make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly -...

Adjectives. Degrees of comparison. Variant 1. Автор тренажера: Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 53 г. Твери Абросимова Лариса Владимировна

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Page 1: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

Adjectives. Degrees of comparison.

Variant 1. Автор тренажера: Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 53 г. Твери Абросимова Лариса Владимировна

Page 2: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison:hot - long - short - clever - silly -interesting -weak -wonderful -

hotter – the hottest longer- the longest shorter – the shortestcleverer – the cleverestsillier – the silliest more interesting – the most interestingweaker – the weakestmore wonderful - the most wonderful

Page 3: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison:heavy - fat - delicious - good - brave - various - cold -

heavier – the heaviestfatter – the fattestmore delicious - the most deliciousbetter – the bestbraver - the bravestmore various - the most various

colder -the coldest

Page 4: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Open the brackets using the right form of adjective.•The island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.•Russia is a very (large) country.•Jane is (young) child in her family.•She lived in (far) house from the station.The strong wind made the air (cold) than usual.


the youngest

the farthest


Page 5: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Open the brackets using the right form of adjective.•Moscow is (large) city in Russia.•Her German is (good) than her French.

•I have got (old) sister, she is 4 years (old) than• me.•This exercise is (difficult) in the text-book.

•I live far from the institute, but my friend lives (far).

the largest


an elder

the most difficult



Page 6: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Put the conjunctions as…….as, than, not so……as.•She is … kind to me …… you.•The last of them is taller …. the others.•No one is …. beautiful …. she.•I do my work ….. good … I can.

not so as


so as

as as

Page 7: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Put the conjunctions as…….as, than, not so……as.•Winter in Great Britain is …. cold …. in Russia.•I think she is prettier …. anyone else.•He is not …. clever … he seems.

not so as

thanso as

Page 8: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Translate into English.•Эта самая лучшая книга года.

This is the best book of the year.

Page 9: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Translate into English.•Эта книга намного интереснее той.

This book is much more interesting than that one.

Page 10: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Translate into English.•Я хочу купить последнюю книгу этого автора.

I want to buy the last book by this author.

Page 11: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Translate into English.•Он читает лучше, чем в прошлом году.

He reads better than last year.

Page 12: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

•Translate into English.•Мой брат читает хуже всех в классе.

My brother reads the worst of all in the class.

Page 13: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

Adjectives. Degrees of comparison.Variant 2.

Page 14: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison:

thin - warm - light - beautiful - clean - bad -dirty -

thinner - the thinnestwarmer - the warmestlighter – the lightestmore beautiful – the most beautifulcleaner - the cleanestworse – the worstdirtier – the dirtiest

Page 15: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison:

tall - colorful - brave - attractive - nice - large - happy - expensive -

taller - the tallestmore colorful - the most colorfulbraver -the bravestmore attractive – the most attractive

nicer - the nicest

larger - the largest

happier - the happiest more expensive – the most expensive

Page 16: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Open the brackets using the right form of adjective.

•This cinema is (big) than the old one.

•This is (funny) story I’ve ever heard.

•He was (careful) than I.My sister is the (old) of three of us.

•It is (easy) to swim in the sea than in the river.


the funniestmore careful



Page 17: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Open the brackets using the right form of adjective.•This student is (attentive) in our group.

•This is (small) room in our flat.

•We started (early) than you.

•My father is as (tall) as my (old) brother.

•The Volga is (short) than Mississippi.

the most attentive

the smallest





Page 18: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Put the conjunctions as…….as, so…, than, not so……as.

•It isn’t …… warm today …… it was yesterday.•My room is …… light …… this one.•Kate is lazier ……. her brother.•Tomsk is ………. large …… Moscow.

so as


not so as

as as

Page 19: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Put the conjunctions as…….as, so…, than, not so……as.

•There is no park ……. .lovely …… this one.•You can eat ……. much …… .you can.•Box is …….. dangerous …..... wrestling.

so as

as as

not so as

Page 20: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Translate into English.•Этот дом такой же высокий как тот.

This house is as high as that one.

Page 21: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Translate into English.

•Я знаю математику лучше, чем ты.

I know mathematics better than you.

Page 22: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Translate into English.•Это кротчайший путь.

This is the shortest way.

Page 23: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Translate into English.•Яблоки такие же вкусные как сливы.

Apples are as tasty as plums.

Page 24: Make up the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison: hot - long - short - clever - silly - interesting - weak - wonderful - hotter – the hottest

1)Translate into English.•Она самая красивая в классе.

She is the most beautiful in the classroom.