making sure the care act works easy read

Care Act The Care Act EasyRead version

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Care Act


  • Care Act

    The Care Act

    EasyRead version

  • What is in this booklet

    The 2014 Care Act 1

    What is Care and Support? 3

    What this booklet is about 5


    The rules and guidance 9


    Changing to the new law 37

    What the words mean 39

    Care Act

  • 1Care Act The 2014 Care Act

    This booklet is an EasyRead paper aboutthe Care Act.

    It is written by the Government. When wesay we in this booklet, we mean theGovernment.

    Difficult words are written in bold. There isa list of what the words mean at the end.

    sThe Care Act is a new law about care andupport for adults in England.


    We have lots of different laws on care andsupport. This makes it difficult to knowwhat care and support you could get.

    The Care Act will bring them together tomake just one new law instead.

  • 2NEW LAW There will be clear and simple rules andguidance about the law. They will say:

    what people should be able to get

    what councils will have to do.



    Guidance is information to tell councilshow to use the Care Act properly.

  • 3What is Care and Support?

    Care and support means lots of differentthings for different people.

    It depends on what you need but caninclude things like:

    help to get out of bed, get dressed orwashed

    help with eating or cooking meals

    help with seeing friends and family

    help with caring for others.

  • 4Care and support comes from lots ofdifferent people; family, friends, people inthe community.

    The Government help to pay for some careand support, depending on how muchmoney you have.

    The Care Act is mainly about people whoare 18 and over and need care andsupport.

  • 5What this booklet is about


    April 2015

    From April 2015 local councils will have todo what the Care Act says.


    There are rules and guidance to:

    tell councils how to do this properly

    NEW LAW help people who get care and support

    and their families understand the newlaw


    help voluntary groups and otherorganisations understand the new law

  • 6NEW LAW

    ? help courts decide if a council kept to

    the law or not.


    This booklet is about these rules andguidance.

    There are a lot of details in this draftguidance.






    If you need to know more about anythingplease look for it in the contents page atthe front of the full version of theguidance.

  • 7NEW LAW

    The rules and guidance

    In this part of the booklet we talk aboutthe rules and guidance for each part ofthe law.

    Supporting the community

    1. Well-being

    Local councils must have services to meetdifferent peoples needs.

    They must always think about your well-being.

    The guidance says:

    what well-being means

    how to give people the care andsupport to make their lives better.

  • 82. Stopping problems before they start

    Local councils must think about servicesthat stop problems before they start, orstop them from getting worse as early aspossible.

    The guidance says:

    what prevention means

    councils must have these services foreveryone, not just people who use careand support services

    how to find out who needs theseservices

    what happens if you have to pay forthese services.

  • 93. Information and advice

    Local councils must have goodinformation to help people choose theright care and support.

    The guidance says:

    councils must give information andadvice to everyone who wants it, notjust people who have their care andsupport paid for by the council

    which people might need informationand advice

    what councils can tell people aboutpaying for care

    how to plan to give local people thetype of information they need.

  • 10

    4. Having all the services people need

    Local councils must make sure there arelots of different care and support servicesin their area.

    The guidance says:

    councils must plan services thinkingabout well-being and what isimportant to people who use them

    councils must think about serviceshaving the right staff and enoughmoney to give good support

    councils must work with people whouse services and other organisations toplan the right services

  • 11


    councils must understand what youneed and have plans about servicesthat give good support.

    There are rules about:


    councils having plans about what to doif a service has to stop giving care andsupport.

    Understanding the care and supportpeople need

    1. Finding out what needs you have

    When you first get in touch with thecouncil, they check to see what you need.This is called an assessment.

    The law says all carers can have anassessment too, even if the council thinksthey or the person they care for can payfor their support.

  • 12

    The guidance says:

    what different assessments are for

    what training people need to doassessments.

    how to involve people and theirfamilies and do good assessments

    how to work out what your needs are.

    2. Deciding if you need a service

    We will have the same rules about whocan get care and support all over thecountry.

  • 13

    The guidance says:

    who can get care and support,wherever you live

    how to decide if carers can get aservice

    how to tell you if you can get a serviceor not

    how to complain if you are not happywith what the council decides.

  • 14

    when you or your carers can get careand support.

    3. Independent advocacy

    Councils must involve you in assessmentsand in planning and checking your careand support.

