manual - workshops by osho shivo

Manual of Workshops Conducted by: Osho Shivo Consciousness Evolution Guide

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Manual of Workshops Conducted by:

Osho Shivo

Consciousness Evolution Guide

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Shivo's Alchemy

Osho Shivo is a consciousness evolution guide and an enlightened mystic, who guides people on the path of soulful living. He is currently evolving a structured path of evolution, currently titled as "Shivo's Alchemy"- a fascinating journey, designed to accomplish your heartfelt dreams. It supports you counter your inner fears, blocks and conditioning, which are preventing you to tap your full potential, as well as opens you up to receive the reservoir of cosmic intelligence, and hence transporting you to the higher realms of creation and manifestation.

This transformation path includes following 7 different dimensions:

1. Ontology / Self Awareness Ontology, the science of being, is a tool to aid in the self inquiry, to understand our own

potential and limitations. It describes the process of formation of our own personality , including its positive and negative traits. It also suggest the process to gain freedom from self acquired conditioning, which is still blocking us in life. This whole process unfolds by way of self inquiry, prompted and guided by the coach. This process can be very intense and can result into instant breakthroughs.

2. Spiritual Creation Spiritual Creation is about multiplying our own potential by way of accessing the cosmic

reservoir of infinite potential. Various meditation techniques specifically designed towards cleaning and awakening of seven chakras, can result into further cultivating valuable qualities such as intelligence, courage, creativity, relating, expression, intuition, practicality, power, and relaxation. By this practice one can imbibe more divine qualities and enhance one's own potential,

3. Celebrating Love Love is the key for inner and outer harmony. Everyone of us have an urge to love and to

be loved. However, love is a double edged sword, which can either takes us higher or make us fall, depending upon how we handle it. When one is not able to handle the love issues, severe crisis is bound to happen. Similarly, when true love blossoms, higher realms of accomplishments open up. We open up the secrets of divine love and sex, which not only blesses you with immense bliss, but also awakens creativity and joy from within.

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4. Energy Matrix AstrologyAstrology is the science to decode the motives of our present incarnations. It provides

the detailed understanding of what our strengths and weaknesses are and what kind of challenges and opportunities are going to unravel in our life. It also helps us form goals by understanding the potential of various time spans of our life. It provides an individualized pointers to work on themselves, as well as figure out the strategies for successful living. Personal consultations based on Energy Matrix Astrology (The Most Accurate Method Ever Discovered) are provided, so that every participant can gain a deeper insight about his own life purpose, which is an immense help to create a powerful vision of life.

5. Visualization in Cosmic Energy FieldVisualization is not only about imparting freedom from negativity, but also is about

seeding of your vision of life in the field of infinite cosmic potentiality. For visualization to manifest in real life, it is essential, that the whole process takes place in harmony with the grand plan divine has devised for us. Since, Law of karma governs consequences of our actions, the whole visualization process must be integrated with our value creation potential.

6. Past Life Regression By way of accessing past lives, one can gain freedom from the conditioning and fears

acquired in various lives, which are still blocking us from moving ahead. It also helps us access the various talents and networks of relationships acquired in various lives, which can impart a whole new insight into your present life. You also begin to understand your vision of life after life journey. When process is integrated with every other process described above, it attains a whole new dimension.

7. Communing It is the art of creating powerful network of like minded and like hearted people by way

of multiplying the value creation. Leveraging one's own potential by way of value creation and sharing it with authentic people in powerful and loving manner can open up series of breakthroughs in life. This process helps you design your expression in such a manner that it automatically attracts the people you want to be in network with. It prompts you to synchronize your potential with others and hence becoming part of the grand creation and cosmic manifestation. Being in harmony with the cosmic design is the most joyous way of attaining success in life.

Multidimensional, Enchanting and Charismatic Being:

Osho Shivo is a mechanical engineering graduate by Profession from the reputed Regional Engg. College, Jaipur. He began his career as Business Journalist and Equity Researcher. He has written highly appreciated strategic business articles in Economic Times (Leading Financial Newspaper of India). He has also been CEO of an Equity Research Company as well as CEO of an Internet company with overseas presence in London. During his corporate tenure, he was always known for his original ideas, depth of knowledge, strategic perspective and charismatic ability to handle the unknown. He authored highly insightful, path breaking and futuristic document “Idea Entrepreneurship”, which is still fondly remembered by many, as some of the concepts mentioned by him long back are being applied in reality now.

