managing the underwater cultural heritage

Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage Zadar, Croatia, September 29 th - October 2 nd 2011

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Page 1: Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage

Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage

Zadar, Croatia, September 29th - October 2nd 2011

Page 2: Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage

IKUWA 4 Internationaler Kongress für Unterwasserarchäologie

International Congress on Underwater Archaeology

Page 3: Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage

IKUWA 4, Zadar - Croatia; September 29th - October 2nd 2011. 3

Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage

University of Zadar, Croatia, September 29th - October 2nd 2011

Abstract Book


ABOUT IKUWA ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

IKUWA 4 Conference Committees ………...…...………………………………………………………… 6

ABOUT ZADAR ………...…………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

VENUE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

TIMETABLE …………………………………………………….…………………………………………….. 11

Plenary ………………………………………………….……………………………………………….. 11

Public Access ………………………………….……………………………………………………………….. 12

Research Strategies ………………..……………………………………………………………….. 15

Site report ….…………………………………………………………………………….. 18

Post Excavation ……………………………………………………………………………….. 21

Good practice ……………………………………………………………………………….. 22

In Situ preservation ……………………………………………………………………………….. 23

Poster presentation ……………………………………………………………………………….. 24

Panel Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………….. 25

Closing of the Conference ……………………………………………………………………………..… 25

REGISTRATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26

ZADAR ACCOMODATION ………………………………………………………………………………………… 28

NAS COURSE ………………………………………………………………..………………………………… 29

ABSTRACTS ……………………………..…………………………………………………………………… 30

PLENEARY …………..……………………………………………………………………………………… 30

PUBLIC ACCESS ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 35

RESEARCH STRATEGIES …………………..……………………………………………………………………. 41

SITE REPORT ……………………….……………………………………………………………….. 48

POST EXCAVATION ………………………………………..………………………………………………. 55

GOOD PRACTICE ………………………………………………………………………………………… 57

IN SITU PRESERVATION …………………………………..……………………………………………………. 61

POSTER PRESENTATION ………………………………………………………………………………………… 65

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About IKUWA The first international congress for underwater archaeology (IKUWA 1) was held in February 1999 in Sassnitz on the island of Rügen on the coast of the Baltic Sea in Germany, with the theme "protection of cultural heritage under water". It received considerable support from the Raphael Programme of the European Un-ion, in the context of reinforcing east-west cultural and educational ties, and was organ-ized on the initiative of the Deutsche Gesell-schaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserar-chäoloqie (DEGUWA) by 7 German and 5 non-German (Switzerland, UK, Greece, Netherlands and Poland) partner organizations. The congress was a resounding success, with wide international participation. It had a series of chronological sessions and a series of the-matic sessions on subjects such as conserva-tion, recording and management. Particular importance was given to a round table on the protection of the European underwater cul-tural heritage, with particular reference to the UNESCO 2001 Convention. The participants were mainly from Europe, but also from India, Israel and the U.S.A. It was agreed at Sassnitz to inaugurate an am-bitious program of congresses to build an in-ternational network of institutions dealing with underwater archaeology. This was achieved by the holding of IKUWA2 and IKU-WA3. IKUWA2 was held in Zurich in October 2004. The organizing committee included Ger-man and British members. About 200 partici-pants from 25 countries attended. The pro-ceedings were published in 2006 as "Die Neue Sicht. Une nouvelle lnterprétation de I'his-toire." The new view in the series Antiqua, vol.40. In the days preceding the congress a postgraduate training workshop was held, with 21 participants from 11 European countries. IKUWA3 took place under the auspices of UNESCO's Director - General. It was held in University College London in July 2008, with the title "Beyond Boundaries" and was organ-ized by the Nautical Archaeology Society and the Institute of Field Archaeologists. The Steer-ing Committee included German and Swiss members. 260 participants from over 20 differ-ent countries presented 126 papers over the three days.

IKUWA3 was preceded by a professional devel-opment field school with participants from almost a dozen nations organized by NAS. One day before, UNESCO held a one-day intergov-ernmental conference in the British Academy on the 2001 Convention.

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IKUWA 4 Conference Committees Honorary Committee Jasen Mesić Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia Radovan Fuchs Minister of Science of the Republic of Croatia Božo Biškupić Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia Stipe Zrilić Zadar County Prefect Zvonimir Vrančić Mayor of Zadar Ante Uglešić Rector of the University of Zadar Anthony Krause UNESCO Representative Friedrich Lüth Chair IKUWA David Blackman Vice-chair IKUWA

Steering Committee Friedrich Lüth chair David Blackman vice-chair Christoph Börker DEGUWA, IKUWA 1 Timm Weski IKUWA, IKUWA 1 Albert Hafner GSU, IKUWA 2 Mark Beattie - Edwards NAS, IKUWA 3 Ian Oxley EH, IKUWA 3 Luka Bekić ICUA Zadar, IKUWA 4 Hrvoje Potrebica President of the Croatian Archaeological Society, IKUWA 4 Irena Radić Rossi University of Zadar, IKUWA 4 Nicoletta Martinelli IKUWA 5 Luigi Fozzati IKUWA 5

Organization Committee Luka Bekić chair, ICUA Zadar Smiljan Gluščević vice chair, Archaeological Museum of Zadar Tomislav Fabijanić secretary, University of Zadar Vito Turšić Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia Damira Tolić Representative of the Ministry of Culture at Zadar Ivan Šimunić Representative of the County of Zadar Radovan Dunatov Representative of the City of Zadar Mladen Pešić ICUA Zadar

Contact persons: Tomislav Fabijanić: [email protected] Mladen Pešić: [email protected]

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About Zadar

Zadar is an ancient city, built in the center of the Croatian Adriatic, full of historical and cultural monuments. It is three thousand years old, a city of old, tumultuous and dy-namic history, often destructed, looted, devastated, every time emerging from the ruins stronger, richer and more beautiful. Zadar appeared for the first time in history in the 4th century B.C. as a settlement of the Illyrian tribe of Liburnians - the name Jader was mentioned, and through history it changed into Idassa (Greek source), Jadera (Roman source), Diadora, Zara (during Venetian rule and later Italian) up to today’s name of Zadar.

After the year 59 B.C. Zadar became a Ro-man municipium, and in 48 B.C. a colony of Roman citizens. During Roman rule Zadar acquired the characteristics of a city with a regular road network, a main square - Fo-rum, and next to it an elevated capitolium with a temple. In the 7th century Zadar be-came the center (capital) of the Byzantine theme (province) of Dalmatia. At the begin-ning of the 9th century Zadar was men-tioned as seat of bishop Donatus and the Byzantine leader Paulus. At the time a church was erected on the Roman forum, the church of the Holy Trinity, today St. Do-nat, for which it can be said to be the sym-bol of the city. Larger settling of Croats in Zadar was marked in the 10th century. The foundations of the Romanesque church of St. Mary, the church of St. Grisogone and the cathedral of St Anastasia have been preserved from that period. In 1202 the city was conquered and burned by the Crusad-ers and Venetians. The first Gothic churches in Dalmatia, St. Francis and St. Dominic, were built after that time, and the gold-plated silver sarcophagus of St. Simeon must be distinguished among the treasures of the period. The 15th and 16th centuries

are characterized by significant activities of Croatian writers who wrote in the national Croatian language (Petar Zoranić, Brne Krnarutić, Šime Budinić, Jerolim Vidulić ...).

The Austrians (1797) took over the govern-ment of Zadar after the Venetians, to be followed by the French (from 1806 to 1813). After a short time of French rule, Zadar re-mained under Austrian rule until 1918. With the Treaty of Rapallo, Zadar fell under Ital-ian rule, and after the II World War it was annexed to Croatia (within the framework of the Federation of Yugoslavia). Following the Republic of Croatia’s declaration of in-dependence and subsequent Serbian ag-gression on Croatian territory, Zadar and its surroundings were attacked in October 1991. The Serbian rebels aimed to conquer and destroy the city and its region, attack-ing with a destructive force that had never been seen so far. Zadar's hinterland was controlled by rebels and significantly devas-tated. The city itself was repeatedly tar-geted and cultural heritage of Zadar was heavily damaged.

Today Zadar is a preserved monument of various historical times and cultures that have placed their boundaries and visible outlines of their urban appearance. During its existence it was for many centuries the home of the Ilyrian Liburni and for 1000

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years the capital city of Dalmatia. Rich in history, it is currently a focal point in civili-zation, and most of all city with an unques-tionable future: its accepted concept of development into an international, Medi-terranean and Adriatic metropolis is being realized. It is a city with a rich Croatian na-tional identity created in the present, which successfully adheres to the newest trends in globalization and informatization.

Zadar is a city rich in spiritual and material culture, as well as in a touristic identity created in the present. It was created around the Roman forum, a city inside well-kept walls, and a city of old Croatian monuments. Full of archives, museums and libraries, it is the keeper of literary and musical treasure; it is the city inside with the oldest University among Croatians (1396). It was long ago the place where the first Croatian novel and the first newspa-pers in the Croatian language were cre-ated. It is protected by four guardian saints: Zoilo, Simon, Grisogone and Anas-tasia.


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Lectures will be held at the main building of the „Old campus“ - Obala Kralja Petra Krešimira IV. No.2. There are three rooms available, and sessions will be distributed by the timetable. Great hall is on the second floor, Room 143 is on the fourth floor, Room 124 is on the second floor.

Poster presentation and coffee/tea breaks will be held at the ground floor of the Rec-tor’s office - Mihovila Pavlinovića b.b, which is next to the main building of the Univer-sity.

Registration of the participants will be at the Registration desk situated between main building and Chapel of St. Demetrius - Mihovila Pavlinovića b.b.

Closing party will be held at the Arsenal Zadar - Trg tri bunara 1. Free invitation card includes one complementary drink for every IKUWA 4 participant.

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September 28th September 29th September 30th October 1st October 2nd

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Arrival Excursions

Registration Registration Registration

Excursion in the city of Nin 10:00 - 14:00

University of Zadar University of Zadar University of Zadar

16:00-19:00 08:00-19:00 08:00-14:00

Opening ceremony Public access Good practice Excursion in the city

of Biograd n/m 10:00 - 14:00

Great hall Great hall Great hall

09:00-10:30 09:00-18:30 09:00-13:30

Plenary Research strategies In situ preservation Excursion in the Nati-

onal Park Kornati 09:00 - 17:00

Great hall Room 143 Room 143

11:00-19:30 09:00-18:30 09:00-13:00

Site report Poster presentation

Room 124 Ground floor of the



Post excavation Panel discussion

Room 124 Great hall

15:00-18:30 16:00-17:30

Closing IKUWA 4

Great hall 17:30

Cocktail party Closing party

University of Zadar

20:00 Arsenal Zadar 20:00

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09:00 – 10:30 Official opening of the IKUWA 4 Conference 10:30 – 11:00 coffee/tea


Thursday, 29th September 2011, Great hall

Chairman of Session: Lüth Friedrich 11:00 – 11:30 Research and Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage: yesterday, today, tomorrow Mesić, Jasen - Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Croatia 11:30 – 12:00 The United Kingdom and the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage Yorke, Robert - Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy Committee, United Kingdom 12:00 – 12:30 1976 and Beyond-Managing Australia’s underwater cultural heritage Viduka, Andrew - Assistant Director Maritime Heritage, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Australian Government, Australia 12:30 – 13:00 Managing UCH in Austerity - the English heritage experience Oxley, Ian - Head of Maritime Archaeology, English Heritage, United Kingdom 13:00 – 13:30 Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage – MAST a perspective from the Gulf Blue, Lucy - Centre for Maritime Archaeology Archaeology, School of Humanities, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch Chairman of Session: Mesić Jasen 14:30 – 15:00 Heritage awareness, an inductive and deductive approach Manders, Martijn - Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency, Netherlands Vatcharankul, Erbprem - The Underwater Archaeology Division, Thailand

15:00 – 15:30 In situ preservation, pro & contra L'Hour, Michel - Director of DRASSM, France 15:30 – 16:00 Legal framework of management of the underwater cultural heritage Kowalski, Wojciech - University of Silesia, Department of Intellectual and Cultural Property Laws, Poland 16:00 – 16:30 Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Baltic Sea –Common past, common responsibility and common chance

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Bleile, Ralf - Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische, Landesmuseen, Schloss Gottorf Archäologisches Landesmuseum, Germany 16:30 – 17:00 Underwater Archaeology in China Shuguang, Liu - China Academy of Cultural Heritage, China

17:00 – 17:30 Coffee / Tea Chairman of Session: Blackman David 17:30 – 18:00 Managing the underwater cultural heritage: The UNESCO World heritage Candidature “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps” Hafner, Albert - Leiter Bereich Unterwasser- und Feuchtbodenarchäologie, Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern, Amt für KulturSwitzerland, Switzerland

18:00 – 18:30 Towards the Integrated Management Strategy for Preservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Slovenian Territorial Waters Gaspari, Andrej - Ministry Of Culture, Slovenia Erič, Miran - Institute for the protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Slovenia Poglajen, Sašo - HARPHA SEA d.o.o., Slovenia

18:30 – 19:00 Report on the current status of the legal and practical protection of underwater cultural heritage - Italy Fozzati, Luigi - Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy Zarattini, Annalisa - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy

19:00 – 19:30 Russian underwater cultural heritage: problems and perspectives Fazlullin, Sergey - P.P.Shirshov’s Institut of Oceanology, Moscow, Russia

20:00 COCKTAIL PARTY - University of Zadar

PUBLIC ACCESS Friday, 30th September 2011, Great hall

Chairman of Session: Skoglund Fredrik

09:00 – 09:20 Experience is everything - the Norman’s Bay Diver Trail Beattie-Edwards, Mark - Programme Director, Nautical Archaeology Society, United Kingdom 09:20 – 09:40 Bay of Veštar site and the management of the project Bekić, Luka - International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar, Croatia Pešić, Mladen - International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar, Croatia

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09:40 – 10:00 Underwater Virtual Maritime Museum in Canary Islands: website and reality proposals Cabrera, Vicente Benitez - IT7 & Virtual Underwater Archeological Researches, Spain Bolaños, Antonio Becerra - Spain Millares, Michel Jorge - Spain

10:00 – 10:20 Underwater Archaeological Sites Management & Tourism Development Della Porta, Katerina - Ministry for Culture, Greece 10:20 – 10:40 In situ protection and development of the Roman Wreck from Santo Stefano al Mare: the submerged museum project Sanna, Laura - Tesi Archeologia SRL, Italy Gambaro, Luigi - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici della Liguria, Italy Grimaudo, Giusi - Tesi Archeologia SRL, Italy Tiboni, Francesco - Tesi Archeologia SRL, Italy

10:40 – 11:00 Discussion 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee / Tea Chairman of Session: Hanz Gunter Martin 11:30 – 11:50 Managing of marine cultural heritage in Sicily Tusa, Sebastiano - Soprintendente della Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali di Trapani, Italy 11:50 – 12:10 The Study and Management of underwater site of Marsa Bagoush, Egypt Khalil, Emad - Director Centre for Maritime Archaeology &Underwater Cultural Heritage, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt

12:10 – 12:30 The Atlas of the 2Seas: giving access to the submerged cultural heritage Momber, Garry - Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology, National Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom 12:30 – 12:50 Ask not what underwater heritage can do for you; ask what you can do for underwater heritage´. A view from Biscay (Basque Country, Spain) Matés Luque, José Manuel - Spain

12:50 – 13:10 Discussion 13:10 – 15:00 Lunch

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Chairman of Session: Della Porta Katerina 15:00 – 15:20 Chances and Limits of NGOs in Underwater Cultural Management Martin, Hanz Gunter - DEGUWA, Germany Winterstein, Peter - DEGUWA, Germany

15:20 – 15:40 A Proposal for the management of Australia’s Private Shipwreck Collections Rodrigues, Jennifer - Centre for Archaeology, School of Social and Cultural Studies, The University of Western Australia, Australia Richards, Vicki - Research Officer/Conservation Scientist, Department of Materials Conservation, Western Australian Museum-Shipwreck Galleries, Australia

15:40 – 16:00 Management and Engagement: Using Maritime Heritage Trails to Interpret and Protect Submerged WWII Heritage from the Battle of Saipan McKinnon, Jennifer F. - Flinders University, Department of Archaeology, Australia Scott-Ireton, Della - Florida Public Archaeology Network, USA

16:00 – 16:20 Sailing the SSEAS: A New Program for Public Engagement in Underwater Archaeology Scott-Ireton, Della - Florida Public Archaeology Network, USA

16:20 – 16:30 Discussion 16:30 – 17:00 Coffee / Tea Chairman of Session: Scott - Ireton Della 17:00 – 17:20 Who gives a damn? - Developing relevant tools for the management of maritime and underwater cultural heritage sites in the developing world. Sharfman, Jonathan - South African Heritage Resources Agency, South Africa Parthesius, Robert - Centre for International Heritage Activities, University of Leiden, Netherlands

17:20 – 17:40 “Shipwreck management through sponsorship; creating cultural heritage awareness amongst Norwegian divers” Skoglund, Fredrik - Museum of Natural History and Archaeology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway 17:40 – 18:00 The Project Vrouw Maria Underwater: Public Access via a Blog Site, a Virtual Simulation and an Exhibition Tikkanen, Sallamaria - The National Board of Antiquities, Maritime Archaeology Unit, Finland

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18:00 – 18:20 The Young Archaeopark Project: A Public Awareness and Preservation Project on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Kaş, Turkey Varinlioğlu, Güzden - Principal Manager of Kaş Archaeopark Projects on behalf of SAD (Sualtı Araştırmaları Derneği; Underwater Research Society), Turkey Reinfeld, Michaela - Archaeologist, Manager of Young Archaeopark Project on behalf of DEGUWA, Germany Koşgeroğlu, F. Emrah - Architect, Restoration Specialist, SAD, Turkey Ceylan, Hande - Architect, Middle East Technical University, Urban Policy Planning Program and Co-Manager of Young Archaeopark Project on behalf of SAD, Turkey

18:20 – 18:30 Discussion

RESEARCH STRATEGIES Friday, 30th September 2011, Room 143

Chairman of Session: Weerts Henk 09:00 – 09:20 Norwegian Cultural Heritage Management under water; shipwrecks, underwater technology and maritime Berg Tuddenham, David - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 09:20 – 09:40 Management and Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Ireland: Quantification, Survey, Excavation & Conservation Brady, Karl - Underwater Archaeology Unit, National Monuments Service, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ireland Moore, Fionnbarr - Underwater Archaeology Unit, National Monuments Service, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ireland

09:40 – 10:00 Research Strategies in the Field of Maritime &Nautical Archaeology: Long - Term Joint Franco-Croatian Research Project in the Bay of Caska, Island of Pag, Croatia Radić Rossi, Irena - University of Zadar, Croatia Boetto, Giulia - Centre Camille Jullian (Aix-Marseille University-CNRS), France

10:00 – 10:20 Underwater Cultural Heritage in Estonia: management and public awareness Roio, Maili - Estonian national heritage board, Asmer, Marii - Estonian national heritage board,

10:20—10:40 The Archeomar Project Fozzati, Luigi - Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy Zarattini, Annalisa - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy

10:40 – 11:00 Discussion

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11:00 – 11:30 Coffee / Tea Chairman of Session: Benjamin Jonathan 11:30 – 11:50 Predictive modeling and management of underwater cultural heritage Angelova, Hristina - Centre for Underwater Archaeology, Bulgaria Draganov, Vesselin - Centre for Underwater Archaeology, Bulgaria Prahov, Nayden - Dept. of Archaeology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Stoyanov, Totko - Dept. of Archaeology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Dimitrov, Kalin - Dept. of Archaeology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Popov, Anton - Dept. Of Cartography and GIS, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Kotsev, Alexander - Dept. Of Cartography and GIS, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Dimitrov, Stelian - Dept. Of Cartography and GIS, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria

11:50 – 12:10 Using GIS to Manage Underwater Sites: Georeferencing Two Years of ProMare Field Work in Italy Bartoli, Dante G. - ProMare Inc.,Marine Archaeologist Consultant, US-Italy Research Program, Italy 12:10 – 12:30 TRITON – Deep Water Heritage Research Project; 2010 Research Campaign, Island of Hvar, Croatia Barišić, Matko - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia Gambin, Timmy - AURORA Ocean Exploration & Education Trust, Malta Kruschel, Claudia - University of Zadar, Department of Natural Sciences, Croatia Radić Rossi, Irena - University of Zadar, Department of Archaeology, Croatia 12:30 – 12.50 The Database of Underwater Cultural Heritages around Japan Hayashida, Kenzo - Asian Research Institute of Underwater Archaeology, Japan Iwabuchi, Akifumi - Tokyo University of Marine Science &Technology, Japan Takano, Shinji - Asian Research Institute of Underwater Archaeology (Ariua), Japan & Department of Cultural Asset Board of Education, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan Nogami, Takenori - Asian Research Institute of Underwater Archaeology (ARIUA), Japan

12:50 – 13:10 Maasvlakte 2 (Port of Rotterdam), a showcase of interdisciplinary research of drowned landscapes Weerts, Henk - Cultural Heritage Agency, Ministry of Education, Amersfoort, Netherlands Borst, Wil - Port of Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands Cohen, Kim - Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands Den Ouden, Natasja - Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity, Naturalis, Leiden, Netherlands

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Guiran, Ton - Rotterdam Archaeological Agency BOOR, Rotterdam, Netherlands Hijma, Marc - Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands Mol, Dick - Museum of Natural History, Rotterdam, Netherlands Otte, Andrea - Cultural Heritage Agency, Ministry of Education, Amersfoort, Netherlands Reumer, Jelle - Museum of Natural History, Rotterdam, Netherlands Roebroeks, Wi - Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands Smit, Bjørn - Cultural Heritage Agency, Ministry of Education, Amersfoort, Netherlands Van Kolfschoten, Thijs - Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands Vellinga, Tiedo - Port of Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands Vos, Peter - Deltares, Utrecht, Netherlands Westerhoff, Wim - TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Utrecht, Netherlands

13:10 – 13:30 Discussion 13:30 – 15:00 Lunch Chairman of Session: Moore Fionnbarr 15:00 – 15:20 Managing submerged prehistoric landscapes; an English Heritage perspective Salter, Edward - Marine Planning Unit, English Heritage, United Kingdom 15:20 – 15:40 Maritime Archaeological Archives in the UK: Collections, Access &Management Challenges Satchell, Julie - Hampshire & Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology, United Kingdom 15:40 – 16:00 Underwater research off the Pontine Islands (Italy) Zarattini, Annalisa - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy Gambin, Timmy - AURORA Ocean Exploration & Education Trust, Malta Ritondale, Manuela - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy

16:00 – 16:20 Underwater archaeology in Galician waters, Spain San Claudio, Miguel - ARCHEONAUTA S.L., Spain

16:20 – 16:30 Discussion 16:30 – 17:00 Coffee / Tea

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Chairman of Session: Watkins - Kenney Sarah 17:00 – 17:20 Maritime warfare landscapes in Bocachica, Cartagena de Indias. Colombia. 18th century Del Cairo Hurtado, Carlos - Anthropologist and archaeologist at National University of Colombia, Colombia

17:20 – 17:40 Finding and Researchers of sunken Ships as Part Researching Project of Historical Trade Routes in North-West Russia Prokhorov, Roman - National Centre of Underwater Archeology, Russia Lukoshkov, Andrey - National Centre of Underwater Archeology, Russia

17:40 – 18:00 From Rutilus to MACHU project - some experience on the way to create management system for underwater cultural heritage in Poland Pomian, Iwona - Maritime Museum in Gdansk, Poland 18:00 – 18:20 The Illyrian Coastal Exploration Program: 2010-11 Dr. Jeffrey Royal - Archaeological Director, RPM Nautical Foundation, USA

18:20 – 18:30 Discussion

SITE REPORT Friday, 30th September 2011, Room 124

Chairman of Session: Manders Martijn

09:00 – 09:10 New light on the vessels of Indo-Roman trade: Roman period shipwrecks in the northern Red Sea Blue, Lucy - Centre for Maritime Archaeology, School of Humanities, University of Southampton, United Kingdom Thomas, Ross - British Museum, United Kingdom Hill, Jeremy - British Museum,United Kingdom Emad Khalil - Centre for Maritime Archaeology & Underwater Cultural Heritage, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt

