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Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development






Learning and Assessment Material



3Planning in its Larger Context - Working Backwards Through Any "System"..Quick Look at Some Basic Terms3Basic Overview of Typical Phases in Planning.4Guidelines to Ensure Successful Planning and Implementation6Goals and Objectives Should Be SMARTER.7Build in Accountability (Regularly Review Who's Doing What and By When?)8Note Deviations from the Plan and Replan Accordingly..8Evaluate the Planning Process and the Plan8Recurring Planning Process is at Least as Important as Plan Document.8Nature of the Process Should Be Compatible to Nature of Planners.9Critical - But Frequently Missing Step - Acknowledgement and Celebration of Results.9Planning is only as good as the information on which it is based.10Role of New Manager or Supervisor is Often Very Stressful13Guidelines to Manage Yourself.13On "Performance" in Organisations.15Performance Management Applies to More than Employees.15Overall Goal and Focuses of Performance Management16Performance Improvement of the Organisation or a Subsystem is an Integrated Process...16Ongoing Activities of Performance Management..16Basic Steps17The Story.18Introduction - What Are Competencies? (And jobs, tasks, roles, etc.)24To Learn, You Must Be Willing to Grow, to Experience26Growth Involves the Entire Learner.26Growth Requires Seeking Ongoing Feedback26Trust Your Instincts to Learn.26Take Responsibility for Your Own Learning27Summary of the Learning Contract..29TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES AND QUESTIONS..30Assessment Task32ASSESSMENT MODE A Oral questioning..33ASSESSMENT MODE B - Skills observation checklist.34Participant survey of materials..37Suggested Answers38

( Hinson Institute of Training


1. Establish personal work goals2. Set and meet own work priorities3. Develop and maintain professional competencePlanning in its Larger Context - Working Backwards Through Any "System"

Before we jump into the typical phases in the standard "generic" planning process, let's stand back a minute and briefly look at the role of planning in its overall context. This is more than an academic exercise - understanding this overall context for planning can greatly help the reader to design and carry out the planning process in almost any planning application.

One of the most common sets of activities in the management is planning. Very simply put, planning is setting the direction for something - some system - and then working to ensure the system follows that direction. Systems have inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes. To explain, inputs to the system include resources such as raw materials, money, technologies and people. These inputs go through a process where they're aligned, moved along and carefully coordinated, ultimately to achieve the goals set for the system. Outputs are tangible results produced by processes in the system, such as products or services for consumers. Another kind of result is outcomes, or benefits for consumers, e.g., jobs for workers, enhanced quality of life for customers, etc. Systems can be the entire organisation, or its departments, groups, processes, etc.

Whether the system is an organisation, department, business, project, etc., the process of planning includes planners working backwards through the system. They start from the results (outcomes and outputs) and work backwards through the system to identify the processes needed to produce the results. Then they identify what inputs (or resources) are needed to carry out the processes.

Quick Look at Some Basic Terms

Planning typically includes use of the following basic terms.

NOTE: It's not critical to grasp completely accurate definitions of each of the following terms. It's more important for planners to have a basic sense of the difference between goals/objectives (results) and strategies/tasks (methods to achieve the results).


Goals are specific accomplishments that must be accomplished in total, or in some combination, in order to achieve some larger, overall result preferred from the system, for example, the mission of an organisation. (Going back to our reference to systems, goals are outputs from the system.)

Strategies or Activities

These are the methods or processes required in total, or in some combination, to achieve the goals.


Objectives are specific accomplishments that must be accomplished in total, or in some combination, to achieve the goals in the plan. Objectives are usually "milestones" along the way when implementing the strategies.


Particularly in small organisations, people are assigned various tasks required to implement the plan. If the scope of the plan is very small, tasks and activities are often essentially the same.

Resources (and Budgets)

Resources include the people, materials, technologies, money, etc., required to implement the strategies or processes. The costs of these resources are often depicted in the form of a budget.

Basic Overview of Typical Phases in Planning

Whether the system is an organisation, department, business, project, etc., the basic planning process typically includes similar nature of activities carried out in similar sequence. The phases are carried out carefully or - in some cases - intuitively, for example, when planning a very small, straightforward effort. The complexity of the various phases (and their duplication throughout the system) depends on the scope of the system. For example, in a large corporation, the following phases would be carried out in the corporate offices, in each division, in each department, in each group, etc.

NOTE: Different groups of planners might have different names for the following activities and groups them differently. However, the nature of the activities and their general sequence remains the same.

NOTE: The following are typical phases in planning. They do not comprise the complete, ideal planning process.

1. Reference Overall Singular Purpose ("Mission") or Desired Result from System

During planning, planners have in mind (consciously or unconsciously) some overall purpose or result that the plan is to achieve. For example, during strategic planning, it's critical to reference the mission, or overall purpose, of the organisation.

2. Take Stock Outside and Inside the System

This "taking stock" is always done to some extent, whether consciously or unconsciously. For example, during strategic planning, it's important to conduct an environmental scan. This scan usually involves considering various driving forces, or major influences, that might effect the organisation.

3. Analyse the Situation

For example, during strategic planning, planners often conduct a "SWOT analysis". (SWOT is an acronym for considering the organization's strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats faced by the organization.) During this analysis, planners also can use a variety of assessments, or methods to "measure" the health of systems.

4. Establish Goals

Based on the analysis and alignment to the overall mission of the system, planners establish a set of goals that build on strengths to take advantage of opportunities, while building up weaknesses and warding off threats.

5. Establish Strategies to Reach Goals

The particular strategies (or methods to reach the goals) chosen depend on matters of affordability, practicality and efficiency.

6. Establish Objectives Along the Way to Achieving Goals

Objectives are selected to be timely and indicative of progress toward goals.

7. Associate Responsibilities and Time Lines With Each Objective

Responsibilities are assigned, including for implementation of the plan, and for achieving various goals and objectives. Ideally, deadlines are set for meeting each responsibility.

8. Write and Communicate a Plan Document

The above information is organized and written in a document that is distributed around the system.

9. Acknowledge Completions and Celebrate Success

This critical step is often ignored - which can eventually undermine the success of many of your future planning efforts. The purpose of a plan is to address a current problem or pursue a development goal. It seems simplistic to assert that you should acknowledge if the problem was solved or the goal met. However, this step in the planning process is often ignored in lieu of moving onto the next problem to solve or goal to pursue. Skipping this step can cultivate apathy and scepticism - even cynicism - in your organisation. Don't skip this step.

Guidelines to Ensure Successful Planning and Implementation

A common failure in many kinds of planning is that the plan is never really implemented. Instead, all focus is on writing a plan document. Too often, the plan sits collecting dust on a shelf. Therefore, most of the following guidelines help to ensure that the planning process is carried out completely and is implemented completely - or, deviations from the intended plan are recognised and managed accordingly.

Involve the Right People in the Planning Process

Going back to the reference to systems, it's critical that all parts of the system continue to exchange feedback in order to function effectively. This is true no matter what type of system. When planning, get input from everyone who will be responsible for carrying out parts of the plan, along with representative from groups who will be affected by the plan. Of course, people should also be involved if they will be responsible for reviewing and authorising the plan.

