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Manatee Springs Diver Information Packet Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden Manatee Springs Volunteer Diving Program July 2010

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Page 1: Manatee Springs Diver Information Springs Diver Information Packet Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden Manatee Springs
Page 2: Manatee Springs Diver Information Springs Diver Information Packet Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden Manatee Springs

Thank you for your interest in volunteer diving at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. Our volunteer scuba divers provide valuable assistance to our manatee keepers by helping to maintain the exhibit to the high standards required by the American Zoological Association (AZA). You, also gain a valuable experience in diving like no other.

All dives at the Zoo are conducted by four-person teams: (1) a “Person-in-Charge” who is responsible for all aspects of the dive, especially the safety aspects of the evolution; (2) & (3) two divers in the water who perform the work tasks such as vacuuming the tank floor, removing leaf and other organic material from the tank’s intake screens, smoothing the tank’s disturbed gravel floor, delivering feeders and lettuce to the manatees, and scrubbing algae from the tank walls, log surfaces, and acrylic windows; and (4) a “Standby – Rescue” diver who does not enter the water but is prepared to assist in an emergency situation.

Our dives are not complicated or unusually stressful. Many “new” divers find the experience to be “just right.” It is a good environment to practice some of your newly learned “basic diving” skills and to “get more comfortable” underwater. Experienced divers appreciate the opportunity to “keep current”. Everyone enjoys the opportunity to be in the same tank with the manatees and being a part of helping return these wonderful animals to their natural habitat once rehabilitated.

Once qualified, you begin your zoo diving experience as a diver-in-training, but can progress to zoo diver, standby-rescue diver, and person-in-charge if you wish. Of course, it is perfectly acceptable to remain a zoo diver.

Our diving program is managed by our Dive Safety Officer (DSO), Jamey Vogel. Jamey is also the Zoo’s Head Manatee Keeper. Jamey has a great deal of diving experience in many different environments and is a certified Diving Instructor.

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Contact Jamey Vogel at [email protected] and discuss your interest in becoming a 1. volunteer diver at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. You must be at least 18 years old.

Y2. ou must possess a diving certification from NAUI, PADI, NASDS, SSI, CMAS, YMCA or the military or a commercial dive training certification.

Y3. ou must complete the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden “Diving Medical History Form” (included at the back of this pamphlet) and return the completed copy to our DSO, Jamey Vogel. (If you need a medical exam, take an extra copy to your physician.)

Y4. ou must provide evidence of completing a diving medical examination within the past two years. Proof of such an examination can come from a signed entry in your personal log book or by providing a copy of the actual exam signed by the physician.

I• f you have not completed a diving medical examination within the past two years, you must obtain one at your expense. Please take a completed copy of the Zoo’s “Diving Medical History Form” and the Zoo’s “Medical Evaluation of Fitness for SCUBA Diving Report” (included at the back of this pamphlet) to be completed by your physician.) Our DSO can recommend a physician who is familiar with our specific diving requirements.

T• he “Dive Requirements for Physician” form at the back of this pamphlet might be helpful for your personal physician so that he/she can know a little about our specific diving environment.

Y5. ou must “pass” a screening test for Tuberculosis. This two-part test will cost you $10 and can be obtained at the Hamilton County Tuberculosis Control Clinic, 184 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219. (513-946-7600). Skin tests do not require an appointment and can be administered Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday (9:00 am – 4:00pm). You will have to return two days after the test is administered to have the results “read.” Once you become an active zoo diver, these “annual” tests are done at the zoo and paid for by the zoo.

