manchester iowa, wednesday, council holds thanksgiving€¦ · w. h. 8eu^na^ wholeft mane he?'...

IfVfctvt KX h * uU •* W; <•» iA> swsMSt t'W v.-,«.V>- fS; "•, ->l'~ r » r , £ SBBW V v /'J *>*»* -iff® -»+$:, - tow ^ . . . » V J\ ' ix 2r-{'V.I ->> f^ ' v . ..- '.••¥••' ••*•-> ;'•: .. ,^, i& 1 ";• \_V-2i <•',>.' 9 "%> V vs €^T5*S?S* & s&s* ¥- i JTTO *Y«M •*« 4 **v$ •< i Ektbmd ax roti onics *t IMjutssbtsr, Iowa, as Bhwd-OIiUI Mum i*VS <">i VOL XIXVII COUNCIL HOLDS v^M;# ." COMMITTEE ON ELECTRIC LIGHT INQ AWARD* CONTRACT TO ^ i/L' ••••••• MAN. L. H. A P. C0., W ,-:, -' jfrYP" - ' ;-?5 *" «'"? » t £ / . . * -i V&-V- <* TIUSIIIEIT OCTOKEI It HI *'*'$?» , ,*•} vJ v; p 4 - N '# C«flKr«rt& Oiyfi^ Addltjcfs/ ^Tlms in Which to Complete Curb - *|nd OWttar 0|0 Onlpp •tr**?""!' |k?CITY; COUNCIL. ." ' ,> |g^ ,-. - ^ V-; •„- i. The cRy council met In regular EMf session Monday evening with, all UW members present, except Major ILe »< P far .;^lMk; v Lbr. .CO.. . labor/.' Tlie council ifacommenikll' tot'the county board of supervisor* that the -taxes' of Mr*, Mnwna J. Cox.and Mrs. , M. Rosecransberemited. ' ..." A resolution was; jntroducetff$f))y PeUfsoo, second by- Cleveland, - glvln; Contractor Jewell until Junelst of nest year to 0nM( his contract f r puttinginthecurblngandgutterlne on Union street, Mr. Jewell thl resotdtloa ia to remonre all maieri ilind nMchiaeiy fraai the » reet and pot atm in condition' tor use of the ItuMic'. ' \ Tlie (oUowint bain were ajftcwed: « 44 75 15 7 DarMiport Machinery A Foundry ;Co... .. .. .... .. .. .. 13 OC Firat^Kationa} Bank, aivaisnee, «ftor.. ... .. .. •• ._• .. 44 «0 ^WlCnlso'BadrM Supply Ci &* 0> -|^Dave^ont .Machinery ft Foundry .?••>.• •..••':••. r-'-./f.t' •* 94 0. #"ModerfPr';ntln* C9.,. printing . . 8t ^Dt*a|^ C!tr Waterworks .. i^foor^^-JonM Braci A' Metal. ^ .; ^30. »• J .* .. .. .... '.. City ,jfraterwoito~o< Cedar Ra- .. 9 |S.C^«aterwoi1ur oT^: Cedar Ha^;-^' ^ •- •"• ' 18 7; ' Ju^l^^Mbrae A:-Son. cteetric j&M^con«kKitor».. Chap^a Valve Hti: Oa~! h*y- - : r -u" - 205 ** *em- Co wikter pipe .. .. 1. 7>* 32 Dei itjb. State Bank, (reiskt. 99 ®el. Co. State Eanll. ftefcht .. 1 kit W. Di^Hojrt A Co 17?$© Wm. Ji—Ml. water mains.. .... lti? .PATRICK SMITH. 'Patrick ^mith died at hte home iii this city tivtB; (Duesiday) afternoon at 1:15, after a prolonged lllneBs, death resulting from a complication of dis- eases. ; The deceased waab orn in Mona- han, Ireland,' September 29, 1842, and came to Iowa with his parents in the year 1858. He was united in roar riage with Misa EHen iMorrlseey of Cascade on Jidy 14, 1865 Besides bis w£fe, he is survived' by the following children: Fred and Mrs, Mattie Neft of. thisi city and Sen of Roches- ter, Minnesota. ' i - The funeral eervioee Will be held frcan' the. Catholic church in this city Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Father Collins officiating. In- terment will be made in Oakland cent etery, •; The relatives' have the sincere •ymf ^un»7* of~'r~ maa K. t Tiea ^ a! in heir saw Wa - A' *'{ Md3 JANE YOUNG. - % NEW ^8 25 SO 49 fr? M ^k. .'.720 v< 40S 06 jiNlf 5 ©. F. YowwvV-..;..K.. *.. r??M .OMk^WkitaMifr ^ MANCHESTER . MAN SUPFER8 PROM PR EEZING WEATH- Eft IN WEST.|, v v 0^| W. H. 8eU^na^ wholeft Mane he?' ^er some t^me ago/ to pro've up on. a ctelm .near fiobd^y, -Smith ^BakcCi;; iuffered '8evei^^ ; ^frora : -,Mi:<)»^M'.' ; > to •ihe iieeaing ^Mther on" ttie. nigMT of October 2«h. ' He sta ; rSed' to.' 1 walk from, hte cfeim/to the viUa^e Good- t>y, aboult three/mUea di!<^|^4ind' the fntense .coM <fro«e > -both o^/htsi, ^ fee'.. ft was neees^r^to amput^e part of the \feft fwt-iiii>di<tW :greaC«tbe' of the rigbt^fbot.' '. He Ut rxom being car^d format the M«t)tpdkt HoapKal'.at ^qm- J?T >]i K%h .<»«»< >. » . » i v.* .. -v.*.-. - Bobt.' Wilson i lenva Branson .i Wka. Pe^mp. H. C. Lovelace.. Frank ODeli.. .V Hirqr-'Crws.: Thos. Morsn. Harry Crew.. ../...'* '• Homer A/bbott.. .. B. J.' Lawman ...... ....... . Goodrich, wood.. .. 8. G. Way, damage..' John Prowae.. .. .. .. Clarence Jones, labor on street ' lllghtS a. 1 . .. ..... Del. Co. Tel. Co. .. .. Protection Co. Jto. .1. .;•.•• .. N. Denton Hose Co. '."i* ..... Del.-Co. Sta^e Baak, freight A, D. Irown, sup.. . » Hutchinson A _At<water, sup Fv. B.: Blair.. ..B.'.:H.''Fientoe»;.v S . H . S c t a d t s . . ^ . . v . :ChasL WhKman.. C»rbari^k'Nye .... :-. : V. iL; Collaid, salary. T. Witoon - .. .. Carhsrt A Nye.. ,T. T. Oliver, aalaiy . .• il. L. H. A P. Co.. . Ml L. H. A P. Co.. i Pat~ Moran, labor ...... Fred Pope.. .ij; Henry Petlitan .. ''W 21 1 15 66 19 00 27 K \t 26 26 2 . 25C 10 18 10 14 16 9. 10? » 12 4 75 00 30. 00 11,75 .. 50 0i . 19^71 .#12'. 0G< . 10 80 ,. 2 0( . 25 00 ..56 CO . 85 00 /V / 8. H. Morgan. \•: Lucile O'Hagan.. /; •. . .. T. Wihnn.. ..•• •• •• •• The council ordered the clerk act to iUo any bills against the cH'y un- less same are signed by the member '«{ the counct who contracted „th bii.' '' v;' v, j_\ The cowimRtee oo street Jighitlng re '' {ported a contract w'th the Manches- ter Light, Heat ;A Power Ca tor ,the* ligbting of the stre«<s of the city. The council oafended the con- tract ao a's to make it read that the city reserved ihieP right to cancel th. einitract <won Stt^days notfce If the * pffmer oobiilnpB the; minds of the eoitnc : l fa'U AMive up to the coir tract. Upon m»Uon of Petersen aec- onked tiy Cleteiand the motion was A resolution ..was' pas»ed^accepting the -paving in" the alleys between '' FrankUn and Madison street) The treasurer^ 'report she ws a bai- " ^ance on hand amount tug to 912,162.63 " divided among the various funds as Corporation:. .. .1.:. & .Corporation Road.. ^Improvement.. ... .:. |MF1 reman.. .. ..,..• . .Kmewer.. .. .. *.. '^"Blectrfc light.." .1 r.. ; Waterworksi bond.. .. Grading.. .. .. .. .. >:Waterwork» operating >^OMBty Road.. .. . $22031.13 . 178 77 . 1005 64 . 1001 59 . 826 17 . 919 13 . 3i82 45 . 1443 33 . 682 34 ; ' 709 98 i i, ! ftA Dunbar i . —Mr. and 'Mm Robert spent Sunday la Independece. v —There -will be a special meeting c< the Manchester school board this (VawtBir) «T«niaf. CASES FOR DECEMBER TERM OP COURT. The following Is a list of the new cases wUcb have been filed fctr. the. December term Of court: Mary Soder va -Frank Soder. Suit for divorce. Winnie Uhl ve^!Lucta» UUL ^Action for divorce. . Frank J; Steger vs. Unknown Claimants et at. Quieting title. Albert L. Barker vs. Unknown Claimants et al. j Quieting title). Henry A. DtUmer vs. Unknown Claimants et al. - Quieting title. : State Sayings Bank vat L. L. Stoiv- er and BV V. Stoner. Attaichmeivt. H. J. Van Fleet- vs. Margaret Var Fleet. Petition .for guardiab. Jacob Loper vs. The Chicago ^kt ; Western Railway Company. Claim tor dainag^s. Lovett & Davis vs. Chicago^ Mii- waukee % iSt. Paul Railway " Com »any. Claim for gf«. j- u 'Mrs. Jane Young, widow of the the bite John Young, died at her home in S&rlviUe on Thursday afternoon, November 16. The > cause of her death is attributed' to cancer. '• ilw. Youag was a native of Ireland, h<av ing been born^ at Donegal In Octo- ber 1834. She wa» married to Jehu Young in 1849 in