manga portfolio


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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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Kyoto International Manga Museum Project


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In 2006, the Kyoto Interna-tional Manga Museum was jointly formed by the city of Kyoto and SEIKA University brought from the closure of Tatsuike Elementary School. It had become an adaptive re-use project containing a 50,000 archive collection and over 250,000 manga books and illustrations on display.

Japanese manga is closely related to American comics that has become a popu-lar culture that is not for childen anymore.

The project proposes a new visionary of the artistic graphics to celebrate the extraordinary lifestyle.

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Nakagyō-ku Ward is a pop-ulated business center of growing infrastructure. The late 18th century building is camouflaged from sur-rounding contemporary sky rises.

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Strategies applied to the museum were made to engage, educate, and instruct an user into a living manga museum.

The basement contains archived ma-terials dating from early 7th century now displayed in gallery one as well as a second research center on the mezzanine level on the forth floor. Extracting the history will manifest the transformation from scrolls to the manga industry.

Back-lit glass screen printing will ac-tivate every mangaka (manga artist) personal drawing skills into a new visionary. The museum should inno-vate and come forth as manga has evolved over the years. Projection of images and video will radiate the gallery walls.

To strengthen the SEIKA University Manga Department, a studio will be an additional program that will con-nect the museum and the univeristy on an educational level. The manga industry is constantly evolving and will provided the students a space to exhibit their own work and faculty use for manga related activities.

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Basement LevelScale 3/16” - 1’- 0”

Level 1Scale 3/16” - 1’- 0”

Level 2Scale 3/16” - 1’- 0”

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Level 2Scale 3/16” - 1’- 0”

Level 3Scale 3/16” - 1’- 0”

Level 4Scale 3/16” - 1’- 0”

Mezzanine LevelScale 3/16” - 1’- 0”

The project will identify the evolution of manga by extracting the history, exploring the process, and creation of manga. The ad-ditions include extruding the first, second, and third floors. The fourth floor is primarily for university stu-dent’s and professionals to provide a comprehensive hands-on view of manga education.

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Level 4 and Mezzanineconference/workshopmanga studio

Level 3gallery space 6manga books/reading

Level 2community roomjapanese ettiquette roomtatuike memorial roomgallery space 5gallery space 4/booksgallery space 3/booksgallery space 2/booksreading space

Level 1cafe/reading roomtatsuike principle officechildrens’ libraryplayhouse storygallery space 1lobbylive manga drawing

Basement Levelmanga archiveshistorical archivesresearch center

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A hybrid technique is adapted into the galleries creating open shelving for a handsome backdrop. The book collection creates a Wall of Manga channeled throughout the museum.

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