Write Down the Planning Information and communicate it Widely

New managers, in particular, often forget that others don't know what these managers know. Even if managers do communicate their intentions and plans verbally, chances are great that others won't completely hear or understand what the manager wants done. Also, as plans change, it's extremely difficult to remember who is supposed to be doing what and according to which version of the plan. Key stakeholders (employees, management, board members, funders, investors, customers, clients, etc.) may request copies of various types of plans. Therefore, it's critical to write down plans and communicate them widely.

Goals and Objectives Should Be SMARTER

SMARTER is an acronym, that is, a word composed by joining letters from different words in a phrase or set of words. In this case, a SMARTER goal or objective is:


For example, it's difficult to know what someone should be doing if they are to pursue the goal to "work harder". It's easier to recognise "Write a paper".


It's difficult to know what the scope of "Writing a paper" really is. It's easier to appreciate that effort if the goal is "Write a 30-page paper".


If I'm to take responsibility for pursuit of a goal, the goal should be acceptable to me. For example, I'm not likely to follow the directions of someone telling me to write a 30-page paper when I also have to five other papers to write. However, if you involve me in setting the goal so I can change my other commitments or modify the goal, I'm much more likely to accept pursuit of the goal as well.


Even if I do accept responsibility to pursue a goal that is specific and measurable, the goal won't be useful to others or me if, for example, the goal is to "Write a 30-page paper in the next 10 seconds".

Time frame:

It may mean more to others if I commit to a realistic goal to "Write a 30-page paper in one week". However, it'll mean more to others (particularly if they are planning to help me or guide me to reach the goal) if I specify that I will write one page a day for 30 days, rather than including the possibility that I will write all 30 pages in last day of the 30-day period.


The goal should stretch the performer's capabilities. For example, I might be more interested in writing a 30-page paper if the topic of the paper or the way that I write it will extend my capabilities.


I'm more inclined to write the paper if the paper will contribute to an effort in such a way that I might be rewarded for my effort.

Build in Accountability (Regularly Review Who's Doing What and By When?)

Plans should specify who is responsible for achieving each result, including goals and objectives. Dates should be set for completion of each result, as well. Responsible parties should regularly review status of the plan. Be sure to have someone of authority "sign off" on the plan, including putting their signature on the plan to indicate they agree with and support its contents. Include responsibilities in policies, procedures, job descriptions, performance review processes, etc.

Note Deviations from the Plan and Replan Accordingly

It's OK to deviate from the plan. The plan is not a set of rules. It's an overall guideline. As important as following the plan, is noticing deviations and adjusting the plan accordingly.

Evaluate the Planning Process and the Plan

During the planning process, regularly collect feedback from participants. Do they agree with the planning process? If not, what don't they like and how could it be done better? In large, ongoing planning processes (such as strategic planning, business planning, project planning, etc.), it's critical to collect this kind of feedback regularly.

During regular reviews of implementation of the plan, assess if goals are being achieved or not. If not, were goals realistic? Do responsible parties have the resources necessary to achieve the goals and objectives? Should goals be changed? Should more priority be placed on achieving the goals? What needs to be done?

Finally, take 10 minutes to write down how the planning process could have been done better. File it away and read it the next time you conduct the planning process.

Recurring Planning Process is at Least as Important as Plan Document

Far too often, primary emphasis is placed on the plan document. This is extremely unfortunate because the real treasure of planning is the planning process itself. During planning, planners learn a great deal from ongoing analysis, reflection, discussion, debates and dialogue around issues and goals in the system. Perhaps there is no better example of misplaced priorities in planning than in business ethics. Far too often, people put emphasis on written codes of ethics and codes of conduct. While these documents certainly are important, at least as important as conducting ongoing communications around these documents. The ongoing communications are what sensitise people to understanding and following the values and behaviours suggested in the codes.

Nature of the Process Should Be Compatible to Nature of Planners

A prominent example of this type of potential problem is when planners don't prefer the "top down" or "bottom up", "linear" type of planning (for example, going from general to specific along the process of an environmental scan, SWOT analysis, mission/vision/values, issues and goals, strategies, objectives, timelines, etc.) There are other ways to conduct planning. For an overview of various methods, see (in the following, the models are applied to the strategic planning process, but generally are eligible for use elsewhere):

Critical - But Frequently Missing Step - Acknowledgement and Celebration of Results

It's easy for planners to become tired and even cynical about the planning process. One of the reasons for this problem is very likely that far too often, emphasis is placed on achieving the results. Once the desired results are achieved, new ones are quickly established. The process can seem like having to solve one problem after another, with no real end in sight. Yet when one really thinks about it, it's a major accomplishment to carefully analyse a situation, involve others in a plan to do something about it, work together to carry out the plan and actually see some results. So acknowledge this - celebrate your accomplishment!

The Pitfalls of Planning

The main pitfall of planning - the one from which all others derive - is falling into the delusion that planning can determine outcome. The error of this proposition is a commonplace. In 17th century Japan, Ihara Saikaku wrote "There is always something to upset the most careful of human calculations."

Robert Burns, the bard of 18th century Scotland, put it as follows: "The best laid schemes o' mice and men/Gang aft a-gley." I cannot name the late-20th century wit that coined the resonant phrase "Shit happens," but whatever elegance it lacks in comparison with its predecessors it more than makes up in economy of expression.

If the wisdom of the ages won't suffice to make this point, consider only the top layer of recent human events, the happenings big enough to make banner headlines.

Notwithstanding global intelligence operations, including unlimited access to computer simulations, who was able to predict the fall of the Berlin Wall? The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia? The end of apartheid in South Africa?

Planning cannot guarantee the outcome you want. Instead, it can help you to achieve something integral to any future success: readiness to face the challenges that chance presents. Rule number one for coping with challenges is to know what you're up against. Allow me to offer some of the pitfalls of planning in the hopes that forewarned, you would be forearmed against them.

Planning is only as good as the information on which it is based.

Too often, groups rely on untested assumptions or hunches, erecting their plans on unsteady ground. Everyone "just knows" there'll be no problem getting a distributor for a video, or that it would be impossible to find funding for a new facility; or it's "obvious" that a half-time person would suffice to accomplish a brand-new and sorely needed task. It's the obvious things that everyone just knows that are most likely to trip you up. We were once called in to help a client who'd gotten into a lot of trouble by assuming it would be a snap to solve a problem that had stymied its whole field for years. The client's optimistic pronouncements were greeted by the field as arrogant examples of unjustified self-confidence that could only have been based on disrespect for other's efforts to solve the same problem. The client had to do a lot of apologising and fence mending that could have been avoided if only they'd taken the time to find out how others had attempted to address the problem in the past. Not only that, the basic assumption was wrong: most of the "new" solutions the client had put forward had already been tested by others and found wanting. If you're going to plan, it's worth the extra time to test assumptions and hunches against reality.

Planning isnt magic: You cant always get what you want.

