mahiti kosha - khpt kosha resource directory dharwad district karnataka index foreword page 1...


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  • Mahiti KoshaResouRce DiRectoRy

    Dharwad DistrictKARNAtAKA

    eNGLisH VeRsioN2016

  • Disclaimer: This information material is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this information material are the sole responsibility of Karnataka Health Promotion Trust and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

    This resource directory has been developed by the Karnataka Health Promotion Trust under the OVC Social Protection Project with the funding of USAID.

    Published by: Karnataka Health Promotion Trust5th Floor, Rajajinagar IT Park#1-4, Rajajinagar Industrial AreaRajajinagar, Bangalore 560044 IndiaTel: +91 80 40400200Fax: +91 80

    Year of Publication: 2016

    Copies Printed: 50

    Copyright : Karnataka Health Promotion Trust, Bangalore

  • Mahiti KoshaResouRce DiRectoRy

    Dharwad DistrictKARNAtAKA

  • IndexForeword page 1Acknowledgement page 2Abbreviations page 3

    1. Brief about the project page 42. Description of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children page 63. About the Resource Directory/Guiding principles page 84. Process followed to develop Resource Directory page 95. District profile: Dharwad, Karnataka page 116. Service providers page 13

    6.1 Health care institutions page 146.2 General practitioners/pediatricians page 196.3 Institutions that provide care for children page 256.4 Institutions that provide social welfare and protection page 286.5 Institutions that provide legal support by the government page 36

    7. Government schemes for Children Living with HIV (CLHIV) and families

    page 38

    8. General Services page 449. District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit (DAPCU) and contact

    details of officialspage 46

    10. Services available beyond district10.1 Major medical facilities for children page 4710.2 Major vocational training institutions for children page 4810.3 Care homes for children, destitute and rehabilitation

    centerspage 49

    11. Networks for People Living with HIV page 5012. Key websites page 5213. Child Rights and Behavior Protocols page 5314. OVC Programme Glimpses page 56

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    ForewordGlobally, the HIV/AIDS pandemic has orphaned millions of children. Over the past 30 years, an estimated 17 million children have lost one or both parents due to AIDS and 3.4 million children

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    AcknowledgementWe wish to thank many individuals and organizations for their assistance in developing this resource directory.

    We would like to sincerely thank Ms. Mallika Badrinath from the Pen and Mouse for the designing and layout.

    We thank the FH India team Ms. Lavina Cardoza and Ms. Urmila Chanam for compiling and developing the resource directory.

    Our special thanks to Monitoring and Evaluation unit of the Orphans and Vulnerable Children Social Protection Project Mr. Vidyacharan Malve for the data compilation and for working on the several drafts and proof reading. Our sincere appreciation goes to the state team lead, Mr. Dhanunjay Rao and our District Project Coordinator, Mr. Prithwipala K. for their support and guidance. Our special thanks to the field staff for data collection.

    We would like to sincerely thank Dr. Reynold Washington, Trustee of KHPT and Dr. Manish Kumar, Project Director for providing support and guidance all throughout.

    Our sincere appreciation goes to the Government Departments, institutions, organisations and doctors for accepting to take part in mapping and providing information to be used in this directory.

    Our special thanks to KSAPS, District AIDS Prevention Control Unit (DAPCU) and District Level Networks of Positive People for their constant support and guidance for putting together this resource directory.

    We thank USAID for providing us the financial support towards printing this directory.

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    AbbreviationsAiDs Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

    cABA Children Affected by HIV/AIDS

    cBo Community Based Organization

    cHAi Catholic Health Association of India

    cLHiV Children Living with HIV

    csR Corporate Social Responsibility

    DAPcu District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit

    DPc District Project Coordinators

    FBo Faith Based Organization

    FH india Family Health India

    HiV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

    iMNci-HiV criteria

    Integrated Management of Maternal, Neonatal and Childhood Illness HIV adapted

    iNsA International Services Association

    KHPt Karnataka Health Promotion Trust

    KsAPs Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society

    NGo Non Governmental Organization

    oVc Orphans and Vulnerable Children

    PHc Primary Health Centre

    PPtct Prevention of Parent To Child Transmission

    sct Sneha Charitable Trust

    usAiD United States Agency for International Development

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    1. Brief about the project

    In August 2014, USAID granted a project on HiV/AiDs orphan and Vulnerable Children Social Protection to a consortium led by Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT). This project is being implemented with the purpose of increasing access to priority health, educational, social protection and welfare schemes for children affected by HIV/AIDS (CABA) in the states of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka covering 16 districts in these three states. The districts in Maharashtra include: Mumbai, Ahmednagar, Dhule, Kolhapur, Sangli, Solapur, Yavathmal, Tamil Nadu include: Coimbatore, Erode, Salem, Tiruchirappalli and Karnataka include: Bagalkote, Belgaum, Bellary, Bijapur, and Dharwad.

    The project duration is three years, from August 20, 2014 August 19, 2017. Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT) is the prime implementing agency with four sub-grantees: Family Health India (FH India), Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI), Sneha Charitable Trust (SCT) and International Services Association (INSA-India) as sub-partners to carry out the activities at the state and district level.

    Goal of the project: Increased access to priority health, educational, social protection and welfare services by children affected by HIV/AIDS (CABA).

    Objectives of the project:1: To identify and profile girls and boys living with HIV early, and provide

    quality and timely treatment, care and support in order to prolong and maintain quality of life.

    2: To increase access and utilization to priority health, educational, social protection and welfare services, by children affected by HIV/AIDS and their families.

    3: To strengthen inter-sectoral collaboration between various government departments to ensure that CABA are provided all essential services.

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    To achieve the project objectives, we engage with children in order to protect and make them resilient to HIV and other risks through initiatives that include life skills development, sports, child support groups, vocational training and leadership development.

    We engage with families to empower them to care for children through capacity building on home-based care and strengthening household economy.

    We engage with civil society and service providers in order to improve their capacity to be more organized and resourced to provide safety nets through initiatives that include training counsellors, doctors and nurses, child protection policy and systems, and leveraging resources.

    We engage with Government and corporate social Responsibility (CSR) for ensuring child welfare and protection through creation and strengthening of district networks and CABA focused forums, advocacy, and mobilizing resources for CABA.

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    What do we mean by OVC and CABA:

    Definition of OVC - Orphans and Vulnerable Children:

    Groups of children that experience negative outcomes, such as the loss of their education, morbidity, and malnutrition, at higher rates than do their peers.

    PEPFAR Definition: Children who have lost a parent to HIV/AIDS, who are otherwise directly affected by the disease, or who live in areas of high HIV prevalence and may be vulnerable to the disease or its socioeconomic effects.

    CABA is defined as children in the age group below 18, who:

    Are HIV infected

    Have one/both parents or a family member living with HIV

    Have lost one/both parents, guardian, sibling/s, family member to AIDS

    Globally, the HIV/AIDS pandemic has orphaned millions of children. In India, Children (

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    As far as Dharwad is concerned, we have 469 children

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    3. About the Resource Directory

    Purpose of the resource directory: In India, OVC suffer severe stigma and violations of rights in the public and private sphere. This results in denial of basic services to affected children, especially in health and education. Illness and death of parents or abandonment makes them particularly vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. OVC are experiencing extreme isolation and neglect which impacts their survival, development and future. OVC lack access to nutrition, non-discriminatory education and comprehensive care which are their critical needs and rights.

    This Resource Directory has been designed to provide information on the facilities, services and resources available for CABA and their families in a particular geography. Its purpose is to make all the information readily available for field and programme staff while working on CABA and CLHIV on their health, education, social protection and welfare.

