management of natural resources priti


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Page 1: Management of natural resources priti


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Page 2: Management of natural resources priti



So that

Natural Resource

Anything in environment

‘Which can be utilized or used”

Controlling the use

They do not get wasted and use them in a

effective way


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Meeting the current human needs and

also preserves

Future generation


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Why to manage our resources…?

Why do we need to manage nature

The resources on the Earth are limited

Preventing from exploitation for short term


All people can benefit from the development of the resources

Considering the damage caused to the environment while cutting forest trees

for various purposes, the damage to the environment can be minimized by

planting new saplings

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A large area of land on which trees and other plants grow naturally is called a forest.

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The wild animals and birds which live in forest are called wildlife.

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The local people or the forest tribal The industrialists

The forest department The forest and wildlife activists

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The people or tribes

Use resources in such a way that much damage

is not done to the environment

Collect fodder and graze their


Most depended people on


They usually lop the

branches of the trees and

pluck their leaves but do

not cut the whole treeBamboo ,gather

fruits, nuts and medicinal herbs

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The forest department

Destroy large amount of biodiversity due to their


Cut down forest trees for timber for furniture

The development projects like• Building roads

• Construction of damsTo plant trees for timber

Such as pine , teak and eucalyptus

Forests are cleared of all vegetation in a large

scaleDue to which


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The industrialists go their way…

Have major vested in forest resources.

Forests are the source of raw material for

their industry

Some industries based on forest produce:

• Timber Industry• Paper mills• Lac industry

• Sports equipment industry

Most of the deforestation is caused by industrial


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There are certain people who are not dependent on forest in any way but who

wants forests to be conserved to prevent undue damage to the environment

Bishnoi community in


The chipko andolan

A group of 363 people

sacrificed their lives

Led by Amrita Devi Bishnoi

Protected the Khejri Trees in Kejrali Village near Jodhpur

The govt. has recently instituted an ‘Amrita Devi

Bishnoi National Award For Wildlife Conservation’ in memory of Amrita Devi


Reni in Garhwal, High up in the

Himalayas in the early 1970’s

A logging contractor had been allowed to cut down the trees in

a forest close near village.

The villagers reached forest quickly and

clasped the tree trunk with their arms

preventing the workers cutting the trees. Thus the trees were saved.

Two instances showing bravery and love for forest by the local

people nearby forest

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Silviculture and it’s advantages

Silviculture is the practice of controlling the establishment,

growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet diverse

needs and values.

Produces a large quantity of raw material for industrial purposes Prevents soil erosion

Prevents floods

Increases the area of Earth under


Maintains perfect water cycle in nature

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WATER FOR ALLWater: Basic need for

all forms of life ; Humans, animals and

plants as well.

Various sources of water are :• Rains

• Ponds and lakes• Rains• Oceans

• Glaciers (Snow Mountains)

Rains are the most important source of


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Despite good rains, we are not able to meet the

demand of water for all the people because

Lack of sufficient vegetation cover on

groundPopulation is increasing rapidly

High yielding varieties of crops require much more

water for irrigation

Discharge of untreated sewage

and industrial wastes into rivers

and lakes

Changing of life style

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Management of river water is done by constructing DAMS

on rivers



Water from dam is used for irrigation

in field through

network of canals

Water is supplied to the people in town

and cities through

pipelines after sustainable treatment

The falling water from dam is used

for generating electricity


Social Environ-mental

Very costly to


Large numbers of villages are submerged


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Rainwater harvesting

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Regions ancient waterharvasting structure

•Rajasthan Khadin, Tanks, Nadias •Maharashtra Bandharas , Tals•MP and UP Bhundhis•Bihar Ahars and Pynes•Himachal Pradesh Kulhs•Jammu Region Ponds•Tamil Nadu Eris •Kerala Sunranghams•Karnataka Kattas

Some of the ancient water harvesting structure used in India:

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formed by the decomposition of dead plants and


fossil fuels

Petroleum may last for 40 yearsCoal may last for

200 years

contain carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen

and sulphur.

When burnt, they release CO2 and oxides

of N and S

Carbon dioxide CO2 is a green house gas

which causes global warming.

Oxides of nitrogen,Sulphur and

produces acid rain.

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Steps to reduce the use of fossil fuels

Switch off light and fan when not in use

Use CFL bulbs instead of the normal ones

Use bicycles, Public Transports or fuel

efficient vehicles to travel

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The Three R’s to save the

environment :-

Reduce Recycle Reuse

using less of natural

resources and avoiding

wastage of natural


using things again and again so that

less waste is produced

Non biodegradable material can be

recycled for making new


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I was like this before

And this is my condition now…

Please save meLet me be happy and then only I can keep you happy So please Act sensible and wisely May the coming generation might understand me -Mr. Earth

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So friends Lets save our earth and keep it beautiful for the coming generations …. So that they can enjoy what we had….

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This PowerPoint presentation was

presented by: Aditi, Gaurav, Vaibhavi, Saurabh and Preethi