Summit coun- ty, Ohioi. They came to Delaware county, Iowa, in i860 and settled on & farm in Elk township. Seven chil- dren were born to the union six of whom survive'as fallows: Thomas o Creiglifcon, Nebraska, Samuel of Baz- iit Milils,' Nebraska,- Alexander of North. Fork township, . Jolra, jr.' of Powell, Wyoming;., Mrs: Eliza Saw- yer of Howard, North Dakota," and Miss Jffary, a teacher in the echOoiv MANCHESTER IOWA, WEDNESDAY, FRANKLIN STREET PAVING NOT ,. TO BE COMPLETlD UNTIL :7v NEXT SPRING. A Li> i' At a- special meeting of the ctty couno!l) last Wednesday it w.s deci'I-' ed that lit was imp'ractible <to con- tinue the work on the.paving contract and* M. Ford,, the contractor, w.s given an extension of time for com-; rplettng the same from November i5 of his year to June 1st cf next year. The following resolution in regard to the paving was. passed by the .tout; cili and signed' by Mn Ford. Resolution relative to existing between Mi Ford,, and the City of Manchester, Iowa, for ing, curbing and. guttering part of Franklin street, from But- ler street north to Clara Avenue 22, 1911 , N it **1 > L h WHAT MANCMKtTM ARE DOING AT NOMi AND < A1IIOAB... v, . S.V:.'.:;J .'—Mi* A, M.. Cloud spent Saturday Ik DuUique. •$ ^ H. Strickland spent Wednes- ln Cedar Rapid«l W. .MiUer spent Sunday wi'th in Independence. -~' i, rsd."Pettlon and his son Henry to Waterloo Monday . '-—A. 'A. Mcintosh is a business Visitor in Portland', Oregon —E. J. Carpenter of EarlvUle was A»U»kj I ;Tl* visitor in. town Thursday. contract now IKVIEV Ml FMECAST « 4^3^61 In the city of Manchester, Iowa.- of Fart Dod'3«£ Mr. Youngs preced<bd'j •: ui»advisabl> | 1 . 1 .. ' "IT'S-:. * »• .'i,'' I 'iin»svn _ -. Ii Psrssnsl Nstors Plsksd Up TCMb •>h t- v •* ^ I his wife in , cleaih: ; ^ aboutCouncil of ago and one: son Charles, iv pasBed'f ^fanfchesteir, Iowa, to pro: iway severai- years' ago. Mra Youiig FranJc-. R . . np _. _ d -_ was a. kind' hearted Christian * respected 'by alT who knew' her end I*® Clara Avenue, in the city : of I':; , heT death Peanoves another-of I Manchester. Iow^, under the contTact l f ~" I,r - «• M - Bmdley Is a »y|B«Si pioneer Settlers, of the county., r The now exirti^ .between :m. Ford and .?f ,tor Waverty today; , |£j; funeral was held at the M. E.- church I ^ a ' 1 ® ^ t * 1 ® continued J' "~R' R. Robinson Is.' here"" from I in Sunday afternoon and was con-|' ,0 ^ 2 ^l® weather/ whereby it has be-jJack^onvllle, Storlda, (or:s 'shoii 'tooted by the pastor, Rev. H^W. AK-j '}1k ' l l ' .Hansen of .Dyers- oC iMIw liatf' Hatch •A:, unique window, display is to be *«d Ih the V«rlsty 5 and .10' cent store.. -{TlrrtH park hr shown to mln- ature::-'i ' Th% "landscape* -iMlst'did a very neat Job in laying out the iroundai Park. Lodge is. shewn ov- erlooking the parte .from an~ elevation rod r«ths and shrubs are haiinonoua- ly- arranged; Lighted eleotroleets ind a street car system' in actual op^ jrat'on are novel' featurks of ".A.thiS' lever airangemeat. - ' .. ftpmf. w«Tii^bOM«An. Imm W Miss DeB» May 8iaitli of Aurojr^ and Mr. Robert. M. Dunbar o< this Jty, were *%nHed is mairiage - ^ by Rev. W. H. Ensign Thuradsy nkbrn- ing, November 16. .1911. Mr. Dunbar i. been employed' ini tJje A. Miller writer shop tor iRxne titne and while here has mafle inany friends wh, oin with The Democrat in wdsh!n« Soth Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar pvery Joy '.n their married life. * ' #<->< MANCHESTERMARKETS. ><{<¥> Butte^;. Potatoes'.. .. Spring chickens.. Hens.. .. :/ -.. . Turkeys, v .. . Ducks., .'.36c to 36c .'?. 4 .:'- .... 25c ... 80c '>j.; i .,. : ^.7 l-2< i . - .. . .... 7\ •.^r." ,..'.i2c .. 10c. to 12c ' ' .t 1 ''" " V ^ "'V'' THAkkSGIVING SPECIAL^sTMi ... . v ' * v;£3f."*i On 4h». first page of this !«sue wil' be found In Brown's announcement of his "Thanksgl'ving ^teci-sls". The dining iroom Is the plaoe of interest on Thanksgiving day and he x SUK- ;ests some new furniture. to tone v up the room. Read h'a advertisment. •';£ man. \-A3i' of the. children 3nbat41te funeraji-on Sunday . . . . j/ the family- extend sympathy - Whereas tti% time fixed in sald jSunday:^ ^ I contract for "the; cdm|>ietion of said W woi* of paving said ptirt of Frank- lin street was the 15th. day of H No^- 'fH.i ^ MRS. HENRY GIENAPP, yiCy.'ity y ^ Mrs. Henry Gienapp die® at th honae of her step sori, Frank (Jienapp at- BirlyOle . / last' Tuesday, V No- vember 14, 1911. She hod been in iCailfcng health for several months with! cancer and death came 'v.TT-iMr. and Mrs. W. K. Bo««» visttlpg wttb r«iat^res and frls'iMls «t. Monona. ' . - : i' —Attorney B. C. Perkias «f Delhi j wis a business vjsftor in tWs cj|«tj Monday. vember 1911; Now, therefore, be it Resolved by'1 the City Council of the City of Man- chester, Iowa: ] That the' time of performance of s®id contract for.paving curbing andl 3 "!'"" Don " ,a > *«• IMnvw ylsitois is a release. ; Henrietta FrederickI swtterin * r street from But-l?^ u ^ a Y' ' was bora in Pomerina, Germany) on I 1 ' north to Clara Avenue In the I y'^rMr. sod Mrs. B. B. Morse were January'l8, 1843. in 1873 she was| c,t ' 5r of XIanc h«ter, Iowa,, exisbn? I ot relatives in Cdggos a part married to Carl Saron. A son was between ^ Ford, and the city. of | of "last week. oorn to this union'but died when fiveI Manchester, lowa^ is hereby extend-! "^Miil.~ P. M. Starblfd cocs^.- to years old. JMn -Saron died to' 1884. f* 1 June ,1912. and tqion the fol- SPto&ton^CaMfornia, this w«ek ' 4o in : April 1886*|she was married to ®* ine ^ erm8 ' ^ ;conditions., That l apend-iiie winter. Henry Clenai^ In "the spring « f , k ^ 8t t r ®? t be '°«>ened ,for ti «.v^ —Wilber Chiids shinned a car o~ 188^, they ca^ne from Germany to out the entire length indirt-l sh ^p to |aat _ by America and settled in Delaware I contract for.^ald I i^'ay of the jif; A O." county, f esidesr her husband she is I and that all "inteisecitlag I; ; ^ . ..; » Kt | " survived- by five step children, Frank 804 oUeys be also opened; fori It I! ^ ' 19U - )f Nortt^Fork. towpshlp, WiUiatn; That^ny damage to con-l'^*' ^ ^ brcttwr, fternian and Mrs. Jdinnie HoweihlerI crete , alrea ^y in Place, Unowned! .^ UnC f ^ .^. ^.i or Wentworth, South' Dakota, andr hro, *'» opening the street for trav-l AraoM. returned horns on MnL Bertha Wen*^ of Delairaj-e, all | eI ^all be fully i^ired,.'^. viit . in I * ft f p * »hn«t vis* with jC. whom were, prebent at the funeral I class «ondkii»n : to t)ie .MUdl^,| po 'Fridays' The funeral wjs held a tI ^ City : .Counctb; sndr:'^.?'the-r "^-Al •—W. N. Snodgressi was' a business Thdtor in Cedar Rapids Wednesday. '—Miss Anna Ward of Ryan was a IWd of friends in this city Satur- day. ' .'t A. M; Cloud ; has returned from A .business Rock bland, Illi- nois. " , Wilson went to Alfburnette this morning on';a short business 4rlg». /v- '•••'••. . ; n%<'-. . ii' : 4 -nPss AMa ; H^de was an f, over 8ipwy iuest oT friends at !/: Iowa OMK'.. '. ^ i * wti'&H'* . . 