Frequently, organisations contemplating new initiatives - a program, a facility, staff expansion - begin by writing the last page of their plans, the one where everyone lives happily ever after. But the process of planning is one of research and investigation. Results can no more be predetermined than can the outcome of a scientific experiment. Considering a major expansion of activity means taking stock of organisational readiness in many ways. Is there a need for the new activity? An audience or constituency? Do you have access to the expertise? The material resources? The time required to do it right? Planning is a tool that can help you decide whether to go forward, not just how. If the answers to key questions are "no," then the outcome of planning should be to postpone the contemplated expansion, working toward readiness to tackle it farther down the road.

Adaptable beats obdurate, anytime.

Some planners see themselves as creating a blueprint; building a future the way one builds a house. If things don't go according to plan, they blame other people's failure to "get with the program." But an organisation isn't an artefact to be set in place with planks and nails. In contrast to a construction project, organisation building is never complete; like all life forms, an organisation's choices are to continuously adapt or die. Rather than planning as if the future were pre-determined, plan for flexibility. Plans that can't be changed shouldn't be written.

Put planning in its place and time.

Some groups don't recognise that it takes time and effort to plan well. They want the results, but aren't able or willing to make the investment. They end up in the worst of both worlds: their ongoing work is set back because they took time to plan without thinking through the implications; and their too-rushed plans end up half-baked ideas. Be realistic about what you can invest. Find a way to plan that suits your available resources - time, energy, and money.

Too much of a good thing: Planning can become a substitute for action.

Times have been hard for many non-profit organisations. One of the ironies of funding cutbacks in recent years is that it has sometimes been easier to obtain support for planning than for programming. Some funders evidently believe that merely talking about self-sufficiency - to pick just one example - is a perfectly good way to achieve it. This can lead to an obsessive internal focus: fleeing the indifferent outside world - the "big world" - people retreat to the "little worlds" of their organisations, where they can at least have company in their misery. "They're always having retreats to figure out who they are," someone recently said of a well-funded but aimless organisation. "That's a bad sign."

What goes around, comes around: Groups can be blind sided by the issues that planning reveals.

There's a mollifying rhythm to the daily grind, as diligence, deadlines, and distractions keep tensions and conflicts at bay. When an organisation pauses to plan, what's been submerged may come up for air. Suppose everyone is asked to dream of future roles or projects, and two staff members' dreams come into major conflict? Suppose there's a discussion of workplace culture, fingers are pointed, defences mustered, rifts revealed? When an organisation undertakes to plan, everyone should be made aware that issues may arise that need talking through, that there may be moments of heat, struggle, even head-on collision. Your planning process should include the time, focus, and talent for the mediation needed to resolve such conflicts, so you can turn to face the future as a team.

Boilerplates and cookie cutters are the wrong tools for this job.

Some planners opt for a "model" approach: all dance companies are supposed to develop this way, media centres that way; here are the seven stages of museum development; follow the ten "best practices" of community arts councils. It's not that other organisations' experiences aren't relevant to your own. Sometimes they're perfectly germane. But not often. Perfect congruence is more likely to be a fortuitous accident than an application of science: even a broken clock is right twice a day. Think about how complex and various individual human beings are. Even if I were equipped with a database of the ways that hundreds of individuals roughly your age and background had behaved in a variety of situations, in competition with your partner or best friend, I could never hope to win a game whose object was to guess your next move - let alone advise you on what it should be. Organizations, multiplying the complexity and diversity of their individual members, deserve to find their own paths rather than being pulsed through an organisational assembly line. In planning, insist on your right to march to a different drummer.

Writing it up in plan speak rather than plain language undoes the good of planning.

Sometimes organisations have great face-to-face planning experiences: good discussions, moments of profound insight, the excitement of contemplating future possibility, and the elation of a meeting of the minds. But feelings don't last long: they need to be carried forward into action, guided by a written plan. Some planning documents are so vague, abstract, and general, they're useless to the people who invested so much in considering their futures. Typically, an aim is listed - "become self-sufficient in five years" - and beneath it, phrases suggesting a range of ways to advance that aim: "expand earned income," "secure individual donations," "develop endowment." As time goes by and the memory of the face-to-face experience fades, the planning document's generalities are drained of any meaning that might once have clung to them. If you are going to take the time to plan, do it right: talk through alternative scenarios for realising your aims; map out ways to test them; be concrete about guiding values, deadlines, ways to evaluate your experiments. Put enough flesh on the bare bones of your plans to keep the document alive and kicking, or it will be buried in a drawer before the ink has dried.

To speed you on your way, I offer a small selection of sage efforts to describe the future by people who were no doubt smarter, braver, or more intoxicated than either you or I. They were also wrong - or the truths they hit on were so partial as to be entirely inadequate - which brings us back to the point about planning: not to be right, but to be ready.

"I have seen the future; and it works."

Muckraking author Lincoln Steffen on the Soviet Union, circa 1919

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

-George Orwell, NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR (published in 1949)

"Deer will be grazing in Times Square in forty years."

-Timothy Leary, 1967.

Role of New Manager or Supervisor is Often Very Stressful

The experience of a first-time supervisor or manager is often one of the most trying in their career. They rarely have adequate training for the new management role - they were promoted because of their technical expertise, not because of their managerial expertise. They suddenly have a wide range of policies and other regulations to apply to their subordinates. Work is never "done". They must represent upper management to their subordinates, and their subordinates to upper management. They're stuck in the middle. They can feel very alone.

Guidelines to Manage Yourself

Everyone in management has gone through the transition from individual contributor to manager. Each person finds his or her own way to "survive". The following guidelines will help you keep your perspective and your health.

1. Monitor your work hours

The first visible, undeniable sign that things are out of hand is that you're working too many hours. Note how many hours you are working per week. Set a limit and stick to that limit. Ask your peers or boss for help.

2. Recognise your own signs of stress

Different people show their stress in different ways. Some people have "blow ups". Some people get very forgetful. Some people lose concentration. For many people, they excel at their jobs, but their home life falls apart. Know your signs of stress. Tell someone else what they are. Ask them to check in with you every two weeks to see how you are doing. Every two weeks, write down how you are doing -- if only for a minute. Stick in it a file marked "%*#)%&!!#$".

3. Get a mentor or a coach

Ideally, your supervisor is a very good mentor and coach. Many people have "been there, done that" and can serve as great mentors to you.

4. Learn to delegate

Delegating is giving others the responsibility and authority to carry out tasks. You maintain the accountability to get them done, but you let others decide how they will carry out the tasks themselves. Delegation is a skill to learn. Start learning it.

5. Communicate as much as you can

Have at least one person in your life with whom you are completely honest. Hold regular meetings with staff - all of them in one meeting at least once a month, and meet at least once every two weeks with each of your direct reports. A common problem among new managers and supervisors (or among experienced, but ineffective ones) is not meeting unless there's something to say. There is always something to communicate, even if to say that things are going well and then share the health of your pets. New managers and supervisors often assume that their employees know as much as they do. One of the first signs of an organisation in trouble is that communications break down. Err on the side of too much communication, rather than not enough.

