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Magnificat ALUMNI Saint Mary’s College Preparatory High School Alumni Association Magazine | Winter 2008 Volume 2 | No 2 COMING HOME AGAIN 16th Annual Don Monti Memorial Golf Classic Who Says You Can’t Go Home? Fall Reunion Highlights SCHOOL NEWS Students to Watch Windows on Saint Mary’s IN THE SPOTLIGHT Gaels Society Members Double Your Money, Take the Siedlick Challenge Wishing you and your families a very eed Christmas season.

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Saint Mary’s College Preparatory High School Alumni Association Magazine | Winter 2008

Volume 2 | No 2

Coming Home AgAin16th Annual Don Monti Memorial Golf ClassicWho Says You Can’t Go Home?Fall Reunion HighlightsSCHool newSStudents to WatchWindows on Saint Mary’s

in tHe SpotligHt Gaels Society MembersDouble Your Money, Take the Siedlick Challenge

Wishing you and your families a very blessed Christmas season.

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Visit our website for the latest updates, news, and events for the Alumni Association and Saint Mary’s College Preparatory High School at or call the Alumni Relations Office at 516 627 4605.

February 26, 2009 Young Alumni Night6:00 PMBar 9807 Ninth Avenue, NYCFor more information, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 516 627 4605 or visit

March 19, 2009 Ladies’ Night Out: Fashion Show & DinnerLeonard’s - La Dolce VitaCocktail Hour: 6:30 PMDinner: 7:30-10:30 PMAll alumnae and mothers of alumnae are invited to attend and reconnect with Saint Mary’s. Make this your mini-reunion in 2009!Please contact Alice Evans at [email protected] for more information and reservations.

April 23, 2009 4th Annual St. Mary’s High School Alumni Hall of Fame Induction & Spring Alumni Reception6:00 PMNew York Athletic Club, NYCFor more information, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 516 627 4605 or visit

September 24, 200917th Annual Don Monti Golf Classic & Fall Alumni ReceptionPlandome Country ClubFor more information, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 516 627 4605 or visit www.stmaryalumni.wsca


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On the Cover: Shannon Farley '97, Eileen Symmons '86, and Kristin Lynch Graham '88. Photo by Constance Brukin. For story, see page 17.

On the Web!Please visit the high school website for the Spring Athletic schedule. Alumni are invited to attend night games and BBQs to reconnect and see the current teams in action!

Alumni Updates Wanted...We are currently restructuring our Gael Winds section. We would love to hear from you and publish your news and photos in the next issue of Magnificat. Please submit your entries to [email protected]. All digital photos must be hi-res for quality printing.

sectionsalumni association | 5

student profiles | 6

in the spotlight | 11 & 20

school news | 13

coming home | 17

reunions | 23

in memorium | 38

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feature stories7 16th Annual

Don Monti Memorial Golf Classic & Fall Dinner Reception

contents | 3


EDItORIALeditor in Chief | Kristin Lynch Graham ‘88

editor | Jay McDonnell

Creative Director | Eileen Symmons ‘86

Contributing AuthorsEileen T. McMahon

Terry Laughlin ‘68

ADMINIStRAtIvEpastor | Rev. Msgr. John J. McCann ‘57

principal | Dr. Kevin McBride

Director of Development | Kristin Lynch Graham ‘88

Director of Alumni Relations | Jay McDonnell

Director of Communications | Eileen Symmons ‘86


president | Andrew DellaRatta ‘88

Vice president | Thomas Smyth ‘86

Secretary | Janet Barth McHale ‘69

treasurer | Robert Pennachio ‘86

Chaplain | Sr. Marylin Grosselfinger, IHM ‘61

moderator | Sr. Mariette Quinn, IHM

BOARDRobert Anastasia ‘71

Alice Phillips Belmonte ‘84

Judi Annibale Betts ‘59

Thomas Clifford ‘99

Robert Dunphy ‘93

Melissa DeRosa Johnston ‘94

Gary Leli ‘00

Mary Beth Welsh ‘84

GAELS SOCIEtYChairperson | Sr. Barbara Jablonski, IHM ‘59

Chairperson | Br. John Klein, FMS ‘65

Co-ChairsAnthony Bonomo

Francis J. Coughlin, Jr. ‘73

Donald Denihan ‘79

Margaret Grace

Stephen Hannan ‘80

John Idol ‘76

Rev. Msgr. John J. McCann ‘57

Daniel Nolan

Arthur & Caroline Monti Saladino

Silvana Scotto Zangri ‘88

11 Gaels Society Members

Windows on Saint Mary's13Who Says You Can't Go Home?17

Larry Siedlick and His Call to Action20Fall Reunion Highlights23

2008 Annual Fund Donor Listing33

Teaching the Gospel Values30

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The 2009-2010 school year marks the 60th Anniversary of the founding of St. Mary’s College Preparatory High School.

When the Class of 1949 entered as freshmen, the legacy of St. Mary’s High School education began. Sixty years later, St. Mary’s continues to provide excellent and accessible Catholic education to young men and women.

Plan to join us for a year of anniversary celebrations. Details to follow.

If you have a piece of St. Mary’s history to share, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 516 627 4605. All stories, photos and memorabilia are welcome.

Anniversary Celebration


"Joyful, Loving Service."

"To Jesus, through Mary."

Saint Mary's College Preparatory High School

Founded 1949

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alumni association

Dear Fellow Alumnus,

It is a pleasure to serve as the Saint Mary’s High School Alumni

Association President for the current term. I am a graduate of the

Class of 1988, celebrating our 20th reunion this year. I attended

St. Mary’s High School by following in the foot steps of my brother

John ‘82, and my sister Regina ‘84. Our parents were married in

the parish church and we were all born and raised in the parish.

The parish and our high school have always played an important

and central role in my life and family.

Our Alumni Association is over 13,000 strong with members

serving in all walks of life. From teaching our future leaders in the

classroom, to serving as first responders, to serving in our military

and protecting our nation, to serving as doctors, engineers,

lawyers, scientists, financial representatives, and many other

professions, as well as serving Christ and mankind in various

religious orders. We are a very special group with a common

denominator. We are all graduates of St. Mary’s High School.

Something for which we are all very proud.

The Alumni Association has again been hard at work hosting

and planning events for the year. The Annual St. Mary’s High

School Don Monti Golf Classic was another huge success. Alumni

enjoyed the Plandome Country Club golf course, along with

a wonderful cocktail hour and reception where relationships

were rekindled and new ones created. The Annual Alumni Mass

honoring our deceased Alumni was held at St. Mary’s Church

on October 12, 2008. Another huge success, the Mass was said

by Father Edward Doran ‘59 who shared anecdotes of his Irish

childhood with his grandmother, parents and many siblings. A

reception followed below the Church in the Marian Room. The

Association is planning two alumni social, networking receptions

in Manhattan. The first is on February 26th at Bar 9, and plans

are underway for a July date. We will return to the New York

Athletic Club in April for our Hall of Fame Induction Reception.

We will gather to honor those that have given selflessly to their

profession, communities and have made your Alma Mater so

proud. Finally, Tom Smyth ‘86, has been hard at work planning

a theater night in Manhattan. We hope to have tickets available

for a Broadway play next year. I hope you will make an effort to

attend and enjoy these events with family and fellow alumni.

As you may know, St. Mary’s High School was founded in 1949

by St. Mary’s parish pastor Monsignor John K. Sharpe, and was

encouraged by Bishop Thomas E. Molloy of Brooklyn. Monsignor

Sharpe was an early benefactor to our school, donating $2,000

of his personal savings to help make our school a reality. Two

thousand dollars was quite a large sum in the late 1940s,

especially for a man of the cloth. In that same spirit, I hope

you will consider giving to St. Mary’s High School to continue

the Catholic education and development of young men and

women. Make your donations personal; give in honor or memory

of a teacher or classmate. Remember, your donations are tax

deductible, which will benefit you while benefiting our school.

Finally and on behalf of the Alumni Association and St. Mary’s

High School, I extend my deep gratitude to past president Frank

Coughlin, Jr. ‘73, and past trustees Laura Mastrogianni Landgraff

‘63 and Michael Doran ‘69. Over the years, Frank’s leadership has

been instrumental in the success of the Association and direction

of our school. Laura and Michael have given personally of their

time and energy to plan and attend countless Alumni events. We

owe a great deal of gratitude to them and will sorely miss their

guidance, wisdom and energy.

I extend to you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a

happy and healthy New Year. I look forward to meeting you at our

upcoming events.

With best wishes,

Andrew F.J. Della Ratta ‘88

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student profiles

by Eileen T. McMahon

One of the outstanding members of her

class, Grace Chao is a person able to

combine academic excellence, volunteer

work and advocacy. Daughter of Dr.

Chu-Liang and Soon-Eng Chao, Grace is

a member of our Scholar Service Institute.

Grace finds community service worthwhile

for the assistance it gives others, but she

also considers it fun. One of her favorite

ways is to tutor at Adventures in Learning

through Campus Ministry. She has taken

initiative here, founding clubs when she

sees a need. The Asian Club is important

to Grace because with a large population

of international students at St. Mary’s, this

club assists the new students in meeting

others, contributes to their sense of

belonging, and provides an opportunity

for cross-cultural learning. Having played

the violin since the age of four, Grace also

started a Chamber Music ensemble.

Grace is actively involved in an

organization called YouthAction which is

involved in improving the New York City

Public Schools. She has learned much

about how advocacy works, about the

art of compromise, and of the power to

effect change. “That sort of power is not

something most people are exposed to,”

she noted. One example of the group’s

work is that it lobbied to have students

become members of school boards. Her

membership in the Reformed Church

and her faith help her to be very positive

and hopeful about life. Effecting change,

she says, is about using one’s God-given

talents to share with

others. Currently, Grace

is applying to college,

hoping to pursue a

career in medicine. She

was recently notified

that she was one of two

New York students to

earn a perfect score of

36 on the September

2008 ACT Test.

Gregory Sullivan’s career

goal is to become a

novelist. He has had a short story, “The

Window,” published in The Phoenix, our

literary magazine. Greg participates in

the Creative Writing Club and is in English

Honors. Among his activities is teaching

sixth grade CCD at St. Anastasia’s Parish.

Faith is important to Gregory and to his

family; they strive to express their beliefs

through their everyday lives.

From Little Neck, Greg is the son of Gene

and Regina Sullivan and has an older

brother, Ryan, who graduated from St.

