magazine deconstruction

When it says ‘my fans don’t really know who I am’ it makes the audience want to read the extract as its exclusive and it will make them think as Rihanna has a direct mode of address here and is connecting with her audience which is attracting the readers to want to purchase the magazine as it engages with them. Also, the red lipstick she is wearing could reveal Rhianna’s pose is tilted revealing a lot of her body appealing The way Rhianna is dressed to the audience shows two sides to her. There’s the innocent side where she is wearing white clothing and looks to be innocent but there’s the bad side too her which is shown by the representation of her skin which also shows her tattoo of a gun which is known as something dangerous and can be harmful The masthead for the magazine is hid partially behind Rhianna’s face showing that it’s an extremely well-known magazine and that the The margins give the magazine an orderly format. It is in an ‘L’ layout, so you instantly read from left to right, noticing the headlines the magazine wants. The The price for this magazine is $4.99 which is £4.33 in British pound showing that the audience for this magazine is middle class. Above the masthead the have advertised a ‘film and TV music conference’. The reason it is placed here is because the masthead is very important Above the anchorage of ‘My fans don’t really who I am’ the word Rhianna is in gradient laid out across the whole front cover, the reason for why the word ‘Rhianna’ is fading away is because it could represent that she isn’t the person we think None of the artists are actually performed and none of their names come up showing that they’re well- known musicians. All of this artists are also wearing black, this is The colour lay sophisticated professional a colours suit t well and creat colour scheme the page. The m black house conte diffe that with telli about gossi Here is a multiple amount of images with other popular artists that the viewers would want to read about leaving the page number of where the article about the artists are so it is easy and convenient for the audience

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Magazine deconstruction

When it says ‘my fans don’t really know who I am’ it makes the audience want to read the extract as its exclusive and it will make them think as though they’re closer to her and know her better if they read it.

Rihanna has a direct mode of address here and is connecting with her audience which is attracting the readers to want to purchase the magazine as it engages with them. Also, the red lipstick she is wearing could reveal her fiery attitude which could come across in her music. This also links with the colour scheme and her hair colour.

Rhianna’s pose is tilted revealing a lot of her body appealing to the male audience.

The way Rhianna is dressed to the audience shows two sides to her. There’s the innocent side where she is wearing white clothing and looks to be innocent but there’s the bad side too her which is shown by the representation of her skin which also shows her tattoo of a gun which is known as something dangerous and can be harmful towards others.

The masthead for the magazine is hid partially behind Rhianna’s face showing that it’s an extremely well-known magazine and that the audience will be able to recognize what magazine it is.

The margins give the magazine an orderly format. It is in an ‘L’ layout, so you instantly read from left to right, noticing the headlines the magazine wants. The colour scheme is red and white which makes the magazine mature and appealing.

Above the masthead the have advertised a ‘film and TV music conference’. The reason it is placed here is because the masthead is very important so the audience will read it more likely than somewhere else in the magazine.

The price for this magazine is $4.99 which is £4.33 in British pound showing that the audience for this magazine is middle class.

The layout of the contents page is good because everything has been split up into sections making it easy to read and understand where

Above the anchorage of ‘My fans don’t really who I am’ the word Rhianna is in gradient laid out across the whole front cover, the reason for why the word ‘Rhianna’ is fading away is because it could represent that she isn’t the person we think she is so she is fading away from us as her fans.

The colour layout is very sophisticated and professional all the colours suit together well and create a good colour scheme throughout the page.

Here is a multiple amount of images with other popular artists that the viewers would want to read about leaving the page number of where the article about the artists are so it is easy and convenient for the audience to find it. Also all of the images go in order with the page numbers upwards making it easier for the audience to find.

None of the artists are actually performed and none of their names come up showing that they’re well-known musicians. All of this artists are also wearing black, this is to link to the ‘contents’ masthead and black text showing that they’re the most spoken about musician in the magazine.

The masthead is in a big black text suited to the house style for the contents but is in a different font to show that it isn’t on subject with what the magazine is telling the audience about the latest music gossip and hits.

Page 2: Magazine deconstruction

The layout of the contents page is good because everything has been split up into sections making it easy to read and understand where

All of the fonts on the left hand side of the page aren’t very big and exciting to try and catch the audience’s eye and make them want to read the text. But because it’s a well-known magazine we get from this that they spend more time into creating their magazines by finding good music and other subjects related to music to talk about instead of making the whole magazine look good.

There’s a variety of different colours used in this contents page to help split up all of the different sections and topics. This is to make it easier for the audience to read through the magazine about different parts which they’ll prefer to others making it easier to read through if it is all colour coded.

The female artist in the middle of the contents page isn’t looking directly into the camera for the contents page unlike the other artists in this contents page. This makes her stand out to them and because she is in the middle of the contents page and bigger than them showing that she is the biggest talked about artist in the contents page.

The heading is ‘Amys ink house’ link to Amy Winehouse herself. This is because Amy Winehouse has tattoos herself so the double page spread links to her showing that tattoos are something that she is passionate about and has a great interest and are part of her life. They have also linked ‘ink’ into being Amy Winehouse’s name by calling her ‘Amy Ink House’ instead of ‘Amy Winehouse’ showing that it is part of her.

