management information system

Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2 191 Unit 2 Data, Information and Knowledge Structure 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Data, Information and Knowledge Interrelationship, differences and characteristics 2.2 Data Meaning, Definition and types Importance of Data in Managerial Process 2.3 Information Meaning, Definition, Changing concepts Types and quality 2.4 Data / Information Processing Cycle 2.5 Data / Information Security, Cyber Security 2.6 Knowledge Meaning, Definition, Types 2.7 Summary

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data and information


  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    Unit 2 Data, Information and Knowledge


    2.0 Introduction

    2.1 Data, Information and Knowledge

    Interrelationship, differences and characteristics

    2.2 Data Meaning, Definition and types

    Importance of Data in Managerial Process

    2.3 Information Meaning, Definition, Changing concepts

    Types and quality

    2.4 Data / Information Processing Cycle

    2.5 Data / Information Security, Cyber Security

    2.6 Knowledge Meaning, Definition, Types

    2.7 Summary

  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    2.0 Introduction

    In the earlier unit, you came to know about Information Technology -

    conceptual basis, definition, components, and application areas;

    developments in computer hardware, software and their role in digital

    transformation; developments in Telecommunication technology and

    convergence of technologies.

    Data are values of qualitative or quantitative variables, belonging to a set of

    items. Data are typically the results of measurements and can be visualized

    using graphs or images. Information, in its most restricted technical sense,

    is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information

    can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind

    of event that affects the state of a dynamic system. Knowledge is a

    familiarity with someone or something, which can include facts, information,

    descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer

    to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit

    (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical

    understanding of a subject); and it can be more or less formal or systematic.



  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    In this unit, we appreciate the interrelation between Data-Information-

    Knowledge dimensions; their types, interrelationship, differences and

    characteristics; their importance in managerial process; processing cycle &

    security aspects of data & information. For a better understanding of this

    unit, prior knowledge about the Information Technology for Management is



    After studying this unit, you should be able to:

    Explain the terms data, information, and knowledge

    Appreciate the interrelation between the above terms

    Understand the importance of data in managerial process

    Explain the data/information processing cycle & security aspects

    2.1 Data, Information and Knowledge

    Data as an abstract concept can be viewed as the lowest level of

    abstraction from which information and then knowledge are derived. Raw

    data, i.e., unprocessed data, refers to a collection of numbers, characters

    and is a relative term; data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the

    "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the

    next. Field data refers to raw data collected in an uncontrolled in situ

    environment. Experimental data refers to data generated within the context

    of a scientific investigation by observation and recording.

    The word data is the plural of datum, neuter past participle of the Latin dare,

    "to give", hence "something given". In discussions of problems in geometry,

    mathematics, engineering, and so on, the terms givens and data are used

    interchangeably. Such usage is the origin of data as a concept in computer

    science or data processing: data are numbers, words, images, etc.,

    accepted as they stand.

    Conceptually, information is the message (utterance or expression) being

    conveyed. This concept has numerous other meanings in different contexts.

    Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to notions of

    constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge,

    meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, representation, and

    especially entropy.

  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    In philosophy, the study of knowledge is called epistemology, and the

    philosopher Plato famously defined knowledge as "justified true belief."

    However no single agreed upon definition of knowledge exists, and there

    are numerous theories to explain it. Knowledge acquisition involves complex

    cognitive processes: perception, communication, association and reasoning;

    while knowledge is also said to be related to the capacity of

    acknowledgment in human beings. Many of us would probably say

    knowledge that something is true involves:

    Certainty it's hard if not impossible to deny

    Evidence it has to be based on something

    Practicality it has to actually work in the real world

    Broad agreement lots of people have to agree it's true


    Interrelationship, differences and characteristics

  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    The terms data, information and knowledge are frequently used for

    overlapping concepts. The main difference is in the level of abstraction

    being considered. Data is the lowest level of abstraction, information is the

    next level, and finally, knowledge is the highest level among all three. Data

    on its own carries no meaning. For data to become information, it must be

    interpreted and take on a meaning. For example, the height of Mt. Everest is

    generally considered as "data", a book on Mt. Everest geological

    characteristics may be considered as "information", and a report containing

    practical information on the best way to reach Mt. Everest's peak may be

    considered as "knowledge".