    Who can use it? The resource directory will provide information to the programme and field staff, government functionaries, civil society and NGOs and individuals.

    Guiding Principles

    The Resource Directory has been developed on the following guiding principles.

    Relevant: Specific to needs of OVC and their families.

    Accessible: One stop for all information on benefits.

    Reliable: Data provided here is accurate within our specified timeline.

    User friendly: The information is easy to search in the directory.

    Further links: Reader will be able to make further searches and get data using some guidance provided.

    steP 1

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    4. Process followed to develop the Resource Directory

    The exercise of mapping was followed in order to collect important data on the facilities and resources available in the geographic area across 16 districts in 3 states of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. Here we share our findings from Dharwad district in Karnataka.


    Desk review of literature, web search

    To enumerate facilities/services as per structured format

    To approach facilities/services as per the generated list to

    establish the physical presence and explore

    Use of snowball sampling technique for approaching

    other potential respondents

    Data entry and filtering the data district and

    block wise

    Arrival at the final line list of all the facilities

    steP 1

    steP 2

    steP 3

    steP 3A

    STEP 4

    STEP 5

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    step i: EnumerationA listing of all the facilities in the area of health, education, legal, social welfare and social protection was created from word of mouth and secondary sources.

    step ii: Mapping and DocumentationData capturing tools were developed to capture the essential information on the facilities and services, and field investigators were trained to collect the required data. Following this, on-site verification was done and the data was validated.

    Snowballing technique was used to get information about more service providers of similar nature within the geography. Process was followed till information reached saturation point.

    All activities related to mapping were monitored by District Project Coordinators (DPC) and the data and consent were checked further at the state level before finalization.

  • 1111

    Demographic DetailsActual Population 1846993

    Male 939127

    Female 907866

    Population Growth 15.13%

    Area Sq. Km 4263

    Density/km2 434

    Proportion to Karnataka Population 3.02%

    Sex Ratio (Per 1000) 967

    Child Sex Ratio (0-6 Age) 942

    Average Literacy 80.3

    Male Literacy 86.83

    Female Literacy 73.57

    Total Child Population (0-6 Age) 210194

    Male Population (0-6 Age) 108231

    Female Population (0-6 Age) 101963

    Literates 1314353

    Male Literates 721440

    Female Literates 592913

    Child Proportion (0-6 Age) 11.38%

    Boys Proportion (0-6 Age) 11.52%

    Girls Proportion (0-6 Age) 11.23%

    Source: Census 2011

    5. District Profile: Dharwad, Karnataka

  • 1212

    HIV Prevalence by DistrictANC Prevalence 0.5

    FSW 3.2MSM 8.4

    Tested HIV Positives (>= 15+) 11075Male 6087Female 4988

    Tested HIV Positive (< 15 yr) 674Boy 341Girl 333

    Sources: HSS Karnataka 2004-2012HSS Karnataka 2010-2012 and ART Centre August 2015 Monthly Report

    HIV Statistics of Dharwad district

    Source: HSS Karnataka 2004-2012

    HIV Prevalence in %

  • 131313

    Service Providers

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    6. Service Providers

    1 Name of the facility Our Lady Of Lourdes HospitalType of the facility/Category


    Address of the facility Sadhankeri Road, DharwadPhone No / email id 8362442258Basic Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery care, X-ray,

    Ambulance ServicesSpecialist Services ENT, Paediatric Care, Mental Health Services

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families,

    Intensive care Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

    Blood Bank Yes

    2 Name of the facility esic HospitalType of the facility/Category

    Government/ESIC Hospital

    Address of the facility Karwar Road, City Holl, Opposite ESIC HospitalPhone No / email id 836303219Basic Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery Care, X-ray,

    Ambulance ServicesSpecialist Services ENT, Pediatric care

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families

    6.1 Health Care Institutions: The institutions such as government, private, missionary or trust based health facilities which provide services to CABA/CLHIV for diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitative care have been included in this list.

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    6.1 Health Care Institutions

    3 Name of the facility District Hospital DharwadType of the facility/Category

    Government/District Hospital

    Address of the facility Kondawad Road, Near Karnataka School, Killa, DharwadPhone No / email id 8362742252 / [email protected] Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery Care, X-ray,

    Ambulance ServicesSpecialist Services Dermatology, Paediatric Care, Mental Health Services

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families, ART

    Intensive care Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

    Blood Bank Yes

    4 Name of the facility HDMC Maternity Hospital DharwadType of the facility/Category

    Government/Primary Health Centre

    Address of the facility Near Old Bustand, DharwadPhone No / email id 8362445953/ [email protected] Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery CareSpecialist Services Paediatric Care

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families

    5 Name of the facility SDM College Of Medical Science & HospitalType of the facility/Category

    Private/Medical College

    Address of the facility Manjushree Nagar, Sattur, DharwadPhone No / email id 8362477777/ [email protected] Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery Care, X-ray,

    Ambulance ServicesSpecialist Services ENT, Dermatology, Paediatric Care, Mental Health Services

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families

    Intensive care Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

    Blood Bank Yes

  • 16

    6 Name of the facility Karnataka Cancer Theraphy & ResearchType of the facility/Category


    Address of the facility Shri RB Patil Cancer Hospital, Navanagar, HubliPhone No / email id 8362228217/ [email protected] Services General OPD, In patient care, X-ray, Ambulance servicesDisease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families

    Blood Bank Yes

    7 Name of the facility Dr. Sr. Ramangouda MultispecialityType of the facility/Category

    Private/Private Hospital At District Level

    Address of the facility Malapur Cross DharwadPhone No / email id 8362228236/ [email protected] Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery care, X-ray,

    Ambulance servicesSpecialist Services Paediatric care, Mental Health Services

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families

    Intensive care Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

    8 Name of the facility esi Hospital DharwadType of the facility/Category

    Government/ESI Hospital

    Address of the facility Near Tolnaka, Shriya Budavane, Laxmisingankeri, DharwadPhone No / email id 8362440089Basic Services General OPDSpecialist Services Paediatric care

    Disease Specific Service Counselling for patients/families

    9 Name of the facility General Hospital KundgolType of the facility/Category

    Government/Taluk Hospital

    Address of the facility General Hospital KundgolPhone No / email id 8304290253/ [email protected] Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery care, X-ray,

    Ambulance ServicesSpecialist Services Dermatology, Paediatric care, Mental Health Services

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, ART


  • 17

    10 Name of the facility Taluk General Hospital NavalgundType of the facility/Category

    Government/Taluk Hospital

    Address of the facility Taluk General Hospital, NavalgundPhone No / email id 8083229694Basic Services General OPD, In patient care, X-ray, Ambulance servicesSpecialist Services ENT

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families, ART

    Intensive care Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

    11 Name of the facility General Hospital KalghatgiType of the facility/Category

    Government/Taluk Hospital

    Address of the facility General Hospital, Kalghatgi Market RoadPhone No / email id 8370284554Basic Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery care, X-ray,

    Ambulance servicesSpecialist Services ENT, Paediatric care, Mental Health Services

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families, ART

    12 Name of the facility Chitaguppi Corporation HospitalType of the facility/Category

    Government/Community Health Centre

    Address of the facility Legmintan Road, Corportion Near Chitguppi HospitalPhone No / email id 83642564Basic Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery care, X-ray,Specialist Services ENT, Paediatric care

    Disease Specific Service ART

    Intensive care Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

    Blood Bank No

    6.1 Health Care Institutions

  • 1818

    13 Name of the facility Corporation Hospital Old HubliType of the facility/Category

    Government/Community Health Centre

    Address of the facility Old Hubli Hospital Market, Near KillaPhone No / email id 8364256472/ [email protected] Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery careSpecialist Services Paediatric care

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, ART

    Blood Bank No

    14 Name of the facility Karnataka Institute Of Medical SciencesType of the facility/Category

    Government/Medical College

    Address of the facility Vidya Nagar, Kims, HubliPhone No / email id 8362372222Basic Services General OPD, In patient care, Delivery care, X-ray,

    Ambulance servicesSpecialist Services Dermatology, ENT, Paediatric care, Mental Health Services

    Disease Specific Service HIV testing, Counselling for patients/families, ART

    Intensive care Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

    Blood Bank Yes

  • 19

    6.2 Paediatricians/General practitioners: The general practitioner/pediatricians who provide clinical care to large volume of children, who receive training on HIV care and are referred to for HIV care are included in this list.