09:10 – 09:20 Silba Pocukmarak - project of underwater archaeological park Brusić, Zdenko - Univesity of Zadar, Department of Archaeology, Croatia Parica, Mate - Univesity of Zadar, Department of Archaeology, Croatia

09:20 – 09:30 Pakoštane - presentation and valorization of archaeological material from the Roman port Ilkić, Mato - Department of Archaeology, Croatia Meštrov, Marko - Public Institution Agency Han - Vrana, Croatia

09:30 – 09:40 Zambratija boat in the context of Mediterranean shipbuilding Koncani Uhač, Ida - Archaeological Museum of Istria, Croatia Uhač, Marko - Ministry of Culture, Conservation Department in Pula, Croatia

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09:40 – 09:50 St. Paul wreck - project of international collaboration in research and protection Miholjek, Igor - Croation Consevation Institute, Department of Underwater Archaeology, Croatia Beltrame, Carlo - Universita Ca Foscari di Venezia, Dipartamento di Science dell Antichita e del Vicino Oriente, Italy

09:50 – 10:00 Whose gold is this? The Namibia shipwreck: a tale of red tape and dragging feet Monteiro, Alexandre - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal 10:00 – 10:10 Underwater Researches at Phanagoria Olkhovskiy, Sergey - Researcher of Department of Protective Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Kuznetsov, Vladimir - Head of Department of Classical Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

10:10 – 10:20 Managing deep sea archeological wrecks Tusa, Sebastiano - Soprintendente della Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali di Trapani, Italy Royal, Jeffrey - RPM Nautical Foundation, USA Gambin, Timmy - AURORA Ocean Exploration & Education Trust, Malta

10:20 – 10:30 Tauric Chersonesos’ Underwater Research Reida, Roman - Department of Underwater Heritage, Archaeology Institute, Ukraine Beylina, Svitlana - Archaeology Institute (Crimean Branch), Ukraine

10:30 – 10:40 Montenegrin Maritime Archaeological Research Project Zagarcanin, Mladen - Museum of Bar, Montenegro Blue, Lucy - Centre for Maritime Archaeology Archaeology, School of Humanities, University of Southampton, United Kingdom Trakadas, Athena - Viking Ship Museum, Denmark Le Quesne, Charles - RPS Group, United Kingdom Zdravković, Petra - Museum of Bar, Montenegro

10:40 – 11:00 Discussion 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee / Tea Chairman of Session: Radić Rossi Irena 11:30 – 11:40 Cultural landscape and structural history - a case study from an underwater archaeological site in southern Norway Johannessen, Jørgen - Norwegian Maritime Museum, Norway

11:40 – 11:50 Underwater cultural heritage of lake Ohrid with the presentation of the reconstruction of a palafit settlement in the Bay of the Bones at Gradiste, Ohrid region, R.M. Kuzman, Pasko - Cultural heritage protection office, Ministry of Culture R.M., Macedonia Todoroska, Valentina - Macedonia

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11:50 – 12:00 Isolino Virginia, the most ancient pile dwelling around the Alps: research results from Varese lake (Lombardy-Italy) Banchieri, Daria Giuseppina - Italy

12:00 – 12:10 Underwater heritage of North - Western Russia: problems of investigation and conservation Mazurkevich, Andrey - General curator of the Department of archaeology of The State Hermitage Museum Dolbunova, Ekaterina - Doctoral student in the Department of archaeology of The State Hermitage Museum

12:10 – 12:20 Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps, world heritage nomination: strengths and weaknesses of managing the underwater sites of Lombardy (Italy) Poggiani, Raffaella - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici della Lombardia, Italy Baioni, M. - Italy Cesi, Adele - Italy Grassi, Barbara - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici della Lombardia, Italy Mangani, Claudia - Museo Civico Archeologico “G. Rambotti” - Desenzano Del Garda (Bs), Italy Martinelli, Nicoletta - Dendrodata, Dendrochronological laboratory, Italy Ruggiero, Maria Giuseppina - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici della Lombardia, Italy

12:20 – 12:30 Rose Island in Lake Starnberg. A Bavarian lake - shore settlement Schlitzer, Ulrich - Bavarian Society for Underwater Archaeology, Germany

12:30 – 12:40 The great bridge of medieval Novgorod:newly discovered underwater treasury of old - Russian res publica Stepanov, Aivar - North-west Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Russia Troianovskiy, Sergey - Russian archaeological center of Novgorod state museum, Russia

12:40 – 12.50 A new approach to research of river archaeology in Northern Croatia Zubčić, Krunoslav - Croatian Conservation Institute,, Department of Underwater Archaeology, Croatia

12:50 – 13:00 Networking the past - the Seljuk shipyard of Alanya/Turkey Rutter, Anya - graduate of University of Southampton, programme Maritime Archaeology, Germany

13:00 – 13:30 Discussion 13:30 – 15:00 Lunch

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POST EXCAVATION Friday, 30th September 2011, Room 124

Chairman of Session: Henderson Jon C. 15:00 – 15:20 The conservation of ancient dockyard sites Blackman, David - University of Oxford, Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Ioannou Centre for Classic, United Kingdom Lentini, Maria Costanza - Servizio Parco Archeologico di Naxos e delle aree archeologiche di Giardini Naxosal and Byzantine Studies, Italy

15:20 – 15:40 Preliminary studies for the conservation of the wooden poles of the pile dwelling in Fiavè (North east Italy) Dal Rì, Cristina - Soprintendenza per i beni librari archivistici e archeologici, Italy Bellintani, Paolo - Soprintendenza per i beni librari archivistici e archeologici, Italy Macchion , Nicola - CNR IVALSA, Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle specie Arboree, Italy Pizzo, Benedetto - CNR IVALSA, Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle specie Arboree, Italy Capretti, Chiara - IVALSA (Trees and timer Institute) CNR, Italy

15:40 – 16:00 Waterlogged wood preservation problems; The case of the Mediaeval Boats of Nin Fix, Peter - Texas A&M University, Centre for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation, Department of Anthropology, USA Radić Rossi, Irena - University of Zadar, Croatia Radović, Mate - Museum of Nin Heritage, Croatia

16:00 – 16:20 Some examples of presentation of archaeological material found in rescue underwater excavations in Croatia Gusar, Karla - University of Zadar, Croatia Parica, Mate - University of Zadar, Croatia

16:20 – 16:30 Discussion 16:30 – 17:00 Coffee / Tea Chairman of Session: Segschneider Martin 17:00 – 17:20 Preserving a submerged Bronze Age city: The Pavlopetri Underwater Archaeological Project Henderson, Jon C. - Underwater Archaeology Research Centre, Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Gallou, Chrysanthi - Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies, Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Sakellariou, Dimitris - The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece Spondylis, Elias - Department of Underwater Antiquities of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Greece

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17:20 – 17:40 Managing the Evidence - Implications of Digital Developments on the Documentation, Analysis, Presentation and Archiving of Ship Hull Assemblages Nayling, Nigel - Newport Ship Project and University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom Jones, Toby - Newport Ship Project and University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom

17:40 – 18:00 First aids for underwater cultural heritage : preventive conservation from excavation to museum Huet, Nathalie - DRASSM, French Ministry of Culture, France 18:00 – 18:20 Discussion

GOOD PRACTICE Saturday, 1th October 2011, Room 143

Chairman of Session: Beattie - Edwards Mark 09:00 – 09:20 Management, research and the new economy: recent developments in the coastal and marine archaeology of Scotland Benjamin, Jonathan - Wessex Archaeology (Coastal and Marine) and The University of Edinburgh, Scotland

09:20 – 09:40 Managing the fixed link - A Danish-German cooperation project in the Baltic Sea Segschneider, Martin - Archaeological State Office Schleswig - Holstein, Germany

09:40 – 10:00 Managing the Nord Stream project through Danish waters Dencker, Jørgen - Head of Marine Archaeologi on the Viking, Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark

10:00 – 10:20 The shipwrecks in the Eastern part Gulf of Finland in the Russian Zone of project “Nord Stream” Sorokin, Petr - North-west Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Russia Stepanov, Aivar - North-west Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Russia

10:20 – 10:40 Bjørvika, Oslo harbour - a Norwegian example of the new millennia’s “post-port” urban seaside. A brief presentation of maritime constructions, boats, artefacts and cultural layers uncovered en route to the future city centre Vangstad, Hilde - Norwegian Maritime Museum, Norway

10:40 – 11:00 Discussion 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee / Tea

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Chairman of Session: Dencker Jørgen 11:30 – 11:50 Management of Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage in Kenya Bita, Caesar - Underwater archaeology, Fort Jesus Museum, Kenya

11:50 – 12:10 The archaeological impact evaluation as a helpful tool in the planning stage of large scale construction projects: The case of P.I.F. in Venice lagoon Capulli, Massimo - Università degli Studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali, Italy Pellegrini, Alessandro - Andreia Studio Associato per L’archeologia delle Acque, Italy Rizzotto, Riccardo - Andreia Studio Associato per L’archeologia delle Acque, Italy Traviglia, Arianna - Research Fellow, Department of Ancient History, Faculty of Arts, MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY , Italy

12:10 – 12:30 The “Black Swan” Treasure: A lesson for future management of underwater cultural heritage Génio, Margarida - University of Coimbra, Portugal

12:30 – 12:50 The State of Underwater Archaeology for CRMs and Industry in Northern America A View from the Pacific Coast Gusick, Amy E. - Department of Anthropology, University of California, USA Faught, Michael K. - Panamerican Consultants, USA

12:50 – 13:10 Rescue archaeology in harbour construction projects: the case of Horta bay (Azores, Portugal) Bettencourt, José - Centro de História de Além-Mar, Portugal Carvalho, Patrícia - Centro de História de Além-Mar, Portugal

13:10 – 13:30 Discussion 13:30 – 15:00 Lunch

IN SITU PRESERVATION Saturday, 1th October 2011, Room 143

Chairman of Session: Angelova Hristina 09:00 – 09:20 Developing a guideline for in situ preservation of shipwrecks Martijn, Manders - Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency, Netherlands David, Gregory - The National Museum of Denmark, Department of Conservation, Denmark

09:20 – 09:40 A 14th-century Shipwreck from Reichenau Island, Lake Constance (Germany): Excavation, Documentation, and in situ Conservation Mainberger, Martin - Ref. Feuchtboden- u, Unterwasserarchäologie Landesamt f. Denkmalpflege im RP, Stuttgart, Germany

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09:40 – 10.00 Heritage Management Nirvana: combining outreach, research and conservation in the management of historic shipwrecks in Victoria, Australia Steyne, Hanna - Institute of Archaeology, UCL, United Kingdom MacLeod, Ian - Executive Director, Collections Management and Conservation, Western Australian Museum, Australia

10:00 – 10:20 Management for Conservation of North Carolina’s Underwater Cultural Heritage Watkins-Kenney, Sarah - North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Underwater Archaeology Branch, USA

10:20 – 10:40 Discussion 10:40 – 11:30 Coffee / Tea Chairman of Session: Steyne Hanna 11:30 – 11:50 The clash of interests in the management of the underwater cultural heritage Frigerio, Alberto - PhD student in Management and Development of Cultural Heritage, IMT Alti Studi, Italy 11:50 – 12:10 The SIMAR project Donnabella, Gaetano - Teknomar SRL, Italy Iorio, Fabio - Westend SEL, Italy Perretta,Francesco - Director, Marine Protected Area, Ventotene and S. Stefano, Italy Zarattini, Annalisa - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy

12:10 – 12:30 The Wreck of Rocchetta 1: documentation and preservation Capulli, Massimo - Università degli Studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali, Italy

12:30 – 12:50 Protection and managing of underwater cultural heritage in Croatia Bezak, Jurica - Protection and managing of underwater cultural heritage, Croatia

12:50 – 13:10 Discussion 13:10 – 15:00 Lunch 15:00 – 16:00 POSTER PRESENTATION Ground floor of the Rector office

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16:00 – 17:30 PANEL DISCUSSION Great hall Chairman of Session: Lüth Friedrich 17:30 CLOSING OF THE CONFERENCE 20:00 FINAL PARTY

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REGISTRATION Registration desk at the University of Zadar will be opened according to the following schedule: Wednesday, 28th September from 16:00 till 19:00 Thursday, 29th September from 08:00 till 19:00 Friday, 30th September from 08:00 till 14:00

Conference fee can be payed on the registration desk Conference fee for participants: Early registration until 30th June - 60 EUR. Late registration after 30th June - 70 EUR.

Exhibition Archaeological Museum in Zadar is preparing an exhibition on the underwater excavations of ancient port at Zaton near Zadar.

Receptions Two receptions for the participants are being planned. One shall be hosted by the City of Zadar and the other by the Zadar County.

Excursions For all information and reservation of the excursions, please contact directly tourist agency "Bora Tours" on e-mail: [email protected]

Excursions to the city of Nin (10.00 am - 14.00 pm) Price: 50 HRK for person Once the first Croatian royal town and an important cultural centre, as evidenced by the many monu-ments of the early-Croatian architecture from eighth and ninth centuries, as the church of saint Cross - popularly known as the smallest cathedral in the world. In addition, in the centre of the city, on the former Roman forum, rises the monumental remains of a Roman temple which was the largest temple in the Roman province of Dalmatia. In the Museum of Nin Antiquities special pavilion was built (room 5) to display the results of the many years of underwater excavations in the region of Nin and Zaton, where the Roman harbour of Aenona was located. The room is dominated by the two early Croatian ships (Condura Croatica) discovered at the entrance to the Nin harbour. The larger boat was conserved and entirely reconstructed, while the other was conserved and presented in the condition in which it was preserved. Radiocarbon analysis (C14) of wood samples has dated the boats to the second half of the 11th century. A partly recon-structed serilia, the vessel used by the prehistoric Liburni and Histri, is also displayed with these boats. The name seriliaindicated that they were "sewn" or held together by ligatures in the form of linen and broom cords. The last case displays numerous remains of ship equipment, fishing tackle, pottery and glass vessels, coins, jewellery, and other material that was discarded or fell by chance into the silt bot-tom of the Roman harbour at Zaton. The price of excursion includes expert guidance through the museum and city guidance.

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Excursion to the city of Biograd n/m (10.00 am - 14.00 pm) Price: 70 HRK for person Biograd on the sea is a royal Croatian city first mentioned in the mid 10th century, while in the 11th cen-tury it was the centre of the Croatian kings and bishops. The city flourished as the seat of Croatian rule of the Middle Ages, and in 1102 the Croatian-Hungarian king Colomanus was crowned here. Once a crown city of Croatian kings, Biograd on the sea is today a well-known tourist and nautical centre in the very centre of the Adriatic coast. Many material proofs of the rich and tumultuous past of this Biograd region have been stored in the interesting Homeland museum. Its Cargo from the 16th Century Sunken Ship collection preserves more than 10,000 objects taken from the sunken Venetian ship from the 16th century. The ship overloaded with various expensive goods for trade in the Mediterranean ports sunk in 1583, couple of nautical miles distance from Biograd. It was accidentally discovered in 1967 by fishermen. The items from the ship can be divided into two groups: ship equipment and inventory (anchors, canons, copper and tin cooking utensils from the ship’s kitchen and other) and expensive trading goods (luxurious glass items, candle-sticks, an iron casket with textile items - silk damask, shirts and woollen hats, thimbles, sewing needles, pins, razors, glass, scissors...). Most of the cargo, according to weight and number, consisted of raw ma-terial and semi-manufactured products: brass items, tin bars, balls of cinnabar… The price of excursion includes expert guidance through the museum and city guidance.

Excursion in Nacional park Kornati (09.00 am - 17.00 pm) Price: 300 HRK for person In the central part of the Croatian Adriatic, on the meeting point of Šibenik and Zadar islands, a separate and by many a specific group of islands, called Kornati, is situated. Because of its exceptional landscape beauty, interesting geomorphology, diversity of the coastline and especially because of the rich biocoenoses of the marine ecosystem, greater part of the Kornati mari-time zone has been declared a national park in 1980. Today NP "Kornati" occupies an area of about 220 km2 and it includes 89 islands, islets and cliffs, allto-gether with a coastline about 238 km long. Despite this relatively large number of islands the continen-tal part of the park forms only 1 of the total area, while everything else belongs to the marine ecosys-tem. Programme of the excursion: - departure at 09.00 a.m. - boat ride in Zadar channel and channel Ždrelac between islands Ugljan and Pašman (cca. 2 hours and 30 minutes) - sightseeing of the 161 meters height cliffs and stopping in nature park Telašæica, where group has the time to walk to the near salt lake "Mir" and cliffs - lunch on the boat - on way back, coffee and local delicatessen fritule are served. Excursion includes: boat ride, welcome drink, ticket, guide, lunch (fish or meat), free juice and vine whole day, coffee, fritule.

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ZADAR ACCOMODATION During the conference we have managed to book the rooms in hotel Kolovare and Falken-steiner Resorts Borik by lower prices which are listed below. The number of rooms with lower prices in this hotels are limited so we encour-age participants to register as soon as possible. Participants are free to choose the place for accommodation during the conference from one of the hotels listed or to arrange accommo-dation by themselves.

Hotel Kolovare ****, Zadar Tel. +385 23 211 017, 203 200 Fax. +385 23 213 079, 203 300 double room - 427,00 HRK per person and night double room with additional bed - 357,00 HRK per person and night single room - 557,00 HRK per night All prices include dinner, overnight, breakfast and residence tax. Additional information and contact: [email protected] [email protected]

Falkensteiner resort Borik, Zadar hotels: club Funimation**** / Adriana**** Tel: 00 385 23 555 600 Fax: 00 385 23 555 680 Single room - 602,70 HRK /day Double room - 418,95 HRK/day/person All prices include tax, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks with meals and unlimited use of hotel Acquapura Spa&Thalasso center. Deadline for reservation is 28.08.2011. or untill the capacity limit is reached. Additional information and contact: [email protected]

Other possibilities to accomodate in Zadar: Hotel President Tel: 00 385 23 333 696 00 385 23 332 128 Fax: 00 385 23 333 595 Hotel Porto Tel: 00 385 23 292 300 Fax: 00 385 23 292 333 Hotel Donat, Hotel Zadar Tel: 00 385 23 555 600 Fax.: 00 385 23 555 680 Hotel Bastion Tel: 00 385 23 494 950 Fax: 00 385 23 494 951 Hotel Villa Hrešč Tel: 00 385 23 337 570 Fax: 00 385 23 334 336 Hotel and restaurant Niko Tel: 00 385 23 337 880 Fax: 00 385 23 337 890

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NAS course IKUWA 4 Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool Zaton Harbour, Croatia, 18th - 27th Sep-tember 2011

Fieldschool aim The aim of the field school is to provide stu-dents of archaeology with an opportunity to participate, under the supervision of archae-ologists, in an underwater archaeological exca-vation of Zaton Harbour.

Field school objectives The objectives of the field school are thus for participants; 1. To contribute to the research objectives of work at Zaton Harbour being undertaken by the Archaeological Museum Zadar 2. To understand the importance of safety and risk analysis in all archaeological fieldwork 3. To gain experience in archaeological project organization, logistics and management 4. To develop competency in intrusive under-water archaeological investigations 5. To develop competency in finds handling and recording 6. To develop competency archaeological sur-vey techniques 7. To be actively engaged in the creation and compilation of archaeological data and records

Zaton Harbour Background The ancient port of Zaton near Zadar once be-longed to the municipium of Aenona. The main characteristic is a 150m long break-water which protected the port from westerly winds. It contains a few heaps of ballast stones. On the nearby land there are remains of the related port’s installation walls. Cultural layers are about 70cm deep and con-tain a rich, primarily ceramic and glass material from all over the Roman world. The most important finds are the remains of three ships which were made with the sewn planks technique, and which are considered to belong to the shipbuilding technique of the Liburnian tribe.

Research Objectives for 2011 field-work We are hoping you will see how to excavate cultural layers and the remains of breakwater/pier. Excavations started after the finding of a third sewn ship. They are being done in the nearest vicinity of the ship and by the inner side of breakwater/pier, where most of the material is expected and cultural layers are probably thicker. Also, one part of the grid will be posi-tioned across the remains of breakwater (perpendicular to) so that we can learn some-thing about the structure of the pier. From these excavations we expect to learn some-thing about the life of the port and about the structure of the ancient breakwater/pier Students should join this expedition because of the diversity of excavated material, which comes from almost every part of the ancient world. Zaton harbour is the most investigated harbour on the eastern coast of the Adriatic (first excavations took place in 1967).

Field school personnel The archaeological work being undertaken as part of the IKUWA 4 Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool will be directed by Dr Smiljan Gluščević, Department Head, Department of Underwater Archaeology, Archaeological Mu-seum Zadar. Student training will be coordi-nated by Mary Harvey, Nautical Archaeology Society Training Manager and Steve Liscoe, Nautical Archaeology Society Instructor. All training will be undertaken in conjunction dr. Smiljan Gluščević.

Method statement The IKUWA 4 Underwater Archaeology Field-school will be undertaken over 10 days and limited to 8 students of archaeology. The field school will be based at Zaton holiday resort , Dražnikova 76t, 23232 Nin, Croatia. The work is planned to include: - Underwater excavation - Underwater photography - Underwater survey and illustration - Artefact illustration and photography

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ABSTRACTS PLENARY Friday, 29th September 2011, Great hall Research and Management of Under-water Cultural Heritage: yesterday, today, tomorrow Mesić, Jasen - Minister of Culture of the Repub-lic of Croatia, Croatia From times immemorial and the earliest stages of the human race, people have searched for ways to cross over surfaces of water. Conse-quently it is a known fact that at least from the Stone Age people began settling on the Adri-atic islands and from that time began increas-ingly navigating. In view of the fact that under-water archaeological activities have been sys-tematically organized in the world for more than forty years now we can assume that throughout the world a large number of undis-covered sites has remained which raises the question of finding ways to protect and proc-ess them, as well as to present and use as a cultural development service. More than 400 sites have been detected in the Republic of Croatia, of which nine are covered with protective nets in order to enable divers to view them, while more than a hundred have been registered and inscribed in the Register of Croatian Cultural Archaeology acquiring in that way physical and legal protection. In order to further the protection of underwater heri-tage and develop underwater archaeology as a scientific discipline it was necessary to take new steps. Accordingly and bearing the future in mind, active measures are being taken re-garding its sustainability by introducing new systems of managing underwater cultural heri-tage. To that end the popularization of under-water heritage is being initiated, including its presentation on shore and under water, and activities are being developed, such as the restoration and presentation of these treas-ures, including the establishment in Croatia of the International Centre for Underwater Ar-chaeology. The goals of the Centre are pre-cisely the finding of models that would enable the protection of underwater cultural heritage in smaller environments and its appropriate presentation

The United Kingdom and the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage Yorke, Robert - Joint Nautical Archaeology Pol-icy Committee, United Kingdom The threat to underwater cultural heritage (UCH) in international waters worldwide from commercial salvage continues to grow and the United Kingdom (UK) is no exception. The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (UNESCO Con-vention) presently offers the only comprehen-sive framework that could help to address this problem. The number of countries that have ratified is accelerating and the total is now 35. The UK has chosen not to ratify because its interpretation of the convention suggests the potential loss of protection for its sovereign immune warships in the waters of other coun-tries and the perceived need to designate and protect up to 10,000 historic wreck sites in its own territorial seas. These legalistic arguments date back to 2001 when the UK abstained from voting, but there are now new interpre-tations that the paper will explore which show an alternative view. However the argument should now move from a legalistic interpretation of the UNESCO Con-vention to one of policy. Is the UK serious about protecting the UCH in international wa-ters particularly that part adjacent to its own coast? Can the example of other countries that have ratified assist the UK in changing its mind?

