maori word of the week - · friday, 28 paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm...

1 Professional Learning and Development (PLD) Please be reminded about our Leadership Hui, 26 April, 9.30am to 3.00pm at the Upper Hutt Cossie Club, all SHTs, HTs, AHTs and VTs are expected to attend. Please make sure you enrol on HRNET - if you are unable to attend please can you discuss this with your ST. We are looking forward to seeing all of you then and sharing in this wonderful PLD opportunity, we are finalising the agenda and this will be sent out as soon as possible. Whole Staff Meeting and Conference The Staff Meeting and Conference this year will be held at Te Papa, Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 of July. The Whole Staff meeting will be in the afternoon of Monday 10th, 1pm – 4.45pm. This meeting is compulsory for all Teaching Staff. Please don’t schedule holidays for this day and you might want to let your families know that it is a work day for you. If you have something else on that afternoon that is unavoidable, you will need to request leave through the usual system. If this is granted, in most cases it will be Leave Without Pay. While it’s not compulsory for Support Staff to attend we would encourage you to come along as it’s a chance to hear important messages for the year ahead. More details about the conference coming soon. Watch this space! Study Assistance Grant We are inviting applications for our Study Assistance Grant. The grant, to a maximum of $500, is “…for the purpose of undertaking a course of study that will upgrade or otherwise enhance a qualification in education.” Please send your applications to Karen Skett at [email protected] by 28 February 2017. The policy, with application form, is attached. Pay Deductions If a teacher had more than 5 days Leave Without Pay during 2016, we need to make pay deductions as per clause 4.2.g of the Kindergarten Teachers, Head Teachers and Senior Teachers’ Collective Agreement. We will make these deductions from the 1 March payday. We have made the calculations and will be emailing people who are affected over the next couple of days. If you know, or think, you had more than 5 days Leave Without Pay during 2016 please keep an eye on your emails and get back to us if you want to discuss it. Hello - Kia Ora - Talofa lava - Kia Orana - Fakaalofa lahi atu - Malo e lelei - Malo ni - Talofa - Ni Sa Bula Vinaka - Ming la ba - Hola - la Orana - Halo ola keta - Mauri - Sabaidee - Namaste MAORI WORD OF THE WEEK IMPORTANT BITS AND REMINDERS Ānana! That’s it! Above: Children at Kahurangi Kindergarten enjoying their fort

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Page 1: MAORI WORD OF THE WEEK - · Friday, 28 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm Working with Under 3’s Paraparaumu Library KAPA HAKA ALENDAR Thursday, 2 Hui-tanguru


Professional Learning and Development (PLD) Please be reminded about our Leadership Hui, 26 April, 9.30am to 3.00pm at the Upper Hutt Cossie Club, all SHTs, HTs, AHTs and VTs are expected to attend. Please make sure you enrol on HRNET - if you are unable to attend please can you discuss this with your ST. We are looking forward to seeing all of you then and sharing in this wonderful PLD opportunity, we are finalising the agenda and this will be sent out as soon as possible. Whole Staff Meeting and Conference The Staff Meeting and Conference this year will be held at Te Papa, Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 of July. The Whole Staff meeting will be in the afternoon of Monday 10th, 1pm – 4.45pm. This meeting is compulsory for all Teaching Staff. Please don’t schedule holidays for this day and you might want to let your families know that it is a work day for you. If you have something else on that afternoon that is unavoidable, you will need to request leave through the usual system. If this is granted, in most cases it will be Leave Without Pay. While it’s not compulsory for Support Staff to attend we would encourage you to come along as it’s a chance to hear important messages for the year ahead. More details about the conference coming soon. Watch this space! Study Assistance Grant We are inviting applications for our Study Assistance Grant. The grant, to a maximum of $500, is “…for the purpose of undertaking a course of study that will upgrade or otherwise enhance a qualification in education.” Please send your applications to Karen Skett at [email protected] by 28 February 2017. The policy, with application form, is attached. Pay Deductions If a teacher had more than 5 days Leave Without Pay during 2016, we need to make pay deductions as per clause 4.2.g of the Kindergarten Teachers, Head Teachers and Senior Teachers’ Collective Agreement. We will make these deductions from the 1 March payday. We have made the calculations and will be emailing people who are affected over the next couple of days. If you know, or think, you had more than 5 days Leave Without Pay during 2016 please keep an eye on your emails and get back to us if you want to discuss it.