    Information as a concept bears a diversity of meanings, from everyday

    usage to technical settings. Generally speaking, the concept of information

    is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data,

    form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception,

    and representation.

    It is people and computers who collect data and impose patterns on it.

    These patterns are seen as information which can be used to enhance

    knowledge. These patterns can be interpreted as truth, and are authorized

    as aesthetic and ethical criteria. Events that leave behind perceivable

    physical or virtual remains can be traced back through data. Marks are no

    longer considered data once the link between the mark and observation is


  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    Information is any type of pattern that influences the formation or

    transformation of other patterns. In this sense, there is no need for a

    conscious mind to perceive, much less appreciate, the pattern. Consider, for

    example, DNA. The sequence of nucleotides is a pattern that influences the

    formation and development of an organism without any need for a

    conscious mind. If, however, the premise of "influence" implies that

    information has been perceived by a conscious mind and also interpreted by

    it, the specific context associated with this interpretation may cause the

    transformation of the information into knowledge. Complex definitions of

    both "information" and "knowledge" make such semantic and logical

    analysis difficult, but the condition of "transformation" is an important point in

    the study of information as it relates to knowledge, especially in the

    business discipline of knowledge management.


    2.2 Types of Data

  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    In certain technical fields (especially computer programming and statistics),

    a data type is a classification identifying one of various types of data, such

    as real-valued, integer or Boolean, that determines the possible values for

    that type; the operations that can be done on values of that type; the

    meaning of the data; and the way values of that type can be stored.

    Following types of data may be used for business analysis:


    The name 'Nominal' comes from the Latin nomen, meaning 'name' and

    nominal data are items which are differentiated by a simple naming system.

    The only thing a nominal scale does is to say that items being measured

    have something in common, although this may not be described.

    Nominal items may have numbers assigned to them. This may appear

    ordinal but is not -- these are used to simplify capture and referencing.

    Nominal items are usually categorical, in that they belong to a definable

    category, such as 'employees'. Example: the number pinned on a sports

    person; a set of countries.


    Items on an ordinal scale are set into some kind of order by their position on

    the scale. This may indicate such as temporal position, superiority, etc.

    The order of items is often defined by assigning numbers to them to show

    their relative position. Letters or other sequential symbols may also be used

    as appropriate.

    Ordinal items are usually categorical, in that they belong to a definable

    category, such as '1956 marathon runners'. You cannot do arithmetic with

    ordinal numbers -- they show sequence only. Example: the first, third and

    fifth person in a race; pay bands in an organization, as denoted by A, B, C

    and D.


    Interval data (also sometimes called integer) is measured along a scale in

    which each position is equidistant from one another. This allows for the

    distance between two pairs to be equivalent in some way.

    This is often used in psychological experiments that measure attributes

    along an arbitrary scale between two extremes. Interval data cannot be

    multiplied or divided. Example: my level of happiness, rated from 1 to 10;

    temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2



    In a ratio scale, numbers can be compared as multiples of one another.

    Thus one person can be twice as tall as another person. Important also, the

    number zero has meaning. Thus the difference between a person of 35 and

    a person 38 is the same as the difference between people who are 12 and

    15. A person can also have an age of zero.

    Ratio data can be multiplied and divided because not only is the difference

    between 1 and 2 the same as between 3 and 4, but also that 4 is twice as

    much as 2. Interval and ratio data measure quantities and hence are

    quantitative. Because they can be measured on a scale, they are also called

    scale data. Example: a person's weight; the number of pizzas I can eat

    before fainting.


    Parametric vs. Non-parametric

    Interval and ratio data are parametric, and are used with parametric tools in

    which distributions are predictable (and often Normal). Nominal and ordinal

    data are non-parametric, and do not assume any particular distribution.

    They are used with non-parametric tools such as the Histogram.