I6. f not currently certified in First Aid and Adult CPR, you must complete these certifications prior to diving. This can be done on your own at any location convenient to you. These certifications can also be obtained for $85 at the Cincinnati Dive Center (CDC) (8412 Winton Road, Cincinnati, OH 45231. (513-521-3483) This is a six hour course done in one day where you will receive intense instruction in First Aid, Adult CPR, and DAN HAZARDOUS Marine Life First Aid. Schedule via

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N7. ext, you must complete the “NAUI Manatee Experience” course taught only at the Cincinnati Dive Center. This two-hour course plus pool session costs $65. (If you sign up for both the first Aid and Manatee Courses at the same time at CDC, the combination will only cost you $130. Schedule via

During the pool session you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your swimming skills and basic SCUBA techniques as follows:

S• wim 400 yards in less than 12 minutes without swim aidsTread water for 10 minutes, or 2 minutes without the use of hands or swim aids•Without the use of swim aids, transport another person of equal size a distance of •25 yards in the waterSwim underwater without swim aids for a distance of 25 yards without surfacing•Surface dive to a depth of 10 feet without scuba equipment•Clear your face mask and regulator while submerged•Demonstrate an understanding of underwater signs and signals•Enter and leave the water while wearing scuba equipment•Kick on the surface 50 yards while wearing scuba gear, but not breathing from the •scuba unitDemonstrate an ability to establish and maintain “neutral buoyancy” while •submergedDemonstrate a simulated “emergency ascent” to the surface•Demonstrate you are capable of “air sharing”•

O8. nce all the above are completed, re-contact the Zoo’s DSO to schedule your “Manatee Orientation Dive.”

N9. ow is a good time to complete the “Request for ID Badge, Gate Code or Proximity Card & Parking Permit” form located at the back of this booklet. Return the completed form to Jamey Vogel. In a couple weeks you will receive your Zoo ID, etc.

L10. astly, complete and return the Waiver and Liability form to our DSO, Jamey Vogel.

F11. rom here on, you can schedule your working dives by using the CDC Manatee Springs Tank Calendar. For safety sake, we request every diver participate in at least one dive every six weeks. Once scheduled, we expect every diver to keep his/her commitment. “No-Shows” will likely cause the entire dive to be cancelled and thus will inconvenience several people. A pattern of “no-shows” may require the DSO to remove you from our active diver list. (As a suggestion, only schedule dives within a time period under your control.) Occasionally, personal scheduling conflicts arise at the last minute. Please contact our DSO, Jamey Vogel, at 513-487-3399 X-2063 as soon as possible so that he can attempt to locate a replacement.


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Each diver will need to provide their own equipment as follows:• Abuoyancycompensatordevice(BCD)• Aregulator–singlehose;includingsecondaryairsource• Asubmersibleairpressuregauge• Atimekeepingdevice(divingwristwatch,bottomtimer,orcomputer)• Adepthgauge• Aweightbelt/weightingsystem• Amask• Fins• A“wet-suit”(typicalwatertemperatureis820F.)

The Zoo will provide, for each diver:• Anemergency“Bail-OutBottle”• Airtank

MIMIMUM REST HOUR POLICY:Sufficient data is available to clearly document that more than 80% of diving accidents are caused by human error. Fatigue and inattention are often cited as contributing factors in an accident.

Therefore, the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden has established the following “rules” for ensuring our divers have an opportunity to acquire necessary rest before a dive:

W1. ithin the 24 hour period immediately prior to the start of your zoo dive, you must have had at least 10 consecutive hours “off duty” (i.e. not working) For example, if you plan to dive starting at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, then you must have had a minimum 10 consecutive hours “off duty” between 8AM Tuesday and 8AM Wednesday.

Y2. ou can work and dive a maximum 12 hours in the 24 hour period immediately preceding the start of your Zoo dive. Must be off work and/or out of the water before exceeding 14 hours.

Z3. oo divers can not participate in more than three (3) diving activities in any 24 hour period, regardless of the duration/location of any of the diving events.

