management%organization%charts%...maral hyeler, dual enrollment/instructional services project...

9/2012 Santa Monica Community College District MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CHARTS 2012 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dr. Margaret QuiñonesPerez, Chair Dr. Nancy Greenstein, ViceChair Dr. Susan Aminoff David B. Finkel, Superior Court Judge (Ret.) Louise Jaffe Rob Rader Dr. Andrew Walzer Michelle Olivarez, Student Trustee, 20122013 Dr. Chui L. Tsang Superintendent/President

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Page 1: MANAGEMENT%ORGANIZATION%CHARTS%...Maral Hyeler, Dual Enrollment/Instructional Services PROJECT MANAGERS* Joe Cascio, Athletics Bonita Cooper, Upward Bound Wendi DeMorst, TRIO Student


Santa  Monica  Community  College  District  


BOARD  OF  TRUSTEES    Dr.  Margaret  Quiñones-­‐Perez,  Chair  Dr.  Nancy  Greenstein,  Vice-­‐Chair  

Dr.  Susan  Aminoff  David  B.  Finkel,  Superior  Court  Judge  (Ret.)  

Louise  Jaffe  Rob  Rader  

 Dr.    Andrew  Walzer    

Michelle  Olivarez,  Student  Trustee,  2012-­‐2013    

Dr.  Chui  L.  Tsang  Superintendent/President  


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Superintendent/President  Chui  L.  Tsang  

Vice-­‐President  Academic  Affairs  Jeff  Shimizu  

Vice-­‐President  Student  Affairs  Michael  Tuitasi  

Vice-­‐President  Enrollment  Development  

Teresita  Rodriguez  

Senior  Director  Govt.  Relations/  Institutional  Communications  

Don  Girard  

Vice-­‐President  Human  Resources  Marcia  Wade  

Vice-­‐President  Business/Administration  

Robert  Isomoto  

Senior  Director  Institutional  Advancement/  SMC  Foundation  Director  Vanessa  Butler  (Interim)  

Executive  Vice-­‐President  Randal  Lawson  

Campus  Counsel  Robert  Myers  

See  Chart  5  

See  Chart  2   See  Chart  3   See  Chart  4   See  Chart  6   See  Chart  7   See  Chart  9  

Santa  Monica    Community  College  District  SENIOR  ADMINISTRATIVE  STAFF  

Chart  1  

See  Chart  6  

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Vice-­‐President  Academic  Affairs  

Jeff  Shimizu  

Associate  Dean  Health  Science  Ida  Danzey  

Dean  Instructional  Services  

Georgia  Lorenz  

 -­‐Curriculum  -­‐  Global  Ci7zenship  -­‐  Interdisciplinary              Programs  -­‐  Scholars  Program  

Associate  Director  Dual  Enrollment/  

       Instructional  Services  Maral  Hyeler  

Dean  Academic  Affairs  Erica  LeBlanc  

Associate  Dean  Emeritus  College  Ron  Furuyama  

Manager,  Media  and  Reprographics  Services  

Al  DeSalles  

-­‐  Academic  Affairs  Budget          Center    -­‐  Non  Credit  Educa7on    -­‐  Basic  Skills  Ini7a7ve    

Dean  Learning  Resources  

Mona  Martin  

Project  Manager  Supplemental  Instruction  

Tony  Prestby  

-­‐  Library    -­‐  Modern  Languages          LRC/Tutoring    -­‐  Science  LRC/Tutoring  

Dean  External  Programs  Katharine  Muller*  

-­‐  District-­‐Wide          Ins7tu7onal  Planning    -­‐  Program  Review  

-­‐  New  Facili7es  Planning    -­‐  Off-­‐Campus  Facili7es        AET,  Airport/Arts,  Bundy,        Performing  Arts  Center/        Music/  Malibu  Center  

Dean  Workforce/Development  

Patricia  Ramos  

Associate  Dean  Career  Technical  Education  


Director  Career  and  Contract  Education  

Michelle  King  

Continuing/Contract  Education  

Director,  Small  Business  Development  Center  

Gita  Runkle  

Project  Manager  Workforce  Development  Maria  Leon-­‐Vasquez  

Project  Manager  CBJT  Recycling  Grant  

Laina  Long  

Project  Manager  Employment  Training  Panel  (ETP)  

Sasha  King  

Project  Manager  Workforce  Development  Audra  Penchansky  (50%)  