Mary’s in 2005. His family has hosted

a number of exchange students from

around the world: Sebastian (Germany),

Ahmet (Turkey), Marcos (Spain), Ruben

(Mexico) and Tiago (Portugal). He reports

that the experience has “enriched my

life.” His family may be adopting three

children from the Ukraine shortly. When

speaking of this, Greg uses the pronoun

“we” because all family members are part

of the decision making. His family doesn’t

want to see brothers separated from one

another. Because he is close to his older

brother, he knows how difficult that would

be. He sees these children as children in

need and has come to love them. Greg

has kept in touch with all of the people

who have lived with his family and has

been able to visit some of them in their

home countries. Perhaps what he has

observed on his journey and through

the interactions with people of different

cultures will one day be reflected in his


Eileen T. McMahon is the director of the

Scholar Service Institute and teaches English

and Religion at St. Mary’s.

Students to WatchGrace Chao and Gregory Sullivan ‘09

Gregory Sullivan

Grace Chao

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16th Annual Don Monti Golf ClassicAnother Success for the Alumni Association

The Saint Mary’s Alumni Association’s

16th Annual Don Monti Golf Classic and

Fall Dinner Reception took place on

September 25. Seventy-six golfers, and

over 100 alumni and guests attended

the dinner and auction at the Plandome

Country Club. The event raised over

$45,000 which directly benefits St. Mary’s

High School.

It was a fun filled day of golf and sharing

new and old memories. Below are

the unique perspectives of this year’s

chairperson, Kathleen “Rooney”

Cawley ’78 and the 2008 Timothy

Coughlin Award winner, Mary Beth

Welsh ‘84.

The 16th Annual Don Monti Memorial

Golf Classic and Fall Reception, was again

a great day of golf, fun and reconnecting

with friends and rekindling past

relationships, as well as starting new ones.

It was a resounding success and I want

to thank all the participants, volunteers,

my committee members, the staff at

Plandome Country Club and the St. Mary’s

alumni staff for making it so!

This was the first time I’ve actually been

able to play in the event, and I now know

what I’ve been missing.

The golfers had a true challenge on a

blustery day, but the wet weather held off

until well after we left the course for the

scrumptious dinner.

After cocktails and dinner, we conducted

the live auction with several interesting

items including a “Swim with Michael

Phelps” which gave the winner a chance

to get in the pool with the most decorated

Olympian. I also had the honor of

introducing the Coughlin family to present

the Timothy Coughlin Award, which was

presented most deservedly to Mary Beth

Welsh! Congratulations to Mary Beth, and

my personal thanks to her for all her help

and guidance with this year’s event.

Kathleen Cawley ‘78

In recent years, the St. Mary’s outing has

become the one-and-only day each year

that I play golf. For most golfers that

statement conjures up images of some

really ugly golf. And I definitely had my

share of really bad golf moments this

year, which prompted me to emphatically

announce that this was the last time I

would play in the outing. But then there’s

that one nice shot that lures me to believe

that next time my game will be better. To

be honest, it’s the laughs that I have with

my good friends and other alum during

our round of golf and at the dinner that

follows that keep me coming back.

This year’s dinner was particularly special

for me. Each year at the dinner, the

Coughlin family recognizes an alum in

memory of their brother and son, Timmy

Coughlin, in honor of his commitment

and dedication to St Mary’s High School.

The name of the recipient is a closely

held secret, shared with only a select few

until the award is presented. I think the

Coughlins enjoy seeing that look of shock

when the name is announced, and the

look on my face when my name was

announced did not disappoint. Sudddenly,

in my dumbfounded state, I found myself

standing, still in my golf clothes, in front

of a microphone with a room full of

appropriately dressed diners waiting for

my remarks. So I eloquently said the first

thing that came to mind, “This was a

bad day to forget a change of clothes”.

After a moment, I was able to regain my

composure and attempted to convey just

how honored and touched I was to receive

this award.

I have fond memories of Timmy Coughlin

from the St Mary’s outing. He was among

a core group who established the outing

years ago and made it a success every

year. His enthusiasm for St. Mary’s was

contagious, and you could feel the energy

he brought to this event. You didn’t need to

know Timmy well to know his enthusiasm,

commitment and dedication to the people

and places that were important to him.

I am both humbled and honored to be

recognized in his name.

Mary Beth Welsh ‘84

“To be honest, it’s the laughs that I have with my good friends and other alum during our round of golf and at the dinner that follows that keep me coming back.”

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11 12

Photo 1: Dennis Burns, Bruce Ginder, Kathy Cawley ‘76 and Ed Lipinsky. Photo 2: George Beglin ‘66, Frank Giovanzio, James Walsh ‘69, and William McDonnell ‘66.

Photo 3: Dennis Coughlin '75, Mary Beth Welsh ‘84, this year's recipient of the Timothy J. Coughlin Award, Rob Coughlin '80 and Frank Coughlin, Jr. '73. Photo 4 : Jodi Kiggins Gilligan ‘84, Cathy Welsh, Libby Welsh and Amy Marsigliano.

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7 8 9


13 14

Photo 5: Rob Dunphy ‘93, James Blake ‘93, John Morrissey ‘93, and Matt Feeney ‘93. Photo 6: Stephen Mink ‘68, Gregory Mink ‘81, Jeffrey Mink ‘73, and Ted Lull. Photo 7: Lee Hayes ’62, Ken McGinnis , and Tom Raleigh Sr.Photo 8: Alice Phillips Belmonte ’84, and Shawn Kelly ‘70.

Photo 9: Mel McLaughlin ‘79 joins other alumni golfers on the course. Photo 10: James Devins ’01, Patrick Devaney ‘90, Mike Devaney ’93, and Tom Devaney ‘91.Photo 11: Alumni Friends reconnect.Photo 12: Louise Bianculli '61, Meghan McHale Canty ‘96, Janet Barth McHale ’69, and Sr. Marylin Grosselfinger ‘61.Photo 13: Craig Campbell, Scott Heaney, Stephen Hannan ‘80, and Peter Buckley.Photo 14: A happy foursome enjoys a day on the course.

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the Gaels SocietyInaugurated in 2007 as the most prestigious donor recognition society of

St. Mary’s High School, the Gaels Society recognizes our most generous

benefactors with cumulative lifetime giving of $25,000 or more to St.

Mary’s High School. Members receive private school mailings, invitations

to exclusive events, and special public recognition.

The leadership of the society encourages other benefactors to join the

cycle of generosity at St. Mary’s High School.

ChairpersonsSr. Barbara Jablonski, IHM ‘59Br. John Klein, FMS ‘65

Co-Chairpersons Anthony Bonomo John Idol ‘76

Francis J. Coughlin, Jr. ‘73 Rev. Msgr. John J. McCann ‘57

Donald Denihan ‘79 Daniel Nolan

Margaret Grace Arthur and Caroline Monti Saladino

Stephen Hannan ‘80 Silvana Scotto Zangri ‘88

DonorsDaniel Amoruso

Anthony and MaryEllen Bonomo

Brooke Barrett ‘67

Thomas Burke ‘81

Daniel J. Cahill ‘80

Richard F. Chapdelaine

Roger Coleman ‘78

Francis J. Coughlin, Sr.

Francis J. Coughlin, Jr. ‘73

Robert E. Coughlin ‘80

Timothy Coughlin ‘76

Hank and Ann Z. DeCarlo

The Family of Enriquetta DeGaal

Daniel Denihan ‘61

Donald Denihan ‘79

John DiStefano ‘97

Benjamin and Irene Denihan

Laurence Denihan ‘82

James A. D’Orta, MD ‘69

The above represents a working list of donors to St. Mary’s College Preparatory High School. We apologize in advance for any inconsistencies or omissions. If you have feedback or comments, please contact Kristin Lynch Graham ’88, Director of Development at 516 627 4605 or via email at [email protected].

Maureen Ferrari ‘73

John Foerst

Raymond Gentile ‘76

J. Peter and Margaret Grace

Stephen Hannan ‘80

John Idol ‘76

John Iskyan

Rev. Jeffrey Johnston ‘69

The Family of John Marshall

Joseph and Tita Monti

Richard Monti

Donal Murphy ‘54

Eugene F. Murphy

Daniel Nolan

The Sauvigne Family

Arthur and Caroline Monti Saladino

Eugene Sullivan

Mary Jane Surgala

Timothy J. Welsh ‘79


plandome Country Club

Don’t miss it! Call 516 627 4605 for sponsorship opportunities and ticket information.

Save the Date!

17th Annual Don Monti Golf Classic& Fall DinnerReception

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Caroline Monti Saladino and her family

began their relationship with Saint Mary’s

High School more than 35 years ago

when Caroline’s brother, Don Monti, was a

sophomore and lost his battle with acute

myeloblastic leukemia in 1972. Don was

a special young man who brightened the

lives of all those who knew him. Through

their profound sorrow, Caroline’s parents,

Joseph and Tita Monti, established the

Don Monti Memorial Research Foundation

in Don’s memory. Caroline has served as

President of the Foundation since her

mother’s passing in June 2006. The Don

Monti Memorial Research Foundation

is the premier organization dedicated

to research, education, fellowship and

patient care in the fields of oncology and

hematology in the Long Island/Tri-State

area. The Foundation is also extremely

generous to St. Mary’s High School with

annual support of the Don Monti Memorial

Golf Classic, which celebrated its 16th

anniversary this year. The library in Marist

Hall was recently re-dedicated to honor

the late Joe and Tita Monti in addition to

Don, for whom the library was dedicated

after his death.

Since its inception, The Don Monti

Memorial Research Foundation has raised

more than $36 million to support research,

education and patient care at North

Shore University Hospital. Long Island is

now home to several Don Monti Cancer

Centers, forming the largest network of

cancer treatment centers in the region.

Two years ago, Caroline Monti Saladino

and the Don Monti Memorial Research

Foundation established a relationship with

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL).

Caroline takes pride in serving as a bridge

between the cancer biology research at

CSHL and its clinical application at North

Shore Hospital. The Don Monti Memorial

Research Foundation is supporting the

research of laboratory scientist Dr. Scott

Lowe. In the Tita Monti Cancer Research

Laboratory at CSHL, Dr. Lowe and his team are

working to better understand the genetics

behind cancers, including leukemia Caroline

has recently initiated a collaborative effort

between the North Shore-LIJ Health System

Doctors and CSHL scientists to study the

cause of relapse in leukemia patients. In

2009, the Joseph and Tita Monti Research

Center will be established as part of CSHL’s

Hillside research building expansion where

the Monti family’s mission to cure cancer

will continue.

In addition to the Don Monti Memorial

Research Foundation, Caroline is an

Associate Trustee at North Shore Hospital.

She and her husband Arthur also serve as co-chairs for the Saint Mary’s Gaels Society and are involved with many philanthropic organizations in the New York area. They are frequently honored for their

continuing support of the community. The

Saladinos have been residents of Lloyd

Harbor for the past twenty-seven years.