    If you find it very difficult to be involvedand there is no-one else to speak for you,they must find you an independentadvocate.

    The guidance says:

    what councils need to think aboutwhen they decide if you need anadvocate

    who independent advocates are andwhat they do

  • 15

    who can be an independent advocateand how they work

    deciding if you need an independentadvocate

    when you must have an independentadvocate, even if there is someonewho can speak for you.

    Paying for your care and support

    You will have to pay for most sorts of careand support if you have enough money.

    The council will check to see how muchmoney you have and ask you to pay whatyou can afford.

  • 16

    The guidance says:

    how councils must decide what youpay towards your care and support

    your right to choose a care home if youneed one and to sometimes paytowards this if it costs more than thecouncil want to pay

    how councils can get money thatpeople owe them.

    the most a council can charge you

    how councils work out what moneyyou have.

  • 17

    Person-centred care and support

    Person-centred care is when peopleunderstand what is important to you andgive you the right care and support to dothe things you want.

    PLAN 1. Care and support plans

    Your care and support plan says howpeople will support you to do the thingsthat are important to you.

    PLANThe council must involve you in writingand checking your plan.

    The guidance says:

    how to involve people and write goodplans

  • 18

    how to plan with people who find ithard to make decisions for themselves



    how to bring different plans togetherinto one person-centred plan.

    2. Personal budgets

    A personal budget is the money used tobuy your care.

    It helps you know how much differentservices cost and choose how the moneyis spent.

  • 19

    The guidance says:

    how councils should work out yourpersonal budget

    about personal budgets for carers

    what happens if you are not happywith what the council decides.

    3. Direct payments

    You can choose to take some (or all) ofyour personal budget as a direct payment.

    This means you, or someone else, is giventhe money to spend on care and supportyou choose.

  • 20

    The guidance says:

    how councils should give people adirect payment

    how people can use the money

    how to stop direct payments.

    when councils do not have to give youa direct payment

    making direct payments to people whocannot make decisions for themselves

  • 21

    direct payments for residential care

    checking how people use directpayments.


    4. Selling your home to pay for yourcare

    If you own your own home you will nothave to sell it to pay for care straight awayif you make an agreement with thecouncil.

    The guidance says:

    when you can choose to put off payingfor your care



    what advice and information peopleneed to decide what to do

  • 22


    what agreements councils need withpeople who do this.


    There will be rules about:

    when a council has to let you do this


    agreements about paying for care laterwhen you sell your home.

    Services working together

    1. Services working together

    Services need to get better at workingtogether to give good care and support.

  • 23

    The guidance says:

    how and when services should worktogether

    how services can plan together andwork in the same ways.

    2. Working with NHS services

    Councils cannot give healthcare that youshould get from the NHS.

    The guidance says:

    how to decide whether the council orNHS should give or pay for healthcare.

    agreeing who gives healthcare

  • 24

    nursing care for people who live in acare home

    what happens if services cannot agreeabout this.

    3. Care when you leave hospital

    If you need care from the council to staysafe when you leave hospital this needs tobe ready on time.

    The guidance says:

    finding out what care and supportpeople need

    telling the council when you are readyto leave hospital.

  • 25

    4. Housing services

    Having the right place to live can be animportant part of your care and support.

    The guidance says:

    how housing services and otherservices work together

    housing and well-being.

  • 26

    5. Work and having a job

    Councils must think about education,training and work when they look at thecare and support you need.

    The guidance says:

    how councils should think about workand training in their area.

    6. Moving from childrens services toadults services

    Before someone is 18, councils need tohelp them and their carers plan for thefuture and the support they might need asan adult.

    The guidance says:

    when councils must do an assessment

    how to do assessments with carersand young people who are carers

  • 27

    how councils can make sure they havethe right services for young people

    what happens when the person is 18.

    care and support for people who carefor children.


    7. Prison services

    The new law says local councils mustassess and give care and support topeople in prisons in their area (or otherservices where they are sent by a court).

  • 28

    The guidance says:

    how this will work

    how to work with people in prisons

    how to check services and deal withcomplaints.

    NEW LAW8. Asking other organisations to do the


    Councils can ask other organisations to dothings the law says they must do. It istheir job to check they do it properly.