    6.2 Paediatricians/General Practitioners

    Location of Doctor

    1 Name Dr. R. N. KowlagiType of Practitioner General PractitionerAddress R N Karlagi Clinic, Jain Mandir Goponkoppa Road,

    Keshwapur, HubliPhone No 9448457704

    2 Name Dr. B. s. GomadiType of Practitioner General PractitionerAddress Gomadi Nursing Home, Banatikata Circle,

    Kalmeshwarnagar, HubliPhone No 9845219365

    3 Name Kalavathi Memorial ClinicType of Practitioner General PractitionerName Dr. D. M. KabadeAddress Keshwapur Road Court Circle, Hubli

  • 2020

    4 Name Dr. R. V. LokareType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress City Clinic Hospital Dr Rv Lokare, City Clinic Children Wing,

    Madhavapur, Dowibapeth, HubliPhone No 8362268370

    5 Name Dr. RagavendraType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress City Clinic Madhavpur Hubli, City Clinic Children Wing,

    Madhavpur, HubliPhone No 8362363137

    6 Name Dr. Kavan DeshapandeType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Vithal Institute of Child Health Speciality Centre, Near Jubili

    Circle, Opp District Court, DharwadPhone No 8362440387e-mail [email protected]

    7 Name Dr. AnegundiType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Anegundi Clinic, Kanchigar Galli, HubliPhone No 9845322055

    8 Name s. A. MirazType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Manavi General Hospital, HubliPhone No 8362228390

    9 Name Dr. Veena WariType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Saraswati Children Hospital, Wari Complex, HubliPhone No 8362364376

    10 Name Dr. P. V. KanchiType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Pooja Childrens Hospital, Kathyani Building, Near CBT Bus

    stand, HubliPhone No 8362268365

  • 2121

    6.2 Paediatricians/General Practitioners

    11 Name Dr. Vinod RatguriType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Thatwadarshini Children Hospital, Vidya Nagar, HubliPhone No 9448278480

    12 Name Dr. s. M. MehathaType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Janata Nursing Home, HubliPhone No 8362268490

    13 Name Dr. S. R. HanumareddiType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Nandini Child Care Center, Enkay Complex, HubliPhone No 8362267641e-mail [email protected]

    14 Name Dr. Suresh P. KokateType of Practitioner General PractitionerAddress Shiddeswar Clinic, Shivaji Nagar (Killa), KundgolPhone No 9449194131

    15 Name Dr. A. S. MullaType of Practitioner General PractitionerAddress Near Market, KundgolPhone No 8304290713

    16 Name Dr. chetan M. JoshiType of Practitioner General PractitionerAddress Gangadhar Clinic, Near Market, NavlgundPhone No 9449120585

  • 2222

    17 Name Dr. Br. MakaliType of Practitioner General PractitionerAddress Pragati Clinic, Behadyan Mandir, NavlgundPhone No 9448630879

    18 Name Dr. Anand S. GudiType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Ashwini Hospital, NavalgundPhone No 8370419350

    19 Name Dr. Vishwanath KulkarniType of Practitioner General PractitionerAddress Shiddeswar Clinic, NavalgundPhone No 9480135553

    20 Name Dr. P. B. PatilType of Practitioner General PractitionerAddress Near Kundgol Bus StandPhone No 9449571016

    21 Name Dr. P. S. RamangoudarType of Practitioner General PractitionerAddress Dr Sr Ramangoudar Multispeciality Clinic, Malapur Cross,

    DharwadPhone No 8366455356e-mail [email protected]

    22 Name Dr. Jagdish NiradiType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Shri Krishna Childrens Hospital, Opp Saptapur Bhavi Haliyal

    Road, DharwadPhone No 8362773646e-mail [email protected]

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    6.2 Paediatricians/General Practitioners

    23 Name Dr. Sushma RamangoudarType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Dr Sr Ramanagoudar Multispecialty Hospital & Institute,

    DharwadPhone No 9449007236e-mail [email protected]

    24 Name Dr. Trupti S. TorkeType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Ashwini Speciality Clinic, Line Bazar, Tikare Road Circle,

    DharwadPhone No 9886082994e-mail [email protected]

    25 Name Dr. Rahul MalhotraType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Allocare Child Clinic, Shop No 3, New Lea Complex, Civil

    Hospital Road, DharwadPhone No 7259566699e-mail [email protected]

    26 Name Dr. Shirish PatilType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Yelamali Nursing Home, Swetha Complex, HubliPhone No 9242911882

    27 Name Dr. Shrinath MugaliType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Sneha Children Nursing Home, Shanti Colony, HubliPhone No 8362228310e-mail [email protected]

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    28 Name Dr. Bhadrinath ShettyType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Mansali Children Hospital, N V Chitti Complex, HubliPhone No 8366511037

    29 Name Dr. NadagoudarType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Nadagoud Clinic, Akkipet, Old HubliPhone No 9944888722

    30 Name Dr. ManiyarType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress New Hubli City Clinic, Belanka Road, Hubli

    31 Name Dr. Mahesh PatilType of Practitioner PaediatricianAddress Shiva Lalitha Clinic, Belgaum Road, Near District Court,

    DharwadPhone No 8884409215

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    6.3 Institutions that provide care for children

    6.3 Institutions that provide care for children: This list includes short stay homes, shelter homes, orphanages or other form of child care institutions for CABA/CLHIV that ensure alternative care in the absence of support from family and community.

    1 Name of the Institution Sojo TrustAddress of the Institution Sojo King's Children Home, Sangolirayanna Nagar, Plot

    No 17Phone No 8050550847Name of the contact Person Balaram B KarwarE-Mail of the Institution [email protected] Shelter Home, Childrens Home, Orphanage

    2 Name of the Institution Aims For SevaAddress of the Institution Dayanandarama Lakamanahalli, Kmf Near Pb Road,

    DharwadPhone No 8366450251Name of the contact Person AnandkumarE-Mail of the Institution [email protected] Boys Home

    3 Name of the Institution Dr Rudalf Steiner's Curative EducationAddress of the Institution Near Hindi Prachar Sabha, DharwadPhone No 8362747353Name of the contact Person Jayaratnarao K Paste

    4 Name of the Institution Equip India CentreAddress of the Institution Equip India Centre, Plot 379, Block No. 114, Gadag

    Road, HubliPhone No 8362002500Name of the contact Person Prashanth RodrigueE-Mail of the Institution [email protected] Short Stay Home, Childrens Home, Womens Hostel