6. Recognise what's important from what's urgent - fix the system, not the problem

One of the major points that experienced manages make is that they've learned to respond to what's important, rather than what's urgent. Phone calls, sick employees, lost paperwork, disagreements between employees all seem to suddenly crop up and demand immediate attention. It can seem like your day is responding to one crisis after another. As you gain experience, you quit responding to the crisis and instead respond to the problem that causes the crises. You get an answering machine or someone else to answer the phone. You plan for employees being gone for the day - and you accept that people get sick. You develop a filing system to keep track of your paperwork. You learn basic skills in conflict management. Most importantly, you recognise that management is a process - you never really "finish" your to-do list - your list is there to help you keep track of details. Over time, you learn to relax.

7. Recognise accomplishments

Our society promotes problem solvers. We solve one problem and quickly move on to the next. The culture of many organisations rewards problem solvers. Once a problem is solved, we quickly move on to the next to solve that one, too. Pretty soon we feel empty. We feel as if we're not making a difference. Our subordinates do, too. So in all your plans, include time to acknowledge accomplishments - if only by having a good laugh by the coffee machine, do take time to note that something useful was done.

On "Performance" in Organisations

Supervisors have conducted performance appraisals for years. Employees have attended training sessions for years. Organisation members have worked long, hard hours for centuries. Processes, such as planning, budgeting, sales and billings have been carried out for years in organizations. But all too often, these activities are done mostly for the sake of doing them, not for contributing directly to the preferred results of the organisation.

Performance management reminds us that being busy is not the same as producing results. It reminds us that training, strong commitment and lots of hard work alone is not results. The major contribution of performance management is its focus on achieving results - useful products and services for customers inside and outside the organisation. Performance management redirects our efforts away from busyness toward effectiveness.

Recently, organisations have been faced with challenges like never before. Increasing competition from businesses across the world has meant that all businesses must be much more careful about the choice of strategies to remain competitive. Everyone (and everything) in the organisation must be doing what they're supposed to be doing to ensure strategies are implemented effectively.

This situation has put more focus on effectiveness, that systems and processes in the organisation be applied in the right way to the right things: to achieve results. All of the results across the organisation must continue to be aligned to achieve the overall results desired by the organisation for it to survive and thrive. Only then it be said that the organisation and its various parts are really performing.

Performance Management Applies to More than Employees

Typically, we think of performance in organisations, we think on the performance of employees. However, performance management should also be focused on:

1. The organisation

2. Departments (computer support, administration, sales, etc.)

3. Processes (billing, budgeting, product development, financial management, etc.)

4. Programs (implementing new policies and procedures to ensure a safe workplace; or, for a non- profit, ongoing delivery of services to a community)

5. Products or services to internal or external customers

6. Projects (automating the billing process, moving to a new building, etc.)

7. Teams or groups organised to accomplish a result for internal or external customers

Overall Goal and Focuses of Performance Management

The overall goal of performance management is to ensure that the organisation and all of its subsystems (processes, departments, teams, employees, etc.) are working together in an optimum fashion to achieve the results desired by the organisation.

Performance Improvement of the Organisation or a Subsystem is an Integrated Process

Note that because performance management strives to optimise results and alignment of all subsystems to achieve the overall results of the organisation, any focus of performance management within the organization (whether on department, process, employees, etc.) should ultimately affect overall organisational performance management as well.

Ongoing Activities of Performance Management

Achieving the overall goal requires several ongoing activities, including identification and prioritisation of desired results, establishing means to measure progress toward those results, setting standards for assessing how well results were achieved, tracking and measuring progress toward results, exchanging ongoing feedback among those participants working to achieve results, periodically reviewing progress, reinforcing activities that achieve results and intervening to improve progress where needed. Note that results themselves are also measures.

Note that these general activities are somewhat similar to several other major approaches in organisations, e.g., strategic planning, management by objectives, Total Quality Management, etc. Performance management brings focus on overall results, measuring results, focused and ongoing feedback about results, and development plans to improve results. The results measurements themselves are not the ultimate priority as much as ongoing feedback and adjustments to meet results.

The steps in performance management are also similar to those in a well-designed training process, when the process can be integrated with the overall goals of the organisation. Trainers are focusing much more on results for performance. Many trainers with this priority now call themselves performance consultants.

Basic Steps

Various authors propose various steps for performance management. The typical performance management process includes some or all of the following steps, whether in performance management of organisations, subsystems, processes, etc. Note that how the steps are carried out can vary widely, depending on the focus of the performance efforts and who is in charge of carrying it out. For example, an economist might identify financial results, such as return on investment, profit rate, etc. An industrial psychologist might identify more human-based results, such as employee productivity.

NOTE: The following steps occur in a wide context of many activities geared towards performance improvement in an organisation, for example, activities such as management development, planning, organising and coordinating activities.

1. Review organizational goals to associate preferred organisational results in terms of units of performance, that is, quantity, quality, cost or timeliness (note that the result itself is therefore a measure)

2. Specify desired results for the domain - as guidance, focus on results needed by other domains (e.g., products or services need by internal or external customers)

3. Ensure the domain's desired results directly contribute to the organisation's results

4. Weight, or prioritise, the domain's desired results

5. Identify first-level measures to evaluate if and how well the domain's desired results were achieved

6. Identify more specific measures for each first-level measure if necessary

7. Identify standards for evaluating how well the desired results were achieved (e.g., "below expectations", "meets expectations" and "exceeds expectations")

8. Document a performance plan - including desired results, measures and standards

9. Conduct ongoing observations and measurements to track performance

10. Exchange ongoing feedback about performance

11.Conduct a performance appraisal (sometimes called performance review)

11. If performance meets the desired performance standard, then reward for performance (the nature of the reward depends on the domain)

12. If performance does not meet the desired performance standards, then develop or update a performance development plan to address the performance gap* (See Notes 1 and 2)

13. Repeat steps 9 to 13 until performance is acceptable, standards are changed, the domain is replaced, management decides to do nothing, etc.

* Note 1: Inadequate performance does not always indicate a problem on the part of the domain. Performance standards may be unrealistic or the domain may have insufficient resources. Similarly, the overall strategies or the organization, or its means to achieving its top-level goals, may be unrealistic or without sufficient resources.

* Note 2: When performance management is applied to an employee or group of employees, a development plan can be initiated in a variety of situations, e.g.,:

When a performance appraisal indicates performance improvement is needed, that is, that there is a "performance gap"

To "benchmark" the status of improvement so far in a development effort

As part of a professional development for the employee or group of employees, in which case there is not a performance gap as much as an "growth gap"

As part of succession planning to help an employee be eligible for a planned change in role in the organisation, in which case there also is not a performance gap as much as an "opportunity gap"

To "pilot", or test, the operation of a new performance management system

The Story

A Common Misunderstanding: "I'll Know Results When I See 'Em'"

Employee Ed is a new employee at a print shop. He has been hired to run a machine that prints out high-quality pictures. The pictures go to other departments, including the Catalogue Department, to use in brochures, catalogues, advertisements, etc.

Ed's new supervisor, Supervisor Sam, is new on the job, too. He's worked hard to get where he's at. He was an expert at running the collating machine. Sam's machine took printed images from machines like Ed's and organised them into the Catalogue Department's final product, a catalogue.

