manuale karaoke5 en

Karaoke 5 Instruction Manual Contents: Page About the program: 2 A first sight to the program: 3 The explorer window: 4 Playlists set: 4 Text Window 6 The MIXER 6 Primary Fields (The DATABASE) 9 The Upper Button Bar 11 The SINGERS' SCHEDULE 12 The MENU bar 13 The MIXING window 20 The Syncrhonization 21 The Explorer window 24 FAQs 25 Version 35.8 1. What is Karaoke5? Karaoke5 is a MIDI, KAR, Mp3, KFN, WMA, Mp3+CDG, WMA+CDG, CD+G player, and it was developed to be an easy and useful player, yet having the capability to perform professional sessions not allowed by other players. This is a complete program, both for new and professional users. In this version the user can modify, in real time, the transpose and time of Mp3 files, and can also use some funny features (called “jingles”) to perform really interesting Karaoke sessions. There is, also, an useful “cueing” function, that gives you the choice to repeat a piece of the song, in order to learn the part, or to play with friends. In the “PRO” version (available by performing the free RECHARGE or buying the UNLOCK CODE) you can also “synchronize” your favourite songs, in MIDI and Mp3 format. 2. Installation and update First installation is easy and intuitive, and is not a problem even for the new users. Just download

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Karaoke 5 Instruction Manual

Contents: PageAbout the program: 2A first sight to the program: 3The explorer window: 4Playlists set: 4Text Window 6The MIXER 6Primary Fields (The DATABASE) 9The Upper Button Bar 11The SINGERS' SCHEDULE 12The MENU bar 13The MIXING window 20The Syncrhonization 21The Explorer window 24FAQs 25

Version 35.81. What is Karaoke5?

Karaoke5 is a MIDI, KAR, Mp3, KFN, WMA, Mp3+CDG, WMA+CDG, CD+G player, and it was developed to be an easy and useful player, yet having the capability to perform professional sessions not allowed by other players.This is a complete program, both for new and professional users.In this version the user can modify, in real time, the transpose and time of Mp3 files, and can also use some funny features (called “jingles”) to perform really interesting Karaoke sessions. There is, also, an useful “cueing” function, that gives you the choice to repeat a piece of the song, in order to learn the part, or to play with friends.

In the “PRO” version (available by performing the free RECHARGE or buying the UNLOCK CODE) you can also “synchronize” your favourite songs, in MIDI and Mp3 format.

2. Installation and updateFirst installation is easy and intuitive, and is not a problem even for the new users. Just download

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the latest version (find it at: and click on the setup icon. If you've got a previous version of Karaoke5 (such as version 31, or earlier), you must “convert” your songs database before proceeding with the installation. Just download the “conversion” file and convert the “musica.str” file of the earlier version then copy it in the new installation folder.The installing instructions are easy and must not present any particular difficult, but in case, feel free to ask any help in the dedicated section of

3. The REGHARGEThe free RECHARGE is a code freely achievable at (sign up before trying to enter the forum), that gives you the capability to use your copy of the program as a professional karaoke program. The RECHARGE, however, is not a limit to use the program for a domestic use, such as a karaoke player or for some hours of fun with friends.WARNING: the free RECHEARGE is valid only for the CURRENT VERSION of the program. Thus, if you have a previous version the code you will pick up will not work.


Above you can see some elements of the main window that will appear as you launche the program.Menu, Playlist, Primary fields (Database), Mixer, Mixing control, Explorer and Text window, are displayed all together, but you can decide to resize some of them (Text window) or minimize

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(Explorer, Mixing and mixer windows) to have more to see while your performances go on.

In the EXPLORER window, using right click, you will be able to perform the most usual operations, such as Copy, Paste, Delete, Rename, Property, New Folder and so on, like an usual Microsoft folder window.If you choose “FIND”, a dialog window will pop up. Just type a word (or part of it) you want to search in the coosen folder and in its sub-folders and the program will find your files containing that word.

THE EXPLORER WINDOWIn this version the explorer window has been detached from the playlist, and you can use it even if you are working by PRIMARY FIELDS.

Just browse your files and double left click on it to play.