They are a very close knit family and enjoy

spending time with their four children

and eight grandchildren. St. Mary’s holds

a special place in the hearts of this special


Anthony J. Bonomo values the lessons

his Italian heritage taught him: hard work,

loyalty, and the value of education. He

grew up in a house jumping with laughter,

Italian stories, and of course, filled with

family and food. Family drives to visit his

grandparents in the “country” (Merrick,

Long Island), developed Anthony’s love for

family, and inspired him to find a nurturing

family-like environment for his children to

study and learn. That is why Anthony and

his wife, MaryEllen, selected Saint Mary’s

High School for their children: Anthony Jr.

‘05, Julianne ‘07, and Jaclyn ’08.

in the spotlight

Gaels Society Members Caroline Monti Saladino and Anthony J. Bonomo are Helping to Make Tomorrow Possible, Today. | 11

Caroline Monti Saladino

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Anthony’s appreciation for Catholic education began with his own experiences at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Elementary

School and Bishop Loughlin High School. In high school, Anthony excelled as a

student, but spent most of his time playing

baseball. Upon graduation, he attended St

John’s University on a baseball scholarship.

After college graduation, he began St.

John’s Law School. He went at night and

worked during the day at the law firm of

Hayt, Hayt & Landau to defray the cost and

gain experience in the field of law.

He stayed with Hayt, Hayt & Landau until

February 1986 when he left to join a small

start up company called Physicians

Reciprocal Insurers. Again, blessed

by some luck, hard work and family

support, today, Anthony is the

President and Chief Executive Officer

of that small company which has

grown to be the second largest in

the state of New York and fifth largest

in the country.

Anthony coached the St. Mary’s

boys’ baseball team for many years.

He says, “Being around the students

made me realize what honorable

and respectful young men and

women were coming out of St.

Mary’s.” A believer in passing along

the value of Catholic education

to the next generation, Anthony

wanted to support the place where

his children studied and spent

most of their time. Subsequently,

he created the Gaels Foundation,

an independent foundation which

raises money for St. Mary’s High

School’s most pressing needs. The

Foundation has contributed to the

Denihan turf field and refurbished

the Immaculata Hall auditorium

and the boys’ locker room in Marist

Hall. We look forward to featuring

the Foundation’s most recent gift

to refurbish the weight room in the

Spring issue of Magnificat.

In 2006, Anthony was the honoree at

the 14th Annual Don Monti Golf Classic

for his tremendous support of St. Mary’s.

Anthony and MaryEllen have opened their

home to host Gaels Society receptions

to encourage others to get involved and

support St. Mary’s. They are a tremendous

example of parental involvement and


in the spotlight | 12

Anthony J. Bonomo proudly displays his Gaels uniform jersey.

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school news

the Fall playThe Drama Club prepared it’s Annual Fall

production, You’re a Good Man, Charlie

Brown, an award-winning musical based

upon the characters from the famous

"Peanuts" comic strip. A team of more

than fifty students touched our emotions

as Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Lucy and

the rest of the gang were brought

to life.

Campus ministry

Our Campus Ministry is in full

swing, making concrete the

spiritual component of our

mission. Students in all grades

are involved in outreach to

the community through our

afterschool and weekend

volunteering opportunities. This

includes tutoring, visiting the

elderly and serving in a soup kitchen. The

Senior Shepherds are employing their

leadership skills by giving retreat days to

the freshmen, serving as liturgical ministers

at Mass, and continuing to inspire by

example. Through our Spiritual Adoption

Program, our students have “adopted”

a child in danger of abortion, praying

for her and for her mother as the child’s

development in the womb is monitored.

We will have a baby shower to which the

students will bring baby items to donate

to Momma’s House, a program for girls

in crisis pregnancies as well as for young

moms and their children.

Fall prayer Sports Breakfast At St. Mary’s, each sports season begins

with a prayer breakfast for all of the student

athletes. Always an inspiring experience,

this year’s breakfast was even more so

because Deacon Frank Bice was our guest

speaker. A renowned inspirational speaker,

he completely captured the attention

and the hearts of all present as he told of

the tragic accident on the football field

that left him paralyzed. Deacon Bice

went on to become a coach. Resisting all

temptations to give up on himself, Deacon

Bice told the story of a young man whose

life was changed by imitating him, a story

that truly touched all of the students and

faculty present. Later that evening at the

kick-off dinner for the coaches, Deacon

Bice gave an encore presentation which

again deeply moved those present.


On Friday, October 24, a lovely fall day

with the leaves at their autumnal peak,

the student body and faculty of St. Mary’s

participated in the 22nd Annual Marathon

to raise money for the school. When

we’ve needed buses or vans to transport

teams or clubs, money raised in the

Marathon has enabled us to purchase

them. The Marathon was begun by the

Marist Brothers, and Mr. Richard Krams

has coordinated this event for many years.

The police assist with safety along the

route. $100 prizes were offered to the top

student at each level, and to the top senior,

a much-cherished parking space on the

campus. For every ten dollars raised above

$120, students had the chance to win $500

or an iPod. Mr. Krams noted the school

spirit, the bonding across homeroom and

grade lines, and the general comraderie

that this annual event engenders

in our students.

the Ring Ceremony Ring Night celebrates a milestone

and is a rite of passage for our

juniors. The ceremony focuses

on the unique gifts of each junior

and the responsibility each has to

utilize these gifts for the greater

good of the community. The

ring symbolizes the role St. Mary’s

plays in their journey. Through

their parents, teachers and classmates,

students find their faith in the abiding

presence of God in their lives deepened

during their high school experience at

St. Mary’s.

night of Soccer gameThe Fourth Annual "Night of Soccer" Game

was held on Friday, October 3. The smell

of hamburgers and hot dogs attracted

many customers, especially at the unheard

price of $1.00 thanks to the Gaels Parents’

Association. Faculty chefs, parent cashiers

and patient customers made the barbecue

a huge success. The lineup of the event

featured the St. Mary’s High School Girls’

and Boys’ Varsity Soccer Teams and the

St. Mary’s Elementary School Boys’ Soccer

Team squaring off against opponents from

the Lutheran High School, otherwise known

as LuHi. The first game featured the Girls’

Windows on Saint Mary’sFall 2008 Highlights | 13

Students enjoy the Night of Soccer.

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Larry Kupferman proudly posed with Thomas Mehmet,Class of 2008 as he returned to St. Mary’s for the Night of Soccer Event.

Saint Mary’s Elementary School Boys’ Soccer Team planning pre-game strategy as dusk fell on the field.

Kevin Dillon was a teacher-chef serving up burgers and dogs for the crowd.

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0 $2,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $6,000,000.00 $8,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00





















teacher Competency Last year, through their hard work and dedication, St. Mary’s teachers achieved 100% competency on all New York State Regents competency examinations.

Dr. Kevin McBride notes, “the results support research findings concerning the importance of offering a rigorous academic program as well as extra help programs.” This incredible statistic also underscores the Middle States evaluation which cited St. Mary’s as a faith community within an educational community that exceeds expectations in critical academic, social, safety, and moral areas.

Faculty competency is one of the key factors leading to student success. Below is a graph depicting the academic scholarship money earned by the class of 2008. These scholarships and the acceptance rate of St. Mary’s students to some of our nation’s most competitive colleges and universities make St. Mary’s an outstanding academic institution of which current parents and alumni can be proud.

Varsity Team, coached by Ms. Shannon

Farley ‘97. The Lady Gaels were led to a 2-0

victory by Bianca Salerno and Lauren Price.

As twilight approached during the

elementary school’s game, the rented

lights bathed the field in a glow, giving

the teams the “under the lights” feeling.

Despite their loss, the SMES boys' game

was exciting and enjoyable to parents and

players. The Boys’ Varsity Soccer game saw

a lone goal scored by AJ Scaraglio. The

final score was 3-1. Their new coach is

Mr. Paul Amato. Cheerleading, dance and

numerous raffles rounded out the activities

at this well-attended event.

mission and Diversity The faces of all of God’s children can be

seen in the halls of St. Mary’s. Diversity and

inclusion are the strongest characteristics

of our student population. We pride

ourselves on providing an environment

that is characterized by mutual respect for

racial and cultural diversity. At St. Mary’s,

the uniqueness of each individual is

celebrated by educating the whole person

spiritually, intellectually and emotionally in

order to assist each person in becoming a

positive and productive leader in today’s


The September 14, 2008 edition of The

New York Times Magazine stated: “But if we

are going to be innovative and creative

and have more breakthrough thinking that

produces better ideas, we must accept the

mountain of evidence that tells us that the

more diverse team outperforms.” During

the past ten years, St. Mary’s diversity has

tripled. As one member of the Middle

States evaluation team noted, “St. Mary’s is

a cutting edge school - light years ahead

of most schools - in regard to diversity,

inclusion and academic excellence.”

the Blood Drive

On November 12th, St. Mary’s students

“St. Mary’s is a cutting edge school - light years ahead of most schools - in regard to diversity, inclusion and academic excellence.”

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and faculty participated in a Blood

Drive. Long Island Blood Services has

proudly recognized St. Mary’s College

Preparatory High School for its leadership

in introducing automated collection

technology at blood drives in Nassau

County for 2008. Through the continued

efforts and generosity of our students who

want to give back to the community, we

have donated over two hundred pints of

blood. The blood was then separated into

its components and distributed to patients

in hospitals throughout our area. These

blood drives not only provide much-

needed blood for immediate transfusions

but also lay the groundwork for a stable

donor base in the future. St. Mary’s students

should be applauded for their efforts.

the Senior/Faculty Basketball game The Senior/Faculty Basketball Game

took place November 25th in the

Marist Gym. A tradition begun many

years ago as a spirit builder between

faculty and students, the game’s

proceeds support different charitable

causes each year. Last year, we

chose the Robert Terry Foundation

which supports families of children

suffering from brain tumors. Robert’s

father, Bob Terry, graduated from

St. Mary’s in 1990, and was a member of

the Gaels hockey team. He named the

foundation in memory of his son, Robert

Terry, Jr., who lost his battle with cancer.

The game is always a good-natured

competition featuring many laughs,

some pratfalls and even some basketball.

While the Class of 2009 was hopeful, the

faculty remain undefeated. The format

of the game remains two quarters of

co-ed students and one quarter each

for just boys or girls. With the current

state of the economy, we will keep the

money available to assist someone in our

community who may require assistance to

get through these difficult times. Helping

those in need, having fun while doing

so, and strengthening ties within the St.

Mary’s school community are all outcomes

stemming from this game.

Freshmen Camp The transition to high school can often be

challenging for freshmen on many levels.

Entering a new educational environment

is in itself a challenge to many students.