Sam doesn't like Ed at first. Ed looks just like Sam's brother whom Sam does not like at all. Still, as a new supervisor, Sam tries to give Ed a chance.

Sam wants to be sure that Ed does a good job. He isn't all that sure what "good job" means, but he thinks he'll know it when he sees it. So Sam sends Ed to a course to learn how to run the print machine. The description of the course said students would learn all about the machine. That should work out fine.

Training for Skills - or a Good Time?

Teacher Tom wants to convince supervisors to send employees to his course. Tom claims the result from his course is that each student will know how to run the printing machine. Tom hasn't really thought about how to achieve that result. He knows a lot about the machine and likes to tell people about it. So he thinks he'll be a fine teacher.

Tom includes a lot of lectures in the course. He tells students all about the machine's history, some tough times he had learning about the machine and how students can get a lot done with the machine if they know what they're doing. The rest of the time, Tom tells students how to do the various procedures needed to run the machine. After reviewing the last procedure, Tom tells his students that the course is over. He tells them that they've been a good audience; he enjoyed teaching them and hopes they got a lot out of the course. Tom wants to be sure the course achieves its result, so he has the students fill out a questionnaire.

Ed now likes Tom a lot and feels very good about the course so he gives the course a very high rating. Tom seemed to know a lot about the machine. Tom told a lot of jokes, the room was nice and the materials were very impressive. With all the stuff Tom told Ed, Ed now feels he could do anything with the machine. Later that day, Ed tells Supervisor Sam that the course was very good. Sam is very pleased about his decision and is glad the course accomplished strong results.

What Are You Doing? What Should You Really Be Doing?

The next day, Sam briefly notices that Ed is much happier at his job. "Great", Sam thinks. "A satisfied employee is a productive employee! Right?" (Wrong. Job satisfaction doesn't mean job performance. Some research indicates job satisfaction can actually decrease productivity.)

Later that afternoon, Sam has more time to watch Ed at his job. Soon Sam is horrified! It doesn't seem like Ed knows what he's doing at all! Sam thinks to himself, "I knew Ed wouldn't work out! I just knew it!" Sam glances through several of the prints from Ed's machine. He finds one that's smeared and torn. Sam concludes that Ed didn't learn anything at all. He confronts Ed. "What are you doing? You're slow and all your prints are ruined! You've wasted the company's money!" Ed feels scared and stupid.

Sam and his company have a typical performance management problem. If Sam had followed the principles of performance management, he would have been clearer to himself and to Ed about what Sam wanted as results from Ed's job. Sam would have been clearer about how he would measure Ed's results. Sam would have been clearer about his expectations, or performance standards, for Ed.

Teacher Tom has a similar problem. If he had thought more about performance results, measures and standards, he would have thought about what knowledge and skills his students would need to run the machine. He would have thought about how he'd know if the students could actually run the machine or not. Also, he would have thought about how well students should be able to run the machine by the end of the course. It's likely that Tom would have included time in the course for students to actually practice on the machine. He would have included some way to test students' skill levels to ensure they achieve Tom's preferred result. He would have included some way to later get supervisors' feedback about employees' skills on the job. It's very likely that Tom's course would have achieved its result: students who can operate their machines to some specified performance standard.

Reasons for a Performance Management System

Back at work, Sam discusses the situation with his Boss Bob. Sam wants to fire Ed - and do it now. Bob calmly disagrees. He tells Sam, "We can turn this thing around. I'll tell you how."

He begins to give Sam a broad overview of a performance management system. "Basically, a performance management system is a way to ensure we get results from all our employees. Heck, if Ed's teacher knew about performance, Ed might have learned something! They don't call it training any more, you know. They call it Performance Technology or something like that."

Sam interrupts, "Look. I can tell if Ed's doing a good job or not. I've got his job description. I've used the performance appraisal form. Besides, I don't feel good about those performance appraisals. They're just something you do once a year, usually to fire somebody. They're just paperwork. The guys are scared of them. I dread them. I'm trying to build a team here!"

Bob responds, "You don't understand. A performance system is more than job descriptions. A job description lists what duties, what responsibilities a certain job has. It doesn't tell the employee what results are really expected of him, what he's supposed to produce. It doesn't keep telling you, the supervisor, how well you expect the employee to be doing at his job. It doesn't make sure that what you're doing is what your boss - and their boss's boss and their boss' boss -want you to be doing."

Bob went on to explain. "A performance system makes sure we're fair to our guys. They're getting paid what they're worth. They know what we want from them. They know what we think about what they're doing. In the long run, all of us in the company end up working toward the same thing. We're all pulling on the same rope. Maybe the biggest advantage is that we're talking to each other about what we're doing, if we're doing it right and if it's really what the company needs. Besides, we managers should have to earn our own keep around here, too. I want you to take part in our performance system, Sam. I'll help you."

Key Terms: Results, Measures and Standards

Bob explains, "In the performance system, the first thing you do is figure out what results you want from the employee.

"Results are what you want Ed to produce so customers can do their jobs well. For example, Ed's internal customer, the Catalogue Department, needs high-quality prints to do its job. Right?

"Measures are what you use to know if Ed is achieving the results or not. For example, how many prints is Ed making in an hour? Are Ed's prints smeared, are they torn?

"Standards are what you consider when thinking about how well Ed is doing at his good job. For example, the standard for "excellent" should be at least as many high quality prints an hour as your best people are producing.

"After we've decided the results, measures and standards, we'll work together to track Ed's progress. We'll make sure that we're all exchanging feedback around here, including with the Catalogue Department. That's the most important part.

"Any needs that Ed might have, we'll record on a development plan. That might include more training. This time, we'll make sure that the teacher knows about performance management!

Sam heard everything Bob said. He was sceptical, but he decided to try the performance stuff anyway. Anyway, Bob was the boss.

Performance Problem: Vague Priorities

Over the next month, Sam thought more about what he specifically wanted from Ed. He talked to Ed, too. They both decided that Ed would shoot for 500 high-quality prints an hour, 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday. High quality would mean no smears or tears. In fact, the Director of the Catalogue Department would judge whether Ed produced this result or not.

Sam was a little surprised at Ed's reaction. He thought Ed would be a little leery. Heck, Ed didn't seem concerned at all. He was actually excited! Sam actually felt better now, too.

Over the next week, Sam carefully considered the measurements for Ed's result. He realised that Ed really needed more training. "Thank goodness I found this out now," Sam thought. Sam realised this whole situation wasn't Ed's fault. He reminded himself that Ed was new, too. Sam talked to the Training Department. They suggested that Ed go to a workshop where he could actually get practice with the machine. Also, they helped Ed find some free time on another machine during second shift. That way, Ed could get in some more practice.

Ed attended the workshop. He told Sam it was hard, but he learned a lot more about actually running the machine. He said the teacher showed him several things that he could be doing a lot better. Ed was eager to get back to work. Sam felt very relieved. This performance stuff seemed to be working out -and it wasn't nearly as hard as he'd imagined.

Weighting Results

Several months later, Sam's boss, Bob, told all employees that he wanted them to take part in a Quality Circle. Sam told Ed all about it.

