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Māori and Pasifika Trades Training Application for Funding 2018

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Māori and Pasifika Trades TrainingApplication for Funding 2018

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Māori and Pasifika Trades Training - Application for funding for 2018 1. Consortium details

Legal name: Taranaki Futures Trust Incorporated

Trading name (if applicable):

Edumis number: 6236

Name of authorised contact: Warwick Foy

Position: General Manager

Address (physical and postal if different): 9 Robe St. New Plymouth. PO Box 8114

Phone number(s): 06 759 5179

Email: [email protected]

Organisation Website(if available): taranakifutures.org

Please read the Request for Funding Applications document carefully before you complete this Application form.

Applications must be submitted to [email protected] by 5pm Thursday, 14 September.

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2. Alignment to MPTT policy outcomes and relevance 33%

In this section your organisation should demonstrate how your delivery model will achieve the specific MPTT policy outcomes in the context of regional development strategies.

Please note any portion of your response exceeding the 500 word count maximum will not be included in the assessment.

2.1 Project Description – Kaupapa of Consortium

Briefly describe your delivery model. How does it contribute to the major projects and industry needs in your region?

(Demonstrate that a strategic direction, vision and mission has been developed and aligns with Council development plans and regional development strategies Iwi aspirations Industry needs and skills gaps

(500 word maximum in font size 11)

Our consortium contains representation from WITT, iwi, TPK, industry and education sectors. These representatives are united around our trust key goal areas:

1. Advocate for equality between academic and employment based pathways;

2. Inspire employers to think about, and articulate, the type of workforce they will need for their futures;

3. Support educators and employers to develop new ways of highlighting available pathways to young people;

4. Support educators to develop initiatives that ensure young people are work ready;

5. Support employers to develop their understanding of young employees so they can be more effective;

6. Ensure all young people are effectively engaged beyond their high school education and are life-long learners.

IWI aspirations are communicated and monitored by our consortia representatives. WITT conducts industry consultation around all of it’s courses and programmes so the consorita is guided by this also.

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2.2 Project Relevance

Describe the pathways you are providing for your learners to achieve the MPTT policy outcomes. Describe any new and innovative pathways you have created.

(Current pathways are identified, described, and evidenced. New and innovative pathways are described.)

Briefly describe how your proposed mix of provision for 2018 will respond to regional and industry needs and skills gaps you have identified.

(Regional employment needs skills gaps are addressed. Pathways and provision align with MPTT policy outcomes outlined in 6.1 and lead to New Zealand Apprenticeships, Managed Apprenticeships or industry training at levels 3 or above.)

(500 word maximum in font size 11)

The programmes put forward for the 2018 MOP are linked with WITTs approved programmes of study and draft Investment plan which takes into consideration regional employment needs and skill gaps. Each programme department area has a Local Advisory Committee (LAC) who meet annually to assist WITT with its development of programme areas to meet industy needs and demand.

There is always informed consideration taken when the MOP is being prepared, especially around the ability for pathway opportunities into NZ Apprenticeship, Managed Apprenticeships or industry training or further study pathways. Every programme on offer has clear pathway opportunities.

The work that has been done with WITT by holding fortnightly lunchtime sessions for learners by inviting industry guests from every employment sector on offer, give the learners an opportunity to ask questions and find out about employment in their chosen area straight from the industry leaders themselves.

The work of our Industry Engagement Manager is invaluble in assisting learners with CV's seeking parttime employment while studying, seeking out opportunities for apprenticeships.

Our MPTT Co-ordinator who works one on one with every learner, mapping out there aspirations and goals through individual learning plans supports our learners to achieve not only thier outcomes but the policy ones too.

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3. Consortium capability 33%

In this section you should demonstrate that your consortium is capable and functioning effectively.

3.1 Consortium partners

Your consortium partners include community, industry, TEO and ITO representatives(The consortium has at least one representative for each group.)

