malaysian studies the struggle for independence

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malaysian studies chapter 2: The struggle for independence short notes


  • Topic OneHistory and Politics

  • Towards independenceMalayan Union Federation of MalayaSub-Topics 1.2

  • The struggle for independence can be divided into 2 stages ;The armed or bloody stage began with the struggle of the Malay against Portuguese Without bloodshed , through literature and the negotiations

  • Factors contributed against the colonialistLocal officers and Malay Kings lose control in their own country Foreigners exploited the natural resources Colonialist control the taxation system Local official lose their income The ignorance of the British officers in understanding the local custom and practicesForeigners not respecting the local customary practices tried to eradicate

  • Growth of NationalismJapanese occupation contributed to the development of nationalism in Malaya different treatment to different races made them realized that they themselves should shape their life - not foreign power

  • Growth of NationalismJapanese propaganda stirred up nationalist feeling Asia for Asians Use associations and mass media as channel to express their dissatisfaction to their colonial master. Emerged awareness that independence could be achieved through negotiations and not through uprising & fighting

  • Malay Nationalism

  • Islam was not properly propagated Muslims became conservative & confusedIslamic reformist movement led by Syed Sheikh Muhammad Abduh - promoted the idea of Pan-Islamism among Malay students In Malaya, the idea was brought by Syed Sheikh Ahmad Al Hadi co with Sheikh Tahir Jalaluddin.Form a group known as Kaum MudaReligious stage 1900-1926

  • Syed Sheikh Al-Hadi used newspaper to create awareness among the young generations Al-Imam, al-Ikhwan & Saudara newspapers that called for the struggle and appealed to the Malays to improve their life.

  • Social and Economic stage (1927 - 1936)Started by a small number of elite Malays who had English education and Malay education especially from the Sultan Idris Teachers College)

  • Establishment of KMS (Singapore Malays Union) by Mohammed Eunos bin Abdullah in 1926Emphasized on economics and social achievement Encouraged the elite Malays to assist the government to provide education to Malay children

  • Political stage (1937-1941)Political parties were formed and championed the concept Malaya for the MalaysEven though some to the movement was too radical and not well accepted by the Malays, yet the nationalist spirit succeeded in giving rise to nationalism amongst the Malays

  • Most radical group KMM or Young Malays Union (1938) Led by Ibrahim YaakobFought for the independence of Malaya and unification with Indonesia to form Melayu RayaNot well received, because the concept of unification with Indonesia was too radical and difficult for Malays to accept

  • Chinese nationalismBegan since China-Japan war 1894 - 1895Influenced more by the political struggles in China Chinese still had a feeling that China was their homeland

  • Chinese nationalismRevolutionary movement Modernization in China influenced Chinese in Perak and SelangorSun Yat Sen influence - against Manchu dynastyMost of the Chinese in Malaya support Sun Yat Sen movement

  • Chinese nationalismKuomintang party influence - the unity of China and strengthen the country through industrialization and modernizationMalayan Communist Party influence - launched rallies and strike in Malaya in order to form a Republic Communist of Malaya

  • Indian nationalismBefore WW2, Indian focused the movement in IndiaAfter WW2 -> focus in MalayaAnti colonial movement among Punjabi group -> influenced by Ghadr movement in India Taiping Indian Assoc.(1906) & Selangor Indian Assoc (1909) Responsible to improve socio-economy of Indian in Malaya Build up school, clinic & Hindi ClassFormation of Central India Association of Malaya (CIAM) in October 1936 consist of 12 Indian Associations & 4 Indian Business HallFight for development of Indian politic in Malaya

  • Malayan UnionJapanese surrenderedBritish army came back to Malaya in September 1945.Introduced - British Military Administration (BMA) to restore peaceBMA disturbed by MPAJA MPAJA wanted to take over Malaya

  • Malayan UnionBMA was dissolved Introduced Malayan Union

    proposed that all states of Malaya except Singapore should be combined

  • Contents of Malayan Union1) Singapore separate colony with its own governor2) Penang, Malacca joined 9 Malay states The British Governor was the chief administratorCentre in Kuala LumpurExecutive Council and a Legislative Council assist the Governor