Ed complained to Sam that he just wanted to run his machine. That's why he accepted the job. That's what he wants to do.

Sam is now smart about results, measures and standards. He sends Ed to a seminar on Quality Circles. Maybe that'll get Ed going in the Circles. Ed took the seminar and, sure enough, came back all excited about Quality Circles. Now he spends a lot of time around the coffee machine, telling other employees how great Quality Circles are, where they started, etc.

Soon Sam tells Ed that he's not running his machine anymore. How's he going to produce his results? Ed explains that he's doing his part for his Quality Circle. Ed complains that Sam needs to make up his mind about what he wants Ed to do.

Sam goes back to Boss Bob, asking for advice. How can he get Ed to work the machine and be a good member of the Circle?

Bob explains that Sam needs Ed to run the machine and take part in the Quality Circle. Bob notices that Sam seems puzzled. Bob explains, "Ed can do both: run the machine and be a good Circle member. You just need to let him know what your priorities are. Let Ed know how much time he can spend on his machine and how much time in the Circle. Be as clear as you were before about his results and how you'd measure them. In the performance system, this is called weighting the results."

Measures: Some You Can Count and Some You Describe

Sam nods that he understands Bob. "But how can I measure what he does in Quality Circles?"

Bob explained, "Remember when we talked about measures? There are a couple of ways to look at measures. You can count them or you can describe them - hopefully you can do both. With the machine, you could count the number of prints Ed produced, right? You noticed if the prints were high quality or not. High quality meant the images were clear and the paper was not torn. Right?"

Sam nodded.

Bob went on to explain, "About Ed's Quality Circle, though, it's really hard to count something - at least not without going crazy! Sure, you can count how many suggestions he makes. But if you do that, he'll be talking all the time and not saying anything! What other ways can you realistically measure what Ed is doing in his Circle?

Sam thought this for a minute. "Maybe I'm making this harder than it is. How about if I notice the attendance record for Ed, you know, you make sure he goes to meetings. I don't want to write down everything that Ed says. Heck, Ed only talks in conclusions anyway!"

Bob responded that Sam seemed on the right track.

Sam explained the new situation to Ed. Ed seemed pleased. "That straightens things out. Sure, I'll try it".

Performance Problem: Inconsistent Results Across the Organisation

Over the next few months, Ed ran his machine just fine. His Quality Circle made lots of good suggestions to Sam and Sam's boss, Bob. Soon, though, Ed and Sam notice that nothing was really being done about the suggestions.

Sam confronted his boss, Bob. "You've got plenty of ideas from us. How come nothing is being done about them?" Bob replied, "I know. I'm wondering about that myself. I'll find out."

Bob talked to his boss, Management Mike. Mike looked puzzled. Then he remembered, "Oh, that's right! The Quality Circles! Yeah, those Circles are sure keeping people happy. Keep up the good work, Bob!"

Bob replied, "I thought the Circles were to improve quality, not to keep people happy. What am I missing here?"

Mike explained that he really couldn't implement any of the suggestions from the Circle. "They'll probably just cost more money. Right now the company needs to cut costs as much as possible."

Now Bob was getting really irked. He said, "I thought our performance system was supposed to make sure that everyone was working toward the same goals. Why not have the Circle guys focus on cost-cutting ideas?"

Mike warned, "That could scare them big time! No, keep 'em coming up with good ideas. They're doing great!" Mike looked at his watch and said, "I've got to take off. Sorry. Keep up the good work, Bob!"

Bob left Mike's office feeling very disappointed and sad. He thought, "We have a performance management system. Ed's doing fine. Sam's doing fine. I'm doing fine. Our department's doing fine. We're performing, right? Sure doesn't feel like it, though."

So: All the Parts Are Doing Just Fine -- Yet the Organisation Isn't Performing!

Employees, the department and management are all very committed and very busy. Sam's focused on getting the most from his people, including Ed. So is Bob. They all know the results they want, how they'll measure them and what they consider to be great work. Yet the organisation really isn't performing. It's idling along.

This situation is not uncommon.

Introduction - What Are Competencies? (And jobs, tasks, roles, etc.)

First, let's look at some terms. A job is a collection of tasks and responsibilities that an employee is responsible to conduct. Jobs have titles. A task is a typically defined as a unit of work, that is, a set of activities needed to produce some result, e.g., vacuuming a carpet, writing a memo, sorting the mail, etc. Complex positions in the organisation may include a large number of tasks, which are sometimes referred to as functions. Job descriptions are lists of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position. Typically, they also include to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications needed by the person in the job, salary range for the position, etc. Job descriptions are usually developed by conducting a job analysis, which includes examining the tasks and sequences of tasks necessary to perform the job. The analysis looks at the areas of knowledge and skills needed by the job. Note that a role is the set of responsibilities or expected results associated with a job. A job usually includes several roles.

Typically, competencies are general descriptions of the abilities needed to perform a role in the organisation. Competencies are described in terms such that they can be measured. It's useful to compare competencies to job descriptions. Job descriptions typically list the tasks or functions and responsibilities for a role, whereas competencies list the abilities needed to conduct those tasks or functions. Consequently, competencies are often used as a basis for training by converting competencies to learning objectives. See examples of competencies below. Compare them with job descriptions; there are those who have strong cautions about the use of competencies.

Note that some experts assert that competencies should define the abilities for someone to excel in a certain role, that is, meet high performance standards, whereas other experts assert that competencies should define the abilities to adequately perform the role.

Competencies are the abilities needed to conduct a role in an organisation. Identifying competencies for a role is a very useful exercise to really get one thinking about what's needed to carry out the role. Competencies descriptions are usually worded in measurable terms, therefore they're useful for reference when identifying training.

Below are some basic suggestions for developing a list of competencies needed for a role.

1. When developing the list, try to think in terms of areas of knowledge and skills. Review some examples of lists of competencies to get an idea of how competencies are worded.

2. Conduct a job analysis to understand the various tasks in the job and in what sequence. The analysis can include some or all of the following suggestions, as well.

3. Observe the employee or employees as they as they perform the task or conduct the role. What areas of knowledge do you see the employees using? What skills do you see the employees performing?

4. Consider administering a questionnaire to the employee or employees. On the questionnaire, ask them to describe certain practices and procedures to carry out the task or perform the role in the best way possible, e.g., for a managerial role, ask about the best way to conduct performance appraisals, conduct hiring procedures, etc. Explain that the questionnaire is to help the trainer help the employees to perform a task or conduct a role better.

5. Consider interviewing a highly skilled employee or a group of employees. Ask them to describe the necessary areas of knowledge and skills for superior performance.

6. Ideally, get advice from customers about what knowledge and skills are useful in delivering the best quality products or services to them.

7. Review the job description for all of the general responsibilities and duties of the role. Note that job descriptions may not describe the position in terms of needed areas of knowledge or skills

8. A generic list of competencies may already exist for a role. For example, professional associations sometimes provide generic lists.