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However, after a series of divine intervention, he realized that his path is to be an occult guide and not being an entrepreneur. This led him to spiritual path, and he was blessed with the divine knowledge of astrology. He was also blessed with the knowledge of various dimension of human evolution, which has resulted into the creation of the framework for "Shivo's Alchemy". He intends to share his life and inspire others towards soulful living, which not only causes all the negativity to evaporate from life, but also one starts to celebrate life and success get manifest as a consequence.

He has also lately blossomed as a poet, as divine expressed though him in most magnetic way. He is a highly creative being and his imaginative thinking can add a whole new understanding to the multiple dimensions of life.

Journey of Life and Spiritual Experiences:

Shivo has enjoyed the experience of traveling on a roller coaster, that the life is. He has always preferred the life of passionate self-discovery, unfolding the consciousness every moment over a life of comfort and security. He trusts his intuition over logic, which has given him the thrill of getting into total non familiar situations, and hence enabling him to develop deep understanding of the various dimensions of life. This journey has led him to taste the path of OSHO meditations 10 years back and his life has never been the same ever since.

He is a member of Oshodhara Sant Sangha, currently going through the intense Samadhi programs designed by Oshodhara, which have helped him to taste the deep bliss of awakening. He has also had an experience of living and working at Osho Commune, Pune & completing the curriculum for Life and Assisting with Landmark Education. Having interacted with various spiritual and occult masters from across the world has helped him to embark upon the journeys to taste the energy and consciousness phenomenon.

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~ Workshops ~

➢ Energy Matrix Astrology

➢ Celebrating Love

➢ Unleashing Creative Intelligence

➢ Past Life Regression

➢ Stress Busting

➢ Unlock Your Potential 1 to 1 Coaching

➢ Writings

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Energy Matrix AstrologyEmpower Your Life with the Most Accurate Method Ever Discovered

Living in Chaotic Environment:World we live in, is getting more and more chaotic with each passing day. Future is

getting so much uncertain that we find it difficult to take any action, as we are not sure, what they will lead to. Also, the choices one has in various dimensions of life, have multiplied and hence adding to the state of confusion. In such an environment, the old decision making tools are no more sufficient to live an empowered life.

Relevance of Astrology in Present TimesIn such an environment, astrology is becoming more and more valuable. We believe that

Astrology is a powerful tool, to generate deep insights about life by understanding past; to prepare for future by generating highly accurate predictions of forthcoming life events; and to empower to live in present by deeper acceptance of yourself. With this astrological understanding you can tap the creative potential of cosmic energy as the destiny unfolds, and hence enabling you to transform your dreams into reality, as you are enabled to:

✔ Unlock Your Hidden Potential

✔ Realign Life Strategies

✔ Make Right Choices

✔ Spot New Possibilities

✔ Face Tough Times Productively

✔ Manage Time Effectively

✔ Transform Your Relationships

✔ Multiply Success With the Same Efforts

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Energy Matrix: A Radical Astrology Method

We have realized that astrology can play an immense role in helping you live an empowered life. Hence, we are presenting you with this method, which can not only be termed as the most accurate method ever discovered, but also satisfies the need of modern way of living. This method can predict short term as well as long term events with a great accuracy. Energy Matrix Astrology is the result of Shivo’s endeavors for many years to create a whole new astrology method, which is highly accurate and can also provide practical guidance for living a fulfilling life.

Synthesis of Vedic /Western Astrology and Going Beyond

Invention of Energy Matrix Astrology is the result of constant experimentation with various methods from Vedic as well as Western Astrology, which are currently in application. Shivo discovered that though these methods work at times, but they also fail many times and hence their overall accuracy is not highly satisfactory. He also realized that the results of various combinations in Vedic classical text, are needed to be re interpreted so as to factor in the changed circumstances and the differing awareness levels of various people. Though he found the Western Solar Progression Method to be highly accurate, he realized that the effectiveness of this method is multiplied many times, if it is used in the framework of Vedic astrology. This deep understanding of Vedic and Western Astrology has led him to invent the whole new method.