    Continuous and Discrete

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    Continuous measures are measured along a continuous scale which can be

    divided into fractions, such as temperature. Continuous variables allow for

    infinitely fine sub-division, which means if you can measure sufficiently

    accurately, you can compare two items and determine the difference.

    Discrete variables are measured across a set of fixed values, such as age in

    years (not microseconds). These are commonly used on arbitrary scales,

    such as scoring your level of happiness, although such scales can also be


    Classes of data types

    Machine data types

    All data in computers based on digital electronics is represented as bits

    (alternatives 0 and 1) on the lowest level. The smallest addressable unit of

    data is usually a group of bits called a byte (usually an octet, which is 8

    bits). The unit processed by machine code instructions is called a word (as

    of 2011, typically 32 or 64 bits).

    Boolean type

    The Boolean type represents the values: true and false. Although only two

    values are possible, they are rarely implemented as a single binary digit for

    efficiency reasons. Many programming languages do not have an explicit

    boolean type, instead interpreting (for instance) 0 as false and other values

    as true.

    Numeric types

    Such as:

    Integer data types, or "whole numbers". May be subtyped according

    to their ability to contain negative values (eg. unsigned in C and

    C++). May also have a small number of predefined subtypes (such

    as short and long in C/C++); or allow users to freely define

    subranges such as 1..12 (eg. Pascal/Ada).

    Floating point data types, sometimes misleadingly called reals,

    contain fractional values. They usually have predefined limits on

    both their maximum values and their precision.

    Fixed point data types are convenient for representing monetary

    values. They are often implemented internally as integers, leading to

    predefined limits.

  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    String and text types

    Such as

    Alphanumeric character. A letter of the alphabet, digit, blank

    space, punctuation mark, etc.

    Alphanumeric strings, a sequence of characters. They are typically

    used to represent words and text.

    Character and string types can store sequences of characters from a

    character set such as ASCII. Since most character sets include the digits, it

    is possible to have a numeric string, such as "1234". However, many

    languages would still treat these as belonging to a different type to the

    numeric value 1234.

    Character and string types can have different subtypes according to the

    required character "width".


    The enumerated type. This has values which are different from each other,

    and which can be compared and assigned, but which do not necessarily

    have any particular concrete representation in the computer's memory;

    compilers and interpreters can represent them arbitrarily. For example, the

    four suits in a deck of playing cards may be four enumerators named CLUB,

    DIAMOND, HEART, SPADE, belonging to an enumerated type named suit.

    If a variable V is declared having suit as its data type, one can assign any of

    those four values to it. Some implementations allow programmers to assign

    integer values to the enumeration values, or even treat them as type-

    equivalent to integers.

    Composite types

    Composite types are derived from more than one primitive type. This can be

    done in a number of ways. The ways they are combined are called data

    structures. Composing a primitive type into a compound type generally

    results in a new type, eg. array-of-integer is a different type to integer.

    An array stores a number of elements of the same type in a specific

    order. They are accessed using an integer to specify which element

    is required (although the elements may be of almost any type).

    Arrays may be fixed-length or expandable.

    Record (also called tuple or struct) Records are among the simplest

    data structures. A record is a value that contains other values,

  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    typically in fixed number and sequence and typically indexed by

    names. The elements of records are usually called fields or


    Union. A union type definition will specify which of a number of

    permitted primitive types may be stored in its instances, eg "float or

    long integer". Contrast with a record, which could be defined to

    contain a float and an integer; whereas, in a union, there is only one

    value at a time.

    A set is an abstract data structure that can store certain values,

    without any particular order, and no repeated values. Values

    themselves are not retrieved from sets, rather one tests a value for

    membership to obtain a Boolean "in" or "not in".

    An object contains a number of data fields, like a record, and also a

    number of programmed code fragments for accessing or modifying

    them. Data structures not containing code, like those above, are

    called plain old data structure.