Even more daunting at times can be

the social challenges of finding oneself,

making new friends, and finding where

one “fits in.” To aid this transition which is

a challenge all schools face, twenty-four

years ago, St. Mary’s began what remains

a unique program called Freshmen

Camp, held at Camp Marist in New

Hampshire. The sole purpose is to create

an atmosphere conducive to making

friends and having a great time. Of course,

we have the traditional icebreakers, yet it

is the dynamic of senior-led groups that

participate in the summer camp activities

which make Freshmen Camp work. Within

a day, barriers and defenses come down,

and friendships which may last throughout

high school or beyond are forged. The

first week of school is quite different for

the students who choose to participate in

Freshmen Camp. No longer feeling alone,

they have made friends, can recognize

faces, and may even be acquainted with

some of the faculty. Freshmen Camp is the

first of many efforts we undertake to build

a school community that embraces all.

opportunities for leadership During the nearly two years of listening

to the campaigning for the Presidency,

voters frequently reflected on the

candidates’ leadership qualities and

judgement. St. Mary’s seniors have had

many opportunities to grow in leadership

skills over their time here, and senior year is

when those in our community notice how

all the work is bearing fruit.

As a school rooted in the Gospel values

of Jesus, His leadership style of service is

the model to which we aspire. Through

Campus Ministry, seniors serve as

Ambassadors to freshmen homerooms,

as retreat leaders and as facilitators

on Spirit Days. Members on the

Student Council strive to implement

ideas to improve our school

community. Through publications

like the yearbook and the school

newspaper, The Magnificat, students

keep a record of the wealth of

activities here and seek to inform

others about St. Mary’s student

life. Many hours of pain-staking

work goes into the preparation

of both. Smiling members of the

National Honor Society are on hand when

we have an Open House or parent/teacher

evenings to assist visitors or parents with

locating the places or people that they

seek. Members of the Scholar Service

Institute (SSI) have a requirement to fulfill

thirty hours of service during their time of

membership, but most regularly exceed

that. SSI members each do individual

service-related projects ranging from

walkathons to bake sales, from donating

hair so wigs can be made for sick children

to creating a handbook in Korean to

welcome our international students. In

many ways and with joyful spirits St. Mary’s

students are making a difference in our

school and local community. ■ | 16

Tom DiBlasi ’09, Bobby Anastasia ’71 and Danny Rivera ’09 share a moment at

the golf outing.

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coming home

Who Says You Can’t Go Home?Meet Three Women Who Have Done Just That...

This year, three St. Mary’s

alumnae returned to St. Mary’s

as members of the faculty and

administration. They joined the

twelve other alumni who are

already part of the St. Mary’s


Shannon Farley ‘97 returns to

St. Mary’s as a physical education

teacher and coach. Shannon

spent the last seven years

coaching college basketball

full time at St. John’s University.

While at St. John’s, she helped

guide the Red Storm to national

success as well as post season

play each season. During the

2005-2006 season, the team

cracked national rankings in

the Top 25 polls and advanced

to the Sweet 16 of the NCAA

tournament where they lost to

eventual national champions,

the University of Maryland. Ms.

Farley will be coaching all three

seasons at St. Mary’s. She is

currently coaching the Varsity

Girl’s Soccer Team, she is taking

on Girl’s JV Basketball this winter,

and will be coaching Girl’s Varsity

Lacrosse in the spring.

Kristin lynch graham ‘88 is proud

to return to St. Mary’s as the Director of

Development. Kristin was formerly the

director of leadership gifts at Columbia

Law School where she worked with the

dean and associate dean raising money

toward the $350 million law school

fundraising campaign and the multi-

billion dollar University campaign. Prior

to Columbia, Kristin spent ten years at her

college alma mater, Fordham University,

as the assistant vice president for alumni

relations and individual giving. She and

her husband, Chris, welcomed their first

daughter, Cecilia Faith, in November 2007.

Kristin says, “It is an honor to be a part of

St. Mary’s at this exciting time in its history.

So many alumni had great experiences

at St. Mary’s, and I believe that they will

get involved and support St. Mary’s. We

need everyone’s participation

to ensure an excellent St.

Mary’s experience for the next

generation of students.”

eileen Symmons ‘86 returned

to St. Mary’s officially in March

2008. Since graduating from

New York Institute of

Technology in 1990, Eileen has

worked closely with St. Mary’s

over the years as a consultant

on many design projects and

fundraising campaigns, never

leaving St. Mary’s out of sight.

She brings over 18 years of her

talents as a graphic designer

and marketing communications

professional to the table as our

Director of Communications.

Her position includes working

for the high school, elementary

school and the parish. Eileen

graduated from both the

elementary and high school

and has many fond memories

of her twelve years as a student

here, as well as a parishioner.

When the opportunity to

work full time at St. Mary’s was

presented to her by Dr. Kevin McBride, she

knew her life was about to change, and for

the better. “Life is an incredible journey and

returning to where I got my start could

not be a better way to come full circle. St.

Mary’s was always my home, no matter

where I was in my career or personal life, so

this is truly a special home coming for me.”

Eileen looks forward to working closely | 17

Eileen, Kristin, and Shannon join the twelve other alumni who are currently working at St. Mary’s.

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with everyone at St. Mary’s, in particular

the high school and alumni association

where she can bring her St. Mary’s

experience to the students of tomorrow,


St. Mary’s has made an impression on

many former students as they too

returned to serve their alma mater.

maria gorycki ‘81Jeanine Buatti ‘81Jonathan Kramer ‘92Christina nagy ‘98Diane papa ‘58Robert phelan '01Carlo puca ‘02elizabeth Bice ‘77Anne tomlinson ‘84Christine Hanne Schifaudo ‘99Kevin weber '02Jared weir '02

We look forward to highlighting these

alumni-faculty in future issues.

if you still haven’tregistered on the Saint mary’s Alumni Association’s website...

Do you know what you are missing?Did you know...once registered, you will be able to

• send and receive E-mail from classmates,

• update your contact information so you will be notified about class happenings,

• shop online for St. Mary’s Gaels apparel such as t-shirts and sweatshirts etc...

• you can even make your Annual Fund donation to St. mary’s High School using our secure link with Click and pledge.

So, what are you waiting for?

go to and register. See what over 700 St. mary’s Alumni are talking about!

Attention St. mary’s Alumni lacrosse players

We are organizing an alumni lacrosse game which will be played in the spring at St. Mary’s High School. Date and time are being finalized.

If you are interested in receiving information on this great event, contact Jay McDonnell, Director of Alumni Relations at 516 627 4605 or [email protected].

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Making the future possible

today...Proud of where they got their start,

our generous alumni help present beneficial opportunities to enhance the current student experience. The Annual Don Monti Memorial

Golf Classic, Hall of Fame, Alumni Annual Fund, Class Reunions and other events, are just a few

reasons to come back, give back, and give thanks.

Catch the St. Mary’s spirit!Please help us continue the tradition of

excellence in spiritual, academic, and personal growth in our nurturing environment.

For more information please call 627-4605or visit

OpenHouseflyer.indd 1 11/17/2008 4:22:20 PM

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Photo by Constance Brukin

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in the spotlight

by Terry Laughlin ‘68

In September 1964, when the Class of

1968 first arrived on Clapham Avenue, it’s

likely that every male freshman had seen

“The Bridge over the River Kwai” a movie

depicting a WWII-era Japanese POW camp,

in which one inmate cheerfully endured

repeated banishments to “the hole” – an

airless box in the baking sun – for his bold

defiance of their captors. It’s possible

some of us drew a connection between

Larry Siedlick and that character…albeit

requiring a self-dramatizing willingness

to cast our teachers as “cruel captors.” But

few will disagree that Larry left a stronger

impression than any other member of the

male half of our class – many of us sharing

something like awe over his willingness

to test authority and endure – indeed

welcome – consequences.

Like many less-secure members of the

class, I “kept my head down” around Larry.

Both from a fear of accompanying him to

“the hole” – after-school detention – and

to remain safely beyond range of his

stinging wit. From virtually the first day

Larry became known for highlighting and

skewering any perceived foible in a teacher

– seldom covertly. George Shaughness,

our 4-year class president and a radiologist

in Tampa today, sums up a common

fascination: “We were attracted to Larry

because his wit was razor sharp, but it was

his nerve that set him apart. He did the

things we were afraid to do. Larry was the

‘Fonzie’ in our group, with a confidence

we all envied that made him seem larger

than life.” Jim Sweeney, a mutual fund

executive from Essex Fells NJ, was Larry’s

closest friend and most frequent “partner

in crime.” He recalls: “I met Larry the first

day of school and he sat directly in front of

me in every freshman class. Since neither

of us had the self-control to keep a funny

comment to ourselves, we spent a record

amount of time in detention.” In fact, the

soon-notorious duo of Sweeney and

Siedlick finished that year on suspension

and spent the first week of vacation

sentenced to clean out every locker in the


Forty years later, Larry is still leaving a deep impression on the rest of us,

for reasons that typify his still-intriguing

makeup. In the weeks leading up to

our 40th reunion, word filtered out of a

stunning challenge Larry had issued to the

class. He asked us to take the lead among

all classes in demonstrating appreciation to

St. Mary’s, and backed it up by promising

to donate up to $100,000 in matching

gifts for every dollar pledged by our class.

Larry has since generously extended that

challenge to all St. Mary’s alumni.

At the first evening of our reunion, that

news drew me to Larry as strongly as I’d

been inclined to keep my distance at 15. I

quickly found him to be as approachable,

direct and sincere now as he was, well,

intimidating then. The alumni directory

had listed Larry, for years, as CEO of Sunrise

Medical Laboratories. I was curious to

learn how he’d come to the capacity –

and motivation – to show such striking


Larry came to St. Mary’s, in the footsteps

of his brother Ed a decade earlier. “To

be honest, I wasn’t very focused on life’s

goals but my father had always stressed

that education was important for my

future. He passed away after freshman

year but his message stayed with me.”

That influence was evidenced in Larry’s

ability to wrangle sterling grades from

the same teachers whose authority – and

dignity – he continually challenged,

making Honor Roll as consistently as he

earned demerits. As Jim Sweeney says,

“Larry was unquestionably bright and got

good grades while having more fun than

anyone.” About his inclination to needle

teachers, Larry says, “I think something in

my DNA makes me question authority and

march to my own drummer. Fortunately

that tendency to resist conventional

thinking turned out to be an asset in

business. I think I liked the idea of proving

to more experienced people that I could

overcome challenges.”

For Larry that meant recognizing

possibility, where most of us probably

saw only a paycheck -- in a summer

job. “The summer after my first year in

college, I worked in a medical lab washing

test tubes, which opened my eyes to

opportunities in that field. I worked there

throughout college and, after graduating,

started Sunrise.”

The venture Larry started on a shoestring,

Sunrise Medical Laboratories, now has 500

Larry Siedlick and His Call to ActionOne Man’s Challenge to All Alumni | 21

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employees and is recognized as one of the

most successful regional laboratories in the

United States. As CEO, his responsibilities

now include strategic planning, mergers

and acquisitions, regulatory issues and

compliance. Farther afield, Larry has risen

to leadership among his peers, speaking

often at industry gatherings in the US, UK,

and Canada.

