magazine pitch

‘Amplify!’ Magazine Pitch By Conor Stephenson

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Magazine Pitch

By Conor Stephenson



House Style

Target Audience

Cover Information

Publishing House


My front page is going to have a very bold look in order to catch the reader’s attention and encourage them to pick up the magazine and buy it. The masthead will be the first thing that catches the reader’s attention by being bold and a bright vibrant yellow colour on a black background to ensure it stands out. It will fill across the top of the cover page. The cover photo will be the main focus on the cover page and it will fill most of the page, it will even be placed above the masthead if needed, to emphasise the fact that the band in this photo will be the main focus in the issue of the magazine. The cover will also present a number of different, smaller stories, which will also be featured inside the magazine. I will also include puffs on the cover of my magazine in order to persuade the reader to buy the issue, because the promise of a free item in a magazine is a very persuasive technique. The genre of music that my publication is going to promote will be alternative rock and this is going to link in with the front page with the boldness and outgoingness of the magazine. Everything that is on the front page will relate to the genre of alternative rock and this will make it look like a very hard, typical but edgy with a twist alternative rock magazine.

Magazine Examples:


My publication will follow a very particular house style in order to make the issue consistent, and stamp a brand onto the issue. The four colours that will be used throughout are black, white, yellow and dark blue. I feel that these colours contrast each other very well to give a bold look to the magazine and make it easier for the reader to understand the text. Also, the font will always be in capital letters and have a bold look to it; this is representing the genre alternative rock. The layout will be very similar on every page; there will be a large masthead that catches the reader’s attention, and a main photo that will link into what the page is talking about. However, the text itself will be very organised to ensure that the reader will not get confused and can actually understand and read the text without any difficulty.


The target audience for my magazine will be people who are interested in alternative rock. This could apply to both male and female and ages could range between 14-35+. This gives me a very large audience to aim my magazine at so it will have to appeal to everyone within this range. This will help sales because there should be a lot of people interested in my magazine if I present it in the right way. I think within the target audience range that I have set, the main people that will buy this product will be 18-24 year old males, because I think that they are the people who enjoy and listen to alternative rock the most and they would be willing to spend money on a magazine about it. Also it is at that age when people start to experiment with music so there could be people who want to start listening to alternative rock and want to learn more about it, which means that my magazine would be a great resource for them to get to know the genre more in terms of bands etc.


My magazine will be a bi-weekly publication that will cost £3.95. This is a very good price compared to some of the other publications in the alternative rock/rock genre; this will make my magazine stand out to the buyer. It will be bi-weekly because if it was every week the buyer might not be interested in buying it every week; the fact they need to wait two weeks gives them something to look forward to. Also if it is every two weeks I will be able to fit a lot of information and news that has been released in the two weeks. If it was released every week there may not be as much news that could be featured in the magazine.


The publishing house that I would want to print my magazine would be Bauer Media Group. The reason for this is because they are a well-established organisation and have had successful publications in the music genre with magazines such as ‘Kerrang!’ and ‘Q’. This means that they have had experience with music magazines and they are reliable. Their target market covers people who are interested in music; ‘Kerrang!’ is predominantly rock music so I feel that many Kerrang readers would also enjoy my magazine which covers the Alternative Rock genre.