magnani foreign rights 2016


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Post on 27-Jul-2016




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  • Magnani is a publishing house dedicated to picture literature. It publishes modern authors, whose works bring in a new way of thinking, seeing and perceiving reality.

    The book, as an object, stands for our know-how as well as our conception of the publishers profession. The publisher is the stage director and architect of the book. In era time of electronic cultural offerings, we cannot accept a screen culture monopoly: the book is the very core of the publishers work. Because it is long-lasting, because it is elegant.

    Magnani wants to offer exceptional stories and pictures that cannot be erased.

    Julien Magnani

  • art monography 208 pages. 150 x 200 mmsoft book, color. 2015ean 9791092058154. 20 euro

    Simon Roussin Film-Club

    In 2011, Simon Roussin began to redraw scenes from the best movies of his life. Masterpieces and giants of the official history of cinema stand alongside masterpieces and giants of his own personal culture. This collection, entitled Cinclub (Film club) gathers four years of drawings, and four years of contagious appetite, in a beautiful and thick book of 200 pages.

    More than one hundred classic movies, from auteur films to genre films, from a famous Hollywood actress to another Simon Roussin creates his show with vignettes of pens. He shares here all his movie references.

    This collection of drawing is a must-see for all cinemalovers and for pop-corn enthusiasts, who do not always know what to watch on small or wide screen.

  • picture book 64 pages. 157 x 222 mmsoft book, color. 2015ean 9791092058123. 15 euro

    Julien Magnani The Seas Robber

    The Seas Robber lives in a castle on a desert island. He is a mysterious and solitary man, wearing a hat, a cape and a pair of boots. He never leaves his hideout, except when he uses his submarine to accost and rob the ships around. Then he spends his gold, buying books and provisions in a strange village not far from his hiding place. Chased by the navy, which swore that he would have to pay for his crimes, he keeps a low profile in the village. But he will soon catch the attention of the fishermans son

    In The Seas Robber, Julien Magnani frees up from the geometric style of his previous book Maison. This narrative is focused on imagination, secret, and filiation, in the literary tradition of Stevenson, Verne and Defoe and following the graphic research of De Stijl and Vhutemas.

  • picture book 32 pages. 300 x 185 mmhard cover, color. 2015ean 9791092058109. 16 euro

    Camille Louzon The lazy bird

    A bird which is too lazy to flap his wings decides to use all that he can to fly up in the sky and travel: planes, balloon flights, bats, helicopters

    One day, while crossing the sky on a kite, an accident occurs and he crashes into the jungle. On the island where he lands, the bird meets a sloth, a lazy animal lying in the trees. A lazy bird and a lazy animal, thats the beginning of a long-term friendship! But a huge fire starts, and the jungle is set on fire

    With this book, Camille Louzon creates a crazy and poetic adventure about differences and friendship, with illustrations bursting with colors.

  • picture book 64 pages. 200 x 280 mmhard cover, color. 2015ean 9791092058079. 20 euro

    Johanna Benz Pacho Rada, the Legend !

    Pacho Rada is the first book of Johanna Benz, a young German author and a graduate from the Leipzig Academy of the Visual Arts who won Lisbons 2014 Illustrate Grand Prix.

    The book is about the legend of Pacho Rada, a legendary accordion player from Colombia, who pioneered the music genre of Vallenato. Pacho Rada began working as a shepherd. One day, he picked up an abandoned accordion on the beach. The Devil, who was passing by, explained to him how NOT TO play the accordion. From there, Pacho Rada started the life of an itinerant glory-seeking artist.

    Pacho Rada, The Legend is a crazy musical, written and illustrated based on the original songs of the real Pacho Rada.

  • graphic novel 192 pages. 165 x 220 mmbinded, color. 2014ean 9791092058055. 25,90 euros

    jrmie Fischer et Jean-Baptiste LabruneThe Night Watch

    This story takes place in a walled city where the inhabitants cant ever leave the house after dark for their own safety. When the night comes, a strange character, coming with a headlamp the night watchman patrols through this strange town. Protector and policeman, he works tirelessly to find any intruder that could threaten the security of the area. So far, nobody and nothing had managed to disrupt his night- time routine.