Brief Description of Energy Matrix Astrology

Conventional Vedic Astrology Methods makes use of the planetary position at the time of your birth. These can be considered as one set of energy points, trigger of which creates the events in our lives. Energy Matrix method includes two more sets of shifting planetary positions, which can be combined with the fix planetary positions in your birth chart. These two shifting positions can be calculated by Karmik Progression Method (An entirely new astrological invention) and Solar Progression Method, a Western Astrology Method adopted for Vedic Astrology.

So these 2 sets of shifting and one set of fixed planetary positions leads to total 36 energy triggers in a birth chart, as every set includes total 12 planets. Formation of exact degree aspects among these three sets of energy triggers as well as with Transit planets gives the most accurate prediction of forthcoming events.

Scientific Remedies for Difficult Astrological Combinations

All of us have difficult astrological combinations in our horoscopes. Also, as the life unfolds, we counter adverse realties and hence bringing new sets of difficulties. We believe that challenges are our opportunities to live life with higher awareness, which ultimately results in much better results when the time for reaping the fruits arrives.

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However, we understand that scientific methods are needed to mitigate the difficulties of life. We have worked on many such methods based on life style modifications, precautions, breathing, Yoga, meditation and Tantra. Combination of individual horoscope with intuition leads us to identify the appropriate method for a particular person. These methods work miraculously by way of opening the blockages at various charkas and hence raising the consciousness level as desired in that particular area of life. These methods have emanated out of deep spiritual experiences Shivo has gone through with the blessings and guidance of enlightened masters. We are further working on other methods based on color therapy, music therapy and other such therapies

About Institute of Energy Matrix Astrology

We at Institute of Energy Matrix Astrology are working towards adding a whole new dimension towards astrological knowledge by way of constant innovation, discoveries and modern interpretation. Our effort is to turn astrology into a tool for self discovery and development, so that people can live a life full of spiritual satisfaction as well as worldly accomplishments. Our constant research and experimentation is leading us into further sharpening of Energy Matrix Astrology.

We are also making efforts to make astrology free form the clutches of astrology mafia, who have used astrology as a tool to instill fear in masses. We have developed a whole method to use astrology to inspire you about your life and discover your peak potential. To accomplish this purpose, we are taking astrological knowledge to masses and teaching them into this inspiration approach and helping them live in an empowered way.

We intend to promote Energy Matrix Astrology globally in near future. Our future plans include developing the online software for Energy Matrix Method and building a multi purpose online community based on astrological matching. We are also working on innovative ways of communicating the real meaning of astrology to masses including TV Talk Shows.

We also intend to develop the business application of astrology. We are already using astrology as a tool to predict stock markets. We feel that as the business environment is getting more and more chaotic, it is getting even more difficult to develop long term business strategies. In such circumstances, astrology can be used as a tool to predict future business trends from all area of life such as consumer taste, system liquidity, global environment, technology obsolescence, innovations, social changes etc.

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Workshop / Courses for Learning Astrology:We are keen to spread the divine knowledge of astrology to masses by way of organizing

Astrology Learning Workshops and Courses, which enable you to predict your own life as well as that of others. Shivo has trained almost 200 people in astrology during the course of almost 20 workshops. While some of our past workshop / course participants are already professional astrologers, others have learnt it just with the purpose of developing deeper understanding of their own life or to make difference to the life of their near and dear ones.

This course enables you to analyze /understand Birth Chart in deep details and predict the forthcoming events on year to year, day to day or even hour to hour basis. There are three levels of this course.

Basic: Basic level of workshop / Course deals with the various Vedic astrology methods. You are able to learn it quickly, with the help of a highly innovative mode of transferring this complex knowledge with extreme simplicity. You also learn to interpret various planetary combinations with in the context of your own realities and hence create a whole unique astrology for yourself.

Intermediate: In this level, you can learn the most innovative “Karmik Progression Method, invented by Shivo. You also learn the Western Solar Progression Method and its application within the context of Vedic Astrology. Both of these methods are unique, as they predict the exact age, when major changes in life will occur. You also learn to understand other major turning points in life, by understanding 13 different kinds of period of planets.

