managing reputational risk - institute of risk management workshop


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The Institute of Risk Management

Managing Reputational Risk3rd March 2015

Ann Wright, Rough House Media

o The value of your reputation to your business

o What to do if criticism went viral

o How to cope if you were besieged by the media

o How your chief executive would handle an aggressive interviewer

o When your company last assessed how it manages crisis communications

Crisis Communications: factors to consider

o Released 6th July 2009

o 14.6 million views

o $180,000,000 drop in share price

o Now part of United Airlines customer service training

o Musician Dave Caroll has a career in crisis management

United Airlines, United Breaks Guitars

63% of a company’s market value is down to reputation

(Safeguarding Reputation 2013 Weber Shandwick)

The value of reputation

o Poor sales

o Diminished influence

o Ridicule

o Job losses

o Failure & Closure

o The Tesco horsemeat scandal wiped £30m off its market value

o $24billion wiped off Google’s value in eight minutes when news leaked of a

drop in profits

o $2.2billion fall in market value of Goldman Sachs after a NY Times piece

questioned the CEOs moral fibre

The value of reputation: examples

How a crisis escalates

o Divide into two groups

o You are the senior management of Excel Helicopter Charters

o Please assign roles: CEO, risk manager, head of comms, head of

customer service, head of health and safety

o Discuss the potential risks to Excel business

Exercise 1:

1. Establish the facts

2. Know your key audiences & what they need to hear

3. Use different communications channels

4. Deliver key messages

5. Communicate frequently

6. CAC – Care, Action, Context

In a crisis:

Successful companies

Identify what might go wrong in advance

Have procedures to contain

difficult situations

Have prepared

key messages

Have trained personnel

to handle the media

Crisis comms interviews

Stage one:

1. Audit existing emergency & crisis communications procedures

2. Brainstorm the issues specific to your business

3. Group risks into key categories

4. Prioritise the most damaging

5. Create communications action plans for these

Crisis communications strategy

1. Create clear procedures, areas of responsibility & chain of command

2. Refine current media and social media policies

3. Develop a communications manual for all staff

Crisis communications strategy Stage two:

1. Devise your key messages & holding statements

2. Understand how to handle the demands of the media

3. Undergo rigorous practice interviews & consider other

training programmes, such as crisis simulation

Crisis communications strategy Stage three:


1. A clear chain of command

2. Clear areas of responsibility & lines of communication

3. Prepared key messages & holding statements

4. Readily accessible contact details

5. Access to additional phone lines & PR support

Exercise 2

A helicopter taking private clients

to the British Grand Prix has crashed

at Silverstone race course.

There is no indication of the cause.

Pilot killed. Two passengers critical.

Lewis Hamilton injured

What do you need to consider?

What are your first actions?

Crisis comms interviews: how to do it

Going viral

o Free

o Open access

o Instantaneous

o Impossible to control

o Forum for complaints: 32% people who complain via social media expect

a response in 30 minutes (The Social Habit, 2012 Edison Research)

o In 2012, 60% of CEOs thought they could respond to a negative post or

arficle in 24 hours

o Vital communications channel

o Conveys information widely

o Immediate

o Under your control

The benefits of social media in a crisis

Monitor & respond

Update regularly

Stay constructive

& factual

Quash speculation

Be accurate & approved

Co-ordinate website &

social media

Using social media in a crisis

Saving your reputation: Greggs 1

Saving your reputation: Greggs 2

Exercise 3:

o Rumours are circulating on social media that the helicopter pilot

had a drink problem

o Discuss the implications for Excel Helicopters

o Devise a holding statement for release to the media

o Decide how to release it

1. Hungry for information

2. Publish speculation

3. Instantaneous

4. Like “victims”

5. Look for new angles

Rules of engagement with the media

Exercise 4:

o The media are besieging Excel Helicopters HQ in Farnborough

o You have decided to do an interview on Radio Five Live

o Devise a holding statement & key messages for the media

o Decide who is the most appropriate interviewee

o They will then be interviewed

o Have a robust crisis communications policy

o Have an integrated social media policy

o Prepare key messages in advance

o Monitor what is being said about you

o React quickly, factually, pro-actively & frequently

o Have trained key spokespeople in advance

Smart companies

Rough House Media


Media training

Crisis comms

Presentation skills

Media master-classes

Press releases


Crisis strategy

PR strategy

Message development

Media relations

Social media





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