making groupwork work: university of bradford university of leeds supporting student groupwork...

Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web pwork/ Presented by Peter Hartley & Carol Elston

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Page 1: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Making Groupwork Work:

University of BradfordUniversity of Leeds

Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Presented byPeter Hartley & Carol Elston

Page 2: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

The problem of groups: why worry?

Student groups in UK HE – the current context:

o increasing use of group projects

(alongside decreasing staff support)

o groups now used in all subject areas

o pressures to develop ‘key skills’/’soft skills’

and employability

o pressures to ‘reflect’

Page 3: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Key features of the resource

o Flexible for both staff and students

o Encourage students to inquire into group


o Must not offer ‘one best way’

o Must have potential for further expansion

and development

Page 4: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Key design points

o Web delivery

o Structured around ‘episodes’

o ‘Believable’ video clips

o Different perspectives for analysis/discussion

o Flexibility for staff and students

o Ability to add further links/resources

Page 5: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Group work Timeline: Example Episodes

Page 6: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Structure of the final product


The ‘descriptive’ screen

o Video of the group in action

o Background info and discussion points

The ‘analysis’ screen

o Alternative or additional video

o Analysis of interaction

o Hints and tips

o Links to further resources

Page 7: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

The descriptive screen

Discussion points

Video of the group in action

Background info

Page 8: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

The analysis screen

Analysis of interaction

Alternative or additional video

Links to further resoures

Hints and tips

Page 9: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Success and glory!

2 awards at ALT Annual Conference 2009.

o JORUM Learning and Teaching Competition.

o ALT/Epigeum Use of Video.


o Effective practice award from the Sloan-C, Moodle and

Merlot Consortium, USA

Chapter in the ‘LearnHigher’ book.

Success in Groupwork by Peter Hartley and Mark Dawson

Page 10: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Success and glory!

Page 11: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Examples of use from Bradford (modules at Level 1)

Page 12: Making Groupwork Work: University of Bradford University of Leeds Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web

Ongoing activity

For news of continuing development:

o Peter Hartley &

Mark Dawson

o Carol Elston &

Julia Braham

Looking at mobile devices.

Happy to discuss collaboration for future