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As you can see in the picture above, the playlists sets are TWO, independent. They can't play at the same time, but are deeply connected. In fact if you will play a song by one of the two different playlists, the MIXING function will work the same as you are playing files from a single playlist.

The SHIFT BUTTONS can make you shift the songs in the same playlist. Select a playlist, click once on a choosen song, then click on one of the buttons to make the song go UP or DONW in the playlist. Useful if you want to play some song before or later.

We will analyze now the playlist BUTTONS.


Add from database. This will add the selected database (primary fields) song directly to active playlist. (In the ACTIVE playlist the little square above SET will turn RED.

ADD. This will open a dialog box in which you can search a file to add.

DELETE ROW. Will delete the active row in the active playlist (recognizable from a little black arrow at the left of the row).

SAVE PLAYLIST. If you want to save a particular set, just click here.

PLAY. Plays the selected song.

NEW SET. This will open a dialog box. Just type in the name of the new set and SAVE.

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RENAME OR DELETE SET. You can change name to your set or delete it definitively.

The AUTOPLAY or MIXING “flags” make possible to perform more songs, each one “mixed” with the other by the function “crossfade” of the MIXING WINDOW (see the dedicated chapter).

To change the TONE VALUE just select the song in playlist, click ONCE on the TONE box until it turns blue, then type in the value (positive or negative) then push ENTER.

A double click on a song will start the song (or will pop up the MIXING window, if this is active)


On the TOP LEFT you will see the CHORDS playing, they may not be perfect (or maybe they are!), but is a valid help for guitar players. Chords are calculated on MIDI FILES only. If present in other files (such as Mp3) they will be shown.Modifying the TRANSPOSE of a MIDI file even the CHORDS will vary, but in case of CHORDS manually inserted, they will be shown at the original value.

In the center, above, a BLUE BAR is present, it represents a useful help for all singers, to gave them the “start” of each new part of the song. Maybe a word, maybe a row, when a lttle time to wait is due, the BLUE BAR will light up, and will decrease a few seconds before the RIGHT START of the text.

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At the right top is present a nice feature. It gives you the capability to enlarge and reduce the CHORD window (and the blue bar too) just clicking on the little arrows.

Note that in the picture above, a different background picture have been choosen.


As you see in the picture above, many functions have been associated to MIXER window. This is because usually the MIXER window is always present on the screen.

At the left of the window you see the MIDI CHANNEL section. There are 16 channels, with the voice of the associated instrument, and a little VOLUME bar at the right of each channel. There is also a little black arrow that permits to change the instrument associated to each channel.

Going right we will find some buttons (above showed in YELLOW) that are used to:

.FADE the current playing song.Using the MESSAGE SYSTEM (will see more about it later).Using the APPLAUSE-O-METER.Using the JINGLE SECTION. The small volume bar at the right of the JINGLE button is used to adjust the jingle volume.

Below these buttons there is the TIMEBAR of the song. The cursor will move from left to right during the play. If you want to shift your position through the song, just click and drop the cursor along the bar. Note that in some MIDI songs maybe be useful to press the F4 key (reset MIDI) f something goes wrong.


The two windows with RED and BLACK buttons, are useful in case you want to play several times a particular part of the playing song. The use is simple and intuitive.

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Click once on the RED button at the point you want to restart the playing. Click it again if you want to set the cursor (and the song position) to the selected point. The BLACK button of each of the two sections will delete the selected position, and the song will go on usually.Maybe the explanation is a little difficult, but feel free to try, and you will achieve in a few seconds the use of this interesting and useful feature. Of course, if you want to have fun with friends jokin' with them, you can use this function as a “jumping” old LP record... ;-)

JINGLESSelecting the JINGLES section you will add more and more fun to your plays!There is a preset JINGLES list, but you can easy add others (images, or sounds, or both) to multiply your fun.A typical use is the APPLAUSE. In this case a picture (in GIF format) will appear at the center of the TEXT WINDOW (in background respect the text, of course) and a small Mp3 will play, simulating the applause of lot of FANS of the singer (even if the house walls are risking to fall!).The JINGLE volume is independent, and its selection will not afflict the song volume.