1976 and Beyond-Managing Austra-lia’s underwater cultural heritage Viduka, Andrew - Assistant Director Maritime Heritage, Department of Sustainability, Envi-ronment, Water, Population and Communities, Australian Government, Australia The Maritime Heritage Section, Heritage Divi-sion of the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities is the primary underwater cultural heritage management agency in Aus-tralia. It administers the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 and advises the Commonwealth His-toric Shipwrecks Delegate and Minister in re-gard to policy decisions. The Maritime Heri-tage Section is also the coordinating body for Australia’s Historic Shipwreck Program and is responsible for the delivery of uniform man-agement outcomes around Australia.

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This paper outlines the various roles of the Maritime Heritage Section and addresses some of the significant underwater cultural heritage management issues currently faced by Austra-lia including: legislative change, deepwater shipwreck management, the need for better integration of underwater cultural heritage into development planning, capacity building in the maritime archaeology profession to undertake development initiated activities, the conserva-tion and collection management of protected relics and the need for a better centralized communication and community engagement strategy.

Managing UCH in Austerity - the Eng-lish heritage experience Oxley, Ian - Head of Maritime Archaeology, English Heritage, United Kingdom Many heritage organizations are experiencing budget reductions and staff cuts as a result of the deteriorating economic climate. English Heritage, as the United Kingdom Government’s statutory advisor on the historic environment of England, land and sea, is no exception. To mitigate for these pressures, strategies have to be developed to focus available resources and capacity on core activities and responsibili-ties, whilst enabling supporting players such as other Government Departments, industry, and the wider sector to play an effective role them-selves, through partnerships and external col-laboration, in the care and protection of the common underwater heritage. This presentation will outline English Heritage’s approach, to the present circumstances, of de-veloping major initiatives including the National Heritage Protection Plan, Heritage at Risk, Ma-rine and Maritime Research Frameworks, to-gether with collaborative schemes with indus-try such as the English Heritage/British Marine Aggregates Producers Association Protocol for recording finds from aggregates dredging.

Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage - MAST a perspective from the Gulf Blue, Lucy - Centre for Maritime Archaeology Archaeology, School of Humanities, University of Southampton, United Kingdom This paper outlines some recent initiatives un-dertaken by MAST (Maritime Archaeology Stewardship Trust) to help promote maritime archaeology and coastal heritage in the Arab world (with a particular focus on the Gulf). It highlights a range of capacity building propos-als that are being adopted through liaison with academics, antiquity departments, ministries and museums responsible for the protection of maritime heritage in the region which aim to promote responsible management and protec-tion of the coastal and underwater cultural heritage. MAST was established in response to a need in the region to raise awareness of maritime cul-ture through training, education, publications and projects, and ultimately aims to establish self-sustaining stewardship of the coastal and underwater heritage in the region. It is the hope that this paper will provide comparative experience and expertise to discuss further the challenges faced in many parts of the world in promoting and protecting the underwater cul-tural heritage.

Heritage awareness, an inductive and deductive approach Manders, Martijn - Netherlands Cultural Heri-tage Agency, Netherlands Vatcharankul, Erbprem -The Underwater Ar-chaeology Division, Thailand Awareness is often regarded as the best possi-ble way to preserve our cultural heritage. There is much to say in favour of this. Only when we understand and accept the existence, richness, the beauty, the historical significance and the threats to these relics of the past, we can make judgments on how to treat. Only then the pub-lic can be mobilized helping to protect our cul-tural heritage. But what is the public and how do we need to address them? Is this a one way street? Do cul-tural heritage professionals have the task to create this awareness or is it the responsibility for all? According to the classical trinity of Heri-tage Management, the future perspective of a tangible past is determined by political commit-ment, public awareness and economic feasibil-

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ity. Without public awareness, political commit-ment will lose its legitimacy and economic fea-sibility will lose its sustainability. For that rea-son public awareness is of main importance. Heritage awareness can be created by collect-ing, sending out and sharing information. This can be done in an inductive and a deductive way. Inductive means building upon experi-ences from the past; a trial and error approach: bottom up.A deductive approach means creat-ing heritage awareness working from a theo-retical base on how to do so: top down. Usually this approach has political backing: Although developed within a scientific framework, the thoughts have been taken over at a political level and put into force often within legal or policy frameworks. This proposed paper will focus on the two dif-ferent approaches which may be both as im-portant. It will give us an insight on how it is and can be applied in underwater cultural heri-tage management, with a focus on Asia and Europe.

In situ preservation, pro & contra L'Hour, Michel - Director of DRASSM, France Preferred by UNESCO and often presented as the ultimate solution to ensure conservation of underwater archaeological sites, /in situ/ pres-ervation is often more wishful thinking than a coherent strategy. The destruction caused by human activities related to industries, looting or fishing, makes in most cases the /in situ/ preservation of underwater cultural heritage illusory. Without falling into the controversy, this paper propose to highlight the limits of the concept through the French experience of man-aging underwater cultural heritage.

Legal framework of management of the underwater cultural heritage Kowalski, Wojciech - University of Silesia, De-partment of Intellectual and Cultural Property Laws, Poland In proposed paper various legal aspects of man-agement of the underwater cultural heritage would be discussed. As it is known, such man-agement is not free of regulations, quite con-trary, it is regulated party by Montego Bay Con-vention and more extensively by UNESCO Un-derwater Heritage Convention. These regula-tions are however very general and at some points have to be explained in the light of other conventions or multilateral treaties.

At the end we cannot forget about domestic regulations introduced by states, who have certain rights at least to control any activity to be undertaken in their territorial waters. Taking all these together, when managing underwater heritage one faces quite complicated legal landscape wchich often is not clear enough to be sure what decison should or could be made in particular circumstances. Dilemmas can be even more difficult if the problem of ownership of wreck or issue of human remains is at stake. In the proposed paper author is going to ad-dress all these issues and possibly answer ques-tions resulting from them.

Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Baltic Sea - Common past, common responsibility and common chance Bleile, Ralf - Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen,Schloss Gottorf Archäologisches Landesmuseum, Germany The history of the Baltic Sea has begun more than 12.000 years ago, as gather-hunter socie-ties lived on the coasts. Their dwellings, de-stroyed by waves of rising water, are located today in up to 12 meter deep water. Later on warriors and merchants sailed over the sea and lost their boats and ships in dangerous scener-ies often close to the shores and islands. Whole fleets were destroyed during the period of sea-war from the 16th to 18th century AD. All these sites, wrecks, goods, human remains and arte-facts lay well preserved in a very special condi-tion: salinity and temperature of the Baltic Sea are very low and the muscel teredo navalis had no chance for a long time. That is the reason for unique preservation conditions especially for organic material. But the spread out of teredo navalis and different building activities in harbors or connected with gas pipelines, windmill parks and bridges becomes more and more dangerous for the underwater cultural heritage. To develop an international network of under-water archaeologists and to establish account-able authorities the Working group of Under-water Cultural Heritage of the Baltic Sea was found 1997 under the patronage of the Moni-toring Group on Cultural Heritage of the Baltic Sea States ( The group con-sists of members of all Baltic Sea states and discuss current problems of protection, educa-tion, exploration and management of underwa-ter heritage. Most important results which will be presented and explained in this lecture are

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the “Code of Good Practice for the Manage-ment of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Baltic Sea Region” (COPUCH) and the “100-list”, the latter being a heritage-list of the hundred most valuable underwater sites of the Baltic Sea. Particular attention in the lecture will be laid on the development of criteria for those sites which should be involved in the 100-list.

Underwater Archaeology in China Shuguang, Liu - China Academy of Cultural Heri-tage, China China has a long coastline, with numerous un-derwater cultural heritages in the seabed. From 1987, China underwater archaeologists started the investigation and excavation work of un-derwater cultural heritages, with considerable discoveries and achievements. To maintain sustainable development, it calls for upgraded ideas to promote the conservation work of un-derwater cultural heritages in China.

Managing the underwater cultural heritage: The UNESCO World heritage Candidature “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps” Hafner, Albert - Leiter Bereich Unterwasser- und Feuchtbodenarchäologie, Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern, Amt für KulturSwitzerland, Switzerland The lakeside settlements in the Alpine region count among the most important archaeologi-cal cultural assets in Europe. Because the pile-dwelling sites are shared by all Alpine nations, it was clear at the outset that candidacy for inscription in the World Heritage List must be serial and transnational. The nomination as a UNESCO World Heritage site will further in-crease the awareness of this extraordinary cul-tural heritage among the wider public. In addi-tion, the international exchange of knowledge and experience with regard to the protection and presentation of pile-dwelling sites will be promoted in the context of the candidature. The international candidature 'Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps' is being staged un-der the auspices of the Swiss committee. All Alpine countries - Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and of course, Switzerland, are involved. From about 1000 sites we actually know, the 156 with the greatest scientific po-tential have been chosen for this serial nomina-tion. The nomination file 'Prehistoric Pile Dwell-ings around the Alps', submitted in January

2010 was reviewed in September 2010 by an expert from ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites). The final decision for the candidature will be made at the annual meeting of the UNESCO World Heritage Com-mittee (Bahrein, June 2011). The lecture will present the process of inscription from the ten-tative list in 2004 to the final decision.

Towards the Integrated Management Strategy for Preservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Slovenian Territorial Waters Gaspari, Andrej - Ministry of Culture, Slovenia Erič, Miran - Institute for the Protection of Cul-tural Heritage of Slovenia, Slovenia Poglajen, Sašo - HARPHA SEA d.o.o., Slovenia The muddy and relatively shallow seabed of the southeastern part of the Trieste Gulf was con-sidered poor in underwater archaeological sites all until the late 1980s. This was in spite of clear indications for a considerable potential of the area provided by the early interventions at Sa-vudrija Cape wreck from the early 1st c. BC and the research of Roman port structures at San Simone Bay and Fizine near Portorož in the 1960s. The potential was all the greater through information from fishermen, who re-ported pieces of wooden ships caught in their nets and locations to be avoided during trawl-ing, an unmistakable sign of the presence of sunken cultural remains. Of the underwater sites, the wrecks of ships and airplanes of the First and Second World Wars were in the do-main of the ordnance disposal teams till the adoption of the new law on cultural heritage in 2008, which included military remains as a cul-tural resource. The number of known locations has increased after the high-resolution multi-beam bathy-graphic survey, conducted by the Harpha Sea company in 2006 - 2008. The survey produced by far the most accurate digital model of the seabed available, displaying even anomalies a few decimeters in extent. This information was supplemented with a sub-bottom profiler sur-vey that enabled the recognition of geomor-phological phenomena such as tectonic fea-tures, river channels, solid ground areas and, in combination with the radiocarbon data from boreholes, also changes in sedimentation rates through time. Understanding environmental changes, particularly relative sea - level rise during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene

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can lead to the isolation of the possible areas of Prehistoric occupancy. The identification, documentation and research of the sites discovered by the bathygraphic survey are currently the principal objectives of the Centre for Preventive Archaeology of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia. All the information collected is be-ing put into the central cultural heritage data-base managed by the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia, which facilitates the adoption of a long-term strategy for management and pres-ervation of underwater sites. At the same time, it represents good grounds for negotiating cross-sectoral coordination in maritime spatial planning, especially with regard to international navigation routes and corridors of approach to the cargo ports of Koper and Trieste and to the anchorages. Surveys at some of the wrecks, dating to as early as the 1st c. AD, focused on the ever more important issue concerning the preservation measures to be taken while assuring public access. Measures reducing the damage of natu-ral erosion and impacts of biological and chemi-cal nature remain to be implemented at the most endangered off-shore sites in the near future. Exchange of experience and sharing best practices for preservation and presenta-tion through joint research projects and educa-tion programs is assured by the longtime co-operation between governmental bodies, re-search institutes and universities from Croatia, Italy, and France. This ranks among the best examples of the implementation of the provi-sions contained in the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heri-tage (Paris, 2001).

Report on the current status of the le-gal and practical protection of underwater cultural heritage - Italy Fozzati, Luigi - Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy Zarattini, Annalisa - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy As regards the situation in Italy, before the en-try into force of the law 157/2009, the protec-tion of the underwater cultural heritage was governed by article 94 of “the code of cultural and landscape heritage“ adopted by Legislative Decree of 22 January 2004, n. 42. According to this article archaeological and historic objects discovered in the area between the 12 and 24

nautical miles had to be protected in accor-dance with the rules of the annex to the UNESCO 2001 Convention. While there was a welcome reminder of the rules of the annex, on the other the failure to ratify the Convention and the expectations of the system of protec-tion for a single article did not guarantee the development of a system of protection ade-quate under all circumstances On April 8th 2010 the Convention on the protec-tion of underwater cultural heritage, has come into force in Italy through the law number 157 on October 23rd 2009. This report aims to give a detailed overview and evaluation of the current protection of underwater cultural heritage in Italy through the analysis of the main principles of the UNESCO Convention 2001, the most important rules of its Annex, and the core points of the Italian law. 8 April 2010 the Convention (including the attachment) came into force in Italy through the Act of ratification. The law consists of 12 articles, contains a series of measures aimed at practical implementation of the principles of the Convention in order to guarantee an effective mechanism for protec-tion and promotion of cultural heritage in our regions. Ultimately the entry into force of the Conven-tion through the Archeomar project repre-sents a fundamental stage under Italian legisla-tion as regards the implementation of the pres-ervation and enhancement of the underwater cultural heritage

Russian underwater cultural heritage: problems and perspectives Fazlullin, Sergey - P.P.Shirshov’s Institut of Oceanology, Moscow, Russia The development of underwater archeology, in Russia, has five stages (Okorokov, 2008). Scien-tific stage of this work began in 1934 and is linked with the problem of compiling underwa-ter archeological maps of the Soviet Union initi-ated by an academician R. Arbel. The work was carried out most widely and productively in 1980-90 years and was virtually collapsed due to social upheavals and the breakdown of the Soviet Union. The UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage was developed and adopted at a time when Russian State was not engaged with the questions of underwater cultural heritage. However, sepa-rate groups of fans of underwater activities have been working under the guidance of the

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Confederation of Underwater Activities in Rus-sia (Fazlullin, 2006). Their work allowed us to maintain and develop experience in underwa-ter archaeological work, accumulated during the Soviet era (Fazlullin, 2010). Since 2010, Russia began to show interest in the protection of underwater cultural heritage, through the Ministry of Culture. The advisory council on underwater cultural heritage estab-lished under the Ministry, started to develop the foundations of public policy in this area. The report covers all stages in development of underwater archeology in Russia, in detail. It assesses the current state of the problem of Russia's underwater cultural heritage. Also, the concept of management of underwater cultural heritage of Russia under limited material and human resources is presented.

PUBLIC ACCESS Friday, 30th September 2011, Great hall Experience is everything - the Nor-man’s Bay Diver Trail Beattie-Edwards, Mark - Programme Director, Nautical Archaeology Society,United Kingdom In January 2011 in the United Kingdom there were 61 wreck sites protected under the Pro-tection of Wrecks Act (1973). These wrecks are identified as being the most important histori-cal and archaeological wrecks in UK territorial waters. Many of these wreck sites are buried, and therefore rather uninspiring to the public perception. Some of them are fragmented and therefore difficult to understand, whilst others are fragile and like any delicate archaeological assemblage cannot withstand large numbers of visitors on a regular basis. Since 2005 the Nau-tical Archaeology Society has worked to not only facilitate access to these heritage assets but to also contribute to the research aims of the volunteer custodians. This paper will high-light the opportunity that a new diver trail on the designated wreck know as the Norman’s Bay wreck launched in 2011, will offer to the UK heritage sector in facilitating the engage-ment of the recreational diver. The paper will look at other diver trails in the UK as well as the Norman’s Bay wreck and will demonstrate the role that guided access can play in both education provision and public access. The paper will argue that whilst the Protection of Wrecks Act (1973) remains the principle legislation used to protect and manage

historic material on the seabed, licensed public ac-cess must remain a cornerstone of any associated heritage management strategy.

Bay of Veštar site and the management of the project Bekić, Luka - International Centre for Underwa-ter Archaeology in Zadar, Croatia Pešić, Mladen - International Centre for Under-water Archaeology in Zadar, Croatia After many years of under water surveys in the Bay of Veštar near city of Rovinj, in 2009 ar-chaeological excavations were started. The research right now is focused on the Roman pier in length of 50 meters, which is located on the southern coast of the bay. With time, it is planned to expand research to other potential Roman pier as well as other architectural traces and piers from roman and younger periods in the bay. Research goal is to clarify the role of this natural maritime port through the different periods. Through this concrete example, this presenta-tion provides evidences of possibilities to inte-grate local communities and other stakeholders in the project through various forms of coop-eration or financing. It also points to their abili-ties other obstacles for the development of this project . Eventually the outcome of the Veštar bay project should be an active point of refer-ence for under water heritage, serving the local community and the visitors.

Underwater Virtual Maritime Museum in Canary Islands: website and reality proposals Cabrera, Vicente Benitez - IT7 & Virtual Under-water Archeological Researchs, Spain Bolaños, Antonio Becerra - Spain Millares, Michel Jorge - Spain Canary history is linked to sea, it came from sea, from Atlantic Ocean. Our Underwater Cul-ture Heritage, wide and unknowledge archeo-logical Heritage, is due to from oral tradition, mainly seamen, fishermen, and divers, who had broght from past times and grown sea storyes currently running. Thats why we have created and designed our web Museo Virtual Sub-marino, means Underwater Virtual Museum. In this first phase, we are adding multimedia content on the shipwrecks in the littoral of the Eastern Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura). Main goal has been create a website to promote and published Maritime

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History Canary and explained knowledge of historic and cultural heritage and promoting conservation.

Underwater Archaeological Sites Management & Tourism Development Della Porta, Katerina - Ministry for Culture, Greece Underwater archaeological evidence need to be protected and preserved from any activity damage ; on the other this heritage should be accessible to the public as happens on land archaeological sites. How underwater ancient settlement or ancient shipwrecks can be made discover, accessible and visited to the public? Taking account the recommendation about the in situ preservation of the UNESCO’s Conven-tion for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, the purpose of the paper is to present the legal frame of management for the littoral and coasts as well as the challenge of underwa-ter tourism development in Greece.

In situ protection and development of the Roman Wreck from Santo Stefano al Mare: the submerged museum pro-ject Sanna, Laura - Tesi Archeologia SRL, Italy Gambaro, Luigi - Soprintendenza per I Beni Ar-cheologici della Liguria, Italy Grimaudo, Giusi - Tesi Archeologia SRL, Italy Tiboni, Francesco - Tesi Archeologia SRL, Italy In this piece we would like to present a project studied by the archaeologists of TESI Archeolo-gia srl and the Soprintendenza per i Beni Arche-ologici della Liguria with the aim to protect and present to the public the Roman Wreck sited at 58 m depth just in front of Santo Stefano al Mare. Funded by the Provincia di Imperia to-gether with Area 24 SpA, to become part of the Museums net of Imperia, this museum has been projected to enrich the touristic offer of the Bike Route created on the old coastal rail-way of the region. In this project, archaeologists have decided to introduced the modern idea of in situ protec-tion and development, as suggested by the UNESCO convention, recently adopted by the Italian Government with the 157-2009 law. The project can be divided into these three main phases: 1. Archaeological analysis of the site by using all the ne west geophysical methods, as for in-

stance ROV, mini-submarine, Side Scan Sonar, photogrammetry and so on. 2. Archaeological protection by using a sub-merged camera system, connected with a 70 meters high floating structure (meda) and working 24/24 h 7/7 days, to acquire images of the wreck and send them to an on land station; 3. Creation of a multimedia museum in the territory of Santo Stefano al Mare, in which the visitors can feel like diving on the sea and can observe the images coming live from the sea bottom, by using modern technologies bor-rowed from theatre and cinema.

Managing of marine cultural heritage in Sicily Tusa, Sebastiano - Soprintendente della Soprin-tendenza per i Beni Culturali di Trapani, Italy Sea is not only a great biological reservoir, but also an immense historical and cultural archive whose benefits should invest not only the scholars but also all citizens. Today underwater archaeological research is an highly technologi-cal task that must give answer to the require-ments of historical research as well as to the spirit of knowledge of the people. Moreover we have to limit the practice to rescue objects from the bottom of sea. Our museums are full of amphorae, anchors and other paraphernalia coming from the sea bed. On the other side a major cultural sensibility should be taught to the divers that want to exploit the happiness of a dive in a beautiful sea. In order to avoid illegal activity against cultural underwater heritage we have to fight on different fields. Educative programs must be addressed mainly to those people that have close connections with sea activity such as charters and diving companies, as well as clubs and associations. Those are the best guards of the cultural underwater heritage because it is on this field that they can optimize and increase their commercial offer. In Sicily we selected some underwater archaeo-logical sites and entrusted them to such asso-ciations or single divers with a regular annual contract. Those divers or association are al-lowed to lead the divers around the sites, but they have the responsibility of the archaeologi-cal objects and contexts left on the sea bed. Underwater cultural heritage management is rapidly increasing, but till some years ago this important aspect of our heritage was left be-hind. First of all we are controlling seas around Sicily with the help of Coast Guard, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in order to avoid sack-

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ing and controlling new and old sites. Secondly we built a GIS of underwater cultural heritage of Sicily that till now shows about 500 sites. Beside all we organize also an intense activity of scientific education towards school and peo-ple in order to spread the respect and knowl-edge of underwater cultural heritage. Thirdly we realized many underwater archaeological parks where divers can dive with the guidance of local trained diving clubs. The areas are pro-tected and controlled. In some cases we in-stalled video control systems in order to con-trol the area and also to give the opportunity to have a direct sight of the site to those people that are not divers and that make a visit in the museum. The same site can be seen via inter-net and used for didactical purposes. Video control system are going to be used to control and watch deep sea wrecks like in the case of four cargos identified in the Aeolian archipelago (Panarea).

The Study and Management of under-water site of Marsa Bagoush, Egypt Khalil, Emad - Director Centre for Maritime Archaeology & Underwater Cultural Heritage, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt The harbour of Marsa Bagoush (ancient Zygris), was mentioned by the ancient geographer Claudius Ptolemy (150 AD), who made a list of the main towns and harbour sites between Alexandria and Mersa Matrouh. At present, Mersa Bagoush is the location of the annual summer camp of Alexandria University .The small bay is well protected by a rocky headland that projects from its eastern end and by a se-ries of submerged reefs that reduces wave ac-tion inside the bay. This made the place suit-able for ancient ships to seek protection and anchorage during the voyage between Alexan-dria and the west. However, the existence of submerged reefs close to the surface repre-sents a hazard for ships entering the bay during rough seas. In June 2010 a group of researchers from the Alexandria Centre for Maritime Archaeology and Underwater Cultural Heritage were able to locate the remains of an ancient shipwreck at the northeast site of the bay of Marsa Bagoush. The site contained large concentration of Ro-man pottery, intact amphorae and wooden remains.The nature and location of the site made it suitable to be a training location for students of Maritime and Underwater Archae-ology. This paper will present the management

plan that has been designed for utilising the site for educational, training and cultural pur-poses.

The Atlas of the 2 Seas: giving access to the submerged cultural heritage Momber, Garry - Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology, National Oceanogra-phy Centre, United Kingdom The Archaeological Atlas of the Two Seas pro-ject (A2S) is a venture between France, Belgium and England that is raising awareness and un-derstanding of the underwater cultural heritage (UCH). The aim of the project is to collate infor-mation about the maritime past by researching, discovering and recording archaeology in com-mon waters. The project necessitates coopera-tion between international archaeologists by sharing resources and information. Data gath-ered, including archive material, site plans, video footage and stills will be accessible to all through an online database via a trilingual geo-portal. The data is being collated to a common standard that complies with each of the na-tional databases. A further objective is to involve a wider com-munity of non-specialists. Volunteer, terrestrial researchers and diving enthusiasts are being encouraged to contribute to the international web site through the project partners and par-ticipate in fieldwork activities. The inclusive nature of the project means it is increasing the skill sets for a cross section of people who can help enhance our itinerary of UCH assets. This is vitally important as informed management is not possible without baseline knowledge. The A2S project is showing how involvement, edu-cation and technology can be combined effec-tively to help manage our UCH.

