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 Everything to know about Matt’s hobbies @ page 10 Only made in the Philippines July 2014 5 Facts About Matt On page 24 Get to know more of Matt ’s lifestyle Pg. 45 Find out what Matt eats! Pg. 36 Delight on some of Matt ’s gallery pictures! Pg. 57

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Everything to know about Matt’s hobbies @ page 10

Only made in the Philippines

July 2014

5 Facts

About Matt  

On page 24

Get to


more of

Matt ’slifestyle

Pg. 45

Find ou

what Mat


Pg. 36


on some

of Matt ’



Pg. 57

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I would like to express my

special thanks of gratitude to

my teacher, Ms. Sophia Poblete,who gave me the golden

opportunity to do this

wonderful project which also

helped me in doing a lot of

Research and I came to knowabout so many new things I am

really thankful to

them. Secondly, I would also

like to thank my parents and

friends who helped me a lot in

finishing this project within the

limited time. Lastly, I would

like to thank God for giving me

such talent in designing the

likes of one of this.

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Matt  Miranda


Matt  Miranda

layout editor

Matt  Miranda

articles author


About Myself 10

5 Facts about Matt 24

How Does Matt Eat 36

Views in Life 48

Matt ’s Gallery 57

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“Why do I feel worthless? Is it normal? Am I just

maturing? Is this natural?” – These are just some of my life

questions about growing up. Basically, other teens feel thisway too. Life has to be this way. But first, let me introduce

myself to you. My name is Andrew Matthew M. Miranda. I

know. It’s long and religious. Just call me whatever you

would like to. But I prefer “Matt” the most because it is

simple and easy to say. My mother gave me my name. She

was very proud of it. My father had a different idea. He toldme that if he would name me, he would prefer a German

name. Sounds weird, right? My father idolized the Fuhrer,

“Adolf Hitler”. Whatever the cause is, I don’t want to know

why. By the way, “Matt” is a male human. I hope you

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 understand that. Matt is also in need of a girlfriend. If you

want to become hired, just call me. Okay, I’m just joking. Matt

is a 16-year old male human. Of course, Matt is still young.

Matt is a Filipino citizen and proud of his country. Let’s just

say that Matt is just like a common person roaming in the

world and finding what is the objective of life. Matt is just

like some other freshmen students studying in a state

university in the Philippines. Matt is taking a bachelor’s

degree in information technology. Matt is dreaming to be an

awesome 3D animator someday and is known and famous in

the field of animation. Matt has some hobbies. One of his

expertises is in playing an acoustic guitar. Honestly, I am not

a professional type of guitarist. Just expect me to play some

simple and generic genres of songs. Another one is I dance.

Yeah, I dance, but not quite gracefully. Dancing is for

everyone, so why not try it for myself? Other things describe

my well-being. I love movies that go with action or thriller

and CGI (Computer-Generated Image)-related stuff. I also

like video games including Call of Duty and The Amazing

Spiderman. They are so cool to me. Let’s talk about my

family. First, my father; he is a very silent one. If you want to

chat with him, you might want to talk first and keep the

conversation on-going. That’s an attribute that I inherited

from him. My father is a serious one and not-so-very strict

one. And because of that, we are not so very close to each

other. Secondly, my mother; about her, she is the opposite of

my father. She is very concerned in my studies and in my

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 future. She is a talkative one and a life teacher. Hence, my

parents are opposite of each other. How did they even

became compatible and married each other after all? Let’s

just leave that. Next, is my younger brother. He is soannoying and we would fight anytime we want. Every time

we speak to each other, we would scream and be mad at each

other. But we would be “friends” again after an argument.

Normally, brothers fight, right? Lastly, my super-younger

brother; my baby brother. Physically, he is cute, adorable,

and good-looking. I always ask myself that why is he likethat? At least, I have a baby brother like him. Hey, let’s talk

about my education life. Yeah, I know it sounds boring, but

it’s fun for me. I had good classmates. I learned some life

lessons because of them! I will not forget them. Next on the

list are my problems. Yeah, my life problems. A common teen

has bullies, annoying brother, haters and the worst; pimples.I just want my pimples to be erased forever in my life. But

everyone said that it was normal so I would just gladly

endure it. I had bullies when I was in high school. But they

were the friendly ones. Yeah, I had the weird ones. I already

talked about my annoying brother, so, just go elsewhere you

like. I have haters because I am a normal human. It is like

everywhere, you know? Life is really hard. So that’s it! You

already knew some facts about me. I hope you understand

my wordings because that is the way I write literature. Just

remember, “You are not worthless, because life is easy when

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~So, how does Matt eat?

What is his lifestyle when

eating? What kind of food does

he eat? How many does he eat?

Does he eat many sweets, or just

prefer leafy vegetables? Find

out more on this article.

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Generally, Matt eats like a normal human person. Just

normal food intake. Matt is thin but he is has a balanced

diet. These are some of his diet:

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I know that it ’s a simple viewpoint of life but

it always tells me that if I would give up,always remember why I started it. I have to

finish what I have started. Giving up is no

option. Just as in life, you have to overcome

struggles and pass more obstacles.

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July 2014

To God be the Glory