APPLAUSE-O-METERIf you select the APPLAUSE-O-METER section, a index will pop up in the TEXT window. This represents the VALUE of the sound caught by a microphone inserted in the MIC jack of your PC.The small selector at the right of the button represents the STARTING VALUE. In default position is set to “0” but in position 1, 2 or 3 the final result will be increased by 10%, 20% or 30%.Example, if the meter measures 60 and the button is set to “2” the final value will be 60+(20%)=72.

To reset the APPLAUSE-O-METER click on RESET, to go back at the usual TEXT window click on STOP.

TRANSPOSEThe two GREEN arrows are used to TRANSPOSE the selected song. Between them a little window will show the value of the transpose. If the number is NEGATIVE this will means that the song has been shifted down by semitones indicate in the window. A positive value indicates an UP shifting, always by semitones.Note that if you choose a tone by the DATABASE or by the PLAYLIST, the song will start with the selected value showed in the window. Each modification to the start value will represent a change in tone.

The little center window with a value expressed in % is the TIME of the song, basicly the song

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speed. You can change the value by clicking on the arrows, dragging the bar below, or choosing a value by the PLAYLIST box (note that you must scroll the window on the right). If you want to choose a different value (tipically 100%) by the DATABASE you must select the song then press the F6 key, as shown later).

The bar indicated with KARAOKE TEXT ant the values A and R, is useful in case you want to accelerate or retard the TEXT in the playing song.

The VOLUME bar on the extreme right is the volume of the song (associated with the volume value of your audio driver in the PC). When a new song starts the volume will be reset at the maximum value.

Below the TEXT BAR there are two number series, the left one represents the SONG TIME and the current position. The right ones represents the SONGS present in your DATABASE (indicated as Karaoke and total songs, of course maybe the numbers are not the same. It depends how many karaoke songs you have in the total database).

FAST SHORTCUTSIf you want to perform a fast transpose or a fast time shift use respectively CTRL+ LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW to TIMESHIFT and CTRL+UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to TRANSPOSE.


The picture above shows the DATABASE. This is a powerful feature (maybe the unique in a Karaoke program) that gives you the “power of the click”. In fact, if you have sorted your songs with the correct name and author, you may need just few digits to find in a second all the songs you like.

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To perform this, just position the cursor on the AUTHOR or SONG field, than type just a few letters of the song title or the author, to find the file you're looking for.

The file type will be shown in the PATH field to give you a sight, in a glance, of the quality of the file (maybe MIDI or Mp3 or CDG).

The DATABASE is easy to modify, by the user, to achieve the maximum efficiency in sorting, listing, choosing all songs.

The ICONS showing the FILE TYPE are the following:

From left to right:Mp3 with associated textMIDI with associated textMIDI without textMp3 without textCDG or CDA

In PLAYLIST section the showed icons will be only the last three.

To create your own Database you can proceed in different ways.The first time you install the program you will be asked to perform a search in your computer for all songs you want to add. In this case be sure to copy all the songs you want to be inserted, in a “mother folder” (call it Karaoke, or with a name easy to remember) then let the program perfom the search in this folder. All the file will be readed then added to your database by the LAST FOLDER in which are contained.E.S. If you've got some author's songs in a folder called “JIMMY” the program will create a DATABASE in which the AUTHOR files will be added as JIMMY. So be sure your files are correctly listed before proceed.

See the picture below:If you “flag” the deletion of old DATABASE you'll loose all precedent informations. So before proceeding make sure to make a copy (if you like) of the MUSICA.STR file that is in the installation folder (tipically C:/Programs/Karaoke5, or different if you've choosen another one).

This will be the most rapid mode but, of course, the less precise.

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A different way to perform this is using the EXPLORER window (see picture in the dedicated chapter, at beginning of this manual). In this case choose the folder in which your songs are then select the button ALL ON and then ADD TO DATABASE.

In a few moments the songs will be added to your DATABASE, and you can easily recognize them by clicking the “N” button at the LEFT TOP, right below the menu bar in the program main window (it represents the NEW SONGS you've added).

Please, note that in this case the program will ADD a new folder in your “root” folder you've selected for all songs.

Another way to create your own database is... MANUALLY.Select PRIMARY FIELDS, then choose record menu and the option ADD. A dialog box will pop up and you will be able to choose your song to add.

As you can see in the above picture there are some fields to be filled, manually, to insert a new record. But with a little practice you'll find this way the most precise and useful. Of course this will take more time, but the results are assured!

