majestic plateau at ali in tibet delivers unforgettable visual impact rich ancient customs of...

Majestic plateau at Ali in Tibet delivers unforgettable visual impact Rich ancient customs of Tibetans inspire deep spiritual reflections Life and nature are intertwined. Sensibility through images I share with you ~ Looi Toong Hong

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Post on 25-Feb-2016




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Majestic plateau at Ali in Tibet delivers unforgettable visual impact Rich ancient customs of Tibetans inspire deep spiritual reflections  Life and nature are intertwined. Sensibility through images I share with you ~ Looi Toong Hong. Who Turns the Gear of Life. Endless journey. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Majestic plateau at Ali inTibetdelivers unforgettable visual impactRich ancient customs of Tibetans inspire deep spiritual reflectionsLife and nature are intertwined. Sensibility through images I share with you~ Looi Toong Hong

Who Turns the Gear of Life

Endless journey

Endless wheels

Endless grovel

Endless scripture

Only to beg for less suffering in the next life

Yesterdays dynasty turns into ruins

Castle weeps in the water

Ocean turns into sandstone forest

Indeed nothing worldly is permanentAll is vanity of vanity

Snowy mountains tinted red only at twilights

Lives breed lives endlessly on the vast Earth

Spring turns into Autumn

Autumn passes into Winter

Indeed life and nature,Follow the same pattern

Life recycles into life,The river never ceases17

Look, the birds in the skyWorry neither about food or clothing

Wild flowers on the road sideare more beautiful than an emperors clothes

Worrying will not add a moment to lifespan

If our heart harborspatience and gratitude

Forbearance and diligence for all things

We will own a wider heaven and earth

Such are heavens most beautiful blessings