Ask not what underwater heritage can do for you, ask what you can do for underwater heritage´. A view from Bis-cay (Basque Country, Spain) Matés Luque, José Manuel - Spain A key element on managing the underwater cultural heritage is how to make it available to the public. In Spain, few artefacts or vessels are on display and many are just a small part of what maritime, fishing, naval or archaeological museums display. Spain have produced a book (Route of the Por-tuguese and Spanish Maritime Archaeological Heritage, 2008) for the public to know where

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museums and centres involved in the maritime heritage are. Recently, it has produced the “Green book. National Plan for the Protection of the Spanish Underwater Cultural Heritage, 2010”, one of its chapters on making the re-source available to the public. Some of those museums will be reviewed and so it will the Urbieta wreck – a late 15th cen-tury clinker built boat found in 1998-, andthe Bakio shipwreck –perhaps a late 18th century British warship found in 2005-. The Urbieta wreck has already been displayed by two muse-ums and for the Bakio shipwreck a panel will be placed on the beach explaining what is known so far about it. This must be mentioned as Bis-cay is demonstrating interest in the underwater heritage. These two cultural resources will be assessed to check their impact on the public.

Management and Engagement: Using Maritime Heritage Trails to Interpret and Protect Submerged WWII Heritage from the Battle of Saipan McKinnon, Jennifer F. - Flinders University, De-partment of Archaeology, Australia Scott-Ireton, Della - Florida Public Archaeology Network, USA While the Second World War is not too far in the past, those who were involved in the Pacific Theater Battle of Saipan are becoming scarce and with their passing the knowledge of this incredible event is fading. What remains are the stories and material culture which can be recorded and interpreted for those who wish to revisit, remember, and learn about the war. Through an American Battlefield Protection Program Grant, archaeological and historical investigations of submerged WWII heritage (i.e., planes, tanks, landing craft, ships) cur-rently are underway with the purpose of creat-ing a WWII maritime heritage trail for both lo-cal people and diving tourists. This project aims to educate citizens and visi-tors about the importance of our underwater cultural heritage and to provide a sustainable heritage tourism product which will stimulate the economy of the island of Saipan. Project personnel conducted training courses in under-water archaeology to enable local divers to participate in the recording of the island’s his-tory, and presented courses in underwater his-toric preservation to encourage the long-term protection of these fragile sites. This paper de-

scribes these efforts and will present plans for trail interpretation and management.

Chances and Limits of NGOs in Underwater Cultural Management Martin, Hanz Gunter - DEGUWA, Germany Winterstein, Peter - DEGUWA, Germany Reviewing the efforts and results of two dec-ades of voluntary commitment of DEGUWA two aspects are focused on: archaeological research and cultural protection on one hand and integration of amateurs on the other hand. Occasion and background of the founding of DEGUWA, the original program, its realization and its acceptance by the authorities, universi-ties and sports divers as well as the response of the international community will be illustrated. A critical view is applied to claims and possibili-ties of influencing political decisions regarding the preservation of underwater cultural heri-tage and the commercial „archaeology“. Finally the education campaign, the sensitizing of the broader public and especially of the sports di-vers is described. Which is the status quo and what will come next?

A Proposal for the management of Australia’s Private Shipwreck Collections Rodrigues, Jennifer - Centre for Archaeology, School of Social and Cultural Studies, The Uni-versity of Western Australia, Australia Richards, Vicki - Research Officer/Conservation Scientist, Department of Materials Conserva-tion, Western Australian Museum-Shipwreck Galleries, Australia A nationwide amnesty in 1993 resulted in ap-proximately 20,000 objects from historic ship-wrecks across Australia being declared and re-corded, though the vast majority were retained by the custodians. After seventeen years, little has been done to manage these private collec-tions due to a combination of differing atti-tudes amongst the maritime archaeologists responsible, and the complications of dealing with private collections and collectors. Prob-lems also include difficulties in administration, research and interpretation with many objects also remaining insufficiently documented. In this presentation, the authors seek to ex-plore the realities facing maritime archaeolo-gists in Australia in relation to the management and conservation of private shipwreck collec-tions that are in danger of being permanently

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lost from the public record. As well, possible solutions to consider in dealing with this di-mension of maritime cultural heritage manage-ment are also addressed.

Sailing the SSEAS: A New Program for Public Engagement in Underwater Archaeology Scott-Ireton, Della - Florida Public Archaeology Network, USA Sport divers generally are very interested in shipwrecks and in the work of underwater ar-chaeologists, and often want to get involved in research and investigation. Training programs that enable divers to effectively volunteer on archaeological projects have been around for years and have proven extremely effective in promoting the goals and value of scientific in-quiry while enabling the diving public to partici-pate. The problem is that, once trained, divers want to help and often there are no projects in progress for them to work on. Divers can lose interest, become disillusioned with archaeology or, worse, seek out commercial salvage pro-jects. The Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) is embarking on a new program in public out-reach and education in underwater archae-ology to address this need. The Submerged Sites Education and Archaeological Stewardship program, known by its acronym SSEAS, is in-tended to train sport divers in the methods of non-disturbance archaeological recording and then give these trained divers a mission. This paper will present this new program, will dis-cuss methods used in Florida to engage and educate sport divers, and will describe how SSEAS-trained divers can effectively participate in the management and protection of the un-derwater cultural heritage.

Who gives a damn? Developing rele-vant tools for the management of maritime and underwater cultural heritage sites in the developing world Sharfman, Jonathan - South African Heritage Resources Agency, South Africa Parthesius, Robert - Centre for International Heritage Activities, University of Leiden, The Netherlands With an increase in interest in the ratification of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Heritage, a number of southern African states have initiated training programs

to build capacity in the maritime and underwa-ter cultural heritage (MUCH) management sec-tor. These programs have begun to address ways in which to locally apply global rules and practices. South Africa’s MUCH management legislation has traditionally emphasized the management of shipwrecks. In this regard, South Africa has struggled to engage large sections of its popula-tion in protecting underwater and maritime sites. Although the implications of the Euro-pean trade, colonization and expansion re-flected in shipwrecks around the South African coast have been recognized and incorporated into the countries heritage themes, the sites themselves have been viewed either as targets for recovery of treasure or as sites of little local historical value. In order to better protect these sites, it has become necessary for heritage managers to place them within a broader, “seamless” MUCH context which includes heri-tage of local relevance such as sacred water bodies, maritime infrastructure or intangible links to lakes, rivers and the sea. To promote this, a number of case studies have been cho-sen as examples and used in developing com-munity based management toolkits. This paper will discuss the development of new approaches to MUCH site management in the developing world.

“Shipwreck management through sponsorship; creating cultural heritage awareness amongst Norwegian divers” Skoglund, Fredrik - Museum of Natural History and Archaeology, Norwegian University of Sci-ence and Technology (NTNU), Norway The Norwegian Cultural Heritage Act protects shipwrecks older than 100 years. This annually results in a growing number of protected metal wrecks, heavily increasing the workload of the cultural heritage institutions. These wrecks are regarded as great dive sites though divers often visit them without knowledge of their heritage status. The challenge of the heritage manage-ment is thus to protect and manage these wrecks, simultaneously communicating enthu-siasm and responsible conduct amongst divers. The Museum of Natural History and Archae-ology in Trondheim, has initiated a project tar-geting these imminent challenges. Dive clubs are invited to act as sponsors of local wrecks, and are activated in important non-intrusive documentation work. Monitored changes may then instigate relevant protective measures.

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Involving dive clubs through sponsorship will hopefully contribute to awareness and knowl-edge in the wider diving community. In collaboration with the sponsoring clubs cul-tural heritage signs are placed on these sites. The signs officially mark the wrecks as pro-tected, subsequently preventing inadvertent damage being done. The paper will present the project concept; the challenges and possibilities. Preliminary results from the meeting between archaeologists and enthusiastic divers, further ideas for scientific monitoring and how the project may affect the management of the underwater cultural heri-tage in Norway will also be addressed.

The Project Vrouw Maria Underwater: Public Access via a Blog Site, a Virtual Simulation and an Exhibition Tikkanen, Sallamaria - The National Board of Antiquities, Maritime Archaeology Unit , Finland The Project Vrouw Maria Underwater is oper-ated in 2009 – 2012. It aims to preserve the wreck in situ and to display it by the help of a fieldwork blog (started in 2010), a virtual simu-lation showing the wreck in its underwater landscape and sound scape (the making of simulation has started) and a museum exhibi-tion (shall be opened in 2012). These methods are suitable ways for public access for a wreck located in Natura 2000 Area where sport diving is prohibited.

The Young Archaeopark Project: A Public Awareness and Preservation Project on Underwater Cultural Heri-tage, Kaş, Turkey Varinlioðlu, Güzden - Principal Manager of Kaþ Archaeopark Projects on behalf of SAD (Sualtý Araþtýrmalarý Derneði; Underwater Research Society), Turkey Reinfeld, Michaela - Archaeologist, Manager of Young Archaeopark Project on behalf of DE-GUWA, Germany Koşgeroğlu, F. Emrah - Architect, Restoration Specialist, SAD, Turkey Ceylan, Hande - Architect, Middle East Techni-cal University, Urban Policy Planning Program and Co-Manager of Young Archaeopark Project on behalf of SAD, Turkey Kaş stands out with its rich material culture preserved at ancient Phellos and its harbor,

Antiphellos, partially integrated into the mod-ern village of Kaş. Excavations of the Uluburun and Gelidonya shipwrecks fundamentally influ-enced the development of nautical archaeology and our understanding of maritime trade net-works around the Mediterranean world. Sur-veys off coastal Turkey indicate the need for systematic research on underwater cultural heritage as well as the necessity to raise the public awareness towards its presentation and preservation. In 2007, as part of Kaº Archaeopark Projects, SAD (Underwater Research Society) initiated systematic surveys along the coastal region of Kaº. With the participation of archaeologists and other professionals, a recording methodol-ogy based on in situ preservation has been de-veloped along with a specialized training pro-gram. In 2010, supported by EU Young Initia-tives Program, a joint project of SAD and DE-GUWA (German Society for the Promotion of Underwater Archaeology) has launched initia-tives to raise public awareness for the protec-tion of cultural heritage. This paper discusses our approaches to the protection and preservation of underwater cultural heritage in Turkey. The “Young Archae-opark” aims to be a pioneer project for under-water archaeological research, through its fo-cus on the sustainable protection of cultural heritage through the involvement of local peo-ple, sport divers and young scientists.

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RESEARCH STRATEGIES Friday 29th September 2011, Room 143 Norwegian Cultural Heritage Manage-ment under water; shipwrecks, under-water technology and maritime Berg Tuddenham, David - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Shipwrecks older than 100 years in Norwegian waters came under cultural heritage manage-ment (CHM) in 1963 with the implementation of section 12a of the Norwegian Cultural Heri-tage Act. Simultaneously with the introduction of section 12a a new sub-discipline within ar-chaeology evolved with its own distinctive fea-tures. One such feature has been a heavy focus on methodology and underwater technology, a focus that also has been recognized as a source of alienation between land and sea archaeolo-gists. A central objective within maritime ar-chaeology as a discipline has in later time been to overcome the boundaries between land and sea, where the concept of maritime cultural landscapes has been proposed as a means to achieve this. Today this is a fully integrated way of thinking within Norwegian CHM under wa-ter. But still the difference between maritime and terrestrial within Norwegian legislation and CHM creates paradoxes that give reason to ask about the nature of the management object. This paper reviews Norwegian CHM under wa-ter, and discusses the creation of a new man-agement object with the introduction of §12a specifically focusing on Actor Network Theory. What makes maritime related artefacts differ-ent from other cultural remains? Can the sort-ing between maritime and terrestrial as identi-fied in legislation and research be viewed as a network-based product that maintains a mari-timity - here understood as the conception of a fundamental division between land and sea?

Management and Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Ireland: Quantification, Survey, Excavation & Conservation Brady, Karl - Underwater Archaeology Unit, National Monuments Service, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ireland Moore, Fionnbarr - Underwater Archaeology Unit, National Monuments Service, Department

of Environment, Heritage and Local Govern-ment, Ireland The Underwater Archaeology Unit (UAU) of the Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government is responsible for the quantifica-tion, management and protection of Ireland’s underwater cultural heritage. This paper will provide an overview of the range of strategies the UAU employs to manage, protect and pro-mote the underwater cultural heritage and will describe the difficulties and challenges encoun-tered in doing so. The primary brief of the UAU is to compile a comprehensive record of all shipwrecks and underwater sites in Irish territorial waters and in this regard over 12,000 records relating to wrecks have been compiled and integrated into the Shipwreck Inventory of Ireland database. While the Shipwreck Inventory of Ireland is principally a desk-based survey, it is the pri-mary management tool used to assess develop-mental impacts on known or potential archae-ology. This has helped to ensure that appropri-ate mitigations measures are put in place to protect the archaeological heritage, which has in turn led to the discovery, preservation and/or the excavation of many newly discovered shipwrecks and underwater sites. The inte-grated approach the UAU takes to quantifying and protecting the resource will also be pre-sented, highlighting the results of some the dive surveys and excavations the UAU has un-dertaken including the recent assessment of a Spanish Armada wreck and a possible Dutch East Indiaman shipwreck.

Underwater Cultural Heritage in Estonia: management and public awareness Roio, Maili - Estonian national heritage board, Estonia Asmer, Marii - Estonian national heritage board, Estonia The presentation will address the issues con-cerning the management of underwater cul-tural heritage incl. legislation, the practice so far, public access and awareness and the activi-ties and results of an international project Ship-wreck Heritage: Digitizing and Opening Access to Maritime History Sources - (SHIPWHER), which was launched in spring 2010. The various Estonian water areas constitute 39% of the Estonian territory and 47% of the jurisdiction areas. Although the first underwa-ter monuments were placed under State pro-

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tection in 1999, the juridical and also the actual steps, necessary for the protection of the monuments, have been taken in the last five years. Management issues which are accompa-nied by large scale construction projects and the increasing dimensions of recreational diving on the one hand, the extreme scarcity of public resources on the other hand, require the regu-lation at a national level and in cooperation between various ministries. By this day a num-ber of processes, such as the amendment of the Heritage Conservation Act with additions about the protection of underwater cultural heritage, the accession to the UNESCO Conven-tion on the Protection of the Underwater Cul-tural Heritage and adding the supervision and protection of underwater cultural heritage into the national maritime development program, are close to completion. When it comes to creating public awareness, it is important to mention the SHIPWHER project, which has received subsidy from the European Regional Development Fund. During the project implementation period a new database has been created under the Estonian National Reg-istry of Cultural Monuments, into which there will be entered information found from archival records about shipwrecks and also information gathered from underwater archaeological field-works.

The Archeomar Project Luigi Fozzati - Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali Annalisa Zarattini - Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali Over the course of the millennia the Mediterra-nean Sea has represented a crossroads of civili-zations and for the exchange of goods that have left traces and important testimonies along the coastline and on the seabed. The sea is the custodian of an important under-water archaeological heritage, of which the knowledge of, and the precise locating, are the basic elements in ensuring its protection and management. In accordance with an ever greater understanding regarding the conserva-tion of the underwater archaeological heritage, the Archeomar Project represents a major ini-tiative to build the first underwater archaeo-logical map of Italy. This is aided by the provi-sion of a custom designed Geographical Infor-mation System (GIS) that contains information derived from previous research and the new data and documentation collected by the Ar-cheomar project. The Archeomar Project, initi-

ated in April 2004, thanks to which 316 under-water sites have been recorded and described in the regions of Campania, Basilicata, Puglia and Calabria in Southern Italy are now continu-ing - with good results - in Lazio and Tuscany regions. The Project, was undertaken by a spe-cially formed consortium (ATI) and is coordi-nated by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heri-tage . It is undertaken in close collaboration with the Super intendancies responsible for each of the Italian regions and the police forces, responsible for the protection of the national heritage. The Archeomar Project has opened a new di-rection in the field of underwater archaeologi-cal research and has created a beginning for the improved management and understanding of submerged archaeological sites

Research Strategies in the Field of Maritime & Nautical Archaeology: Long - Term Joint Franco - Croatian Research Project in the Bay of Caska, Island of Pag, Croatia Radić Rossi, Irena - University of Zadar, Croatia Boetto, Giulia - Centre Camille Jullian (Aix-Marseille University-CNRS), France Archaeological work on land and underwater in recent decades has helped change our under-standing of the island of Pag (Croatia). To gain an understanding of the potential for research and to manage the site in the face of increasing pressure on its finite resources, a research pro-gram on the maritime archaeological heritage of Caska Bay was begun in 2009 and will con-tinue until 2013. This program continues a pre-vious Franco-Croatian cooperation in the field of maritime and nautical archaeology (the Pa-koštane project). The work is supported by the Municipality of Novalja, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry for For-eign and European Affairs of France, the Uni-versity of Zadar and the French National Re-search Centre (CNRS). The project aims to: (1) develop techniques of intrusive and non-intrusive evaluation and survey of submerged cultural resources in shallow waters; (2) gather information using a multi-disciplinary ap-proach; and (3) conduct scientific training and stimulate the exchange of ideas among schol-ars and students. The programs great potential is signaled by the discovery at Caska of a native sewn boat, which was re-used as a quay or similar shore-side structure.

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Predictive modeling and management of underwater cultural heritage Angelova, Hristina - Centre for Underwater Ar-chaeology, Bulgaria Draganov, Vesselin - Centre for Underwater Archaeology, Bulgaria Prahov, Nayden - Dept. of Archaeology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Stoyanov, Totko - Dept. of Archaeology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Dimitrov, Kalin - Dept. of Archaeology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Popov, Anton- Dept. Of Cartography and GIS, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Kotsev, Alexander - Dept. Of Cartography and GIS, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bul-garia Dimitrov, Stelian - Dept. Of Cartography and GIS, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bul-garia The paper addresses the importance of predic-tive modeling in archaeology, maritime archae-ology in particular, and its implication on the management of underwater cultural heritage with emphasis on Bulgaria. Underwater archaeological sites are considered much more fragile and more often overlooked compared to their land counterparts. Despite that most national legislations require an ad-vance research of subsea areas prior to the start of development projects, environmental impact assessment considerations of underwa-ter heritage in Bulgaria are most often confined to the statement there are or there are no sites that could be affected by a specific project. If such sites are present, efforts are by rule con-centrated on their research defined as rescue excavation/survey while development of miti-gation plans and activities to address the in-situ preservation and management of cultural heri-tage in the affected project areas is most often missing. We address the need for the development of predictive modeling related to the manage-ment of maritime cultural heritage and the importance of integrating in GIS environment the information obtained by different methods of both – coastal land and subsea areas, with a special emphasis on LiDAR application (light detection and ranging), airborne bathymetry included and multibeam echo sounding. The paper will present the preliminary results of a project of the Centre for Underwater Archae-ology on the Development of Predictive models for Identification of Archaeological Sites along

the Bulgarian Black Sea coast in GIS Environ-ment and its relation to underwater cultural heritage management.

Using GIS to Manage Underwater Sites: Georeferencing Two Years of ProMare Field Work in Italy Bartoli, Dante G. - ProMare Inc.,Marine Archae-ologist Consultant, US - Italy Research Program, Italy In the summer of 2008, ProMare Inc., a US-based non-profit organization promoting ma-rine research and exploration, began working in Italy with the aim of foster the field on nautical archaeology. After having worked in three dif-ferent areas of the country (Latium, Tuscany, Calabria), ProMare began a systematic Geo-referencing project for all the archaeological artifacts and sites located during its field work. A purposely-built GIS, 2D-site mapping and 3D graphic renderings of archaeological items are being used to help archaeologists to increase the accuracy of their mapping operations, cre-ating also virtual renderings of the site for the larger public, and sharing their data with other scholars easily. The database created is avail-able for archaeologists, geologists, and schol-ars, as well as the government offices responsi-ble for the management of the identified cul-tural heritage.

TRITON – Deep Water Heritage Research Project; 2010 Research Campaign, Island of Hvar, Croatia Barišić, Matko - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia Gambin, Timmy - AURORA Ocean Exploration & Education Trust, Malta Kruschel, Claudia - University of Zadar, Depart-ment of Natural Sciences, Croatia Radić Rossi, Irena - University of Zadar, Depart-ment of Archaeology, Croatia TRITON is an international interdisciplinary deep water heritage research project realized in cooperation between the University of Zadar, Univerity of Zagreb, and the AURORA Ocean Exploration and Education Trust. The project focuses on deep water surveys, aiming to locate and map valuable cultural and natural heritage resources and to provide a solid basis for their long-term protection, preservation and management. It is the first scientific project of its kind in the Croatian Adriatic. At the pre-sent stage, the project involves scientists and

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students from the fields of electrical engineer-ing, maritime archaeology and marine biology. The first research campaign was successfully accomplished in October 2010 at the eastern part of the island of Hvar, focusing a depths ranging between 70 and 85 meters and an area including the Pelegrin Promontory, the Pakleni Channel and the Pakleni Islands. Investigations are based on methodologies de-veloped by the AURORA Trust team and al-ready applied successfully at several other sites throughout the Mediterranean Sea. First, a long range medium altitude sonar survey with widely spaced survey lines facilitates quick cov-erage of the entire survey area. Secondly, the sonar device is towed again over potentially interesting locations identified from the previ-ous long range sonar images. This time the so-nar scanning is applied closer to the bottom using a short range and high frequencies which allows for higher resolution sonar images. The same pre-selected locations were, as a third step, visited and inspected by a remotely oper-ated vehicle (ROV) equipped to produce high resolution photographic images and videos useful in the documentation and quantitative analysis of archeological artifacts and biologi-calcommunities. Finally, a sub-bottom profiler was applied at the archeologically most inter-esting locations. Three archaeological sites were discovered and at 30 locations the abundance and diversity of fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages associ-ated with rocky outcrops and their surrounding bare sediments were estimated. Considering the scarcity of access to deep water research technology in Croatia another important result of this and the aim of future campaigns is the education and training provided to local scien-tist.

The Database of Underwater Cultural Heritages around Japan Hayashida, Kenzo - Asian Research Institute of Underwater Archaeology, Japan Iwabuchi, Akifumi - Tokyo University of Marine Science & Technology, Japan Takano, Shinji - Asian Research Institute of Un-derwater Archaeology (Ariua), Japan &Department of Cultural AssetBoard of Educa-tion, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan Nogami, Takenori - Asian Research Institute of Underwater Archaeology (ARIUA), Japan Since 2009 the Asian Research Institute of Un-derwater Archaeology at Fukuoka has been

conducting for the database of underwater cultural heritages around Japan, financially en-dorsed by the Nippon Foundation. This is the first academic project inside Japan, which lasts three years, to examine or re-examine them. In cooperation with Tokyo University of Marine Science & Technology, Kanazawa University, Okinawa Archaeological Operations Center, and so forth, first of all, the institute has been making on-the-spot surveys of almost all heri-tages around the Japanese archipelago, which is divided into five research zones. Each zone has thoroughly been researched by a group of underwater or maritime archaeologists, some of whom organize an advisory committee over the project. Land-based observations such as referring to historical documents as well as underwater investigations have been con-ducted, which is sometimes supported by local city councils. Based upon all information out of each zone, secondly, a detailed atlas of the heritages will be completed, and then all the data will widely be publicized on a web database in the near future, although the part has already been on the institute’s homepage. To be reviewed the institute also holds workshops or seminars on this project inside Japan or publishes some leaf-lets and journals in Japanese.