  • 26

    5 Name of the Institution Sneha Sikshana And Abhivruddi SamstheAddress of the Institution 1 Main Road, Nandi Badavani, Opp Rto Office,

    Navanagar, HubliPhone No 8366564482Name of the contact Person Nagarathna JadedE-Mail of the Institution pen [email protected] Open Shelter

    6 Name of the Institution Peace Home & Care & Support CentreAddress of the Institution Bethrapha Caritable Religious Trust, F Block, HubliPhone No 9886708362Name of the contact Person Br. Anthony RayapanE-Mail of the Institution [email protected] Childrens Home, Care Home for CLHIV and CABA,

    Home for boys and girls

    7 Name of the Institution Bethrapha Charitable TrustAddress of the Institution F Block, Block 401, Akshay Enclave, Kusugal Road,

    HubliPhone No 9886708362Name of the contact Person Anthony RayappanE-Mail of the Institution [email protected] Home for boys and girls

    8 Name of the Institution Caring HandsAddress of the Institution 13th Cross, Nirmal Nagar, DharwadPhone No 8362746596Name of the contact Person Arun MasseyServices Home for Girls

    9 Name of the Institution Children Home for Girls (CHG)Address of the Institution Behind Bendigeri Police Station, Ghantikeri, HubliPhone No 0836-2363388Name of the contact Person Smt. Sudha Nayak, Superintendent, 9449739991

    10 Name of the Institution Children Home for Boys (CHB)Address of the Institution Unkal HubliPhone No 0836-2372061Name of the contact Person Smt. Vijayalaxmi Patil, Superintendent, 9448889770

  • 27

    11 Name of the Institution Mentally Retarded Govt. Child Home for Girls (MRG)

    Address of the Institution Unakall HubliPhone No 0836-2377750Name of the contact Person Smt. Deepa Javor, Superintendent, 9845152068

    12 Name of the Institution Amulya (G), (Shishugruh) Children HomeAddress of the Institution C/o CHG Hubli, Behind Bendigeri Police Station ,

    Ghantikeri, Hubli Phone No 0836-2363389Name of the contact Person Smt. Geeta Katti, Co-ordinator, 9901350367

    13 Name of the Institution Govt. Observation HomeAddress of the Institution D C Compound DharwadPhone No 0836-2441775Name of the contact Person Muniyappa, Superintendent, 9480481477

    6.3 Institutions that provide care for children

  • 28

    6.4 Government, private or any other institution supported by the government or by any public/private donor that facilitates linkages between family/care givers of CABA/CLHIV to various social entitlement and welfare schemes for rural and urban poor are included in this list. These are institutions (NGOs/CBOs/FBOs) that provide social welfare and protection.

    6.4 Institutions that provide social welfare and protection

    1 Name of the Institution Rotary Regional Blood Transfusion CentreAddress of the Institution Navanagar Cancer Hospital, DharwadPhone No 8362222865contact Person Name Dr Umesh Hallikeriemail [email protected]

    2 Name of the Institution Hope careAddress of the Institution Near Railway Station, BSNL Office, Opp Balavi Build-

    ing, 3rd Floor, Hope CarePhone No 836226122contact Person Name Mary V Selamemail [email protected] Counselling Centre (Santwana Kendra), Free Legal Aid

    Service, Informal/ Non Formal Education, Referrals for Vocational Training

    3 Name of the Institution RapidAddress of the Institution 1st Floor, Govind Nivas Station Road, Malmaddi,

    DharwadPhone No 8362444066contact Person Name Smt Vani Purohithemail [email protected] Counselling, Free Legal Aid, Referrals for Vocational

    Training, Government Schemes and IGP

  • 29

    4 Name of the Institution spadAddress of the Institution Kamath Hotel Building, Subhash Road, Near CBT,

    DharwadPhone No 8362743536contact Person Name Veerappa K Teguremail [email protected] Counselling, Free Legal Aid Service

    5 Name of the Institution Belaku Mahila SanghaAddress of the Institution Kamath Hotel Building, Subhas Road, Near CBT,

    DharwadPhone No 8362743536contact Person Name Rajesh DSozaemail [email protected] Counselling, Free Legal Aid

    6 Name of the Institution DeekshaAddress of the Institution Sriramnagar, Attikolla, Dharwad 580007Phone No 836244425contact Person Name Linnet Disilvaemail [email protected] Vocational Training

    7 Name of the Institution Chaitanya Rural Development Society HaveriAddress of the Institution Koppadakeri, Near Ganapathi Temple, Ma Tadakod

    Bldg, Dharwadcontact Person Name Manjunath Rayaremail [email protected] Free Legal Aid Services, Vocational Training and


  • 30

    8 Name of the Institution Belgaum Dharmapranthya Samaja Seva samstha Dharwad

    Address of the Institution Sevalaya D R Bendhre Road, SadhanakeriPhone No 8362777775contact Person Name Rev. Fr. Jacob AntonyServices Counselling, Free Legal Aid, Child Help Line, Hostels

    for Children, Non Formal Education, Vocational Training, Scholarship for Pre Metric and Post Metric Students

    9 Name of the Institution Swathi Swayam Seva SamsteAddress of the Institution Pratiba Colony, 3rd Cross, Kelgeri Road, DharwadPhone No 8762662131contact Person Name Akkamahadevi S Araganjiemail [email protected]

    10 Name of the Institution Boruka Charitable TrustAddress of the Institution Co SV Vani, No 63/1, 1st Floor, Ranivarpet, Opp Urdu

    School, Dharwad 580001contact Person Name J Kallappaemail [email protected] Counselling Center, Free Legal Aid Services, Referral

    for Vocational Training

    11 Name of the Institution Akshara FoundationAddress of the Institution Betadur Compound, Behind Govt Primary School,

    No 11, Malmaddi, DharwadPhone No 9900045517contact Person Name Angelina Gregaryemail [email protected]

    12 Name of the Institution Sanghamitra Institute For Social TransformationAddress of the Institution Soundarya Laxmi Nivas Rudset Road, Near

    Samarthanam Trust, Gandhinagar, Dharwad 580004contact Person Name S Pradeep Melgadeemail [email protected] Referral for Vocational Training

  • 31

    6.4 Institutions that provide social welfare and protection

    13 Name of the Institution Family Planning Association Of IndiaAddress of the Institution Fpa India Sanjeevini Eye Hospital Building, Near

    Yammikeri Busstop, DharwadPhone No 8362447896contact Person Name Dr Sujatha Anishetteremail [email protected] Counselling Centre/ Santwana Kendra, Child Help Line

    14 Name of the Institution Mahila Samakhya KarnatakaAddress of the Institution Ub Hill, Near Hindi Prachar Sabha, DharwadPhone No 8362446208contact Person Name Smt Santani Dandinemail [email protected] Counselling, Referral for Vocational Training

    15 Name of the Institution Rural Development Self Employment Training inst

    Address of the Institution Gandhinagar, DharwadPhone No 836246496contact Person Name Mahantesh Veerapuremail [email protected] Counselling, Vocational Training Centre

    16 Name of the Institution Sneha Education And Development Society ujwala Pro

    Address of the Institution Vasant Nagar, 4th Cross, Hubli Colony, Near Ganesh Temple, Keshwapur Hubli

    Phone No 8362225665contact Person Name Pushpa Rameshemail [email protected] Women Redressal Committee, Counselling Centre,

    Free Legal Aid, Destitute Home for Women and Children, Vocational Training, Referral for Vocational Training, Hostels, Scholarship for Pre Metric and Post Metric Students