Advanced: In this level, you learn the most accurate astrology method ever discovered- Energy Matrix Astrology. You can spot not only the most important yearly trends through this method, but can also make day to day and even hour to hour predictions of the forthcoming events.

Each level either consists of either a two full day workshop or 4 sessions of 3-4 hours each every week.

Theme Oriented Workshops:We have also developed theme oriented workshops to deal with various

areas of life. These workshops focus on a particular area and are delivered with a deep ontological and psychological understanding and include the various methods to resolve difficult situations and unlocking the peak potential. Here is a list of some of the workshops:

✔ Astrology for Transforming Your Dreams into Reality✔ Astrology for Fulfilling Relationships✔ Astrology for Achieving Career Success✔ Astrology for Making the Right Career Choice✔ Astrology for Unlocking Creative Potential✔ Astrology for Team Building✔ Astrology for Wealth Creation✔ Astrology for Film Makers✔ Stock Market Astrology

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Astrology to Make Right ChoicesShivo has been working relentlessly to reorient astrology from being a fatalistic tool for

prediction with a fixed destiny to a tool for making the right choice. We can understand that the one's future in modern era depends on the choices one makes in terms of education, career, friends, partner etc. If one makes the right choices, life turn out to be beautiful and the wrong choice turn out to be catastrophic. We are faced with so many choices in the modern times, of which only very few are the right choices. Hence astrology needs to be re oriented as a tool to make the right choice and we must stop to deal with astrology as a science of fixed prophecies

Astrology to Master Your DestinyShivo’s unique approach to Astrology deals with the knowledge of astrology as a self-

development tool with optimistic approach. It provides the power to people to transform their dreams into reality unlike the traditional astrology, where most of the interpretations create the fear psychosis resulting in loss of self-confidence and hence leads to the superstitious beliefs.

Main emphasis of this approach is to let the people realize that only they are the creators and masters of their lives and not the destiny. It helps them realize their own basic nature and demonstrate them the way to harmonize their life with the cosmic energy. It inspires people to find clues about raising their own CHETNA (awareness) to dance along with the cosmic design. It helps them capitalize upon the self-potential and inspire them to meet the forthcoming challenges of life with new vigor and determination. It illustrates that it is imperative to identify with the real self and make intelligent move with the help of astrology to deal successfully with different phases, ups and downs of life.

Astrology Counselor and Life Coach Shivo is an astrology coach and counselor with a modern and scientific approach. He

practices "Awareness Astrology" for self-evolution. Astrology is not a set of rules for him, but rather a deep understanding of life. He has been practicing the unique dimension of astrology and exploring the deep hidden patterns within the human beings, which lead to specific events in their lives. He has worked with thousands of people to help them identify their core beings as the source of the life they live. This unique way of unfolding the inner realties has led them to the ongoing transformation of their lives. He firmly believes that if one can understand and accept his destiny, the same can be transcended.

Innovative Process for Astrology LearningShivo has developed a unique way of teaching highly complex and advanced

astrological knowledge in the simple, interesting and practical manner. His students have reported amazing results in terms of their quick grasp and depth of interpretation. He doesn’t believe in memorizing of the classical text, as each one of us is an unique individuals and hence the results mentioned in those classical text have to be interpreted for a particular individual and specific situations. Hence he guides his student to create a whole unique knowledge and hence create your own scriptures. His way of teaching makes use of life experiences and intelligence of the participants and hence developing deep understanding of the various astrological combinations.

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Shivo’s Live Astro Show

Shivo was hosting a LIVE astro show, on TV-9 Mumbai channel. This show attained an immense popularity within the short period, because of its unique and revolutionary approach. This has been probably the only astrology show which specialized in career and business dimension of astrology. Depth of astrology insights, Shivo's ways of explaining the career choices and modern / scientific approach were the highlights of the show which made it highly popular. It positioned astrology as a self development tool, which has immense value to make right choice. It also opposed the rituals and superstitions being followed in the name of astrology for many centuries in this country. Many transformation techniques were also discussed and demonstrated in the show, with the help of models, such as yogasana, mudra, pranayam, meditation etc.