  • 3) Sultans kept authority over religious matters BUT. lost all other political powers & decision making

  • Contents of Malayan Union4) All citizens have equal right including to work in administrative civil service & to vote in the general election 5) No restriction of citizenship to nativescitizenship was open to all based on jus soli principle no discrimination to race

  • Jus Soli principlesThe foreigner was 18 and above & had resided in Malaya for 10 out of a period of 15 years before 15 Feb 1942A person who was born in Malaya after the forming of the Malayan Union

  • Why did British propose these changes?1)To unite all Malay states Malaya had 3 systems of administration Straits Settlement Federated Malay States Non-federated Malay States

  • Why did British propose these changes?2)To make Malaya strongernew country must be able to defend itself against internal opponents and outside powersmust have stable and effective admin

  • 3)To protect British own interest British had a great investment in Malaya to make sure economic growth in Malaya introduced efficient Government systemWhy did British propose these changes?

  • 4)To ensure future political stabilityBritish felt that citizenship should be given to non Malays to ensure political stabilityTheir contribution in economic activities should be rewarded by giving equal right Why did British propose these changes?

  • Sultans accepted MU. Why?Many Malays disagreed to MUhowever, Sultans agreed. WHY?

    Harold Mac Michael used threatJanuary 1946, the Constitution of MU was passed on.1 April 1946 MU was officially proclaimedSir Edward Gent as the 1st Governor

  • Sultans accepted MU. Why?Sultan of Kedah said I was presented with a verbal ultimatum with a time limit, and in the event of my refusing to sign the new agreement, a successor who would sign it, would be appointed as Sultan

  • Why did Malays opposed MU?1) Lack of consultation over the proposallack of time to discuss the proposalcould nor take advice from states councils2) Proposal for more liberal citizenshipaccording to Malays, immigrants did not give their first loyalty to Malaya opposed dual citizenship in MU

  • 3) Sultans lost their powersAccording to Malays, Ruler (Sultan) is the supreme head & has the power to protect themRulers loss power meant the loss of Malay power

    4) Existing special rights & privileges of Malays would be lost Why did Malays opposed MU?

  • The failure of MUStrong opposition from the MalaysStirred up a strong sense of nationalism among MalaysNo strong support from the non-MalaysNot interested because it excluded Singapore

  • The failure of MUWrong timing Communal feeling and hostility still existed between Malays & Chinese as a result of Japanese occupationMU was accused of putting the Malays at a disadvantage & favouring the Non-MalaysWrong introductionMU was drawn up in London without taking into account the situation and wishes of the local peopleThe used of political blackmail to get the agreement signed.

  • The failure of MUOpposition from former British administrators in MalayaThey urged British to protect the interest and special rights of the Malays

  • Federation of Malaya25 July 1946, British set up new committee to draw up a new constitutionMembers of committee 6 British officers 4 representatives Malay Rulers2 Umno representativesFederation of Malaya Agreement (1948) replaced Malayan Union

  • Comprised of Executive and Legislative CouncilBritish High Commissioner highest

  • Communism in Malayaarrived Malaya in 1925 Chinese Communist Party set up Nanyang Communist Party in Singaporeaim - to spread Communism in the beginning they failed

  • Communism in Malaya1928 - Soviet sent agents to SEA to carry out a review of the partys organizationNCP was dissolved and replaced by Malaya Communist Party (1930)

  • MCP task - to establish the Communist Republic of Malayaillegal organization worked undergroundorganized strikesCommunism in Malaya

  • during WW2, Soviet Union asked MCP to cooperate with British & French Soviet Union sent Lai Teck to persuade MCP to give support to British at the same time tried to remove British from MalayaCommunism in Malaya

  • MCP cooperated with British in the beginning MCP received training at 101 Special training school in SingaporeCommunism in Malaya