  • 32

    17 Name of the Institution Karmani Grameena Seva PratistanaAddress of the Institution Kundgol Swadar Yojana Sri Bheemappa Bhovi Revana

    Siddeswara, Kundgol 581113Phone No 8304202717contact Person Name N. B. Hosmaniemail [email protected] Women redressal Committee, Counselling Centre/

    Santhwana Kendra, Free Legal Aid, Child Help Line, Vocational Training Centre

    18 Name of the Institution Kids Samsthe Manavi Family Support CentreAddress of the Institution Kids NGO, 2nd Cross, Unakal Cross, Shahinagar Road,

    HubliPhone No 8362775001contact Person Name Sujatha Bankeremail [email protected] Counselling Centre/Santwana Kendra, Free Legal Aid

    19 Name of the Institution Sneha Educational Development SamsthaAddress of the Institution Gamanagatti Road, ShivanandnagarPhone No 8366564481contact Person Name Pushpa Rameshemail [email protected] Women Redressal Committee, Free Legal Aid,

    Counselling, Open Shelter, Short Stay Home, Hostels For Children, Vocational Training and Referrals

    20 Name of the Institution Kalyan Kiran Social SamstheAddress of the Institution Town Panchayath Complex, Jolad Oni KalghatgiPhone No 8370284188contact Person Name B. Y. PatilServices Counselling, Free Legal Aid, Child Help Line

  • 33

    6.4 Institutions that provide social welfare and protection

    21 Name of the Institution Kalpavruksha Grameena Development SamstheAddress of the Institution Mahila Santhvana Kendra, Vijaya Bank, Near Kalghatgi

    581204Phone No 8370284233contact Person Name Ashok S. [email protected] Women Redressal Committee, Counselling,

    Free Legal Aid

    22 Name of the Institution children HelplineAddress of the Institution Hebasur Building, Siddalingeshwara Theatre, Opp

    Navalgund, DharwadPhone No 8380220230contact Person Name Renuka Matageremail [email protected] Free Legal Aid, Child Help Line

    Government Organizations

    1 Name of the Institution District Child Protection UnitAddress of the Institution DC Compound DharwadPhone No 8362742420contact Person Name Dr. Ushaemail [email protected]

    2 Name of the Institution Karnataka Maharshi Valmiki Sc St Development Board

    Address of the Institution Plot No 4 Sattur Colony 1st Cross Vidyagiri Dharwad 580004

    Phone No 8362460855contact Person Name SRI Diwakar K. Sankina Dasaremail [email protected]

  • 34

    3 Name of the Institution Women child Welfare DepartmentAddress of the Institution Lokur Building Dc Compound Near Hindi Prachar

    Sabha DharwadPhone No 8362440733contact Person Name U. B. Angadiemail [email protected]

    4 Name of the Institution Physically Handicapped And Senior CitizenAddress of the Institution Swimming Pool Opposite Balabhavan DharwadPhone No 8362435749contact Person Name K. M. Amarnathemail [email protected]

    5 Name of the Institution Ka Minarity Development DepartmentAddress of the Institution Mini Vidhana Soudha DharwadPhone No 8362748226contact Person Name Suhas I. Madapurmathemail [email protected]

    6 Name of the Institution Taluka Social Welfare DepartmentAddress of the Institution Mini Vidhanasoudha DharwadPhone No 8362440194contact Person Name M. B. Sanneraemail [email protected]

    7 Name of the Institution Dr Br Ambedkar Development NigamaAddress of the Institution Mini Vidhana Soudha DharwadPhone No 8362447151contact Person Name S. K. Chawanemail [email protected]

    8 Name of the Institution D Devaraja Arasu Dept Of Backward Class Nigama

    Address of the Institution Mini Vidhana Soudha DharwadPhone No 8362446382contact Person Name N. S. Tavanappanavaraemail [email protected]

  • 35

    9 Name of the Institution Women And child Welfare DepartmentAddress of the Institution Balbhavan Dc Compound DharwadPhone No 8362447850contact Person Name B. Y. Shetteppanavaremail [email protected]

    10 Name of the Institution District social Welfare DepartmentAddress of the Institution Dc Compound DharwadPhone No 8362447201contact Person Name G. P. Devarajemail [email protected]

    11 Name of the Institution Nehru Yuva KendraAddress of the Institution Mini Vidhanasoudha DharwadPhone No 8362444676contact Person Name Shri Puranikemail [email protected]

    12 Name of the Institution District Youth And Sports ServicesAddress of the Institution Rn Shetty Stadium DharwadPhone No 8362447424contact Person Name B. Shrinivasemail [email protected]

    6.4 Institutions that provide social welfare and protection

  • 36

    1 Name of the Facility District Legal Service AuthorityAddress Hubli Road, Near Karnataka Bhavan, DharwadPhone No. 8362740128e-mail [email protected] of Institution District Legal service AuthorityType of Facility Governement

    Services Free Legal Services

    2 Name of the Facility Belgaum Dharmapranthya Samaja Seva SamstheAddress D R Bhendre Road, Sadanakere, DharwadaPhone No. 8553406996e-mail [email protected] of Institution Child Welfare CommitteeType of Facility Non-Governmental Organisation

    Services Awareness About Legal Services For Children

    3 Name of the facility Taluk Legal Service Centre NavalgundAddress Taluk Legal Service NavalgundType of Institution Taluk Legal Service CommitteeType of Facility Governement

    Services Legal Services

    4 Name of the Facility Taluk Legal Service Committee Address Taluk Court HubliPhone No. 9341031721e-mail ashokanuvekar@gmal .comType of Institution Taluk legal Service CommitteeType of Facility Governement

    Services Free Legal Services

    6.5 Institutions that provide legal support by the government

    6.5 Institutions that provide legal support by the government: Institutions which provides information to CABA/CLHIV and their families on their rights and extends legal support to them.

  • 37

    5 Name of the facility Legal Service Centre, KalghatgiAddress Legal Services Centre, KalghatgiPhone No. 9740096513Type of Institution Taluk Legal Service CommitteeType of Facility Governement

    Services Free Legal Services

    6 Name of the facility Legal Service Centre, KundgolAddress of the facility Legal Service Centre, KundgolType of Institution Taluk Legal Service CommitteeType of facility Governement

    Services Free Legal Services

  • 38

    7. Government Schemes for Children Living with HIV (CLHIV) and families

    Name of the scheme and benefits Department/Ministry and Website


    1. Vishesha Palana yojane: This scheme is for children (0-18 years of age) who are HIV infected/affected and have lost parent/s . They are entitled to benefits in both institutional as well as non-institutional care. The financial provision per year should not exceed Rs. 9600.

    Ministry of Woman and Child Development Contact DAPCU Office

    2. Free Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)The provision of free ART is available at all ART centers in the state and aims at delaying the onset of AIDS, fewer opportunistic infections and helps people to lead more productive lives .

    Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

    3. Free road transport for the PLHiV for ARtIt is meant for PLHIV currently on ART and includes the provision of free transportation of the PLHIV for accessing the ART to the ART/Link ART centers. This is an exclusive scheme for PLHIV. Expenses will be reimbursed at ART centres.

    Contact respective ART centres


    Health schemes

    4. Janani Suraksha Yojana: Scheme for pregnant women from SC/ST and BPL families here monetary grant is provided post delivery. Rs.500 if delivery happens at home, Rs. 700 (for rural) and Rs. 600 (for city) if the delivery takes place at hospital and Rs. 1500 in case of C- section.

    Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department and Women and Child

    5. Janani Shishu Suraksha programme: For women delivering in govt. hospitals, free entitlements including free and cashless delivery, C-Section, drugs and consumables, diagnostics, diet during stay in the health institutions, provision of blood, transport from home to health institutions. Besides the pregnant women the sick newborns till 30days after birth and even the sick infants get free entitlements.

  • 39

    Name of the scheme and benefits Department/Ministry and Website

    6. Madilu Kit: Women from BPL families who deliver in Govt. hospitals get a kit containing 19 essesntial items for the care of mother and child.

    Ministry of Women and Child Development

    7. Bala Sanjeevini: This scheme offers tertiary treatment for various ailments to children from BPL families below 6 years, who are enrolled in an Anganwadi Centre. Minimum of Rs 35000 and Maximum of Rs 50000 cash amount will be paid to the hospital for the treatment.

    8. Yeshasvini Co-Operative Farmers Health Care Scheme: This scheme offers cashless treatment through network hospitals to the co-operative farmers across the state of Karnataka. To avail the benefit of the scheme, at least one member of the family should be a member of Rural Co-operative Society of the state. The higher age limit if 75 years for availing benefit. The beneficiaries contribute a small amount of money (Rs. 210/-) every year to avail any possible surgery during the period.

    Department of Co-operation Government of Karnataka

    eDucAtioN ReLAteD scHeMes

    9. Sarva Siksha Abhiyan: This scheme provides universal elementary education to all children from class 1 to 8 standards between 6-14 years.

    Residential Schools - Navodaya, Morarji Desai, Kittur Rani Chenemma (for girls): Free education and hostel facility in both Kannada and English medium schools for children from 5th standard onwards.

    Ministry of Human Resource DevelopmentEducation Department


    10. Antyodaya Anna Yojana: This scheme guarantees food security to the poorest of the poor and supplies food grains at free of cost to Priority Household (Antyodaya Anna Yojana AAY + Below Poverty Line BPL) families through a network of fair price shops across the state from May 2015 across Karnataka.

    Food and Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Government of Karnataka

    11. Integrated Child Development Scheme: Provision of supplementary food and nutrition for pregnant and lactating women and pre-school children age group (0-6) years through Anganwadi centres. This also ensures services like immunization, health check-up, referral services, pre-school non-formal education and nutrition & health education are given through the Anganwadi Worker to ensure proper growth and development.

    Ministry of Women and Child Development

  • 40

    Name of the scheme and benefits Department/Ministry and Website

    LiVeLiHooD ReLAteD scHeMes

    12. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: This scheme aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural areas by guaranteeing hundred days of wage-employment in a financial year to a rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. This is implemented through the Gram Panchayat.

    Ministry of Rural Development

    13. Support to Training and Employment Programmes for Women (STEP) Women: It provides training on skill upgradation, makes facilities available through training and access to credit. The scheme enables groups of women to take up employment-cum-income generation programmes of their own.

    Ministry of Women and Child Development

    14. Swarna Jayanti Shehri Rozgar Yojana: This scheme gives assistance to urban poor beneficiaries for setting up employment ventures and support to group of women to set up employment ventures, trainings to beneficiaries of the scheme.

    Department of Urban Development

    15. stree shakthi yojane: It is scheme for a group of 5-20 women members in rural areas who are trained to form SHGs, savings and credit facilities, income generation activities, skill development training and training on social issues and women empowerment.

    Ministry of Women and Child Development

    16. Udyogini Scheme: This scheme assists women from 18-45 years of age group and BPL families, in gaining self-reliance through self- employment, especially in the trade and service sector and providing loans through Banks and other financial institutions to the extent of Rs. 1 lakh. Subsidy is provided from the Corporation for undertaking business activities / micro enterprises.

    HousiNG scHeMes uNDeR RAJiV GANDHi HousiNG coRPoRAtioN

    17. Rural Basava Yojane: This is a housing scheme for people living in huts, BPL families ,75,000 Rupees in 4 installments

    Rajeev Gandhi Housing Corporation

  • 41

    Name of the scheme and benefits Department/Ministry and Website

    18. Urban Basava Yojane: For house less BPL family in rural & urban area; 60000 Rupees

    19. Rural Ambedkar Housing Scheme: For SC/ST, no other housing benefit availed and should have site; 75,000 Rs. in 4 installments

    20. Urban Ambedkar: For SC/ST, no other housing benefit availed and should have site,75,000 4 installments

    21. indira Awaas yojana: First preference is given to bonded laborers, SC/ST, 75,000 Rs in 4 installments

    scHeMes FoR tHe DiFFeReNtLy ABLeD

    22. Differently Abled Pension (physically handicapped pension) PHP: Persons with disability (physical, speech/hearing, visual, mental retardation, more than one disability) are eligible for Rs. 400 - 1000 per month depending on the severity of the disability. It covers medical treatment, medical aid instruments, therapeutic intervention, Insurance and bus pass.

    Ministry of Labour and Employment

    23. Scholarship for Differently Abled Students: This scholarship is for disabled students from 1st standard to PG and vocational courses. Amount varying from Rs. 500 3000 provided based on the level of education.

    Ministry of Social Justice and Empower-ment, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

    24. Differently Abled Medical Relief fund: To cure the disability in some manner a relief fund will be given to beneficiaries who are undergone treatment/surgery at government/private hospitals. Maximum of Rs 35000 amount will be released

    25. Distribution of Equipment: Under this free equipment like wheel chairs, hearing materials etc. with free of cost are given to persons with disability.

    scHeMes FoR tHe seNioR citizeNs AND WiDoWs

    26. Old Age Pension: Senior citizens above the age of 65 years, who do not have an earning male child, permanent resident of village, belong to a BPL family, do not own more than 2 acres of dry land or a site 20X30 get Rs. 400 per month through revenue department.

    Revenue departmentDifferently abled and Senior Citizen department /KSRTC

    27. Bus Pass for Senior Citizens: 25% exemption in bus fare of KSRTC buses in Karnataka state.

  • 42

    Name of the scheme and benefits Department/Ministry and Website

    Widow & Destitute Women Pension: A woman above 18 years of age widow/ destitute women is eligible for a monthly pension of Rs. 400.

    FiNANciAL iNcLusioN scHeMes

    28. Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan yojana: Access to a zero balance bank account.

    Department of Finance Services

    29. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana: Accidental insurance for accidental death and disability for Rs.12 per year per member

    30. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana: Insurance scheme offering life insurance cover for death due to any reason. Coverage for 2 lakh for a premium of Rs 330 per annum per member.

    31. Atal pension yojana: Anyone who joins the scheme between the age group of 18 to 40 years is entitled for a pension of Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000 per month. The government would contribute 50% of the contribution amount or Rs 1000 annually for a period of 5 years and rest would be contributed by the subscriber.


    32. Short Stay Home for Women and Girls: This scheme is for specific categories of women /girls and Women affected or living with HIV are also included as beneficiaries.

    Ministry of Women and Child Development

    33. santhwana: For women facing atrocities provides legal assistance, financial relief, temporary shelter, protection to victims, training and skill development and has a helpline number 1091.

    Ministry of Women and Child Development

    34. Bhagyalakshmi: Financial assistance for the first two girl children in the BPL family through parents/ guardians. Rs. 100052 and 100097 will be paid to the beneficiary respectively when the children reach 10th Standard. Scholarship, life insurance and medical insurance also provided.

    Ministry of Women and Child Development

  • 43

    Name of the scheme and benefits Department/Ministry and Website

    35. National Child Labour Projects Scheme: Non-formal education through special schools for working children/child labour, vocational training and monthly stipend, nutrition on a daily basis, health services and treatment to working children provided through voluntary agencies or NGOs.

