magazine album advertisement analysis

Magazine Album Advertisement Analysis By Sabrina Alovisi

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Magazine album advertisement analysis

Magazine Album Advertisement Analysis

By Sabrina Alovisi

Page 2: Magazine album advertisement analysis

Conventions:1. Picture of artist 2. Name of artist3. Name of the album 4. Review/ information

about album

The first thing that stands out for the audience is the close up of the artist. Also by having the artist looking as if she making eye contact with us, therefore intrigues the buyer. Having the artist the main focus is a convention with pop artist.

The theme that is present to us is a black and gold. The use of the black hair, nails, lips and costume gives a edgy look and quite different to what the other artist are wearing. Having this look makes the artist stand out even more

Having the name of the artist in a large font, makes it more noticeable and also stands out against the black.

The use of the facial expression could be implying that this particular album has a variety of emotions expressed in the songs.

Having the information to a minimal and to the point means that the attention is not taken away from the artist.

Page 3: Magazine album advertisement analysis

This ad is very minimal and is keeps with the genre of indie rock. The ad is very simplistic and is not too much.

By not having the artists images on the ad is very common in this particular genre. It adds mystery and intrigues the customers as it doesn’t give much away. Also by keeping it very minimal gives a relaxed feel.

By not having the artists on the ad could mean that they want the music to be the centre of attention rather than themselves. Also having the one figure looking in the distance could be representing the individuals that listen to their music and how they will have their own interpretation of the music.

Having that specific font makes it different and reflect the genre of being edgy and individual. Having the font large and in white is the main focus. Having the title as the focus is very different compared to pop artists.

Again this ad isn’t crowded with lost of information which is good as it more appealing to the eye and consist off all the information that is needed.

Page 4: Magazine album advertisement analysis

Having a close up of the artist face shows that he is the main focus, however by having it to the side shows that the artist doesn’t want to be the only focus. This is specially evident as the artists face is washed out a bit.

Having the name of the artist and album in bold and in white, draws the buyers attention, especially as its white which makes it hard to miss.

Also this ad is very simple however its effective. By not making it crowded could imply that the music is focused on what the lyrics are rather than all the instruments and pace of the music.

Having this colour for the background give the ad a bright and ‘happy’ feel. The colour implies that it doesn’t have alot of drama, but its relaxed and very warming.