makerere damalie

Makerere university Department of Journalism and Communication Nankunda Damalie 10/U/7790/EVE Nattabi Waludah 09/U/5547/EVE

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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1. Makerere university Department of Journalism and Communication Nankunda Damalie 10/U/7790/EVE Nattabi Waludah 09/U/5547/EVE 2. Student associations in Makerere university and their relevance 3. This is a student Christian association meant to propagate the gospel in Kigezi and Ankole regions 4. KAAYM students during a mission to Rukungiri district 5. MUMSA-Makerere University Muslim Association 6. MUMSA-Makerere university Medical students association 7. MUEHSA-Makerere university Environmental and Health Sciences Association 8. MUJCA-Makerere university Journalism and Communication Association-Executive members 9. MES-Makerere Engineering Society students at the annual CEDAT Open Day 10. Performing at the annual Makerere cultural gala at university hall, is Abasoga Nseete. An association uniting members of the Nseete clan from Busoga region. 11. This is the venue where most of the student association meetings are held