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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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just starting out


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o Try yoga- doing yoga can be a challenge but contrary to popular belief it is made for all body types. Anyone from a toddler to a senior citizen can try it. Praticing yoga can make you feel great because it helps you to focus on your breath and your body, while clearing your mind at the same time. It takes a lot of hard work to relax during yoga, but when you achieve this it’s rewarding. One of the main points of yoga is not pushing yourself and only doing what feels right to your body. This is why anyone can be successful with praticing yoga.

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o Try meditating-

Meditation can be tough, especially if you have a busy mind. Try listening to relaxing music or focusing only on your breath while you meditate. Your patience will be rewarding because you’ll feel in tune and at peace with your self. Most people picture meditating sitting on a pillow on the ground, but you can do it anywhere. On the way to work, inside, outside, on a plane- it really dosen’t

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matter. Meditating is great if you have a stressful situation like an aggravating coworker, or if you have anxiety.

o Appreciate yourself- A lot of times when people exercise or try something new, they get frustrated and quit. This is sometimes because they feel like they can’t do as well as other people are doing. Next time you try something challenging don’t compare your progress to someone elses progress. This is difficult but it helps you to appreciate what capabilities you do have. You can also focus on some things that you might have an advantage at that someone else might be envious of.

oDress to impress- sometimes when we don’t feel so great about ourselves we may start to give up in the looks department. I dread the winter time and during this season I wear sweats every day. We don’t realize that this can really take a toll on our self esteem. Of course you don’t have to go out dressed like your on the red carpet every

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day. But when you take a little extra time to look nice for yourself (and no one else), you feel better because you think you look great.

o Turn your anger, sadness, ect into something productive- I have terrible anxiety and because of this I am an avid excerciser. Sometimes when people have a not-so-easy life they can make distructive decisions. But this is only adding more negative energy to the world. Everything we do emits energy into the universe, so next time your stressed don’t feed into it by making decisions that can have bad consequences.

oGrow your own food- Even if its just one tomato. You grew that one tomato. You worked together with the elements earth and water to grow it. Eating it will feel great! Gardens not an option for you? Or does everything you touch die? Try going to a farmers market and eating local vegetables. By doing this you’ve helped support your community by buying

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them and eating vegetables with (hopefully)no pesticides on them.

Ending the war on your body begins by throwing out the fake images that are drilled into our minds of how we should look. And instead being healthy so that we can be the best version of ourselves.

o The next time you have a free hour or more, just get in the car and go. Take random turns and see where you end up. I like to have a gps in the car just in case. A lot of times we get sucked into the routine version of life that becomes so boring. It’s easy to forget how simple it can be to go find a new place that you might love.

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o -Question reality.

What is reality? How can it be proven? Look at the closest object to you, how do you know that it’s there? Are our senses only real to us? How can you tell?

oHave a rental car for the weekend. Make sure its an absurd car that you know you’ll ever be able to buy in your lifetime.

We don’t think all celeberties are a bad influence. Check out these people worth mentioning.

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Michael Lang is best known for being the co-creator of the Woodstock Music and Arts Festival that took place in 1969. At the time he had dropped out of college and was only in his 20s. In a broken America as a result of the Vietnam War he came up with the idea of having a gathering for peace, love, and music. He ended up getting much more than he bargained for. So many people came (around 500,000) to be exact, that the New York State Thruway was closed. Gas stations had no gas, and super markets had no food because of the large crowds that showed up in such a little amount of time. Food had to be dropped from helicopters to the concert goers. On top of everything else it poured rain and the people attending had no shelter. Mix all of this together with August heat and it sounds like a disaster. Instead, everyone came together and not one act of violence was committed in the three days. For three days everyone lived together in a utopia of peace, a

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peace that has never been found again in such large numbers. Many people will tell you that there are no words to describe what took place in Woodstock. Those who have written about it were never able to explain the events deeply enough. Michael Lang is responsible for creating this historic event, one that 43 years later carries the spirit of hope. He proved that no matter what age you are, anyone can create a revolution.

