main task evaluation as-level media

Main Task Evaluation By Morgan Redman

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Main Task Evaluation

Main Task EvaluationBy Morgan Redman

Media ConventionsIn what ways does your media product, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real products? First of all we wanted our main task to challenge the convention that horror/ thriller films are for stereotypically masculine audiences. Many horror/ thriller films with female leads still conform to the conventions of other media products through means such as the male gaze as theorised by Mulvey. For instance, Carrie.We have female leads in every role in our media production with the villain and victims being played by females and in a way that is non-sexualised for a hetero-sexual white male audience. We have not challenged conventions with the ethnicity of actors used. There is lacking representation of ethnicities within media texts and we, due to lacking availability, used only Caucasian and European actors. We have conformed to conventions in the use of music to build tension and minor gore which is often a feature of a horror.

Social GroupsHow does your media product represent particular social groups?Our media product as mentioned in the prior slide depicts females in roles usually assumed to be played by males. Additionally, we wanted to have a more socially diverse group of actors but due to availability we were limited to only English and European actors who are therefore the represented social group in our media text.

InstitutionsWhat kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?As our product was made on an extremely low budget, almost no budget except for prosthetic make-up, we would most likely have our project distributed at a independent film festival such as Sundance Film Festival and could be exhibited via BFI cinema. As a British made film that is an independent, a company such as BBC may distribute our work; other films released by BBC include horror products such as The Woman in Black. Low budget horror films are also not uncommon and therefore more companies would be more likely to take a chance on our media production than another genre independent film.

AudienceWho would be the audience for your media product?Gender: All genders due to female lead and orientated plot and characters. Horror/ thrillers are stereotypically masculine even with female leads such as Carrie but ours is aimed at all.Ethnicity: Any ethnicity as long as they can engage in English language due to the language barrier.Age: 18 and over due to the nature of the BBFC rating system although younger audiences of teenagers may engage with this media.Region/ Nationality: Cast is Caucasian and European and therefore is stereotypically aimed towards this audience. Lack of other ethnicities is unintentional due to who was available at the time.Socio-Economic: C1 bracket down to the the E bracket in the traditional segmentation model due to E being where students fit into the system.

Audience ContinuedHow did you attract/address your audience?The most significant way that we addressed our audience is by including the female leads to encourage all genders that the media product will appeal to them. We would also distribute our product to attract audiences via social media with captions that associate it with various social groups including Female Cast. Moreover, we could supply our work to an independent film festival to promote our product to a larger audience.

TechnologiesWhat have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?We have expanded our use of tools and techniques through the employment of a Nikon D5 300 rather than a lower quality video camera. We have also experimented with more techniques in Premier Pro such as Vignette, Fast Colour Corrector, Three Way Colour Corrector, Default Transitions and Key Frames.I was responsible for creating a few props within Photoshop CC 2014 for our main task. This involved a polaroid template on a transparent background which I layered over the headshots that I took using a Canon EOS 450D. I also experimented with the Dodge tool alongside the Brightness/ Contrast to lighten the faces of the subjects to create a deathly pale effect. Although I also used the Burn tool to darken the eyes to create a gormless appearance.

Learning ProcessLooking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it towards the final product of the main task?In conclusion, we have learnt from our prior mistakes including continuity errors, how to focus the video-camera and how to zoom.We have also learnt how to use the correct tripods and dolly systems where appropriate. Additionally, we have also learned some techniques in certain software that aided the final product including Photoshop Dodge and Burn and Premier Pro tools as outlined in the pervious slide. Also, we have come to the conclusion that some production techniques appear more aesthetically pleasing and smoother when done in editing rather in filming including zoom/ cut ins.

Finished Product Version 1