Partners work together to achieve better outcomes for learners, in particular transition into employment.(Has established and demonstrates collaboration across community, TEOs, ITOs, and industry to achieve outcomes outlined in 6.1.)

All partners contribute to the consortium and roles and responsibilities are clearly articulated.(Demonstrates clearly defined roles and responsibilities of each partner.)

Risks, including risks to relationships, are managed effectively.(Demonstrates transparent decision making and risk management.)

(500 word maximum in font size 11)

Due to the positive outcomes of our MPTT students thus far in 2017, Our consortia has recently reviewed it’s role and presence in the programme. As our Industry Engagement Manager has been particularly successful in placing students in work experience and employment, the consortia has agreed to spend less time on this and more time on reinforcing the cultural aspects of the programme and also maintaining and oversight and governance role.

Our consortia includes (full legal names detailed at the end as requested)

PKW Maori farming collective (largest dairy farm owner in the region), WITT, Vaimoana Pasifika Trust, TPK, Chamber of Commerce. At our recent AGM, we had a change of board members so we are currenlty looking at which board members will step in to the consortia to add to the employer mix.

Our staff meet every two weeks and discuss risks. These are declared and discussed at our consortia and board meetings.

2018 MPTT Application Form 5

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4. Value added 33%In this section your organisation should demonstrate how you work with your partners to target, support and transition learners successfully into the specific MPTT policy outcomes.

4.1 Targeting and supporting Learners

Describe your recruitment strategy and how you are connecting your target learners.

(Recruitment strategy is clearly articulated and demonstrates the consortium’s approach to attracting students. Provides detailed information on the communication channels used to reach students. Demonstrates understanding of target group through a focus on learners less likely to participate or achieve without MPTT, those with low prior achievement and females.)

Describe the pastoral care you have in place supporting learners to successfully complete their qualifications and to progress into apprenticeships and industry training pathways.(Application demonstrates detailed information on student support services and pastoral care with a view to achieving pathways to the outcomes identified in 6.1. Learners’ needs are identified, and activities and training provided matches needs.)

Describe your approaches to transitioning your learners into apprenticeships and industry training.(Evidence of connections to employers and industry to transition learners to the outcomes identified in 6.1; effective brokerage processes in place.)

Describe strategies you are using to to identify and address barriers to learner success.(Clearly identifies barriers which inhibit students from participating and achieving. Describes how the barriers are addressed.)

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(500 word maximum in 11 font size)

Recruitment – Facebook, word of mouth – names forwarded by schools, ymca, corrections and iwi, community groups, online applications, cellphone, email, Taranaki Futures Website.

All applicants interviewed with whanau.

Compulsory workshops prior to starting course. Explaination on MPTT obligations & expectations and the beginning of building a relationships with students.

Pastoral Care – Regular contact with student and tutors on their progress & attendance. Witt’s support services used to support through hurdles that are sometimes experienced while studying. Dealing with everyday life outside of Witt eg; Maori Academic support person, Budget advice, Literacy & Numeracy advisors, Learning resource team, Disability coordinator, Counsellor, Chaplin, Nurse, Industry Engagement Manager,Studylink application support person, Careers advisor,Kaitakawaenga Maori & Pasifika.

Transitioning – All MPTT students are encouraged to find work placement, soft skills within the workplace are worked on at our monthly get togethers. Along with motivation & inspirational, past students, tutors, community and Iwi representative speakers. Taranaki Futures Industry Engagement Manager supports student transition to work placements, following consultation with tutors regards maturity, work readiness and responsibility.

BarriersHardship/Accomodation – student allowance not covering costs especially for those with children and family commitments. Eg rent, power, food, and bills in general – Supported with Budget Advice

Health, Stress – Supported by Counsellor, Chaplin, Nurse & Whanau.

Learning Ability – English 2nd language, unfamilar terminology, environment – supported by the Learning Resource Team, Literacy & Numeracy Team, Tumu Paearahi, Tutors & Whanau.