E.S. Type in the first field the AUTHOR'S name, then hit the TAB key to go down in the SONG filed. Type in the SONG TITLE then click once on the BROWSE button in the PATH field. The BROWSE button is the one with some dots inside, at the right of the field. This gives you the capability to search the file in your folders then add it.

After this choose a “LEVEL” (basicly a higher number could represent a higher quality) and a STYLE. You can use this field also to insert some notes, such as “MARIO'S song” or others, to find it rapidly in a next search. Or type in some NUMBERS to associate the value to a particular situation or singer. Maybe 1 will indicate DANCING HITS, or Mary's favourite, or what you want.

Select the K or T (text only) type by the scroll box indicated as TYPE. K stands for KARAOKE files (with synchronized text) and T stands for TEXT only (not synchronized).

Select the TONE you like. In this case the song will start ALWAYS with the TONE you've

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choosen.The same way choose the TIME and the VOLUME of the song. This will be readed as DEFAULT value for this song only.

You can choose also a background image for each song, if you like.

If you change the value of volume in each MIDI channel this will be a modification for the choosen song only.

After all operations just click on OK and the new RECORD will be added to your database.The number in the mixer box will increase, and if it's a KARAOKE song even the KARAOKE number will do.


In the picture above are listed the buttons that you'll find in the upper bar of the program. These buttons are always visible (unless you've covered them with the EXPLORER or the MIXING window, or the Mixer and TEXT windows also).

The explanation is the following:1 Shows all KARAOKE FILES2 Shows ALL FILES (both Karaoke and not)3 Shows NEW ADDED SONGS (New added to DATABASE)4 Shows only MIDI/KAR files (*)5 Shows only Mp3 files (*)6 Extracts text from file (see further informations below)7 Opens a song from your Hard Disk8 Shows TEXT informations (if you've got some)9 Not currently used.10 Plays the Primary fields selected song11 Stops the playing song12 Pauses the playing song

(*) These buttons works until pressed again. That means that until the MIDI/KAR button is active your database will show only MIDI/KAR files. To toggle to Mp3 files visualization just press the Mp3 Button, or press the MIDI/KAR button again to show both file type.

This is the dialog box that will show if you will decide to export text. In this case you will be asked to choose if export CHORDS too (in MIDI files and Mp3 files that has got them). Then choose a path to save the files then ok).

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How to organize various artists during a performance? The singers' schedule is the answer to your problems!In fact, this may seem as a simple PLAYLIST, but is not. In this schedule you can add files from your DATABASE to organize them for the singers that will sing.

It consist in a grid with the singing order, the singers' name, the choosen song, the tone, a NOTE column in which you can write something you like, and finally a column to insert a message that will be visible by the “Message system”.You can change the initial part of the message by the UTILITY/SETUP KARAOKE WINDOW and the DEFAULT MESSAGE box. If you “flag” the singer's name the message containing the initial part and the Singer's name will be showed up.You can change the singer's order directly by the SORT (ordine) column.To stop the message visualization just select MESSAGINE SYSTEM and then STOP from the MIXER window.

To see the function of the other buttons see the PLAYLIST section above.

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The menu bar has some functions that can be used to enter deeply into the program philosophy. In fact some of the professiona features can be reached only by the menu bar.Let's see what it contains.

FILE MENU: Standard. Indicates that you're using the program in the light version (Player Only)Professional. Indicates that you're using the professional version (but without RECHARGE or UNLOCK CODE the professional functions will be disabled).Info. Gives you some info about the programmer and the mail address to contact in case fo problems.Recharge or Program Registration. Gives you the mode to register or to perform a FREE RECHARGE to achieve more functions (PRO Mode) of the program, such as save synchronized files, get another text window to export in an extended monitor, and so on. Choosing this option will open up a dialog box to choose what to do. Just follow the instructions to get the RECHARGE or buy the UNLOCK CODE.Exit. Exits the program.


The instructions of this menu are easy and intuitive, but a few explanation is due.When you are working on PRIMARY FIELDS (Database) there are two ways to start a new song. Double left click or press the F12 key. Most users declares that this is the easier way to start a file, however you can choose for one of these ways, of course.