Associate  Dean  Online  Services/Support  

Julie  Yarrish  

Associate  Dean    Student  Success  Initiatives  

Roberto  Gonzalez**  

Title  V  Grant  Teaching  Learning  Center  

Director  STEM  Initiatives  

Melanie  Bocanegra**  

Santa  Monica    Community  College  District  ACADEMIC  AFFAIRS  

Chart  2  

Instruc(onal    Departments  -­‐Art  -­‐Business  -­‐Communica7ons  -­‐Computer  Science/          Info  Systems  -­‐Cosmetology  -­‐Dance  -­‐Design  Technology  -­‐Earth  Sciences  -­‐ECE/Educa7on  -­‐English  -­‐ESL  -­‐History  -­‐Kinesiology  -­‐Life  Sciences  -­‐Mathema7cs  -­‐Modern  Languages  -­‐Music  -­‐Photography/Fashion  -­‐Physical  Sciences  -­‐Psychology  -­‐Philosophy/Social  Sciences  -­‐Theater  Arts  


*Dual  reporting  to  Executive  Vice-­‐President   **Dual  reporting  to  Student  Affairs  eCompanion  Support  

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Vice-­‐President  Student  Affairs  Michael  Tuitasi  

Special  Programs  (Vacant)  

Supervisor,  Deaf/  Hard  of  Hearing  Services  

JoAn  Joseph  Peters  

Project  Manager  Athletics  Joe  Cascio  

Project  Manager  Men’s  Basketball  

Programs  Jerome  Jenkins  

-­‐  CARE  (Cooperative  Agencies      Resources  for  Education)  -­‐  DSPS  -­‐  EOP&S  

Dean  Student  Life  Deyna  Hearn  

-­‐  Associated  Students  -­‐  Ombudsperson  -­‐  Judicial  Affairs  -­‐  Student  Ambassadors  -­‐  Student  Leadership        Academy  -­‐  Student  Leadership        Instructional  Component  

Dean,  Campus  Security/  Student  Health  &  Safety  

Albert  Vasquez  

Sergeant  Campus  Police  

Raymond  Bottenfield  

Sergeant  Campus  Police  Jere  Romano  

Sergeant  Campus  Police  Mark  Kessler  

Sergeant  Campus  Police  

Jeremiah  Williams  

-­‐  Campus  Police  -­‐  Emergency  Preparedness  -­‐  Parking  -­‐  Police  Cadets  Program  -­‐  Student  Health  Services  

Dean  Counseling/Retention  

Brenda  Benson  

Supervisor  Child  Care  Services  

Jenny  Trickey  

Project  Manager  Veterans  Resource  Center  Audra  Penchansky  (50%)  

-­‐  Black  Collegians  -­‐  CalWorks  -­‐  Career  Services  -­‐  Counseling  -­‐  Latino  Center  -­‐  Psychological  Services  -­‐  Transfer/Articulation  -­‐  VIP  Welcome  Day  -­‐  New  Student  Orientation  

Associate  Dean  Student  Success  Initiatives  

Roberto  Gonzalez*  

Project  Manager  Upward  Bound  Bonita  Cooper  

Project  Manager  TRIO  Student  Support  Services  

Wendi  DeMorst  

-­‐  Basic  Skills  Initiative  -­‐  Welcome  Center  -­‐  Pico  Partnership/          Promise  Grant  -­‐  TRIO  Support  Services  -­‐  TRIP  Upward  Bound  

Director  STEM  Initiatives  

Melanie  Bocanegra*  

Santa  Monica    Community  College  District  STUDENT  AFFAIRS  

Chart  3  

*Dual  reporting  to  Academic  Affairs  

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Vice-­‐President  Enrollment  Development  

Teresita  Rodriguez  

Dean  Enrollment  Services  

Kiersten  Elliott  

Associate  Dean  Outreach/Recruitment  Sonali  Perera-­‐Bridges  

Supervisor  Admissions  &  Records  

Angela  Munoz  

-­‐  Assessment    -­‐  Matriculation  

Associate  Dean  Financial  Aid/Scholarships  

Steve  Myrow  

Supervisor  Financial  Aid  Stacy  Neal  

-­‐  Scholarships  

Dean  International  Education  

Kelley  Brayton  

Associate  Dean  International  Education  

Denise  Kinsella  

-­‐Intensive  English  Program    -­‐  Study  Abroad  

Dean  Institutional  Research  


Director  Institutional  Research  

Hannah  Lawler  

Facilitator  Web  Content/Digital  Marketing  

Helen  Porter  

Santa  Monica    Community  College  District  ENROLLMENT  DEVELOPMENT  

Chart  4  

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ExecuIve  Vice-­‐President  Randal  Lawson  