The layout and text in the double page spread is very small. This could show that the main focus to this double page spread being Amy Winehouse herself and what she is doing in the image rather than the text and what it’s saying.

The target audience is for young adults and older teenagers who are thinking about having tattoos or have them and also show an equal interest to them

The article in this double page spread talks about Amy Winehouse and how she has a tattoo parlour. Near the bottom of the article it says ‘The smile of gleams from Amy’ showing that she is proud of what she has created and is proud to show it off to the photographers and public. When she

Page 3: Magazine deconstruction

The target audience is for young adults and older teenagers who are thinking about having tattoos or have them and also show an equal interest to them

The article in this double page spread talks about Amy Winehouse and how she has a tattoo parlour. Near the bottom of the article it says ‘The smile of gleams from Amy’ showing that she is proud of what she has created and is proud to show it off to the photographers and public. When she

There is also some gutter space in this front cover but not a massive amount

In this shot of Adele she’s making direct mode of address with the audience in the shot that is taken of her. This is so she is making contact with us as below she says ‘If you’ve got it, flaunt it…’ so she is talking to the audience and giving direct mode of address makes them feel like she is talking to them personally more than if she wasn’t.

The masthead for this front cover is ’Q’ and as you can see the main image doesn’t overlap it very much as it stands out a lot with the strong red background behind the white text making it easy for people to read and understand. This is so the audience can easy read and see what magazine it is.

Adele’s hair is pushed backwards from what it looks like a fan which you can’t see. This is because of the angle she is standing at because else her hair would cover her face, the reason she is at this angle is so she can hide her body as she is doing with her hair at the lower area of the image of her showing that she is trying to hide something.

Where is says ‘THE 300th ISSUE’ it’s trying to catch the audience’s attention. It has the background around the text in gold and the font colour is white making it stand out as well looking like its gold and silver which are seen to been winning colour like an achievement for the business to have made it’s the 300th issue so they want more people to buy the issue so they feel like they’re part of the winning team as well.

In this front cover there is a little bit of gutter space behind the top of Adele’s head and to the left of the lower side of the front cover. This shows that it’s a well-known magazine and they may be spending more time into finding go things to write about and good artists to put into the magazine as they know people won’t buy their magazine through the front cover as much as of what’s in the magazine as its well-known.

Page 4: Magazine deconstruction

The headline says ‘Adele’ in bold, this shows the readers that the main subject of this issue is Adele. The font suggests that ‘Q’ is more focused on the music rather than the musicians and celebrities and that her voice is so amazing it doesn’t need any snazzy fonts to show how good it really is to listen to.

The barcode and price are at the bottom left of the front cover. This is £3.99 being aimed at middle class who would be able to afford the issue.

The colour scheme to the contents page is very consistent and professional sticking to the main colour scheme to ‘Q’ being red, white and black. It is a very simple contents page though showing that they’re thinking more about the music they’re talking about and showing us that how the magazine is laid out.

The extreme close-up of the female solo artists shows the readers that she is looking straight into the camera and staring right into them. It also shows that she is hurt which could show her passion for music, show that she’s hurt so she may have some sort of danger linked to her. This is to try and make the readers buy the magazine as it could represent a lot of different things which makes them want to find out.

The layout is very easy to read structured and ordered very well so you can find what you want to read about easily and if it takes your interest in the types of music and artists they talk about in the music

Plug ‘140 songs to download now’ interests and attracts the audience because it sounds as though there is no cost to downloading them which will make people buy the magazine if there is several songs they like and they think they’re downloading for free even if they can’t. It is also quite a lot of music which will catch their attention into buying the magazine.

The tagline ‘discover great music’ makes the audience want to read more and find new great songs and albums they will enjoy.

The sub-heading- ‘features’ grabs the audience’s attention because it’s saying that everything there is a one-time affect to the magazine which will make the audience buy that specific magazine if there’s something in there though won’t be able to read about again for a long time if no ever.

Page 5: Magazine deconstruction

The layout is very easy to read structured and ordered very well so you can find what you want to read about easily and if it takes your interest in the types of music and artists they talk about in the music

A lot of words used are informal and sometimes rude, the reason for this is because the magazine is aimed at an older target audience which makes them feel more comfortable and enjoy the music magazine more if it is putting words into context to what they would speak like and not like how you should talk to and in front of children and teenagers.

The main image in this double page spread is the four men giving direct mode of address staring into the camera make contact with the readers but none of them are posing telling us as the readers that they don’t need to pose to the camera to show their passion and enthusiasm towards music. Two of the men are holding guitars telling us that they’re talented musicians.

The heading is ‘The Vaccines’ which is made to catch the readers eye by it being in black, bold and capital letters so the readers are made of the band’s name as it up and coming so they want to increase the audience and fans for this band. The main image makes us know that that’s the band’s name as we have never heard of the band vaccines and haven’t seen what they looking like immediately giving us the impression that that is the four men band’s name.

The main image in this double page spread of the four men is the main attraction of the double page spread. This is shown as they take up 2/ 3 of the double page spread and the text is in a very small font showing that it’s the image of them that is more important than the text in trying to get them to create more fans and support for the music they’re creating and releasing for people to listen to.

Page 6: Magazine deconstruction

As the man at the front is a lot close to the camera compared to the other 3 musicians this tells us that he is the leader of the band as the other three are a lot closer together but behind him.