1 '«• —Mrs. John Bti^nd went to Mason- Tills' Monday for' a short, visit with * % •••••*. WtM 1 —Mrs. FV J. Rejger enjoyed a vis- it Wat weik from^ Miss. Alma. Streit of Dyersyiiie. '^| v *- —John Nix ia a'husiness visitor in Sioux CMy; ^andl other points in the western part of the' state. . —Earl Anderson arrived home las' wis«k -|rpn[r! North Dakota^ where he hs^ ^een spending the summer. —iSuperTisor P. A. Mead recently a> new Thanksgiving 1 •. v '< - 1 - v k "tSm K 'h . Let us Tone up your Dining Room with new Furniture;!' Fine Dining Tables, Buffets, Sideboards, And Chairs. I New goods in this line are daily and we want you |to see them. . 9 Our special for this week is an. elegant solid Qua rtered I Oak Box Seat Dining Chair at $2.50 each or $15.00 for the set of Six. When you see these you will want a set.' a'-' - Our SoUd Dining Chairs at $1.00 each or $6.00 for a set of Six. jr ( v * \<> v ^ T -, T gJ ._. _ . . .. .purchased * new Reo> automobile| L - Kae l r .'°* ^"l^ lftomthe W. D. Howt Cm. —Mr. and Mrs. Clareoce Miller of Prairie township are the parents of a son bom Tuesday, November 14, 1911. ; ' . /' ' —iMisai lda Shelden la hmtessi to, the .Manchester WOflian's Ckd> at her. (Mae on ; . BastvMain street .JthisT after-. . —Bd Simlth, an okt settler of Rich- land township, died at his home in ForestviHe, Monday, November 20, BROWN, The Furnituri Man 'fA ' , -l\ " + Sells Cedarine Furniture Polish. e| f r i ' -I fi —Mrs. H. D Allen and son Myron, are here from Minneapolis^ for a vis- it at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. John fj V < •t lows CMr. r .. ^ , t t . , v . , . vd to Cads* the; Lutheran church at 12 o'clock I en « ,n ? e f employed by- the city' ooun J fulfil# 'Moi^lay after a sbo(t .y'si Friday noon. Rev. SI Pute, the paa- at the expense .of the said' <^Tw^H;.««neiiealeCt . •icr. officiated lit the'presence of a ^? tor M. Ford, before the wearig'l '-rikrs. dtasa BNOsr Ml large asseanMage of fronds' by iwhom the surCac^' ^ Mnl^TFred Hermaa;. a*«nt she was held in the highest regard. * h, H tteroughl>^^rop«»- wltj^i«laSirfes at Wats^ , _ . : i ^ \ r?. clean:when to a BOOKS AT THS LieRAlftrn^' *earlng;j^aice : ^ ihi over Sunday vWtor at..ths:.lMai of ; her conslni> Miss'. MaybHle MiBer. NEW . :*h6 library timie to 4»e opei^d 'tbat t Ime dur- fagphalt* ^ bH nde'r^ log.; the wintejri ^ I ^'^cleansed^'' -of Sfi' ' The foitowlag is a Bst v of ne'wi&ppfc ^ nu f»Jan4 earthy matter,; .,-bef:'r : " and,use of the r-.asphajt S.'^'Joli3i-Things a Boy shoulid knoiw I ^' n< l er thereon, and the Mipface- of Xbiiiut Wireless. the concrete foundation beneajth stoli Smith—Seventeen, iattle Bears M*®-' b «xwn«d clean, b^o?e. proceeding DUtott —Th» Real Captain Kidd. | 8844 "work, which done Monday —Nelson Atwater nturoed home Isst' week from Steele, So«Kh Drfio- -where he had> been on a busl- neis trip.' '' " —Miss Mande Grabam will) enliw- taln the Thfctsts Club : at her hosaie on 9iMt : Union - street next Monday Dijuin Scout of .Pea Ridge. vMeMani®—Our Little Aratilsa Cous "• ' >'' ; .' j.iMemill—EUda and the Oak. ^ 1 v Seiton ^hen the macadam and surface o* the ; . concrete are in a thorm^hly dry, condition, by ; raking the 'macad* ami back until It is screened clean Thompson—Rott in the] a^d brooming the dirt with a stiff Woods. } v bristle broom ahead, until surface Bandsy—FoltawJng 'the Star/"' |of concrete is clean. That the con- Weed—Farm friends and Farm | trac t°* M - Pord,^his own expense. Don.-. '' l^all toy enough.macadam at the^ln T Fiilebrown—Resonance , in,- Slnginj I ' ersect ion of Clara Avenue ar and Sneaking.^ '\yPvA F f? n * lin ' «*r e ^ <f make!* solid^ wad Noyes—PoemA' - ' way six inches> j deep-and ten feet Adams and. - S umner—Labor Prob-1 w M e > 'V the, purpose of prodding a 'rim *" '?*• ^ 1 S°°d and sufficient road way (.r Clark—Reminiscences of an Ath- tra V e l into the city, by way of Clara lets. avenue,, whenever for any . reaw ToothaktiT—Commercial Raw- Mater I ^ pan klih > street becomes_impassaJbIe, lal, whenever ,th city council shall det- Porter—'The Harvester? | ermine that it tei necessary. Patterson—Rebellioti. »,iVV •« 1 4? ' Be it further resolved.: : That the mayor and^city cleric l ct REPORT OF DELAWARE CO OPER-1 ^ . ape ^ er ®^. auth< * ,z ed anj /ATIVE CREAMERY. ' dlr6Ct ^ to ***** » written ii I tension of said contract jwaa 1 terms herein provided, with ex- %- the The following Is the report of, the Isold M. Fori tobe filed' with tl^e Delaware Co-operative creamery^, for | oriignal contraqt'viu the office <* the city clerk. <.'s- " "•" T r Passed and approved Nowanriber 1911. : A««t. 'MvvfV t"; ?. T. wiisoii. iiiaiai iif SUIT SALE. m w>< A sale of suits' at special reduced filoes tor three day* Is announced by the Snodgress Clothing Co. Prices have been reduced for the benefit of the' late buyer. Stiep livet>; and get your' suit while tiifey'.ikst is' ^eir ed- vice<io yoa. V' j „. : v, ^ LEATHER GOODS. ' " Anders A Ph%Ppj advertise the receipt of an excellent line cf l?di:s' he*;d bsgs in their ad this week. Read their ad and call a* the «tore and Inspect the goods ' ' v * ^ ; ; ' - . the month-of October, 1911: Number of pounds of milk'receiv- ed, **,123. Number of pounds of cream receiv- ed, 11,294. •' Cv*^/ - Average test, 4.2. "'^vv 1 . Average price, $1.38. Prfcce per <poUnd for buBtejfat, 33 csntoi Highest price paid per hundred pounds for milk, $1.50. Lowest price paid per ^ ^hundred pounds ^or milk, $1.20. The annual meeting of the ^mla- ware creamery WUI be held on Mon- day, Decembr 4,' at which time of- ficers for the ensuing year will be elected. ! •) W. O. SOMES SELLS FARM TO DR WILSON. ' Wi O. Somes has sold his s xty acre faim near the Fair grounds In this city to Dr. N. D. Wtfsam. In the deaf Mr. Somes beco«res>.'« the owner of Dn Wilson's residence on Franklin street. P.S-; —Mfsa Dorothy Keyes w-s in Du- buque Saturday to attend the wed- ding of her cousin. Miss Edna Car- keek, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mi* Carkeek of that city to Rodger Studebaker, a young banker of Mad- ison, Hiinois^ ^ 4 f' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John Lansing and wife to Harvey B. Mertem. Land In sec 11, twp 90, range 3. Consideration, $5,000. Adelbeit dark and wife to Chaa W. Geonge. Lots 12, 13, 14, 15. and 18, ' block 5, In Thorpe. Considera- tion, $L ;... 10''" •&€; Normaai D. Wilson^to W. ' O. Somes. S 1-2 of lot 28, Burrington's addition to Manchester. Considera- tion, $3500. VV. o. Semes and wife to Helen D. Wilson!. Lot 24, %tc., in Manchester. Consideration, $14000. 3 : >, METHODIST CHURCH NOTES. There will be no prayer meet- ing Thursday night and no Sabbath evening service on Sunday, the 26th, on aiccoixnt of ithe temperance meet- ings being held' at the Court House under the auspices of the local W C. r. TJ. > The subject of the Sunday morn- ing sennon is 'Tlionsnms from the J3agi«/' The quartette will furnish! i " - w»SR.-* -' V' <- -• WitaOT - s ';^^|Mayoiv ^ ^ CJtty Clerk: - 1 ' 1 , j'IM —: "'sSJ INHERITS $>0,000 CASH ;?