Dean  Information  Technology  

Jocelyn  Chong  

Director  Academic  Computing  


Supervisor  Computer  Lab  Joshi  John  

Technology  Logistics  Manager  Steve  Peterson  

Director,  Network  Services  Robert  Dammer  

Supervisor  Telecommunications  

Mark  Engfer  

Manager  Network  Services  

Dan  Rojas  

Director,  Management  Information  Systems  

Lee  Johnston  

Director  Grants  

Laurel  McQuay-­‐Peninger  

Dean  External  Programs  Katharine  Muller*  

Director  Sustainability  Coordination  

Genevieve  Bertone  

-­‐  Accreditation  -­‐  District  Planning  and  Advisory  Council  -­‐  Master  Plan  for  Education  

Santa  Monica    Community  College  District  EXECUTIVE  VICE-­‐PRESIDENT  

Chart  5  

*Dual  reporting  to  Academic  Affairs  

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Senior  Director,  Government  RelaIons/  InsItuIonal  CommunicaIons    

Don  Girard  

Director  Community  Relations  

Judy  Neveau  

Public  Information  Officer  

Bruce  Smith  

Director  Radio  Station  (KCRW)  

Jennifer  Ferro  

Assistant  Director  Radio  Station  (KCRW)  


Operations  Manager  Radio  Station  (KCRW)  

Mike  Newport  

Director  Facilities  Programming  

Linda  Sullivan  

Director  Performing  Arts  Center  

Dale  Franzen  

Santa  Monica    Community  College  District  GOVERNMENT    RELATIONS/INSTITUTIONAL  COMMUNICATIONS  


Senior  Director  Institutional  Advancement/  SMC  Foundation  Director  Vanessa  Butler  (Interim)  

Associate  Director  SMC  Foundation  Charles  Potts  


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Vice-­‐President  Human  Resources  Marcia  Wade  

Dean  Human  Resources  Sherri  Lee-­‐Lewis  


Assistant  Director  Human  Resources  

Sandy  Chung  


Santa  Monica    Community  College  District  HUMAN  RESOURCES  


Director  Classified  Personnel  Dori  MacDonald  

Supervising  Personnel  Analyst  

Carol  Long  


Joy  Abbot  Barbara  Greenstein  Deborah  Jansen  

Joe  Metoyer  Dolores  Press  


Chart  7   Chart  8  

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Vice-­‐President  Robert  Isomoto  

Chief  Director  Facilities  Management  

JC  Keurjian  

Director  Maintenance  Jeff  Gehring  

Supervisor  Mechanical  Systems  

Bruce  Wyban  

Supervisor  Construction  Systems  

Craig  Harris    

Director  Campus  Operations  Jeffery  Peterson  

Supervisor  Grounds/Landscape  

Tom  Corpus  

Supervisor  Custodial  Services  Anthony  Barlow  

Supervisor  Custodial  Services  


Chief  Director  Business  Services  


Director  Auxiliary  Services  George  Prather  

Manager  Bookstore  David  Dever  

Assistant  Manager  Bookstore  

Lucien  Plauzoles  

Bursar’s  Office  

Director  Purchasing  

Cynthia  Moore  

Supervisor,  Warehouse/  Mail  Services  

Roberto  Jauregui  

Director  Contracts  Charlie  Yen  

Director  Facilities  Planning  

Greg  Brown  

Director  Fiscal  Services  Chris  Bonvenuto  

Manager  Budget  

Veronica  Diaz  

Manager  Payroll  

Ian  Fraser  

Supervisor  Accounts  Payable  Robin  Quaile  

Manager  Accounting  

Joanne  Gilden  

Risk  Manager  Cozetta  Wilson  Carlson  

Santa  Monica    Community  College  District  BUSINESS/ADMINISTRATION  

Chart  9  

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Chui L. Tsang, Superintendent/President Robert Isomoto, Vice-President, Business/Administration Randal Lawson, Executive Vice-President Teresita Rodriguez, Vice-President, Enrollment Development Jeff Shimizu, Vice-President, Academic Affairs Michael Tuitasi, Vice-President, Student Affairs Marcia Wade, Vice-President, Human Resources

DEANS Brenda Benson, Counseling, Retention Kelley Brayton, International Education Jocelyn Chong, Information Technology Kiersten Elliott, Enrollment Services Deyna Hearn, Student Life Erica LeBlanc, Academic Affairs Sherri Lee-Lewis, Human Resources Georgia Lorenz, Instructional Services Mona Martin, Learning Resources Katharine Muller, External Programs Patricia Ramos, Workforce Development Albert Vasquez, Campus Security, Student Health & Safety (Vacant) Institutional Research (Vacant) Special Programs