You can find the Clippings from this TV show on career astrology:

➢!/video/? id=100001103410829

➢ Videos:

Explaining Various Dimensions of Astrology

Participants Feedback on Energy Matrix Astrology Workshop

➢ Articles / Interviews:

Why Successful People Often have Difficult Horoscopes?

Learn Astrology for Self Empowerment

Astrology is Better Indicator of Human Behavior than Psychology

Vedic Astrology v/s Western Astrology

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Say NO to Fear Astrology

Re Inventing Astrology for Cyber Generations

Astrology: Indicator of Soul's Journey

Towards Holistic Approach to Astrology

Astrology: A Tool to Master Your Destiny

Inspiration Astrology: A Self Development Tool

➢ Why Successful People Often Have Difficult Horoscopes? (Article)

➢ Sample Consultations, demonstrating the Accuracy and Depth of Energy Matrix Astrology:!/event.php?eid=125429474156635&ref=mf

➢ Feedback:

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Celebrating LoveVision of this series is to shift the context of relationship between man and woman from

conflict to celebration. Various sessions are designed, so as to identify the thorns which keep disturbing the harmony of relationship and transform them into the possibility of blossoming together. This series is an exhilarating journey of exploration of the two different worlds together (as it is very often called "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus"), so that men and women can not only respect the different ways of being, but also celebrate this diversity. Harmonizing of masculine and feminine energies can be instrumental in taking a quantum leap to a whole new level of consciousness, which can transform not just the relationship but the whole life. Completion and deep love between man and woman lay the foundation to access the higher qualities of intelligence, courage, creativity, passion, joy, intuition and hence can help them co-create a successful life full of miracles and wonders.

Session 1: understanding Yourself in the Context of Relationship

Our relationship with ourselves is the source of all of our relationships in the world. We all have power to attract a loving relationship, if we respect and love ourselves. Very often, when we have low self esteem, we try to compensate it by way of accumulating power and richness. However, even such a success can not help us find a good relationship. We all need to deal with the seed of "I AM NO GOOD", which all human beings carry within themselves. This session helps you to access the space of higher self esteem, which finally shows up as blossoming relationship in your life.

Session 2: Diffusing Resistances; Creating Harmony

Very often there is struggle in relationship, as the acceptance of each other is conditional. Partners keep trying to change each other, even though such efforts always go in vain. Such a tussle, more often than not, turns the relationship into a necessary evil. This session unravels the alchemy of living in harmony and makes them free from day to day tussles and frustrations. Once the partners are in harmony, they can now begin to relish each other's fragrance and explore the ways for relationship to blossom.

Session 3: Synthesizing Masculine and Feminine Energies

Man and woman are the two polarities and hence they have different ways of thinking, feeling and acting. Very often this becomes the source of confrontation, as both of them assert the righteousness of their own ways. This session explores the differences between genders and offer insights to unravel the synthesis of these two difference ways, which can turn the life into a ongoing celebration. When masculine and feminine energies are understood as two halves of the same truth, individual consciousness also takes a quantum leap.

Session 4: Rekindling of the Fragrance of Romance

When a relationship begins, there is so much joy and celebration. However, as it becomes more grounded, partners begin to take each other fore granted and it can begin to agonize them. As mind games begin, manipulation and victimization becomes the order of the day. Romance is very often the casualty, as the partners lose touch with the innocence of love. This session endeavors to again take them in the state of mystical wonder, and hence turn each moment of life as the opportunity to live playfully.

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Session 5: Shifting the Context of Commitment- From Bondage to Freedom

Very often, we understand commitment as a bondage, a promises made by lovers, which they are going to abide by in the future. This very often becomes a tool to cover the insecurities of relationship and hence an excuse to posses the other. It is no wonder that such a relationship gets stale with the passage of time, like the stinking water in the pond. This session attempts to create a whole new context of commitment based on moment to moment intention to nurture each other, and hence provide the source of nourishment and empowerment. Foundation of such a commitment evolves spontaneously, which nurtures the individuality of both the partners.

