malaika satb probe

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  • 8/10/2019 Malaika SATB Probe


    Watoto na MalaikaChildren and Angels, RejoiceStudy Guide by Michael Burkhardt

    ABOUT THE mUsic

    1. The text and melody on which this arrangement is based is a composite transcription byElaine Reitan and Michael Burkhardt of a Tanzanian song heard sung by children andadults in Mwanza, Tanzania.

    2. The vocal parts for Alto 1 and Alto 2 are by the arranger and have their roots in theharmonies improvised by the Tanzanian singers.

    3. Although the vocal parts could be sung unaccompanied, instrumental parts based on theharmonic and rhythmic practices of the Tanzanian community have been created and

    offered as options for performance by the arranger. The percussion parts are ostinati-based and may be expanded upon with each repetition of the melody.

    4. Although arranged for caller and three-part treble voices, the anthem may be performedeffectively by caller and unison voices (singing the melody) or by caller and two-partvoices (singing the melody and Alto 2).

    5. The arrangement is based on performance practices of the culture. With each repetitionof the melody, more vocal parts, instrumental sounds, and intensity are added. A steadybeat is always maintained from one repetition to the next.

    ABOUT THE AfricAn singing TrAdiTiOn

    1. Vocal music is unaccompanied, except for the use of instrumental and body percussion.Body percussion includes clapping,patschen (patting the thighs), stomping, and clearlyarticulated consonant sounds.

    2. The vocal sound is bright and straight, produced with an open throat.

    3. Vocal music is primarily an oral tradition: melodies are learned by listening and echoing,harmonies are improvised by ear.

    4. Movement always accompanies singing. It may be as simple as stepping in place orswaying from side to side.

    lEArning THE mUsic

    1. Teach/learn the melody by rote rst. Then use the printed arrangement as a reminder ofthe melody and as a guide for creating harmony and rhythmic accompaniment.

    2. Teach/learn Alto 2 before Alto 1. It will be easier to oat and tune the thirds createdby the two alto parts when the bottom pitches are secured rst. Alto 2 is based on threepitches of the major scale: mi, fa,and sol. Alto 1 is based on four pitches of the major scale:la, sol, fa,and re.


  • 8/10/2019 Malaika SATB Probe


    prOnUnciATiOn gUidE

    1. Swahili vowels are pronounced as follows:

    Vowel IPA English Equivalent a [a] as in father

    e [e] as in day

    i [i] as in see

    o [o] as in rose

    u [u] as in shoot

    2. Swahili consonants are pronounced as in English. The g of shangilia is pronounced[g] as in the English word, get.

    Text: Watoto na Malaika, shangiliaPronunciation: Wah-Toh-Toh Nah Mah-Lah-ee-Kah SHahN-Gee-Lee-ah

    Text: Watoto na mama, baba, shangiliaPronunciation: Wah-Toh-Toh Nah Mah-Mah Bah-Bah SHahN-Gee-Lee-ah

    Text: Watoto na watu Wote, shangilia

    Pronunciation: Wah-Toh-Toh Nah Wah-Too Woh-Tay SHahN-Gee-Lee-ah


    Text: Watoto na Malaika, shangiliaTranslation: Children and angels, rejoice.

    Text: Watoto na mama, baba, shangiliaTranslation: Children and mothers, fathers, rejoice.

    Text: Watoto na watu Wote, shangilia.Translation: Children and all people, rejoice.


  • 8/10/2019 Malaika SATB Probe


    &bb44UnisonVoices JWa

    1 FCaller(s): to to na Ma la

    . ji ka, wa- - - - - -



    to to na Ma la

    j ji ka, shan gi li a! Wa

    to to na Ma la- - - - - - - - - - -


    . ji ka, wa

    to to na Ma la

    j Ji ka, shan gi li a! Wa

    2 FAll:

    - - - - - - - - - -



    to to na Ma la

    Small Drum (and/or Claps)


    . ji ka, wa

    to to na Ma la

    - - - - - -- -



    j ji ka, shan gi li a! Wa

    to to na Ma la

    . ji ka, wa

    - -- - - -- - - -



    Tanzanian Michael Burkhardt

    Commissioned by Elaine Kopperud Reitanin memory of James A. Kopperud

    who loved children and the music they make

    Caller, Two- or Three-Part Treble Voices,with opt. *Percussion, Autoharp/Guitar, and Keyboard

    Watoto na Malaika

    Copyright 2013 Birnamwood Publications (ASCAP)A division of MorningStar Music Publishers, Inc., St. Louis, MO

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in U.S.A.


    www.MorningStarMusic.comReproducing this publication in any form is prohibited by law without the permission of the publisher.

    The CCLI License does not give permission to copy this music.

    *Percussion Instruments: Small (or hand claps) and Large Drums (In Tanzania, called Haya Drums); Shakers (Manyanga);and Claves.

    Reproducible parts for Autoharp/Guitar/Keyboard and Percussion are on pages 14-15.Autoharp/Guitar/Keyboard and Percussion enter at the direction of the Conductor.

    Text and Tune: A Tanzanian song transcription by Elaine Reitan and Michael Burkhardt (PD).English translation by Elaine Reitan and Michael Burkhardt, and copyright 2013 with this publication.Arrangement: Michael Burkhardt, and copyright 2013 with this publication.

  • 8/10/2019 Malaika SATB Probe




    to to na Ma la

    j Ji ka, shan gi li a! Oh,

    3 Caller(s):

    - - - -- - -





    b b

    b b


    chil dren and all you






    Small Drum

    Large Drum




    . jan gels, oh,




    Eb- -





    b b

    b b


    chil dren and all you

    . -



    Eb F

    j jan gels, praise the Lord God! Oh,

    j. j.

