manager business development & growth strategies ron rappel

Manager business development & growth strategies Ron Rappel

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Page 1: Manager business development & growth strategies Ron Rappel

Manager business development & growth strategies

Ron Rappel

Page 2: Manager business development & growth strategies Ron Rappel

Managers growth & execution

Review management structure and process

Your development as managers Challenge yourself and challenge others “Do better than the day before”

Page 3: Manager business development & growth strategies Ron Rappel

Goals for today Excellence in management is the formula for

growth and success. Discuss leadership Leveraging systems and structure to ensure

growth. Review business development & growth

strategies Capitalize on the low hanging fruit. Keep our business simple Discuss success

Page 4: Manager business development & growth strategies Ron Rappel

Great opportunity in 2013 There is plenty of room for much more

growth and success Execution on existing services Becoming more active and effective in

the marketplace Requires the execution of a simple plan

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How do you define leadership?

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For each of us to show leadership we need to start by being truly excellent

in our current role.

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We need to be reminded more than we need to be instructed.

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It’s fine to be content, but never be satisfied. So improving everything, improving it all,

daily, relentlessly and passionately.

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Small daily improvements – over time – lead to stunning results

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Daily ripples of excellence – over time – become a tsunami of success.

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Criticism is a defense reaction that scared people use to protect themselves against change

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The more time you spend outside your comfort zone, the wider it grows

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Shift from chaotic complexity to elegant simplicity.

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Focus on what matters

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Sometimes success isn’t about making the right decision – it’s more about

making some decision – and then moving forward with speed and elegance.

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People do business with people they like.

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Change creates disruption but disruption needs to happen if you

want to grow and really lead.

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The only constant in life is change!

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What is management excellence?

Can we define management excellence? What would management excellence

look like in a clinic? Do we deliver it? Can we improve on it? What are the benefits? Do you have the training? Why does it sometimes not happen?

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Managing change with excellence

Growth culture Challenging yourself

and challenge your staff

Education & preparation

Benefiting from the results

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Management options OPTION 1 Pro-active growth based

on excellence. Manage what matters

most. Continuous management

with fine tuning Using systems, structure

& follow up Enjoy success!

OPTION 2 Wait until a crisis

happens then react. Closing the barn

door after the horses have left the barn!

Continuously fixing the same problem or new problems

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Manager challenges Under manage and under influence your

staff Under influence your staff Under manage process and customer

service Under impact the key factors that

matter most. Goal for 2013 manage & influence more


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Sub-goals for today

Get you to think more like an entrepreneur Develop growth strategies Develop a growth culture Develop a simple action plan. Execute your action plan. “Time is not a strategy”

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Managers role GROWTH year on year, quarter on quarter, month

on month, week on week, day on day Why does business development and solid

management take a back seat to administration or treatment?

Fix all operational issues and focus on growth Do you influence revenue? What percentage of time do you spend on

management, growth, sales, intakes…….?

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“Never compromise what matters most for what matters least.”

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What is the secret to growth? Regular ongoing management Developing a growth plan Execution on the plan Revising the plan Creativity Dedication Frequency of the message The 20 mile walk. Jim Collins article

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Excellence in management

Create a growth culture Create a dynamic fun culture Create a culture of excellence This starts with your leadership Pro-active, ongoing, continuous


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Key points

How often is your staff bringing issues or concerns to you?

If your staff is bringing issues to you, you are not actively managing your staff.

If your customer are bringing issues to you, you are not actively managing.

If I am bringing concerns to you, then you are not actively managing your staff and business.

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A collective, engaged, focused, energetic, dynamic, goal oriented and managed team

is more effective and successful in building a great company than one person can be.

Engage your team members in your plan

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The difference between

What you think vs.

What you know

A critical difference in success

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You must manage based on what you know

What are the key drivers in your clinic? Which key clinic fundamentals and

business drivers require attention? Key is to continuously works on all key

clinic fundamentals and key business drivers.