  • 29

    NEW LAW The guidance says:

    what this means and how it is differentfrom buying services

    how to have good agreements withother organisations

    which things councils cannot ask otherorganisations to do

    how to make sure the work does notcause problems with other things theorganisation is doing (conflict ofinterest).

  • 30

    NEW LAW Keeping adults safe

    This is the first time we have had a lawtelling councils what to do to help keepadults safe from abuse or neglect.

    The guidance says:

    what abuse and neglect is

    how councils can help to make surepeople are safe

    how organisations can work togetherto help keep people safe

    how the group in each area that workson keeping people safe, called an adultsafeguarding board, will work

  • 31

    when people need independentadvocates to help them speak upabout being safe.

    Moving to a different area

    1. Which council pays for your care andsupport?

    The council where you usually live mustplan and pay for your care and support ifyou meet the rules for getting a service.

    ?The guidance says:

    how to decide who pays for your careand support.

    deciding which council has to plan andpay for your care

  • 32

    what to do if councils cannot agreeabout this.

    2. Making sure you still get care

    If you move to another area the newcouncil must carry on meeting your needsstraight away, as long as you have toldthem you are coming.

    They must do this until they do their owncheck on your needs.

    The guidance says:

    what you need to plan and think aboutwhen you move

    how to make sure you still get care ifthe new council cannot do anassessment before you move.

  • 33

    what the new council must do if it hasnot done an assessment before youmove.

    3. If your council finds you somewherenew to live

    If your council finds you somewhere to livein another area they must keep meetingyour needs, just as if you were living intheir area.

    The guidance says:

    what councils have to do if they moveyou to another area.

    what happens if councils cannot agree.

  • 34

    4. Lists of people who need care andsupport

    Each council must have a list of people intheir area who cannot see well or areblind, so it is easier for them to getservices.

    The guidance says:

    how councils should do this

    other people councils should have listsabout.

    who should be counted as people whocannot see well or are blind.

  • 35


    April 2015

    Changing to the new law

    We need to explain what happens whenwe change to the new law in April 2015.

    The guidance says:

    what happens with assessments thathappened before the law changed

    what the change means for socialworkers

    what the change means for peoplewho use services and carers

  • 36


    what the law means for money to payfor care


    how to tell people about the changes.

    what to do if you are not happy withwhat the council decides about yourcare and support.

  • 37

    What the words mean


    Abuse is when someone hurts or uses you,it can be lots of different ways like:

    hitting you

    making you have sex when you do notwant to

    stealing your money

    upsetting you on purpose.

  • 38

    Adult Safeguarding Board

    A board is a group of people who meet tolook at how they can work together tohelp people in their area who need careand support keep safe.

    People who might not always be able tokeep themselves safe.

    Each area will have its own board.

    Independent advocate

    An advocate is someone who understandswhat is important to you and speaks upfor you or supports you to speak foryourself.

    An independent advocate is someone whodoes not work for the council or theservices that give you care and support.

  • 39


    An assessment is a check on something.

    You need an assessment to see what youneed and get a service.

    Other assessments check how much youcan afford to pay.

    Direct payment

    Support money from the council that isgiven straight to you to spend on supportthat meets your needs.

  • 40


    Guidance is information to tell the councilhow to do something.

    NEW LAWThe guidance we talk about in this bookletwill help councils use the Care Actproperly.


    Neglect is when someone is not lookedafter properly. Things like:

    not having enough food or the rightsorts of food

    not being helped to keep clean

    not being cared for properly.

  • 41

    Person-centred care

    This is care that is right for you.

    You, and people close to you, will help planit to make sure it is what you want andneed.

    Personal budget

    The total amount of money you have foryour support. It can come from differentplaces and is all put together.


    Well-being is about making life better foryou.

    It is important because it will be the mainthing the council needs to think aboutwhen it makes decisions about care andsupport.

  • 42

    PLANWhite Paper

    A white Paper is a government plan thatsays what we plan to do about something.

    White Papers are often turned into law toPLANmake sure the things we want to dohappen.

  • 43


    This paper has been designed andproduced for the Department of Health bythe EasyRead service at Inspired ServicesPublishing Ltd. Ref ISL032/14. October2014.

    It meets the European EasyRead Standard.

    Artwork includes material from theValuing People Clipart collectionAnd cannot be used anywhere elsewithout written permission from InspiredServices.

  • Leaflet code: 2902378