malus empire feature


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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Who will Distribute?

Certain media institutions produce and distribute genres more effectively than others. It is clear by the box office success of some genres that the media institution behind them was the right or wrong choice. The most successful horror films in recent years have come from distributors amongst the likes distributors amongst the likes of Warner Bro’s, Miramax and Lionsgate. I Am Legend (2007), the highest grossing horror film in the past 10 years was distributed by Warner Bro’s, putting WB at the top of the list for Malus to be distributed by. I Am Legend made $256,393,010 overall, putting it just under $100,000,000 overall, putting it just under $100,000,000 higher than the second highest grossing horror in the past 10 years, Hannibal (2001).

When researching into Warner Bro’s success they have been responsible for the likes of The Dark Knight trilogy and the entire 8-film-series, Harry Potter. This shows that they are more than capable of distributing films with themes of fantasycapable of distributing films with themes of fantasy successfully and potentially placing them amongst the highest grossing films of all time. For this reason I believe that Warner Bros would bring the most success to Malus. Being responsible for Hollywood blockbusters would put Malus in good stead due to the fact that the

audience we are trying to target with the film is the mainstream cinema audience of teenagers aged fifteen an up and adults

interested in the genre.

In terms of selecting a media institution who I feel would be best to produce

Malus I would have to favour New Line Malus I would have to favour New Line Cinema who have been responsible for the success of the likes of A Nightmare

on Elm Street (1984) and Final Destination 5 (2011) as well as making a successful team with Warner Bros on The Conjuring (2013) which is one of the highest grossing

horror films of all timehorror films of all time

The success of The Conjuring, with a total gross of $137,400,14, proves that the combination of New Line Cinema and Warner Bros is the best bet to ensure the

success of Malus.

When considering the advantages and disadvantages of using these two media institutions the only disadvantage of using these two media institutions the only disadvantage can think of is that using two companies who’s focus is

primarily on mainstream blockbusters means that the art house

and independent audience may be deterred from watching as it may appear that it is another Hollywood

regurgitation than an artistic and interesting product.


Empire caught up with the producers of Malus to talk about the distribution choices.