Management consulting firm KPMG

recognized Sunrise as one of the “25

Fastest-Growing Private Firms” and last year

the company made Inc.

Magazine’s honor roll

of the “Fastest Growing

Private Companies in

America” for having

doubled revenues since

2001. In 2007, Sunrise

attracted a bid from the

Australian company,

Sonic Healthcare, which

paid one of the highest

multiples ever for a

laboratory company, to

acquire it. Larry remains

aboard as CEO of Sonic


When I asked Larry to

describe milestones

he’d experienced in

growing along with his

company, he replied: “One day I looked

around and realized we had about 50

people working for us. I had this sudden

epiphany that I was responsible for all of

them…and their families. That drove me to

become much more thoughtful about the

impact of my decisions on the company

and our people.”

One outcome was Larry’s decision to

move Sunrise from technically-focused to

people-oriented. “I was a good technical

manager but I had to learn how customers

wanted our services delivered.” He worked

from the inside-out. “We thought of our

staff as internal customers, who deserved

our keen awareness of their needs. In

turn, they’d be more likely to treat our

external customers in the same way.” That

inclination begins with hiring policies.

“When filling a customer service position,

if we have a choice between hiring

someone with great technical knowledge

versus someone who’s innately helpful, we

hire the person with a helpful personality.

So we take great pains during our hiring

process to know candidates as people.”

In a hotly competitive industry that

has evidently been an effective way to

differentiate Sunrise from competitors.

Returning his attention to St. Mary’s,

Larry said, “St. Mary’s gave me an ethical

foundation that helped me in business and

life. It also gave me an intellectual curiosity

that helped me succeed.” His inclination

to pay back came from his mother. “Even

though she lived on Social Security,

I would still find her donating small

amounts to various charities. I questioned

her giving away money she needed for

herself. Though she had so little she would

say how grateful she was for what she had

and there were many people who had less.”

It’s likely that example was on his mind

as Larry stood before us at dinner and

delivered a brief, but impassioned, plea

to consider how we had benefitted from

our St. Mary’s education and to respond

by giving back: “Please understand that

the size of your gift is less important than

your participation. Give what you can,

but please give something. Every gift is

important to St. Mary’s future.”

Speaking personally,

though my introduction

to swimming at St. Mary’s

led directly to a rewarding

life’s work, I’d neglected

to show material

appreciation. Larry’s talk

recalled the impact of a

rigorous yet affordable

Catholic education for

countless young people,

and moved me to commit

to begin repaying the

value I had received so

others can benefit in the

future. Jim Sweeney spoke

for all when he said: “I was

overwhelmed by Larry’s

generosity. Like most of us

he values his experience

at St. Mary’s and wants to return the favor.

We’re all fortunate for his example.”

The Siedlick Challenge is now open to all

alumni through December 31st. Please

consider being part of it by making a gift

to St. Mary’s.

Terry Laughlin ‘68 is the founder and CEO of

Total Immersion Swimming and the author

of numerous top-selling books on swimming.

He was a member of St. Mary’s charter swim

team when it launched in 1965. Terry lives in

New Paltz, NY. | 22

Development Director Kristin Lynch Graham, and Alumni Association President Andrew Della Ratta join Larry at the 1988 reunion, where he

shared his challenge with other reunion classes.

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DOUBLE YOUR MONEY:Accept the Siedlick ChallengeLast year, St. Mary’s had 3% of its

alumni make contributions which

is well behind other Catholic

schools. Larry Siedlick, ‘68 has

challenged all of us to do better.

Up until December 31, 2008, your

gift to Saint Mary’s will be matched

dollar for dollar up to $100,000 by

Larry as part of the “Siedlick

Challenge”. Larry says, “The size

of your gift is less important than

your participation. Give what you

can, but please give something.

Every gift is important to St. Mary’s


If you believe St. Mary’s helped

you in your life you can now help

secure St. Mary’s future by being

part of this unique opportunity.

Make a gift of any size to Saint

Mary’s today.

This fall was a very successful reunion season for St. Mary’s High School alumni. Five

classes (1958, ‘68, ‘83, ‘88 and ‘93) planned reunions to reunite their classmates and col-

lectively raised over $20,000 to date to support current St. Mary’s High School students.

If you are interested in serving on the planning committee for your class reunion, please

contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 516-627-4605 or visit the alumni website at for more information.

15th Reunion - Class of 1993 Alumni board member, Robert Dunphy, and Brian Kralj organized a great evening for

the Class of 1993 on November 1 at the Strathmore-Vanderbilt Country Club.

20th Reunion - Class of 1988Kristine Dunn Flannery, Kristin Lynch Graham and Laura Driscoll helped unite their

classmates on October 24 at the Swan Club.

25th Reunion – Class of 1983 John O’Hara and Gerry & Sheila Riley put together a great night for the Class of 1983

on June 14 at Strathmore-Vanderbilt Country Club. Approximately 60 classmates and

friends gathered for a great evening of fun memories.

40th Reunion – Class of 1968The tireless efforts of George Shaughness and the power of the internet made this

reunion a record breaking success. Larry Siedlick’s tremendous challenge gift of

$100,000 set a new standard for reunion participation (see full story on pg. 20).

50th Reunion - Class of 1958Even tropical storm Hanna could not dim the spirits of the Class of 1958 on September

5 at the Port Washington Yacht Club. Eileen Granito Simons worked hard to plan a

weekend of events for her fellow classmates which included a Friday night dinner at her

home, school tours and lunch on Saturday afternoon.

reunions | 23

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11 12

Class of 1968 ReunionPh





e Br


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Photos by Constance Brukin

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Class of 1993 Reunionsee captions on page 32








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Class of 1988 Reunionsee captions on page 32







Photos by Ted Roeder

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Class of 1958 Reunion 1







Photo 1: Peter Viall, Peter Pace, & Peter Artinian Photo 2: Alan & Terry McAnally Photo 3: Connie Cowley Elliot, Judy Stradar Menachio, Janet Firmbach Shaw, Kathy Rossworn Thomas, Cathy Gyurik LeBel, & Mary Ann Radowski Mazzola Photo 4: Cecile Bergold Williamson, Leonard Williamson, Carole Ann Hudson, & Anne Marie Garry Smith Photo 5: Eileen Granito Simons, Dave & Peggy McCarthy Photo 6: Dave & Roseanne Wands, Jim Peck, Bob & Sandi Murphy, Mark Proper; front: Carole Ann Hudson, Walter Silbert, Ray Ganser, & Rosemary Proper Photo 7: Joyce Waters Flynn, Frank Flynn, Ellen Tobin Gillespie, George Gillespie, Annette “Ronnie” Cronin Kopp, & Ronald Kopp Photo 8: Peggy Reilly Taylor & Anne Marie Garry Smith Photo 9: Mimi Kravis, Denny Blagden & Patricia Kenny Blagden, and Mary McDonald Callstrom.

8 9

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Saint Mary's Gaels Parents' Associationcordially invites you to the


Ladies' Night OutBoutique, Fashion Show & Dinner

Thursday, March 19, 2009Cocktails: 6:30 pm

Dinner: 7:30 pmLeonard's | Dolce Vita

555 Northern BoulevardGreat Neck, New York

Make this your mini-reunion and spend the evening with fellow alumnae and current mothers.

Please contact Alice Evans [email protected]

for more information, sponsorship opportunities and reservations.

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When you enter Marist and Immaculata

Halls these days, you’ll notice something

new. At first glance, it may look like a

jumble of letters on the walls, but stop and

take a moment to see that these letters are

really words. Words that form sentences

meant to teach and bring meaning to

everyday Christian life. Teaching the Gospel

values, also known as Catholic social

teaching has become a project that Dr.

Kevin McBride, Principal brought to fruition

last year in the academic curriculum. When

he decided to decorate the main hallways

of each school this past summer, it was his

intention to not only have the students

read each statement, but develop them

into a mission in which to live by daily.

The statements are based on these seven


1. The Sanctity of Life2. The Importance of Family and Community3. The Importance of Human Rights and Our Responsibilities4. The Preferential Option for the Poor5. The Dignity of Work6. Solidarity – We Are One Human Family7. Care for God’s Creation

Students and teachers alike are studying

the values in classes together, developing

projects based on them, reporting on their

experiences and sharing them with each


How does a Gospel value parlay into a

Math class? That’s easy. Freshmen are

learning about Introspection-Use of Time

(Tolerance); Sophomores are studying

Global Warming Statistics (Solidarity) while

Juniors will be creating a Scatter Plot for

Civil Rights (Rights and Responsibilities).

In addition to Math, the course outline

has been developed to encompass other

subjects such as English, Social Studies,

Foreign Language, Science, Religion, PE/

Health and Fine Arts with the study of

these values.

So, whether the students of St. Mary’s

are feeding the world, learning ways to

recycle-reuse-renew, or examining world

issues of injustice, they are creating a

stability of sense and awareness for their

future, as well as for their children to come.

In a recent issue of Momentum magazine,

excerpts from the U.S Bishop’s website,, were used

to create an article that recapped the

volumes of useful information available to

individuals looking for a clearer introspect

on these teachings. Appropriately

published in September/October of 2008,

the magazine clearly asked readers to be

sure that they know all of the facts about

their political candidate of choice, and

should “use the framework of Catholic

teaching” to do so.

What St. Mary’s is trying to instill in today’s

challenging, diverse society is critical to

survival in peace and understanding.

Teaching these lessons to young teens

is the more viable route to travel, as

they will be our leaders of tomorrow.

Learning how to coexist in troubled times,

learning to love each other equally and

unconditionally, and taking responsibility

for their actions is a giant step for anyone

to take these days with so much hatred

in society. But Dr. McBride is determined

to make an impression; one that will last

in the minds of each and every student.

In his project development, he took the

time to grasp a quote to reflect on a value,

coincided a prayer, then ended with a

question for self-study.

The Importance of Human Rights and Our Responsibilities

Implicit in Jesus’ Gospel message is the

understanding that there are rights that

we claim on people in society, so we can

live a full human life. We do not have to

earn rights; they are due to us because we

are made in God’s image.

"The right to life is fundamental and includes

a right to food, clothing, shelter, education,

medical care and essential social services."

Pope John XXIII

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not come

yet. We have only today. Send us your Holy

Spirit so that we may live committed to the

understanding that the human rights of each

person are balanced by a responsibility to

respect the rights of all other people." Amen.

Mother Teresa

How are you being called to proclaim and promote the rights of other people for the common good?

Visit and

download the Gospel Values Project and

explore how you can make a difference in

your life and those around you.

school notes

Teaching the Gospel Valuesin Today's Culturally Diverse Society | 30

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The following companies provided matching

gifts to the 2007-2008 Annual Fund: American international group, inc. AXA equitable Chevron goldman, Sachs & Co. mmC morgan Stanley Many corporations offer matching gift programs that increase the impact of their employees’ charitable donations. If you or your spouse work for a company with a matching gift program, you can participate in the program on behalf of St. Mary’s College Preparatory High School and significantly increase the total value of your gift.