    Importance of Data in Managerial Process


    Information as a necessary evil: - Information was regarded as a

    necessary evil, associated with the development, production and

    marketing of products or services. Information was thus merely

  • Data, Information and Knowledge Unit 2


    considered as a by-product of transactions in the organizations. As a

    result, information systems of 1950s were primarily designed with

    the aim to reduce the cost of routine paper processing in accounting

    areas. The term Electronic Data Processing (EDP) was coined in

    this period.

    Information for General Management Support: - By mid-sixties,

    organizations began recognizing information as an important tool,

    which could support general management tasks. The information

    systems corresponding to this period were known as management

    information system (MIS) and were thought of as system processing

    data into information.

    Information for decisionmaking: -In early eighties, information

    was regarded as providing special-purpose, tailor-made

    management controls over the organization. Decision support

    systems and executive support systems were important

    advancements, which took place during this period. The purpose of

    such information systems was to improve and speed-up the

    decision-making process of top-level managers.

    Information as a strategic resource: - In the revolutionary change

    pattern, the concept of information changed again by the mid-

    eighties and information has since then been considered as a

    strategic resource, capable of providing competitive advantage or a

    strategic weapon to fight the competition. Latest information systems

    which are known as strategic systems, support this concept of


    2.3 Quality of Information

    Information quality (IQ) is a term to describe the quality of the content of

    information systems. It is often pragmatically defined as: "The fitness for use

    of the information provided." Although this pragmatic definition is usable for

    most everyday purposes, specialists often use more complex models for

    information quality. Most information system practitioners use the term

    synonymously with data quality. However, as many academics make a

    distinction between data and information, some will insist on a distinction

    between data quality and information quality. This distinction would be akin

    to the distinction between syntax and semantics where for example, the

    semantic value of "one" could be expressed in different syntaxes like 00001;

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    1.0000; 01.0; or 1. Thus a data difference may not necessarily represent

    poor information quality.


    "Information quality" is a measure of the value which the information

    provides to the user of that information. "Quality" is often perceived as

    subjective and the quality of information can then vary among users and

    among uses of the information. Nevertheless, a high degree of quality

    increases its objectivity or at least the inter-subjectivity. Accuracy can be

    seen as just one element of IQ but, depending upon how it is defined, can

    also be seen as encompassing many other dimensions of quality.

    If not, it is perceived that often there is a trade-off between accuracy and

    other dimensions, aspects or elements of the information determining its

    suitability for any given tasks. A list of dimensions or elements used in

    assessing subjective Information Quality is:

    Intrinsic IQ: Accuracy, Objectivity, Believability, Reputation

    Contextual IQ: Relevancy, Value-Added, Timeliness,

    Completeness, Amount of information

    Representational IQ: Interpretability, Ease of understanding,

    Concise representation, Consistent representation

    Accessibility IQ: Accessibility, Access security

    Proposed Quality Metrics

    Authority/Verifiability: Authority refers to the expertise or

    recognized official status of a source. Consider the reputation of the

    author and publisher. When working with legal or government

    information, consider whether the source is the official provider of

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    the information. Verifiability refers to the ability of a reader to verify

    the validity of the information irrespective of how authoritative the

    source is. To verify the facts is part of the duty of care of the

    journalistic deontology, as well as, where possible, to provide the

    sources of information so that they can be verified

    Scope of coverage: Scope of coverage refers to the extent to which

    a source explores a topic. Consider time periods, geography or

    jurisdiction and coverage of related or narrower topics.

    Composition and Organization: Composition and Organization

    has to do with the ability of the information source to present its

    particular message in a coherent, logically sequential manner.

    Objectivity: Objectivity is the bias or opinion expressed when a

    writer interprets or analyze facts. Consider the use of persuasive

    language, the sources presentation of other viewpoints, its reason

    for providing the information and advertising.

    Integrity: Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of

    moral character. The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished


    1. Of large scope; covering or involving much; inclusive: a

    comprehensive study.