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Your role as a manager Provide leadership on all aspects of

clinical operations Your staff look to you as the example Set the standard of excellence Manage and lead with consistency Influence and control everything that

happens in your clinic Do not accept anything but excellence

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The Whirlwind

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Execution in the Whirlwind

Organizations that execute well do these 4 things very consistently.

1. Know the goal2. Know what to do to achieve the goal3. Keep score, know how you are doing againsy

measures of the goals.4. Hold everyone accountable Don’t let the whirlwind stop you from

accomplishing your goals.

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Our business is simple1. Staff engagement2. Customer engagement3. Referral source engagement4. Execution on clinic fundamentals

Get success on these four critical factors and you will continue to grow and be successful.

Nothing is more important then the 4 points above for your business.

Eliminate all administrative tasks

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Staff engagement Staff expectations, review and ensure that all

expectations are clear Staff recognition, verbal thank you, e-mail thank you,

thank you card, staff meeting thank you One on one staff lunches, Staff meetings Staff birthdays and anniversary’s Quarterly staff functions Performance review, twice a year, more often as needed Compensation review, annually

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Staff engagement Encourage and deliver clinical in-services Encourage education Encourage WOW customer service and recognize

this behaviour with a verbal thank you a thank you card and Tim Horton's gift card…..

Make customer engagement part of all of your staff meetings, one on one and group

Become the employer of choice, management of internship students in PT, OT, Kine-AT

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Customer engagement

Ensure that the WOW is happening. Ensure scripting is being used. Follow up on any negative issues, dress, conduct,

always go back to the expectations document as the base.

Ensure that therapists are sending follow up e-mails to discharged patients, get copied

Make customer engagement part of all of your staff meetings, one on one and group

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Customer engagement

The easy stuff Taking patients on time Dressing professional E-mailing patients and e-mail reminders Bringing patients to the front desk and

discussing frequency with the admin and the patient

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Referral source engagement Meetings with internal physicians about the

benefits of our services, new services, reminders, coffees, lunches, dinners…..

Monthly dinner with a key referral source Lunch and learns, change focus to how we are

different Dinner seminar in your region Drop off wine with hand written thank you to

key referral sources

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Referral source engagement Insurance & WSIB referrals Major key to growth Lunches with agents Weekly calls to agents Manager follow up with agents on quality of

services, expectations being surpassed, discuss cases, ask for cases, offer file review, discuss RTW philosophy

Post discharge follow up with agent

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Physician engagement

Physician communication Mailings with referral pads quarterly frequency Thank you Know physicians schedules, involve your admin for

scheduling visits Lunch & learns, dinners, group & one on one, one per

month Getting in the door! Cold calls Clinic visits, appointments are better Scripting for all calls, demonstrate benefits Ask for the referral

Page 44: Manager business development & growth strategies Ron Rappel

Recruiting physicians

Recruit orthopedic surgeons to work out of your clinic

If you don’t ask you will never get!! They will be flattered that they get

asked. When does your lease expire? Benefits of working with CBI.

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Physician engagement

Do you know your top 25? Do you know your top 10? What is your strategy for your top 25? Regional strategy (Cluster of clinics) Clinic strategy Involve your staff as needed

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Frequency matters

Frequency with patients Frequency with referral sources Number of planned visits to get the

outcome you are looking for. Magic number to change behaviour

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Management of clinic fundamentals

Ensure that “The Perfect Consult” is being implemented at your clinic. Is everyone at your clinic asking the two important questions?

Private return visits, requires scripting for frequency, 48 hour follow up

WSIB require and administrative process to ensure implementation of frequency and transfer rate

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Private return visits above 6

Requires leadership, structure and scripting on frequency 48 hour follow up Requires coaching, teaching, mentoring and consequences

sometimes. Ongoing measurement and management Encouragement and rewards Why do we fail to “offer” the best care (frequency)? Why do we allow our staff to offer less than the best care

(frequency). Leadership on frequency and customer engagement is key.

