managers’ guide to people pulse

Managers’ guide to People Pulse November 2021

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Managers’ guide to People PulseNovember 2021

Page 2: Managers’ guide to People Pulse



Managers’ guide to People Pulse

What do we ask and measure via People Pulse?

Accessing your results

Interpreting your results

Accessing your comments

Interpreting your comments

Statistically significant changes to scores


Taking action – the ACT framework

ACT framework – questions you can use to drive the conversation

Tips for a great conversation and your role as a manager

Recording your actions in Glint

Other useful resources to help you plan your actions

Additional reporting options

Accessing previous People Pulse reports

Additional resources to support you


Managers’ guide to People Pulse


This guide gives you all the information and support you need to make the most of our People Pulse survey.

It includes a ‘how to’ and easy navigation of the Glint platform, along with

top tips on taking action, and having great conversations with

your team on the topics they have highlighted in the survey as being the

most important.

If you need more help or have any questions, or problems accessing your

team’s results, please speak to your local engagement lead or People team Business Partner.

Dates to remember

People Pulse is live for everyone to

complete from 10 – 26 November

Results will be available to access from

30 November

Click on a title below to go directly to the section:


















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What is Engagement? And why do we measure it?

We work with our Employee Feedback partner ‘Glint’ who make

sure the questions we ask in our People Pulse survey are

scientifically based, tested and validated so we’re measuring

what’s most important to our people.

The insights we capture and results we track also link to important

outcomes like performance, company turnover and customer


Employee engagement represents the levels of enthusiasm and

connection – both rational and social that employees have with their

business. Engaged team members go that extra mile, frequently help

others, are constantly looking for a better way to do their job and are

less likely to leave their organisation.

Highly engaged teams also:

• See reduced sick leave

• See reduced behaviour and conduct issues

• Are invested in seeing the business succeed

• Embracing change and challenges

• Our people having a proactive approach to their work and our

customer’s care and needs

*eSat’ is short for employee satisfaction and is a lead indicator for employee engagement.Back to contents


Our purpose is helping people live longer, healthier, happier lives, and

making a better world. We want to be the world’s most customer-centric

healthcare company and we know that being a great place to work for

our people will help us achieve that ambition. People Pulse is a chance

for our people to tell us how they’re feeling, and what we can do better or

differently, for them and for our customers.

This survey contains 13 questions, including two new questions on

sustainability and wellbeing. It will help us understand how much

progress we’ve made since the last Pulse in June 2021 on just

some of our key drivers of engagement.

The most important question asked in the People Pulse survey is

‘How happy are you working at Bupa?’ which captures our

‘eSat’ measure*.

Based on the responses received, your report will suggest actions

around the areas where making changes will have the biggest

impact on engagement in your team.

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Results in the Glint platform will be available from Tuesday, 30 November. All managers will receive an email directly from Glint as soon as results are available inviting them to log into the platform.

Glint dashboard link:

If you are a new manager who has never accessed

the platform before, the first time you log on you’ll

be asked to enter your email address. If you have a email address you’ll be able to click on the

‘Login with SSO’ (single sign on) button which will

bring you directly to your results.

If you don’t have a email address, you will

need to click on the ‘Forgot Password’ button, enter

your email address and click on ‘Send Reset Link’.

You’ll then receive an email from Glint with the steps

to set up your own password to login and access

your results.

Accessing your results

Less than five responses

We are excited that for the first time all our

managers will have access to the platform,

including those with small teams, or those who did

not meet the minimum responses threshold (5).

It's critical that every team, no matter how big or

small, discusses People Pulse feedback, so we've

empowered small team managers to be able to do

this better.

If you have less than five responses, your

dashboard will offer you a high-level summary of

your own team leader’s results. This provides:

• Visibility into the broader team’s opportunity


• Access to Glint’s dashboard and action-taking


• Conversation starters for team and 1-1 ACT


• Ownership and accountability for your team’s

engagement scores.

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When you log into the Glint platform,

you will see a message telling you that

you don’t have access to view your own

personal team’s results (because there

are too few team members) but that you

can see a summary of your own

managers broader team’s results.

To help you understand more about

what the results are telling you, please

continuing reading the next section of

this guide – Interpreting your results.