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Maasvlakte 2 (Port of Rotterdam), a showcase of interdisciplinary research of drowned landscapes Weerts, Henk - Cultural Heritage Agency, Minis-try of Education, Amersfoort, Netherlands Borst , Wil - Port of Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands Cohen, Kim - Department of Physical Geogra-phy, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands Den Ouden, Natasja - Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity, Naturalis, Leiden, Netherlands Guiran, Ton - Rotterdam Archaeological Agency BOOR, Rotterdam, Netherlands Hijma, Marc - Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands Mol, Dick - Museum of Natural History, Rotter-dam, Netherlands Otte, Andrea - Cultural Heritage Agency, Minis-try of Education, Amersfoort, Netherlands Reumer, Jelle - Museum of Natural History, Rot-terdam, Netherlands Roebroeks, Wi - Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden U n i v e r s i t y , L e i d e n , N e t h e r l a n d s Smit, Bjørn - Cultural Heritage Agency, Ministry of Education, Amersfoort, Netherlands Van Kolfschoten, Thijs - Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands Vellinga, Tiedo - Port of Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands Vos, Peter - Deltares, Utrecht, Netherlands Westerhoff, Wim - TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Utrecht, Netherlands The Port of Rotterdam (PoR) is presently ex-panding the Rotterdam harbor to the west into the North Sea. More than 200 million m3 sand is dredged from the North Sea floor to build the harbor. A new 20 m deep harbor canal will con-nect Maasvlakte 2, the new harbor, with the existing harbor. Weichselian and Early Holo-cene landscapes are being removed in the process of dredging and digging. From artefacts found earlier in the vicinity, it is known that Palaeolithic and Mesolithic hunter-gatherers were present in the area at stake. The offshore location of the drowned landscapes and the considerable water depth (20 to over 30 m) make that the conventional Dutch guidelines based on the Valetta treaty for (geo)archaeological research are not fully applicable. Hence, the PoR authorities and the Cultural Heritage Agency (CHA) signed an agreement for a research program funded by the PoR and carried out by a consortium of research institu-tions, museums and universities under supervi-

sion of CHA and BOOR. Animal fossil remains not under the Valetta jurisdiction are covered by a separate agreement between the PoR and the Rotterdam Museum of Natural History. The program serves as a test-case to develop new methods and techniques which can be applied in a more systematic way in future. We present here the first results of the program that is now in full swing.

Researching, conserving and managing submerged prehistory: national approaches and international collaboration Salter, Edward - Marine Planning Unit, English Heritage, United Kingdom With rapidly increasing exploitation of our seas, heritage professionals face formidable chal-lenges in managing the cumulative impacts on submerged prehistoric landscapes. Interna-tional collaboration is plainly essential, since submerged landscapes do not respect modern political boundaries. However, national juris-diction, and hence the extent of agencies' legal responsibilities, may not extend to cover the requisite area. Moreover, approaches to heri-tage management, even in adjacent nations, can be strikingly different. Nevertheless, within Europe, a common Research and Management Framework for the North Sea has been devel-oped between the Netherlands, UK and Bel-gium (Peeters, Murphy & Flemming 2009). In this paper, progress in developing coordinated management of submerged prehistory in Europe and elsewhere in the world is reviewed. We draw on our experiences in the manage-ment of underwater cultural heritage, with subjects considered including; - Current research, legislation and funding; - Benefits of collaboration with marine indus-try; - Research and management of submerged prehistory across Europe and elsewhere; - Lessons learnt and future challenges. This paper is based on a forthcoming chapter submission of the same name. The paper is to be presented by Edward Salter on behalf of its authors; Edward Salter, Peter Murphy (English Heritage) and Hans Peeters (Groningen Insti-tute of Archaeology).

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Maritime Archaeological Archives in the UK: Collections, Access & Management Challenges Satchell, Julie - Hampshire & Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology, United Kingdom In the UK maritime archaeological archives have not been treated in parity with those from terrestrial investigations, with few ar-chives being deposited with museums or public repositories. Differences in roles, remits, policy and practice mean that maritime archaeologi-cal archives of national and international sig-nificance are being dispersed, are deteriorating, remain un-interpreted and un-curated, are sold or sometimes abandoned. The net result is that unique cultural heritage is placed out of reach of researchers, educators and the public as a whole. Recognition of this situation lead to a major study to quantify the extent of the prob-lem. Between 2008-09 the Securing a Future for Maritime Archaeological Archives project examined maritime archives within England and Scotland. The project aimed to: - Understand how museum and archive reposi-tory collection areas and collection policies consider the marine zone; - Review where maritime archaeological ar-chives are currently held and assess their public accessibility; and - Analyse present maritime archive creation and assess the scale and nature of future maritime archives. This paper presents the results of the study, with particular emphasis on issues and findings of relevance to maritime archaeological archive management in an international context.

Underwater research off the Pontine Islands (Italy) Zarattini, Annalisa - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy Gambin, Timmy - AURORA Ocean Exploration & Education Trust, Malta Ritondale, Manuela- Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy Over the past four years, the Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici del Lazio , Italian Minis-try of Cultural Heritage ,in collaboration with the AURORA SP Trust has conducted a system-

atic survey off the coast of the Pontine Islands in the Lazio region of Italy. Through the deploy-ment of various remote sensing technologies, the research team have surveyed and mapped over 60 square kilometers of seabed - discover-ing, mapping and studying a number of impor-tant and previously unknown sites in the proc-ess. This collaborative project started in the sum-mer of 2008 and continued in 2009 and 2010. Throughout the three seasons of survey and mapping, the project team have deployed vari-ous technologies including side scan sonar, sub bottom profiler and a remote operated vehicle. To date, the systematic approach has ensured the near total coverage of the seabed around Ventotene and Zannone down to the 150 me-ter contour. Through this survey, the team were able to find, map and record nine ancient shipwrecks off the islands of Ventotene and Zannone. This paper will focus on the methodologies used for the survey as well as on the prelimi-nary results of archaeological studies con-ducted thus far. Furthermore, attention will also be given to the way in which information gathered in the course of this project has been used to protect, manage and valorize the sites.

Underwater archaeology in Galician waters, Spain San Claudio, Miguel- ARCHEONAUTA S.L., Spain In the west of Europe lays the Iberian Penin-sula. In the very west of this peninsula is lo-cated the autonomic Spanish Galicia. Its posi-tion over the seaways across the Atlantic makes that the navigation from northern Europe to near the rest of the world flews be-side these coasts. The presence of numerous ships of all the Euro-pean nations in rough seas along the centuries caused the actual archaeological richness of the sea bottom around this coast. The authorities had conscience of this fact and started the way to guarantee the integrity of the heritage that lies below the surface. The control in public construction operations and the inventory of shipwrecks and others archaeological sites, realized great results. The confection of an inventory supposed the identi-fication of more than 700 shipwrecks included in the category of cultural heritage. Four years ago started the field operations to locate archaeological sites concerning geo-physical resources and divers. All these works

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means the adoptions of new methodological process and tools in order to achieve the best results. The lack of information about archaeological operations in Spanish waters makes this contri-bution more interesting from the point of view of a first hand knowledge about the reality of underwater archaeology in Spain actually. Miguel San Claudio is underwater archaeologist owner of Archeonauta S.L. a company dedi-cated to the management of underwater heri-tage.

Maritime warfare landscapes in Bo-cachica, Cartagena de Indias Colombia - 18th century Del Cairo Hurtado, Carlos - Anthropologist and archaeologist at National University of Colom-bia, Colombia The war between Spain and the army enemies in the New World in the eighteenth century allowed that the new ways of sea and land con-trol develop, where the military architecture and military engineering were the base of domination, control and articulation of the espace lisse and the espace strié (marine and terrestrial areas) of the Bay of Cartagena de Indias. The French attack in 1697 and the British attack in 1741 which occurred in the port of Cart-agena, turns out to be a case study of interest to the archeology of war, where the elements such as military construction, the numerous modifications made for tactical purposes in the natural environment of the Bay, the intentional sunken ships and the natural modifications of the coast line, compose a diversity of maritime warfare landscapes. Through the Actor Network Theory, this re-search based on historical sources and under-water and coastal archaeological evidences in the zone of Bocachica, Tierra Bomba Island (the only access to the city), is aimed at identifying an hybrid relation between land and sea and consolidating three layers of landscapes - bat-tlefields, defense and industrial production for military construction.

Finding and Researching of Ancient Ships as Part of Researching Project of Ancient Trade Routes Prokhorov, Roman - National Centre of Under-water Archeology, Russia Lukoshkov, Andrey - National Centre of Under-water Archeology, Russia "Maritime heritage of Russia" project presents special program of reconstruction and re-searching of ancient water transport ways. Mainly the researching was held at interna-tional sea routs which connected North - West Rus with Europe. In our expeditions we had found more than 150 wooden wrecks and some of technical buildings. The age of sunken ships that we had found from 4000 to 200 years. Comparing of numbers and kinds of wrecks of different ages demon-strates evolution and developing of ships and intensity of trade connections. We can already make a sequence about exploitation of the ships of Slavic, Karelian, Turkic type.

From Rutilus to MACHU project - some experience on the way to create management system for underwater cultural heritage in Poland Pomian, Iwona - Maritime Museum in Gdansk, Poland Rutilus project has been initiated in 2004 by the Underwater Group – a working group within the Baltic Sea Heritage Co-operation (BSHC) – with the overall vision to raise awareness of the potential of underwater cultural heritage in the Baltic Sea states, and to develop a joint strat-egy for its long-term preservation and sustain-able use for tourism. MACHU (Managing Cultural Heritage Underwa-ter) was a three year project sponsored by the Culture 2000 program of the European Union. The primary goal of the Machu project has been next step to create management system for underwater cultural heritage in Poland. Au-thors put place emphasis on collecting data which can help to create management plan for underwater cultural heritage in chosen testing areas. One of results of two and a half a year of our work was reconstruction of the palaeo-landscapes of the all testing areas. This infor-mation should be important for planning of underwater archaeological excavation and for the proper interpretation of poled environment context of archaeological findings.

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The Illyrian coastal exploration program: 2010 - 2011 Rolay, Jeffrey - RPM Nautical Foundation, USA A systematic littoral survey of the eastern Adri-atic coast began in 2007 with initial field work in Albania. By 2009, the Illyrian Coastal Explora-tion Program (ICEP) had included a littoral sur-vey of Montenegro, and is slated to have its inaugural field work in Croatia in 2011. The littoral surveys in Albania and Montenegro are the first systematic archaeological surveys on these sections of the ancient Illyrian coast, and have as a goal to survey and document all sub-merged cultural material to the c. 100-m con-tour. Although Croatia has received much coastal survey, such as systematic deep-water survey has not been undertaken. Although all finds are recorded and documented for the archives of each respective government, this paper will focus on the finds from the Greek and Roman eras. Thus far, the ICEP surveys have brought to light new evidence along coasts where nothing was previously known that address a wide range of archaeological research areas including colonization, overseas exchange routes, trade connections, and arti-fact distributions. This paper will highlight re-cent finds and their relation to these research questions.

SITE REPORT Friday, 30th September 2011, Room 124 New light on the vessels of Indo-Roman trade: Roman period ship-wrecks in the northern Red Sea Blue, Lucy - Centre for Maritime Archaeology Archaeology, School of Humanities, University of Southampton, United Kingdom Thomas, Ross - British Museum, United King-dom Hill, Jeremy - British Museum, United Kingdom Emad Khalil - Centre for Maritime Archaeology & Underwater Cultural Heritage, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt Understanding of the nature of vessels in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean during the period of Indo-Roman trade is limited, with direct evi-dence for shipwrecks being restricted to a few scattered amphorae finds on the seabed. Our knowledge of the vessels of trade has thus been confined to limited iconographic depic-tions of boats, descriptions in ancient texts, and elements of ship structure and rigging recov-ered from port sites in terrestrial contexts. In the summer of 2010 the University of the Southampton in collaboration with the British Museum, the University of Alexandria and the Underwater Department of the Supreme Coun-cil of Antiquities, Egypt undertook a fact finding survey in the Fury Bay region off the southern Red Sea coast of Egypt. A number of new sites were assessed and one known wreck, the 1st century Fury Shoals wreck, was re-evaluated. A further survey is planned for the summer of 2011 and this paper will present the prelimi-nary findings from both season’s field surveys, in order to examine the information these sites afford with regard to furthering our under-standing of vessels of Indo-Roman trade and the dynamic nature of the cargoes they trans-ported. Essentially this paper will present the first systematic survey of Roman period ship-wrecks of the northern Red Sea.

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Silba Pocukmarak - The project of underwater archaeological park Brusić, Zdenko - Univesity of Zadar, Department of Archaeology, Croatia Parica, Mate - Univesity of Zadar, Department of Archaeology, Croatia In Pocukmarak bay on the island of Silba, sys-tematic underwater archaeological research was conducted on a small pier whose largest part of structure contains the Late Antique sar-cophagi. Investigations are almost at the end, so researchers have to think about conserva-tion and then underwater presentation of the sestone monuments. This method of presenta-tion could be very successful because he site lies near the attractive beaches, at the depth of only two meters. The authors reflection several types of presen-tations, ranging from insitu setup, until the mi-nor or major intervention in arrangement of the stone sarcophagi. Therefore, after the ex-ploration we will present these Late Roman tombs under the sea, so an ordinary swimmer with just a diving mask could meet the small part of Silban and Croatian heritage.

Pakoštane - presentation and valorization of archaeological material from the Roman port Ilkić, Mato - Department of Archaeology, Croa-tia Meštrov, Marko - Public Institution Agency Han - Vrana, Croatia Owing to excellent cooperation of the Pa-koštane Municipality and the Department of Archaeology of the University of Zadar two campaigns of underwater archaeological explo-rations were undertaken in Pakoška vala in 2004 and 2005. A thick cultural layer of previ-ously unknown Roman port was discovered on that occasion. In addition, remains of a late antique ship were discovered as well. Although only a small segment of the underwater site was explored, rich and diverse archaeological material was discovered. This abundance of underwater cultural heritage attracted great attention of the local community which fi-nanced the explorations. At the same time an idea about forming a local collection was born so that archaeological ma-terial from the Roman port was temporarily exhibited in the town hall of Pakoštane. This material will be permanently housed and pre-sented in the local museum which is in the

process of founding. Pakoštane represents an excellent example of how a local community takes care of its cultural heritage.

Zambratija boat in the context of Mediterranean shipbuilding Koncani Uhač, Ida - Archaeological Museum of Istria, Croatia Uhač, Marko - Ministry of Culture, Conservation Department in Pula, Croatia In the bay of Zambratija, south of Savudrija an important archaeological site was found along the northern coastline. A wooden ship hull was discovered at the depth of –2, 20 m. At the area of 1.5 x 0.8 m of the hull five strakes and a frame connected by means of sawing were partially visible. Analysis of one part of the ship strake using technique 14C revealed the abso-lute age of 2535±60. However, the preliminary research shows that the detail differs from previously known archaic Mediterranean sawn ships. Oldest parallels of using lath for sealing purposes are found on the Cheops hulls and UK Bronze Age ships (Ferriby boats, Dover boat). Sewing examination did not demonstrate the fact that shipbuilders used transversal dowels for additional connection of strakes using the so-called shell first construction technique. It's also important to notice, the mode of simpli-fied diagonal parallel sewing of strakes, which was commonly used in Roman age, but is rare on archaic ships. Considering preliminary re-sults of a scientific surveys and radiocarbon dating, we can ascertain the importance of this site for further research of prehistoric ship-building technique.

Whose gold is this? The Namibia shipwreck: a tale of red tape and dragging feet Monteiro, Alexandre - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal This paper deals with the astonishing discovery, in April 2008, of a shipwreck in the beach sands of the Sperrgebeit - the fabulously rich, and famously off -limits, De Beers diamond mining lease close to Oranjemund, in the Karasregion of southern Namibia. The ship was in all likelihood of Portuguese origin, which foundered after October, 1525, on outward-bound voyage, from Portugal to India. Historical research done by the author indicates that the wreckage is probably that

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from the “Bom Jesus”, a ship that - under the command of Francisco de Noronha, a great-grandson of both Spanish and Portuguese kings - went missing in 1533. The Oranjemund shipwreck represents a heri-tage that is of global significance - an European ship bound for Asia and lost in Africa, carrying aboard everything ranging from German cop-per ingots to West African ivory. By being the oldest European vessel to be discovered in sub-Saharan Africa to date and by carrying a treas-ure of very rare Spanish and Portuguese gold coins - thus attracting the unnerving attention of international media - this site also proved to be a magnet to all sort of political and diplo-matic strategies, drawbacks and stalemates. Besides the presentation of archaeological hard data and some stunning photographs, pro-gresses will be discussed, lessons learned will be taught and some surprising conclusions will be reached.

Underwater Researches at Phanagoria Olkhovskiy, Sergey - Researcher of Department of Protective Archaeology, Institute of Archae-ology Russian Academy of Sciences,Russia Kuznetsov, Vladimir - Head of Department of Classical Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia The site of Phanagoria is located in the south of Russia, on the Taman peninsula, which is sur-rounded by the waters of the Black Sea and the Azov Sea. Phanagoria was founded in the 40s of the 5th century BC by colonists from Teos and existed until around the beginning of the 10th century AD. The territory of the settlement measures about 60 ha, of which one third is submerged in the waters of the Taman Bay. Underwater archaeological excavations (2005-2010) in submerged part of Phanagoria site resulted in the discovery of an underwater foundation, which consisted of some sort of a log shell filled with stones. This foundation runs in the direction south-north, i.e. from the shore into the sea, it was about 3 m wide; at present, about 30 m of its length have been uncovered. The surface of the structure is located about 1.5-2 m under modern sea level. The numerous discovered artifacts – architectural details from various public buildings, inscriptions, fragments of marble statues and funerary stelae, - allow us to date the construction of the 3rd or 4th cen-turies AD. In 2010 we have cleared coastal edge of the construction, but its sea boundary is still unknown.

Managing deep sea archeological wrecks Tusa, Sebastiano - Soprintendente della Soprin-tendenza per i Beni Culturali di Trapani, Italy Royal, Jeffrey - RPM Nautical Foundation, USA Gambin, Timmy - AURORA Ocean Exploration & Education Trust, Malta A new frontier of under water archaeology is deep sea research. We started in Sicily this kind of research with the help of RPM Nautical Foundation and Aurora Trust. Two wide projects were set up. One was de-voted to search with RPM Nautical Foundation the traces of the battle between Romans and Chartaginians of 241 b.C.. We were able to find the exact place where that battle was fought thank to the discovery of many connected items, among which there three bronze ram (two Romans and one Punic) and a helmet. That discovery was done in the frame of a wide and long lasting activity of research done with the help of Hercules oceanographic ship. The first step was the survey of the area with side scan sonar that selected a lot of targets that were, afterwards, seen by ROV. The second project was carried on with Aurora Trust in the sea around Panarea where, with almost the same methodology, we identified four ancient wrecks at a depth of about m 100.

Tauric Chersonesos’ Underwater Research Reida, Roman - Department of Underwater Heritage, Archaeology Institute, Ukraine Beylina, Svitlana - Archaeology Institute (Crimean Branch), Ukraine Archaeological research in the Tauric Chersone-sos water area (Sebastopol, Ukraine) was re-commenced in 2009. Situated at the cape framed by two profound bays, Chersonesos was an important trading center in the North-ern Black Sea region from the 4-th century BC till the 14-th century AD. Due to a continuous coastal abrasion and hydrophysical influence (breaking waves’ energy and currents) a beaked cape’s part keeps collapsing. Only Quar-antine Bay (Ancient Chersonesos’ sunken dock area), safeguarded against strong currents, keeps the archeological material in an approxi-mate stability, although in a redeposited condi-tion (except massive buildings’ remains). The material dates to the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine periods and that of the Eastern War. Predominant finds in the inshore zone are mi-

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nor metal objects and fractions together with some rolled ceramic pieces. The 4-20 meters depths contain pottery fragments, anchor stones and anchors. Protecting the bay’s bot-tom from a complete devastation is the great-est challenge today, because an inevitable hy-drophysical destructive activity is supple-mented with an anthropogenic one: bay’s shore development, dredging and boat traffic. Chersonesos’ underwater heritage requires preservation for thorough research.

Montenegrin Maritime Archaeological Research Project (MMARP) Zagarcanin, Mladen - Museum of Bar, Monte-negro Blue, Lucy - Centre for Maritime Archaeology Archaeology, School of Humanities, University of Southampton, United Kingdom Trakadas, Athena - Viking Ship Museum, Den-mark Le Quesne, Charles - RPS Group, United King-dom Zdravković, Petra - Museum of Bar, Montene-gro The MMARP developed in response to recent discoveries in Maljevik Bay, Bar, southern Mon-tenegro. The remains – columns and dressed stone blocks – are unusual for their deposition in the bay, an area without any known associ-ated archaeological material. A field-school project comprised of Montenegrin archaeolo-gists and University of Southampton staff and students was conducted in the summer of 2010. The aims of this field-school focused upon documentation of the Maljevik site and the identification of any associated archaeo-logical material. A maritime archaeological project in Montenegro also presents an oppor-tunity for archaeologists and the government of Montenegro to develop and promote mari-time archaeology in the region and establish training for students. Perhaps the most urgent issue is the documentation and conservation of maritime heritage of this part of Montenegro’s coastline, an area that faces accelerated devel-opment, increasing numbers of tourists, and long-term looting. For this reason this project design includes other elements. Through the establishment of the MMARP, international expertise is combined with that of local archae-ologists and heritage professionals; it aims both to document this previously unknown resource, to bring it to the attention of a wider public,

and to encourage the management and protec-tion of these fragile and significant sites.

Cultural landscape and structural his-tory - a case study from an underwater archaeological site in southern Norway Johannessen, Jørgen - Norwegian Maritime Museum, Norway Four ship wrecks dating from 15th – 17th cen-turies and material such as ceramics, bottles and claypipes have been found in a sheltered strait in the southern part of Norway. The dense clustering offinds is closely connected to the strait as a safe haven after voyages crossing the ocean between northern Europe and south-ern Norway, as well as exploration along the coastline. At present there has been a smaller excavation on a carvel built, Dutch vessel, dat-ing from early 17th century. This is an early dating for carvel finds in Norway. Finds also includes a so called Hansekanne from northern Germany ca 1400, ceramics from Siegburg in Germany ca 1400 and a variety of Dutch and English clay pipes from 17th– 19th centuries. summer 2011, students from Syddansk Univer-sitet in Denmark are conducting a field school at another wreck. This wreck includes a load of plaster and the wreck is clinker built. Results from the excavation, such as new finds, dating and origin are to be presented at the IKUWA 4 Conference. The site is discussed on the back-ground of the Annales School with emphasis on Fernand Braudels’ concepts of history and time as the long run, cyclic and event based.

Underwater cultural heritage of lake Ohrid with the presentation of the re-construction of a palafit settlement in the Bay of the Bones at Gradiste, Ohrid region, R.M. Kuzman, Pasko - Cultural heritage protection office, Ministry of Culture R.M., Macedonia Todoroska, Valentina - Macedonia This presentation will aim to represent the cul-tural underwater heritage of Lake Ohrid. Its main focus will be site “Ploca Micov grad” in the Bay of Bones, where a complete recon-struction has been made and a complex of au-thentic structures , as well as a museum where the movable material of this prehistoric settle-ment has been presented. It is located along the east coast of Lake Ohrid in the Gradiste Bay. The first underwater archaeological re-search was conducted in 1997. At a depth of 3-4m we discovered numerous wooden piles

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pinned at the lake bed and numerous movable archaeological material, mainly ceramic-integral and fragmented ceramic vessels, chronologically belonging to the end of bronze and beginning of iron age. In 2008, part of the reconstruction of this locality was promoted, while in 2010 with was fully presented to the wider public. Here we would like to present the reconstruction, protection and conservation of this locality, as well as the realized measures for its presentation to the wider public and raising their awareness.

Networking the past - The Seljuk shipyard of Alanya / Turkey Rutter, Anya - graduate of University of South-ampton, program Maritime Archaeology, Ger-many The physical structure visible today was built in the 13th century during Seljuk reign, which bridges the Byzantine with the Ottoman era in the region. The historical developments leading to its founding show a process of emergence that went beyond the planning of the Seljuk rulers. The site had worked as a nodal point connecting land and sea for centuries, and con-tinued to do so almost into the present. Draw-ing together the wide variety of sources reveals the complex network that surrounded the ship-yard in its time. Ethnographic research provides multiple perceptions regarding this space that will also have existed among contemporaries. Today, the tourist town extends into the hinter-land, leaving the shipyard almost isolated. An attempt is currently made to develop it as a tourist attraction. Such a process carries the danger of reducing site treatment to the con-servation of a physical structure. Fishermen, neighbors, former shipbuilders from Greece and foreign visitors might all be integrated into the development. The potential of the shipyard as a nodal point for joint activities, living memories and shared traditions, for communi-cation and identity-building could be of mutual benefit to users and developers. After all, a site comes only alive with its context.