ASSOCIATE DEANS Ida Danzey, Health Sciences Ron Furuyama, Emeritus College Roberto Gonzalez, Student Success Initiatives Denise Kinsella, International Education Steve Myrow, Financial Aid/Scholarships Sonali Perera-Bridges, Outreach and Recruitment Julie Yarrish, Online Services and Support (Vacant), Career Technical Education


SENIOR DIRECTORS Vanessa Butler, Interim Institutional Advancement/ SMC Foundation Director Don Girard, Government Relations/

Institutional Communications

DIRECTORS (Academic) Hannah Lawler, Institutional Research Genevieve Bertone, Sustainability Coordination Melanie Bocanegra, STEM Initiatives Dale Franzen, Performing Arts Center Michelle King, Career and Contract Education Laurel McQuay-Peninger, Grants Judy Neveau, Community Relations Gita Runkle, Small Business Development Center Linda Sullivan, Facilities Programming (Vacant), Academic Computing

ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Maral Hyeler, Dual Enrollment/Instructional Services

PROJECT MANAGERS* Joe Cascio, Athletics Bonita Cooper, Upward Bound Wendi DeMorst, TRIO Student Support Services Jerome Jenkins, Men’s Basketball Programs Sasha King, Employment Training Panel (ETP) Maria Leon-Vasquez, Workforce Development Laina Long, CBJT Recycling Grant Audra Penchansky, Veterans Resource Center (50%) Workforce Development (50%) Tony Prestby, Supplemental Instruction *Temporary management positions-categorically funded

CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIALS Lin Caldwell, AA IV, Office of the Superintendent/President Norma Davis, AA III, Office of the V.P, Student Affairs Pat Green, AA III, Office of the V.P., Business/Administration Laurie Heyman, AA III, Office of the V.P., Human Resources Ribhallan Kharpuri, HR Analyst-Employee and Labor Relations Leticia Kilian, AA III, Office of the Superintendent/President Lisa Rose, Coordinator, District/Board of Trustees Office Grace Smith, AA III, Office of the Executive Vice-President

CLASSIFIED MANAGERS Anthony Barlow, Custodial Services Supervisor Chris Bonvenuto, Director, Fiscal Services Raymond Bottenfield, Campus Police Sergeant Greg Brown, Director of Facilities and Planning Sandy Chung, Assistant Director, Human Resources Tom Corpus, Grounds and Landscape Supervisor Robert Dammer, Director, Network Services Al DeSalles, Manager, Media and Reprographic Services David Dever, Bookstore Manager Veronica Diaz, Budget Manager Mark Engfer, Telecommunications Supervisor Jennifer Ferro, Director, Radio Station KCRW Ian Fraser, Payroll Manager Jeff Gehring, Director of Maintenance Joanne Gilden, Accounting Manager Craig Harris, Construction Services Supervisor Roberto Jauregui, Warehouse & Mail Services Supervisor Joshi John, Computer Laboratory Supervisor Dexter Lee Johnston, Director, Mgt. Information Systems Mark Kessler, Campus Police Sergeant J.C. Saunders-Keurjian, Chief Director, Facilities Management Carol Long, Supervising Personnel Analyst Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel Cynthia Moore, Director of Purchasing Angela Munoz, Admissions and Records Supervisor Stacy Neal, Financial Aid Supervisor Mike Newport, KCRW Radio Station Operations Manager Francis Pargett, Custodial Services Supervisor JoAn Joseph Peters, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Supervisor Jeffery Peterson, Director of Campus Operations Steven Peterson, Technology Logistics Manager Lucien Plauzoles, Assistant Bookstore Manager Helen Porter, Web Content and Digital Marketing Facilitator Charles Potts, Associate Director, SMC Foundation George Prather, Director of Auxiliary Services Robin Quaile, Accounts Payable Supervisor Dan Rojas, Network Services Manager Jere Romano, Campus Police Sergeant Bruce Smith, Public Information Officer Jenny Trickey, Child Care Services Supervisor Jeremiah Williams, Campus Police Sergeant Cozetta Wilson-Carlton, Risk Manager Bruce Wyban, Mechanical Systems Supervisor Charlie Yen, Director, Contracts (Vacant), Chief Director, Business Services (Vacant), KCRW Radio Station Assistant Director