    Ministry of Labour and Employment

    Accessing each of these schemes mentioned here will require a set of documents such as Aadhar card, BPL card, voter ID card, bank passbook, ART book, caste certificate etc depending on the type of the scheme. Conditions apply for the final sanction of the benefit of the scheme.

    It is now simplified to access schemes for PLHIV/CLHIV/CABA and their families through DAPCU under single window system. This enables individuals and families to approach DAPCU directly rather than visiting individual departments.

    For contact: DISTRICT AIDS PREVENTION & CONTROL UNIT (DAPCU), DHO Compound,Near Old Superintendent of Police (SP) Office,[email protected]

  • 4444

    8. General Services

    Service telephone

    Ambulance 102

    Emergency response service for medical, police and fire emergencies in Karnataka


    Local Police 100

    Fire Brigade 101

    childline 1098

    Womens Helpline, Karnataka/Vanitha Sahaya Vahini 1091

    AiDs Helpline 1097

    Child Welfare Committee, Dharwad

    1. Dr. Geeta S. Paste President 8050367919

    2. Dr. Poornima A. Gouroji Member 9448692959

    3. Shri. B. Y. Patil Member 9448221600

    4. Shri. N. I. Hiremath Member 9448747125

    5. Rev. Fr. Jekab Anthoni Member 8553406996

    Juvenile Justice Board Members, Dharwad

    1 Smt. Sumangala Basavannor President

    2 Smt. Rajeshwari Salagatti Member 9844668601

    3 Smt. Anasuya Khandekar Member 8970645641

  • 45

    children Help Line

    1Sneha Shikshana Abhivrudi Samsthe, House No. 118, City Park, Gamankate Road, Navanagara Hubli


    Smt. Nagarathna Jaded Co-ordinator 9483767964/ 8951003145

    2 BDSS, Sevalaya, Sadhanakere Road, Dharwad

    Rev. Fr. Jakob Anthoni Director 8553406996

    3 Karmani Gramina Seva Prathishttana, Revanasiddeshwara Park, Kundgol

    Hosmani 9845125869

    4 Kalyan Kiran Social Institute, Jolada Oni, Kaghatgi

    B. Y Patil 9448221600

    5 Seeda Trust, Hebsuru Building, Opp Siddalingeshwara Takies ,Navalgunda

    Shrenivas Kulkarni 9880226745

  • 46

    9. District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit (DAPCU) and contact details of officials

    DISTRICT AIDS PREVENTION & CONTROL UNIT (DAPCU), DHO Compound, Near Old Superintendent of Police (SP) Office,Dharwad

    DAPCU members contact details

    Name Designation contact No Office Contact No

    e-mail iD

    1 Dr. Yashwanth DTO/DAPCO 9449843225 0836-2447565 [email protected]

    2 Mr. S. V. Patil District ICTC Supervisor

    9449846974 0836-2447565 [email protected]

    3 Mr. M. G. Baligar M& E Officer 9886414098 0836-2447565 [email protected]

  • 47

    10. Services available beyond district

    10.1 Major medical facilities for children

    1 Name of the Facility Indira Gandhi Institute of Child HealthAddress of the Facility South Hospital Complex, Dharmaram College

    Post, Bangalore 560029Phone No. +91 080 22443143

    2 Name of the Facility Bowring & Lady Curzon HospitalAddress of the Facility Lady Curzon Rd, Tasker Town, Shivaji Nagar,

    Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001Phone No. +91 080 2559 1325

    3 Name of the Facility snehadaanAddress of the Facility Sarjapura Road, Ambedkar Nagar, Carmelaram

    Post, Bangalore 560035. Karnataka, India. Phone No. +91 8028439516email [email protected]

    4 Name of the Facility St. Johns National Academy of Health SciencesAddress of the Facility Sarjapur Road, Bangalore 560 034. Karnataka

    State. IndiaPhone No. Information Desk: +91 080 22065008/ 22065250

    Appointments: +91 080 22065003/ 22065004

    5 Name of the Facility Asha KiranaAddress of the Facility No. CA-1,Ring Road, Hebbal Industrial Housing

    Area, Mysore, Karnataka 570016Phone No. Mobile: +91 0821 4280466

    6 Name of the Facility National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore

    contact Person Dr. V.L. Sateesh, Medical SuperintendentAddress of the Facility NIMHANS, Hosur Road, Bangalore 560029Phone No. +91 080 26995200, 26995255email [email protected]

  • 48

    10.2 Major vocational training institutions for children

    1 Name of the Facility Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka (AWAKE)

    Address of the Facility B-76, KSSIDC Industrial Estate, Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560044

    Phone No. +91 080 2338 5874

    2 Name of the Facility Don Bosco Tech (General Population)Description DB Tech is a network of Don Bosco skill training

    centres that provides employment-linked, market-oriented vocational training of short duration to economically and socially marginalized youthFor children above the age of 14, education and vocational training for CABA/CLHIV with residential facility.

    Address of the Facility Don Bosco Tech, Don Bosco Yuva Kendra, Nangloi Road, Najafgarh, New Delhi 110043

    Phone No. +91 11 65171432Fax +91 11 28011432


    3 Name of the Facility SnehagramDescription For children above the age of 12, education and

    vocational training for CABA/CLHIV with residential facility.

    Address of the Facility Nachikuppam Post, Veppanapalli, Krishnagiri Dist. Tamil Nadu 635121

    Phone No. +91 9443058060,+91 9480476878email [email protected]


    4 Name of the Facility Unnati CentreAddress of the Facility Temple Road, Sadananda Nagar, Near Byappanahalli

    Satellite Bus Stand, NGEF East, Bangalore 560038Phone No. +91 80 25384642 / +91 80 25384443email [email protected]

  • 49

    10.3 Care homes for children, destitute and rehabilitation centres

    1 Name of the Facility BoscoAddress of the Facility Bosco Yuvodaya, No. 91, B Street 6th Cross,

    Gandhinagar, Bangalore 560009. KarnatakaPhone No. +91 080-65370112 (Project office)

    +91 080-22286572 ( Exe. Director)email [email protected]

    2 Name of the Facility Don BoscoAddress of the Facility Jambunatha Road, Hospet 583201,

    Bellary, KarnatakaPhone No. +91 08394 265161email [email protected]

    3 Name of the Facility Infant Jesus Childrens Home, BangaloreAddress of the Facility Kothanur, Agaram (Near Gubbi Cross),

    Bangalore 560007Phone No. +91 080 28465948

    4 Name of the Facility Sneha Care Home, BangaloreAddress of the Facility Sarjapura Road, Ambedkar Nagar, Carmelaram Post,

    Bangalore 560035 Phone No. +91 8028439516email [email protected]


  • 50

    11. Networks for PLHIV

    1 Name of the Facility Jeevan Mukhi District Level NetworkAddress of the Facility MM Harlapur Building, Opp Dhruva Apartment

    Lakshmi Temple Road, Vidhyanagar, HubliMobile +91 9035121269

    2 Name of the Facility AiDs Jagruthi Mahila SanghaAddress of the Facility Hemant Rao Dhali Building,

    1St Floor, Athani Layout, Behind Taluk Govt. Hospital Sindagi, Bijapur District

    Mobile +91 9591327877

    3 Name of the Facility Arunodaya Network of Positive PeopleAddress of the Facility #738, 1St B Cross,

    Mahadeswara Temple Road, Ranganatha Pura, Kamakshipalya, Bangalore 560079

    Landline +91 080 25104525 / +91 25105169Mobile +91 8197237265 / +91 9535735908

    4 Name of the Facility Jeevan Jyoti NetworkBagalkot Network for People Living with HiV/AiDs

    Address of the Facility Bagalkot Sector No.10, Plot No.3, Near District Hospital, Navanagar, Bagalkot District

