making makeshop

Making M A K E S H O P Designing Making Experiences with Families

Upload: drew-davidson

Post on 01-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Making MAKESHOP Designing Making Experiences with Families
  • 2. Quick IntroductionsJane WernerLisa BrahmsDrew DavidsonDale Doughertyand ETC graduate students
  • 3. MAKESHOP Partners
  • 4. The MAKESHOP Idea: Opportunity and Response Growth of media-rich informal learning environments for youth Childrens Museums: Growing focus on 0-5 years. Visitor Study: Children 7+ 30% of audience History of Practice: Studio & Curiosity Lab Pittsburgh: Kids+Creativity Network; CMU; University of Pittsburgh; Artist/Maker Community
  • 5. Vision for MAKESHOP Target demographic: children, ages 8-12 DIY + Digital Media Highly facilitated Design process: ideation, prototyping, iteration, reflection Entry Point: What do you want to make today? Scaffolded experiences for exploration and innovation with old and new technologies
  • 6. Front End ResearchParent Perspective of New and Traditional(DIY) MediaParents of Children 8+Context: Childrens Museum Parent and Family Activity Parent Belief Learner Positioning (Ito, et al, 2010; Barron, 2006; Barron et al, 2009; Choing, 2009)
  • 7. Which areas of the Museum do older children enjoy most and why?
  • 8. Roles and Value of Experience / / r What parents value highly in . " h Museum-based family activity: w l Experiences that enable h r Creativity / Parent-Child Co-Learning / w Collaboration r / w w
  • 9. Prototyping MAKESHOPDesigning with our Visitors
  • 10. ElectricShop
  • 11. SewShop
  • 12. WoodShop
  • 13. MAKESHOP
  • 14. Exhibits are: Flexible Simple and Intuitive Inspire and Support Collaboration & Co-activity Enable Multi-Leveled & Open Ended Use Accessible Sustainable Facilitation: Meets learners where they are Leverages the family unit (differentiation of role and skill) Scaffolds through Materials, Tools, Processes and IdeasDesigning MAKESHOP
  • 15. Family Learning, Processes & Shifting Roles
  • 16. Stuff
  • 17. Processes
  • 18. Meet the Makers
  • 19. Making with Constraints
  • 20. The Hannah-Occupier
  • 21. ETC Projects2 Semesters to date
  • 22. Digital Dream Lab Can we teach children to program? Tangible programming blocks Hello, world! Beginner blocks: Show Me, Object, Color, Action
  • 23. Digital Dream Lab
  • 24. Digital Dream Lab Can we teach children to program? Provide framework that allows for exploration and story telling Learning objectives Provide context for a new language Create a system based on block relationships and cause and effect
  • 25. Family Learning Productive Participation PatternsMaking with the Young Child
  • 26. h h t
  • 27.
  • 28. Questions, Comments & Discussion Consideration of Context Integration of Digital Media Others
  • 29.