How do I know if my company has a matching gift program? Your human resources representative can tell you if your company has a matching gift program. You may also call the St. Mary’s Development Office or Alumni Relations at (516) 627-4605.

How can I initiate a matching gift to St. Mary’s College Preparatory High School? Simply obtain a matching gift form from your company’s human resources office. It will provide information for initiating a matching gift from your company to St. Mary’s.

Is my matching gift tax deductible? Only your portion of the gift is tax deductible. You will not receive tax credit for your company’s matching gift. However, St. Mary’s will credit you with the combined contribution of your gift plus the match from your company. The total gift amount is considered when determining membership in such societies as the Sr. Theresa Maxis Duchemin, IHM and St. Marcelin Champagnat, FMS Society.

I have more questions about matching gifts. How do I get in touch with someone who can help me? In addition to your human resources representative, a member of the St. Mary’s Development Office or Alumni Relations Office is available to answer any question you may have. Please call 516

627 4605.

Matching Gift Companies

Class of 1968 Reunion Photo Captionspages 24-25

1. Cara Sheridan, Carolyn Dague Shuh, and reunion organizer Dr. George Shaughness2. Lorraine LoCurto and Patricia Lynch Gaffney3. Margaret Baierwalter and Careen Bondel Hubbard 4. Mary Breslin-Shackel, Steve Shackel and Kathleen Buck Dubester5. Maureen McGlynn-Sheehy, Brenda Madigan, and Eileen Drummond Cadigan 6. Jerry Anderson and Robert Betz7. Husband and wife Robert Kahan & Jane Papas8. Jolene Jennings Cuppello, Elaine Phillips Stinchfield, and Kathy McManus Carey9. Peggy McLaughlin and Eve Breslin Strawn10. Robert McGuigan and Tony Bamonte11. Michael Grace and Paul Tressa12. Brother Alphonse Matuga, FMS and John Simone13. Capt. and Mrs. Brian Basel and Paul & Kathleen Milo14. Richard Cogliandro and Mike Riccio

Class of 1993 Reunion Photo Captionspage 261. Karena Sanchez Gallagher, Raphaela Pasqualina Dekkers2. Matt Feeney, Joe Nieves, Jim Blake and Giaccome Ciccone 3. Bill Lang, Mike Zmuda, and Rob Dunphy4. Mary Pat Lynch Lang, Jim Blake, and Terence Doran5. Vincent Ianuele (far right) joins two alumni spouses 6. Liz McCrea Dalton (middle) joins 2 classmates 7. Drew Miller, Maureen Jamison Anderson, and Wyatt Anderson

Class of 1988 Reunion Photo Captionspage 271. John FitzGerald and Andrew DellaRatta 2. Kristine Flannery Dunn, Kathy Francavilla, Valerie Gentile, and Diane McCullagh3. Laura Driscoll, Regina Phillips Munster and Janice DelDuca Hyland4. Jorge Garcia, Bobby Hyer, and Larry FitzPatrick5. Tom Raleigh, Farrell Sheridan, and John Nicholas 6. Linda Keilich, Margaret Walsh, Kristen Ahlfeld, and Claire Harvey7. Brian Flannery and Courtney Schweitzer Fitzpatrick '89

4th Annual Alumni Hall of Fame

Induction & Spring Receptionthursday, April 23, 2009 | 6:00 pm

new York Athletic Club | Central park west, nYC

For more information, please call the Office of Alumni Relations at 516 627 4605 or E-mail Jay McDonnell at [email protected] | 32

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2008 Annual FundGiving by Level

Below is a listing of alumni and friends who generously contributed to the St. Mary’s High School Annual Fund during fiscal year 2008 (September 1, 2007- August 31, 2008).

Sister theresa Maxis Duchemin, IHM Society ($10,000 and above)

Richard and Therese Chapdelaine

Richard Monti

Arthur and Caroline

Monti Saladino

Lawrence Siedlick ‘68

Saint Marcellin Champagnat FMS Society($5,000 to $9,999)

Robert Coughlin ‘80

Peter J. Clare ‘83

Donald Denihan ‘79

Maureen Denihan Ferrari ‘73

Eugene and Mary Murphy

Monsignor John K. Sharp Council($1,000 to $4,999)

Nancy Alexander

Donald Beckmann ‘62

Kathleen Cawley ‘78

Francis J. Coughlin, Jr. ‘73

Michael C. Denihan‘77

Patrick Devaney ‘90

John Driscoll ‘54

John P. Ernenwein ‘81

Leonard and Geraldine Genovese

Stephen Hannan ‘80

Thomas Hoban ‘76

Pat Barnard Kenny ‘60

Peter J. Kenny ‘59

Alvaro Martinez-Fonts ‘75

Mel McLaughlin ‘79

Murphy & Durieu

Stephen J. Paluszek ‘75

Christopher Schneider ‘87

Timothy Welsh ‘79

Golden Gaels Circle ($500-999)

Patricia Hayes Axtmayer ‘69

David Bonagura ‘72

Diane Mascioli Bonagura ‘72

Christopher Brady ‘81

Nancy Betowski Brooks ‘65

Robert Brooks ‘62

Roger V. Coleman ‘78

Suzanne Quinn Craig ‘87

Brian Davies ‘79

Patricia Concannon De Santis ‘83

Laurence Denihan ‘82

Andrew Doulos ‘92

Laura Driscoll ‘88

Noel Kade Foley ‘65

Gennaro Granito ‘57

John C. Greco ‘86

Dennis Lee Hayes ‘62

Steven Iglio ‘89

Henry King ‘55

John LeViness ‘74

Jennifer Lynch ‘80

Kevin F. Lyons ‘90

Bill Meyer ‘66

Edward Moran ‘56

Kevin Nolan ‘66

Peter O’Hanlon ‘89

Kevin F. Olson ‘64

Christian Platt ‘54

Tim Smollen ‘80

Anthony Truglio ‘87

Silver Gaels Circle


Manny A. Alas ‘78

Mary Healey Alas ‘80

James Alexander ‘04

Thomas Alexander ‘01

Warren W. Augenthaler ‘55

Tara Shea Bacigalupo ‘91

James B. Blaney ‘79

Kerry Pollicino Brady ‘84

Christine Cosgrove Brooks ‘70

Joan Blissert Burns ‘71

Frank Caldwell ‘73

Kevin B. Connolly ‘71

Joseph G. Connolly, Jr. ‘66

Dennis Cooney ‘75

Leo Crowley ‘73

Mark P. Davies ‘76

Christopher DeCerbo ‘08

Brian Devaney ‘72

Peggy O’Neill Dillenbeck ‘58

Robert B. Dunphy ‘93

Donald Dunphy, Jr. ‘60

Eugene Ferguson ‘62

Jeffrey Fisher ‘82

David Francescani ‘60

Michael Fucigna ‘83

The Gabrielli Family

Michael Gaffney ‘68

Patricia Lynch Gaffney ‘68

Kristin Lynch Graham ‘88

Mary Mackey Gross ‘75

Robert Halliday ‘60

Paul G. Hines ‘72

Jane Hoffman ‘71

Margaret Concannon Joyce ‘83

Edward H. Koch ‘92

Michael Lightfoot ‘56

Carl Ludecke ‘59

Christopher March ‘80

Rev. Msgr. John J. McCann ‘57

Paul McCarthy ‘55

John McCormick, III ‘82

Frances Blissert McCutchin ‘75

Daniel McNally ‘82

Albert J. Meyer ‘64

Deborah Fitzpatrick Mink ‘73

Jeffrey A. Mink ‘73

James J. Moloney ‘85

Denise Walsh Moran ‘75

Katherine King O’Connor ‘92

Janice Barbino Padden ‘62

Marie McVeigh Pierce ‘72

Kerin King Rausch ‘90

Jill Kennedy Regan ‘70

Alfred J. Ross ‘56

Lynda Swanson Rubino ‘86

Francis Ruddy ‘66

Nicholas Scobbo ‘68

John J. Sheerin ‘78

Maria Murillo Taliercio ‘91

Patricia Sanford Tierney ‘60

Jane Dyer Trevisan ‘73

Maurice J. Voity ‘62

William Weisner ‘77

John H. Yamamoto ‘59

Bronze Gaels Circle ($100-249)