    2. Comprehending mentally; having an extensive mental grasp.

    3. Insurance. covering or providing broad protection against loss.

    Validity: Validity of some information has to do with the degree of

    obvious truthfulness which the information caries

    Uniqueness: As much as uniqueness of a given piece of

    information is intuitive in meaning, it also significantly implies not

    only the originating point of the information but also the manner in

    which it is presented and thus the perception which it conjures. The

    essence of any piece of information we process consists to a large

    extent of those two elements.

    Timeliness: Timeliness refers to information that is current at the

    time of publication. Consider publication, creation and revision dates.

    Beware of Web site scripting that automatically reflects the current

    days date on a page.

    2.4 Data / Information Processing Cycle

    Data processing is the act of handling or manipulating data in some fashion.

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    Regardless of the activities involved in it, processing tries to assign meaning

    to data. Thus, the ultimate goal of processing is to transform data into

    information. Data processing is the process through which facts and figures

    are collected, assigned meaning, communicated to others and retained for

    future use. Hence we can define data processing as a series of actions or

    operations that converts data into useful information. We use the term 'data

    processing system' to include the resources that are used to accomplish the

    processing of data.

    Data processing consists of those activities which are necessary to

    transform data into information. Man has in course of time devised certain

    tools to help him in processing data. These include manual tools such as

    pencil and paper, mechanical tools such as filing cabinets,

    electromechanical tools such as adding machines and typewriters, and

    electronic tools such as calculators and computers. Many people

    immediately associate data processing with computers. As stated above, a

    computer is not the only tool used for data processing; it can be done

    without computers also. However, computers have outperformed people for

    certain tasks. There are some other tasks for which computers are a poor

    substitute for human skill and intelligence.

    Data Processing Activities

    Regardless to the type of equipment used, various functions and activities

    which need to be performed for data processing can be grouped under five

    basic categories as shown below:


    Data originates in the form of events transaction or some observations. This

    data is then recorded in some usable form. Data may be initially recorded

    on paper source documents and then converted into a machine usable form

    for processing. Alternatively, they may be recorded by a direct input device

    in a paperless, machine-readable form. Data collection is also termed as

    data capture.

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    Once the data is collected, it is converted from its source documents to a

    form that is more suitable for processing. The data is first codified by

    assigning identification codes. A code comprises of numbers, letters, special

    characters, or a combination of these. For example, an employee may be

    allotted a code as 52-53-162, his category as A class, etc. It is useful to

    codify data, when data requires classification. To classify means to

    categorize, i.e., data with similar characteristics are placed in similar

    categories or groups. For example, one may like to arrange accounts data

    according to account number or date. Hence a balance sheet can easily be


    After classification of data, it is verified or checked to ensure the accuracy

    before processing starts. After verification, the data is transcribed from one

    data medium to another. For example, in case data processing is done

    using a computer, the data may be transformed from source documents to

    machine sensible form using magnetic tape or a disk.


    Once data is collected and converted, it is ready for the manipulation

    function which converts data into information. Manipulation consists of

    following activities:

    Sorting: It involves the arrangement of data items in a desired

    sequence. Usually, it is easier to work with data if it is arranged in a

    logical sequence. Most often, the data are arranged in alphabetical

    sequence. Sometimes sorting itself will transform data into

    information. For example, a simple act of sorting the names in

    alphabetical order gives meaning to a telephone directory. The

    directory will be practically worthless without sorting.

    Business data processing extensively utilizes sorting technique.

    Virtually all the records in business files are maintained in some

    logical sequence. Numeric sorting is common in computer-based

    processing systems because it is usually faster than alphabetical


    Calculating: Arithmetic manipulation of data is called calculating.

    Items of recorded data can be added to one another, subtracted,

    divided or multiplied to create new data. Calculation is an integral

    part of data processing. For example, in calculating an employee's

    pay, the hours worked multiplied by the hourly wage rate gives the

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    gross pay. Based on total earning, income-tax deductions are

    computed and subtracted from gross-pay to arrive at net pay.