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Cancellation below 5%

Is a by product of leadership, patient engagement and importance of goal setting for patients

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Workers comp patient frequency

Non-working 5 days a week in PT-OT Working 3 days a week in PT – OT 8 to 12 weeks is decision time, RTW,

FCE, Rehab, look at date of injury, date of first tx

Proactive patient management Communicate with agents

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Rehab transfers or referrals

Between 10 to 20% of acute cases into Rehab

2 Intakes per week into Rehab JSV for all return to work over 3 months

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Synthesis report for frequency

Who is responsible to ensure that WSIB patients have the correct number of appointments for the next week?

Synthesis report is a tool to ensure that frequency is respected.

Pro-active tool Must be used by admin staff and

reviewed by the manager

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Additional key growth and management points

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What is the point of doing lunch and learns?

1. Educate about our unique approach2. Case studies us compared to the competition3. Demonstrate our difference compared to

competition4. Prove the benefits to the referral source5. Ask for the business (referrals)

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Utilizing our MD network

Leveraging internal physician network Internal physicians, Ortho…. Develop one stop solutions

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Leverage systems for growth

Make more processes admin driven

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Electronic referral pad

Use a tool to communicate with referral sources

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Annual management calendar

Excellent reminder. Everyone knows that pro-active

management is more effective This tool will assist you in making sure

you execute on a regular basis.

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Per patient compensation model

Assists in driving revenue Do you have enough volume for all of

your therapists Who gets the intakes Different challenges Does this change behavior?

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Know where every referral comes from

Ensure that all of your admin staff put a copy of every physician referral on your desk everyday.

Act on referrals on: CBI referral pad Physician referral pad Competitors referral pad

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E-mail appointment reminder

Make sure it is being used?

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Physio eval $80 to $85 Physio tx $70 to $75 Last price increase was January 2010 New prices effective January 1st, 2013 What does pricing say about your


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Leadership & management

Time spent on scripting with all staff, clinical and admin

E-mails be captured in billing for future marketing to patients

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Focus on your business

Execute on growth strategies

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Our business is simple

1. Staff engagement2. Customer engagement3. Referral source engagement4. Execution on clinic fundamentals

Get success on these four critical factors and you will continue to grow and be successful.

Never compromise what matter most for what matter least.

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The Fish Stinks from the Head Down

Take 100% responsibility for everything in your clinic.

If something goes wrong in your clinic, it is your fault.

If something goes wrong in your clinic it is because you did not have a system in place to stop it from happening.

You must fix the systems and always improve them.

Take credit for all of the great stuff

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5 ways to grow your healthcare business

1. Increase the number of customer (Intakes)

2. Increase the frequency of purchase3. Increase internal conversions4. Price5. Add new services6. Results in increased revenue

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People development “Good to Great”, Jim Collins book First the right people “Don’t employ on technical skills” Get great people on the bus. Hire based on people skills. Keep a database on prospects Be honest at all times Leverage ordinary people with great systems. Hire slow and fire fast Recruit, interview 12 months a year If they are not working out, get them off the bus.

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Execution in the Whirlwind

Organizations that execute well do these 4 things very consistently.

1. Know the goal2. Know what to do to achieve the goal3. Keep score, know how you are doing against

measures of the goals.4. Hold everyone accountable Don’t let the whirlwind stop you from

accomplishing your goals.

Page 70: Manager business development & growth strategies Ron Rappel

Our business is simple1. Staff engagement2. Customer engagement3. Referral source engagement4. Execution on clinic fundamentals

Get success on these four critical factors and you will continue to grow and be successful.

Nothing is more important then the 4 points above for your business.

Eliminate all administrative tasks

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Excellence needs to be the foundation Commitment to growth must be the

focus Development of a plan Execution of the plan Benefit from the success

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Thank you

Ron Rappel 514-947-5664 Contact me anytime