Transport –Witt supply a free bus for students on main routes – but some rural areas may be disadvantaged due to lack of bus company routes. Some students have their own vehicles and are able to pick up other students.

2018 MPTT Application Form 7

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5. Further information requirements

This section lists other information your organisation is required to submit as part of this application.

5.1 Budget

Provide a detailed budget for your 2018 delivery in relation to your spend on coordination, recruitment, pastoral care and transition.

(The budget is allocated appropriately to achieve the policy intent.)

5.2 Mix of Provision

Provide a detailed Mix of Provision (MoP) from all tertiary education organisation (TEOs) delivering pre-trades training for your consortium (Appendix A).

(Each TEO must have submitted their MoP to the TEC via Workspace 2 by the final submission date.)

5.3 Consortium Partners

Provide a comprehensive list of all consortium partners, giving their legal names.

Confirm all legal agreements between partners (such as a Memorandum of Understanding) are in place and available on request.

5.1 Budget draft

(We have reviewed current ytd spend)

Budget - Full Year - status quo - 45.8 EFTS(ex GST)

Based on 2018 proposed MOP of 68 EFTS (*32%)

Development/Employability Skills TrainingIwi/Pasifika and Employer Engagement 3450 4554Catering for Information Evenings 655 864.6Stationery - Office Stationery 2270 2996.4Koha 700 924Consortium Meeting Catering 0 0Marketing Promotional Material 1000 1320MPTT Signage for Events 325 429Recruitment Services 1000 1320Pastoral Care 500 660Fono - included in Cultural Development line item 0 0Wananga - included in Cultural Development line item 0 0Cultural Development Activities (Fono/Wānanga) 3760 4963.2Career Development Activities (driver licensing etc) 425 561Travel for Collaboration - Air Fares, Accommodation 1200 1584Total - Development/Employability Skills Training 15285 20176.2

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0Project Coordination and Management 0Satellite Campus Rental 1450 1914Student Activity Allowance 0 0

475 627Student Lunches 0 0Cell Phone usage 1160 1531.2Graduation Material 490 646.8Governance Board Meeting Catering includes Consortium Meetings 585 772.2Project Team Salaries includes ACC 60650 80058Total - Project Coordination and Management 64810 85549.2


Other 0List expenses 0Total - Other 0

0Total - Development/Employability Skills Training 15285 20176.2Total - Project Coordination and Management 64810 85549.2Total - Other 0Total expenditure 0


Total: 80095 105725.4

5.2 Mix of Provision

Submitted separately by WITT

5.3 Consortium Partners

MoU available

Allie Hemara-Wahanui Parininihi ki Waitotara (PKW)

Angela Ferguson WITT

Eme Makatoa Vaimoana Pasifika Trust

Josh and Mataiva Robertson Vaimoana Pasifika Trust

Sandra Lichtwark Taranaki Futures MPTT coordinator

Ken Taiapa WITT

Roena Ruakere-TeUira Te Puni Kokiri

Vacant due to sudden death of Richard Williams in March

Taranaki Chamber of Commerce In discussion

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Vacant due to resignation of board member Tom Cloke

Road Transport Association This post will be filled when our board next meets

Will Edwards Te Kupenga Matauranga o Taranaki

MPTT Mix of Provision template

Supplied separately by WITT

10 2018 MPTT Application Form

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Plan year: 0 Total learners 0

Organisation name: 0 Sum of Funded EFTS 0.00

EDUMIS number: 0 Fees top-up total $0.00

Brokerage total $0.00

MPTT Mix of ProvisionThis template is designed to capture the mix of provision for MPTT.

It covers SAC levels 1 and 2 non-competitive funding and SAC levels 3 and 4 non-competitive funding.

PLEASE NOTE for SAC levels 1 and 2 MPTT qualifications:

All non-competitive qualifications delivered at levels 1 and 2 for MPTT must only be included in the MPTT MoP.

DO NOT include these qualifications into your non-competitive SAC levels 1 and 2 MoP, which has been provisioned earlier (where applicable).