ALT+G will mute the “melody” track on MIDI files only. Tipically this track is the #4 but some files maybe different. Is a good idea to check them and sign with a little “note” in DATABASE (e.s. A number between brackets that indicates the number of melody track).ALT+G will mute ALWAYS track #4.

Playing a file from playlist 1 or 2 will be done in a second by pressing the keys showed in the picture above.

To modify a present DATABASE record just click once on it then press F6 key. The same dialog box for ADD will show the fields to be modified. Click on OK when done or CANCEL to abort.

Nothing else to be said but for FIND option:

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If you want to perform a search on your database just press F9 then select a word to search for. The program will search this word in all your database, showing the songs that contain it. The search will be performed in AUTHOR, SONG, STYLE and PATH fields, so if in one of these fields there's the word you're looking for it will be found. (Picture below)

DELETE SONG will delete definitively the record from the DATABASE (but the file will be kept in the same position)

PRINT MENU:It allows you to have a list of your DATABASE and PLAYLISTS songs, sorted by Author or by Title.

Choosing the SONGS DATABASE or the PLAYLIST PRINT option the program will perform a search and a preview of the work that will be done. In this way all professional users can get a list of all the songs present in their database, to make the singers to get their choice easily.

Clicking on the EDITOR options, the user can get different kind of lists, with a little practice will be easy to get full acknowledge of all the ways to obtain a good result.

Below there's a view of the Database Editor.

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Setup MIDI Ports

Port instrument defines what device you want to use as output of your sounds. For default is K5 Instrument virtual sound of karaoke5.Output device defines what device you want to use as output of your sounds. The default value is set on WINDOWS MIDI MAPPER.Sysex Delay is the value (in milliseconds) that you want to assign to the Exclusive System. Usually set to ZERO (Default).Start from first note is an instruction that is given to the program to make it play the MIDI FILES from first note.

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CrossFade length is a value (in milliseconds) that defines the duration of the entire crossfade process (button 2 in the MIXING window).Reset MIDI options is for reset the MIDI sets.

ADD INSTRUMENTS is for professional users only and it makes possible to add new sounds (from MIDI instruments banks).

After done just click SAVE, or CANCEL to abort.


In the first row you can choose the FONT to be used in text window. The FONT COLOR is the color of the text yet to be sing, and the BACKGROUND color is the color of sang text. The border color is used to make the text more visible in some background images.

Image select permits to change the background image (you can use one of the formats listed in the dialog box that will show up), even the .gif file can be used, giving you the joy of a moblie background.

Messenger font select is the selection of the MESSENGER SYSTEM font. The Messenger System is a little window that will pop up as you like, inserting a message this will scroll indicating what you like. Adds more fun to your performances.As for the main text window, even for the message one you can choose a background and a different font color. But in this case you can choose only a color for the scrolling text, with no border.

Last Row Window Message is a feature that makes possible to show a message at the end of each song, but it will work only in the PROFESSIONAL mode (in the second text window). For the main text window the end message will be the default one.

The INVERSE SYNCRONIZATION is a feature that permits you to choose in which way you want to perform your Synchro. If you FLAG this check box you must follow the BLACK word as the one you are synchronizing at that moment. If you leave this box empty you must follow the usual rule that means the BLACK word is YET TO BE SYNCHRONIZED.

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Karaoke rows and rows position makes you possible to change the number of the text row you will visualize on the TEXT window and their position.

Setup Drive:

This important option gives the user the chance to choose "WHERE" and "HOW" the "Main Karaoke Directory" will be created. Choose a drive (I.e. C:\ or D:\ to select) and then the main (root) directory in which all karaoke sub directories and files will lay. Please note that the "path" will search (and surely find) only files that lies in the Main Directory you'll choose with this option.

Find and add Karaoke Files:

Opening this menu, a new window will pop up. The user can now search all the files in the PC and simply add them to database with a click. Please note that, in order to have a good search criterion in your database is suggested to apply some modifications to the auto-added files by the F6 button.

If you flag the old database deletion box before proceeding a new database will be build up. But you'll lose all precedent informations.

Reset New Added Song Counter:

This option gives you the possibility to reset the counter of the new added songs each time you like.In this way you can retrieve every time the newest entries in your database just clicking on the "N" orange button seen before.