To Learn, You Must Be Willing to Grow, to Experience

Learning often involves new skills, developing new behaviours. After many years of classroom education, it's easy for us to take a course where all we must do is attend each meeting, take notes and pass tests - and call this learning. One can complete a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), but unless they're willing to actually apply new information, they'll most likely end up with an office full of un-referenced textbooks and a head full of data, but little knowledge and wisdom. For the learning process to succeed, the individual must be willing to take risks. Stick you neck out, including telling the instructor when you're confused or disappointed in the course. Don't wait until the course is over when nothing can be done about it.

Growth Involves the Entire Learner

If learning is to be more than collecting new information, then we must involve ourselves completely in our learning experiences. Unfortunately, too many development programs still operate from the assumption that the learner can somehow separate personal development from professional development. So we end up getting a great deal of information about finance and sales, but little helps with stress and time management. Then, after schooling, when we enter the hectic world of management, we struggle to keep perspective and we're plagued with self-doubts. True learning involves looking at every aspect of our lives, not just what's in our heads.

Growth Requires Seeking Ongoing Feedback

Many of us don't know what we need to learn -- we don't know what we don't know. Therefore, feedback from others is critical to understanding our jobs and ourselves. Feedback is useful in more ways than telling us what we don't know. Feedback also deepens and enriches what we do know. Research indicates that adults learn new information and methods best when they a) actually apply the information and methods, and b) exchange feedback around those experiences. However, we're often reluctant to seek advice and impressions from others, particularly fellow workers. We're sometimes reluctant to share feedback with others, as well The courage to overcome our reluctance and fears is often the first step toward achieving true meaning in our lives and our jobs.

Trust Your Instincts to Learn

Learning doesn't come only from other people telling you what you need to know and how you need to learn it! The highly motivated, self-directed learner can make a "classroom of life". Everything becomes an experience from which to learn. You can design your own learning experiences! Think about what you want to learn, how you might learn it and how you'll know if you've learned it.

Take Responsibility for Your Own Learning

Managers (and all employees) must take responsibility for their own learning. At one time, many companies could promise a new employee lifelong employment and a predictable career path. Today, very few if any companies can make that promise. Even when your company has a formal training department and offers a catalogue full of courses for employees, no one knows better than the employee and his or her manager what needs to be learned and how that learning can be applied to the job to make a positive difference in individual, group, and company business results. You must take responsibility for your own career path, whether with your current employer or through a series of employers. And the way to build your career is to keep learning throughout your career.

Many companies promise that every employee will receive one week (and sometimes more than one week) of training per year. But forward-looking managers know that one week of training isn't enough to create better performance and new opportunities for the future. They know that they and their employees must be in a continuous learning mode - learning every month, every week, every day.

How do you plan for your own learning needs? Here is a method of planning for your own learning that I call the "learning contract." The learning contract is personalised for each employee and is negotiated by the employee and his or her manager, for no one in the company knows better what the employee needs to learn than the employee and his or her immediate manager.

The learning contract starts with the company's business goals or, at the minimum, the part of the company's business goals that are affected by the employee's work. By beginning and, as we will see later, ending with these goals in mind, we ensure that all learning activities are designed to make a positive contribution to the achievement of both personal and company goals. But it is often difficult for the individual employee to see a direct connection between his or her work and the larger company goals. It is the job of the manager to help the employee understand the company's goals and how those larger goals are affected by the department's or function's work and by the work of the individual employee.

Why is it important for every employee to understand the company's overall business goals, especially if the employee's work seems very distant from those goals? The answer is simply this: if you don't understand the company's business goals, how can you possibly work to help the company achieve those goals? Being able to demonstrate how your work is helping the company achieve its goals will be important when you seek your next raise or promotion. And even if you decide to leave the company to seek work elsewhere, potential employers will look more favorably on applicants who are able to tie their work experience to achievement of the company's business goals.

Once these goals are understood, the next question is: "How must I change my work or my skills and knowledge to help the company achieve this goal?" Too often, companies publish ambitious business goals, but no one bothers to ask how those goals will be achieved or what changes will be necessary to enable the company to meet those goals.

When you understand the changes you must make to help achieve the goals, then you must ask: "What do I need to learn in order to make those changes?" You can't change without learning. Learning may involve greater knowledge of customers and markets, building new skills in order to work differently, and so forth.

The next part of the learning contract deals with how the learning will take place: Will I attend a company-sponsored training program, take a course at a local college, read some books and articles, become an apprentice to someone who is a master of the new skills - the list of potential learning methods is very large (and will be the subject of another article in this series). In planning your learning, you need to specify in the learning contract the methods you will use, where you will find the learning resources you need, and a schedule for completion of the specified learning activities.

I often recommend that employees, before undertaking any learning activity, find someone inside or outside the company who has already mastered the new skills or knowledge and who can act as a coach and answer the employee's questions as they arise. Ideally, this is the employee's manager, but the manager does not always have the needed expertise or the time to acquire it. If you cannot find someone to act as a coach, then I recommend that you find someone else who is learning the same skill or studying the same material to be your "learning partner." By having a learning partner, you will have someone to exchange questions and experiences with, and the two of you can help each other study and discuss your experiences as you later try to apply your learning to your jobs. If you cannot find a learning partner in your group or your company, look for groups on the Internet who are interested in the subject. The Internet can be a wonderful resource, and you can get assistance from people all over the world, even if you do not know the person and will never actually meet that person.

You also need to specify in the contract how you will demonstrate that the learning has taken place - what will be the measure of your learning achievements? Will you submit a report on what you have learned? Will you take tests before and after the learning activities to show how much you have learned? Will you demonstrate the skills for your manager?

Next, the learning contract must include a section on how you will apply your learning to your job. This is where most corporate training programs fail - most of the learning that takes place in formal training programs never gets applied to the students' jobs - meaning that the company's investment in that training is wasted. It is also the area where the employee needs the most assistance from the manager. When you try out new skills, you will inevitably make errors - no one can be expected to try something totally new and succeed the first and every time. The manager must provide the opportunity to make errors and must reinforce the employee's learning with coaching and reinforcement until the new skills are mastered. Without this assistance from the manager, the employee will quickly revert back to the old way of doing things when faced with a problem - "Why should I risk making an error and being penalised by my manager for trying the new methods when I can continue to do things the old way - the way I know and with which I am comfortable. The old way may not be the best way, but I know it works."

Finally, you must specify in the contract what difference in business results are expected once you have applied your learning to your work. This ties back to the first step in the learning contract, where you specified the company business goals to which you contribute. By beginning with the end in mind, all learning activities will be focused on specific, measurable, achievable business results, for the individual, the group/function/department, and the company as a whole.

Using the learning contract can also yield another benefit: When you can demonstrate the direct connection between your learning activities and the company's business results, no one will ever question the value of the training programs or other learning activities you undertake. You will never be asked to justify the investment in your learning, because the justification is built into the plan from the beginning.

Summary of the Learning Contract

1. Specify the company's business goals and how your individual work contributes to their achievement.

2. Specify how you must change your work to help the company achieve its goals.

3. Specify what you need to learn in order to make those changes.

4. Develop a learning plan, including:

What you need to learn.

What learning resources you will use

A schedule of learning activities.