    This 192 pages book brings us into a philosophical and graphic tale, halfway between Thomas Moore, Georges Orwell and Fritz Lang. A major book, renewing the narrative possibilities of the contemporary illustrated books.

  • picture book, 32 pages. 288 x 189 mmbinded, color. 2014ean 9791092058086. 16 euros

    Margaux OthatsThe Hunting

    A child is having fun building up an animal with stones that she picks up around her. But hunters arrive and destroy the animal. She constructs a new one but the same thing happens again and again. Each time, the perseverant little girl creates a bigger one with her stones... until her animal becomes even more threatening than the heartless hunters themselves.

    Margaux Othats plays with the layout and the size of the book to offer a complete reading experience - in a wonderful and modern book, with no word.

  • poetry, 96 pages. 110 x 148 mmsoft bound, couleur. 2014ean 9791092058048. 9,90 euros

    Marion FayolleThe Naughty Ones

    With this book, Marion Fayolle signs a compilation of highly imaginative erotic drawings. The author relates, with humor and strangeness, the relationship between men and women through culinary, sporty or animal metamorphosis. An experience to savor.

  • 2014 Official Selection of Angouleme

    comic book, 144 pages.247 x 283 mm, hard cover. 201325.90

    Marion FayolleThe Tenderness of Stones/ La Tendresse des pierres

    If I had to choose one element to stand for my father, I would have chosen stones. But not smooth, soft pebbles. No, rather the rocks that sting your feet when you walk barefoot. The rough ones.In The Tenderness of Stones, 25-year-old illustrator Marion Fayolle depicts her fathers long-term disease. Going through the almost childish writings and drawings, always accurate and delicate, the reader follows the evolution of the symptoms, the patients everyday life, the reactions of relatives, and the apparition of healthcare workers in the family life. This absolute masterpiece is about an aborted search of love from a father for his daughter during his agony. A brilliant book, tinged with surrealism.Jean-Luc Godard said of himself: I am a painter who is doing literature; this definition fits Marion Fayolle perfectly.

    Its also thanks to the elegance of what is left unsaid that this outstanding book is one of the most beautiful surprises of this year.Tlrama

  • Picture book, 48 pages.16.2 x 22.2 mm, soft cover, 201413.90

    Julien MagnaniMaison/House

    Focused on architecture, House is a book about an abstract couple looking for ideal accommodation. They visit some twenty houses but cant find what they are looking for and finally decide to build their own home.

    Prior to becoming an independent publisher, Julien Magnani first worked as a graphist and typographer, and published two books with the French publisher MeMo : Le Jouet (The Toy), an alphabet book and a typographic building kit; and Machine lettres, a picture book created with pieces from a former Meccano set. Just like in his previous books, Julien Magnani draws from a combination of geometric units. Each one of the units was calculated with Le Corbusiers Modulor. House is also a tribute to the Bauhaus painters and architects, to the De Stijl group and to the Vkoutemas

  • A child who gets told off by his parents turns into a tiger to defend himself But soon, he discovers that being someone else is not exactly easy. Annabelle Buxton draws the animal metamorphoses of a little boy on a difficult road. Geometric patterns, engravings this is a highly inventive picture book.

    Shortlisted for the Picture book prize at the Montreuil Childrens Book Fair. picture book, 32 pages. 173x230 mm, hard cover. 201214

    Annabelle BuxtonThe White Tiger / Le Tigre Blanc

  • A man falls deeply in love with a woman portrayed on a large painting. She suddenly steps out of the painting to join him... but soon, it appears that shes not meant to live in this world. Will they manage to be happy together? This book is about love and search of the feminine ideal; it is surreal, poetic and exceptionally well illustrated.How to solve the scale issue? Interesting question that this small new publishing house shouldnt ask for itself : if the quality remains that high, there is great hope that it rises among the top publishing houses. Gentleness, sobriety, profoundness What else can we ask for? Marine Lendrot, Tlrama

    picture book, 48 pages. 250x173 mmhard cover. 201218.50

    Marion FayolleThe Painting /Le Tableau

  • An elephant and a mouse have been very close friends for a long time. Their dearest wish is to stay together forever. But one day, an earthquake strikes the jungle; all the animals are mixed up and new hybrid species appear: the vulture and the ostrich become a single creature. The rhino and the tiger too. The elephant and the mouse turn into an Elemouse ! Will the new animals succeed to live in harmony and peace?