  • they were in charge against the Japanese occupation in the jungleformed MPAJA to continue the opposition against JapaneseCommunism in Malaya

  • MPAJA ruled Malaya after Japanese leftBMA was set up and disarmed MPAJAguerillas was paid $350 as a reward Mac 1947 Lai Teck disappeared from Malaya he was replaced by Chin Peng Communism in Malaya

  • Emergency PeriodMCP decided to rebel when their opposition against FOM was ignored guerillas carried out attacks to expel BritishBritish declared a state of emergency throughout Malaya (later Singapore)

  • British actions1) Declaration of emergency and Emergency Laws of 1948Grant powers to the police and soldiers to arrest and detain communist suspect without trial2) Set up the system of national registration- own an identification card

  • 3) The Briggs Plan 1950 - 1960 ;Sir Harold Briggsnew village & operation starvationStarted on 1 June 1950 in Johore To restrict supplying food, medicine and information to communist guerillasEffective plan weakened the Min Yuen activities and forced them out of the junglesBritish actions

  • 4) Military measures Used firm military force Used 13 battalions of English soldiers, Gurkhas and Malays Training 67 000 special Malay soldiers Formed home guards systemRecruiting assistance from the Commonwealth country such as from Australia, New Zealand and Rhodesia British actions

  • British actions5) Psychological Warfare:Sir Gerald TemplerLeaflets to call the communist to give upDeclare white areas and black areasMake conditions easier for non-Malays obtain citizenshipPardoning MCP members who surrenderedReward people who provide info on communist

  • The Baling Negotiation Negotiation between MCP and government of MalayaHeld in Baling, Kedah on 28 & 29 December 1955Government representative Tunku Abdul RahmanDavid MarshalTan Cheng Lock

  • MCP representativeChin PengChen Tien Rashid Maidin MCP requestMCP movement to be legalised Request rejected by the government Also rejected the government counter offer & refused to lay down their armsNegotiation failed

  • End of EmergencyWhen Alliance Party won in the election Tunku offered amnesty for communists who surrenderChin Peng had a peace talk with TAR

    failed as he refused to dissolve MCP

  • End of EmergencyMCP lost of support more white areas was declared emergency ended in 31st July 1960

  • Racial problems, why? Divide and rule policy Located according residence and occupation Education system during BritishCurriculum based on curriculum from origin country Different religions and customs Japanese occupationDifferent treatment between races

  • Efforts Toward Racial Unity Inter-Racial Relations Committee, 1949enabled leaders of various groups to find solutions to the racial problemsnon-Malays involved in local politics & public servicesmore opportunities for Malays in business and industrial areasGenerate more income

  • Efforts Toward Racial Unity Member System, 1951Enabled people from various ethnic groups to get involved in the government Appoint local representatives to the post of head department in the central govtHold portfolios in areas such as Home Affairs, Agriculture, Land, Health etc.Received training in administrative matters Create the spirit of cooperationamong races

  • Education System Central Advisory Committee, 1949English sole medium of instructionopposed by Federal Legislative CouncilBarnes Report, 1950primary level English & Malay secondary level EnglishEfforts Toward Racial Unity

  • Education System Fenn Wu Report, 1951 studied the status of Chinese education to incorporate it into unified systemEducation Ordinance, 1952based on the 2 reportsnot implemented economic recessionRazak Report, 1956after Alliance Party won electionEfforts Toward Racial Unity


  • United Malays National Organization UMNO 11th May 1946 Dato Onn bin Jaafar to unite Malays to oppose MU to protect Malays interests to gain independence from the British

  • The formation of UMNOMalays began campaigning against the MU as soon as they heard of the proposalsOrganized united opposition against MUMac 1946, Dato Onn Jaafar called for a congress of 41 Malay organizations at Sultan Sulaiman Club Selangor

  • The formation of UMNO2nd congress held in JBThe birth of United Malay National Organization (UMNO) UMNO Constitution was passed on 29 May 1946Dato Onn 1st president of UMNO

