manaus by noah montgomery and nathan bogaert. manaus dangerma manaus is in jungle so there's...

Manaus By Noah Montgomery and Nathan bogaert

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Post on 01-Jan-2016




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ManausBy Noah Montgomery and Nathan bogaert



Manaus is in jungle so there's venoms bugs, spiders, wild animals, dangerous plants and you could get lost. Then there's the famed amazon river witch has its own dangers. Farley high crime rate; drugs, slums, etc. Mosquitos have malaria.

You should travel in a group. Bring bug spray were long clothes so the bugs cant get you. Know were and what your doing. have a guide or smoothing like that. Bring a bottle of water every where


Sorry, no cut out

MONEY! $$$ 2700

-1,018 plane tickets

-98 4 meals a day (food)

-39 beach

-117 Rio Negro cruise

-108 Manaus city sight seeing tour

-39 beach

-271 car rental

-0 zoo

-167 amazon rain forest survival tour

-508 4 days at creaser business hotel

-39 beach

-134 maseude seringd vila parate $0.31=1.00 real

-40 Continental Park Hotel

-47 Hotel Brazil Manaus

$15 $2685<$2700

And it’s all going to be spent on a vacation. hehehe

What to bring




-Rain gear








-Bathing suits

-Mosquito repellant




-Sun glasses



-machete for protection and jungle


Toilet tree

Language: In Brazil, people speak Portuguese.

Key phrases to know:

English: Portuguese:

-Hello, how are you? Ola, como vai voce?

-Where are the bathrooms? Onde estao os bainheros des?

-I need help. Eu preciso de ajuda.

-What is your name? Qual e o seu nome?

-My name is… Meu nome e…

Visa requirements

Original, signed passport valid for 6 months beyond stay in Brazil, and with at least one blank passport page available for Brazilian visa stamp. Amendment pages in the back of the passport are not suitable for visa stamps.

Noah MontgomeryMichigan

United statesAge 12male


# maybe personal info under here