Hello - Kia Ora - Talofa lava - Kia Orana - Fakaalofa lahi atu - Malo e lelei - Malo ni - Talofa - Ni Sa Bula Vinaka - Ming la ba - Hola - la Orana - Halo ola keta -

Mauri - Sabaidee - Namaste



Ānana! That’s it!

Above: Children at Kahurangi Kindergarten enjoying their fort

Page 2: MAORI WORD OF THE WEEK - · Friday, 28 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm Working with Under 3’s Paraparaumu Library KAPA HAKA ALENDAR Thursday, 2 Hui-tanguru


The government seems likely to introduce cohort entry for schools, which could mean changes for kindergartens, affecting both transition to kindergarten and transition to school. Under amendments to the Education Act, schools could opt for children to start at the beginning of the nearest term instead of on their fifth birthday. Schools would make decisions in consultation with their communities. There have been concerns expressed about the changes, with many educational organisations and experts saying that four is too young to start school, and New Zealand already has a low starting age. In 20 of 34 European countries, children start school at six, and in Finland which performs well on international league tables, children start at seven. The idea came from a report by an Advisory Group on Early Learning which looked at how to improve transition to school. Interestingly, although recommending a law change, the advisory group cautioned against any “downward push” on the school starting age. The report said “Children often find themselves in bewildering large group activities during their first days with no particular arrangements made to support their transition.” It quotes research suggesting that cohort entry builds relationships between children, families and teachers, and allows teachers to plan a programme focusing on the needs of the new arrivals. Some early childhood services are concerned about financial repercussions, fearing that parents may opt for their child to start school early to avoid fees. Whanau Manaaki Kindergartens expects that while some children could start at four others could stay on after five until the next term begins, meaning roll differences could be balanced out. Transition to school practices may need to change in some communities, and kindergartens should talk to schools about their intentions. As well as transition to school, transition to kindergarten could also change, with several new children starting at

once, as a cohort leaves for school. Kindergartens may need to think about induction routines as several children

settle into kindergarten at a time.


We're offering this workshop to the Head Teachers only as it's just a sample of what we can do for you and your team. Thank you to those early birds who have registered their interest, we have a few places left! Registrations close Friday 3rd February for our confidence in Te Reo Māori and Demystifying Tikanga workshop.

'Ma te manu moata ka mau ai te toke.' The early bird catches the worm. Our workshops are fun, interactive and very informative but how would you know if it suits your workplace if you've never been to one? Our Te Reo workshop is called Confidence in Te Reo because that's one of the outcomes you will gain from the symposium. Demystifying Tikanga does exactly that, it will show you how you can incorporate tikanga into your workplace and effectively engage and strengthen a Māori child's cultural identity. Register now for this workshop. You can register online using the online form at: Make note of the time and venue when registering!


Messages From Lou—Kapa Haka Kia ora koutou! Are there any expressions of interest from kaiako within the Wellington and Horowhenua rohe in regularly attending kapa haka sessions monthly close to your area? If you are interested in attending let me know asap and from the responses I receive, will determine the next steps. These two groups, if started, along with the other satellite groups, will be performing at our next conference Ngā mihi Lou Te Rā o Waitangi – Waitangi Day Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the cornerstone of Aotearoa/NZ history. According to Moana Jackson (Māori Legal Service), the treaty is a very simple document. It is not a document of conflict. Conflict has arisen from the definition of the words. Like all treaties it is an agreement about power and political authority. The first link is pictures of archival stuff around the time of the signing in 1840. The second link is a kid’s treaty zone. The main thing to remember is a treaty is about power sharing – What would that look with the children in your centre? Ngā mihi Lou New Kaiako for Kindergartens We have a new kaiako who is willing to visit kindergartens on a regular basis and support your Te Ao Māori programme. This is similar to the work that Matiu Te Huki carries out in some of our kindergartens, where he spends about half an hour in the kinder-garten, introducing stories, waiata etc with the children. Kindergartens reimburse him from their funds. Bea Joblin is a registered ECE teacher, drama teacher and artist from Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara/ Wellington. Bea is a fluent speaker of Te Reo Maori with a background in kaupapa Maori early childhood centres, and a passion for increasing use of Te Reo within the arts and education. Bea has experience working with infants, young children, primary school children, teenagers and adults, including teaching Te Reo Maori and drama to adult community classes and prisoners at Rimutaka prison. She is available to work in kindergartens in Wellington on Thursdays and in kindergartens in Upper Hutt on Fridays. If you are interested in having Bea provide this service to your kindergarten, please email Sharon Coulton on [email protected]. We’ll get a list of kindergartens and then work out what the timetable could look like. Again, if you have any queries, please email Sharon C.