| What wouU you do It gtren $50,- ^00, is ..the ';tWe;io* a very. iuterestln? human Interest 'jkory ia this issue-at, The Democtat £ EJlizur Sage, ^ nephew of Russell Sage, wasi willed that amount aa" isn 't , happy.','>For the experience of Mr. Sag0.'And' : ,hisi $50,000 read ' the article and we know you will' find ft interesting. See If your ideas and what Sage did with' the $50,000 agree. Each- week we run interest- trig articles; on live, uptodaite sub- jeict^ and to get the full value |~of the paper you should not fall to read It all. Get the habit and you wiU aip. predate our Worts to give you the best feature» to be obtained. . ' —H. H. Lawrence of Waverty , wal a Manchester vteitor 1 Friday. —Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Carr 'are the parents of a baby girl born Mon- day morning, November 20, 1911. —Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frentre s rr turned to their'home at Hayden, C 1- orado, Sunday, after a several month visit in thds city. —A very creditable statement o? the condition of the Delaware County State Bank appears in another col- umn of this paper. —Gffldrner Brcs. have a talk on good clothes! and why they can sefl the best qualify at the lowest price Read what they say and profit" .^by he hsd been yMttag^ftxc.aarer-] al. •• —Garry ThSrpe. retun-ned to Pest- —Mm M. W. SheMoik and dawghr I Qe^glui. Wednesday; after a two teri^ Mm. George Clemens, wrrs | WM |u'. vM t h«w at ths hams •«<. his parents, Mr. aiid Mia. A. - Thorpe. guests of friends in -A.; D. Long atod €s6. 8. LMtr go -to Cedar Rapids this eveslng to attend a meetlnir of the Seottlsb Rites. ; ' i --Jesse Nye, who Is emgdoyod with a drug finn at Lincoln; Nebraska, Is here for a visit with relatives and friends. Duffey has animals for tr*- J - stock ;' —Under ths auspices : of ths Wt "C. T; C." an Indoor Chsutauquai wHtabs heid at the Caurt House ln thls cKy>| on the evenings. of November 23," 24, KsndM. —M. B. Blair, treasurer «f - the| Iowa State Oranga wa*^ at last week staking preHndnary choUel rangemento tor th^ boliltnc of ' the hi. I annual stats grange meeting which advertisement in another column of l wll be ImM in that city DeccmAer thtolains. ll2th to l4th. .• The Grange• Is «n-| —Miss Beryl Camevjr ctf Indpend-| Joying a steady growth' in this organised I ence -afttved here Saturday:, for a I state, there baring been short visit with her sister, Miss 120 new granges since the- last meefo- Opal Ccmery. '" . ing. ^ . 5 ^ j Mr. andMrs. C.J. Bailey aad' * > daughter, Miss Belle Baitoy. k*. to- day for. Oklahoma, where thsy will. "°"1 mm m FWSME —Leon Beardslee and v Gleir* StricUand, ' who attend bnslacss college sft Cedar Rapids, were- over Sunday visitors in Mani.l—lai." *" . 1 J p i3 mm »*• P'V^I A fine line of Ladies'' W Hand Bags, all the lat-|||; est creaUons ffn MneM Leather. i Flrench Beads ..... 1118!PRICES'^ TO SUIT ALL'. US ANDERS & PHILIPP Central Pharmacy t i; t^Wx-S BW I*), X t&r A V J* "f ' Ooze and w> fc- ss»* 1 1 <> % ^,1' y $ (iwiii < are-1 R. [ m *<Kr V, er S \ ^ W •** % i ^ »r ^ " r -'"; l *5| FOK SALE OR RENT.^%^f neu.Hidi School V SCBERT CARS' HOW FOR ^AALE. U *pv| at Marshalttows, Iowa^VByh ytftyMu 11 im^'brod Daiocs Jersey Botrs. m* LslaikaSaseullavbosr. as resioaaUe prtce«. mmittee. fgsnuisw mils Willi III HWi hntnr PaSie 5 it:/-. KMIL WBN DLING. ,; i tf. to.E CURE VOim SICKCHICKENK 6et u ouoeac paclcmssiof Asept«ion^s< joor..;*ao*»tomd diwoHu It lu m ssMoo til-rm* tsblMso'ia full In "one —. jr?<lilslilsl» wiw Aneptsiope cmre> * oweltnuble aaStioup. 40-10wSb. ,mom sACiC. K ^vhh'RIchlaa* township artt » I kll MOuk o^lsad in Huomiilk! sst." T ' Mnu Se» "" [ mo-JS, H. F> 0. Noi .^Manchester Ia^ White* 1 SlveBr; LOC^.- i'* 1 ., V * : T.f Boodle dost Reward wlfrbe rn. : kC. PKBD8SNSB —The ladies of the W. R. C. requested <0 meet at the AI. A. . hall Saturday morning, Nnsissbs to help make cushions for. the lees home : order of eommlttee. —Father J. J. Cottins sus lu In^ dependence last' Thursday a conference of the prleoto cf tIS: dependence' deanery. Thte tacludes the countise of P§yette iuid Delaware. —Mr. and Mm. John F. Wabasha, Minnesota, who have heen' .visiting at the home of ths sister,. Mis. F. J. Reiger, weat ^ DyersrvilM Monday for a -visit relatives there before returning home. —iBaker Heney of Coffins Grave township returned from Mostnss'lasf week, where he has' pw*as*f a farm. (Mr. Heisey and famUjr wiO move to Montana next spring*-:.asd take ipossession of their newty . ac- quired propeKy. —W. F. Kvans, district n»anager of the American Nobles, No. MS, Ban- ner Council, requests The Democrat to announce-that the order will hold I ESTRfAiVNOTICE. their next regular meeting, Friday, I strayed or taken from the Hogan Novembr 24, at their halt over I pasture south of Manchester <mej Stearns 6 iMcOormick's store. AllIblack and white Holsteln two-year-] members are invited to be present, laid, heifer, branded on hip with let* —Miss Hasel Huene wi» be hostess Iter "C." Also one blade two-year j this (Tuesday) evening to a con>-1old steer, same brands-.' Reward wiH pany of friends who are invited toIbe paid for information to their] metet Mr. and Mrs. GOgis of Bagle whereahouto. Address Grove, who are guests' at the HueneI JOB. CASS, - -W home. A delicious dinner will be I R. P. D., 1, Manchester." 1 served and the evening wiK be spent | in a pleasant and Informal' manner. . I FOR RENT. —Theo.- Hatch r^wned ftrqm onsinesB o«ice in City Hallvbiook. Hartley,, Jowa, last week. Mr. Hstch I T ^ 1|lp . ^ m has been at Hartley for the past| J#fc #p w H . Mu tel.ins««-M* several weeks looking after his land interests in that section and re- ports that the people who have beenl Don't miss the opportunity of hav- saying that noithwestern Iowa had ling your eye corrected by Dr. Webfer crop failure are badly mistaken, I the eye and ear doctor who win >s and that that section has nearly sal here after 1:30 p. m. Saturday, De- average crop thia sea win. jcember 2 at Hotel Clarence. Come. ULL MANCHESTER SANITARIUM. OHIm 294 FraakHa St. Hr-Vte' ** J WILLIAM GOBURN, M. D., Medical Director 1 t;' JENNIE YOUNGREEN, Superintendent , - . . .. -yr'% j"~< Opened for treatment of disease by the methods of Battle'?^ / Creek and other similar institutions. Calls promptly made m r >v in city or country at the usual fees, i : ? 1 SEND FOR BOOKLET ^ j, *»" .m'Mtsi > j »4 i*" ^ ]'•< 3ry^i. . "IA| ^ J5^ m Ik " "'V Inter terio,opaM Dec. 4. BeSatl tul Bluk'Uf Facte or daUkw. thit cost 50c -esch.jh^gbf tbe;iwjahr. Students enterins evsr»-isM^ v Ad4M^^ollece of Commerce Watstipc^r 46* 4 m T . I r-^'i 'JiSm V-.- tmlm iiSSifffltiii } L 3K' Herald Favorite^;|J§L„.,, Hermetic •* * e f' ~/l?. »' " ''' A ££ f " A "* " y v"- *' » > Hermit Merit King Bee Hot Hast Artistic Universal i * & t ?H J r j •> r'{S ' These are household words wherever heating stoves are talked about in the territory around Manchester. Don't forget that we have the largest line ef-heating ^ stoves in Delaware county. Call in and let us' show theui to you and tell you something about them 1 . ^ " 1 HUTCHINSON & ATWATER W - Dealers In J -? 1 * Hardware, Stoves ami Tiiwara, 9 * 1,V". ^ »«?>>• v. '' Licensed City Plumbers. ' ' r " *'v ^ \ >V-V'.i ike?'*1. - ,*hJk{V* "• * m 1 * •i*, t > -r. •*} *Ss 1