Isolino Virginia, the most ancient pile dwelling around the Alps: research results from Varese lake (Lombardy-Italy) Banchieri, Daria Giuseppina - Italy New investigations in various areas of Isolino site offers to Know the connection among lake,

dwelling and environment during the different Neolithic phases, but also for Eneolithic and Bronze Age. Thanks to the good condition of the wood it is possible to study and know more about building technologies of Neolithic period.

Underwater heritage of North-Western Russia; problems of investigation and conservation Mazurkevich, Andrey - General curator of the Department of archaeology of The State Her-mitage Museum, Russia Dolbunova, Ekaterina - Doctoral student in the Department of archaeology of The State Her-mitage Museum, Russia Lacustrine pile-dwellings situated under water are traditionally regarded to be the phenome-non of a strictly alpine zone. Whereas the same sites were found in North-Western Russia in the 1960s. These sites conserved under water and in peatbogs with rich rests of construc-tions, organic and other materials are unique evidence of european past. They appeared at the same time as alpine lacustrine sites in the same ecological niches. As is the case with al-pine sites these sites are cultural phenomenon. In the course of research several aspects are regarded to be important, one of which is the question of conservation of this cultural heri-tage. The other concerns problems of inde-pendence of cultures existed on this territory and their relationships with synchronous cul-tures of alpine zone. Chain of lakes between North-Eastern Poland and Valdai valley is poorly investigated. That is why it is not possible to understand completely the cultural phenomenon of lacustrine pile-dwellings in the east of Europe. Results of un-derwater investigations, conducted from the 1980s, of pile-dwellings situated in the Upper Dvina river will be represented in this report. Problems of conservation concern also sites situated in the North-Western Russia that will be demonstrated on the example of sites of lake Sennica (Pskovsky region).

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Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps - World heritage nomination: Strengths and weaknesses of managing the underwater sites of Lombardy (Italy) Poggiani, Raffaella - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Soprintendenza per IBeni Archeologici della Lombardia, Italy Baioni, M.- Italy Cesi, Adele - Italy Grassi, Barbara - Ministero per i Beni e le At-tività Culturali - Soprintendenza per IBeni Ar-cheologici della Lombardia, ItalyMangani, Clau-dia - Museo Civico Archeologico “G. Rambotti”, Desenzano Del Garda (Bs), Italy Martinelli, Nicoletta - Dendrodata, Dendrochro-nological laboratory, Italy Ruggiero, Maria Giuseppina - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali- Soprintendenza per IBeni Archeologici della Lombardia, Italy As everybody knows, Italy has a rich cultural heritage and many of its sites have been included in the UNESCO - World Heritage List. Till now, Italy is the coun-try most represented in the List, with more than 40 properties: historic centers, monuments, archaeological sites, cultural and natural heritage. At present, Italy is taking part in the transna-tional nomination for inscription in UNESCO's World Heritage List of the “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps”. The project in-volves, besides Switzerland, which promotes the nomination, France, Germany, Austria and Slovenia. Among the 19 the sites identified to take part in the project in northern Italy, 10 are in the region Lombardy. The most ancient structures date back to the Early Neolithic (ca. 5000 BC) but the phenome-non intensifies and spreads during the Early and the Middle Bronze Age (2200-1400 BC) and comes to conclusion at the end of the sec-ond millennium BC. The highest concentration of pile dwellings is located on the shores of Lake Garda, where there are more than 30 villages, and in the area of Varese’s Lakes; important sites are also in the morenic hilly region. The nomination of pile dwellings around the Alps has been an opportunity to highlight and analyze overall the protection and the manage-ment of these sites, with particular attention to

the underwater ones (for instance Bodio-Varese and Sirmione - Brescia), also located in tourist areas. The paper will outline the weaknesses and the strengths in the manage-ment of the Lombard sites, which came to light during the works for preparing the nomination files.

Rose Island in Lake Starnberg A Bavarian lake - shore settlement Schlitzer, Ulrich - Bavarian Society for Underwa-ter Archaeology, Germany Bavaria, the southernmost state of Germany, is situated at the periphery of the distribution area of prealpine lakeshore and wetland settle-ments. However, the region provides a remark-able site - Rose Island in Lake Starnberg - that was included in the international, serial World Heritage Nomination “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps” under the auspices of Switzer-land. The lake is the only water in Bavaria where clear proof has been found for the existence of pile-dwelling settlements. Rose Island itself has always been the focal point of Bavarian pile-dwelling research. Large shallow water areas with well preserved archaeological remains from numerous prehistoric and historic times offer wide research opportunities. Iron Age features from the middle of the 1st millennium BC - an era usually characterized by the aban-donment of water-edge locations - make the settlement unique among other pile-dwelling sites. The former royal island is an excellent example for the complexity of successful site management. Requirements as an inscribed World Heritage, needs of stakeholders and public authorities, the legal and physical implementation of monument protection and nature conservation have to be taken into consideration as well as aspects of scientific research and tourism inter-ests.

The great bridge of medieval Novgorod: newly discovered underwa-ter treasury of old - Russian res publica Stepanov, Aivar - North-west Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Russia Troianovskiy, Sergey - Russian archaeological center of Novgorod state museum, Russia Since 2005 in Novgorod (Russia) continuing research program of exploring underwater re-mains of medieval wooden “Great bridge”.

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Technical and methodological support of the underwater diving operations has become the first successful experience of underwater ar-chaeological research on the territory of An-cient Russia. As a result of underwater archaeo-logical works on the bottom of the river Volkhov were found pillar’s constructions of the bridge piers referring to XII and XIV centu-ries. Around them were collected thousand evidences (inc. coins, seals, jewelry, weapons, tools, locks and keys, pottery, bricks, frescoes etc.) of the bridge history, which are quite im-portant for historical view on this oldest sta-tionery bridge in unique old-Russian republic. The archeological information received broad-ened the field for the research of the building, topographic and socio-political “life” of the Great Bridge and became a prominent addition to the materials of the wide-scale excavations on the territory of Novgorod. After this works area of riverbed inside the historical core of Novgorod were included in the ring-like pe-rimeter of “Cultural layer of medieval Nov-gorod”, as an archeological object of UNESCO (since 1992). The next step of project will be creation of new type museum “Great Bridge”, as a real under-water “treasury” and important part of tourists branding of city Novgorod.

A new approach to research of river archaeology in Northern Croatia Zubčić, Krunoslav - Croatian Conservation Insti-tute, Department of Underwater Archaeology, Croatia The paper will present recent research of the rivers Kupa and Mrežnica near Karlovac and of the rivers Drava and Danube in the regions of Slavonia and Baranja. The strategy of the re-search was the survey of large portions of the rivers using a side-scan sonar to determine pos-sible areas for diving survey. The differences between results are caused by different hydro- and geological conditions of the rivers. The area were the ruins of a Roman bridge crossing the Drava river in Osijek were found, was then scanned with a multibeam sonar. The bathymetrical data showed the positions of rests of four pilons.

Underwater archaeological investigations on the origin of the numerous Bronze Age human finds in the Tollense valley, North - East Germany Brinker, Ute - State Authority for Culture and Protection of Monuments, Department Archae-ology, Germany Krüger, Jochen - Institute of History, University Greifswald, Germany Lübke, Harald - Centre for Baltic and Scandina-vian Archaeology, Schleswig-Holstein State Mu-seums Fundation Schloss Gottorf, Germany An outstanding Bronze Age site of the 13th century BC from Tollense valley, North-eastern Germany, is currently the object of systematical interdisciplinary research. Weapon finds and human skeletal remains discovered in a dis-tance of about 5 km along the River Tollense indicate an unusual situation, currently inter-preted as the remains of a Bronze Age group conflict. Up to now, skeletal remains of more than 80 individuals, mostly young males, have been identified. Several of them exhibit traces of violence, e.g. a skull with a severe impression fracture or an upper arm bone with embedded flint arrowhead. The presented article is a pre-liminary report of the results of dive-surveys carried out up to now in addition to the wet-land excavations and describes the future tasks of the under water archaeology in the frame of the research project which is supported by the „Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft“ (DFG) since 2010.

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POST EXCAVATION Friday, 30th September 2011, Room 124 The conservation of ancient dockyard sites Blackman, David - University of Oxford, Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Ioannou Centre for Classic, United Kingdom Lentini, Maria Costanza - Servizio Parco Arche-ologico di Naxos e delle aree archeologiche di Giardini Naxosal and Byzantine Studies, Italy Recent excavations of ancient dockyard sites have revealed a number of examples of a type not previously well known: with built up ramps of hard-packed earth, or earth and rubble, or sand. These are less easy to conserve than rock-cut slipways or slipways with built up stone ramps; there is some evidence that they needed maintenance already during their pe-riod of use. Examples of all these types will be discussed, with the methods being proposed for their conservation, in order where possible to make them permanent and accessible.

Preliminary studies for the conserva-tion of the wooden poles of the pile dwelling in Fiavè (North east Italy) Dal Rì, Cristina - Soprintendenza per i beni li-brari archivistici e archeologici, Italy Bellintani, Paolo - Soprintendenza per i beni librari archivistici e archeologici, Italy Macchioni , Nicola - CNR IVALSA, Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle specie Arboree, Italy Pizzo, Benedetto - CNR IVALSA, Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle specie Arboree, Italy Capretti, Chiara - Italy The archaeological area of Fiavè, in the alpine Trentino region in Italy, at 646 m a.s.l. and 10 km northbound the Garda lake, was discovered due to the industrial exploitation of the peat that filled the original “Carera” basin, a small glacial lake almost completely disappeared. During the period 1969 – 1975 some campaigns of systematic excavations directed by Renato Perini allowed bringing to the light pile dwell-ings pertaining to different periods and of dif-ferent typologies, dated back to the IV – II mil-lennia B.C. After the excavations the wooden poles re-mained on site, with preserving conditions

completely changed: partially or completely covered by the water table. In order to design the layout of an archaeological park on the pile dwellings it was decided to measure the evolu-tion of the decay of the wooden artefacts from the excavation up to present times. During summer 2010 several samples were drawn from a large number of poles, trying to take the samples including the inner portions of mate-rial. The paper will describe the sampling method-ologies and the principal results of the decay measurements, made according to a deep pro-tocol: anatomical micromorphological analyses, physical analyses (to determine MWC% and densities) and chemical analyses through gra-vimetric and spectrophotometric methodolo-gies.

Waterlogged wood preservation problems; The case of the Mediaeval Boats of Nin Fix, Peter - Texas A&M University, Centre for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation, De-partment of Anthropology , USA Radić Rossi, Irena - University of Zadar, Croatia Radović, Mate - Museum of Nin Heritage, Croa-tia The excavation and conservation of the two mediaeval era boats from Nin figures today as Croatia’s only realized nautical archaeology project. Located in the area of ancient Aenona, or later Nona during 1967 and 1968, the two well preserved hulls were documented during three campaigns preceding the raising of the finds in 1974. After ten years of conservation treatment the boats were put on display in the local museum. For many years following their installation, a conservator monitored the timbers; however, upon his retirement museum staff cleaned and maintained the timber, only by vacuuming and dusting. That is until a multi-toned grey or yel-lowish orange powder was observed precipitat-ing from the polyethylene glycol (PEG) stabi-lized wood. Several samples of the powder were evaluated by gravimetric means and the unofficial results identified the presence of both chloride and sulphide ions. In April 2010, on request of the Archaeological Museum of Zadar, the University of Zadar and the Center for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation, Texas A&M University provided the technical assistance to assess the preservation state of two archaeological boat remains.

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The purpose of the project is to identify the precipitate; attempt to understand the chemi-cal or biological activity generating the powder; determine if the powder or mechanism poses a specific risk to the long term preservation of the crafts; recommend key areas for improve-ment of conditions, work, or further to be un-dertaken.

Some examples of presentation of archaeological material found in res-cue underwater excavations in Croatia Gusar, Karla - University of Zadar, Croatia Parica, Mate - University of Zadar, Croatia The paper analyzes possible ways to approach the presentation of archeological material found in underwater archaeological excava-tions of the sites Grotica and Martinšćica on the island of Cres, Foša in Zadar and Matejuška in Split. These sites are ports where rescue un-derwater investigations revealed mainly Mod-ern Age pottery finds. Given the fact that these findings untill recent were not considered part of archaeology, and it is still difficult to find them in musem showcases, the basic idea is that this material after the research and con-servation is presented in various local institu-tions. Apart from the various museum collec-tions, this kind of material fited into historical context of the settlement, can be exibited in the public institutions that operate in the area such as galleries, a variety of educational insti-tutions, administrative centres and tourist of-ficesa, which will certanly contribute to better understanding of the history of the settle-ments, but is also important for raising cultural awareness among the local population.

Preserving a submerged Bronze Age city: The Pavlopetri Underwater Archaeological Project Henderson, Jon C. - Underwater Archaeology Research Centre, Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Gallou, Chrysanthi - Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies, Department of Archae-ology, University of Nottingham, United King-dom Sakellariou, Dimitris - The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece Spondylis, Elias - Department of Underwater Antiquities of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Greece

Pavlopetri, off the coast of Laconia, Greece, is the oldest submerged city in the world with remains dating from at least 3,500 BC through to the end of the Mycenaean period c.1,180 BC. Remains can be traced over 8 hectares, sub-merged by 3 to 4 metres of water, and consist of intact domestic buildings, larger public struc-tures, courtyards, streets, graves and rock-cut tombs. In 2009 the University of Nottingham began a 5-year project, in collaboration with the Department of Underwater Antiquities of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and the Hel-lenic Centre for Maritime Research, to outline the history and development of Pavlopetri. A fundamental aim of the project is to promote the international significance of Pavlopetri en-suring its survival and protection for future generations. This paper will discuss the proposed preserva-tion strategy for Pavlopetri, the use of cutting edge survey technology to both preserve the site digitally and allow meaningful engagement with the public, as well as plans for in-situ pres-ervation and presentation. It is hoped that the model developed at Pavlopetri will have an application for other shallow submerged coastal sites.

Managing the Evidence - Implications of Digital Developments on the Documentation, Analysis, Pres-entation and Archiving of Ship Hull As-semblages Nayling, Nigel - Newport Ship Project and Uni-versity of Wales, Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom Jones, Toby - Newport Ship Project and Univer-sity of Wales, Trinity Saint David, United King-dom The utilization of digital methods for the docu-mentation of ship hull assemblages, showcased at the workshop preceding the last IKUWA con-ference, has become increasingly widespread. The implications of this development, including the impact on approaches to such key research themes as hull design, construction sequence and theoretical hull reconstruction; modes for dissemination of the results of such analysis through publication and display, and the oppor-tunities and challenges for the creation of ac-cessible digital archives are now being ex-plored. Using the Newport Medieval Ship Project as a case study, this paper reflects on these devel-

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opments, examining how these can deliver not just three-dimensional documentation of ship hulls but also innovative methods of visual analysis, presentation, and audience interac-tion. The effective management of the resul-tant outputs will require the creation of digital archives which encourage interrogation and comparative research, and ensure migration of data as file formats and computer operating systems evolve.

First aids for underwater cultural heri-tage: preventive conservation from excavation to museum Huet, Nathalie - DRASSM, French Ministry of Culture, France In submarine environment, organic material are well preserved whereas in terrestrial con-texts most of the time they are totally de-graded. For metallic objects and ceramics, the salts are going to accelerate their alterations at once they are uncovered. Consequently the conservation of these artefacts have to be con-ducted during the excavation as soon as possi-ble and initial conservation adapted to each material. The operational link from excavation to study or restoration have to be well man-aged otherwise in few years all these artefacts will be in a bad state. In 2010, the Drassm created a preventive con-servation section responsible of the manage-ment of underwater archaeological artefacts. They have to deal as well with amphora as 2nd world war aircraft. Their missions are to do the first aids for these objects, to manage initial conservation section on-site, to inform the pro-fessional archaeologists and volunteer excava-tors. Moreover the management of the arte-facts from the last 40 years underwater excava-tions, they have to prescribe new rules for the current and future surveys and excavations.

GOOD PRACTICE Saturday, 1st October 2011, Great hall Management, research and the new economy: recent developments in the coastal and marine archaeology of Scotland Benjamin, Jonathan - Wessex Archaeology (Coastal and Marine) and The University of Ed-inburgh, Scotland Research and management in coastal and ma-rine archaeology has expanded on an interna-tional scale ranging from ships and boats to submerged prehistory. In order to meet the growing energy demands of a low-carbon econ-omy, Europe’s offshore sectors are exploiting resources in an unprecedented manner. New development requires planning permissions and a comprehensive impact assessment of the environment that includes cultural heritage. In Scotland, a small country that has <1% of Europe’s population, but 25% of its wind re-sources, major offshore development is under-way with a plan in place and long-term goals set out to 2050. Work has begun in order to assess the archaeological potential and heri-tage resources in the submarine environments of Scotland. This paper will discuss our experience relating to the initial interrogation and consolidation of marine data, and seascape characterization of Scotland’s marine heritage and archaeological potential.

Managing the fixed link - A Danish - German cooperation project in the Baltic Sea Segschneider, Martin - Archaeological State Office Schleswig-Holstein, Germany In this project, the Danish Viking ship Museum, Roskilde, and the German Archaeological State Office Schleswig-Holstein, are closely cooperat-ing. The crossing of the 18 km wide Fehmarn-belt between these two countries by a tunnel started an ambitious work on the protection and investigation of the underwater cultural heritage in this marine area. The project is car-ried out in five stages: 1. archival studies; 2. a complete overview of the building area by means of Side scan-Sonar and magnetic meas-urements; 3. checking the anomalies in waters deeper than 10 meters with the help of a ROV, and, if detected as objects of possible cultural

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value, visited by surface-supplied divers. In the shallow water, all anomalies were also checked by divers, especially submerged forests, but no stone-age sites could be detected so far. 4. Two war-ship wrecks lying in water 35 metres deep dating to the 17th century will be thoroughly investigated due to the fact that they might be removed in advance of the building activities (5.).As a special matter, fresh-water sediments from a former lake were also cored to do a pa-leo-ecological analysis of the rapid landscape changes and marine transgressions flooding the Baltic Sea basin.

Managing the Nord Stream project through Danish waters Dencker, Jørgen - Head of Marine Archaeology on the Viking, Ship Museum in Roskilde, Den-mark Just now Nord Stream AG is establishing a gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea between Russia and Germany. The pipeline traverses Danish territo-rial waters near Bornholm. In total, a track of approximately 138 kilometers by 2 kilometers has been affected. The Viking Ship Museum who is responsible for the Marine Archaeology in that area has checked the geophysics survey data and pro-duced a cultural-historical evaluation of the positively identified shipwrecks. In the 1638 kilometer long surveyed distance 951 anoma-lies were pointed out and of these 30 were wrecks, parts of wrecks or possible wrecks. Most of the wrecks could be typological dated on basis of underwater video and it was quite striking that no wrecks seemed to be more than 400 years old. Where were the older ones? In connection to the lay down of the pipeline the Viking Ship Museum had defined zones around the wrecks which had to be protected against anchors and anchor wires during the anchor handling in a 2000 meter wide zone. One wreck was that close to the alignment that the Viking Ship Museum was on board the huge platform when the lay down operation passed that wreck to secure that everything went as agreed and that the wreck wasn’t damaged. Besides of a rudder which lay directly in the alignment nothing has been recovered.

The shipwrecks in the Eastern part Gulf of Finland in the Russian Zone of project “Nord Stream” Sorokin, Petr - North-west Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Russia Stepanov, Aivar - North-west Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Russia In 2006 - 10 in the Eastern part of Gulf of Finland were conducted scales underwater researches in a zone of a line of the North Euro-pean gas pipeline. Its total length in the Russian waters is about 110 km. The projected pipeline route crosses the historic water communica-tions, which connected the Baltic Sea with the Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and St. Pe-tersburg. In the course of these works have been found and searched 18 shipwrecks not known before. The significant amount of sunken wrecks was revealed near to the North-ern Hohland bank. According to archival docu-ments in this place the largest cemetery of the ships in the Russian waters of Baltic is located. All of them lie down on depth about 50-60 m., therefore preservation of their hulls are good preserved. Their inspection was conducted by sonar and ROV. Underwater investigation by skin-divers was in exceptional cases made. De-sign features of the ships and the finds allow dating those 18-20 centuries.

Bjørvika, Oslo harbor - a Norwegian example of the new millennia’s “post-port” urban seaside A brief presentation of maritime con-structions, boats, artefacts and cul-tural layers uncovered en route to the future city centre Vangstad, Hilde - Norwegian Maritime Mu-seum, Norway Through the two decades following year 2000 a massive urban development project is sched-uled to take place in Bjørvika, Oslo harbor, as is the situation in various comparable harbors round the world. The Norwegian Maritime Mu-seum has been responsible for the registration and excavation of maritime sites protected by the Norwegian Cultural Heritage law in Bjør-vika. As a result the museum has been engaged in several small and large scale projects from 2003 and till this day. More than 30 boat wrecks dating from late 16th century to 20th century has been revealed and well known and unknown harbor constructions have come to light. The documentation of seabed sediments

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and fillings has led to a far better understand-ing of the local natural and cultural processes in the harbor, and a vast number of artefacts have been collected. In 2011 - nearly half-way through the development project it’s time not only to present some of the results. It is also time to discuss the fact that we are about to lose most of the city’s archaeological maritime “archives” holding information of boat and ship constructions, harbor constructions, dock-yards, maritime trade and urban harbor life in Oslo through the last 1000 years.

Management of Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage in Kenya Bita, Caesar - Underwater archaeology, Fort Jesus Museum, Kenya Management of Maritime and underwater cul-tural heritage in Kenya is placed under the Na-tional Museums of Kenya (NMK), a state coop-eration established by an Act of Parliament called the National Museums and Heritage Act (NMHA) of 2006. This ACT gives the NMK the powers to put in place sound policies for managing heritage sites and materials, provides for the establishment, control, management and development of na-tional museums and identification, protection, conservation of Maritime heritage within Kenya waters, archaeological sites, artifacts etc. in Kenya. NMK undertakes the following: Enactment of the maritime cultural heritage conservation and exploration policy, training of personnel in maritime archaeology (4 trained in the field of underwater archaeology). NMK has set up a unit of underwater archaeology within the larger department of archaeology in one of its big museums, Fort Jesus Museum in the coast, it conducts of surveys and documenta-tion of maritime archaeological resources (a database is developed). There is stakeholder involvement as well as bilateral and multilateral relationships with countries that have more highly developed coastal and marine heritage management capabilities. NMK carries out Un-derwater Cultural Heritage Impact Assessments (UWCHIA) on proposed development projects before they are carried out to identify possible effects and propose measures to mitigate ad-verse effects etc. Challenges include few trained personnel, lack of equipment and lack of funds.

The archaeological impact evaluation as a helpful tool in the planning stage of large scale construction projects: The case of P.I.F. in Venice lagoon Capulli, Massimo - Università degli Studi di Udine,Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali, Italy Pellegrini, Alessandro - Andreia Studio Asso-ciato per L’archeologia delle Acque, Italy Rizzotto, Riccardo - Andreia Studio Associato per L’archeologia delle Acque, Italy Traviglia, Arianna - Research Fellow, Depart-ment of Ancient History, Faculty of Arts, MAC-QUARIE UNIVERSITY , Italy Preventive archeology has the aim to locate sites during the data acquisition phase that should run before or during the planning stage of a work.The archeological impact evaluation (VIA) exposed in this paper, preliminary to the realization of the water pipe planned by Fusina Integrated Project (PIF), concerned an ex-tended zone including the central and south part of the Venice Lagoon. Morphology of this area is very complex and various with the pres-ence of canals, shelf and dry land and many modifications were brought during the past centuries. In submerged and wet sites VIA is a multidisci-plinary analysis of data coming from different studies: historical, archaeological, geomorpho-logic and paleo environmental, collected with information retrieved by air photo interpreta-tion and direct or instrumental survey. Synthe-sis of these data allows us to identify the po-tential archaeological risk of an area, the evaluation of which becomes part of the plan-ning stage and a useful tool to support decision makers. In the case of PIF, by this study, it was possible to locate some anomalies and also a sub-merged archaeological site, which has been preserved from damages by planning the devia-tion of the course of the project.