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Divers are to enter the zoo using the Forest Avenue Gate only. Divers will be given a code by the Volunteer Services Office (VSO). There are two security gates at this location. Divers must pull up to the first keypad and type in their code, followed by the # sign. (Remember this important step. The gate will not open until the # sign is pressed.) The black, chain-link security gate will then open. You must then pull forward to the next keypad and repeat the procedure again. This will open the swing-up gate. Divers are to then turn right and go up the hill towards the Safari Camp Parking Lot. The manatee building is located at the top of this hill, to the left of the walk-in entrance. Divers are not allowed to drive their car up this walk-in entrance nor to park behind the manatee building. This is a high foot-traffic area, with kids darting out of the picnicking areas next to the entrance. This is especially true during the summer months. Park in the Safari Lot as close to the Manatee building as possible.

If you need assistance with any of your gear , please do not hesitate to ask. We will do our best to provide some sort of assistance

Our diving times are as follows:Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 7:00 – 9:00 am•Wednesday and Thursday: 8:30 – 10:30 am•Saturday and Sunday: 12:30 – 2:30 pm•

Note: Please plan to arrive about 15 minutes early in order to “suit-up” and participate in the pre-dive safety briefing.

Upon arrival, please “sign-in” at the diver station. There is a three-ring binder for this purpose. After your dive, you must complete the Zoo’s “Record of Dive,” which is also located at the divers station. This is very important because it is an OSHA requirement. The “Record of Dive” is a separate sheet of paper for each diving event and is kept in a three-ring binder labeled Number 2. The Person-in-Charge for your dive will complete the top portion of the page. Please enter your name and relevant information on the line corresponding to your diver assignment for this dive.

We encourage you to maintain your own personal Dive Log Book, however this is not mandatory. After your dive, don’t forget to have the Person-in-Charge sign-off on your dive.

Please use the following forms to complete your application for Zoo Diver:






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Name: __________________________________ Sex _____ age _____ Wt. _____ Ht. _____


Scuba diving makes considerable demands on you, both physically and mentally. Diving with certain medical conditions may be asking for trouble not only for yourself, but also to anyone coming to your aid if you get into difficulty in the water. Therefore, it is prudent to meet certain medical and physical requirements before beginning diving at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden (“Zoo”).

Your answers to the questions are as important, in determining your fitness as your physical examination. Obviously, you should give accurate information or the medical screening procedure becomes useless.

This form shall be kept confidential. If you believe any question amounts to invasion of your privacy, you may elect to omit an answer, provided that you shall subsequently discuss that matter with the examining physician and he/she must then indicate, in writing, that you have done so and that no health hazard exists.

Should your answers indicate a condition, which might make diving hazardous, you will be asked to review the matter with the physician. In such instances, his/her written authorization will be required in order for further consideration of your diving status at the Zoo. If the physician concludes that diving would involve undue risk for you, remember that he/she is concerned only with your well-being and safety.

Please respect the advice and the intent of this medical history form.

Have you ever had or do you presently have any of the following? (Yes or No)(Please explain any “yes” response on the back of this form)

T1. rouble with your ears, including ruptured eardrum, difficulty clearing

your ears, or surgery. _______

Trouble with dizziness. _______2.

Eye surgery. _______3.

Depression, anxiety, claustrophobia, etc. _______4.

Substance abuse, including alcohol. _______5.

Loss of consciousness. _______6.

Epilepsy or other seizures, convulsions, or fits. _______7.

Stroke or a fixed neurological deficit. _______8.

Recurring neurologic disorders, including transient ischemic attacks. _______9.

Aneurysms or bleeding in the brain. _______10.

Decompression sickness or embolism. _______11.

Head injury. _______12.

Disorders of the blood, or easy bleeding. _______13.

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Heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol. _______14.

Anatomical heart abnormalities including patent foramen ovale,15.

valve problems, etc. _______

Heart rhythm problems. _______16.

Need for a pacemaker. _______17.

Difficulty with exercise. _______18.

High blood pressure. _______19.

Collapsed lung. _______20.

Asthma. _______21.

Other lung disease. _______22.

Diabetes mellitus. _______23.