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Page 1: MANCHESTER IOWA, WEDNESDAY, COUNCIL HOLDS Thanksgiving€¦ · W. H. 8eU^na^ wholeft Mane he?' ^er some t^me ago/ to pro've up on. a ctelm .near fiobd^y, -Smith ^BakcCi;; iuffered

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f» • i Ektbmd ax roti onics *t IMjutssbtsr, Iowa, as Bhwd-OIiUI Mum i*VS <">i VOL XIXVII



INQ AWARD* CONTRACT TO ^ i/L' ••••••• MAN. L. H. A P. C0.,W,-:, -' • jfrYP"-' ;-?5 „

*" «'"? » t <« £ / . . * -i V&-V- <*

TIUSIIIEIT OCTOKEI It HI *'*'$?» • , ,*•} vJv;

p 4 -N '# C«flKr«rt& Oiyfi^ Addltjcfs/ ^Tlms in Which to Complete Curb

- *|nd OWttar 0|0 Onlpp •tr**?""!'

|k?CITY; COUNCIL. ." ' ,> |g^ ,-. - ^ V-;

• „ - i . T h e c R y c o u n c i l m e t I n r e g u l a r EMf session Monday evening with, all UW members present, except Major ILe

»< P


.; lMk;vLbr. .CO.. . labor/.'

Tlie council ifacommenikll' tot'the county board of supervisor* that the -taxes' of• Mr*, Mnwna J. Cox.and Mrs. , M. Rosecransberemited. ' ..."

A resolution was; jntroducetff$f))y PeUfsoo, second by- Cleveland, - glvln; Contractor Jewell until Junelst of nest year to 0nM( his contract f r puttinginthecurblngandgutterlne on Union street, Mr. Jewell thl resotdtloa ia to remonre all maieri ilind nMchiaeiy fraai the » reet and pot atm in condition' tor use of the ItuMic'. ' \

Tlie (oUowint bain were ajftcwed: « 44 75

15 7 DarMiport Machinery A Foundry

;Co... .. .. .... .. .. .. 13 OC Firat Kationa} Bank, aivaisnee,

«ftor.. ... .. .. •• ._• .. 44 «0 ^WlCnlso'BadrM Supply Ci &* 0> -| Dave^ont .Machinery ft Foundry

.?••>.• •..••':••. r-'-./f.t' •* 94 0. #"ModerfPr';ntln* C9.,. printing . . 8t ^Dt*a| C!tr Waterworks .. i foor -JonM Braci A' Metal.

^ .; ^30. »• J .* .. .. ....'.. City ,jfraterwoito~o< Cedar Ra-

.. 9 |S.C^«aterwoi1ur oT : Cedar • Ha ;- '

•- •"• ' 18 7;' Ju l ^Mbrae A:-Son. cteetric

j&M^con«kKitor».. Chap^a Valve Hti: Oa~! • h*y-

-:r -u" - 205 ** *em- Co wikter pipe .. .. 1. 7>* 32

Dei itjb. State Bank, (reiskt. 99 ®el. Co. State Eanll. ftefcht .. 1 kit W. Di Hojrt A Co 17?$© Wm. Ji—Ml. water mains.. .... lti?


'Patrick ^mith died at hte home iii this city tivtB; (Duesiday) afternoon at 1:15, after a prolonged lllneBs, death resulting from a complication of dis­eases. • • • ;

The deceased waab orn in Mona-han, Ireland,' September 29, 1842, and came to Iowa with his parents in the year 1858. He was united in roar riage with Misa EHen iMorrlseey of Cascade on Jidy 14, 1865 Besides bis w£fe, he is survived' by the following children: Fred and Mrs, Mattie Neft of. thisi city and Sen of Roches­t e r , M i n n e s o t a . ' i -

The funeral eervioee Will be held frcan' the. Catholic church in this city Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Father Collins officiating. In­terment will be made in Oakland cent etery, •; •

The relatives' have the sincere •ymf ^un»7* of~'r~ maaK. tTiea^a! in

heir saw Wa-

A' *'{ Md3 JANE YOUNG.

- %



25 SO

49 6£ fr?



.'.720 v<

40S 06


©. F. YowwvV-..;..K.. *.. r??M

.OMk^WkitaMifr ^


Eft IN WEST.|, vv0^|

W. H. 8eU^na wholeft Mane he?' ^er some t me ago/ to pro've up on. a ctelm .near fiobd y, -Smith ^BakcCi;; iuffered '8evei ; frora:-,Mi:<)»^M'.';>to •ihe iieeaing ^Mther on" ttie. nigMT of October 2«h. ' He sta;rSed' to.' 1 walk from, hte cfeim/to the viUa^e Good-t>y, aboult three/mUea di!< | 4ind' the fntense .coM <fro«e>-both o /htsi, fee'.. ft was neees r to amput e part of the \feft fwt-iiii>di<tW :greaC«tbe' of the rigbt fbot.' '. He Ut rxom being car d format the M«t)tpdkt HoapKal'.at qm-


>]i K%h .<»«»<

>. » . • » i • v.* .. -v.*.-. -

Bobt.' Wilson i lenva Branson .i Wka. Pe^mp. H. C. Lovelace.. Frank ODeli.. .V Hirqr-'Crws.: Thos. Morsn. Harry Crew.. ../...'* '• Homer A/bbott.. .. B. J.' Lawman...... ....... . Goodrich, wood.. .. 8. G. Way, damage..' John Prowae.. .. .. .. Clarence Jones, labor on • street

' lllghtS a.1. .. ..... Del. Co. Tel. Co. .. .. Protection Co. Jto. .1. .;•.•• .. N. Denton Hose Co. '."i*..... Del.-Co. Sta^e Baak, freight A, D. Irown, sup.. . » Hutchinson A _At<water, sup Fv. B.: Blair..

..B.'.:H.''Fientoe»;.v S . H . • S c t a d t s . . . . v .

:ChasL WhKman.. C»rbari k'Nye....:-. : V. iL; Collaid, salary. • T. Witoon - • • .. .. Carhsrt A Nye.. ,T. T. Oliver, aalaiy . .• il. L. H. A P. Co.. . Ml L. H. A P. Co.. i Pat~ Moran, labor...... Fred Pope.. .ij; Henry Petlitan ..


21 1 15 66 19 00 27 K \t 26 26 2 .

25C 10 18 10 14 16

9. 10? »

12 4 75 00 30. 00 11,75

.. 50 0i

. 19^71

.#12'. 0G< . 10 80 , . 2 0( . 25 00 . . 5 6 C O . 85 00



8. H. Morgan. \•: Lucile O'Hagan.. /; •. . .. T. Wihnn.. ..•• •• •• ••

The council ordered the clerk act to iUo any bills against the cH'y un­less same are signed by the member '«{ the counct who contracted „th bii.' '' v;' v, j_\

The cowimRtee oo street Jighitlng re '' {ported a contract w'th the Manches­

ter Light, Heat ;A Power Ca tor ,the* ligbting of the stre«<s of the city. The council oafended the con-tract ao a's to make it read that the city reserved ihieP right to cancel th. einitract <won Stt days notfce If the

* pffmer oobiilnpB the; minds • of the eoitnc:l fa'U AMive up to the coir tract. Upon m»Uon of Petersen aec-onked tiy Cleteiand the motion was

A • resolution ..was' pas»ed^accepting the -paving in" the alleys between

'' FrankUn and Madison street) The treasurer 'report she ws a bai-

" ^ance on hand amount tug to 912,162.63 " • divided among the various funds as

Corporation:. .. .1.:. & .Corporation Road.. Improvement.. ... .:.

|MF1 reman.. .. ..,..• . .Kmewer.. .. .. *.. ' "Blectrfc light.." .1 r..;

Waterworksi bond.. .. Grading.. .. .. .. ..

>:Waterwork» operating >^OMBty Road.. ..

. $22031.13

. 178 77

. 1005 64

. 1001 59

. 826 17

. 919 13

. 3i82 45

. 1443 33

. 682 34 ; ' 709 98

i i, ! ftA Dunbar i . —Mr. and 'Mm Robert

spent Sunday la Independece.

v —There -will be a special meeting c< the Manchester school board this (VawtBir) «T«niaf.