  • The formation of UMNO1950 -> 39 UMNO branches was set up with 100 375 membershipsBegan policy of non cooperation to MUUMNO traveled all over country to stir up Malay sentiment against the MU Slogan used : Long live the Malays

  • Works of UMNOEducating the publicMU proposal was invalidDemonstration and ralliesRequested Sultans to refuse from attending the installation of new governor, Sir Edward GentPreparing alternative constitution

  • British reactionsBritish was surprised to Malays reactionsreceived report from Gent and Mc DonaldBritish sent two members to investigate reported great opposition against MUBritish changed the proposal

  • If British ignored the oppositioncaused the British unpopulardestroyed any future chances of cooperationinvited more violent action by the MalaysMCP would gain supportBritish reactions

  • Federation of MalayaJuly 1946, a working committee was set upRepresentatives : British, Sultan & UMNOTo prepare a new proposalBritish accepted the proposal because:great opposition from the Malays.UMNO was more liberal and pro British.British needed support from the Malays- overcome Communist influence.Would like to continue good relationship.

  • Contents of F.O.MMatters include in the constitution:Protection for the sovereignty and powers of the Malay rulersMore stringent conditions for citizenship for non-Malaysno dual citizenshipSpecial rights for the Malays

  • Dato Onn Proposed that non-Malays join UMNO Rejected by many UMNO members UMNO stood for Malays right Could not be multi racial Sept, 1951 Dato Onn resigned Replaced by Tunku Abdul Rahman

  • Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) 27th Feb 1949 Leong Yew Koh Objectives to protect Chinese interest to cooperate with the government to oppose MCP during Emergency to propose more liberal citizenship

  • 1ST President = Tan Cheng Lock At early age of MCA => welfare association In 1952 MCA officially announced as political partyUMNO & MCA united and form the Alliance1951 -> membership =188 000Malayan Chinese Association (MCA)

  • Malayan Indian Congress (MIC)August 1946, John ThivyObjectives To protect Indians interest politics, economics & social To propose more liberal citizenship did not receive support dominated Indian of upper class received full support when the Tamils took over the party in 1954

  • Malayan Indian Congress (MIC)In April 1955, MIC joined the Alliance 1949 -> membership = 70001955 -> membership = 20 000

  • Road to IndependenceElection 1952

    For local government & town councils Kuala Lumpur UMNO-MCA Alliance won 9 /12 seats

  • The Fight For IndependenceElection 1955 general elections Alliance Party (UMNO-MCA-MIC) won 51 / 52 seats 10 Alliances members - Ministers Tunku Abdul Rahman - Chief Minister

  • High Commissioner - veto powerExecutive Council - British officialsJanuary 1955, Merdeka Mission 4 Alliances representatives 4 sultansto London discuss about independenceBritish agreed to give independence on 31st August 1957The Fight For Independence

  • The Reid Commissiondrew up constitution democratic and unified Malaya with a firm government considered the right of Malays, non-Malays & Sultans

  • Reid Commission consisted of : Lord Reid (Britain) Sir Ivor Jennings (Britain) Sir William Mckell (Australia) B. Malik (India) Hakim Abdul Hamid (Pakistan)The Reid Commission

  • The Reid Commission131 memorandums were received from individuals & various organizations Alliance Party rejected religion and citizenship proposals

  • another delegation went to London to clarify certain matters to amend the draft of the constitutionThe Fight For Independence

  • Important thing to note : the social contract between Malays and non-MalaysMalays agreed to loosen the conditions for citizenship to non-MalaysNon-Malays through MIC & MCA agreed on special right to Malay & acknowledge the status of the Malay SultansMalay language as the national languageRecognised Islam as the national religionMerdeka Constitution

  • Independence of Malaya Announcement at Padang Banda Hilir 31st August 1957 Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur By : Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra

  • Independence of Malaya1st YDPA Sultan of Negeri 9Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman ibni Almarhum Tunku Muhammad 1st Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman

  • Independence of Malaya1959, 1st general election Alliance won 74 / 104 seats contested

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