Pregnancy. _______24.

Surgery of any kind. _______25.

Hospitalizations. _______26.

Do you take any medications? (List below) _______27.

Do you have any allergies to medications, foods, environments? _______28.

Do you smoke? _______29.

Do you drink alcoholic beverages? _______30.

Is there a family history of high cholesterol? _______31.

Is there a family history of heart disease or stroke? _______32.

Is there a family history of diabetes? _______33.

Is there a family history of asthma? _______34.

I certify that the above answers and information represent an accurate and complete description of my medical history.

___________________________________ ________________(Signature) (Date)

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden July 2010


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_____________________________________________ __________________________ (Print Name of Diving Candidate) (Date)

To the PHYSICIaN:This person is an applicant to engage in diving with self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA). This is an activity that puts unusual stress on the individual in several ways. Your opinion on the applicant’s medical fitness is requested. SCUBA diving often requires heavy exertion. The diver must be free of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. An absolute requirement is the ability of the lungs, middle ear and sinuses to equalize pressure. Any condition that risks the loss of consciousness should disqualify the applicant.

TESTS: Please initial that the following tests were completed.


Every 5 yrs. Under age 40

First exam over age 40

Every 3 yrs. Over age 40

Every 2 yrs. Over age 60

___ Medical History

___ Complete physical exam with emphasis on neurological and ontological components

___ Hematocrit or Hemoglobin

___ Urinalysis

___ Any further tests deemed necessary by the physician.

Initial Examination

___ Medical History

___ Complete physical exam with emphasis on neurological and ontological components

___ Chest E-Ray

___ Spirometry

___ Hematocrit or Hemoglobin

___ Urinalysis

___ Any further tests deemed necessary by the physician.

Additional testing for 1st over age 40

___ Resting EKG

___ Assessment of coronary artery disease

(Using Multiple-Risk-Factor Assessment)

(age, lipid profile, blood pressure, diabetic

Screening, smoker) NOTE: Exercise Stress

Testing may be indicated.)

Additional testing for over age 40

___ Resting EKG

___ Assessment of coronary artery disease

(Using Multiple-Risk-Factor Assessment)

(age, lipid profile, blood pressure, diabetic

Screening, smoker) NOTE: Exercise Stress

Testing may be indicated.)

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RECOMMENDATION: aPPROVaL. I find no medical condition(s) that I consider incompatible with diving.

RESTRICTED aCTIVITY aPPROVaL. The applicant may dive in certain circumstances as described in REMARKS.

FURTHER TESTING REQUIRED. I have encountered a potential contraindication to diving. Additional medical tests must be performed before a final assessment can be made. See REMARKS.

REJECT. This applicant has medical condition(s), which, in my opinion, clearly would constitute unacceptable hazards to health and safety in diving.




PHYSICIaN’S STaTEMENT:I have evaluated the above-mentioned individual and find no conditions that may be disqualifying. I have discussed with the patient any medical condition(s) that would not disqualify him/her from diving but which may seriously compromise subsequent health. The patient understands the nature of the hazards and the risks involved in diving with these conditions.

__________ ___________________________________________________________MD or DO ( Date) (Signature)

_______________________________________________________________________________(Print Physician’s Name)

My familiarity with the applicant is: _____ With this exam only _____ Regular physician for _____ years

_____ Other: _______________________________________________________

My familiarity with diving medicine is:


aPPLICaNT’S RELEaSE OF MEDICaL INFORMaTION FORMI authorize the release of this information and all medical information subsequently acquired in association with my diving to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden Diving Safety Officer.

Applicant Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden July 2010

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The volunteer diving program at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden (the “Diving Program”) requires that volunteers scuba dive, using compressed air, and often with wild animals, in order to clean and help maintain the facility.