The following Is a list of the new cases wUcb have been filed fctr. the. December term Of court:

Mary Soder va -Frank Soder. Suit for divorce.

Winnie Uhl ve !Lucta» UUL ^Action for divorce. . Frank J; Steger vs. Unknown Claimants et at. Quieting title.

Albert L. Barker vs. Unknown Claimants et al. j Quieting title).

Henry A. DtUmer vs. Unknown Claimants et al. - Quieting title. : State Sayings Bank vat L. L. Stoiv-er and BV V. Stoner. Attaichmeivt.

H. J. Van Fleet- vs. Margaret Var Fleet. Petition .for guardiab.

Jacob Loper vs. The Chicago ^kt ; Western Railway Company. Claim tor dainag^s.

Lovett & Davis vs. Chicago Mii-waukee % iSt. Paul Railway " Com »any. Claim for gf«. j- u

'Mrs. Jane Young, widow of the the bite John Young, died at her home in S&rlviUe on Thursday afternoon, November 16. The > cause of her death is attributed' to cancer. '• ilw. Youag was a native of Ireland, h<av ing been born^ at Donegal In Octo­ber 1834. She wa» married to Jehu Young in 1849 in Summit coun­ty, Ohioi. They came • to Delaware county, Iowa, in i860 and settled on & farm in Elk township. Seven chil­dren were born to the union six of whom survive'as fallows: Thomas o Creiglifcon, Nebraska, Samuel of Baz-iit Milils,' Nebraska,- Alexander of North. Fork township, . Jolra, jr.' of Powell, Wyoming;., Mrs: Eliza Saw­yer of Howard, North Dakota," and Miss Jffary, a teacher in the echOoiv




Li> i' At a- special meeting of the ctty

couno!l) last Wednesday it w.s deci'I-' ed that lit was imp'ractible <to con­tinue the work on the.paving contract and* M. Ford,, the contractor, w.s given an extension of time for com-; rplettng the same from November i5 of his year to June 1st cf next year. The following resolution in regard to the paving was. passed by the .tout; cili and signed' by Mn Ford. Resolution relative to

existing between Mi Ford,, and the City of Manchester, Iowa, for ing, curbing and. guttering part of Franklin street, from But­ler street north to Clara Avenue

22, 1911 , N

it **1 >

L h



• < A1IIOAB... v, . S.V:.'.:;J

.'—Mi* A, M.. Cloud spent Saturday Ik DuUique.

•$ H. Strickland spent Wednes-ln Cedar Rapid«l

W. .MiUer spent Sunday wi'th in Independence.

-~'i,rsd."Pettlon and his son Henry to Waterloo Monday

. '-—A. 'A. Mcintosh is a business Visitor in Portland', Oregon

—E. J. Carpenter of EarlvUle was

A»U»kj I ;Tl* visitor in. town Thursday.

contract now IKVIEV Ml FMECAST «


In the city of Manchester, Iowa.-of Fart Dod'3«£ Mr. Youngs preced<bd'j •: • ui»advisabl> | 1 . 1 .. ' "IT'S-:. * »• .'i,'' I 'iin»svn _ • • -. .« Ii

Psrssnsl Nstors Plsksd Up

TCMb •>h


v •* I

his wife in , cleaih:; aboutCouncil of ago and one: son Charles, iv pasBed'f fanfchesteir, Iowa, to pro: iway severai- years' ago. Mra Youiig FranJc-. R . . np_. _d-_ was a. kind' hearted Christian * respected 'by alT who knew' her end I*® Clara Avenue, in the city : of I':; • , heT death Peanoves another-of I Manchester. Iow , under the contTact l f~"I,r- «• M- Bmdley Is a »y|B«Si pioneer Settlers, of the county., r The now exirti .between :m. Ford and .?f,tor Waverty today; , |£j; funeral was held at the M. E.- church I a'1® t*1® continued J' "~R' R. Robinson Is.' here"" from I in Sunday afternoon and was con-|',0 2 l® weather/ whereby it has be-jJack^onvllle, Storlda, (or:s 'shoii 'tooted by the pastor, Rev. H^W. AK-j '}1k ' ll '

.Hansen of .Dyers-oC iMIw liatf' Hatch

•A:, unique window, display is to be *«d Ih the V«rlsty 5 and .10' cent store.. -{TlrrtH park hr shown to mln-ature::-'i ' Th% "landscape* -iMlst'did a very neat Job in laying out the iroundai Park. Lodge is. shewn ov­erlooking the parte .from an~ elevation rod r«ths and shrubs are haiinonoua-ly- arranged; Lighted eleotroleets ind a street car system' in actual op jrat'on are novel' featurks of ".A.thiS' lever airangemeat. -

' ..

ftpmf. w«Tii bOM«An. Imm • W Miss DeB» May 8iaitli of Aurojr

and Mr. Robert. M. Dunbar o< this Jty, were *%nHed is mairiage - by Rev. W. H. Ensign Thuradsy nkbrn-ing, November 16. .1911. Mr. Dunbar i. been employed' ini tJje A. Miller

writer shop tor iRxne titne and while here has mafle inany friends wh, oin with The Democrat in wdsh!n« Soth Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar pvery Joy '.n their married life. * ' • #<-><



P o t a t o e s ' . . . . Spring chickens.. Hens.. .. :/ -.. . Turkeys, v • .. . Ducks.,

.'.36c to 36c .'?.4.:'-....25c

... 80c '>j.;i.,.: .7 l-2< i . - .. . .... 7\ •. r." ,..'.i2c .. 10c. to 12c

' ' .t1''" " V ^ "'V'' THAkkSGIVING SPECIAL^sTMi ... . v ' * • v;£3f."*i

On 4h». first page of this !«sue wil' be found In Brown's announcement of his "Thanksgl'ving teci-sls". The dining iroom Is the plaoe of interest on Thanksgiving day and he x SUK-;ests some new furniture. to tonevup the room. Read h'a advertisment. •';£ •

man. \-A3i' of the. children 3nbat41te funeraji-on Sunday . . . . j/ the family- extend sympathy - Whereas tti% time fixed in sald jSunday:^

^ I contract for "the; cdm|>ietion of said W woi* of paving said ptirt of Frank-

lin street was the 15th. day of H No^-


MRS. HENRY GIENAPP, • yiCy.'ity y ^

Mrs. Henry Gienapp die® at th honae of her step sori, Frank (Jienapp at- BirlyOle . / last' Tuesday, V No­vember 14, 1911. She hod been in iCailfcng health for several months with! cancer and death came

'v.TT-iMr. and Mrs. W. K. Bo««» visttlpg wttb r«iat res and frls'iMls «t. Monona. ' . -:i'

—Attorney B. C. Perkias «f Delhi j wis a business vjsftor in tWs cj|«tj Monday.

vember 1911; Now, therefore, be it Resolved by'1

the City Council of the City of Man­chester, Iowa: ]

That the' time of performance of s®id contract for.paving curbing andl3"!'"" Don",a> *«• IMnvw ylsitois

is a release. ; Henrietta FrederickI swtterin*r street from But-l? u aY' ' was bora in Pomerina, Germany) on I '®1' north to Clara Avenue In the I y' rMr. sod Mrs. B. B. Morse were January'l8, 1843. in 1873 she was|c,t'5r of XIanch«ter, Iowa,, exisbn? I ot relatives in Cdggos a part married to Carl Saron. A son was between Ford, and the city. of | of "last week. oorn to this union'but died when fiveI Manchester, lowa is hereby extend-! " Miil.~ P. M. Starblfd cocs .- to years old. JMn -Saron died to' 1884. f*1 June ,1912. and tqion the fol- SPto&ton^CaMfornia, this w«ek ' 4o in: April 1886*|she was married to ®*ine erm8' ;conditions., That l apend-iiie winter. Henry Clenai In "the spring «f ,k 8t

tr®?t be '°«>ened ,for ti«.v^ —Wilber Chiids shinned a car o~

188 , they ca^ne from Germany to out the entire length indirt-l sh p to |aat _ by

America and settled in Delaware I contract for. ald I i 'ay of the jif; A O." county, f esidesr her husband she is I and that all "inteisecitlag I; ; „ . ..; »Kt | " survived- by five step children, Frank 804 oUeys be also opened; fori It I! '19U-)f Nortt Fork. towpshlp, WiUiatn; That ny damage to con-l' *' brcttwr, fternian and Mrs. Jdinnie HoweihlerIcrete ,alrea y in Place, Unowned! . UnCf . . .i or Wentworth, South' Dakota, andrhro,*'» opening the street for trav-l AraoM. returned horns on MnL Bertha Wen* of Delairaj-e, all | eI ^all be fully i ired,.' . viit . in I *ftfp * »hn«t vis* with jC. whom were, prebent at the funeral I class «ondkii»n : to t)ie .MUdl ,| po 'Fridays' The funeral wjs held atI City: .Counctb; sndr:' .?'the-r " -Al

•—W. N. Snodgressi was' a business Thdtor in Cedar Rapids Wednesday.