C. Roy Acker ‘60

Marykate Trainor Alcusky ‘95

Charles Alutto ‘84

Frederick Anderson ‘56

George Areson ‘53

Virginia Blissert Bachman ‘82

James Belter ‘65

Kieran Blake ‘89

Maureen Brady ‘93

Brian Breheny ‘86

Patricia Callahan Brennan ‘59

Christopher Caldwell ‘79

Richard A. Citarella ‘68

Wayne M. Clinch ‘69

Karen Franjola Confoy ‘59

Jane McHale Cotter ‘67

Robert E. Cullen

Gerard P. Dankel ‘68

Richard J. Dee ‘84

David DeGennaro ‘03

Niall J. Delaney ‘81

Carmela DiMeo ‘91

John Doran ‘62

Diane Meenan Doyle ‘69

George Dunn

Anne Lynch Dussel ‘73

Gail Hotarek Dwyer ‘61

John Fitzgerald ‘65

Margaret Schreiber Fitzgerald ‘68

Anne Hill Fitzgibbon ‘66

Danielle Forbes ‘91

Paulette Furness ‘62

Lisa Maria Gattulli ‘83

Michael Gayson

Bob Glaser ‘69

Hope Furness Gottschall ‘66 | 33

Page 34: Magnificat -

Eileen Fitzpatrick Grishman ‘62

Richard Grund ‘62

Raymond Haller ‘74

Thomas Haller ‘72

Debra Vey Voda Hamilton ‘76

Arthur M. Hayes, Jr. ‘60

John Heusner ‘74

Linda Novotny Hildebrand ‘61

Carolyn Paget Howley ‘53

Maureen Wall Huber ‘61

Gayle Simpson Iandoli ‘86

William Jablonski ‘55

Melissa DeRosa Johnston ‘94

Thomas Jordan ‘71

Alyson M. Kelly ‘80

Karen Kilhenny ‘72

Bradley King ‘98

Cristin Mathiez King ‘98

Helen Gordon Kirsch ‘79

Bruce W. Kramer ‘59

Douglas Kublin ‘07

Courtney Kwas

Mary Jo Lilly ‘82

Karen Mulligan Linarelli ‘64

Theresa Loftman

Laura Fosco Marceca ‘92

Alfonso Martinez-Fonts, Jr. ‘67

Matthew R. McCabe ‘90

Nancy Kumpfbeck McClintock ‘63

Lawrence McDonald ‘56

Gerald R. McGratty, Jr. ‘62

Kevin McHale ‘69

John McKee ‘61

Cecilia McMahon

James McNamara ‘54

Judith Stradar Menacho ‘58

Elizabeth Molnar-Girouard ‘82

Christopher F. Murphy ‘70

Linda Nahles ‘74

James C. Neill ‘53

John A. Nelson ‘67

Mary Dalton Nicklas ‘56

Laurence A. Nummy ‘69

Maureen Duffy O’Donnell ‘55

Thomas Olson ‘64

Robert O’Neill ‘79

Elizabeth A. Parrella ‘80

Florence M. Parrella ‘84

John M. Pearson ‘80

Robert Pennachio ‘86

Gerhard L. Perz ‘76

Richard F. Phelps ‘55

Jennifer Ewing Pierce ‘91

Adm. Donald Pilling ‘61

James Poplawski ‘76

Thomas Quinn ‘82

Eileen Forde Rivera ‘85

Mark J. Roldan ‘81

Charles J. Romanski ‘55

Ronald Ronzoni 56

John P. Ryan ‘77

Robert Scheer ‘00

Kenneth M. Scheriff ‘67

Patricia Van Bloem Schumacher ‘79

Kathleen Maurer Smith ‘71

Patricia E. Doran Spatola ‘71

George G. Stevenson ‘56

James Sweeney ‘68

Mary Valentine-Gyorffy ‘74

Joseph Vasek ‘56

Christian P. Vaupel ‘92

Cecilia Ladyzinski Verhaegen ‘74

Francesca Mattone Volpe ‘76

John G. Walsh ‘66

Robert J. Ward ‘70

MaryBeth Welsh ‘84

Joseph Whelan

Paul T. Wilson ‘67

Barry A. Worfolk ‘55

Diane Richmond Zanazzi ‘70

Blue and White Supporters(up to $99)

Eileen Dominici Aivaliotis ‘81

Marilyn McKeever Angello ‘73

Carroll A. Bolen Banta ‘59

Robert Baumgartner ‘62

Joseph Begen ‘59

John Bellport ‘54

Michael C. Bigler ‘64

Barbara F. Blissert ‘69

Lori Montenegro Bredder ‘81

Adriane Bringe ‘97

Joseph R. Bunce, Jr. ‘54

Craig Caceci ‘90

Stefane Cahill Farella ‘88

Madeline A. Nazzaro Cannon ‘67

Bruce Cappio ‘70

Kathy Miller Collyer ‘76

Richard J. Conklin ‘63

Donald L. Corrado ‘60

Paul T. Cullen, Jr. ‘66

Gerald Dillon ‘79

Dan Doremus ‘04

Luke Driscoll ‘87

Virginia Deedee Driscoll ‘57

Charles J. Eagan ‘62

Mary E. Ehling ‘55

Brian Escobedo ‘00

Kerri Escobedo ‘04

Sean Escobedo ‘08

Myles Fitzpatrick ‘55

Philip Flor ‘63

Floral Park Window Cleaning

Hugh J. and Mary Ellen Forde

Ronald F. Gallagher ‘54

Mary Jane Hudson Gannon ‘56

Maureen O’Kelly Garrett ‘96

Margaret Malloy Garte ‘97

Agnes Hughes Gaus ‘53

Maureen Gaus ‘84

Tara Foley Geibel ‘83

Michael Golden ‘69

Thomas J. Gorman ‘78

Kathleen Dunn Grigo ‘71

William Grogan

Annette Ziller Guiliani ‘84

Edward Hanrahan, Jr. ‘64

Joseph Harkins

Ann-Marie Fassl Hartline ‘68

J. Michael Hayes ‘97

Elizabeth Hudak Haynie ‘84

Mary Elizabeth Heiskell ‘88

Colleen Broderick Henrikson ‘95

John Hitscherich ‘81

Michelle Anne Hololob ‘97

Anne E. Hunt ‘84

Katherine Hynes

Marijo Insalaco ‘76

Leizel Anne Laserna Jose ‘94

John Jove ‘79

Sharon Burger Judge ‘79

Kristen Karoff ‘05

Thomas B. Kearns

Catherine Davidson Kerr ‘69

Adam Labadie ‘90

Vincent Faulkner Lally ‘54

Cesar Laucam ‘87

Anna Montenegro Lehman ‘83

Belinda Gonzalez Leon ‘88

Frances Scrofani Levitt ‘68

Nora Walsh Loughnane ‘81

Frank R. Maiello, III ‘90

Mary T. Malley ‘79

Michelle Mally ‘66

Laura Marchetti-Mullette ‘97

Thomas E. Mawn ‘56

Philip J. McCabe ‘74

James J. McCann, III‘64

Barbara McElroy ‘81

Constance I. McDermott ‘56

Michael X. McGuire ‘64

Maureen Maybury Mealie ‘79

Douglas Menelly ‘93

James J. Merkel ‘62

Richard Merkel ‘67

Annette Butkovsky Messina ‘56

Margaret Ann Mitchell ‘56

Louis Monari ‘68

Catherine Minichiello Montiel ‘85

George Morr ‘62

Rowena Larkin Morris ‘55

Richard Mulvihill ‘66

Nancy Bruno Muney ‘60

Kathleen Kennedy Murphy ‘70

Christine Navaretta ‘99

James J. O’Connor ‘67

John G. O’Handley, Jr. ‘58

John O’Hare ‘79

Lauren O’Leary ‘94

Richard E. Olson ‘59

Maureen O’Sullivan O’Neill ‘83

Michael Orlando ‘93

Patricia O’Rourke ‘60

Rosemary Schaefer Padala ‘60

Arnold J. Perz ‘80

Thomas Petrie ‘60

John M. Polcari ‘69

Carmen-Felicia Recinello ‘92

Virginia Thode Reilly ‘72

Kathleen Egerer Ryan ‘63

Ed Sapeta ‘68

Thomas P. Sassi ‘79

John Schermerhorn ‘55

Deidre Diesing Schiela ‘77

Christopher Shea ‘71

Mary Ann Murphy Smaldone ‘71

Briane Sorice ‘01

Patricia D’Atri Sparks ‘67

Paul Steck ‘81

Kevin Toman ‘64

James Tomlinson ‘78

Kevin J. Tomlinson ‘81

Shanise L. Tyler ‘03 | 34

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Donna Jackowski Van Norden ‘80

Frank Verderber ‘64

Paul Vermaelen ‘56

Arlene Persico Vislocky ‘71

Jack Vivinetto

Raymond A. Vogel, Jr. ‘74

Helen Opferman Von Salzen ‘61

Christopher Von Zwehl ‘80

Ralph Waite, Jr. ‘66

Richard F. Walsh ‘67

Helen Deegan Wareham ‘68

Kevin J. White ‘54

Christopher A. Whyte ‘56

David M. Wilson ‘61

Alyce Robertell Wise ‘74

If you have any questions or

comments, please contact the

Office of Development at

516 627 4605. | 35

2008 Annual FundGiving by Class

CLASS OF 1953George Areson

Agnes Hughes Gaus

Carolyn Paget Howley

James C. Neill

CLASS OF 1954John Bellport

Joseph R. Bunce, Jr.

John Driscoll

Ronald F. Gallagher

Vincent Faulkner Lally

James McNamara

Christian Platt

Kevin J. White

CLASS OF 1955Warren W. Augenthaler

Mary E. Ehling

Myles Fitzpatrick

William Jablonski

Henry King

Paul McCarthy

Rowena Larkin Morris

Maureen Duffy O’Donnell

Richard F. Phelps

Charles J. Romanski

John Schermerhorn

Barry A. Worfolk

CLASS OF 1956Frederick Anderson

Mary Jane Hudson Gannon

Michael Lightfoot

Thomas E. Mawn

Constance I. McDermott

Lawrence McDonald

Annette Butkovsky Messina

Margaret Ann Mitchell

Edward Moran

Mary Dalton Nicklas

Ronald Ronzoni

Alfred J. Ross

George G. Stevenson

Joseph Vasek

Paul Vermaelen

Christopher A. Whyte

CLASS OF 1957Gennaro Granito

Rev. Msgr. John J. McCann

Virginia Deedee Driscoll

CLASS OF 1958Peggy O’Neill Dillenbeck

Judith Stradar Menacho

John G. O’Handley, Jr.

CLASS OF 1959Carroll A. Bolen Banta

Joseph Begen

Patricia Callahan Brennan

Karen Franjola Confoy

Peter J. Kenny

Bruce W. Kramer

Carl Ludecke

Richard E. Olson

John H. Yamamoto

CLASS OF 1960C. Roy Acker

Donald L. Corrado

Donald Dunphy, Jr.

David Francescani

Robert Halliday

Arthur M. Hayes, Jr.

Pat Barnard Kenny

Nancy Bruno Muney

Patricia O’Rourke

Rosemary Schaefer Padala

Thomas Petrie

Patricia Sanford Tierney

CLASS OF 1961Gail Hotarek Dwyer

Linda Novotny Hildebrand

Maureen Wall Huber

John McKee

Adm. Donald Pilling

Helen Opferman Von Salzen

David M. Wilson

CLASS OF 1962Robert Baumgartner

Donald Beckmann

Robert Brooks

John Doran

Charles J. Eagan

Eugene Ferguson

Paulette Furness

Eileen Fitzpatrick Grishman

Richard Grund

Dennis Lee Hayes

Gerald R. McGratty, Jr.

James J. Merkel

George Morr

Janice Barbino Padden

Maurice J. Voity

CLASS OF 1963Richard J. Conklin

Philip Flor

Nancy Kumpfbeck McClintock

Kathleen Egerer Ryan

CLASS OF 1964Michael C. Bigler

Edward Hanrahan, Jr.

Karen Mulligan Linarelli

James J. McCann, III

Michael X. McGuire

Albert J. Meyer

Kevin F. Olson

Thomas Olson

Kevin Toman

Frank Verderber

CLASS OF 1965James Belter

Nancy Betowski Brooks

John Fitzgerald

Noel Kade Foley

CLASS OF 1966Joseph G. Connolly, Jr.

Paul T. Cullen, Jr.

Anne Hill Fitzgibbon

Hope Furness Gottschall

Michelle Mally

Bill Meyer

Richard Mulvihill

Kevin Nolan

Francis Ruddy

Ralph Waite, Jr.

John G. Walsh

CLASS OF 1967Madeline A. Nazzaro Cannon

Jane McHale Cotter

Alfonso Martinez-Fonts, Jr.