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Add/Modify Jingles:

Wanna more fun?!?

By this window you can modify or add "jingles" to your karaoke! In the "descrizione" (description) just type in the name you want to assign to your jingle, in "percorso jingle audio" (Audio Jingle Path) insert the drive and directory where your jingle (in Mp3 format) is, and in "percorso jingle video" (Video Jingle Path) just type the drive and directory where your .gif images (that you want to associate to the sound) are.

Reset MIDI:

Resets all MIDI channels (same function of the PANIC button in the mixer or F4 key).

Reset Volume:

Resets all volume values in all MIDI channels.


Same function of the "Reset MIDI" option.


Creates a file that contains all the informations about your database (Useful in case you use to make many changes in your database). Just create a file to backup and recall it to restore.

Import song list from Excel:

Creates a new database just importing a list of songs (basically from a list created by a file manager) and its use is dedicated only to the professional users.


Need explanations? :-)

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In this version you can change the aspect of your Karaoke Desktop. Try one of these skins to select the one you like.

Show Karaoke Default window:

When you accidentally close the main text window, just select this option to have it again on your screen.

Open/Close Karaoke TV window.

When you use the program in it's professional version, a new karaoke TV windows (to be used on a second screen or in a desktop extension) could be what makes the difference! Selecting this option you'll have a new window to be shown on a secondary screen, and the window is adjustable according your preferences. To access this option you need the "recharge" to be active.

Show Mixer Default Window:

As the title says this option permits you to open and close at any time the mixer window

Open/Close Mixer Window:

And you can minimize it by choosing this option.

Show MIXING Default window:

Same for the MIXING window, that permits you to MIX the songs when they stop and start.

Open/Close MIXING window:

By choosing this you'll have the capability to open and close the MIXING UTILITY window, a feature that can be useful in case you use the program in a professional way. See next pages for further informations about this feature.

Show EXPLORER default window:

In this version the EXPLORER window is not combined with playlists, but is always present on your Karaoke5 Desktop until you decide to minimize or to close it.

Open/Close EXPLORER default window:

Same for the precedent paragraph. But this will only minimize the window.

INSTRUMENTS MENU:Create/Modify Karaoke:

This feature makes possible to change the text synchronization in a file, or to invert channels, or even save a file with a different translation or time shift.

By clicking this a INTERACTIVE DIALOG BOX will pop up. And some informations may be due, for all users. But will see it further.

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Express MIDI arranger:

See the dedicated chapter ahead.


Open a new mixing utility window when you close it.

The mixing utility can help the user in the transition from a song to another one. This results can be obtained in six different modes (only the first two available in non professional use). By using the F12 key a window like the one shown above will open up. Then pressing number keys from 1 to 6 the correspondent effect will take part.

1. Stop/Start : Stops the previous song to make the new one to start immediately.

2. Cross Fade: The two songs will be present for a while (the default time is set up to 5 seconds). In this time the first song volume will decay and the second will grow up.

3. Manual cross fade : Using this option a little cursor in the correspondent section of the window will appear, the user can scroll this cursor manually (with mouse) in order to perform the manual cross fade at the desired time. In this version the user can use also the left/right directional arrows to perform the manual cross fade, and hitting the ENTER key the cross fade will be entirely performed.

4. Fade out/Start : sing this option the song will fade out and then will stop. The next one will start only when the user will push again the "4" key, or click on it.

5. Fade Out/Fade In : The first song will decay and then the next vill play starting in a fade in.

6. Fade In/Fade Out : Is the opposite of the previous option, prior to stop the first song the next one will start.

THE SYNCHRONIZATIONThis is one of the most important peculiarity of this program, in fact by this option, you can create

and modify your personal karaoke file. This operation is called, for the workers, "Synchronization".

Every file (MIDI or Mp3) which you want to enrich with a text to made it become a real karaoke file can be treated.

Clickin on this option a new dialoge window will open up.

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In the gray window you will insert the text (manually or by clicking on the TEXT IMPORT button) prior to perform any synchronization, in fact, you need something to synchronize with music first!