The “Black Swan” Treasure; A lesson for future management of underwater cultural heritage Génio, Margarida - University of Coimbra, Por-tugal In May 2007, the largest and most valuable shipwreck treasure in history, a seventeen-ton haul of 500 thousand gold and silver coins, copper and tin ingots, and other

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valuable objects was raised by the US treasure hunting Company Odyssey Marine Exploration. The cargo was recovered from the Spanish gal-leon Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes that sunk off the Portuguese Coast in the 19th century, during the excavation operation carried out in secret under the codename “Black Swan”. The unauthorized withdraw of the Spanish Treasure from Portuguese contiguous waters was taken to court in the USA for a formal legal process that lasts until today, where the Spanish gov-ernment claims the recovery of the shipment. While the 500 thousand million Euros treasure gets all the attention, the shipwreck remains underwater and seems forgotten, as well as other objects that are not worth the money, but have surely more archaeological and his-torical value. This case is a good example of the lack of appropriate management, including archaeological research, conservation and dis-semination of knowledge. The author will bring insights into the formula-tion of a management plan and considerations on how it should be executed.

The State of Underwater Archaeology for CRMs and Industry in Northern America A View from the Pacific Coast Gusick, Amy E. - Department of Anthropology, University of California, USA Faught, Michael K. - Panamerican Consultants, USA While the discipline of submerged prehistoric archaeology has been gaining in popularity in North America over the past couple decades, this growth has not been consistent. Concern of and interest in submerged prehistoric sites within the cultural resource community and within industry has lagged in North America, particularly in the western portion of the conti-nent. Cultural resource managers (CRMs) and permitting agencies in the south east and east, close to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, are becoming increasingly aware of the need for management plans that include miti-gation measures for submerged archaeological sites. This concern has resulted in a boost to underwater research and discovery of numer-ous submerged sites in the region. The western portion of the continent has not seen this same type of awareness within CRM and industry projects. There has recently, however, been a focus within academia on identifying locales on submerged paleo landscapes off the western

coast, in the Pacific Ocean, that may favor pres-ervation of prehistoric archaeological sites. As these projects become more fully dissemi-nated, we hope that permitting agencies and CRMs in the western portion of the continent will begin considering management plans that include submerged prehistoric archaeological sites.

Rescue archaeology in harbour con-struction projects: the case of Horta bay (Azores, Portugal)

Bettencourt, José - Centro de História de Além-Mar, Portugal Carvalho, Patrícia - Centro de História de Além-Mar, Portugal The reorganization of the maritime front of Horta, in Faial island (Azores), promoted by the Azores Government, includes the modification of a 170000 m2 submerged area, through the construction of a dock with more than 300 m length and the dredging of a turning and ma-neuvering basin. This project, that begun in June 2009, was preceded by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study, which resulted in the the definition of several mitigation meas-ures to be implemented before and during con-struction works – the survey, excavation and removal of archaeological materials discovered and the monitoring of the dredging works. This approach allowed us to identify and pre-serve remains related to Modern navigation in the Atlantic. The most important is Baía da Horta 1 site (BH-001), due to the diversity of materials found (elephant tusks, artillery, fire-arms, ceramics, glass and metal or wood ob-jects) and the complexity of the strategy adopted to rescue this scattered 18th century shipwreck. This paper presents the methods, strategies and results of this intervention and discusses the specificity’s of archaeological mitigation related to harbor constructions in scattered shipwrecks sites.

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IN SITU PRESERVATION Saturday, 1th October 2011, Room 143 Developing a guideline for In situ preservation of shipwrecks Manders, Martijn - Netherlands Cultural Heri-tage Agency, Netherlands Gregory, David - The National Museum of Den-mark, Department of Conservation, Denmark Quite a few international regulations concern-ing the protection of maritime heritage under-water are stating that preservation “in situ” should be considered as the first option (The Treaty of Valletta of 1992, UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heri-tage of 2001 and the ICOMOS Charter on the Protection and Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage of 1996). But what does that mean and what does it imply? The EU - 7th Framework - project (2009-2011) Wreck Pro-tect has focused on developing tools for pre-dicting the spread of marine borers into the Baltic and effective methods for in situ protec-tion of the historical wreck and submerged settlements. This has resulted in two guidelines for maritime archaeologists and cultural heri-tage managers, one on the prediction of spread of the shipworm (Teredo navalis) in the Baltic Sea - a major threat for the outstanding well preserved shipwrecks that have been discov-ered there - and a more general guideline on the use of physical in situ protection of sub-merged sites. This last guideline can also be used in other areas in the world. It suggests methods to se-cure the long term preservation of underwater wooden cultural heritage. In order to provide a complete picture, instructions on use, pro and cons of the applied methods and cost-benefit analyses are included. Additionally also pre and post installation work will be discussed, like regular monitoring on site. The proposed paper discusses the final results of this research.

A 14th century Shipwreck from Reiche-nau Island, Lake Constance (Germany): Excavation, Documentation, and In situ Conservation Mainberger, Martin - Ref. Feuchtboden- u. Unterwasserarchäologie Landesamt f. Denk-malpflege im RP Stuttgart, Germany Watercraft was crucial for the economy and communication of the renowned monastery on

Reichenau Island (founded in 824) in Lake Con-stance, which is today a UNESCO World Heri-tage site. Archaeological remains of ships rep-resent therefore important sources for the his-torical understanding of transport and fishing at the island. In 2004 a shipwreck, dating to the early 14th century, was discovered in the shal-low water zone near the southern shore. Moni-toring dives showed that the object suffered badly from anchors, waves and sediment ero-sion and that it was falling apart increasingly. In consequence, the Landesamt für Denkmalp-flege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, in the framework of an Interreg IV - programme („Erosion und Denkmalschutz im Bodensee und Zürichsee“), started rescue operations. Loose components were recovered or excavated if still embedded in sediment. The wooden com-ponents were documented using a laser scan device. After archaeological documentation the components were transported back to Reiche-nau Island, where they were reburied on a more sheltered site in the shallow water zone. In this way a second shipwreck discovered near the reburial site will benefit from the experi-ence gained from the first in-situ conservation of a historical shipwreck in Lake Constance.

Heritage Management Nirvana: combining outreach, research and conservation in the management of historic shipwrecks in Victoria, Australia Steyne, Hanna - Institute of Archaeology, UCL, United Kingdom MacLeod, Ian - Executive Director, Collections Management and Conservation, Western Aus-tralian Museum, Australia Heritage Victoria is the State Government agency responsible for the management of non-indigenous cultural heritage assets in Victoria, Australia. Around 250 historic shipwrecks have been located and protected in Victoria, ranging in date from the early 1830’s to World War II. As a result of significant expansion of the inter-national commercial port and development of smaller marinas around Port Phillip Bay, moni-toring works and active site management re-gimes have been established on a number of significant shipwrecks, which survive largely intact within the Bay. This paper presents some of the work under-taken by Heritage Victoria, in conjunction with the Western Australian Museum and Maritime

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Archaeology Association of Victoria, over the past two years to actively protect and conserve historic shipwrecks in Victoria. Two sites will be discussed in this paper; the iron hulled steamer City of Launceston and the twin turreted moni-tor HMVS Cerberus. Both these sites have been the subject of long term corrosion studies and more recently conservation through the use of anodes. Integral to the work has been the training and inclusion of local volunteers to assist with all phases the work.

Management for Conservation of North Carolina’s Underwater Cultural Heritage Watkins-Kenney, Sarah - North Carolina Depart-ment of Cultural Resources, Underwater Ar-chaeology Branch, USA North Carolina, on the eastern seaboard of the United States, has a rich maritime heritage. Maritime archaeological sites may be at risk from environmental and cultural factors. Cul-tural factors arise from varied, sometimes con-flicting, interests. Since the 1960s, the State of North Carolina has employed a professional staff whose duties include protection and pres-ervation (i.e. conservation) of underwater ar-chaeological remains to which the State has title. To achieve this requires developing and implementing management strategies for con-servation that balance professional, political and public interests. This paper will briefly review the history of pro-vision for the protection and preservation of the underwater cultural heritage of North Caro-lina, and introduce the research I am doing for a doctorate in the Coastal Resources Manage-ment Program at East Carolina University. The goal of my research is to examine past and cur-rent strategies to manage underwater archaeo-logical resources in North Carolina, to under-stand decisions made and to observe the out-comes of actions taken. This will provide data for the development of better strategies for future conservation management of our sub-merged cultural heritage. The NC Department of Cultural Resources Of-fice of State Archaeology has records on some 900 underwater sites on which various ar-chaeological actions have been taken, 1960-2010. My investigation of management strate-gies for these sites will include multivariate analysis to determine relationships between actions, factors and outcomes. Five possible actions for conservation management are: 1)

do nothing; 2) record; 3) in situ preservation; 4) partial recovery and in situ preservation;and 5) complete recovery. Factors that influence ac-tions taken are site characteristics, political, professional and public interests. The outcome of actions is the effectiveness of the conserva-tion management strategy as indicated by the current risk of loss of remains. This paper will report on initial research into actions, factors and outcomes, in relation to underwater ar-chaeological sites in North Carolina.

The clash of interests in the manage-ment of the underwater cultural heritage Frigerio, Alberto - PhD student in Management and Development of Cultural Heritage, IMT Alti Studi, Italy Nowadays the management of the underwater cultural heritage is a topic of great interest and debate. Different solutions have been sug-gested and adopted: the classic display of un-derwater cultural properties in on-land muse-ums (for instance, the Vasa museum in Stock-holm, Sweden, or the Bodrum Museum of Un-derwater Archeology, Turkey), the develop-ment of underwater museums (like the Baiheli-ang Underwater Museum in Chogging, China, or the plan for underwater museum in Alexan-dria, Egypt), the creation of underwater ar-cheological parks (for example, the underwater archeological park of Baia, Italy, or the Florida’s Museum in the Sea, USA), the promotion of new networks between maritime museums and other institutions (as a strengthened coopera-tion between aquariums and maritime muse-ums), the implementation of management through new technologies (such as the EU Ve-nus Project). The point is that several interests, like preservation, protection, conservation in situ, promotion, access and economic factors affect the management of the underwater cul-tural heritage and it is not always simple to conciliate all of them. The aim of this paper is, firstly, to propose a preliminary analysis of the impact of each inter-ests on the different methods of management and, secondly, to suggest possible ways to reach a good compromise among the different elements in game.

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The SIMAR project Donnabella, Gaetano - Teknomar SRL, Italy Iorio, Fabio - Westend SEL, Italy Perretta,Francesco - Director, Marine Protected Area , Ventotene and S. Stefano, Italy Zarattini,Annalisa - Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italy The Project was inspired by the extraordinary discoveries - in the waters of Ventotene at depths of between 100 and 150 meters - of an ancient wreck, whose load is still perfectly in-tact. The project aims to develop an integrated system for the sustainable management of ar-chaeological sites placed in deep water, never attempted before. Through the Web will be possible at the same time to make available and protect archaeo-logical sites placed at depths exceeding 100meters. The system offer san alternative to save cul-tural heritage sites normally inaccessible. The Integrated System for Marine Archaeology (SIMAR) will be performed by two companies (Westend and Teknomar) and two public insti-tutions (Archaeological Superintendence of Lazio and Marine Protected Area of St. Stephen Ventotene); Main objectives are: - Protection of underwater archaeological sites; - Fruition of cultural heritage; - Real - time monitoring of environmental pa-rameters; - Stream video via the Web or satellite network, offering full use of the image sand environ-mental data. Indeed, the facility of cameras around a wreck-must not be misleading because the system is operating in a particularly hostile environment where the main elements of difficulty are: - the pressure; - the presence of galvanic currents; - the inability to perform work directly with divers at an affordable cost. Video signal son fiberoptic sand power supplies to place on these abed near the site. MANAGEMENT: The Italian underwater cultural heritage requires new methods for its manage-ment and protection. Furthermore, since 01/02/2010 is in force in Italy the UNESCO Con-ventionon Underwater Heritage; with this even the underwater environment has begun to play a key role for the actors involved in cultural heritage. The SIMAR System responds perfectly

to the spirit of the Convention based on the assumption of identifying the archaeological find and left in place in case there is no danger of damage or theft. Thanks to the systems and methods we are working for, the cultural heri-tage will be accessible to the experts, the stu-dents, and the people all over the world. Promote direct tourism on the concern edar-eas. The possibility to see and appreciate in real-time sites, natural beauty and cultural growth will also produce an indirect local tourism pro-motion. PROTECTION: The huge cost presented by the recovery of archaeological finds in deep water requires the addition of any further considera-tion of alternative strategies for the protection of these findings. The Integrated System aims to address and resolve this matter. The protec-tion is exercised by surveillance video, which is realized with the installation of cameras that frame and submerged sites the tare available online in real time to ensure continuous cover-age. In addition to the video system you can place the multi - parametric probes use ful for verifying the maintenance of the conditions of the surrounding waters. These data also can be made available on line and can be used both by students and simple users.

The wreck of Rocchetta 1: documentation and preservation Capulli, Massimo - Università degli Studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali, Italy Before the realization of mobile dikes designed to protect the city of Venice from high tides, during preliminary surveys, several wrecks were located and among these the one called “Rocchetta 1”. This wreck interfered with the construction of the defense system; so, at first, an underwater archeological excavation was done, and then the wreck, that was broken in two different main parts, has been recovered, by removing it from the depth and finally retrieving it up to surface. In this way the working area has been cleared. On the surface several activities were carried out: analyses, documentation and nautical study. Laser scan technology and Faro Arm were used for the documentation of detached elements of the wreck; in this way it was possi-ble to realize a 3D model of the wreck and to manipulate single elements in order to straighten the hull and to identify the water-

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lines. At the end of these operations the wreck was covered by geotextile and carried out of Malamocco inlet; than it was submerged and placed into a hole excavated in a sedimentation area.

Protection and managing of underwa-ter cultural heritage in Croatia Bezak, Jurica - Protection and managing of un-derwater cultural heritage, Croatia The paper brings an overview of underwater sites which were protected in situ with iron grid cage. As this method of protection is in use from 1990 to these days this article present analysis and report of achieved results. During this pe-riod a new structures are developed and vari-ous materials was used. Transformation of iron grid, from cage form to the underwater mu-seum, from physical protection to the presen-tation is kind of preservation required achieve.

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An attempt to on-site conservation of underwater cultural heritage: The Baiheliang Underwater Museum in China Chuan Ping, Wang - People’s Republic of China The Baiheliang Inscription is located in the Yantze River to north of Fulin Town of Chongqing city, which recorded the water level of 72 dry years in a history of over 1200 years; therefore it is named as an intact ‘Primary An-cient Hydrometric Station’ and a rare ‘Stele Forest Underwater’, with very high value in science, history and art. The Baiheliang Inscrip-tion will permanently rest under water in the bottom of Three gorge reservoir after the nor-mal water level reaches 175 meters. In order to ensure the authenticity and integ-rity of The Baiheliang Inscription, The Baiheli-ang Underwater Museum was built according to a theory of pressure-free containers, realiz-ing the on-site protection and presentation of the site. It was finally completed and opened to public on May 18, 2009, and it is now the only underwater heritage museum in the world that is built at a water depth of over 40 meters.

The conservation and restoration of an engobed and engraved jug and a bronze vessel from the Lastovo - cape Cuf site Ćurković, Martina - Croatian Conservation Insti-tute, Croatia A large bronze vessel that contained an en-graved ceramic jug with angels depicted in re-lief was found among other finds during under-water archaeological research in 2007 at the Lastovo, Cape Cuf, site. This kind of jug with boys or angels depicted in relief was manufac-tured in Venice from the late 15th to the late 16th century. These two artefacts were com-pletely joined by encrustations and iron oxides, the by-products of the decay of iron artefacts. The artefacts were extracted from the sea and delivered for further treatment at the Croatian Conservation Institute's Department for Con-servation of Underwater Archaeological Finds in Zadar.

Iberian ships, wrecks and tree-rings: assessing and sampling of timbers for dendrochronological research Dominguez - Delmas, Marta - Cultural Heritage Agency, The Netherlands Nayling, Nigel - University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom Tree-ring dating has become a mainstream tool in the characterization of shipwreck assem-blages in Northern Europe, allowing precise absolute dating, provenance of timber and, with appropriate sampling strategies, investiga-tion of forest management and exploitation. Such studies have however been restricted to timber production regions where contempo-rary reference chronologies have been devel-oped. Due to the paucity of such reference chronologies in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), the application of dendrochro-nology to important shipwrecks sites including those assigned to the Iberian-Atlantic tradition has been limited and generally unsuccessful. As part of a wider project aimed at developing Iberian historical dendrochronology studies, nine shipwrecks suspected or known to have an Iberian origin were assessed and sampled for dendrochronological research. Interim results are presented, and strategies for further devel-opment of this approach proposed.

Stone anchores in Adriatic Sea Ettinger Starčić, Zrinka - Lošinj Museum, Croatia The author presents an overview of the now uncovered the stone and the stone -wooden anchors in the underwaters of the Adriatic Sea with special emphasis on the newly discovered findings. Stone anchors its appearance and the material does not attract attention, and due to poor visibility on the seabed make them hard to find. A basic problem with stone anchores is their chronology if they are not found in con-text. The second problem is to determine the origins.

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Basket from ancient port in Zaton Gluščević, Smiljan - Archaeological museum Zadar, Croatia Katović, Drago - University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, Croatia Katović, Andrea - University of Calabria, Faculty of Engineering Department of Chemical Engi-neering and Materials Via P.Bucci, Italy Vrličak, Zlatko - University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, Zagreb,Croatia Bischof Vukušić, Sandra - University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, Zagreb, Croatia Underwater achaeological excavation in the materially rich ancient part in Zaton near to Nin revealed organic materials. Amongst these were also the remains of what was probably a basket. The composition of the material (basket) based on two intermingled plies was evaluated. The SEM images were used for the morphological identification together with the EDX unit, used for elementary chemical analy-sis. THE XRD was used for the structure analysis while the characteristic groups of the material were determined by FTIR spectroscopy. The rate of material decomposition was evaluated by TGA.

The Origin of the Stone in the Ancient Port of Zaton Gluščević, Smiljan - Archaeological museum Zadar, Croatia Velić, Josipa - Croatia Belak, Mirko - Croatia Velić, Ivo - Croatia The ancient port of Zaton, near to Nin existed during the first three centuries AD. Besides the huge amount of various cultural materials a large part of different types of stone was also found. The fragments and massive blocks of limestone are of the Cretaceus age (from be-fore 100 to 80 million years) and Eocenic age (from 55 to 48 million years), originating from around the Zaton area and neighboring islands. The monolith of chalk breccia is from the Terti-ary period (from around 25 to 5 million years ago) originating from Krk (Baška), perhaps Pag (Novalja, Lun) or from the coast of Velebit. The valutica of magmatic (daciti) and metamor-phic rocks (paragnays, slate and marble) are not found along the Adriatic coast, but are found in Calabria and Sicily.

The Cargo of Stone from the Ship-wreck on the Reef near the island of Silba Gluščević, Smiljan - Archaeological museum Zadar, Croatia Velić, Josipa - Croatia Velić, Ivo - Croatia Premec-Fućek, Vlasta - Croatia On the reef near the island of Silba in the mid-dle of the 1st century AD, an ancient ship sank with an exemplarily cargo of Dressel 2-4 am-phora. A part of the carco consisted of irregular stone. Out of 40 litholic fragments all belong to the sedimentary rocks, a smaller part (10 percent) to limestone and most of them (90 percent) to sandstone. On the basis of microfossils in these rocks their geological age is determined. The limestone is of the Cretaceus age (from 100 to 80 million years ago) and the sandstone of mid-dle- Eocenic age (from 48 to 40 million years ago). The geographic origin of the rocks may be from the island of Silba itself, more precisely the bay of Prapatnica, then the Adriatic Coast from Monfalcone to Savudria and from Kvarner to Ulcinj and the Peleponnese, the Aegean is-lands and Turkey.

Visual Media Expression of Underwa-ter Cultural Heritage Fan, Yiran - China Academy of Cultural Heri-tage, National Conservation Center for Under-water Cultural heritage Public can appreciate the charm of underwater cultural heritages intuitively through video documentary. So it is an important way of pub-lication and education. Through some docu-mentary films and television direct transmis-sions of underwater archaeology work, it has aroused wide public concern about underwater archaeology in China. This paper tries to figure out the pattern of underwater heritage video documentary, through sample collection and analysis. It also aims to find some systematic methods to in-struct the practice and achieve the ideal combi-nation of underwater archaeology work with video documentary.

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A 17th Century Shipwreck on the Reef near the Island of Silba Gluščević, Smiljan - Archaeological museum Zadar, Croatia Zglav Martinac, Helga - Croatia On the north side of the Southern reef, the remains of a modern age shipwreck were found. Two complete iron anchors with rings were discovered as well as two groups of can-nons, one group containing four and the other three guns. Alongside some incomplete square glass bottles with metal lids, several complete examples of various types of glazed ceramic pots were also found. A part of this belongs to the usual inventory of monastic ceramic pro-duction of the Ligurian area in the second part of the 17th century. The exceptions are the jug and the conical dish of Venetian production. According to the preliminary data it can be as-sumed that the findings belonged perhaps to an armed merchant ship from the 17th century at least 30m in length.

Protection, Preservation, and Posses-sion: The 4th century BC vessel in Kyre-nia, Cyprus Harpster, Matthew - Independent Scholar Insti-tute of Nautical, Turkey The northern Cypriot coastline experienced a flurry of underwater archaeological activity beginning in 1967 including surveys, the devel-opment and testing of underwater magne-tometers and metal detectors and, particularly, the excavation of the 4th century BC vessel near the town of Kyrenia. As a result of the military events in the summer of 1974, how-ever, all of this activity came to an unexpected and premature halt; archaeological activity in the northern portion of Cyprus since that time has been virtually absent. The vessel excavated near Kyrenia, once a nexus of this activity and a significant repre-sentative of is, has suffered from this absence in a variety of ways. The management and cu-ration of the assemblage has been intermittent and haphazard, the exhibition is out of date, material in storage needs further stabilization, and the exhibit building itself is in need of re-pair. Prompted by the implementation of a new pro-ject to revitalize the Kyrenia ship exhibit and modernize the management of this maritime artifact, this paper will focus on issues perhaps unique to this project - how differing claims of

‘ownership’ or ‘possession’ of the material by each community on Cyprus manifest them-selves in the archaeological, governmental and political realms.

The conservation and restoration of underwater archaeological finds from the Murter - Mijoka site Jelić, Anita - Croatian Conservation Institute, Croatia The results of three underwater archaeology campaigns carried out at the Murter—Mijoka site is the location of over 700 finds from the remains of the cargo of a sunken early 17th century merchant vessel. The majority of finds consist of small archaeological objects manu-factured of brass, bronze, lead, glass, glass paste, wood and bone. This material was brought for treatment to the Croatian Conser-vation Institute's Department for Conservation of Underwater Archaeological Finds in Zadar.

The conservation and restoration of underwater archaeological finds from the Premuda site - shipwreck Szent Istvan Jozić, Antonija - Croatian Conservation Institute, Croatia On the Premuda site there have been find the remains of an Austrian- Hungarian sunken ship Szent Istvan. During the pre-examination of the site 2009 some parts of the ship’s equipment were extracted from the sea. One ship’s te-lemeter, one shell and one nozzle made of cop-per alloy and the remains of a rubber boot are the finds that were delivered for further treat-ment at the Croatian Conservation Institute’s Department for Conservation of Underwater Archeological Finds in Zadar.

