magazine analysis

Magazine Analysis Caitlin Humphreys

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Post on 14-May-2015




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Page 1: Magazine Analysis

Magazine Analysis Caitlin


Page 2: Magazine Analysis


Images from professional photo shoot – band pose suggests professionalism.

Images of CD covers

Selling line


The text is in a gold-shiny font which conforms with the themes of ‘angels’ and Christmas. Strapline

Most of the font is serif, which is an older style of font. This conforms to the ‘classical’ genre of the magazine. Also suggests an older target audience.

Red/pink is a continuous colour theme throughout the front cover and contents.

The use of these particular featured artists suggest that people reading this will know who they are and be interested in them. This suggests an older target audience.

The image of the main featured artist dominates the centre of the page.

It is a common convention to have a main coverline in a larger styled font.

Page 3: Magazine Analysis

3/6 of the images on the contents page are performance shots. Performing is a main factor of music, and so it is expected that it will be featured in a music magazine.

The images seem to have a theme within them in that they all feature arches. The feature of arches, often found in older buildings, mirrors that fact that this magazine is aimed at an older audience.

Just like the cover, most of the font is serif, which is an older style of font. This conforms to the ‘classical’ genre of the magazine, which again suggests an older target audience.

The layout appears to conform to the rule of thirds by how the cover lines are placed on the page. 1 2 3

The use of the red/black/white colour theme makes it appear more sophisticated, and therefore for an older audience, as magazines that are aimed at younger audience tend to use brighter/more colours.

Page 4: Magazine Analysis

Headline – a common convention so that the reader knows what they are reading.


Use of black and white images gives the magazine a more classical and sophisticated look, again complying with the older audience that read this magazine.

Most of the font is again serif, which is an older style of font. This conforms to the ‘classical’ genre of the magazine. Also suggests an older target audience.

Rule of thirds is used, as seen by the use of 3 columns. The use of 3 columns is often seen in newspapers. This shows us that an older audience would be the people to want to read this magazine article.

Pull quote – often used to make a significant quote from an article stand out.

Picture credit

Drop cap – also used in newspapers; newspapers will be read by the people within the target audience for this magazine.

Images of musical performances and musical devices both of which are factors that are expected to be featured in a music magazine.

Images of older people, as apposed to teenage/young artists show that the target audience for this magazine are of an older age.

Page 5: Magazine Analysis

2The image of the main featured artist dominates the centre of the page. It also conforms to the convention of the rule of thirds, as the eyeline of the artist is in the top third.

It is a common convention to have a main coverline in a larger styled font. The largeness of the font, as well as the colour, make it stand out.

All the text on this front cover is serif. This suggests that this magazine is more contempory and is more likely to appeal to adults in the range of 20-35.

Strapline Coverline

Being a popular magazine, MOJO can get away with covering up part of their Masthead, knowing that people will still know what magazine it is.

A colour theme of red and blue is apparent. The majority of the text is red, and the blue is seen in the artists shirt and some CD covers at the top of the page.

The layout appears to conform to the rule of thirds by how the cover lines are placed on the page. 1 2 3

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Greyscale photography

Quotes- often used on contents pages in order to engage the reader.

Colour theme of white and red/pink

No rule of thirds used.

Following common conventions by putting the date and issue number.

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Drop cap- often seen in newspaper articles, but here it is done to comply with the target audience & music genre by doing it in a more modern font.

Headline – a common convention so that the reader knows what they are reading.

Standfirst - summary information about the article. Gives a little more insight into what the article is about than the headline does.

BylinePicture Credit

Common to have a poster of featured artists.

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It is a common convention to have a main coverline in a larger styled font. The colour of it also contrasts against the bright red background, making it stand out as a main feature.

Instead of using the common convention of a selling line, in its position is simply the written out meaning of the acronym ‘NME’.

Being a popular magazine, NME can get away with covering up part of their Masthead, knowing that people will still know what magazine it is.

There is a mixture of serif and sans-serif font, showing that although this magazine features new music and mainstream indie artists that appeal to a young adult audience, it also features classic artists that older people would like to read about, such as John Lennon.

The bright colours used suggest a young adult audience, as well as standing out and making the magazine appear attractive.

The image of the main featured artist dominates the centre of the page. It also conforms to the convention of the rule of thirds, as the eyeline of the artist is in the top third.

Coverlines – a common convention of magazines.

Strapline – a common convention of magazines.

Page 9: Magazine Analysis

The red and black colour theme is continued from the colour of the ‘NME’ logo – house style.

The font is sans-serif, which is a much more modern font. This conforms to the ‘new music’ theme of the magazine, as the target audience are younger adults (16-30)

It is not common for a magazine to put a small article on the contents page. This is not following the common conventions of a magazine.

Using a random colour that contrasts against the house style makes it stand out.

Advertising subscriptions to future magazine issues is often done in all types of magazines.

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The red and black colour theme is continued from the colour of the ‘NME’ logo – house style.

Pull quote – often used to make a significant quote from an article stand out.

Standfirst - summary information about the article. Gives a little more insight into what the article is about than the headline does.


Headline – a common convention so that the reader knows what they are reading.

Drop cap- often seen in newspaper articles, but here it is done to comply with the target audience by doing it in the colours of the house style and making it look more modern.

Written in columns- common convention.

Featuring an artists albums – this is an expected feature in a music magazine.