Page 3: MAORI WORD OF THE WEEK - · Friday, 28 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm Working with Under 3’s Paraparaumu Library KAPA HAKA ALENDAR Thursday, 2 Hui-tanguru



Saturday, 25 Hui-tanguru 9:30am - 1pm Induction and Mentoring Silverstream Kindergarten

Wednesday, 8 Poutū-te-rangi 3:30pm - 5pm Storypark Workshop Johnsonville West

Saturday, 18 Poutū-te-rangi 9:30am - 3:30pm

Full Day Kindergarten Workshops Head Office

Wednesday, 29 Poutū-te-rangi 3:15pm - 4:30pm

Learning Through Movement Khandallah Kindergarten

Wednesday, 26 Paenga-whāwhā

9:30am - 12:30pm

Carrying The Tapa Head Office

Wednesday, 26 Paenga-whāwhā

9:30am - 3pm Leadership Hui Upper Hutt Cossie Club

Thursday, 27 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm

Dispositional Workshop Head Office

Thursday, 27 Paenga-whāwhā 1pm - 3pm Induction Workshop Cossie Club

Thursday, 27 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm

Social Competence Workshop Cossie Club

Thursday, 27 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm

Te Manawa Revisited Johnsonville Club

Thursday, 27 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm

Te Manawa Revisited Greytown Library

Friday, 28 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm

Priority Learners Aotea Lodge

Friday, 28 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm

Storypark Workshop Arohanui

Friday, 28 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm

Working with Under 3’s Paraparaumu Library


Thursday, 2 Hui-tanguru 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Head Office

Thursday, 16 Hui-tanguru 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Greytown Kindergarten

Thursday, 23 Hui-tanguru 3:15pm - 4:45pm

Kapa Haka Totara Park Kindergarten

Thursday, 2 Poutū-te-rangi 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Head Office

Thursday, 9 Poutū-te-rangi 3:15pm - 4:45pm

Kapa Haka Totara Park Kindergarten

Thursday, 16 Poutū-te-rangi 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Greytown Kindergarten

Thursday, 30 Poutū-te-rangi 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Head Office

Thursday, 6 Paenga-whāwhā 3:15pm - 4:45pm

Kapa Haka Totara Park Kindergarten

Thursday, 12 Paenga-whāwhā 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Greytown Kindergarten

Thursday, 4 Haratua 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Head Office

Thursday, 11 Haratua 3:15pm - 4:45pm

Kapa Haka Totara Park Kindergarten

Thursday, 18 Haratua 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Greytown Kindergarten

Thursday, 1 Pipiri 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Head Office

Thursday, 8 Pipiri 3:15pm - 4:45pm

Kapa Haka Totara Park Kindergarten

Thursday, 15 Pipiri 4pm - 5:30pm Kapa Haka Greytown Kindergarten

Thursday, 6 Hōngongoi TBC Combined before Conference TBC

Page 4: MAORI WORD OF THE WEEK - · Friday, 28 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm Working with Under 3’s Paraparaumu Library KAPA HAKA ALENDAR Thursday, 2 Hui-tanguru



Page 5: MAORI WORD OF THE WEEK - · Friday, 28 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm Working with Under 3’s Paraparaumu Library KAPA HAKA ALENDAR Thursday, 2 Hui-tanguru


Page 6: MAORI WORD OF THE WEEK - · Friday, 28 Paenga-whāwhā 9:30am - 12:30pm Working with Under 3’s Paraparaumu Library KAPA HAKA ALENDAR Thursday, 2 Hui-tanguru