major turning points in ww1

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Post on 07-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Major Turning Points in WW1
  • 2. Our Objective:
    SWBAT describe how the Russian Revolution affected WWI
    SWBAT describe how the entrance of the United States affected WWI
  • 3. A little review
    What did Greco-Romans believe would lead to improvements in society?
    Who thought that socoiety should be ruled by philosopher kings?
    What did Plato and Aristotle think about the nature of people and rulers?
    Greco-Romans felt that who should participate in government?
    How does a tyrant take power?
    Who does a tyrant share power with?
  • 4. What is it called when the government is divided so that no one has too much power?
    What is it called when the government gets its power from the people?
    What is the main phrase in that?
    Where can you find that in the US?
    Where else in the world can you find it?
    Life, liberty and property are
    Who came up with those ideas
  • 5. Charles Louis Montesquie came up with Separation
    Jean Jaques Rousseau came up with
    Its that thing where the people give govt power but then its the governments job to protect the rights of the people
    Who liberated Latin America?
    What document established Due Process?
    a representative government is also known as a
    What are unalienable rights?
    What American document has unalienable rights?
  • 6. What was the king in France doing that caused the people to revolt?
    How many estates were there in France @ the time?
    Estates can be compared to
    Who made up the first estate?
    Who made up the second estate?
    Who made up the third estate?
    What were the French people trying to do when they took the Tennis Court Oath?
    What building did the French storm in protest?
  • 7. Who carried out the reign of terror?
    What was the reign of terror?
    Who were they executing?
    In 1799, who took power through a coup de tat?
    Did he spread the ideas of the Revolution or inhibit them?
    What was the Congress of Vienna?
    What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna?
    Mid 1700s which country was the first to industrialize?
    Why were they the first to industrialize?
  • 8. Population growth preceding the Industrial Revolution was caused by an increase or advancement in what?
    What was the enclosure movement?
    Where were all of these landless peasants going?
    What did James Watt do?
    What did Ely Whitney do?
    What did Henry Bessemer do?
    What did Louis Pasteur do?
    What did Thomas Edison do?
  • 9. What was significant about the Bessemer Process?
    Where did those things go?
    What era was marked by an increase in population in British Cities?
    Where did England initially get its cotton from?
    What did entrepreneurs and capitalists do with profits from the factories?
    What were the conditions of the cities during the industrial revolution?
    Because industry was more profitable, what did England do away with?
  • 10. Where were most of the migrants to the US coming from during the second industrial revolution?
    During the industrial revolution, were there many, some or few of the following
    Upper class?
    Middle class?
    Working class?
    What emerged to fight for the abuses of workers?
    What were they fighting for?
    What emerged because capitalism is/was evil?
  • 11. Capitalists worship
    Communists worship
    Socialists want
    What is untopianism?
    ________was an artistic movement that celebrated nature and the average man.
    ________ was a complaint regarding society.
    What author is responsible for most of these during the industrial revolution?
  • 12. What is imperialism?
    Why did imperial powers start colonizing?
    What is social darwinism?
    Where did the Europeans start colonizing?
    Who were the European countries that were colonizing?
    Who had the largest empire by far?
    During the Berlin Confrerence, what were these Europeans doing?
    What two countries what Africa left with?
  • 13. Who led the struggle in India against the British colonizers?
    Who liberated Latin America?
    What was the name of the Rebellion in China because they were afraid of foreigners?
    Was the rebellion successful?
    What is Nationalism?
    Why did the Europeans form alliances?
    What caused rivalries in Europe?
    Who made up the Triple Alliance?
    Who made up the Triple Entente?
  • 14. What is it called when a country begins to aggressivley build up their military?
    What region of Europe was known as the powder keg?
    They had been fighting for 400 plus years.
    Austria-hungry had control of what country?
    What was the name of the nationalist group who assissnated that guy?
    What was that guys name?
    Why did they assassinate him?
    Then who declared war on Serbia?
  • 15. Then who mobilized to help Serbia?
    Then Germany declared war on who?
    And then Germany invades who through neutral________
    Who made up the Central Powers?
    Who made up the Allied Powers?
    How many fronts did the Central Powers had to fight on?
    What were the two fronts for WWI?
    What was the new development in warfare that caused the war to drag on and on?
  • 16. Turning point in the war
    Russian Revolution
  • 17. A little bit of Background info.
    Russian had a monarchy
    CZAR Nicholas II
    Wife Alexandra
    Russia is large industrial country
  • 18. Early 1900s there were rumblings of revolution
    Nobles vs working class
  • 19. As a distraction
    Lets go to war with Japan!!!!
    Annihilation for Russia
    Peaceful group of poor workers
    Present Czar NicholasII with a petition
  • 21. How do you think the Czar responded?
  • 22. Czar ordered troops to fire on the peaceful group
  • 23. 1907 Russia suffers from a famine
    Food shortage
    People are starving
  • 24. 1914 Russia enter WWI
    On the Allies side
    Backing up Serbia
    Countless defeats
    Eastern front
    1 million dead
    1 million captured
    Very low wages!
  • 25. WE HAVE HAD IT! Internal Dissent
    February 1917 Revolution breaks out
    Czar Nicholas abdicates throne
    Later executed
  • 26. Let me introduce you to
    Vladimir Lenin
    His homie Leon Trotsky
    Pulled out of WWI
  • 27. How did this effect the Eastern Front?
  • 28. Germany
    Stop fighting
    Eastern Front
    Go to Western Front
  • 29. 2nd Major Turning point of the war
    United States entered the war
    What two thing caused the US to enter the war?
  • 30. Sinking of the Lusitania
  • 31. Zimmerman Telegram
  • 32. By April 1917
    German U-Boats
    Sank a total of 3 American ships
    Bound for Great Britain
  • 33. June 1918
    US troops
    Arriving in France
    250,000 a month
    Tons of food
    10 billion in loans
  • 34. By August 1918
    German troops
    Eager to fight
    Ambiens, France
    Desirve battle
    300 Allied broke through German Lines
  • 35. November 9th
    German Kaiser gave up his throne
    November 11th new German government
    Signed an armistice
    Agreement to end the war