From 2017 all foundation learning is fees free. For this reason, column J for the Applicable Top-Up Funding Rate and Column K for the Total Top-up Funding will show $0. The funding for delivery at levels 1 and 2 is calculated according to the applicable funding rates and will automatically populate after you have selected the qualification code.

PLEASE NOTE for SAC levels 3 and 4 MPTT qualifications:All non-competitive qualifications delivered at levels 3 and 4 must be included in the MPTT Mix of Provision AND your overall SAC levels 3+ non-competitive MoP.

The fees-top up rate will be calculated at $4,000 per EFTS.

The brokerage payment will be calculated at $575 per learner. This represents 50% of the total brokerage rate. An additional 50% will be paid subject to successful outcomes achieved by the learner.

Expiring qualificationsSome TEOs might be required to deliver an expiring National Certificate (NC) qualification alongside a New Zealand (NZ) Certificate, to ensure that all learners enrolled under the NC are able to complete the existing qualification. If so, please write ‘EXPIRING’ in the comments column next to the expiring qualification, to indicate you are ceasing delivery of this qualification during 2017.

The TEC expects TEOs to transition to NZ Certificates as soon as practically possible.

Report tabPlease ensure you complete the ‘Report’ tab in this MoP template accurately, and that it reflects discussions your organisation has had with the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) to date.

SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING NON-COMPETITIVE MIX OF PROVISION FOR MPTT. 1. Consortium – select the consortium from the dropdown list.2. Qualification code – select the qualification code from the dropdown list.3. Qualification name – qualification name will be populated when you select a qualification code from the dropdown list.4. Qualification level – qualification level will be populated when you select a qualification code from the dropdown list.5. Funding category - Funding category will be populated when you select a qualification code from the dropdown list.6. Territorial Local Authority (TLA) – from the dropdown box provided, select the TLA where the delivery will take place. 7. Region of delivery – The region of delivery will auto-populate when a TLA is selected. You can change the region if you disagree with the auto-populated result, but the alternative region must be selected from the approved list of regions in the dropdown box. 8. Learners – enter a whole number greater than or equal to 0.9. EFTS (funded only) – enter a number greater than or equal to 0, with up to four decimal places. 10. Applicable Top up Funding Rate – Identifies the top-up rate type to be applied – populated by TEC. THIS APPLIES ONLY FOR SAC LEVELS 3 AND 4 QUALIFICATIONS.11. Top up Funding (GST exclusive) – Applicable Top up Funding Rate multiplied by EFTS (funded only) – calculated field. THIS APPLIES ONLY FOR SAC LEVELS 3 AND 4 QUALIFICATIONS.12. Brokerage Rate – Applicable brokerage rate type to be applied – populated by TEC. The Brokerage Rate for 2017 is $575, which represents 50% of the total brokerage rate. The additional 50% will be paid subject to successful outcomes achieved by the learner. 13. Brokerage Allocation (GST exclusive) – Brokerage rate multiplied by the number of learners – calculated field. 14. SAC 1&2 non Competitive rare - Based on funding category and Qualification level is considered - Populated by TEC15. SAC 1&2 non Competitive Funding - Applicable SAC 1&2 non Competitive funding rate multiplied by EFTS - calculated field16. Comments – This is a free text section and is not validated.

Key notes:If you want to deliver a qualification that is not available through the drop-down list, please contact the TEC.

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Total 0 0.0000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


CodeQualification Name

NZQF Qualification

LevelFunding Category TLA Region Learner

EFTS (funded only)

Applicable Top-up

Funding Rate

Top-up Funding (GST

exclusive)Brokerage rate

Brokerage Funding (GST


SAC 1&2 Non-Competitive Funding Rate

(GST exclusive)

SAC 1&2 Non-Competitive Funding (GST



Dropdown List Dropdown List Calculated Calculated Calculate Dropdown List Calculated User Entered User Entered Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated User Entered

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