magazine text

Magazine Text – Double Page Spreads First Double Page Spread: The upcoming indie princess’, PAIGE BERRIS and DANIELLA BLOW, who have turnt out to be musical sensation’s who have taken the world by storm, as well as the industry. As I walked down the dimly lit hotel corridor, I arrived at a large white door, I knocked and waited patiently. The door abruptly opened and I was ushered in by a small and very pretty woman who was in her late 20’s. I was taken to a beautifully decorated room with all white and silver furnishing, shortly after another lady walked in and offered me a drink and told me that the girls would be in shortly. A few minutes passed and I heard voices behind a door, the door opened and outcome the girls. They looked like dolls. Their hair was perfectly placed. They were wearing very little makeup which was surprising to see as on stage they are caked in the stuff! The girls walked over to the sofa I couldn’t help but notice a small butterfly behind Paige’s left ear. I had never seen it before, was it new? I dismissed the thought quickly and stood up and we greeted each other. This was the first time I had ever met the girls and I was apprehensive they had a reputation for being quite a handful. They sat down opposite me, they both looked as nervous as I did. The girls looked very comftable around each other; you could tell they were close, giggling and making jokes. There were many people running around us frantically. ‘Thanks guys, you can leave us now’ Daniella said with a comforting smile on her face. She watched everyone leave and then turned back to me and stared for a few seconds; she rolled her eyes and then smiled cheekily, ‘Sorry about all that, they fuss so much’. I just stared at her and gave her a smile. ‘So, let’s get started then...’ Both girls nodded.

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Magazine Text

Magazine Text – Double Page Spreads

First Double Page Spread:

The upcoming indie princess’, PAIGE BERRIS and DANIELLA BLOW, who have turnt out to be musical sensation’s who have taken the world by

storm, as well as the industry.

As I walked down the dimly lit hotel corridor, I arrived at a large white door, I knocked and waited patiently. The door abruptly opened and I was ushered in by a small and very pretty woman who was in her late 20’s. I was taken to a beautifully decorated room with all white and silver furnishing, shortly after another lady walked in and offered me a drink and told me that the girls would be in shortly. A few minutes passed and I heard voices behind a door, the door opened and outcome the girls. They looked like dolls. Their hair was perfectly placed. They were wearing very little makeup which was surprising to see as on stage they are caked in the stuff! The girls walked over to the sofa I couldn’t help but notice a small butterfly behind Paige’s left ear. I had never seen it before, was it new? I dismissed the thought quickly and stood up and we greeted each other. This was the first time I had ever met the girls and I was apprehensive they had a reputation for being quite a handful. They sat down opposite me, they both looked as nervous as I did. The girls looked very comftable around each other; you could tell they were close, giggling and making jokes. There were many people running around us frantically. ‘Thanks guys, you can leave us now’ Daniella said with a comforting smile on her face. She watched everyone leave and then turned back to me and stared for a few seconds; she rolled her eyes and then smiled cheekily, ‘Sorry about all that, they fuss so much’. I just stared at her and gave her a smile. ‘So, let’s get started then...’ Both girls nodded.

Scan here to see the behind the scenes photographs and exclusive information on the girls.

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Second Double Page Spread:

So, Paige, just remind us how old you are then?I’m 18, 19 in two weeks, I’m very excited.Have you got anything planned for your birthday?Not yet, I’m not sure of what I want to do, I’ll probably just go shopping with Dani, nothing exciting.Sounds like fun! So how did you and Daniella meet?We’ll I’ve known her since we were born, our parent’s went to school together and so we always saw each other and went on holiday’s together, she is like a sister.Do you have a favourite memory that you have shared together?We have so many, it’s so hard to choose just one, and we are been on so many holidays, trips, sleepovers, dinners and outings together. It’s impossible to choose.That is very sweet! So when did you two start singing together?We’ll I’m a year and a half older than Daniella so I was singing before she was, but as soon as we were both talking we were singing together, I don’t think there was a actual time. We have so many videos of us together singing on the karaoke machine in our living room.So, let’s move on to the new album. We have heard it has an unusual name?Yes well we are both very proud of this album, its abit different from the last one. It’s called ‘Lost in Life’.Does the name have a meaning?I mean at the time we started writing the songs for the album, Dani was going through a tough time and she was the one who came up with the name for the album and although I don’t really feel like there is a meaning as such for it, I thinks he may feel differently. But also the fans may feel like they connect to the saying too.Is it true, you wrote the majority of the songs on the album?Me and Dani both wrote some of the songs, but we did get a lot of help from others. Dani is more of the song writer, she is really good too, but she doesn’t believe it. You got help from Ellie Goulding and Ed Sheeran, is that right?Yes, we was in LA last summer and we had just started out, Ellie come over and introduced herself and we exchanged numbers and then we saw each other at the Brits this year and got talking.