New for


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Interpreting your results

If you received five or more responses

With more than five responses you will receive your own link to access the

Glint dashboard. There is a Presentation Kit which appears at the top of the

Dashboard. You can use this to share the key results with your team and

look for additional insights to help you focus on the

most important opportunities and address them with the right solutions.

You will see your overall Engagement score in the top left blue box and

just below that your overall Response Rate. Your Engagement historical

trend and Engagement favourability score are also shown here.

Below this, you will see a panel which will display your top strengths

and opportunities. Glint’s algorithm is built on a combination of

question scores, impact on engagement and the relativity of the score

to the benchmark.

Think about how you feel about these strengths and opportunities

and what your team needs to achieve in the next 3-6 months to be

successful in the long-term.

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Interpreting your results

Next, you will see your Scores list. This list can be sorted to help you

quickly see the top and bottom scoring items across your team. How do

these compare to benchmarks? Have the scores gone up or down from

the previous pulse (if you have access to previous scores).

As well as displaying the scores, you can also see the favourability %

for each driver, and the number of comments left for each question here.

You can use this report along with the Presentation Kit to share top line

results with everyone in your team, helping them understand how their

feedback compares to the company overall, trend since the last survey

(if available) and benchmarks.

Below the scores you will see a Team report showing the overall

engagement score of any of your direct reporting managers who

received five or more responses from their teams.

For managers with no historical trends or who have changed role

since June 2021:

▪ If you are new to Bupa or have recently become a people manager,

you won’t see a trend for your team to compare previous scores.

▪ If you were managing a different team before, you’ll see a

comparator against those results because results ‘follow the

manager’, not the team, as some of the questions are specifically

about you as a manager.

▪ If you want to see the previous People Pulse results for your current

team, to compare with these new results, please contact either your

manager or your local People Business Partner who can help you.

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Accessing your comments

If you received 10 or more responses

To see your Comments Report you must have at least 10 respondents

in your group. The reason this number is higher than to see scores is

that it’s easier to identify a respondent from a comment than just their

responses and so it helps us protect people’s identity. You should

explore the Comments Report to better understand your top strengths

and weaknesses.

With a smaller team, you should be able to read all your comments to

understand specific concerns and suggestions for improvement across

your team.

For larger teams, the topic and keyword breakdowns will provide you

with the main themes and sentiments that were raised in the comments.

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Interpreting your comments

These panels contain a high-level summary of comments that generate

deeper insight, either based on Topic or Question. On the Keyword and

Topic charts, the colour represents the sentiment and the size

represents the frequency that the topic bubble/keyword was heard.

Hovering over the topic bubble/keywords you can see additional

information about the sentiment or favourability and comparisons to the

last Pulse (if available). By clicking on the topic bubble/keyword, you can

see all related comments.

All comments from your team are available at the bottom of this report

and can be exported to Excel if required.

If you don’t have enough respondents to read your own comments, it

would be appropriate for your team to review your managers’ themes,

or the BU-level comment themes (not comments) and talk about

whether those themes are consistent at the team-level. You should

ask your manager or People Business Partner to assist you with this

if needed.

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Ultimately, it’s about having meaningful conversations...

Keep in mind the goal of Pulse feedback is to understand what most

engages and inspires your team(s) to be their best at work. Your

Pulse scores are a starting point for a conversation that involves

your team in identifying actions that can be taken to improve their

engagement. So even if you have just a few responses, or limited

views of your results, you can still use the available data to foster a

rich conversation with your team(s).


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Statistically significant changes to scores

What really matters most is whether the difference is meaningful

to a group.

▪ Would we like the score to be higher?

▪ Is it a strategic priority for our team or the business?

▪ Does it have a high or very high impact on Engagement?

▪ Is it significantly below the benchmark?

Ask yourself all of these questions when taking the information

below into account:

As each manager has teams of various sizes, some managers may see larger increases or decreases compared to their peers. Team size can be a big factor when looking at trends.

For small teams, look at the broader picture and dig deeper to understand

the reason for any changes over time. Keep in mind

that in small teams, each individual’s rating can have a large

impact on the team’s score overall, so it takes a wider gap to be

considered statistically significant, but consistent trends should

still be considered meaningful.