Session 6: Exploring the Realm of "Two Bodies, One Soul"

Generally in relationships there are two individual beings who are trying their best to relate to each other, but very often they end up in confrontation. This session provides them the experience of opening the heart to each other and experience the unconditional love, which also turns them soul mates. Both of them go beyond the relationship based on body and mind and explore their soul connection. In this state of "Two Bodies, One Soul", partners experience each other as an extension of oneself.

Session 7: Dissolving Blocks to Sexual Pleasure

Even though, we may pretend to live in open society, our social conditioning of dealing with sex as a sin, causes us to carry immense guilt. This does not allow our energies to flow in harmony in the intimate moments. This session intends to expose the "Politics of Sex" and make the partners aware of manipulation and victimization in the matter of sex. Once this whole self afflicting mechanism is exposed, partners open up to each other for a healthy sexual relationship based on authenticity, commitment and care.

Session 8: Diving into Sexual Ecstasy; Enhancing Orgasmic Experiences

Very often the sexual experiences become ritualistic and necessary chore, as it stops to provide any joy to partners. For most of males, it becomes a mere stress busting tool and for most of the females, part of their duty. This session helps the partners to create a whole new of relating with sex as a miraculous, charismatic, rejuvenating, nourishing, creative and blissful experience, which can take both the partners into the whole new paradigm of joy and life intelligence. This session is bound to enhance your sexual pleasure to such an extent, that divinity of your partner is revealed and you would wish to worship him /her.

Session 9: Co-Creating Powerful Vision of Life; Attaining Success by Harmonizing Couple Energy

Once the masculine and feminine sexual energies begins to flow in synergy, it become an immense creative force. Visualization of goals and dreams woven in the sexual ecstasy helps you tap the cosmic consciousness and hence attains a whole new power of manifestation. This session provids you with the powerful visualization technique with harmonized sexual energy rising up the chakras, which helps you gain the worldly success you always desired, in the area of career, money, family, children, relationship, friends, health and in other areas.

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➢ Magic of Tantra Series:

➢ Marriage: Mind Games or Soul Play?

➢ Discovering Your Soulmate

➢ Eyes - The mirror of the soul

➢ Why are our sex lives so frustrating?

➢ The politics of sex

➢ Ego Meltdown

➢ Falling in love

➢ Rising in love v/s Falling in love

➢ Lovers, Get Ready To Fly

➢ Two bodies, One soul

➢ Fascinating world of Chakras

➢ Divine path of Tantra

➢ Series on Man Woman Relationship:

From Agony to Esctasy:

Synthesis of Love and Adventure:

Enhancing Self Esteem:

Rising in Love v/s Falling in Love

Consciousness is Evolving Towards Multiple Lovers:

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Unleashing Creative Intelligence

This workshop series "Unleashing Creative Intelligence" is designed to enable organization vide culture shift resulting in higher productivity, better quality, enhanced customer focus and innovation, which it aims to attain by way of inculcating the values of joy of working, focus, loyalty, team harmony, creativity and intelligent thinking. This workshop is delivered in Self Inquiry mode, as against the normal knowledge imparting training sessions. In this mode, facilitator asks a series of questions (mix of pre designed as well as spontaneously framed) and engages participants to discover their own answers. These sessions are far more effective than the normal knowledge imparting sessions, for the simple reason that participants value what they discover themselves, rather than what is imposed on them from outside. You can email him at [email protected]

Self Inquiry Methodology in Contrast with Knowledge Imparting Sessions

Proposed sessions are designed very differently than typical training sessions. We do not tell participants, what they should do, we rather take them on a powerful journey of self exploration, where they themselves discover, what their path is. Socrates can be considered as the father of this training method and he used this method to awaken people, thoughout his life. He used to say "You value, what you discover yourself, not what others have told you"

This journey of self inquiry begins with a powerful question, which is thrown open to consideration of the participants. As they explore that questions, insights begin to unravel to them and they begin to realize what is currently missing in their approach of living and how they can empower themselves. This self inquiry moves further by way of the spontaneous questions posed by the guide which opens the path for participants to go deeper into the search and come out with insightful discoveries.

First Session "Success through Value Creation"

In this session, inquiry begins with the question "Who is your Role Model ?" which proceed further with questions like "What is the value he created, so that he is your role model" and "what are the qualities your role model has, so that he could create so much value?" Once participants are engrossed into this inquiry, they begin to realize the essential qualities one needs to have, if they want to succeed. At his point, the self inquiry gets personal with questions like "What is your success strategy?", "What qualities you need to cultivate within yourself, for you to attain success?" .

