making sure sales & marketing work together

The Sales & Marketing Interface The Sales & Marketing Interface Why can’t they just get along? Why can’t they just get along?

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Post on 16-Nov-2014




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This details the reasons for conflict between sales and marketing and how to effectively to work together at different stages in the company life cycle. Based on Harvard Business Review article co-written by Phil Kotler of Northwestern University. Rick Steinbrenner Global Consumer Brand & Product Marketer


Page 1: Making Sure Sales & Marketing Work Together

The Sales & Marketing InterfaceThe Sales & Marketing Interface

Why can’t they just get along?Why can’t they just get along?

Page 2: Making Sure Sales & Marketing Work Together

Sales-Marketing Interface: Why Does It Exist?

Marketing blames sales for poor execution of their “brilliant” marketing plan

Sales insists Marketing sets the price too high and/or uses too much of the support budget inadvertising. They believe money better spent with customers

Marketing believes Sales is too myopic – focusing on individual customers and not the end-user/market segments

Sales believes Marketing is out of touch with what’s really going on with customers – doesn’t listen well

Page 3: Making Sure Sales & Marketing Work Together


Why Sales & Marketing Aren’t On The Same Page?Two Main Issues:

Economic Issues: Cultural Issues:

Who sets the retail and/or customer acquisition price?

Do we spend ad/promo dollars against the ultimate consumer and/or customer and who decides the mix?

Does the product create value vs. competitive offerings or is it just “me-too”.

Who decides where we sell the product? Big-box vs. specialty vs. 2-3 step distribution.

Sales & Marketing usually have different education and skill-sets; fact-based vs. relationship selling.

Performance metrics usually different. Marketing: $ sales and margin % by product lines Sales: $ sales and customer margin % Definition of short vs. long term results

Lack of communication between groups.

Sales and/or marketing resources aren’t readily available to meet desired corporate objectives.

Source: Kotler, Rackham & Krishnaswamy

Page 4: Making Sure Sales & Marketing Work Together

Sales-Marketing Conflict: Can Hurt Firm’s Performance

Sales/Marketing working on same things – decreases efficiency and effectiveness

Cost of sales can be higher than needed due to this replication of effort and inefficiency

Sales & Marketing not on same “messaging” page with customers – result is confusion and lost sales opportunities

Can result in longer sales cycles to get replenishment orders

Can result in lost distribution of current items if sales/marketing don’t work together

Lower chances for commercial success of new product launches if marketing doesn’t take into customer planning/planogram cycles

Page 5: Making Sure Sales & Marketing Work Together


Sales/Marketing Relationships Need To Evolve Over Time

Undefined Defined Aligned

Do Nothing If: If the company is small

Have good informal relationships

Marketing is still a sales support function – usually MARCOM.

Company’s products/services are fairly well defined.

Traditional marketing and sales roles work in this market

No clear reason for change

Company lacks a culture of shared responsibility

Sales and marketing report separately to the General Manager

Customer purchase cycles are fairly short

Tighten up the Sales/Marketing Relationship If:

Conflicts are evident

Duplication of efforts or things falling through the cracks

Sales/Marketing compete for resources and/or support $’s.

Although roles better defined, duplication of efforts and things continue to fall though cracks

Market is commoditized and highly price competitive

Product development continues through the sales/launch process

Product life cycles are shortening due to advancing technology

Develop a common process for managing /measuring revenue generating activities – sales or marketing

Source: Kotler, Rackham & Krishnaswamy

Move to Defined Move to Aligned Move to Integrated