For larger teams, small consistent trends up or down, or small differences

to benchmarks, may be statistically significant and so

always consider context and the importance of the item in achieving

business goals to determine if the difference/change is meaningful.

Number of respondents

in a team

Significant changes/distance

from benchmark

100 or more 1 – 2 points

10 – 99 2 – 5 points

Less than 10 5 points

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*Glint’s Top 10 percentile benchmark applies to the following questions: eSat; Challenge Status Quo; Collaboration; Company Prospects; Contribution; Customer Focus; Empowerment; Fair Treatment; Feedback; Growth; Manager; Values; Accountability

Benchmarks for Speak Up is based on Bupa’s own internal high performing benchmark.

An external benchmark is a point of reference that is used to determine how survey scores compare to results from a broader set of companies. Comparisons to external benchmarks are helpful in contextualising and interpreting results because they serve as an indicator in determining whether a particular score is strong or is in need of improvement.

Bupa have opted to use Glint’s Top 10 percentile benchmark*

which represents companies that are highest scoring on each survey

item. This benchmark is sometimes referred to as “high performing


Glint’s People Science team are continuously reviewing the key

driver scores across all their clients, and they refresh the benchmarks

when they see trends that show a considerable shift in the

benchmark score. This is completed on an ad-hoc basis, and so the

benchmarks could change regularly, or over longer periods of time.

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Using Pulse results for a great conversation with your teamIn the second section of the guide you’ll

find out how to turn the enthusiasm for

People Pulse into tangible actions.


Powered by

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Taking action – the ACT framework

▪ We know it can be hard to turn the enthusiasm for Pulse, the

survey results and volume of insights you receive into simple,

impactful and tangible actions.

▪ By having regular, short conversations with your team, you can

break a problem down, work together, discuss ideas and agree

small simple changes which could make a big difference.

▪ You can use the Acknowledge/Collaborate/Take (ACT) framework

even if you don’t have a Pulse report for your team.

▪ It’s about having regular conversations and listening to your team.

▪ Each month, use some time in your team meeting to have an open

conversation about engagement, culture, and team success. It can

be as short/long as you need - your team will value the time having

the conversation and the chance to share their views.

▪ People Pulse is a great opportunity to deep dive into specific areas

and have a long session, but for action to happen, regular

conversations need to take place all year round.

▪ Use this time for the team to collaborate on solutions and commit to

small changes which could make a difference. Recognise what’s

working and any obstacles in the way.

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Acknowledgewhere we are

Collaborate on where we want to go

Take one step forward

Page 13: Managers’ guide to People Pulse

ACT framework – questions you can use to drive the conversation

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Acknowledge where we are

▪ Share something you’re proud of that

the team has done

▪ What have we learned from viewing the

results? (include some positives and

some opportunities)

▪ What is our most important strength we

shouldn’t lose sight of?

▪ What’s our biggest opportunity to


Collaborate on where we want to go

▪ What should we start doing to


▪ What should we continue doing?

▪ What should we stop doing?

▪ What should we prioritise for focus in


next few weeks?

Take one step forward

▪ What is one commitment we all will

make when we walk out the door?

▪ How will we know if we are successful?

▪ How will we hold ourselves accountable

for progress?

▪ We will check in again on ____

(suggested check-in once a month).

Ground rules…

▪ Be open to different perspectives and opinions

▪ Share openly and constructively

▪ Hold each other accountable to the commitments agreed

▪ Put your leadership imperatives into practice

Find out more about the ACT framework on the Glint platform

Acknowledgewhere we are

Collaborate on where we want to go

Take one step forward

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Tips for a great conversation and your role as a manager

Your role as a manager

▪ Coach: show confidence, provide direction and keep them on track.

Role model what you expect from your team. Recognise and reinforce

positive behaviours publicly

▪ Facilitator: provide guidelines for prioritisation and decision-making

based on knowledge of business priorities. Seek out differing opinion

and ensure all voices are heard

▪ Roadblock remover: first line of escalation to help overcome

roadblocks and navigate organisational boundaries to drive change

▪ Connector: check in frequently to ensure progress and course correct

as needed. Make connections to other groups with similar challenges

▪ Enabler: empower and enable people to improve their experiences for

each other and for our customers

Tips for a great conversation

Incorporate the ACT conversation into a standing team meeting; it can

be as little as 15 minutes on the agenda.