This self inquiry is interspersed with many spontaneous questions, posed to individual participants, so that they grapple with the self inquiry with ever growing intensity. By the end of the session, they have discovered what is truly valuable for them. There is much more chance of a positive action on what they have discovered themselves, as this is their own discovery. This session ends with a relevant meditation, which reinforces the values discovered.

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Second Session, "Discovering the Obstacles to Success"

In this session participants discover that the obstacles to their own success, sprang up as a consequence of not availing of the value creation opportunities, which came their way from time to time. They realize that their focus on money, prestige or success was really a trap, as it blocked their creative thinking and caused their potential to get stuck. If they rather focused on value creation, they would have created excellence in their own work and all the rewards they were seeking, would have come anyways.

This session gives them a wonderful opportunity for self introspection and overcome their own short comings. This session is followed by a powerful meditation technique, which erases the negativity from within and participants are left with immensely positive intentions and energy.

Third session- "Practicing Excellence through Joyful Working"

In this session, participants are taken on the journey of self inquiry to their own past, where they discover that the seed of their success was sown in joy, as their productivity reached the pinnacle in such moments. However, they did not realize it, as the results of this joyous engagement came much later. As they began to focus on maximizing their returns at the cost of the joy they derive from work, adverse results followed as a consequence.

Once the participants realize that the joyous engagement is the key to the peak performance, another inquiry begins on "How to enjoy your work?" This inquiry explores the mind set, which takes them away from the state of joy during work and reinforces the character which enables them to enjoy each and every moment of work. This session is followed by a powerful chakra cleaning meditation entwined with a "visualization for success" technique.

Reference Link:

Krishna and his relevance in our times

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Links related to Unleashing Creative Intelligence

Following are the appropriate links:

➢ Success Through Value Creation:

➢ Practical Dimensions of Spirituality in Modern Times:

➢ Law of Karma v.s Law of Attraction:

➢ Exploring the secrets of THE SECRET

➢ Affirmative Thoughts for Self Empowerment:

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Past Life Regression

Our current life is the consequence of what we have lived during our past lives journey. On the way, we went through exhilarating moments as well as serious difficulties. We all went through consistent evolution, as we countered the challenges and emerged out of those successfully. We accumulated various talents and capabilities. However, when we took the present incarnation, all of our past journey was forgotten. Even though we got the flashes of our various talents and capabilities, but we did not have the free access to that. We worked all over again to develop ourselves. Also, the various painful memories remained in our subconscious, which resulted into our fears, reined in temperament, guilt pain in agony. Regressing into our own past lives gives us access to our own potential. It also makes us free from the bondage stored in our subconscious, which results in freedom from sickness, pain, fears, phobias, guilt and help us live a beautiful life.

Past Life Regression is an empowerment tool for our current life, which everyone must go through. It also makes one clear about the eternity of our existence and helps you connect with the cosmic consciousness by releasing the subconscious forces

Session 1: Freedom from Negative Conditioning

This session regresses the participants into a past life, when some unfortunate event or accident occurred and is still impacting them in current life. Once that fateful experience is revisited, one is bound to experience the release of pain, trauma, disease, fear, guilt, resentment, frustration or repentance, associated with that.

Session 2: Meeting Our Spirit Guide

Each one of us is blessed with the guidance of a highly accomplished soul, who comes to our rescue in difficulties or helps us make right choices in critical moments. This Regression session takes you to that past life, when you had met your spirit guide. You can discuss issues you are facing in your current life and seek his guidance.

Session 3: Exploring an Important Relationship

In this session participants get to explore one very important relationship in their life, be it spouse, lover father, mother, sibling, child or anyone else. You will discover the pending karma associated with that particular relationship, which is showing up in your life in positive or negative manner. This experience provides with the deeper understanding to resolve your issues with that person and hence deepen your relationship.

Session 4: Accessing Hidden Talents

In this session, participants are regressed into a highly valuable life when they possessed a special talent. Once you are able to relive that time, that particular talent resurfaces, which may either hone your existing talent and take it to a great height or you may even get amazed with the sprouting of a whole new talent, which you never thought was hidden within your subconscious.