5. Specify measures of learning achievement.

6. Develop a plan for how you will apply your learning to your job.

7. Specify what changes in business results are expected from the application of your learning to the job.



The Trainee will be required to demonstrate competence on the job, in practical demonstration; observation, question/answer and role-play situations, incorporating verbal questions and written work, including completing workplace forms, either to the RTO Trainer or Supervisor, under the guidance of the RTO Trainer.

Element of competency:

1. Establish personal work goals2. Set and meet own work priorities3. Develop and maintain professional competence1.How do you manage own work to achieve organisational goals?

2.How do you manage competing priorities to achieve personal and organisational goals?

3. How do you assess your own performance?

4. Note down six skills or attributes you consider to be most important or essential as a manager.

Assessment Task

Prepare a detailed written report for your own professional development.


In which direction you would like your career to go

A list of the things you will need to do in order to achieve your career direction

A list of the competencies/skills you may need

A list of your goals and set them in priority order

A timeline for achieving your goals

How you will measure your progress along the way

How you will reward your successes

How you will balance your career objectives whilst still maintaining your current competing commitments (i.e. Work/Family)

Alternatively, you may prepare a similar report using the above points, detailing how you attained your current position.

Include with this report how your performance is measured within your current organisation and provide copies of performance appraisal forms if you have them.

ASSESSMENT MODE A Oral questioningTrainee name:

Name of Workplace:

RTO Trainer name:

Unit/s of competency:BSBWOR501A


Date of training/ assessment visit:

Instructions: In addition to written answers provided above, the trainee is required to provide verbal answers to the following questions that will be asked by the RTO Trainer. Read the questions prior to the Trainers visit, and be prepared to answer them, obtaining help where necessary.

Did the trainee satisfactorily answer the following questions:YesNo

1. How do you organise your work priorities?((

2. How do you manage competing priorities?((

3. How would you assess your own performance?((

4. List 4 skills you think managers should have((

5. What professional development opportunities are available in your workplace?((

6. Where do you see your career in 5 years from now?((

The trainees underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory (

Not Satisfactory (


Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

Question 6:

RTO Trainer signature:

Trainee signature:

Date of assessment:

ASSESSMENT MODE B - Skills observation checklist

Trainee name:

Name of workplace:

RTO Trainer name:

Unit/s of competency:BSBWOR501A


Date of training/ assessment visit:

During the demonstration of skills, did the trainee:YesNoN/A

Personal work planning and organisation serve as a positive role model in the workplace(((

Personal work goals, plans and activities reflect the organisation's plans, and own responsibilities and accountabilities(((

Individual initiative is taken to achieve and extend personal work goals beyond those planned(((

Personal performance is measured and maintained in varying work conditions, work contexts and contingencies(((

Initiative is taken to prioritise and facilitate competing demands to achieve personal, team and the organisation's goals and objectives(((

Technology is used efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments(((

Personal knowledge and skills are assessed against competency standards to determine development needs, priorities and plans(((

Feedback from employees, clients and colleagues is sought and used to identify and develop ways to improve competence(((

Development opportunities suitable to personal learning style(s) are identified, evaluated, selected and used to develop competence(((

Participation in networks is undertaken to enhance personal knowledge, skills and work relationships(((

New skills are identified and developed to achieve and maintain a competitive edge(((

The trainees performance was:Not Satisfactory(Satisfactory(

Feedback to trainee:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trainee signature:

RTO Trainer signature:

I confirm competence for this unit BSBWOR501A _________________

(Manager signature)



Trainee Name: ____________________________________Supervisor signature: _________________________________

Company: __________________________________________________________________

Date: ______/______/200____Certificate: ( II( III ( IV in

( Business (Office Admin/Admin)

( Civil Construction ( Extractive Industries

( Food Processing

( Hospitality

( Process Manufacturing ( Retail Operations

( TDT (Road Transport)

( TDT (Warehousing)

( Telecommunications (Call Centres)

( _________________

List below the times allocated to Off-the-Job training for: BSBWOR501A Manage personal work priorities and professional developmentDateActivity





Activity Code

1. Read self-paced guides2. Developed knowledge of use and safety requirements

3. Met with Workplace Coach4. Worked on assessment tasks

5. Discussion on phone6. Discussed assessment tasks

7. Researched store policy and procedures8. Researched legislative requirements

9. Researched prioritisation skills and professional development 10. Researched industry codes of practice

11. Observed other staff member/s undertaking professional development activities12. Performance appraisal

13. Other research14. Read relevant industry publications

15. Staff training16. Talking to the supervisor

17. Complete appropriate paperwork relevant to task 18. Other: (specify) __________________________________________

Participant survey of materials

Unit code: BSBWOR501A Unit name: Manage personal work priorities and professional developmentDate.. Instructions:

Please complete the questionnaire by circling the one number that best describes your answer to each question. Please read each question carefully. For mailed surveys, place the completed questionnaire in the enclosed reply paid envelope and post it back within seven days

Q1.Thinking in general about the material you were given for this unit, how would you rate it overall?

Circle only one answerPoor ....1

Fair ..2

Good ...3

Very Good ..4

Excellent .....5

Dont know ........6

Q2.How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the unit material?

Circle one answer only for each statement

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeDont know / NA

a. The layout of the reading material made it easy to use/read123456

b. The layout of the assessment material made it easy to use/read123456

c. The font size of the material was large enough123456

d. The reading material assisted me to complete the assessment123456

e. The material was easy to understand123456

f. The graphics/pictures were useful123456

g. The graphics/pictures were sufficient in number123456

h. The graphics/pictures were legible123456

i. The materials was free from typing errors123456

j. The material was relevant to my job/workplace123456

Comments: Please expand on the above points if you rated any of them less than 3

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Suggested Answers

BSBWOR501A Manage personal work priorities and professional development1. How do you manage own work to achieve organisational goals?

The Acronym: S.M.A.R.T.E.R.








2.How do you manage competing priorities to achieve personal and organisational goals?

Monitor your work hours, Recognise your own signs of stress, Get a mentor or coach, Learn to delegate, Communicate, Recognise whats important from whats urgent.

3. How do you assess your own performance?

Achieving results, Performance appraisals, Feedback, Meeting of standards, etc.

4. Note down six skills or attributes you consider to be most important or essential as a manager.

These will be dependant on your own views

Competency Record BSBWOR501A

After assessment the assessor, the supervisor and participant should sign the competency record. If competency is not achieved at the first attempt, strategies to address the performance gaps need to be identified and a time for re-assessment organized.

Assessor Comments








( ( ( (

The participant is competent has shown competence in all of the following elements:

Establish personal work goals

Set and meet own work priorities

Develop and maintain professional competence

___________________________________ Date_________

___________________________________ DATE_________

___________________________________ DATE_________

Date for reassessment: ___________

Assessment Strategies

Current Competencies

Oral/written questions


Workplace project

Supervisor/3rd party report



The evidence supplied is:

Trainee Signature:

Supervisor Signature:

Trainer Signature

The Trainee is


Strategies to address gaps in trainee performance:

BSBWOR501A Manage personal work priorities. March 2008 Version 1 Page 1 of 38