magazines and gender

MAGAZINES AND GENDER: INTroDUCTION Key to this area is the issue of representation, although we will be covering the codes and conventions of magazines, the institutions (who owns them etc), audiences (how we read them). The two questions that underpin this whole area are: (board) How do magazines aimed at men and women specifically represent gender? Do magazines reflect gender stereotypes, challenge them or actually construct them? Discuss the two questions in general and put some of the key points on the board, look for: Language, advertising, layout, content, images, colour, font…for the first question. 15 MINS Before we start, it is important that three words are fully understood (board) SEX: biology…boy or girl GENDER: the roles or behaviours that society expects us to adopt – masculinity/feminity SEXUALITY: sexual preferences (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual) Discuss: Does our sex or sexuality determine our gender? Is our behaviour determined by nature (biology) or nuture (society)?15MINS Obviously ideas change over time: listen/look at this quote from a womans magazine (Womans Own 15 th October 1952) from an article called 'Looks do count after marriage' ' don't let yourself go – especially in the mornings. Wear a pretty crisp overall and leave him with a good impression for the day! … you have to rise early, prepare your lord and masters breakfast, and see him off the premises before 8.30 a.m.' (Board) brainstorm gender stereotypes

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Post on 21-May-2015




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Page 1: Magazines and gender

MAGAZINES AND GENDER: INTroDUCTIONKey to this area is the issue of representation, although we will be covering the codes and conventions of magazines, the institutions (who owns them etc), audiences (how we read them). The two questions that underpin this whole area are:(board) How do magazines aimed at men and women specifically represent gender? Do magazines reflect gender stereotypes, challenge them or actually construct them?

Discuss the two questions in general and put some of the key points on the board, look for: Language, advertising, layout, content, images, colour, font…for the first question.15 MINS

Before we start, it is important that three words are fully understood (board) SEX: biology…boy or girl GENDER: the roles or behaviours that society expects us to adopt – masculinity/feminity SEXUALITY: sexual preferences (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual)Discuss: Does our sex or sexuality determine our gender? Is our behaviour determined by nature (biology) or nuture (society)?15MINS

Obviously ideas change over time: listen/look at this quote from a womans magazine (Womans Own 15th October 1952) from an article called 'Looks do count after marriage'' don't let yourself go – especially in the mornings. Wear a pretty crisp overall and leave him with a good impression for the day! … you have to rise early, prepare your lord and masters breakfast, and see him off the premises before 8.30 a.m.'

(Board) brainstorm gender stereotypesmen are/should be women are/should bemen like women like

Magazines use these stereotypes to reinforce gender roles, and therefore perpetuate them.Choose a magazine and go through looking for examples of how this done (look at language, image, font, colour, content, layout). Write down your findings.Feedback to class by giving some examples.15 MINS

What types of magazine are there?Womens/mens/youth/house and garden/motoring/radio and tv/hobby/computer/general (Cornwall Today)/ organisation and interest (Greenpeace, big Issue).What are magazines for?

Page 2: Magazines and gender

Information;Entertainment;The medium of advertising;They exist to discover social attitudes and sell products to the people that hold them NOT to change their attitudes.