malaysian nature society - fileeducation and outreach through kelab...

The oldest, largest, membership based environmental non- governmental organization in Malaysia Established in 1940 Constitutionally a membership institution Governed by an elected Council of volunteers Malaysian Nature Society

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Page 1: Malaysian Nature Society - fileEducation and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam (School Nature Club) Platform Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform

“The oldest, largest,membership based

e n v i r o n m e n t a l n o n -

g o v e r n me n ta l organization in

M a l a y s i a”

• E s t a b l i s h e d in


• C o n s t i t u t i o n a l l y a membership

i n s t i t u t i o n

• Governed by a n e l e c t e d Council of

v o l u n t e e r s

Malaysian Nature Society

Page 2: Malaysian Nature Society - fileEducation and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam (School Nature Club) Platform Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform

As the leading non-governmental organisation in

Malaysia , MNS is committed towards ensuring our rich

biological diversity is effectively managed and

protected mainly through our approaches via ;


Community , Education and Public Awareness


Empowering non-state

stakeholders through

Local Community


Empowering youths

through Environmental


Empowering Civil Society through MNS State Branches & CSR


Partnerships and Collaboration



Policy and Advocacy

Page 3: Malaysian Nature Society - fileEducation and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam (School Nature Club) Platform Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform



Page 4: Malaysian Nature Society - fileEducation and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam (School Nature Club) Platform Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform

“ O u r s t r e n g t h l i e s i n o u r

m e m b e r s ” Y o u r v o i c e m a k e s

i t p o s s i b l e f o r u s t o d o

w h a t w e d o , i n e n s u r i n g

t h e c o n t i n u e d p r o t e c t i o n

o f o u r n a t u r a l h e r i t a g e ”

• MNS shall always be a member-based and member-driven society, deriving its strength from a committed and active


• Our subscription options caters to a wide range of categories including family, individual, youth, corporate and institutional

membership. The membership unit continually strive to add greater value to our members by being the bridge between

council , secretariat , branches and members.

Membership Unit

Page 5: Malaysian Nature Society - fileEducation and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam (School Nature Club) Platform Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform

The Classes of membership shall be:

i) Ordinary Membership

ii) Life Membership

iii) Family Membership

iv) Junior Membership

v) Honorary Membership

vi) Staff Membership

vii) KPA School Membership

viii) KPA for Youth Membership

ix) Institutional Membership

x) Affiliates

Types of MNS Membership according

to the constitution

Page 6: Malaysian Nature Society - fileEducation and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam (School Nature Club) Platform Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform


MNS MemberKelab Pencinta Alam

(KPA)KPA Youth

Branches and

Special interest




MNS youth


Page 7: Malaysian Nature Society - fileEducation and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam (School Nature Club) Platform Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform

Roles and Responsibilities

of Membership Unit

KPA Youth

Membership Services and Communication

Membership Database and Maintenance

Branch and Special Interest Groups(SIGs) Liaison

Members and Volunteers Engagement

Website and Social Media Engagement

Recruitment and Retention

Registrar of Societies (ROS) Documentation and Filing

Events and


Annual General Meeting(AGM)

Extraordinary Meeting (EGM)

Branch AGMs

Membership Drives and Exhibitions

Education and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam(School Nature Club) Platform

Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform

Page 8: Malaysian Nature Society - fileEducation and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam (School Nature Club) Platform Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform

14 2,500 39

1 4 branches across the country,

run by elected branch

committees, also voluntary

2,500 members across Malaysia A secretariat with

39 full-time staff

Page 9: Malaysian Nature Society - fileEducation and Outreach through Kelab Pencinta Alam (School Nature Club) Platform Youth Engagement through KPA for Youth Platform

Branch Responsibilities

• The Branch is represented on Council through the representation of the Branch Chair; this is where they have an opportunity to provide input into the policy and strategic planning processes of the Society as a whole.

• The Branch committee serves as a liaison between the MNS Council, MNS Secretariat and the MNS members in their state.

• Some of branch responsibilities include overseeing the programming and administrative needs of members such as organizing activities such as talks and field trips, promoting environmental education outreach and organising other social events.