'—Miss Anna Ward of Ryan was a IWd of friends in this city Satur­d a y . ' . ' t

A. M; Cloud ; has returned from Rock bland, Illi­nois. " ,

Wilson went to Alfburnette this morning on';a short business 4rlg». /v- '•••'••. . ;

n%<'-. . ii': 4 -nPss AMa ; H^de was an f, over

8ipwy iuest oT friends at !/: Iowa OMK'.. '. i *

wti'&H'* . . 1 • '«• —Mrs. John Bti nd went to Mason-

Tills' Monday for' a short, visit with * %

• • • • • • * . W t M 1

—Mrs. FV J. Rejger enjoyed a vis­it Wat weik from Miss. Alma. Streit of Dyersyiiie. ' |v *-

—John Nix ia a'husiness visitor in Sioux CMy; andl other points in the western part of the' state.

. —Earl Anderson arrived home las' wis«k -|rpn[r! North Dakota where he hs een spending the summer.

—iSuperTisor P. A. Mead recently a> new

Thanksgiving 1 •. v '< -1 - v

k "tSm K 'h

. Let us Tone up your Dining Room with new Furniture;!' Fine Dining Tables, Buffets, Sideboards, And Chairs.

I New goods in this line are daily and we want you |to see them. . 9

Our special for this week is an. elegant solid Qua rtered I Oak Box Seat Dining Chair at

$2.50 each or $15.00 for the set of Six.

When you see these you will want a set.'a'-' -

Our SoUd Dining Chairs at $1.00 each or $6.00 for

a set of Six. jr (


* \<>

v ^

T - , T g J._. _ . . .. .purchased * new Reo> automobile| L- Kaelr.'°* ^"l^ lftomthe W. D. Howt Cm.

—Mr. and Mrs. Clareoce Miller of Prairie township are the parents of a son bom Tuesday, November 14, 1911. ; ' . /' '

—iMisai lda Shelden la hmtessi to, the .Manchester WOflian's Ckd> at her. (Mae on;. BastvMain street .JthisT after-.

. —Bd Simlth, an okt settler of Rich­land township, died at his home in ForestviHe, Monday, November 20,

BROWN, The Furnituri Man 'fA ' , -l\ " +

Sells Cedarine Furniture Polish.

e| fri

' -I


—Mrs. H. D Allen and son Myron, are here from Minneapolis for a vis­it at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. John

fj V < •t lows CMr.

r.. ,t t . ,v. , . vd to Cads* the; Lutheran church at 12 o'clock I en«,n?ef employed by- the city' ooun J fulfil# 'Moi lay after a sbo(t .y'si Friday noon. Rev. SI Pute, the paa- at the expense .of the said' <^Tw^H;.««neiiealeCt . •icr. officiated lit the'presence of a ^?tor M. Ford, before the wearig'l '-rikrs. dtasa BNOsr Ml large asseanMage of fronds' by iwhom the surCac ' Mnl TFred Hermaa;. a*«nt she was held in the highest regard. *h,H tteroughl>^ rop«»- wltj^i«laSirfes at Wats , _ .

• : i ^ • \ r?. clean:when to a BOOKS AT THS LieRAlftrn^' *earlng;j^aice:^

ihi over Sunday vWtor at..ths:.lMai of ; her conslni> Miss'. MaybHle MiBer.


:*h6 library

timie to 4»e opei^d ^£ 'tbat t Ime dur- fagphalt* bH nde'r^ l o g . ; t h e w i n t e j r i ^ I ^ ' ^ c l e a n s e d ^ ' ' - o f S f i '

' The foitowlag is a Bstvof ne'wi&ppfc ^nuf»Jan4 earthy matter,; • .,-bef:'r :" and,use of the r-.asphajt

S.'^'Joli3i-Things a Boy shoulid knoiw I ^'n<ler thereon, and the Mipface- of Xbiiiut Wireless. the concrete foundation beneajth stoli

Smith—Seventeen, iattle Bears M*®-' b«xwn«d clean, b^o?e. proceeding DUtott —Th» Real Captain Kidd. | 8844 "work, which done


—Nelson Atwater nturoed home Isst' week from Steele, So«Kh Drfio-

-where he had> been on a busl-neis trip.' '' "

—Miss Mande Grabam will) enliw-taln the Thfctsts Club : at her hosaie on 9iMt : Union - street next Monday

Dijuin Scout of .Pea Ridge. vMeMani®—Our Little Aratilsa Cous

"• ' >'' ; .'

j.iMemill—EUda and the Oak. 1


^hen the macadam and surface o* the;. concrete are in a thorm^hly dry, condition, by; raking the 'macad* ami back until It is screened clean

Thompson—Rott in the] a^d brooming the dirt with a stiff Woods. } v bristle broom ahead, until surface

Bandsy—FoltawJng 'the Star/"' |of concrete is clean. That the con-Weed—Farm friends and Farm | tract°* M- Pord,^his own expense.

Don.-. '' l^all toy enough.macadam at the^lnT Fiilebrown—Resonance , in,- Slnginj I 'ersection of Clara Avenue ar

and Sneaking.^ '\yPvA Ff?n*lin' «*re^ <f make!* solid^ wad Noyes—PoemA' - ' way six inches> j deep-and ten feet Adams and. - S umner—Labor Prob-1 wMe> 'V the, purpose of prodding a 'rim *" '?*• ^ 1 S°°d and sufficient road way (.r Clark—Reminiscences of an Ath- traVel into the city, by way of Clara

lets. avenue,, whenever for any . reaw ToothaktiT—Commercial Raw- Mater I ^panklih>street becomes_impassaJbIe,

lal, whenever ,th city council shall det-Porter—'The Harvester? | ermine that it tei necessary. Patterson—Rebellioti.

»,iVV v« •« 1 4? ' Be it further resolved.:

: That the mayor and^city cleric lct

REPORT OF DELAWARE CO OPER-1 ^ .ape ^er®^. auth<*,zed anj /ATIVE CREAMERY. ' dlr6Ct^ to ***** » written

ii I tension of said contract jwaa 1 terms herein provided, with


The following Is the report of, the Isold M. Fori tobe filed' with tl^e Delaware Co-operative creamery^, for | oriignal contraqt'viu the office <* the

city clerk. <.'s- " "•"Tr Passed and approved Nowanriber

1911. : A««t. 'MvvfV t"; ?. T. wiisoii. iiiaiai

iif SUIT SALE. m w><

A sale of suits' at special reduced filoes tor three day* Is announced by the Snodgress Clothing Co. Prices have been reduced for the benefit of the' late buyer. Stiep livet>; and get your' suit while tiifey'.ikst is' eir ed-vice<io yoa. V' j„.: v,


Anders A Ph%Ppj advertise the receipt of an excellent line cf l?di:s' he*;d bsgs in their ad this week. Read their ad and call a* the «tore and Inspect the goods ' ' v*

; ; ' - .

the month-of October, 1911: Number of pounds of milk'receiv­

ed, **,123. Number of pounds of cream receiv­

ed, 11,294. •' Cv*^/ -Average test, 4.2. "'^vv 1

. Average price, $1.38. Prfcce per <poUnd for buBtejfat, 33

csntoi Highest price paid per hundred

pounds for milk, $1.50. Lowest price paid per ^ ^hundred

pounds ^or milk, $1.20. • The annual meeting of the ^mla-

ware creamery WUI be held on Mon­day, Decembr 4,' at which time of­ficers for the ensuing year will be elected. ! • •)


Wi O. Somes has sold his s xty acre faim near the Fair grounds In this city to Dr. N. D. Wtfsam. In the deaf Mr. Somes beco«res>.'« the owner of Dn Wilson's residence on Franklin street.

P.S-; — —Mfsa Dorothy Keyes w-s in Du­

buque Saturday to attend the wed­ding of her cousin. Miss Edna Car-keek, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mi* Carkeek of that city to Rodger Studebaker, a young banker of Mad-ison, Hiinois 4 f'

R E A L E S T A T E T R A N S F E R S .

John Lansing and wife to Harvey B. Mertem. Land In sec 11, twp 90, range 3. Consideration, $5,000.

Adelbeit dark and wife to Chaa W. Geonge. Lots 12, 13, 14, 15. and 18, ' block 5, In Thorpe. Considera­tion, $L ;... • 10''" •&€;

Normaai D. Wilson^to W. ' O. Somes. S 1-2 of lot 28, Burrington's addition to Manchester. Considera­tion, $3500.