    Summarizing: To summarize is to condense or reduce masses of

    data to a more usable and concise form as shown in fig. 2.2(b). For

    example, you may summarize a lecture attended in a class by

    writing small notes in one or two pages. When the data involved is

    numbers, you summarize by counting or accumulating the totals of

    the data in a classification or by selecting strategic data from the

    mass of data being processed. For example, the summarizing

    activity may provide a general manager with sales-totals by major

    product line, the sales manager with sales totals by individual

    salesman as well as by the product line and a salesman with sales

    data by customer as well as by product line.

    Comparing: To compare data is to perform an evaluation in relation

    to some known measure. For example, business managers compare

    data to discover how well their companies are doing. They many

    compare current sales figures with those for last year to analyze the

    performance of the company in the current month.

    Managing the Output Results

    Once data has been captured and manipulated following activities may be

    carried out:

    Storing: To store is to hold data for continued or later use. Storage

    is essential for any organized method of processing and re-using

    data. The storage mechanisms for data processing systems are file

    cabinets in a manual system, and electronic devices such as

    magnetic disks/magnetic tapes in case of computer based system.

    The storing activity involves storing data and information in

    organized manner in order to facilitate the retrieval activity. Of

    course, data should be stored only if the value of having them in

    future exceeds the storage cost.

    Retrieving: To retrieve means to recover or find again the stored

    data or information. Retrieval techniques use data storage devices.

    Thus data, whether in file cabinets or in computers can be recalled

    for further processing. Retrieval and comparison of old data gives

    meaning to current information.


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    Communication is the process of sharing information. Unless the

    information is made available to the users who need it, it is worthless.

    Thus, communication involves the transfer of data and information produced

    by the data processing system to the prospective users of such information

    or to another data processing system. As a result, reports and documents

    are prepared and delivered to the users. In electronic data processing,

    results are communicated through display units or terminals.


    To reproduce is to copy or duplicate data or information. This reproduction

    activity may be done by hand or by machine.

    Data Processing Cycle

    The data processing activities described above are common to all data

    processing systems from manual to electronic systems. These activities can

    be grouped in four functional categories, viz., data input, data processing,

    data output and storage, constituting what is known as a data processing



    The term input refers to the activities required to record data and to make it

    available for processing. The input can also include the steps necessary to

    check, verify and validate data contents.

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    The term processing denotes the actual data manipulation techniques such

    as classifying, sorting, calculating, summarizing, comparing, etc. that

    convert data into information.


    It is a communication function which transmits the information, generated

    after processing of data, to persons who need the information. Sometimes

    output also includes decoding activity which converts the electronically

    generated information into human-readable form.


    It involves the filing of data and information for future use. The above

    mentioned four basic functions are performed in a logical sequence as

    shown in above figure in all data processing systems.

    2.5 Information Security

    Information security means protecting information and information systems

    from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal,

    inspection, recording or destruction. The terms information security,

    computer security and information assurance are frequently used

    interchangeably. These fields are interrelated often and share the common

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    goals of protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information;

    however, there are some subtle differences between them.

    Governments, military, corporations, financial institutions, hospitals, and

    private businesses amass a great deal of confidential information about their

    employees, customers, products, research, and financial status. Most of this

    information is now collected, processed and stored on electronic computers

    and transmitted across networks to other computers. Should confidential

    information about a business' customers or finances or new product line fall

    into the hands of a competitor, such a breach of security could lead to

    negative consequences. Protecting confidential information is a business

    requirement, and in many cases also an ethical and legal requirement.

    For the individual, information security has a significant effect on privacy,

    which is viewed very differently in different cultures. The field of information

    security has grown and evolved significantly in recent years. There are

    many ways of gaining entry into the field as a career. It offers many areas

    for specialization including: securing network(s) and allied infrastructure,

    securing applications and databases, security testing, information systems

    auditing, business continuity planning and digital forensics science, etc.

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    For over twenty years, information security has held confidentiality, integrity

    and availability (known as the CIA triad) to be the core principles of

    information security.