    Landline +91 08350 280671Mobile +91 9663056040

    5 Name of the Facility Jeevan Jyoti NetworkBagalkot Network for People Living with HiV/AiDs

    Address of the Facility Jamakhandi, Sadanand Colony,Kunchanur Road (Mudhol Road), JamakhandiBagalkot District

    Landline +91 08350 280671Mobile +91 9663056040

  • 51

    6 Name of the Facility Karnataka Network for People Living with HiV/AiDs (KNP+)

    Address of the Facility APMC yard, Old Administrative Building, 1St Floor, Tumkur Road, Near RMC Yard, Yeswanthpura, Bangalore 560022

    Landline +91 080 23470204Mobile +91 9449846900 / +91 8749041242

    7 Name of the Facility Mahesh FoundationAddress of the Facility Gokak, R.S.No.217/2, Plot No.5

    Advocate Savagave Bldg., Mahalingeshwar Nagar,Falls Road, Gokak 591307Belgaum District

    Landline +91 08332-227327

    8 Name of the Facility Nithyajeevana Network of Positive PeopleAddress of the Facility C/o Abhishek Nilaya, 4th Cross,

    Behind Nanda School, Batri Road,Vidya Nagar, Bellary 583104

    Landline +91 08352 271981Mobile +91 9036297221

    9 Name of the Facility sankalp NetworkAddress of the Facility C/o Santhosh N Golgeri,

    Opposite Sanik School 2nd Gate, Near Government Hospital, Athani Road, Bijapur 586102

    Landline +91 08392 244894Mobile +91 9480065425

    10 Name of the Facility Spandana Network of Positive PeopleAddress of the Facility C/o Ramesh Dhumale Building

    1st Floor, 2nd Main, 1St CrossSadashivnagar,Belgaum 590001

    Mobile +91 9611404408

    10 Name of the Facility Spandana Network of Positive PeopleAddress of the Facility Matru Pitru Chaya Building,

    2nd Main Road, Sadashivanagar, Belgaum 590001

    Landline +91 0831 2472857

    Mobile +91 9980673918

  • 52

    12. Key Websites

    Name of Facility Website

    1. AVERT- AVERTing HIV and AIDS

    2. Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI)

    3. Department of Women and Child Development (WCD)

    4. Don Bosco Tech (DBTech)

    5. Family Health International (FHI)360

    6. International Services Association (INSA)- India

    7. Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT)

    8. Karnataka Network of Positive People (KNP+)

    9. Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS)

    10. National AIDS Control Organization (NACO)

    11. National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience (NIMHANS)

    12. Sneha Charitable Trust

    13. Solidarity and Action Against the HIV Infection in India (SAATHII)

    14. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

    15. Y R G Care

    16. HIV Sensitive Social Protection Portal

  • 53

    13. Child Rights and Behavior Protocols

    Child Rights in India:

    Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlements every child should have or be able to enjoy. All children have the same rights And thesee rights are listed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Almost every country has agreed to these rights. All the rights are inter connected and are equally important. Sometimes, we have to think about rights in terms of what is best for the child in a situation, and what is critical to life and protection from harm.

    FDon Bosco Anbu Illam at Salem

    According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children - that India ratified in 1992 - all children are born with fundamental rights.

    RiGHt to suRViVAL

    RiGHt to DeVeLoPMeNt

    RiGHt to PRotectioN

    RiGHt to PARticiPAtioN

    - to life, health, nutrition, name, nationality

    - to education, care, leisure, recreation, cultural activities

    - from exploitation, abuse, neglect

    - to expression, information, thought, religion

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    cHiLD BeHAVioR PRotocoLs

    We PLeDGe to PRotect AND eMPoWeR cHiLDReN:

    We believe in the infinite potential that exists within each child and pledge to build on it for empowering the children and making them resilient

    We believe in the child rights and take preventive and promotive measures to ensure that all children enjoy their rights

    We believe that the family is the best place for a child and promote family strengthening activities to the extent possible to ensure that the child remains within the family

    We keep the best interest of children as our key goal in all our programs

    Respect the dignity and rights of every child. Consider every child as a unique individual with specific characteristics and

    needs and thus accept every child with all his/her unique personality and character.

    Empathize with the children rather than sympathize. Listen to the views of children with intent. Take their opinion seriously with

    respect and objectivity. Encourage children to express their feelings as well as to participate in

    decisions that affect them, while ensuring confidentiality (unless disclosure is necessary for safeguarding the child).

    Never stigmatize or humiliate children. Never use corporal punishment. Never develop sexual relationship with any child. Never behave in a manner which is inappropriate or sexually provocative.

    ouR VisioN FoR cHiLDReNEmpowered children enjoying a safe, supportive and responsive environment in a society that protects and upholds the rights and dignity of every child.

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    Never use slang words or abusive language in the presence of children. Never provoke children towards any malpractice or addiction. Never use substances like tobacco or alcohol in the presence of children. Never give information regarding any child-sensitive incident or work to

    media. Never take children out of their surroundings without consent from parent/

    guardian. Never retaliate physically even if the child is violent. Inform the guardian,

    caregiver in the best interest of the child. Offer child counselling service referrals when needed.

    Never undermine the suspicion of an incident of child-abuse. The childs complaint will be taken at his or her word.

    Work with children in a place within the view of others, but ensure respect and privacy, when necessary.

    Support an abused child to choose a male or female staff in gender sensitive situations.

    Inform about the purpose and guide children prior to medical care. Use governmental behavior protocols for abandoned children or response

    to abuse, violence and threat to life of any child. Use the Child Line 1098 or link with child protection resources in the best

    interest of the child. Follow up child abuse cases referred. Withhold identifiable personal information of the child while sharing

    histories. Shared confidentiality.

    cHiLD coMMuNicAtioN PRotocoLs Any direct communication about any child to and outsider or outside

    agency requires permission from the parent/guardian and the child. Obtain written informed consent of children and concerned authority

    before taking their photographs or documenting their case studies for publication, research or electronic media.

    Do not disclose identity of any child for research studies or media reports. Ensure accurate representation of statements made by the staff and

    children. Ensure that no photographs degrade a childs image.

    Note: This has been taken from Karnataka Health Promotion Trusts Child Protection Policy

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    14. OVC Programme Glimpses

    Child parliament is a structure within institutions caring for c

    hildren affected with HIV/AIDS that

    develop leadership skills and problem solving. Children elect

    their own ministers who help

    the management in smooth functioning of the institution. Th

    is picture is taken during a Child

    Parliament facilitation where children selected as Environmen

    t Minister write down their roles.

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    Chinnara Chillpili is a unique workshop being conducted among children infected or affected with HIV/AIDS where through games and fun-filled activities, children are expressing the problems that surround them and learning life skills. This picture is the work of children in one such workshop

    The Child Protection Policy workshops have been facilitated for district level networks as well as institutions caring for CABA/CLHIV to make them aware of

    child rights and put systems for child protection.

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  • Karnataka Health Promotion Trust5th Floor, Rajajinagar IT Park, #1-4, Rajajinagar Industrial Area

    Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560044. IndiaTel: +91 80 40400200. Fax: +91 80 40400300.