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MapInfo Pro Updates What's going on with MapInfo Pro now and next

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Post on 20-Mar-2020




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Peter Horsbøll MøllerChannel Enablement Specialist LI/GIS, Distinguished EngineerPitney Bowes

"Let's take a step back and look at what has been done over the last year

and what to expect from the next year."

MapInfo Pro 17.0 Beta Period• We received a lot of feedback via the extended beta period.

• Main focus areas:• Make MapInfo Pro easier to use!• Close the gaps between 32 bit and 64 bit.

• We still have feedback from the beta testers that we will use to drive improvements with the coming versions of MapInfo Pro.

Thank you!

MapInfo Pro 17.0• Make MapInfo Pro easier to use!

• Quick Search tool.• Customizable Layout & Map Mini Toolbars.• Themes in the Layer Control.• Smart Guides in the Layout.• Redesigned ribbon interface.• Create Points and Save Table As improvements.• Support for Alpha Channel in (32 bit) raster.

June 2018

MapInfo Pro 17.0• Close the Gaps between 32 bit and 64 bit.

• Layout Templates. • Other improvements to the Layout.

• Connect MapInfo Pro to the PB Commerce Cloud.• New DriveTime tool.

June 2018

MapInfo Pro 17.0.1• Make MapInfo Pro easier to use!

• Visual cues for Smart Guide.• Single Key Mapper shortcuts.• Easily switch between Map Mini


• Connect MapInfo Pro to the PB Commerce Cloud.• New Geocode tool.

September 2018

MapInfo Pro 17.0.1• Close the gaps between 32 bit and 64 bit.

• Eight MapBasic tools ported to 64 bit.

• Fix customer reported bugs.• +30 customer bugs fixed.

Tools brought over from 32 bit• MISetMBR• RotateMapWindow• Disperse• Labeler• RotateLabels• Symbol• TableManager• Window Manager

September 2018

MapInfo Pro 17.0.2• Close the gaps between 32 bit and 64 bit.

• Distribute support in Layout.

• Connect MapInfo Pro to the PB Commerce Cloud.• Support for GeoMap Tile Server.

• Fix customer reported bugs.• +20 customer bugs fixed.

December 2018

MapInfo ProViewer• It's time to bring back the free MapInfo ProViewer!• You need a PB Commerce Cloud account and to be logged in.• Features are comparable to the classic 32 bit MapInfo ProViewer

and a few additional such as Open Table and Save As Image.• Multiple language support – same languages as MapInfo Pro

December 2018

Single Installer, Single Deployment• One installer for MapInfo Pro, MapInfo Pro Advanced and MapInfo

ProViewer.• One installer with all supported languages. Languages added on the


• One installed MapInfo Pro with support for multiple languages.• One installed MapInfo Pro to run in standard, advanced or viewer


September 2018

MapBasic 17.0• New IIf() and Cond() functions – can be used from MapInfo Pro

expressions.• Many new and enhanced functions for the Layout.• Use Create & Alter Buttonpad to add basic controls to the

ribbon.• Call custom MapBasic functions using the new Exec() MapBasic

function.• Publish custom MapBasic functions to the MapInfo Pro


June & September 2018

MapBasic17.0• Publish custom MapBasic functions to the MapInfo Pro interface

September 2018

.NETSupport• MapInfo .NET SDK - Extensibility

• MDAL: MapInfo Data Access Library. • Table Catalog: Manage tables from .NET.• Enhanced Ribbon interface support.

June 2018

Theusualdisclaimer• Thenextslideisaroadmapslidewhich


• Ourplanscanandoccasionallydochange.

MapInfo Pro 2019• New Application Store for add-ins and MapBasic tools. Spring• Improved Layout. Better support for line and region styles. Spring• Smaller Installer. Spring

• New SQL Select interface. Fall

• We will be looking for feedback!

Spring & Fall 2019

Considered:• SVG Symbols• Vector Tile Support• Layout Explorer panel• Import via background process• …

MapInfo Laboratory• NewcommunityinthePBKnowledgeCommunities.• Herewewilllookforfeedbackandsuggestionson

improvementstoMapInfoPro.• AlsocheckoutthePBIdeasPortaltosuggestimprovements• ComejoinandhelpusimproveMapInfoPro!

Summary• MapInfo Pro 17.0.• MapInfo Pro 17.0.1.• MapInfo Pro 17.0.2.

• MapInfo ProViewer.

• Single Installer.

• MapBasic 17.0.

• MapInfo Pro 19.0.

• Usability.• Quick Search.• Customizable Layout & Map Mini Toolbars.• Geocoding and Drivetime tools.• Moved more tools across to 64 bit.

• Free MapInfo Viewer.

• One installation package, one software installed, multiple languages and multiple modes.

• Publish custom MapBasic functions.• Create & Alter Buttonpad statement for Ribbon.• Improved support for Layout

• New SQL Select interface.• New Application Store.• And more…

Thank you!

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