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Well I have listened to a few tracks of the album and I think it’s great!Thanks, that means a lot.It’s been a crazy year for you hasn’t it, you won an AMA and you’re not even American, how crazy!Yes that was crazy; I thought it was abit silly as the awards are for American’s and obviously we are British, but we are both very grateful for everyone voting for us.You have been voted by the MFT readers as hottest female indie pop group of the year, how do you feel about that?*laughs loudly* I didn’t know that, well thank you to everyone that voted for me and Dan, I appreciate it.Which do you feel more proud of your MFT award or your AMA?Oh defiantly the MFT award, no doubt about it. Although I have to say the AMA comes in at a close second. So I’m sure your fans would like to know who you listen to, who are your favourite artists and musicians?I’m a big fan of Ed Sheeran; Lana Del Rey is one of my inspirations, the 1975, Bastille, the usual really. Although I’m really starting to like Taylor Swift, her new album is crazy good. I listen to it when I work out.You said that you work out to Taylor Swift? How often do you work out and train?Well obviously I dance a lot, so that keeps me fit and healthy but on tour you do pig out a lot and my body wasn’t used to that at first so I put on some weight, so I train every day, not because I have to, because I want to. Just to keep myself fit and at the top of my game. But Dan is lucky, she is so slim and she can’t eat whatever she wants and won’t put on any weight at all.We think you both have amazing figures. So have you got any gossip at all? Maybe about friend Ed Sheeran and Daniella?If I tell you’re going to get me into trouble…We will keep it our little secret…Well I did hear that they went on a few dates and may or may not of had a few cheeky kisses…but you didn’t hear it from me.Our mouths are sealed. So speaking of dating, are you seeing anybody?I don’t know what you’re talking about. *Giggles*Maybe somebody who may or may not been in high school musical?I don’t know who you could be talking about *Giggles and covers her face*A certain somebody by the name of Zac Efron?

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Oh him… Yes me and Zac are good friends…We know that, we have all seen the pictures, you are a very cute couple and we are very glad you are both happy.Thank you, we appreciate it.So, if we may ask...How long have you been actually dating for?We were actually able to keep it a secret for quite a long time before anyone caught on, so it will be 6 months next week.That is quite a long time. But moving on, I hear you have plans to feature in a film next year?Oh there has been many rumours regarding this, but nothing is for definite and I wouldn’t want to get my hopes up and then not get.Well thank you for your time, I have really enjoyed speaking to you.Thanks for having me.

Second Double Page Spread:

Hi Daniella, it’s nice to meet you.Hey, it’s really nice to meet you too.

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Have you got anything planned for your birthday?Not yet, but I do want to have party, but I guess I should get planning now if that’s going to happen *giggles*.So we have listened to the album and what would you say is the message of the whole album? I’m not sure that it has a direct message, it’s just us! None of that fake bullshit. As I said we wrote the music and we produced the music, but the majority of the work done on this album was done by us. We wanted to make it special. As people know we have a reputation of being abit of a handful and that’s really not the case, we just have high expectations, especially me of myself. We spoke to Paige earlier, and she told us that you worked with Ellie Goulding on the album, did she give you any advice?When we arranged to meet me and Dani were so scared, I mean she is so talented and we really wanted to impress her. When she came in we got all giddy and couldn’t stop giggling. It was like a dream! She didn’t give us much advice, she just told us to take our time and not to be forced into everything. Only do what we want to do.I think the album’s great!Thanks, that means a lot.We spoke to Paige about you both winning an AMA and you’re not even American, but we have heard that you are actually American? Is this true?*Laughs* we’ll again thanks to everyone who voted for us for the AMA, we are both so grateful. We’ll my mum is from Florida, but she moved over hear when she was 19 to go to university, she met my dad there and then she just never left.So I guess it’s alright that you won the award then?I guess so.I’m sure your fans would like to know who you listen to, who are your favourite artists and musicians?This is going to shock you most likely, but I’m very into rap and RnB. I was actually at a concert for Eminem a few years back and met Abel (from The Weeknd). I was so excited, I got butterflies and everything, but he was really cool.You are very good friends with Ed Sheeran aren’t you?Yes me and Ed go way back, he’s a great friend and I know that we are going to friends for many years to come. He’s a very talented man and I admire him immensely. Would you ever collaborate with him?

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Are you kidding me? I would love to? It’s not as simple as just doing it though; we are both very busy people. He’s on tour at the moment and I’ve just come off my tour, so when I do get to see him, we aren’t focused on creating music really. One day hopefully we will release something together.How close would you say the two of you are?Pretty close.Have you ever been more than friends?*stares and giggles*You two would be a very cute couple!What has Paige been telling you? *covers her face and goes bright red*She might have mentioned that you’ve been dating, is this true?Me and Ed (Sheeran) are very good friends, and yes I have been seeing a lot of him lately. You are getting nothing more out of me.So, was it awkward when working with Ellie Goulding, as she has history with Ed?Not at all, me and Ellie are friends and I would never do that to her. She gave us her blessing and she is happy with Dougie (Poynter). She’s moved on. We heard that there was some twitter beef with you and Ellie’s best friend Katy Perry, what was this over?Me and Katy aren’t in a argument, it’s all silly rumours.Speaking of rumours, are you worried about what people say about you on social media? Do you read any of the comments and posts?I don’t really read the comments unless they come up on my feed or I’m really bored. They don’t really bother me to much now, they used to bother me a lot, but I think I just learned not to care what other people think. Even though they hate they are still giving me more publicity. They are essentially making me more well know. So who’s really winning?So we saw in the media this year that you had a few weight problems, we hope all is OK now?Thank you, yes I am feeling much better than I was this time last year. I was in a dark place after breaking up with my long term boyfriend (Ellis Cooke), and our schedule was hectic and I thought I would be alright.You clearly have some very good people around you.Yes Im so lucky to have such caring parents and friends who constantly shower me with love. If it wasn’t for them I really don’t know where I would be.We know you work closely with a few charities, do any of them have a significant meaning to you.

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Yes, I work with Cancer Research and Save the Children very closely, as they both have a place in my heart. We think it’s so good you still make time to help others.I just want to make a difference. Thank you for your time, we hope to see you soon and good luck for the future.