearless leader

Page 2: Madeleine's Memory Book

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to leave the

world a better place; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have


- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Madeleine,You have been such an inspiration to me – your energy, your commitment, and your sense of humor have added to the joy of participating in this program. You have made a real difference in so many lives, including mine! I will miss you, and hope that we keep in touch – I want to hear about your future adventures. Best wishes always,

Marcia Smith

As a tutor, I have felt tremendously supported and valued by Madeleine and her staff.  Madeleine's competence, thoroughness, and, above all, her commitment to helping others improve their lives have been tremendous assets to the Adult Literacy Program, as well as inspiring to me personally.  I will miss her and wish her well in whatever she decides to do next.

Sharon Winkler

Dear Madeleine, It is so evident to me that you have given your whole heart to your specialized work for literacy and learning at Clark. Your efforts have touched thousands of lives among students as well as tutors and staff and faculty… too many to count.

What a beautiful legacy. You need to be proud. I know I am grateful to know you and have so much appreciated working more closely with you these last couple of years.

I wish for you a wonderful next step in your career pathway. Enjoy the beautiful world and keep sharing your beautiful spirit with people.

I’ll miss you.

Sincerely,Kris Barnum


Page 3: Madeleine's Memory Book

Madeleine has always been wonderful about checking back with me regarding my tutors and making sure that the class, my teaching style and my tutorssuccessfully together.her job description is when she was always available to open Room 108 for me.opened for me previously--this was the first time I taught in 108, I forgot that I needed to open that classroom myself for reasons of security.opened the classroom when she saw my students and I standing outside of the room with long faces, she also told me that she would always be available to open any classroom because she had keys.up on her promise, she always jumped up and came to my assistance.missed.

Catherine Noble

Thank you. You've made me feel very welcome.

Marge McGlynn

I have never met a more grateful person, or a more energized spirit. You lift up my day whenever we work together. I appreciate every compliment, every thank you, and all the smiles. I want to return all of those to you now, so with a bright smile I say…Thank you Madeleine for all you have donestunning! I wish you the best with your next adventure.


When I first started working here, I made the mistake of asking Madeleine to recommend a good route to walk during the lunch hour. Her reply was, “Oh, you like to walk? Let’s go!” As I huffed and puffed trying to keep up with her, barely able to talk, Madeleine continued a rather one-sided conversation as if she were relaxing in a comfortable chair. She even added more steps to her route, zigzagging a bit, to match my “slow” straight line pace. She, of course, returned from the walk invigorated while I collapsed. Lesson learned: never walk with an avid bicyclist and hiker!

Seriously though, it has been a pleasure working with Madeleine because she always “puts the students first.” She has a kind and generous heart and I have seen her go above and beyond the call of duty many times to help our students. She always makes students, volunteers, and staff feel welcome with her cheerful demeanor – as well as with plates of “goodies” and beautiful flowers on the counter. Her kind spirit and boundless energy will be sorely missed. Thank you, Madeleine, for making it fun to work here.

Maureen WittersAdult Literacy Program Assistant

Dear Madeleine,

I hope you have a great time finding a New Job. And I really liked it when you got flower bulbs from my fundraiser. I also had lots of fun when I helped you sort books.I really liked you and I hope you have a lot of fun at your new job!

From your friend,Aiden





Page 4: Madeleine's Memory Book

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like

free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.”

Dear Madeleine,

It has been my privilege to get to work with you, a most delightful person.students.students. Your cheerful greetings are welcomed each day.“Madeleine’s Place.”that kitchen; it belongs to you.

You mean much to all the tutors you have trained and to us the faculty with whom you work very conscientiously.the state, college, and community. It will be hard to fill your shoes. Thank you for your warm hospitality anytime I have entered Rm. 107.personally miss you much.continue on your journey, and come see us!

Anita Lundy


I’ll miss our

Barbara Bair

Dear Madeleine:

  Illusive, impish, imperial,             Efficient, enigmatic, energizer bunniful.   Eternally effervescent and magnificently insightful.  

   EXCELLENT, excelente and most definitely irreplaceable.

From Alma

Page 5: Madeleine's Memory Book

Once in awhile when we had worked long hours and the conditions were just right (meaning new snow), I used to try to convince Madeleine she and I needed to have some uninterrupted "planning" time to talk about the VLP program and do some long range brainstorming.  This type of meeting needed to be done away from TPC so we wouldn't be interrupted.  Riding in the car on the way to Mt. St. Helens or Mt. Hood was a great place to get this done.  So, we both would come prepared with our cross country skis and change of clothes, and at noon (or as soon as we could get away) we would duck out the back door and head for the snow. 

Unfortunately, I had a hard time convincing Madeleine we needed to do this more often, so it only happened a couple of times over the years.  I have tried my best to have another planning meeting this year, even though I was no longer employed, but alas, I was unable to convince her of the value of this.  In the future, I hope we can still take some day long ski trips, but we will both miss the productive "planning time" in the car on the way to the snow.

Mark McLean

Madeleine, YOU shine a light even brighter than the one in your office!   You will be missed.  Thank you for all of your many contributions to the Literacy Program and to the students at Town Plaza.  

All the best to you on your "Next Step".

Sharon Fujioka

TPC is greener because of Madeleine; not only has she planted seeds of growth in so many students, she has also spread green throughout TPC.  She is a role model for all of us because she uses alternative transportation, recycles, composts our food scraps, and contributes her time to so many organizations that serve the community.  Madeleine truly represents Clark College’s commitment to sustainable practices.  She brings consciousness and conscientiousness to our workplace. 

Jane Patrick

Several years ago, after one of the Tutor/Student dinners, I was helping to clean up the area and put things away after the festivities. What food and other things left over were being given away to the volunteers who stayed to help clean up. There were several bouquets that had decorated the tables and were now headed for the recycle bin unless each one of us took one home. I resisted until Madeleine absolutely insisted that I “take one home for Kathleen”. I packed it into my car.

After cleanup, on Madeleine’s suggestion, we all went to McMenamin’s for a beer… on Madeleine. The group slowly, throughout the remainder of the evening, thinned out until it was only Madeleine and myself ‘putting the world to right’ with the help of a few pints. Suddenly the waiter came to the table and said, “You folks have to go. It’s closing time”. It was now 1:30 and I hadn’t called home to give an excuse for not getting home at a reasonable hour. “I’m in deep trouble,” I said to myself as I stumbled up the stairs… “You could have called!” Silence…silence.

Fortunately, even with the blizzard I was in at that time of the evening, I had enough sense to bring the bouquet of flowers from the car and placed them on the counter in the kitchen.

The next morning, Kathleen got to the kitchen before me, but I was enough in earshot to hear her say “Ohhhh, how lovely”. All was forgiven thanks to Madeleine.

John Allen

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.

-Hans Christian Andersen

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Page 7: Madeleine's Memory Book

"One final paragraph of advice: Do not burn yourself out. Be as I am-a reluctant enthusiast... a part time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it is still there.

So get out there and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, encounter the grizz, climb the mountains. Run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, that lovely, mysterious and awesome space. Enjoy yourselves, keep your brain in your head and your head firmly attached to your body, the body active and alive, and I promise you this much: I promise you this one sweet victory over our enemies, over those deskbound people with their hearts in a safe deposit box and their eyes hypnotized by desk calculators. I promise you this: you will outlive the bastards."

-Edward Abbey

Madeleine von Laue

Adult Literacy Program Director
