making of the advertisement

Making of the Advertisement Part 3

Upload: hannahthomas24

Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Making of the Advertisement Part 3

The next step was putting the right text on that needed to be on our poster. This text to the right says ‘The New EP – Released 4th January’, but you can’t see it clearly as it’s a white text with a white background. To get the text like this we changed the colour from black to white and then quick selected the image and went on filters, and experimented with the filter effects before choosing the filter called ‘underpainting’.

We chose this as it’s still similar to the other two pieces of text yet looks more eroded and gives the image a bit of an edgy vibe. It’s also not sticking to the same original text and using a bit of variation. As seen on the slide underneath, we placed the new text underneath the image and slightly smaller as we thought it was less important than the text above, and used middle placing as it looks more professional and like a traditional music magazine.

After that, we added the reviews. We drew little stars on Adobe Illustrator using the Paintbrush Tool (B) and then filled it in white. Once we’d done that we copied the stars to make the high reviews of ‘five stars’ and ‘four stars’ and got them to be on the exact same level as one another. Underneath both of them we placed quotes such as ‘Absolute Excellence’ and ‘Miles Kane is going to take over the nation’ by famous music and media agencies like NME and EMPIRE. These are also in the same typography and have the same effects as ‘The New EP – Released 4th January’ text, so give the advertisement some continuity.

One of the final things left to do was to give the advertisement some copyright and show off the record labels. We’d googled who Miles Kane was actually signed by and thought we’d just use the same recording label as they also sign similar bands like Miles Kane that fit his genre. But we thought we’d make our own mini logos, so here we’ve drawn out ‘MK’ (for Miles Kane), ‘deltasonic records’ (which is the label Miles Kane is signed by) and a little music alien character to also represent Deltasonic Records.