I, the undersigned, do hereby request that I be allowed to participate in the Diving Program. I understand that participation in the Diving Program is voluntary and is a privilege and not a right. I know that participation in the Diving Program includes scuba diving with wild animals, and is a potentially hazardous activity involving significant risk of all types of injury, including death. In addition, I understand that attendance and participation in the Diving Program creates the potential for intentional or negligent physical or mental injury or property damage to others, including potential physical injury to animals.

accordingly, in consideration of such privilege and other consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, I, for myself and for and on behalf of my children (if any), spouse (if any) and other family members, hereby assume and accept any and all risks associated with the Diving Program and complete responsibility for any injury, damage, or death which may occur during my attendance or participation in the Diving Program, or while on the premises where any Diving Program activities are occurring, or while traveling to or from any Diving Program activities or events.

In addition, I, for myself and for and on behalf of my children (if any), spouse (if any) and other family members, hereby knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily do, and agree to, release, discharge, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless: (a) Zoological Society of Cincinnati, an Ohio nonprofit corporation (the “Zoo”), and its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, representatives and agents; (b) Cincinnati Diving Center, Inc. (the “CDC”), and its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, representatives and agents (together, the persons and entities listed in the foregoing “a” and “b” are the “Released Persons”), from any and all liability, actions, claims, lawsuits, judgments, causes of action, costs, expenses and damages (including attorneys’ fees and court costs), whether caused by the negligence of the Released Persons or otherwise, arising out of, resulting from or in any way related to: (i) any physical, mental or emotional injury to me (including death), (ii) any damage to my property, (iii) any physical, mental or emotional injury to others (including but not limited to my children, my spouse or any other family members) (including death), or (iv) any damage to the property of others, during my attendance or participation in any Diving Program activity or event.

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In addition, I understand that if I do not follow the rules of the Diving Program, I may be removed from the Diving Program. I give my full permission to the Zoo, CDC and Diving Program, to use, without any monetary payment or other consideration to me, any photographs, videotapes, or other recordings of me that are made during the course of any Diving Program activity or event.

I agree that the terms of this Waiver and Liability Release are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law of the State of Ohio, and that if any portion hereof is invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.

I hereby represent and warrant that I am at least eighteen (18) years old and legally competent to sign this Waiver and Liability Release, and that this Waiver and Liability Release shall be binding upon my personal representative or estate, assigns, heirs, and next of kin, and that I have signed this Waiver and Liability Release of my own free will. I further represent and warrant that I am physically and mentally sound and suffering from no condition, sickness, disease, illness or infirmity that would prevent or increase my risk of participation in the any Diving Program activities or events. I further represent and warrant that I have read the foregoing paragraphs and am fully and completely aware of the legal consequences of signing this instrument.

I understand that the Zoo, CDC, and Diving Program are relying on the statements I have made herein in allowing me to participate in the Diving Program, and hereby certify that said statements are true and accurate.

PRINT NaME: ____________________________________________________________________

SIGN NaME: ____________________________________________________________________

DaTE: _____________________________

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden July 2010

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Manatee Tank(60 feet long X 20 feet wide X 12 feet deep)

Working Dive Tasks:• Remove organic material from

floor intake screens •Vacuumgravelfromthetankfloor

•Smooth out disturbed gravel on tank floor

•Deliver log feeders or stuff lettuce into rockwork

•Scrubalgae from walls, log surfaces, and acrylic windows

Qualification Dive with instructor:• Swim 400 yards in less than 12

minutes•Tread water for 10 minutes (or 2

minutes without use of hands or swim aids)

• Transport another person of equal size 25 yards

• Swim underwater without swim aids for 25 yards

• Surface dive to a depth of 10 feet without scuba equipment

• Kick on the surface 50 yards while wearing scuba gear but not breathing from the scuba unit

• Remove and replace scuba equipment while submerged

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden July 2010

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DoyouneedorhaveanIDBadge? Need Have








Volunteer’sSignature Date


VolunteerOffice Date


SecurityOfficerIssuingCredentials Date