    Confidentiality is the term used to prevent the disclosure of information to

    unauthorized individuals or systems. For example, a credit card transaction

    on the Internet requires the credit card number to be transmitted from the

    buyer to the merchant and from the merchant to a transaction processing

    network. The system attempts to enforce confidentiality by encrypting the

    card number during transmission, by limiting the places where it might

    appear (in databases, log files, backups, printed receipts, and so on), and

    by restricting access to the places where it is stored. If an unauthorized

    party obtains the card number in any way, a breach of confidentiality has



    In information security, integrity means that data cannot be modified

    undetectably. This is not the same thing as referential integrity in databases,

    although it can be viewed as a special case of Consistency as understood in

    the classic ACID model of transaction processing. Integrity is violated when

    a message is actively modified in transit. Information security systems

    typically provide message integrity in addition to data confidentiality.


    For any information system to serve its purpose, the information must be

    available when it is needed. This means that the computing systems used to

    store and process the information, the security controls used to protect it,

    and the communication channels used to access it must be functioning

    correctly. High availability systems aim to remain available at all times,

    preventing service disruptions due to power outages, hardware failures, and

    system upgrades. Ensuring availability also involves preventing denial-of-

    service attacks.


    In computing, e-Business, and information security, it is necessary to ensure

    that the data, transactions, communications or documents (electronic or

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    physical) are genuine. It is also important for authenticity to validate that

    both parties involved are who they claim they are.


    In law, non-repudiation implies one's intention to fulfill their obligations to a

    contract. It also implies that one party of a transaction cannot deny having

    received a transaction nor can the other party deny having sent a

    transaction. Electronic commerce uses technology such as digital

    signatures and public key encryption to establish authenticity and non-


    2.6 Types of Knowledge

    Understanding the different forms that knowledge can exist in, and thereby

    being able to distinguish between various types of knowledge, is an

    essential step for knowledge management (KM). For example, it should be

    fairly evident that the knowledge captured in a document would need to be

    managed (i.e. stored, retrieved, shared, changed, etc.) in a totally different

    way than that gathered over the years by an expert craftsman.

    Over the centuries many attempts have been made to classify knowledge,

    and different fields have focused on different dimensions. This has resulted

    in numerous classifications and distinctions based in philosophy and even

    religion. Within business and KM, two types of knowledge are usually

    defined, namely explicit and tacit knowledge. The former refers to codified

    knowledge, such as that found in documents, while the latter refers to non-

    codified and often personal/experience-based knowledge. Some

    researchers make a further distinction and talk of embedded knowledge.

    This way, one differentiates between knowledge embodied in people and

    that embedded in processes, organizational culture, routines, etc. (Horvath


    Explicit Knowledge

    This type of knowledge is formalized and codified, and is sometimes

    referred to as know-what (Brown & Duguid 1998). It is therefore fairly easy

    to identify, store, and retrieve (Wellman 2009). This is the type of knowledge

    most easily handled by KMS, which are very effective at facilitating the

    storage, retrieval, and modification of documents and texts.

    From a managerial perspective, the greatest challenge with explicit

    knowledge is similar to information. It involves ensuring that people have

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    access to what they need; that important knowledge is stored; and that the

    knowledge is reviewed, updated, or discarded.

    Many theoreticians regard explicit knowledge as being less important (e.g.

    Brown & Duguid 1991, Cook & Brown 1999, Bukowitz & Williams 1999,

    etc.). It is considered simpler in nature and cannot contain the rich

    experience based know-how that can generate lasting competitive


    Although this is changing to some limited degree, KM initiatives driven by

    technology have often had the flaw of focusing almost exclusively on this

    type of knowledge. As discussed previously, in fields such as IT there is

    often a lack of a more sophisticated definition. This has therefore created

    many products labeled as KM systems, which in actual fact are/were

    nothing more than information and explicit knowledge management

    software. Explicit knowledge is found in: databases, memos, notes,

    documents, etc. (Botha et al. 2008)

    Tacit (Embodied) Knowledge

    This type of knowledge was originally defined by Polanyi in 1966. It is

    sometimes referred to as know-how (Brown & Duguid 1998) and refers to

    intuitive, hard to define knowledge that is largely experience based.