On the right there are some buttons that we'll analyze one by one:

From the left to the right:

auto-hyphenation but non automatic synchro

auto-hyphenation with automatic synchro (typically based on Channel 4 rhythm, MIDI only, not suitable for Mp3 files)

Open MIDI file

Open Text file (to import text from a .txt file)

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Synchro details. When you synchronize a song, not always thing goes in the right way. For little mistakes try this option (a new window will open) to vary little portions of the song or some particular details.

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As you can see you can modify just a line or two, or a part of the word in the same line. Please note that in Mp3 files the time scrolling is measured in milliseconds. (6000 stands for 6 sec, 50000 for 50, 85000 for 1 min and 25 sec, and so on).

Chord insertion. Same for the chords (if you need to visualize them during the song playing). Just add the chord and synchronize them with the text following the same time numeration.

Image insertion. This option allows you to insert one or more images in your Mp3 file to obtain a "dynamical scrolling of the images yu've choosen. To do this just click on the button and a new dialog box will pop up.

Just click on the central column to choose your image in the HD (is not essential that the image is in your "root folder" where you store the music files) and search for it by the "browse" button located by the "..." on the right. After this click on the right column to set the time in which your image is supposed to appear.

Please note that, for files saved in "Karaoke5 Mp3" format, the time insertion will be shown in milliseconds, even for the fractions (13450 = 13 seconds and 450 milliseconds) but for the "Lyrics3" files format the time will be displayed in step by 1000 milliseconds each.

Save file as. Will save the file asking you to rename it. You can choose to save your Mp3 file in two different formats. The commonly used for Karaoke5 is obviously the "Karaoke5 Mp3", but if you choose to save in "Lyrics3" format your file will be readable even in other kind of devices (like Midjay Keytron, etc.). The file format doesn't affects the original format of Mp3 file, but the syncronization. So, if you like to lisen to the Mp3 file in any ever Mp3 player that it's supposed to work regularly.

Play. Plays the song

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Pause. Temporarily stops the song, but if used during synchro operation the synchro will be lost.

Stop. Stops the palaying song. This control too will stop the synchro if you use it during a synchro operation.

Record. After text insertion and auto-hyphenation, start the manual synchronization by pressing the "Enter" key in time with the song rhythm. Please note that the sillable you're synchronizing on is not the black one, the black indicator stands to give the user a glance of the position, and indicates the sillable TO BE SYNCHRONIZED. If you make some little mistakes just go on, you will check them out later, with the "synchro details" option.

Windows Explorer

It 'very important and intuitive.To add a Primary Fields, playlist or Singer Schedule simply select the bases with control + mouse or pressing “All on”.Click on the following button you want, or DRAG with the mouse files within specific components.

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Can I use the program even without recharge?Surely can! Of course it will act like a mere player and not for the professional use. In this case no synchronization and double screen features will be available.

When I select a song in my database appears the message "File doesn't exist”

It depends because probably the "setup drive" option hasn't been performed correctly. Check it out and try again. If problem is still present maybe you've deleted that file.

Can I use a previous version of Karaoke5?Despite you can find occasionally some previous version still present on the web, the "recharges" will work only for the current version.

How can I perform a "RECHARGE"?After getting the code on (to get it click on the "ricarica-clicca qui" image) open your program and select file menu then "Recharge or Program registration". This will open a dialog box where you can type the date (make sure that the system date and the recharge date are coincident) and the code associated. This will give you an "autonomy" of 100 openings, and the recharge indicator will go down by one unit every time you'll open the program.

How much the program costs?The program, in the aim of the programmer, is free. The only difference between the professional and the player-only version consist in a recharge that can be obtained for free at . By the way you can decide to buy a permanent unlocking code contacting the author following the instruction in the File Menu.

I can't synchronize any song...Check your recharge level.

How can I use the double screen feature?To use this feature you must have the recharge valid, then just select "Open Close TV Karaoke Window" from the Utility menu.

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For any problem or doubt don't forget to contact us at .

In this site you'll find a section dedicated to the program and it's problems and troubles. And a couple of people that will be glad to help you for anything they can.

By following this link: you can easily access to a dedicated forum area in which you can ask for some questions for troubleshooting.

Please note that the Author (also the Moderator for the English Area) is NOT ENGLISH.. so forgive some little mistakes and misunderstandings.