▪ Share personal stories of successes, surprises and misses; this

creates safety for others to share as well

▪ Encourage everyone to provide candid feedback, while

acknowledging we can’t solve for everything right away

▪ Ensure all voices are heard; if you find people are not as open to

sharing initially, have them email you ideas and use them to kick start

the conversation

▪ Be comfortable with being uncomfortable! These conversations might

feel hard at first but will get easier over time with more repetition

▪ Use Performance Energy with your team to help keep people at their

best and engaged in the conversation

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Recording your actions in Glint

Recording your actions in Glint and other useful resources to help

you plan your actions

On the main dashboard, you can click on the ‘Focus Areas’ tab at the

top of the screen, or alternatively you can click on the button beside

one of your Relative Strengths or Opportunities from the dashboard.

After selecting a topic to add an action, you have the option to

either create your own goal, or use one of the ‘Suggested

Actions’ recommended by Glint. You can also select who can see

this goal. The default will allow both your manager, and any

managers who report directly into you, to see your goals. But you

can change this if required.

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Other useful resources to help you plan your actions

By clicking on one of the Glint ‘Suggested Actions’, it will open up

to give you advice on how to achieve this goal, by utilising LinkedIn

Learning videos, user guides and tips.

You can also view the goals, on track, completed or overdue, for any

managers that report into you by clicking on the ‘My Directs’ or ‘My

Company’ tabs.

Once you have added your goals to the platform, you can review

within the ‘Focus Areas’ tab. The default mode after you add a goal

is ‘On Track’. Once you feel that you have achieved this goal you

can change this to ‘Complete.’

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Additional reporting options

By clicking on the ‘Reports’ tab at the top of the Glintdashboard, you’ll have the option to select alternativeformats to display your data.

Managers with larger teams, or with multiple managersreporting into them may find some of these additionalreport options very useful.

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Heat Maps show your overall scores for all Pulse items with columns

for any of your direct reporting managers who received five or more

responses from their teams (if available).

You can use this with your direct reports to identify any key strengths

and areas for improvement. This report is particularly useful if you are

a senior leader with a large team, as it can easily visualise the results

across all your teams, and additional filters can be added to show the

results based on Location, Region, Team, Age, Gender, Length of

Service and Function.

A custom driver impact report is available for managers with larger

teams (>30 responses) to help you visualise your Engagement driver

strength and opportunities in comparison to the benchmark and overall

impact on Engagement.

If you have a smaller team (<30 responses) the Driver Impact report

will still be available for you to view, but it will take into account your

own team responses as well as your managers team responses in

order to reach the minimum number of responses (30) required to

display the chart.

Broader Team Insights allow you to view a high level report for your

direct manager, their manager, and all managers within the hierarchy

above them.

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Accessing previous People Pulse reports

Full reports from previous People Pulses are available by going to ‘Reports’ on the toolbar and choosing one of the reports.

When you have selected your chosen report you can click on the June

2021 link towards the top left of the page, and then from

the drop down menu that appears, you can select a previous survey

If you need any assistance utilising the additional reporting options, or

displaying your results in an alternative way or utilising the various

filters and display options, please speak to your local Engagement

Lead or People Business Partner who can assist you further.

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Additional resources to support youGlint Community

If you are a manager who received more than five responses and

therefore have access to the Glint platform, you can click on the ‘?’ on

the top right hand side of the dashboard and select ‘Help &


The Glint Community will provide you with access to Glint Training

Resources, best-practices, answers to frequently asked questions, and

the ability to participate in on-line discussions with experts; both Glint

employees and other Glint customers.

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Glint Email nudges

Every 6-8 weeks managers will receive Glint’s email nudges which will

provide you with intelligent recommendations based on where you are

in forming a habit, such as having a conversation about survey results

or setting a goal to take action on feedback.

Nudges help guide and motivate managers to:

• Access and review their survey results.

• Share those survey results and insights with the appropriate


• Collaborate with their team to choose areas for follow-up action.

• Communicate progress.

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