Home Made Green Tea Facial

You’ll need: -One fresh egg

-Fresh honey

-Lemon juice

-Green Tea Powder

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Add 3 teaspoons of green tea powder to three drops of lemon juice and egg in a bowl. Mix together and add honey until a thick paste forms.

Cleanse skin before applying and leave on for fifteen minutes.

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We could always use a little more relaxation.

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Don’t have the money to download music? That’s okay. You can make free music playlists on YouTube to enjoy whenever you want. Add these songs to your playlist and chill out.

o As The Rush Comes by Motorcycle

oGive Love by MC Yogi

oGoing Up The Country by Canned Heat

oHere Comes The Sun by The Beatles

o I Feel It All by Feist

oMushaboom by feist

o Breathe by Telepopmusik

oWhite Daisy Passing by Rocky Volato

o Sympathique by Pink Martini

o Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups

o Suite Judy blue eyes by Crosby Stills and Nash

oOne Day by Matisyahu

o Let The Drummer Kick by Citizen Cope

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o Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap

oMy Moon Man by Feist

One of the nicest ways to wake up is to play music while you get ready. The feeling of the songs can determine your mood for the rest of the day. Try adding these songs to your playlist.

oOh Darling by The Beatles

oMy Babe by Little Walter

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o Behind The Moon by Matt Costa

o All Cause of You by The 88

oMy Body by Young The Giant

o It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me by Billy Joel

o Be Somebody by Kings of Leon

o Superwoman by Alicia Keys

o I’ve Just Seen a Face by Jim Sturgess

o Boogie Shoes by KC and The Sunshine Band

oMother earth by Tom Rush

o Your Touch by The Black Keys

o Little Bitty pretty One by Bobby Day

Compassion is a trait that is considered most acceptable in women. In American society when a male shows compassion in certain situations, it seems almost unatural. But is it

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unatural, or are men taught how to feel? While some view this as a nature vs nurture matter, if society was taken out of the picture it seems easier to imagine that this is a matter of nuture. If people were raised without the influence of the meida, would eating disorders still exist? If people weren’t raised to “toughen up” and “act like a man”, would it still be shocking to see a man be openly emotional? Some people disagree and say that women and men naturally have different emotions. But when you consider the phrases “don’t act like a girl” and “don’t be a pussy,” it is easy to see that gender roles have clearly overridden any type of science behind the way men and women act. Whether it is taught to us or if it is pure genetics, the social aspect of it is taught to young people before they even know what genetics are. Most 3 or 4 years olds will be able to tell you that pink is for girls and that blue is for boys. That is a simple thing that all children know, but they are not born knowing.

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With this thought in mind, it may be possible to completely erase gender roles. If people accept that humans created gender roles, they may realize that that can also destroy them. Will it ever be the norm for men and women to have emotions that are equally socially acceptable? The choice is ours to decide this.

Every day we are surounded by idealists and realists. Some people are both, but we have all met someone who is so obviously one or the other. The idealists are the ones who have been told to get their heads out of the clouds, and may seem immature to others. The realists are the “see it to believe it” types, and often times the two kinds of people don’t mix. Maybe it’s a matter of being right brained or left

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brained, or perhaps just a matter of intrests. Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to be a balance of both. When you look at it from the perspective of life, everything balances out one another. We have life and death, day and night, hot and cold, wet and dry. It’s only natural that us as human beings we also have a balance in our views.It can be dangerous when we don’t, because people can not work together when every person feels only one way or the other. Life is about finding middle ground. When a person chooses a side instead of middle grounnd they are automatically at odds with hundreds of thousands of people in the world. When you look to nature for advice there is always an answer. When theres too much heat there can be a forest fire. When there is too much water there can be a flood. Being too realistic or too idealistic always has the same effect.

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Dreams are accomplished by realism and idealism co-existing.

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