    picture book, 48 pages. 170x170 mmhard cover. 201218.50

    Jrmie Fischer and Jean-Baptiste LabruneThe Elemouse / Llphouris

  • picture book, 48 pages. 177x220 mmHard cover. 2013. 16

    Basile has no stomach and has to live on his own. He feels bad about himself and decides to ask a magician for help.The magician gives him the magical power to fill his stomach with anything he wants. Basile tries all the substances to fill the gap in his stomach: water, wood, wool, grass... But freshwater fish, mad cows and joker cats cut his road towards normality !

    Its marvelously weird, and perfectly executed.La Revue des livres pour enfants

    Camille LouzonBasiles Belly / Le Ventre de Basile

  • picture book, 64 pages. 217x302 mmhard cover. 201319

    Simon RoussinThe Golden Gun Bandit / Le Bandit au Colt dOr

    After their parents get killed in the family farms attack, Jesse and his brother Henry have to stay by themselves. From their parents, they both inherited high moral principles, and a golden colt. To survive, Jesse finally decides to join a gang of outlaws ; he quickly becomes the famous Golden Gun Bandit. Henry, on the contrary, stays on the straight and narrow... This beautiful western story mixes stagecoach hold-ups, horse rides in the Wild West, bank robberies, ambushes and great emotions ! A spectacular picture book with blazing colors and clean lines.

    Shortlisted for the Picture book prize at the Montreuil Childrens Book Fair.

    The illustrations are breathtaking ; the kind of powerful artwork that you wont find every day. () The reader is struck by the high literary quality of the text. () A major book. Michle Petit, La Revue des livres pour enfants

  • A group of four friends finds a strange machine in a vacant land of their neighborhood. Curious, they enter the machine, and they suddenly find themselves traveling through time back to an ancient Jurassic world. Our fearless heroes decide to explore these fantastic landscapes where dinosaurs still live. But one of the boys is kidnapped by flying creatures from above The great adventure will change the four young adventurers forever. This picture book brings back the adventure genre to former glory. picture book, 32 pages. 250x173 mmhard cover. 201314.50

    Simon RoussinThe Raiders / Les Aventuriers

  • Nyctalope

    The Nyctalope Magazine was founded in 2007 at the Ecole des Arts dcoratifs of Strasbourg by Marion Fayolle, Matthias Malingrey and Simon Roussin. It mixes contemporary illustration and graphic novels. Each year, it collects the works of a dozen of illustrators at the forefront of contemporary creation.

    Nyctalope n596 pages. 240 x 295 mmsoft cover, color, black and white. 2012 18,50

    Nyctalope n696 pages. 240 x 295 mmsoft cover, color, black and white. 2013 18

  • Pan

    The Pan Magazine is co-founded and co-led by Jrmie Fischer and Jean-Baptiste Labrune. It focuses on the relationship between texts and images in modern literature. The magazine gathers avant-garde works where words and pictures fit well together.

    Pan n096 pages. 140 x 190 mmsoft cover, color, black and white. 2013 15 euros

  • Annabelle Buxton

    Marion Fayolle

    Jrmie Fischer

    Jean-Baptiste Labrune

    Camille Louzon

    Julien Magnani

    Simon Roussin

  • Annabelle Buxton

    Annabelle Buxton is a graduate from the Ecole des Arts dcoratifs of Strasbourg and from the Estienne Art school of Paris. She is a promising young author, who won in 2011 The Young Talent Prize, awarded by the Academie des sciences des lettres et des Arts dAlsace. Her first book, Le Tigre blanc (The White Tiger), published by Magnani, is shortlisted for The Picture book prize at Montreuil Childrens Book Fair. In 2013, she was invited by the Bibliothque Nationale de France to participate in an event about the modern heritage of Maurice Sendak.