VV. o. Semes and wife to Helen D. Wilson!. Lot 24, %tc., in Manchester. Consideration, $14000. 3 : >,


There will be no prayer meet­ing Thursday night and no Sabbath evening service on Sunday, the 26th, on aiccoixnt of ithe temperance meet­ings being held' at the Court House under the auspices of the local W C. r. TJ. >

The subject of the Sunday morn­ing sennon is 'Tlionsnms from the J3agi«/' The quartette will furnish!

i " - w»SR.-* -' V'

<- -• WitaOT- s';^^|Mayoiv ^ ^ CJtty Clerk: -1'1 ,

j'IM —: "'sSJ INHERITS $>0,000 CASH ;?|

What wouU you do It gtren $50,-^00, is ..the ';tWe;io* a very. iuterestln? human Interest'jkory ia this issue-at, The Democtat £ •

EJlizur Sage, ^ nephew of Russell Sage, wasi willed that amount aa" isn't, happy.','>For the experience of Mr. Sag0.'And' :,hisi $50,000 read ' the article and we know you will' find ft interesting. See If your ideas and what Sage did with' the $50,000 agree. Each- week we run interest-trig articles; on live, uptodaite sub-jeict^ and to get the full value |~of the paper you should not fall to read It all. Get the habit and you wiU aip. predate our Worts to give you the best feature» to be obtained.

. ' —H. H. Lawrence of Waverty , wal

a Manchester vteitor1 Friday. —Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Carr 'are

the parents of a baby girl born Mon­day morning, November 20, 1911.

—Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frentre s rr turned to their'home at Hayden, C 1-orado, Sunday, after a several month visit in thds city.

—A very creditable statement o? the condition of the Delaware County State Bank appears in another col­umn of this paper.

—Gffldrner Brcs. have a talk on good clothes! and why they can sefl the best qualify at the lowest price Read what they say and profit" .^by

he hsd been yMttag ftxc.aarer-] al.

•• —Garry ThSrpe. retun-ned to Pest-

—Mm M. W. SheMoik and dawghr I Qe^glui. Wednesday; after a two teri Mm. George Clemens, wrrs | WM|u'. vMt h«w at ths hams •«<. his

parents, Mr. aiid Mia. A. - Thorpe. guests of friends in

-A.; D. Long atod €s6. 8. LMtr go-to Cedar Rapids this eveslng to attend a meetlnir of the Seottlsb Rites. ; • ' i

--Jesse Nye, who Is emgdoyod with a drug finn at Lincoln; Nebraska, Is here for a visit with relatives and friends.

Duffey has animals for

tr*- J-stock

;' —Under ths auspices :of ths Wt "C. T; C." an Indoor Chsutauquai wHtabs heid at the Caurt House ln thls cKy>| on the evenings. of November 23," 24, K s n d M .

—M. B. Blair, treasurer «f - the| Iowa State Oranga wa* at last week staking preHndnary

choUel rangemento tor th boliltnc of ' the hi. I annual stats grange meeting which

advertisement in another column of l wll be ImM in that city DeccmAer thtolains. ll2th to l4th. .• The Grange• Is «n-|

—Miss Beryl Camevjr ctf Indpend-| Joying a steady growth' in this organised I ence -afttved here Saturday:, for a I state, there baring been

short visit with her sister, Miss 120 new granges since the- last meefo-Opal Ccmery. '" • . ing. „ . 5 j

Mr. andMrs. C.J. Bailey aad' * > daughter, Miss Belle Baitoy. k*. to­day for. Oklahoma, where thsy will.

"°"1 mm m FWSME —Leon Beardslee and v Gleir*

StricUand, ' who attend bnslacss college sft Cedar Rapids, were- over Sunday visitors in Mani.l—lai."

*" . *£ • 1 J





A fine line of Ladies'' W Hand Bags, all the lat-|||; est creaUons ffn MneM Leather. iFlrench Beads..... 1118!PRICES' TO SUIT ALL'. US

ANDERS & PHILIPP Central Pharmacy t i;

t^Wx-S BW I*),

X t&r A

V J*

"f ' • Ooze and w> fc-


1 1 <>


^,1'y $ (iwiii <

are-1 R. [


*<Kr V, er S \ W •** % i ^ »r ^ "r-'"; l*5|

FOK SALE OR RENT. % f neu.Hidi School V



at Marshalttows, Iowa^VByh ytftyMu 11 im 'brod Daiocs Jersey Botrs. m* LslaikaSaseullavbosr. as resioaaUe prtce«. mmittee. fgsnuisw mils Willi III HWi hntnr PaSie 5

it:/-. KMIL WBN DLING. ,; i tf.

to.E CURE VOim SICKCHICKENK 6et u ouoeac paclcmssiof Asept«ion^s<

joor..;*ao*»tomd diwoHu It lu m ssMoo til-rm* tsblMso'ia full In "one

—. jr?<lilslilsl» wiw Aneptsiope cmre> * oweltnuble aaStioup. 40-10wSb.

,mom sACiC.

Kvhh'RIchlaa* township artt » I

kll MOuk o lsad in Huomiilk! sst." T' Mnu Se» • "" [ mo-JS, H. F> 0. Noi • . Manchester Ia



LOC^.- i'* •1., V * : T.f • Boodle dost Reward wlfrbe rn. : kC. PKBD8SNSB

—The ladies of the W. R. C. requested <0 meet at the AI. A. . hall Saturday morning, Nnsissbs to help make cushions for. the lees home:

order of eommlttee.

—Father J. J. Cottins sus lu In dependence last' Thursday a conference of the prleoto cf tIS: dependence' deanery. Thte tacludes the countise of P§yette iuid Delaware.

—Mr. and Mm. John F. Wabasha, Minnesota, who have heen' .visiting at the home of ths sister,. Mis. F. J. Reiger, weat DyersrvilM Monday for a -visit relatives there before returning home.

—iBaker Heney of Coffins Grave township returned from Mostnss'lasf week, where he has' pw*as*f a farm. (Mr. Heisey and famUjr wiO move to Montana next spring*-:.asd take ipossession of their newty . ac­quired propeKy.

—W. F. Kvans, district n»anager of the American Nobles, No. MS, Ban­ner Council, requests The Democrat to announce-that the order will hold I ESTRfAiVNOTICE. their next regular meeting, Friday, I strayed or taken from the Hogan Novembr 24, at their halt over I pasture south of Manchester <mej Stearns 6 iMcOormick's store. AllIblack and white Holsteln two-year-] members are invited to be present, laid, heifer, branded on hip with let*

—Miss Hasel Huene wi» be hostess Iter "C." Also one blade two-year j this (Tuesday) evening to a con>-1old steer, same brands-.' Reward wiH pany of friends who are invited toIbe paid for information a® to their] metet Mr. and Mrs. GOgis of Bagle whereahouto. Address Grove, who are guests' at the HueneI JOB. CASS, - -W home. A delicious dinner will be I R. P. D., 1, Manchester."1

served and the evening wiK be spent | in a pleasant and Informal' manner. .

I FOR RENT. —Theo.- Hatch r wned ftrqm onsinesB o«ice in City Hallvbiook.

Hartley,, Jowa, last week. Mr. Hstch I T 1|lp. m

has been at Hartley for the past| J#fc #p w H .Mutel.ins««-M* several weeks looking after his land interests in that section and re­ports that the people who have beenl Don't miss the opportunity of hav-saying that noithwestern Iowa had ling your eye corrected by Dr. Webfer • crop failure are badly mistaken, I the eye and ear doctor who win >s and that that section has nearly sal here after 1:30 p. m. Saturday, De-average crop thia sea win. jcember 2 at Hotel Clarence. Come.


** J

WILLIAM GOBURN, M. D., Medical Director 1

t;' JENNIE YOUNGREEN, Superintendent , - . . . . -yr'%

j"~< Opened for treatment of disease by the methods of Battle'?^ / Creek and other similar institutions. Calls promptly made m

r >v in city or country at the usual fees, i:? 1 SEND FOR BOOKLET

^ j, *»" .m'Mtsi

> j »4


]'•< 3ry^i. . "IA|

^ J5^

m Ik

" "'V

Inter terio,opaM Dec. 4. BeSatl tul Bluk'Uf Facte or daUkw. thit cost 50c -esch.jh^gbf tbe;iwjahr. Students enterins evsr»-isM^vAd4M^^ollece of Commerce Watstipc^r 46* 4


I r-^'i 'JiSm V-.- tmlm iiSSifffltiii


L 3K'

Herald Favorite ;|J§L„.,, Hermetic •* *ef' ~/l?.

»' " '''A ££ f" A "* " y v"- *' » > Hermit

Merit King Bee Hot Hast Artistic Universal i

* & t

?H J r

j •>

r'{S '

These are household words wherever heating stoves are talked about in the territory around Manchester. Don't forget that we have the largest line ef-heating ^ stoves in Delaware county. Call in and let us' show theui to you and tell you something about them1. ^



Dealers In J -?

1 *

Hardware, Stoves ami Tiiwara, 9 *

1,V". ^ »«?>>• v. ''

Licensed City Plumbers. • ' ' r " *'v ^

\ >V-V'.i ike?'*1. - ,*hJk{V* "• *

m 1 * • •i*, *» t > -r. •*} •

*Ss 1