Ex situ preservation of underwater cul-tural heritage: Nanhai I project as ex-ample Jun, Wei - People’s Republic of China Nanhai I, a shipwreck of 12 century, is the most important underwater archaeological discovery in China till now. Based on the submerged envi-ronment and character of the shipwreck, the Integral Salvage and Conservation project is formulated. As a UCH preservative project, this project practiced an ex situ preservation in col-laboration of underwater archaeology and ma-rine engineering, and actualized an innovative

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pattern of excavation and presentation of this vital underwater cultural heritage in “crystal palace”, a man-made underwater environment in the museum. The method in protecting the underwater cultural heritage which advocated by this archaeological project is completely consistent with the spirit of “Authenticity” and “Integrity” in the conservation of UNESCO cul-tural heritage.

Evaluating UWCH Sites in the light of Conventions and Guidelines Khakzad, Sorna The poster aims at offering a methodical evaluation system for underwater sites. It also aims at highlighting various issues which should be considered as crucial factors while discuss-ing and deciding about under water cultural heritage sites. An evaluation system is pro-posed in the form of tables which have been developed according to different values and significances of submerged sites which have been highlighted in the conventions and guide-lines. These tables have been shaped according to the theoretical documents, also considering the issues which might occur during projects executions. Different scenarios have been stud-ied and a combination of different factors such as the impact of industry, development, econ-omy, education and training, politics and so on, have been assumed to be crucial in every case. Based on an analysis of evaluation and manage-ment systems used in different countries, the poster brings together all the possible results of those tools and creates a more consistent sys-tem. This homogeneous system makes it possible to have a common understanding of the different sites world-wide. The poster also aims at open-ing a platform in order to discuss and evaluate the practical use of theoretical documents when projects are being implemented. The history of dealing with underwater cultural heritage at the international level is sketched. An overview of international guiding docu-ments and legislation on the field is summa-rized. Using similar guiding documents and publications used in the field of cultural heri-tage, mainly in the field of monuments and sites, and for cultural landscapes, the debate can be widened and concepts used in the 2001 UNESCO Convention on Protection of Underwa-ter Cultural Heritage can be questioned and updated to improve Underwater Cultural Heri-tage management.

Using side - scan sonar for recording and cataloging of underwater archaeo-logical objects with a view to for their protection and study Lebedinski, Victor V. - Institute of Oriental Stud-ies of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Pronina, Julia A. - Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Now the problem of the protection and use of underwater archaeological sites is very acute, especially by conducting of various engineering works, using waters for anchoring the largest tonnage of ships, etc. One of the ways for solving this problem is to conduct underwater archaeological investiga-tion and compilation of underwater archaeo-logical maps. However, the organization and conduct of such research, especially on large areas, is a rather complex and expensive task. In this connection the optimal solution to this problem is the use of modern technology, for example, such as side-scan sonar and estab-lished on its basis search facilities. Using these modern tools and the optimal organization of research it’s possible to conduct an effective underwater archaeological investigation of large areas at low cost. It’s confirmed by positive experience of re-search recently conducted by the authors in the Northern - Eastern part of the Black Sea region.

Negotiating Best Practices for Under-water Archaeology and UCH Steward-ship: The 2010 Penn - Brock Statement Daniels, Brian I. - Penn Cultural Heritage Center, USA Greene, Elizabeth S. - Brock University, Canada Leidwanger, Justin - Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (New York University), USA Leventha, Richard - Penn Cultural Heritage Cen-ter, University of Pennsylvania, USA Fewer than half of the states that border the Mediterranean Sea are signatories to the 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. In 2009-2010, a two-part forum brought together an interna-tional panel to cooperate in developing ethical guidelines for effective and responsible profes-sional archaeological exploration and steward-ship of UCH regardless of its location. Through this debate, consensus emerged in the form of the “Penn-Brock Statement of Princi-ples and Best Practices for Underwater Archae-

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ology and the Stewardship of Underwater Cul-tural Heritage in the Mediterranean,” the main ideas and challenges of which are outlined in this poster.

The Map of Underwater Archaeology for Cultural Heritage Surja, Lela - Archaeological Service Agency, Albania The survey during 2007 began at Albania’s southern border with Greece with a goal to complete a multibeam survey of the seafloor between the 25- and 100-m contour. Survey Area The survey plan for the 2008 field season desig-nated the gaps and unfinished areas within the section surveyed during the former season and subsequently continued northwards. From the southernmost point the survey has progressed to date systematically northward approxi-mately 37 km along the coastline into the southern portions of Kakomea Bay. Based on the multibeam equipment’s depth constraints, the survey extended to the 100-m contour wherever that may lie out from the coast; how-ever, the survey area was limited when it inter-sected with foreign controlled waters. The pri-mary area of border encounters were the straits between the Albanian coast and the Greek island of Corfu. Even when there was no border restriction, the coverage area extended only a few km out from shore due to the steep angle of decline generally found along this section of coast. One of the governing geologic process again this season was the outflow of the Butrint River. The river runs through the rough, rocky coast and empties into the sea with episodes of peri-odic highly erosive flows. A large amount of sediment is moved by this river that forms a thick deposit emanating from the river’s mouth. This sediment deposit is moved by the prevailing N-S current. The areas surveyed north of Saranda around Cape Qefalit and parts of Kakomea Bay pos-sessed a large number of rock formations. Those formations near the cape form linear patterns extending tens of kilometers, while the formations further from shore are more heterogeneous in size and pattern. This data allowed more precise identification of anoma-lies. Additionally, the completed areas between Saranda and Butrint Bays revealed a deep scour produced from the currents funneled through the Corfu Straits. These currents are responsi-

ble for the large amount of suspended sedi-ment in the lower water column throughout the survey area. This suspension reduced video quality. 2008 Anomaly Verification During ROV verification of anomalies all areas were explored in order to determine the nature of the seafloor and, therefore, the character of the anomalies in the multibeam data. Areas in the north-western portion of the survey area were consistently rock outcrops and the num-ber of anomalies were revised accordingly. A similar reassessment occurred for the large scour area at the center of the survey area. Targets were verified near shore as well as runs made at the 35- to 45-m contour in certain ar-eas of coast to ascertain the degree of material culture. By the end of the season over half of the current anomalies have been identified.

Scientific Analysis and Protection on Ancient Marine Porcelains Recovered from HuaguangjiaoⅠin South China Sea Li, Naisheng - Chinese Academy of Cultural Heri-tage, People’s Republic of China The HuaguangjiaoⅠwas a Song Dynasty (12-13c A.D.) shipwreck located in Huaguang Reef of Xisha Islands. A great number of bluish-white glazed porcelains which were produced in Hutian Kiln, and celadon which were produced in Fujian province, were found in Huaguang-jiaoⅠshipwreck. Most of the ceramic artefacts are disks, bowls, vases, pots and powder boxes. Some of them were covered by thick encrustations. Industry computed tomography (CT), EDX analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Ion Chromatography (IC) were employed to investigate the disease in these porcelains. On the basis of above work, feasible chemicals were selected to remove the coagulations. In order to remove the harmful salts, monitored by Conductivity Meter and Ion Chromatography, still water, alternating hot and cold, and ultrasonic cleaning were per-formed. Then contrasting the results of them, a appro-priate method about the desalination of porce-lain came up out of water found at Huaguang-jiaoⅠshipwreck was founded.

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Development of International Underwater Park of Sunken Ships in The Gulf of Finland Lukoshkov, Andrey - National Centre of Under-water Archeology, Russia Prokhorov, Roman - National Centre of Under-water Archeology, Russia By the last nine years our project "Maritime heritage of Russia" has provided finding more than 450 sunken objects. Most of them are situated in the eastern part of The Gulf of Finland near Finnish-Estland border. They in-clude ancient ships and war and trade ships of 17, 18, 19 centuries. It is full collection of all kinds of ships of that time in The Northern Europe. Almost all of wrecks are in a very good condition. The problem is, that we find more and more sunken ships every year, and we fisically can not provide researching, that is needed. As a solution of this problem we have concep-tion of creating The Underwater Park Mu-seum, which could present information about history of shipbuilding, sailing catastrophes. According to the conception of our project we are planning to provide our guests with oppor-tunities for detail researching of the objects. The same objects are situated on Finnish and Estish territories, so we are arranging the way to combine objects from three countries in common exposition.

Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage in Cyprus Michael, Maria - Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage, Cyprus The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the ways that archaeologists have to follow, in or-der to protect and manage the underwater culture in shallow and in the deep seas of Cy-prus. Although Cyprus is a small island within the Mediterranean Sea, it is an island with a long history in the maritime activity of the east-ern Mediterranean. Its history is represented by cultural materials that have been found in terrestrial and underwater surveys and excava-tions. However, underwater archaeology is a new developed field in Cyprus; consequently, the underwater cultural heritage has not re-ceived the attention that it deserves. Many underwater sites, which were investigated, have not been protected via the legislation, while they have not nominated as archaeologi-cal parks, which tourists can visit. Additionally,

divers pillage some of these sites. Thus, this paper chiefly aims to represent the present situation of Cypriot underwater sites, while it aims also to answer questions, such as how the underwater cultural heritage in Cyprus can be managed, can underwater cultural heritage play a positive role in the promotion of recrea-tion and tourism, if it managed sensitively or does the public access harm these sites.

The underwater archeology in Portugal Martins, Adolfo Miguel - Institute for manag-ing, the arhitecture and archeological heritage, Portugal The underwater archeology in Portugal as global project was born in middle of the Eight-ies, fixed in a department of the National Mu-seum of Archaeology. In this period excavations took place in the shipwreck called L´Ocean, in the south of the country. However only in 1997, with structural modifica-tions in the center of the Portuguese archae-ology, the National Center of Nautical and Un-derwater Archaeology was created, as national authority for the accomplishment of the under-water archaeology. With the natural evolution of this disciplines, were created laws for the protection of the underwater cultural heritage, what would go to promote the management of the fortuitous findings, of the projects of in-quiry, inspection technique and examination and interventions in public works, as well as the creation of the Portuguese underwater ar-chaeological Registry. Currently the safeguards of the underwater cultural heritage, seats not only in the shares developed by the Division of Nautical and Un-derwater Archaeology, but also by the universi-ties, with archaeologists and historians who develop works of high scientific severity, many of the times with the help of others you disci-pline as biology, the geophysicist and chemistry among others. The management of the Underwater cultural Heritage, is reaching a new stage, a time that will develop a set of shares that foment the accomplishment of underwater archaeological works and history of navigation, in some re-gions of the country, with the creation of cen-ters of nautical and underwater archaeology wants to not only count on underwater archae-ologists as with restoring conservatives. Of this evolution there are already some cases of suc-cess, as it is the case of the Museum of

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Portimão, that already have laboratories for the conservation of archeological artifacts and many other centers will be establish.

Recent underwater archaeological re-search off the Croatian coast Miholjek, Igor - Croatian Conservation Institute, Croatia Zmaić, Vesna - Croatian Conservation Institute, Croatia The Department for Underwater Archaeology exists and operates within the Croatian Conser-vation Institute and, as the leading team in the area of underwater archaeology, it carries out systematic and protective research of underwa-ter archaeological sites, conducts underwater surveys and explorations in rivers and lakes and participates in expert surveys of numerous al-ready known and newly found sites along the Croatian coastline, as well as in inland waters. The Department's field of work covers a large time span and encompasses prehistory, classi-cal antiquity, the Byzantine period and the Mid-dle Ages, post-mediaeval shipwrecks dating from the 16th to the 18th centuries and ship-wrecks and sunken aircraft from World War I & World War II.

Managing an 8,000 year old sub-merged Mesolithic landscape Momber, Garry - Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology National Oceanogra-phy Centre, England Work by the Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology has been ongoing into the submerged landscapes of the western So-lent for over 10 years. A site that has attracted particular attention is Bouldnor Cliff, 11m be-low water off the Isle of Wight. Worked wood, hearths, flint tools, food remains, twisted plant fibers and an enigmatic assemblage of interca-lated timbers dating to the Mesolithic are just some of the recoveries from beneath the water to date. Each year the location is eroded away a bit more, revealing fresh artefacts, deposits and features. The investigations at Bouldnor Cliff are pre-sented as a case study that has revealed unique and significant artefacts demonstrating the potential to open the door on this little under-stood phase of north European human occupa-tion. This site is currently unique but represents an example of what may remain buried at many similar locations offshore. This talk re-

views the submerged archaeological and 6 pa-laeo-environmental resource, the processes that have preserved and exposed it, the meth-ods used to recover it and its value to help un-derstand a neglected area of our cultural heri-tage.

Crimea project - underwater expedi-tion 2008 - 2011 from cape Aju-Dah to cape Plaka Nowakowska, Magdalena - Institute of Archeol-ogy Warsaw University, Poland The Polish - Ukrainian venture Crimea Project - Underwater Expedition, was being executed since year 2007. The aim is to discover, explore and protect from destruction and robbery the wracks, anchorages or other archaeological underwater sites located by the southern coasts of Crimea. During the last three seasons scientific research has been basically focused on verification al-ready known sites and searching for the new ones in the Bay of Karasan – from the Cape Aju-Dah until a small cape called Mys Plaka and the rocks of Adalary which enclose the bay from the East. As a result, the information about three antic wracks published by Ukrainian re-searchers has been verified and there have been localized new underwater sites. At the Eastern edge of the Karasan bay, in the shallow water, at the depth of 6-10 meters, between rocks was found a large cluster of pot-tery. Fragments of amphorae and pithoi were lying on a not large space of ca. 150 m2. Among them was distinguished the Mediterranean type common in this area from the 11th c. and fragments of older amphorae type carrots dated to the 8th - 9th c. So big concentration of ceramic in one spot could be an effect of sea waves’ and currents’ movements which were being transported crashed pottery from sunken ships. The exploration at the site was carried on using ejector. There were dug up two small probing trenches to determine the thickness of a layer that had been accumulated on hard bottom. Besides exploration, there was being con-ducted also systematic survey using side scan sonar and active sonar (echo sounding). The area which has been covered with the survey encompasses the whole bay of Karasan until the depth of 50 meters and waters around Cape Aju-Dah. As a result there were registered several bottom anomalies deeper then 40 me-ters.

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Researches around Cape Aju-Dah, the place that undoubtedly used to be in the past an im-portant navigation point, brought about local-ization of antic anchors. Two of them, of T-shape construction, belong to types already well known from former seasons, found before in the eastern part of the bay. The Black Sea called by the ancient people The Inhospitable Sea, slowly uncover to us its treas-ures and thanks to more and more experience at its waters, professional survey and explora-tion devices we can obtain better and better results. In the year 2010 the works were done with help of participants of Specialist Course of Un-derwater Archaeology, conducted during the years 2010-2011 by Institute of Archaeology at Warsaw University within the confines of pro-ject ‘Underwater archaeology - widening and enrichment the education offers and staff’s potential of Institute of Archaeology at Warsaw University’. On behalf of Institute of Archae-ology at Warsaw University the manager of the researches is Magdalena Nowakowska, from the Ukrainian side the leader is Wiaczesław Gerasimov from Ukrainian National Academy of Science - branch in Symferopol.

Underwater archaeological parks: some ideas for the underwater archaeological sites of Leptis Magna and Apollonia (Libya) Pizzinato, Claudia - Archeotema Company, Italy In the 2008 and 2009 the Archeotema society (Venice-Italy) was in charge from the Libyan Government to draw some projects for the managing of the underwater archaeological sites of Libya as places for underwater tourism. the project was inside a general work of Evalua-tion and Conservation of the Cultural Libyan Heritage. The two sites selected were Leptis Magna in Tripolitania and Apollonia in Cyrenaica. Two different kind of approach were proposed based on the different kind of place and struc-ture. In one case, Leptis Magna, we proposed a glass bottom boat and some different itinerar-ies because the place is spread in different points of interests. In the other case, Apollonia, the nature of place, a harbor with all its structure, let us imagine a real park with an itinerary for divers and even in this case, a glass bottom boat for people who just want to see from the surface

without jumping in the water. Conceptually, an underwater archaeological park is supposed to be extremely useful not only in the protection and enhancement of the archaeological heritage, as the UNESCO con-vention on the protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage would ask, but also in the generation of new employment in towns and cities located close to the area. In addition there is the potentiality, in such areas, of setting up research projects on the field of maritime archaeology, marine biology and conservation and thereby creating new professional opportunities for graduates in these subjects. The organization structure of the underwater archaeological parks will be composed basically by: - a diving centre; - a ship with flat transparent bottom or simple zodiacs; - the submerged area for both surface and un-derwater tours; - a didactic centre.

Ratac promontory on the Island of Koločep Radaljac, Mario - Croatia In 1997 local divers pointed out the position of a well-preserved post-mediaeval shipwreck with six iron guns clearly visible on the seabed. A short term rescue excavation campaign the following year revealed the presence of a cargo composed of glass ware, metal tools, other metal products such as wire or sheet, semi-finished products and raw material. Although the site is well preserved and easily reachable by divers, and therefore exposed to looting, the site was left without any particular attention until recently, when the work of documenting of the site in detail started.

Gulf of Finland - Wrecks of 17 - 19 centuries Egorov, Yuriy - Neptune Research Expedition, Russia Rodionov, Andrey - Neptune Research Expedi-tion, Russia Stepanov, Aivar - Neptune Research Expedition, Russia The Archaeological works in the gulf of Finland (Baltic sea) were carried out in 2009-2010 by “Neptune Research Expedition” with scientific

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management of «Northwest scientific research institute of a cultural and natural heritage» The researches purpose is inspection of a vessel and statement of this vessel under protection as object of a cultural heritage. The three-mast wooden trading vessel, was found out Nord Stream companies at side-scan sonar research in 4,7 km to Northeast from Gogland island. The vessel is on the depth of 48 meters. The hull of a vessel: length of 26 m, width of 7 m. The vessel was kept on 70 % Cargo of a vessel - sack with wheat. Onboard of a vessel were found: - Kitchen utensils (on a deck in ruins of a super-structure). On spoons - the arms of Amster-dam; - Coins (Russian and Netherlands) - earliest of the Netherlands of 1699, late - Russian 1769; - The Dutch clay pipes with marks of workshops of the city of Gauda. One of them with the im-age - the Arms of King Fridriha Wilhelm of II Prussian and with the text VIVAT REX / PRUYSE last quarter XVIII. Master: Joris de Liefde. / Meulen J. van der Goudse Pijpenmakers en hun Merken. 2003/. Analogue of the found vessel - three-mast галиот « Fridrih Wilhelm 2 » 1789. Its model is exhibited at the Technological museum in Ber-lin. Schriftenreihe des Museums für Verkehr und Technik, Band 15, Berlin (Nicolai) The found vessel - Holland three-mast Galiot second half of 18 century.

Flat-bottomed amphorae of for limpopoli type from the site of ancient harbor in Zaton near Zadar Romanović, Dušanka - Archaeological museum in Zadar, Croatia In the ancient harbor in Zaton a large quantity of pottery finds of different provenance was found, and amphorae make only a small part of it. The port was discovered in 1960s, and the excavations have been carried out systemati-cally since 2002, which gave us more detailed insight into chronological problems. A particu-lar group of amphorae are north italic ampho-rae, so called flat-bottomed amphorae of For limpopoli type, which were primarily produced in the workshops of Northern Italy in the Emilia Romagna between 1st and 3rd century. This type of amphorae was imitated in the local workshops on the eastern Adriatic coast (type Crikvenica).

Two different treatments for two underwater origin iron balls Sanchez Pedreno, Inmaculada - Independent conservation group, Spain This article exposes the results in the removal of chlorides of two underwater origin pieces of cast iron using the technique of the electrolysis with different densities of current, 50 µA cm⁻² and 1000 µA cm⁻² intending to observe the differences between both treatments. We use two cannon balls from the 18th century with similar extracted in the vicinity of the bridge Zuazo in San Fernando (Cádiz) in 2009. Extrac-tion of the Cl⁻ ions is equal to general levels at two densities of flows. Although chloride ex-traction is initially more powerful in the piece submitted to 50µA. cm⁻², the results for both pieces across the board are the same in a simi-lar time period. Therefore we cannot say that the different densities of currents have influ-enced effectiveness or the speed of the treat-ment applied in these pieces in particular.

Eastern coarse ware in the layers of ancient harbor in Zaton Taras, Dino - Archaeological museum Zadar, Croatia Eastern coarse ware from the ancient harbor in Zaton is a category of pottery finds that is com-monly found on roman sites. In case of this site, it constitutes the largest group of pottery finds found here. The material that is represented here is a result of 5 years of excavation. It was excavated using an arbitrary method with layer thickness of 10 cm. This way we ensured rela-tive chronology of various pottery finds. Differ-ent dimensions and standardized forms point to workshop origins of this material, and differ-ent types of clay also points to the fact that it was probably manufactured in other parts of the world, not only in Aegean. A large quantity of the material was used before being depos-ited on the seabed, which is evident from the traces of burning on the outer walls of pots and pans. Post excavation statistical analysis ob-tained results that pointed to the conclusions about the intensity of life, as well as to some conclusions about duration of certain forms of eastern course ware in this part of Mediterra-nean. Dates obtained by excavating do not dif-fer greatly from the dates already set in the contemporary literature.

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Managing the sterling castle maritime archive Dellino-Musgrave, Vir - The Hampshire & Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology, United King-dom It has been recognized that, in the UK, roles and responsibilities for maritime archaeological archives is often unclear from local to national levels. This can result in undeposited archives which are out of reach for academic research, amenity and educational purposes for present and future generations. This paper focuses on the case study of the Stirling Castle, a wreck site designated under the Protection of Wrecks Act 1973. The Stirling Castle was a pre-Establishment Third Rate Ship of the Line of 70 guns launched in 1699, and wrecked off Kent, on the Goodwin Sands, in 1703. The archive of the Stirling Castle is based in different national, regional or private repositories with various states of curation and accessibility. The aim of this paper is to discuss the challenges faced in auditing, appraising and assessing this unique maritime archive. Importantly, this discussion will allow an assessment on which to build fu-ture solutions for the maritime archive of this nationally significant wreck site.

The use of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in archaeological research in Croatia Zubčić, Krunoslav - Croatian Conservation Insti-tute, Croatia The poster will present the use of an autono-mous underwater vehicle (AUV) in the research and documentation of the remains of an an-cient harbor and Roman villa on the island Murter. Side-scan sonar combined with a digi-tal still camera was used in documenting the sea bottom and the site.

Research of the deep water wreck “Giuseppe Garibaldi” Zubčić, Krunoslav - Croatian Conservation Insti-tute, Croatia The poster will present the use of a small sub-mersible in the research of the wreck of the Italian World War I armored cruiser “Giuseppe Garibaldi”. The ship is sunk 120 m deep and is the deepest researched wreck in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea.

Recently discovered logboats in Bavaria - the question of proper conservation and protection Tobias Pflederer - Bayerischen Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie, Germany Bavaria - a federal state of south-eastern Ger-many - provides one of the largest collections of logboats in Europe. To date more than 130 vessels have been documented. A recent inven-tory of all Bavarian logboats impressively shows the consequences of improper or even missing conservation methods in the past. But it also proves a change in managing discovered log-boats in recent times: Fairly all vessels that have been discovered in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th cen-tury, were dug out and stored without any con-servation. As a consequence, they all show dis-tortions and breaks due to the drying out of the wooden logboat body (example: Mediaeval logboat of Prien; discovered in 1912). As the need for conservation has been recognized in the last decades, first attempts were made to protect some lifted logboats by special solu-tions (e. g. PEG) to conserve the original ap-pearance of the wooden body (example: early Mediaeval logboat of Langbürgen; discovered in 1973). Despite these newer approaches to deal with wooden underwater remains, a fur-ther change in managing discovered logboats took place in recent times. In order to achieve “perfect” conservation conditions, the modern way of managing logboat findings contains the documentation of the vessel under water and leaving it in its original surroundings combined with an additional protection or covering, e. g. by a geo-textile layer (example: Celtic logboat of Kempfenhausen; discovered in 2000).

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