make change work: leadership strategies to turn change into a strategic advantage


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Post on 21-Jan-2018



Leadership & Management

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Presenting Today

Randy PenningtonSpeaker, Author, ExpertThe Pennington Group


Krista BrubakerContent Marketing Specialist

[email protected] BizLibrary helps organizations succeed by improving the way employees learn.

The mind expanded by the possibility and potential of a big idea never returns to its original state.



The ability to quickly change and adapt in pursuit of your

vision is the difference between excellence and


“70 percent of change efforts fail to achieve their desired goal.”


“My greatest fear at Netflix is that we

wouldn’t make the jump from success in DVD’s to success in

streaming.”- Reed HastingsCEO, Netflix


Making change a strategic advantage isn’t a management

problem. It is a leadership problem.


The Difference Between Change Leadership and

Change Management


Change management:managing projects and processes

Change leadership:inspiring and connecting with peopleto bring them with you on a journey


What is the most difficult challenge your organization faces to make change a strategic advantage?

• Creating a nimble culture that anticipates and responds quickly to change

• Helping leaders and managers be more effective at leading change

• Overcoming the tendency to only focus on what’s broken rather than considering what’s possible

Quiz Question!




Perspective MattersWeeeeeeeeeeee!


We must …• Change our thinking• Change the conversation• Change the consequences


Two ways to change how your organization thinks about change:

• Frame the conversation around your vision and getting better

• Ask “What else” and “What next?”


We must …• Change our thinking• Change the conversation• Change the consequences




Quiz Question!What percentage of the things leaders talk about when it comes to change is not important to the vast majority of people listening?

• 30%• 50%• 80%• More than 95%


“80 percent of what leaders care about and talk about

when trying to enlist support for change doesn’t matter to 80 percent of the workforce.”


People support and embrace change for their reasons not ours.




The ability to change is based on readiness. Intellectual understanding does not ensure

emotional readiness.


The truth about change

People change for two reasons

• Crisis pushes us to change

• Opportunity pulls us to change



Building a Nimble Culture that Embraces Change as a Strategic Advantage






How Culture Develops


Leading change would be easy if it weren’t for people!


Which of the following worries you most as you think about using this information to make change a strategic advantage?• I don’t know what to do first• Our senior leaders will not be on

board• Our HR/OD team doesn’t have the

credibility to make this happen

Quiz Question!


1. Invest in education• Make Change Work® series in you BizLibrary subscription• Make Change Work® session leader guide available from

Pennington Performance Group

2. Be more intentional about leading change

3. Change more often and celebrate wins

Three Ideas to Enable Your Leaders and Managers


For resources go to

The present should be guided more by the future than the past.



Make Change Work video course

10-part video course

1. Dodos and Coyotes – Only the Nimble Survive

2. The New Realities of Change3. What Change Leaders Do4. Achieving Buy-In for Change: Part 15. Achieving Buy-In for Change: Part 26. Use Resistance as Your Friend-

Follower7. Use Resistance as Your Friend-Leader8. When Change Isn’t a Choice-Follower9. When Change Isn’t a Choice-Leader10. Building and Sustaining a Nimble


Leadership Fundamentals video course

7-part video course from BizLibrary Productions

1. Introduction to Leadership2. Leadership Throughout the

Organization3. What is Leadership?4. Styles of Leadership5. Management vs. Leadership6. Traits of Successful Leaders7. How Leaders Get Followers

Try out these video lessons and more!

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