    Published by Magnani :Le Tigre blanc

  • Marion Fayolle

    Marion Fayolle is a graduate from the Ecole des Arts dcoratifs of Strasbourg. Shes is the key figure of Les Editions Magnani and the designer of their emblem. The surrealistic beauty and strength of her designs are increasingly recognized in France and abroad (she works for The New York Times among others).

    She is the author of the third book published by Magnani, Le Tableau, which has been acclaimed by critics. Les Editions Magnani are about to publish her masterpiece, La Tendresse des Pierres, a moving autobiographical comic book. The original plates of this comic book will be shown in January 2014 at Angouleme festival ; the exhibition will then travel all around France.

    Marion Fayolle is also one of the co-founders of Nyctalope Magazine (ditions Magani).

    Published by Magnani:Le TableauLa Tendresse des Pierres

    With other publishers:LHomme en Pices, Michel LagardeNappe comme Neige, Notari

  • Jean-Baptiste Labrune A Sorbonne University graduate (Paris), Jean-Baptiste Labrune is a primary school teacher and a writer. He wrote the story of Llphouris, illustrated by Jrmie Fischer.

    Jrmie Fischer

    Jrmie Fischer is a graduate from the Ecole des Arts dcoratifs of Strasbourg. He works in Paris as a silk-screener printer and an artist. His works mix abstract art and contemporary design, taking advantage of the books printing techniques. He published his first book with Jean-Baptiste Labrune at Les Editions Magnani : Llphouris, which caught the attention of the critics. Jeremie Fischers work is in the same vein as Bruno Munaris, Paul Coxs and Enzo Maris.Jrmie Fischer has contributed to Nyctalope Magazine since its creation. With Jean-Baptiste Labrune, he recently co-founded Pan Magazine.

    Published by Magnani :LlphourisLe Veilleur de Nuit (to be published)

    With other publishers:Royaume de Quo, NobrowAlphabet, Orbis Pictus

  • Camille Louzon

    Camille Louzon is a graduate from the Ecole des Arts dcoratifs of Strasbourg. She is the most recent author at Les Editions Magnani. In 2013, she published her first book Le Ventre de Basile at Les Editions Magnani. Her work combines bright color paintings and a falsely naive fanciful universe.

    She is a contributor of the children paper Biscoto.

    Published by Magnani: Le Ventre de Basile

  • Julien Magnani

    Graduated from the Estienne Scool of Art, Julien Magnani is an independent publisher established in Paris. Fiercely attached to the book as an object, and to the culture of printings, he created the Magnani Editions in 2011.

    Published by Magnani: Maison

    Published by MeMo :Le JouetMachines Lettres

  • Simon Roussin is a graduate from the Ecole des Arts dcoratifs of Strasbourg. He is considered as a precursor of a new expressionist trend, mixing minimalist design and innovating color works. He is the author of the first book published by Magnani Les Aventuriers. His second book, Le Bandit au Colt dor is shortlisted for The Picture book prize at Montreuil Childrens Book Fair.Simon Roussins work is focused on the figure of the hero and the expression of great emotions.He pays tribute to great stories and figures from the past : Herg, Walter Scott, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Sergio Leone, Enyd Blyton, Alexandre Dumas...He is also the co-founder of Nyctalope Magazine (ditions Magani).

    Published by Magnani :Les AventuriersLe Bandit au Colt dor

    With other publishers :Robin Hood, LEmploy du MoiLemon Jefferson et La Grande Aventure, 2024HeartBreak Valley, 2024Barthlmy, Cornlius

    Simon Roussin

  • ditions Magnani45 rue de la Chine75020 ParisFrance

    Foreign rights: Stphanie Vernet,The Picture Book [email protected]

    Cover picture : Marion FayollePhoto : Martin Argyroglo

    Magnani, 2014