Richard Merkel

John A. Nelson

James J. O’Connor

Kenneth M. Scheriff

Patricia D’Atri Sparks

Richard F. Walsh

Paul T. Wilson

CLASS OF 1968Richard A. Citarella

Gerard P. Dankel

Margaret Schreiber Fitzgerald

Michael Gaffney

Patricia Lynch Gaffney

Ann-Marie Fassl Hartline

Frances Scrofani Levitt

Louis Monari

Ed Sapeta

Nicholas Scobbo

Lawrence Siedlick

James Sweeney

Helen Deegan Wareham

CLASS OF 1969Patricia Hayes Axtmayer

Barbara F. Blissert

Wayne M. Clinch

Diane Meenan Doyle

Bob Glaser

Michael Golden

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Catherine Davidson Kerr

Kevin McHale

Laurence A. Nummy

John M. Polcari

CLASS OF 1970Christine Cosgrove Brooks

Bruce Cappio

Christopher F. Murphy

Kathleen Kennedy Murphy

Jill Kennedy Regan

Robert J. Ward

Diane Richmond Zanazzi

CLASS OF 1971Joan Blissert Burns

Kevin B. Connolly

Kathleen Dunn Grigo

Jane Hoffman

Thomas Jordan

Christopher Shea

Mary Ann Murphy Smaldone

Kathleen Maurer Smith

Patricia E. Doran Spatola

Arlene Persico Vislocky

CLASS OF 1972David Bonagura

Diane Mascioli Bonagura

Brian Devaney

Thomas Haller

Paul G. Hines

Karen Kilhenny

Marie McVeigh Pierce

Virginia Thode Reilly

CLASS OF 1973Marilyn McKeever Angello

Frank Caldwell

Francis J. Coughlin, Jr.

Leo Crowley

Anne Lynch Dussel

Maureen Denihan Ferrari

Deborah Fitzpatrick Mink

Jeffrey A. Mink

Jane Dyer Trevisan

CLASS OF 1974Raymond Haller

John Heusner

John LeViness

Philip J. McCabe

Linda Nahles

Mary Valentine-Gyorffy

CeciliaLadyzinski Verhaegen

Raymond A. Vogel, Jr.

Alyce Robertell Wise

CLASS OF 1975Dennis Cooney

Mary Mackey Gross

Alvaro Martinez-Fonts

Frances Blissert McCutchin

Denise Walsh Moran

Stephen J. Paluszek

CLASS OF 1976Kathy Miller Collyer

Mark P. Davies

Debra Vey Voda Hamilton

Thomas Hoban

Marijo Insalaco

Gerhard L. Perz

James Poplawski

Francesca Mattone Volpe

CLASS OF 1977Michael C. Denihan

John P. Ryan

Deidre Diesing Schiela

William Weisner

CLASS OF 1978Manny A. Alas

Kathleen Cawley

Roger V. Coleman

Thomas J. Gorman

John J. Sheerin

James Tomlinson

CLASS OF 1979James B. Blaney

Christopher Caldwell

Brian Davies

Donald Denihan

Gerald Dillon

John Jove

Sharon Burger Judge

Helen Gordon Kirsch

Mary T. Malley

Mel McLaughlin

Maureen Maybury Mealie

John O’Hare

Robert O’Neill

Thomas P. Sassi

Patricia Van Bloem Schumacher

Timothy Welsh

Class of 1980Mary Healey Alas

Robert Coughlin

Stephen Hannan

Alyson M. Kelly

Jennifer Lynch

Christopher March

Elizabeth A. Parrella

John M. Pearson

Arnold J. Perz

Tim Smollen

Donna Jackowski Van Norden

Christopher Von Zwehl

CLASS OF 1981Eileen Dominici Aivaliotis

Christopher Brady

Lori Montenegro Bredder

Niall J. Delaney

John P. Ernenwein

John Hitscherich

Nora Walsh Loughnane

Barbara McElroy

Mark J. Roldan

Paul Steck

Kevin J. Tomlinson

CLASS OF 1982Virginia Blissert Bachman

Laurence Denihan

Jeffrey Fisher

Mary Jo Lilly

John McCormick, III

Daniel McNally

Elizabeth Molnar-Girouard

Thomas Quinn

CLASS OF 1983Peter J. Clare

Patricia Concannon De Santis

Michael Fucigna

Lisa Maria Gattulli

Tara Foley Geibel

Margaret Concannon Joyce

Anna Montenegro Lehman

Maureen O’Sullivan O’Neill

CLASS OF 1984Charles Alutto

Kerry Pollicino Brady

Richard J. Dee

Maureen Gaus

Annette Ziller Guiliani

Elizabeth Hudak Haynie

Anne E. Hunt

Florence M. Parrella

MaryBeth Welsh

CLASS OF 1985James J. Moloney

Catherine Minichiello Montiel

Eileen Forde Rivera

CLASS OF 1986Brian Breheny

John C. Greco

Gayle Simpson Iandoli

Robert Pennachio

Lynda Swanson Rubino

CLASS OF 1987Suzanne Quinn Craig

Luke Driscoll

Cesar Laucam

Christopher Schneider

Anthony Truglio

CLASS OF 1988Stefane Cahill Farella

Laura Driscoll

Kristin Lynch Graham

Mary Elizabeth Heiskell

Belinda Gonzalez Leon

CLASS OF 1989Kieran Blake

Steven Iglio

Peter O’Hanlon

CLASS OF 1990Craig Caceci

Patrick Devaney

Adam Labadie

Kevin F. Lyons

Frank R. Maiello, III

Matthew R. McCabe

Kerin King Rausch

CLASS OF 1991Tara Shea Bacigalupo

Carmela DiMeo

Danielle Forbes

Jennifer Ewing Pierce

Maria Murillo Taliercio

CLASS OF 1992Andrew Doulos

Edward H. Koch

Laura Fosco Marceca

Katherine King O’Connor

Carmen-Felicia Recinello

Christian P. Vaupel

CLASS OF 1993Maureen Brady

Robert B. Dunphy

Douglas Menelly

Michael Orlando

CLASS OF 1994Melissa DeRosa Johnston | 36

Page 37: Magnificat -

Leizel Anne Laserna Jose

Lauren O’Leary

CLASS OF 1995Marykate Trainor Alcusky

Colleen Broderick Henrikson

CLASS OF 1996Maureen O’Kelly Garrett

CLASS OF 1997Adriane Bringe

Jeffrey Garte

Margaret Malloy Garte

J. Michael Hayes

Michelle Anne Hololob

Laura Marchetti-Mullette

CLASS OF 1998Bradley King

Cristin Mathiez King

CLASS OF 1999Christine Navaretta

CLASS OF 2000Brian Escobedo

Robert Scheer

CLASS OF 2001Thomas Alexander

Briane Sorice

CLASS OF 2003David DeGennaro

Shanise L. Tyler

CLASS OF 2004James Alexander

Dan Doremus

Kerri Escobedo

CLASS OF 2005Kristen Karoff

CLASS OF 2007Douglas Kublin

CLASS OF 2008Christopher DeCerbo

Sean Escobedo

FRIENDS Nancy Alexander

Richard and Therese Chapdelaine

Robert E. Cullen

George Dunn

Floral Park Window Cleaning

Hugh J. and Mary Ellen Forde

The Gabrielli Family

Leonard and Geraldine Genovese

William Grogan

Joseph Harkins

Katherine Hynes

Thomas B. Kearns

Courtney Kwas

Theresa Loftman

Cecilia McMahon

Richard Monti

Murphy & Durieu

Eugene and Mary Murphy

Arthur and Caroline

Monti Saladino

Jack Vivinetto

Joseph Whelan

Thank you for your generosity and support! | 37

Page 38: Magnificat -

The St. Mary’s Alumni Association expresses its deepest sympathy to the families, friends, and classmates of the following deceased alumni whose deaths were reported to the Alumni Office between May and November 2008.

JoHn BellpoRt ‘54 – June 15, 2008

JoHn J. FRitz ‘53 – September 2008

KeVin FARleY ‘71 died suddenly on November 17, 2008 from a heart attack.

miCHelle gAlluCCio ‘94 passed away July 21, 2008.

CARole ReDeR JACquette ‘57 – November 2007

miCHAel S. mClAugHlin ‘63 – July 13, 2008

mARion Denon molitoR ‘55 – May 16, 2008

DeiDRe o’CAllAgHAn ‘68 passed away July 21, 2008 after losing her battle with cancer.

eileen mAgee SHAugHneSS ‘69 died peacefully in her sleep on November 12, 2008. In 2000 Eileen was stricken with a brain cancer. She fought the tumor aggressively, researching every option and traveling extensively for treatments. As a result, she had survived nearly ten times her expected prognosis. Eileen was

married to George Shaughness ‘68 and they have three sons; Kevin (28), Neill (23) and Craig (21).

Please contact the St. Mary’s Alumni Office at 516 627 4605 to report the passing of a St. Mary’s High School graduate. All deceased alumni are remembered at our Annual Memorial Mass.

in memorium

David DeSanctis ‘86It is with great sorrow that the Alumni Association announces the passing of David DeSanctis on September 25, 2008. His family sent the following message to us:

Some of the best years of David’s life were spent at St. Mary’s. Those who knew him, knew him as a compassionate, tolerant person. David struggled for a very long time with depression, but throughout it all, he never stopped caring for others or giving love and comfort to those in need.

A fitting tribute to David comes from the Book of Wisdom 4: 7-15:“The just man, though he die early, shall be at rest.For the age that is honorable comes not with the passing of time,Nor can it be measured in terms of years.

Having become perfect in a short while, he reached the fullness of a long career: For his soul was pleasing to the LORD, therefore he sped him out of the midst of wickedness."

The world has lost a very special soul, but David will always be in our hearts.

And from David’s heart – “Remember, you are all very special.”

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did you know?

The National Catholic Education Association Report on Catholic High Schools

Who among us had not been the beneficiary of generosity from the generation before us? Our responsibility is to be generous to the

next generation. It is a way of giving thanks to God for all that has been given to us. Now that you are behind the scenes, we invite you

to let God work through you and support St. Mary’s students in their journey to answer Jesus’ call selflessly in all that they do.

St. Mary's Endowment As of December 2008$1,993,118

The average annual fund goal for 2007-08 was $333,283

On average, 18% of alumni contribute to the annual fund

The highest reported alumni contribution rate was 89%

St. Mary's annual fund as of August 2008 has commitments totaling $94,515 from 333 donors. This represents an alumni participation rate of 3%

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Come Home for Christmas...Church of Saint mary

CHRiStmAS ConFeSSionSSaturday, December 20th

4:00-4:45PMTuesday, December 23rd

4:00-5:00PM & 7:30-8:00PMWednesday, December 24th


CHRiStmAS eVe mASSeS4:00 PM Family Mass in Church

4:15 PM in Elementary School Wiest Hall5:30 PM in Church

Midnight Mass in ChurchChristmas Carols begin at 11:30 PM

CHRiStmAS DAY mASSeS7:30 AM in Church9:00 AM in Church

10:30 AM in Church12:00 Noon in Church

12:15 PM in Elementary School Wiest Hall


There will be no 5:00 PM Mass on Christmas Day