    Because of this, tacit knowledge is often context dependent and personal in

    nature. It is hard to communicate and deeply rooted in action, commitment,

    and involvement (Nonaka 1994).

    Tacit knowledge is also regarded as being the most valuable source of

    knowledge, and the most likely to lead to breakthroughs in the organization

    (Wellman 2009). Gamble & Blackwell (2001) link the lack of focus on tacit

    knowledge directly to the reduced capability for innovation and sustained

    competitiveness. KMS have a very hard time handling this type of

    knowledge. An IT system relies on codification, which is something that is

    difficult / impossible for the tacit knowledge holder.

    Using a reference by Polanyi (1966), imagine trying to write an article that

    would accurately convey how one reads facial expressions. It should be

    quite apparent that it would be near impossible to convey our intuitive

    understanding gathered from years of experience and practice. Virtually all

    practitioners rely on this type of knowledge. An IT specialist for example will

    troubleshoot a problem based on his experience and intuition. It would be

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    very difficult for him to codify his knowledge into a document that could

    convey his know-how to a beginner. This is one reason why experience in a

    particular field is so highly regarded in the job market.

    The exact extent to which IT systems can aid in the transfer and

    enhancement of tacit knowledge is a rather complicated discussion. For

    now, suffice it to say that successful KM initiatives must place a very strong

    emphasis on the tacit dimension, focusing primarily on the people involved,

    and they must understand the limitations imposed by computerized


    Tacit knowledge is found in: the minds of human stakeholders. It includes

    cultural beliefs, values, attitudes, mental models, etc. as well as skills,

    capabilities and expertise (Botha et al 2008). On this site, I will generally

    limit tacit knowledge to knowledge embodied in people, and refer separately

    to embedded knowledge (as defined below), whenever making this

    distinction is relevant.


    Embedded Knowledge

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    Embedded knowledge refers to the knowledge that is locked in processes,

    products, culture, routines, artifacts, or structures (Horvath 2000, Gamble &

    Blackwell 2001). Knowledge is embedded either formally, such as through a

    management initiative to formalize a certain beneficial routine, or informally

    as the organization uses and applies the other two knowledge types.

    The challenges in managing embedded knowledge vary considerably and

    will often differ from embodied tacit knowledge. Culture and routines can be

    both difficult to understand and hard to change. Formalized routines on the

    other hand may be easier to implement and management can actively try to

    embed the fruits of lessons learned directly into procedures, routines, and


    IT's role in this context is somewhat limited but it does have some useful

    applications. Broadly speaking, IT can be used to help map organizational

    knowledge areas; as a tool in reverse engineering of products (thus trying to

    uncover hidden embedded knowledge); or as a supporting mechanism for

    processes and cultures. However, it has also been argued that IT can have

    a disruptive influence on culture and processes, particularly if implemented

    improperly. Due to the difficulty in effectively managing embedded

    knowledge, firms that succeed may enjoy a significant competitive


    Embedded knowledge is found in: rules, processes, manuals, organizational

    culture, codes of conduct, ethics, products, etc. It is important to note, that

    while embedded knowledge can exist in explicit sources (i.e. a rule can be

    written in a manual), the knowledge itself is not explicit, i.e. it is not

    immediately apparent why doing something this way is beneficial to the


    2.7 Summary

    Let us sum up what we have discussed in this unit.

    Data represents unorganized and unprocessed facts. Usually data is

    static in nature. It can represent a set of discrete facts about events.

    Data is a prerequisite to information.

    Information is not only relevant but also critical for the decision maker as

    the quality of decision making is dependent on the quality of information.

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    Information to be of use for the end user should be accurate, reliable,

    relevant, complete, cost effective, timely available and consistent

    Knowledge can be defined as the understanding obtained through the

    process of experience or appropriate study. Knowledge is derived from

    information in the same way information is derived from data. We can

    view it as an understanding of information based on its perceived

    importance or relevance to a problem area. Knowledge is often an

    organisations most valuable asset

    Information security means protecting information and information

    systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,

    modification, perusal, inspection, recording or destruction.