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Articles / Interviews:

➢ Is Past Life Regression Valuable?

➢PLR is about living in present

Video Links:

➢ Seminar on Past Life Regression

➢Participants Experiences

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Stress Busting

This workshop is designed differently than the stress management workshop. We firmly believe that there is no need to manage stress, when you can simply bust it.

This workshop is delivered in Self Inquiry mode, as against the normal knowledge imparting training sessions. In this mode, facilitator asks a series of questions (mix of pre designed as well as spontaneously framed) and engages participants to discover their own answers. These sessions are far more effective than the normal knowledge imparting sessions, for the simple reason that participants value what they discover themselves, rather than what is imposed on them from outside. This workshop is designed to identify the roots of our own patterns which keep attracting the stressful situations. Participants are invited to look into their own patterns of behavior which causes the stress. They are invited to delve deep into two basic sources of stress- complaint and fear, and they are able to get freedom from such patterns by way of unraveling of deep insights. Many beautiful techniques are also imparted in the workshop, which works miraculously towards freedom from stress. We also discuss the techniques for attaining deep sleep, which can be the ultimate stress buster. Workshop also includes a beautiful meditation technique, which not only throws out the accumulated stress, but also awakens the intelligence by way of connecting them to the deep inner bliss.

Pictorial Story of Stress Busting Workshop at Mccann Ericsson, Mumbai (

(Please take the pictures from here as well as the comments I have written for each picture)

Feedback from this Workshop Session:

This session of stress management created a wonderful state of absolute no stress and complete peace. I realized that I should focus on all good and positive things and neglect negative and stress causing things. I promiss myself to be happy and give my best to lead a happy life. I promiss to live every moment fully. Thanks for making me experience something so beautiful and peaceful. - Pallavi Gujar

Overall, this workshop was very beneficial for me. My biggest problem is that I am always living in the past and hence carrying all the burden of anger and other strong emotions against people, who have hurt me directly or indirectly. This session has brought me one step closer towards letting go. This way, I am in the better position to start living in the present and make the most of NOW. - Maneesh Sharma

Acceptance is what I am taking home from this workshop. - Satish Menon

Entire experience of sharing and resolving the issues was wonderful. - Dr. Priyanka Pawaskar

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Felt as if my capabilities are infinite and all the answers to all our issues are right within me. Overall, an enlightening session. - Shruti WalimbIt feels

It feels nice to know that I am alive. I had enforced negative patterns on myself, and now I have fallen a step towards a better self. - Ganesh Kshirsagar

This workshop was an eraser to all my stressful situations. I have a feeling of an open and clear sky. - Dr. Dipti Abhishek Bhor

A deep sense of Relief! - Athar Siddique

Meditation gave me a lot of energy and vibrations, which made me feel confident. I get scared in dreams. I feel, with the techniques suggested, I will be free from this fear. - Ulka Bhansode

It's working. I am very calm now. My stress really bust today. - Rajesh Khanna

I am keen to try stress buster techniques on daily basis. - Rajashree Menon

I appreciated fear cleansing, gibberish and humming. I feel light and cleansed. - Deepa Bala

It was a different experience, difficult to sum up in words. I definitely feel a sense of lightness and confidence. - Arvind Nair

Thanks Shivo! You are blessed to bless the world. - Richa Bajaj

My concentration has increased. - Priya Ganeshan

I felt madness... I felt good... excited. I feel Calm, I feel relaxed. - Rohit Mukharjee

I resolved my issues about my would be mother in law during the workshop. - Nikita Nathani

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➢ Fundamentals of Stress Busting

➢ Freedom from Pornographic Addictions

➢ Practical Spirituality in Modern Times

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For more details to organize In-house / Online workshop in your city in INDIA & Abroad, Contact:

Osho Shivo

Email: [email protected]

Cell: +91 93231 50873 (Mumbai, INDIA)

To organize In-house / Online workshops in GUJARAT, Contact:

Devang Vibhakar

Email: [email protected]

Cell: +91 94269 70479 (Rajkot, Gujarat, INDIA)